Welcome to Shaderland - An introduction to shaders in Godot

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hello goners shaders are a very powerful tool that can be used to create interesting effects for your game unfortunately they're also a bit intimidating to get into so we're going to learn the basics of how shaders work and we're going to explore how you can create your own shaders in gdau this is a beginner to intermediate level tutorial you should know how to use the gdau editor and you should know at least the basics of either GD script or c tarp as this will help you a lot when learning the Shader programming language we'll also use visual shaders so if you don't know a programming language yet you should still be able to follow along we'll also need to use quite a bit of math so it will really help if you're comfortable with basic math and maybe functions and vectors but if you aren't don't worry we'll keep things simple and explain them as we go so what are shaders shaders are programs that run on your graphics cord rather than on your CPU they can change how meshes and textures are getting rendered everything that you can see in G do is actually a mesh even 2D stuff like a Sprite or text is still a mesh under the hood right here we have some Sprite Tod a label with text and a polygon 2D and I have created a second scene where I added a wireframe Shader to these so we can see the mesh that is used to render them a mesh has vertices and triangles the vertices are these points that make up the mesh the triangles are made by connecting the vertices now in order to render a mesh the graphics card will need to do a bit of work and part of this work is to run a series of shaders we start with the mesh which defines the geometry of the thing that we want to render here we just have a simple Sprite now the graphics card will run the first Shader which is the vertex Shader this Shader will run for each vertex of the mesh and it allows us to modify the vertex data for example we can change the position of the vertex here the vertex Shader is moving vertices of the Sprite to give it a swaying motion it's important to note that the vertex Shader can only modify the vert data it cannot add or remove vertices or triangles after our vertex Shader has run the graphics card now knows how the mesh is finally going to look and the next step is to roriz the mesh restoration surely sounds a bit intimidating so let's have a look at what it actually means restoration means that we put a grid on our image and then look at what is inside of every grid cell this is very similar to taking a picture with your smartphone camera here we have a real life cat holding very still so we can take a nice photo of it thanks buddy so let's Point our smartphone camera at the cat the camera has a sensor and the sensor has a grid of sensor cells now each sensor cell will measure the amount of light that hits it and will then produce a packet of data that we call a pixel these pixels will make up our final image now the graphics card will do a similar thing with our mesh here we have the mesh as it is after the vertex Trader is done with it and we have our output window where we want to render the mesh into now the graphics card will use the same technique as our camera but instead of using the grid of sensor cells it will use the pixels in the output window as a grid and for each pixel of the output window it will produce a packet of data that we call a fragment it's not called a pixel because it contains a lot more information than just the color of the mesh for example the screen location of the pixel information about the lighting normal Maps UV coordinates and more so after the restoration is done we got a bunch of fragments and now the graphics will run a fragment Shader for each of these fragments and with this fragment Shader we can modify the fragment data that the graphics card just collected when it roriz the mesh for example we can change the color of the fragment or its transparency once all the fragments have been processed the graphics card will use the final information from these processed fragments to draw the actual pixels into our output window this is all a bit simplified but it should be enough to understand how the Shader pipeline Works in general there are actually a few more other kinds of shaders that g uses but for this video we'll stick to vertex and fragment shaders we'll also stay in TWD to keep the math as simple as possible okay so let's first have a look at the weex Traders I have a patch of grass here and I want to make it wave in the wind like we just saw when we looked at the Shader Pip this is something I cannot really do with the transform settings I could try to rotate it a bit but that looks odd I could move it left and right but that also looks odd and this Q setting well it looks somewhat right but it moves the bottom part of the grass and I only want to move the top part of the grass so I would need to modify the mesh of this Sprite Which sounds exactly like the thing vertex shaders do so let's create a Shader Den we right click here we select new resource and then we search for Shader and we have two options a visual Shader and a Shader which is the Shader in the goodto Shader language we're going to start with the visual Shader for now and let's let's name it grass now we want to assign this Shader to our grass Sprite and we can do this while going into the inspector then on the material we drag our Shader directly onto this material slot now we can double click the Shader and we can edit it the first thing that we need to do is to change the Shader type up here to Canvas item because we want a 2d Shader canvas items are 2D shaders and then in the editor we see that by default we have the fragment Shader part of our visual Shader enabled and we need to switch it to the vertex Shader part so what can we do here there's a single note here named output that expects some output of our vertic Trader so okay we know where the output goes but where is the input well the input is not added directly to the Shader graph so we need to add it manually we can right click anywhere in the shade of graph and then in this window that opens we can add new nodes to the graph we want to add an input note so let's type input it has a drop down and in this drop down we can select what kind of input data we would like to have since we want to modify the position of the vertex let's select vertex the vertex position is a vector a vector is basically a little package that contains a bunch of numbers well this vertex position Vector contains two numbers you can see this by looking at the little icon here which reads vc2 which means Vector 2 so this is a vector that contains two numbers now we want to change this position so that the vertex moves so maybe let's add another Vector to the position