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well I'm sure you all have heard by now that today will be our final in-class meeting of the semester after today the university is going online okay that means lectures will be online notes will be online if you have to use the bathroom it's gonna be online okay but don't worry we're putting all of our faith in this video communication software that no one is ever used or or heard of before so let's be sure to sign up for that and trust it implicitly but professor chatting and couldn't you just put oil lecture notes online and be a bit more available via email yeah I agree I mean let's be real you just read those from your notes anyway right oh my god that is a stupid suggestion do you have any idea how many pages of lecture notes I'd have to scan to do that zero because my lectures are based on a PowerPoint I made 15 years ago and haven't changed since but this is gonna be so much more convenient okay oh by the way these meetings can only be up to 40 minutes long and this class is an hour 15 minutes long so to account for that I practice talking faster this has got to be a joke right no Zach what kind of monsters would make a joke about the situation okay but that's all I had to say for today everyone go home get your room accounts set up so that I can individually add all 127 of you to to call next week okay that took longer than expected but I think I've finally added everyone let's get started why is he calling hello hey Zach John seems like you're the only ones who answered [Music] professor it's Monday I know that's why I called like why isn't anyone else signed on our class is the Tuesday and Thursday class you've got a fee I spent two hours adding people to this call can you save the list of students at it so you don't have to do it again I don't know I don't know okay I didn't make it that far the YouTube tutorial this is new for me this is not how I wanted this experience to start for everyone so guys I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to cancel class today yeah we never had class today but all right sounds good okay it seems like everybody is on this is starting to become nice and painless we're figuring this out are there any questions about last time before we get started I can't see any of you so you'll just have to speak up yeah I had understood I had I did the interview yes okay you go ahead yeah thanks Jonah I was just confused I have a question okay never mind let's just direct all these questions to my email but that's really all we're gonna be covering today so now I'm just gonna direct this webcam to the whiteboard that's carousel is a nice clear image guys I'm sorry just bear with more we'll get there one second okay okay I think we're good now so last time all we did was we talked about how the metric it's act is to lower the index of a tensor so we have a little T mu nu here you know what you guys are being suspiciously quiet I must have forgotten to turn on my mic again wait I don't know what you're safe look I know that this stuff can be kind of difficult sometimes but what the hell could he possibly be saying I think he's saying Jim you knew is not velocity okay I have no idea now your first homework is due today but I've received less than half of them from USPS so I'm gonna have some of you have decided against expedited shipping but a lot of them are officially late now oh I emailed you the homework is that okay can we just can we go with the easy option okay let's stick with one format for submission please I'm sure you've all been wondering how online labs are going to work basically we're all gonna pretend like a lab is something that doesn't need to be hands-on how are we supposed to do any experiments if we're not there well you'll be conducting theoretical experiments it's just like a regular experiment except for minus the development of any marketable skills in the field so instead of working with an oscilloscope you'll be you'll draw what the signal would probably look like this seems like a waste of everyone's time well you'll get credit and the university gets paid what more do you want an education will be nice exactly John that would be nice thank you for understanding [Music]
Channel: Andrew Dotson
Views: 440,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, dotson, physics, major, degree, nmsu, odu, gradschool, gradstudent, phd, quarantine, skit, corona, zach star, flammable maths, epic math time, funny, comedy, humor, joke
Id: gipmV7mpszY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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