6 Types of Movie Scientists

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this video is sponsored by the great courses plus but more on that later all right Johnson I'm gonna need you to crunch those numbers and try to make some sense out of this mess what numbers sir yeah if you could just crunch those numbers and let me know you just walked over here and without any context said crunch the numbers if you had a conversation with someone else about these numbers other people won't just immediately know about them you know that right listen I'm not the scientist here just crunch the damn numbers excuse me sir sorry I was just listening in I assume you're talking about the flippa du Chien numbers that's not a real well I crunch them and the plan is risky run them again but different okay great I know exactly what that means god I hate you Kevin so I guess going back in time before the events took place is out of question yeah no [ __ ] maybe not here we go what if instead of going backwards in time we went through it's sideways Jesus Christ is that even possible no that doesn't even mean anything I can't say for sure but it is guaranteed to work what we need is interdimensional travel Kevin all your years as a neuroscientist must have taught you something about that right why would you possibly think he knows about yeah of course it has so what do you think well I'm well versed in the math again why but in practice we need an imaginary matter accelerator but this stuff we have lying around I could probably build one look I'm sorry but we have to discontinue funding for your research what why shouldn't be that surprising you just objectively haven't contributed to science you haven't published anything this is my life you can't do this no we're doing this I can't believe you're doing this hey I'm with other people that you didn't know about till now do you want some of our money okay no I'm like really smart that just hasn't been established in the movie this unsolvable Showtime I've been at it for hours there's just no solution that's where you're wrong Kevin you crazy son of a [ __ ] you actually did it we are four billion light-years from Earth we're never gonna see our families again I have an idea are you familiar with the concept of a wormhole yeah of course but where are we gonna find a sheet of paper with two holes in it at a time like this we usually think that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line but a wormhole folds so then you can go straight through it that's so helpful and you know how to build one I just understand the concepts Oh in other words you don't understand it I do Kevin huge thanks to the great courses plus we're sponsoring this video I'm sure a lot of you right now are like me on lockdown and bored but what better way to occupy your time than learning something new and that's where the great courses plus comes in see what they are is there an online subscription based video learning service with over 11,000 options to choose from you want to learn how to play chess or cook or photography they've got videos on it I first learned about them back in undergrad when my professor started making a video lecture series for great courses on nuclear physics that's when I highly recommend that you check out and you can get started on a free trial by clicking the link in the description or going to the great courses plus com / Andrew Dotson so thanks again great courses plus for sponsoring this video I'd also like to thank my patreon sponsors for this month Carlos Emily Hannah John Josh Oliver and Robert it really means a lot
Channel: Andrew Dotson
Views: 369,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, dotson, physics, major, degree, nmsu, odu, gradschool, gradstudent, phd, skit, sketch, humor, funny
Id: V7OIys0nUO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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