and see what happens right so right click search for ADD and then we pick the ad node which has the vc2 icon because we want to add two Vector twos so now we can add something to our vertex position to do this we first drag the position into the a slot of the ad node and then we can type sub numbers here into the B slot let's maybe say 50 to X and 25 to Y well it doesn't seem to be happening a lot but this is because we need to connect the output of our ad node to the output node so let's do this and now we can see that the whole Sprite has moved to the right and down so we know the coordinates and vertx shaders work very much the same as everywhere else let's save our Shader now because the visual Shader editor likes to crash every now and then so it's a really good idea to to save off we were able to change the vertex position but why did all vertices move well the graphics card will call this Shader program for each vertex automatically but and this is really important we have no control over the order in which this is done it will happen in parallel for all of the vertices and this way the graphics card can use its hundreds or thousands of Shader processor course to do this as fast as possible and this is also the reason Reon why we cannot add or remove vertices in the vertex Shader because we only get called to modify an existing vertex okay now we are able to move the whole Sprite by moving all vertices but we only want to move these upper two vertices here so how can we find out which vertex we are currently working on well we can use the vertex coordinates to find out so let's have a look at the Sprite and then let's see what coordinates are we actually getting here the vertex coordinates are given in so-called local space which means that they are relative to the Sprite Center and they are in pixels so our Sprite is 256 * 256 pixels and the center would then be at 128 pixels to the right and down from the top left corner and this Center gets the coordinates of 0.0 and then everything else is relative to this Center so when we know this we can calculate the coordinates of all the four vertices relative to the center and if we look at these coordinates we can see that the upper vertices have something in common their y-coordinate is negative while the y-coordinate of the lower vertices is positive and we can use this to find out whether the vertex that we are currently working on is one of the upper vertices now which node would we use for that there is an if node that allows us to compare numbers so maybe let's add one of these so we right click we search for if and we add it so now the if node has two numbers A and B and the if node will return a vector three depending on whether a is equal to B greater than b or smaller than b for each of these cases we can configure what the output of the if node should be so let's first plug the y-coordinate of the vertex into the a input because we want to know if this is negative or positive but how do we only get the y-coordinate of the position because we only have a vector 2 here well we can click this little triangle here to get additional outputs that split this Vector two into its components they are somewhat confusingly named red and green and this is because of some special convention in the Shader language that allows us to use different names for the components of each Vector so X can also be named red and Y can also be named green and Zed can also be named Blue and so on but it's just different names for the same component and we will see this later when we we work with the Shader language so for now we just need to know X is red and Y is green so we get the green output which is the y-coordinate and put this into our if node on the a input the B input we keep at zero because we want to compare the Y input with zero and then we can set the output for a is less than b to be some value that we want to add to our Vex position Maybe 100.0 .0 so our if node will now return a vector 3 with 100 0 0 if the y coordinate of our vtex is less than zero and it will return 0 0 0 in any other case okay so we can now plug this into the ad node and we can see that only the upper vertices are moved while the lower vertices stayed in place when we look at the Shader cop again there's one odd thing the add node expects a vector 2 but we plugged in a vector three so what happens with the third component well in visual shaders the editor will automatically convert between different Vector sizes in our case we need a vector two but we got a vector three from our if note here so the editor will just drop the last component and if it's the other way around then the editor will simply add a zero when we look at the Shader language later we will have to do these conversions ourselves so we were able to move only the upper vertices but we would like these vertices to sway back and forth so we need to add some animation to our shade it if we want to animate the swaying of the grass we need to somehow change the value by which we move these upper two vertices if we set the x value to minus 100 then we can see that the grass sways to the left and if we set it to 100 and the grass weighs to the right so we need to change this value from minus 100 to 100 and back in GD script or C we have the Delta time variable that we could use to calculate values that change over time so let's look in the list of notes if we can find something similar so right click and we search for time and here we have a Time note but the description isn't really telling us what is actually in this time variable is it the data time since the last frame or is it something else so let's have a look at the documentation switch over to the browser and here it reads Global time since the engine has started in seconds always positive so how could we use this to animate our grass in a normal script we could use some variable to store the current value and then maybe add some Delta to this variable each frame but in shaders we cannot store variables between frames everything that we calculate is lost when the Shader is done so everything needs to be calculated from scratch each time the Shader is run for now let's try to use this time variable to get a feel for how it works and let's say we want to move the upper vertices by the amount of time that has passed for this we need to get the time into the X component of this Vector but unfortunately we don't have a little triangle here like we have for the input Noe so we somehow need to build a vector three from components and there's a note for this which is called Vector 3 compose so we right click and we search for Vector three compose and there it is and we add it so this has three inputs for X Y and Z coordinates and it will return a new Vector 3 so we plug the time into our X component and then we plug this new Vector 3 into our if node