How Physics Majors Flex On Each Other

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this video was sponsored by the great courses plus but more on that later man that homework was kind of brutal ended up taking me like six pages to finish six pages mine was six and a half [Music] that's funny you probably just missed something very simple that I you know didn't oh well I typed mine so you know it did takes up less space let me see oh is this is this word that's word I did mine in Leh tech so what you have three inch margins random indents and your figures are all over the place it doesn't matter it's late tech that's a good point but wait don't don't we think less is more in physics like it's better to be concise absolutely except for home except for homeworks all right everyone please turn in your homeworks okay whew Trent late Tech nice good length nice figure placements and um Andrew where's the rest of your homework what do you mean yours is only six paid Trent's with six and a half pages also if you're gonna type yourself please use light that not word okay be professional guys I did mine in pen get the [ __ ] outta here you've been weird oh then the book falls and it was like a delta function right to my foot but what you don't know what a delta function is what's the delta function it's a distribution what's the distribution well it's it's not a function where you guys able to figure out number one where we have to calculate gee I'm completely stuck yeah yeah just use the Delta function I'm not in a fraternity Jesus you got all you gotta say is that you get a delta of G minus 10 which means that G equals 10 it's not that hard okay well what about number two that the pendulum problem yeah yeah well a pendulum is basically just a swinging Delta function so so how was your summer in one word it opened my mind to an entirely new way of thinking yeah you had that research internship right what was that like imagine asking a question that's never been asked before and then answering it that's what it was like that sounds pretty intense yeah more than you could ever know but anyways what papers are we supposed to read for this class we're just using griffiths oh my god that's right I'm sorry used to getting my information from research papers you just can't find the answers to my questions and textbooks anymore Jesus what what did you solve I took a code in one programming language and I and then I put it in another programming language hey professor I saw that you're offering solid-state physics this semester but it won't let me register I was hoping I could get a waiver to take the class okay [Music] so how'd it go yeah so basically he said that under usual circumstances the answer would be no but given my academic history they'll let me take the class yeah he really said that yeah so basically I'm paraphrasing but that's basically how it happened now unfortunately this is where we have to stop because the rest can only be done numerically but Trenton you you did your internship with dr. chattington right yeah yes I sure did oh so you must know all about this sorry so if anyone has any questions go see the class expert here oh that's me I'd be I'd be happy to help in any way I can I have no idea how this is related to my internship I don't even see a delta function but with the charge distribution we don't want to double count so we multiplied by Q professor shouldn't it be divided by 2 [Music] oh yeah you brought a good catch thank you we do / - so then professor Zack makes a mistake as usual and I very politely pointed out he starts arguing with me about whether it's right or wrong but eventually he saw that I was right is like a good thing I'm able to solve something like that in my head or else it might not have gotten fixed Wow good thing you were there I wouldn't have had the confidence to correct the professor it's it's not a confidence thing it was just like in the moment I knew the class needed me so I didn't even think about it I can totally see him doing that too it's just such stubborn you know the hell's our current density page 216 through 220 I'll look to that later hey can either of you explain the different kinds of current densities oh I can draw a diagram if you'd like yeah it's on page 216 through 220 of griffiths if you're interested [Music] oh do you memorize the pages yeah I guess I have it's so impressive I guess but I can literally explain it right now yeah do you know the pages though well no but I just rather have it explained by someone who's more comfortable with the material this is bad this is a Segway huge thanks to great courses plus for sponsoring this video they've been a pretty long time supporter of this channel but if you're unfamiliar the great courses plus is a subscription-based online video learning service with over 11,000 video lectures that you can choose from that have to do with your interests from photography to chess definitely physics I first learned about them through my former physics professor dr. Lawrence Weinstein who actually has a video lecture series on nuclear physics that I recommend that you checked out currently I'm revisiting their lecture series on modern electronics that way when I start making videos of me struggling through building basic circuits I will be better prepared but I recommend that video series as well so you can get started on a free trial by clicking the link in the description or going to the great courses slash andrew Dotson thanks a lot two great courses for sponsoring this video I hope you all enjoyed this video let me know in the comments section if you did and I'll see you all there
Channel: Andrew Dotson
Views: 615,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, dotson, physics, major, degree, nmsu, odu, gradschool, gradstudent, phd, skit, sketch, comedy, flex
Id: kmgwYrwJ3M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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