now the grass has moved but it seems to stand still maybe let's zoom in a bit and we can see that the grass is actually very slowly moving so we get some on animation but we still need to find out a way to make this grass sway back and forth and also it should move a bit faster so we need a mathematical function that takes a number and then returns a number that goes back and forth based on this time input and one such function is the sign function let's have a look at how this function works so let's move over here into the browser and we can see this is a plot of the sign function on the x- axis we have the number that we put into the function and on the Y AIS we have the number that we get out so when we put the number zero into the function well then the function will output is zero and if we increase this number I'm draging this here to increase then the function will return larger and larger numbers until some point where the output gets smaller again and eventually it gets negative and then returns back to zero and this repeats forever as we put in larger and larger numbers so if we put the time into this sign function we should get a swaying back and forth motion let's go back to gdau so we right click we search for sign and then we edit okay now we put the output of the time into the sign note and the sign note into the X component of our Vector 3 and if we zoom in very closely we can see that the grass is now swaying back and forth by a very small amount and this is because the sign function Returns the value between minus one and 1 so we only sway back and forth by a single Pixel this is obviously not enough so we need to increase this range and we can do this by simply multiplying the output of the sign function with some number to make it sway more pixels and we want to sway by 100 pixels left and right so we multiply this output by 100 so let's add a multiply note right click search for multiply and we need to check that the output of the sign function is a float so we need to use this multiply with the float so now we can plug the output of the sign function into this multiply node and then we multiply by 100 and now the grass swings back and forth by 100 pixels oh that's great but I think it's swinging a bit too fast so I'd like to slow it down a bit how can we do this but what we can do is we can multiply the time with some number to make it faster or slower so let's say we want to make the time go half as fast we could multiply this with 0.5 or2 so let's duplicate this multiply node here can press contrl D to duplicate and then let's plug the time into the a slot and multiply it with 0.5 and the output goes into the sign function and that seems to work pretty well so now let's try if this also works for speeding up the animation so let's maybe multiply the time with two we change it here to two and it does okay well this is way too fast so let's move it back to 1.0 but now we can make our grass Sway and we can also control the speed of this animation which is great so now that we have a functioning visual Shader let's see how we can write the same Shader in gau's Shader programming language why would we want to do this well there are a few reasons first visual shaders are somewhat limited for example we cannot use some programming constructs like Loops in visual shaders and we also cannot make our own custom functions the second reason is that almost all shaders that you will find on the internet will be written in some Shader programming language so if you want to use these shaders as a basis for your own shaders well you will need to know how to read and write Shader code but if you already know how to write code in gdscript or cop you will see that the Shader programming language is actually not that different so let's start by creating a new Shader so we right click on the file system we select new resource and then we search for Shader and this time we select the Shader resource not the visual Shader one we name it grass and we also set the mode here to Canvas item and then we can attach this code base Shader to our second copy of the grass Sprite so again we open the material slot and we drag the Shader directly onto the material slot now we can open the Shader by double clicking it and it will open a code editor down here and we can see that currently there's not a lot going on we have some instruction here that tells gdau that this is a Shader for canvas items so it's a 2d Shader and we have a function called fragment which is currently empty this function is actually for the fragment Trader which we will come to later so for now we can just rename it to vertex and weex is the function that is used for the vertex Shader if you come from C then this Shader language will actually look very familiar we have a return type of void the function is named vertex and it takes no parameters if you're coming from GD script you will notice that a few things are a bit different in the Shader language the return type is at the front of the function while in GD script it is at the back the Shader language doesn't have the funk keyword so a function is simply identified by its name also we use these curly braces here to Mark the beginning and ending of code blocks while in GD script we use indentation to Mar code blocks finally we have a command here which is created by writing two slashes same as in C in GD script we would use a hash sign for this if we look at the function we can see that it takes makes no parameters and it also returns nothing a return type of void means nothing same as in C and GD script so how can we get the vertex position and return a new vertex position to the graphics card when we have no parameters and return nothing well in the Shader language there are a lot of built-in variables that are used for this purpose now we can go to the documentation here in the browser and we see a list of all the built-in variables and we can see that in order to get the current vertex position we read a built-in variable named vertex and if we want to write a new vertex position well we will just write to this same vertex variable so now we know how to get data in and out of the Shader we can start to translate our visual Shader into code so let's get back to gdal here's our visual Shader again again so we can see which parts of the code correspond to which parts of the visual Shader and then let's begin on the left there we have the current time and the variable for this in the Shader language is named Time all uppercase like in GD script and C the Shader language is case sensitive so time lowercase is something different than time all uppercase now we want to multiply This Time by 0.5 so we can just type that in time time 0.5 and the next step is to run the sign function this also works very similar to C and GD script so we just type the name of the function sign and then we give our slow time as a parameter in parentheses next we want to multiply this by 100 so we type just that now the compiler is unhappy about this in the Shader language we cannot multiply floats with integer numbers like we can do in other programming languages our 100 is an integer but the sign function returns a float so we need to convert our 100 to a float before we can multiply we can convert the 100 to a float by just adding a DOT and a zero like this and now the compiler is a bit happier and we can continue the next step is to make a vector where the x coordinate is this expression that we have calculated so far in the Shader graph we used a vector 3 for this because that is the only thing that the if node accepts but actually we only need a vector two because the vertex position only has two components X and Y because we are in 2D so we we can create a vector 2 by calling the VAC 2 function and then we pass in our X and Y values as parameters to this V 2 function so we type V 2 and the x value is this expression that we just made and the Y value will be zero just like in our Vector compos here now we need to do the if note like in GD script and C there's a built-in if statement so we can just use that so we start with if and then we need to give it a condition and in the Shad language like in C this condition must always be in parentheses like this this is different from GD script where we can leave these parentheses out now let's have a look at the if note and we can see that it compares the y-coordinate of the vertex with zero and we can do the same thing here we just take the vertex built it in variable and then we writey to get its y component remember that the y coordinate was called Green in the visual Shader we could also access this y-coordinate by typing G for green as both are just different names for the same component and this feature is very useful because in shaders colors are usually stored in Vector fours so you can type dox doy doz if the vector contains a position and R.G dob if the vector contains a color and this can make your code a bit more readable but in our case we're going to use y because we're dealing with a position here now we can check if the Y position is less than zero so we just type less than zero and now our condition is finished and we can close the parentheses in GD script we would now indent the next line to start our if block but in the Shader language we use these curly braces we still indent the code but this is just for readability the compiler will still be happy if we don't do this but it looks like the compiler is unhappy about our condition we cannot compare ins with floats in the Shader language so we need to convert the zero into a float as well just like we did with the 100 again we can just add a DOT and a zero to the end of the number and now it will be a float now if this condition is true we want to add this Vector two that we calculated to the vertex position so we write vertex plus equals and then we add this expression now the compiler still seems to be unhappy and this is because like in CP we need to end every statement with a semicolon so we need to add a semicolon here and now the compiler is happy and we can immediately see the grass is moving so just like with the visual Shader whenever we change our Shader code it will immediately update in the editor and this is really nice because we don't need to start our game to see if our Shader works so you see writing shaders in code is not really that hard once you know the differences of the Shader language to the programming language that you already use so should we only use codebase shaders then well no visual shaders are really nice for learning how shaders work and they're also really nice for prototyping and you can quickly try out a few different things and you can see how they look without having to make the compiler happy all the time and if you organize the graph well it can actually be easier to see how the Shader works when you come back to it later under the hood the visual shaders are automatically converted into Shader code so there's no performance difference between visual shaders and codebase shaders our Vex Shader experiment was quite successful so let's have a look at the fragment shaders next fragment shaders allow us to change the fragments that the graphics card has produced when it roriz the mesh so we can change how things look before the graphics card will actually draw anything as an example we are going to make a Shader that can replace a color such a Shader is useful in a game where the player can select the color of their units with the Shader you can just make one unit image and then replace the unit color on the fly in the game so you don't have to make a lot of images with different color variations I have prepared a Sprite of a character and now we want to replace the color of the shirt that this character is wearing for this to work the shirt needs to be in some color that is not used anywhere else in the image so only the shirts color gets replaced and this is why the shirt has this nice green color I have a second copy of this image here that we can use for comparison while we develop our Shader we will again start with the visual Shader so let's create one we right click select new resource and then we search for visual Shader and we name it color replacement and again we drag it onto the material slot of our Sprite and then we can double click it to open it up in the visual Shader editor again we need to make sure that the Shader type up here is set to canvas item because we are making a Shader for 2D this time we stay in the fragment part of the shading we can see that the output is a bit different from what we saw on the vertex Traer the most important output is the color that the fragment should get we also have an output for Alpha which controls the transparency of the fragment and there are a few other outputs but we won't get into these for now the input works exactly like in the vertex Traer so for getting an input we need to add an input node so let's right click and search for input and edit and we can see that we have quite a few inputs we want to select color to get the color that the graphics card assigned to the fragment when it restorz the Sprite this is a vector 4 a vector with four components the first three components are red green and blue and the fourth component is the alpha Channel which controls the transparency we can also click this little triangle like we did in the vertex Trader so we can get access to each element of the vector color values in shaders are always given in a range between zero and one and this is different from how colors are usually represented in other areas where red green and blue are given as range between 0 and 255 for example let's have a look at the color of the shirt of this character I have a little Color Picker here and we can use this to pick the color of the shirt now we can see that the shirt's color is 0er red 255 green and Zer blue but in the Shader we need to give these colors as a value between zero and one so if we want to know how this color would be expressed in the Shader we can use the raw tab of our Color Picker so let's open the Color Picker again and then select raw and then we can pick and the Color Picker will automatically convert the color that we pick to a range between zero and one so now we can see that the shirts color is zero red one green and zero blue so how can we use this knowledge in our Shader well the shirt is the only part in this image where the green part of the color is one so we could try to use the if node again that we already know from the vertex Trader to check if the green channel is one and then replace the input color with some other color so let's try that we right click search for if and then we add it and then we plug the green into our a slot now we check if the green channel is exactly one so we put a one into the B slot and then let's say when a equals B we want to make the shirt blue blue would be 0 01 so we type 0 0 1 into the a equals B slot and in all other cases we just want to have the original color so we plug the original color into the other two slots for a is greater than b and a is less than b and now we can plug the output into our output node now everything is connected but the shirt is still green so what's going on here now the problem is that we are comparing two float numbers here and there's always some potential rounding error when we compare two floating Point numbers and want to know if they are equal this is the reason why this node has a tolerance setting when we increase this tolerance then the Noe will still treat a and b as equal even if they are a tiny bit different so let's try to set the tolerance to something small maybe 0 001 and now the shirt is actually turning blue but we get this really ugly seam here where the shirt Still Remains green so let's find out why we get this I'm going to set the filtering on the second Sprite that we have here to nearest so we can see the original pixels of the Sprite without any interpolation now let's inspect the colors of the seam of this shirt it looks like that they are actually in different shades of green some are a bit darker so the pixels blend more nicely together with this black water uh let's verify this maybe with our Color Picker so we can see that the red and blue parts of the colors at the seam are still zero but the green part Falls below one where the shirt color is Blended into this black border so maybe we could try to increase the tolerance setting of our if node so it will also affect Parts where the green value is a bit further away from one let's try this out so we increase the tolerance slowly and then see what happens to our seam so this makes the seam smaller but it also does some things that we don't want first we can now see that the Shader affects the whole Sprite not just the shirt and we also see that our placement color is always a solid blue and doesn't nicely blend with the black border like the original Green did so this solution with the if node clearly doesn't work so let's take a step back and think about how we could solve this problem in a different way maybe we can split the image into two parts one part that is the shirt and another part that is everything but the shirt then we could apply the color change only to the part which has the shirt and leave the rest untouched and in the end we just combine our two parts back into one image so how can we find out which parts are the shirt and which parts aren't let's use our Color Picker again to see if we can find a way to distinguish them we can see that everywhere where the shirt is red and blue are zero and green is some value between zero and one on the other parts red and blue are above zero so we know that if red or blue are above zero then it's not the shirt which note could help us to check if red or blue are above zero the if note we have used only allows us to compare a single number but maybe there is another note that we could use let's have a look at the list to see if we can find the variant of this if node that can help us so we right click and then let's search for if again so it looks like there is only this one if node that we already know so we will need to use a bit of math to massage the data that we have into some form that is a bit more helpful to us what we need is some node or mathematical function that can take a color and then gives us a number back that tells us how much red and blue is in this color there is no built-in node that can do this for us so we will need to build something like this ourselves so let's break down the problem a bit as a first step it is probably a good idea to strip out the green part of the color from our color Vector so it doesn't get in the way when we want to calculate how much red and blue are in the color so let's add a multiply node we right click search for multiply and we pick this Vector 3 multiply node here because we want to multiply two Vector 3s now we plug the input color into a and we multiply this input color with 1 0 1 vectors are multiplied element by element so when we do this multiplication red gets multiplied by one and stays as it is green gets multiplied by zero and will be zero and blue gets multiplied by one and stays as it is let's plug this multiply node into the output node and see how that looks we see that the green color is completely removed from the picture everything that was green like the shirt is now black and everything else has its green part removed so the picture now has this purple tint to it so after our multiplication our Vector only contains the red and the blue components and now we can use a buil-in function to get a number that indicates how much red and blue are in this color and this buil-in function is the length function so let's add it to our Shader graph we right click search for length and then we add it and now we plug this Vector into the length node and the length Noe will now calculate the length of this Vector so what is the length of a vector to understand this let's have a look at some vectors I have prepared a little graph here and here we have a 3D diagram with X Y and Z axis we follow the conventions of Shader land so X is red Y is green and Zed is blue and at the bottom here we have a vector where red is one and green and blue are zero the length of this Vector is just a distance from the origin at 0000 0 to the tip of this vector and just by looking at it we can see that this length is one now let's maybe look at a vector which only has blue in it this would look like this red and green are zero and blue is one and this Vector also has a length of one just on a different axis now how would a vector look like when we mix a bit of red and a bit of blue well let's have a look here we have a 0.3 red and 0 5 blue Vector this would give us some darker purple color and we can also see that this Vector is much shorter than the other ones because we have a lot less red and blue in it if we would change that color to a bright purple where the red and blue are one we get a much longer Vector so we can see that the length of the vector is a good indicator of how much red and blue are in the color so let's get back to our shape we can draag the output of the length note into our output note and we get some grayscale image this is because the single number that the length Noe returns is used for all three color channels red green and blue and if red green and blue are the same number then we get some Shades of Gray so now we can see that every part of the Sprite that has red or blue Parts in it is some shade of gray while all the other parts that have no red or blue in them like the shirt and the black borders are black what we have made here is called a mosque a mosque is a black and white image that we can ED to control which parts of an image are visible and which parts are not if youve worked with image editing programs like Photoshop or Affinity you may have seen mosques there as well so we have this mask from our length note but how does this help us to separate the image well remember how we removed the green part from our color by multiplying it with zero we can do the same thing with our mask let's try this out and duplicate this multiply node here we can press contrl D to duplicate and then let's Drag The Mask into the a input and the original color into B now we can connect the result to our output and see what happens so the Mosk sort of works the areas where the mosque was black are fully black so that part worked nicely but the other areas are somewhat darkened and don't keep their original color but what we want is that the areas where there is any amount of red or blue keep their original color and everything else just becomes black so how can we do this well let's look back at what the length node produces I've made a little visualization for this here so this is the output of the length Noe that we just saw but if I move the camera we can actually see the calculated length in 3D and there we can see that for areas where there is less red and blue we get less length and if we multiply this with the original color then the original color will get darker in these areas because if we multiply a color with a value smaller than one it will get darker but we are really only interested in whether or not there is red and blue in the image we don't really care how much red or blue is in there so how could we change this into a Masque that is black where we have no red and blue values but is white everywhere else like this well there's a built-in function that can help us with this it's called Step so let's get back to our Shader and add a step Noe this step Noe has two inputs one is called Edge and the other is called X to understand what this node does let's have another look at the step function here in the browser so this is the step function I have set the edge parameter of the step function to 0.1 so now let's see what happens when we plug the length that we calculated into the step function this part here is the shirt and it's fully black so the length is zero and if we plug this into our step function we get a zero because our zero input is less than the edge and for this part here the length is about 0.3 so if we plug 0.3 into the step function the step function returns one because 0.3 is greater than our edge of 0.1 so we can use a step function with a very small Edge to decide if the amount of red and blue is greater than zero or not so we pluck the length of the vector into the X and we set Edge to 0.01 and now let's plug the result of the step function into the output to see what happens and we can see that our mask is now either black or white but we have no more Shades of Gray in it now we can again try to multiply this mask with our input color and what we get back is one separated image with the parts that we don't want to change now that is great but how do we get the parts that we do want to change well we can just invert this mosque and we can do this with a one minus node so let's add a one minus node right click search for one minus and we add it so the one minus node just subtracts its input from one so you take the number one you subtract the input and the result is the output if we put in white we get black and if we put in Black we get white and this is exactly what we want so let's check what happens if we multiply our input color with this inverted mask so let's duplicate this multiply note here and then we plug the original color and The Mask into the multiply node and then connect this to the output and we see that we get just a shirt while everything else is black okay so now we have separated our image and we can now start to recolor only this shirt part but how would we do this well we could start by just multiplying our shirt mask with the replacement color so everywhere where the shirt mask is one we get the replacement color and everywhere else we get black we don't have a replacement color yet so let's add a color constant node and now we can pick some color maybe this blue here and now we can multiply this mask with our replacement color well it's blue all right but it does not only affect the shirt but also the borders and some other parts of the image also there is no blending with the border every fragment gets the exact same shade of blue so the mask alone is not enough it only tells us where we need to apply the replacement color but not how much of it so what would be a good indicator of how much of the replacement color we need well you may have guessed it it's the green channel in the original image the more green we have the more of the replacement color we want but only in the areas of this mosque so we can use this green channel to refine our mosque let's try this we can get the original Green channel from our input node this is a float number the mosque is also a float number so this time we need a note that multiplies two floats so let's right click search for multiply and then we pick this one that multiplies floats and now now we can plug the green Channel and our mask into it and then check the result and boom we have a really nice refined mask that only selects the shirt and also nicely blends with the black border so now we can again try to multiply this refined mask with our replacement color so let's plug it in and we get a nicely replaced shirt color great so now we have the two parts of our final image that we wanted to have we have the shirt with the replaced color which has all black around it and we have the unchanged part which is black where the replaced shirt should go now we want to combine these two back into a single image and to do this we can simply add them together why does this work well because everything that is black is all zeros so when we add the two images together the black parts will be zero plus whatever color is in the other image so let's duplicate one multiply node and change it to an add node and now we can direct the outputs of our two multiply nodes into this new add node connect that to the output and voila we have a nicely replaced shirt without any seams that's great but we're not fully done yet in our game we want the player to be able to select a color for their character so we need to be able to change the replacement color from our game code right now it is hardcoded in the Shader so we need a way of sending data into our Shader and we can do this with a Shader parameter so let's right click and search for parameter and we want to give the Shader a color as a parameter so we use a color parameter node we can give this parameter a name maybe let's call it replacement uncore color and then we connect this to this multiply node where we had the hardcoded color now we can go to our Sprite in the material section and here we have a new Shader parameter where we can set the replacement color but we want to set this parameter from our game code and this is where our Color Picker here comes in we want to select a color with this Color Picker and then in our game this should update the color of the shirt so let's add a script to our Sprite and let's name it color replacement. GD and now when the player changes the color of this Color Picker we want to be notified in our script notification sounds a bit like using signals so let's check the signals that the Color Picker provides in the signal list we can see that the Color Picker has a color change signal so let's connect this to our replacement script and create a new function on Color Picker color changed inside of this function we want to change the replacement color of our Shader to do this we first need to get the material of the Sprite as the Shader is part of the material like we can see in the inspector luckily the material is available as a property so we can just type material the material has a function called set Shader parameter which allows us to change the value of a Shader parameter and as the first argument the function expects the name of the Shader parameter that we want to change we named our Shader parameter replacement uncore color so we type replacement uncore color now we need to give the function the new value that we want to set which is the color that our player just picked luckily enough this is given to us as part of the color change signal up here so we can just give this into our function and now we can run this and see if it works so let's select a nice color for the shirt maybe a neat red and this seems to work out nicely before we wrap it up let's translate our color replacement Shader into code so we can see how to write a fragment Shader using the Shader language so we create a new codebase Shader right click new resource search for Shader and we create a Shader and let's name it color replacement like the visual Shader that we created and we assign this to the second Sprite here now we can start editing and the Shader type is already set correctly to Canvas item we also have an empty fragment function already generated for us so let's look at our visual Shader and start translating we first multiply the input color with one1 so we can strip out the green Channel input and output in fragment shaders work exactly the same way as in vertex shaders so we read and write predefined variables so let's add this to our code so we write V 3 color without green the predefined variable for color is named named color all uppercase so let's multiply color with a vector 3 1 0 1 we see that the compiler is again unhappy about this and this is because the color variable is a vector four and we cannot multiply a vector 4 with a vector 3 in the visual Shader this was not a problem because the visual Shader editor automatically converted the vector 4 to a vector 3 for us but in code we need to do this ourselves so we need to make a new Vector 3 which only has the red green and blue components of the color Vector so we create a new Vector 3 by calling the vect 3 function and then we give color. r color. g and colorb as arguments and then we can multiply this with our one1 Vector the compiler is now happy but this is really a lot to write when programming shaders we very often need to extract information from vectors and put this information into new vectors of a different size to help with this the Shader language has a built-in feature called Swizzles so to create a vector three with only the red green and blue components of the color input Vector we can just write color do RGB and this RGB is called a swizzle so this is a super helpful short hand notation to extract information from some Vector next we want to calculate the length of this Vector to find out how much red and blue are in the current fragment the Shader language has a built-in function for this and it's called length so we can write float amount of red and blue and this is the length of color without green the next step is to use the step function to create a mosque let's also make a variable for this maybe red and blue mque step function is also built in so we can just write step and as a first parameter we give the edge which is 0.01 like in our visual Shader for the second parameter we need to use the length of the vector which we called amount of and blue so we copy that in so now we have our mask that masks everything that has red or blue components let's quickly try this out to see if we are still on track we can output The Mask by writing it back to the color variable so let's write color equals Red and Blue Mosque unfortunately the compiler is again unhappy about this this is because the color is a vector 4 and we are trying to write a float to it what we actually want is to write this float into the red green and blue components of the color so let's try if we can use a swizzle for this so we change color to color. RGB seems like the compiler is still unhappy because now we have a vector three on the left and a float on the right side so it looks like we need to build up a vector 3 with the red and blue MK in all three components ourselves we write Vector three and then we put red and blue mask for each component of the vector 3 and now we can see in the output that our mask is actually working creating this Vector three down here is a lot to write but luckily there's a shortcut for this as well if we want to make a vector 3 where all three components are the same we can just write Vector 3 Red and Blue Mosque okay so now back to converting our Shader here our processing splits into two parts in the upper part we multiply the mask with the input color and what we get is the part of the image that we don't want to change so let's do the multiplication and add a variable named retained color to store the result now for the lower part here we use a one minus note to invert our mosque in the Shader language we don't need a special one minus function we can simply subtract the red and blue mque from 1.0 to inverted so let's make a variable called green mask and then subtract the red and blue mask from 1.0 now we want to make a refined mask by multiplying this green mask with the green channel of our input color so we get the nice blending we can just add this to our green M calculation so there's no need to make a new variable let's again output this so we can see if we are still on the right track we can move this line down here and just change the output to the green mask this doesn't look right we should only have the shirt visible at this stage but the rest of the image is also visible so what's going on here the problem is that the Shader language like other programming languages follows the basic moth rule that multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction so we need to put parentheses around the subtraction part here to make sure it is done before the multiplication and now our mask looks right and the next step would be to multiply this mask with our replacement C but in our visual Shader the replacement color is a Shader parameter so how can we make a Shader parameter in code the Shader language provides a keyword for this which is called uniform to add a Shader parameter we can go to the top of our Shader and write uniform W for replacement color the keyword is called uniform to indicate that the value of this variable will will be the same for all fragments so let's have a look at the inspector of our second Sprite and here we have the replacement color parameter but it is just displayed as a vector 4 input but in our visual Shader we had a nice Color Picker here so how can we get a Color Picker there the Gau Shader language has a range of hints that you can add to a uniform declaration and we can find these hints in the gdau Shader documentation for uniforms so let's quickly switch to the browser and here we have a list of all the hints that we can use we want to have a Color Picker so we can use the source color hint so back to our Shader and we add the source color hint to our uniform and now if we look in the inspector we get a nice Color Picker here but actually we only need a color without an alpha channel here so we can change this variable to a vector 3 and if we look at the Color Picker now we can see that gdau will not offer an alpha Channel anymore so now we can multiply our green mask with the replacement color so we write w 3 askk replacement color is replacement color time green MK now we have the two parts of the image that we want to combine one in the retained color variable and the other one in The Mask replacement color variable so we can simply add these variables together to get our final color like we did in the visual Shader we call this variable final color and then we just add the two parts together finally we need to assign this to the output color so we can write color. RGB equals final color and we have a working Shader written in the Shader programming language if we look at the code we can see that we created a lot of variable names so that we can remember what each step is doing it is also a good idea to sprinkle a few comments to explain the flow a bit better this is something that is very important when we write code based shaders why is this important well let's have a look at this code here this is the exact same Shader that we just wrote but it's written in a much more compact way and I think you will agree that if you look at this code 3 weeks down the road you may have a bit of trouble understanding what exactly is going on here unfortunately many many shaders that you can find on the internet are written in this way and this may contribute to the perception that shaders are some kind of dark magic so if you want to make your life easier split things up a bit and add some comments that explain how and why the things are done it is a little bit more to write but I think it's time well spent the Shader compiler is actually smart enough to optimize all of these extra variables away so there's no performance penalty if you write your shap with some more variables in this video we have explored the basics of how shaders work in the gdau engine we have learned that shaders are programs that run on the graphics cord rather than on the CPU and that shaders are run in a parallel fashion we have learned that shaders run in stages in a Shader Pipeline and we have different shaders like vertex shaders and fragment shaders that are run during different stages of this pipeline we learned that we can write shaders in both a visual editor and the gdau shading language we learned the basics of the gdau shading language and how it compares to the programming languages that we use for scripting GD script and C we also learned that both visual shaders and codebase shaders have strengths so one isn't necessarily better than the other finally we learned that writing shaders is mostly about how to combine observations on the data that we have and clever use of mathematical functions to achieve the effects that we want for example we looked at the color data to only recolor fragments that have a certain color and we use the sign function to create an animation in our vertex Shader this video only scratched the surface of what you can do with shaders there's a whole universe of techniques and clever moth to pull off a ton of interesting effects if you want some inspiration of what is possible with shaders check out the YouTube channel of a guy named enigo KES especially his painting with M series he does some really impressive stuff there with a lot of clever techniques check it out there's a link down in the description if you have any questions or want to share some of your own techniques for creating shaders please post them in the comments if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and maybe consider subscribing to the channel to get notified when new videos are posted thank you very much and happy Goering
Channel: Godotneers
Views: 45,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, fragment shaders, game engine, gamedev, godot, rasterization, shader pipeline, shaders, vertex shaders, visual effects, visual shaders
Id: nyFzPaWAzeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 50sec (4370 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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