No Limit: Chicago's Deadliest Gang

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warning this video contains themes of violence drug use and gang activity every effort has been made to censor any shocking clips that depict violence in line with youtube's community guidelines if you're over 18 and you want to see the uncut version of my videos they're available to my supporters over on ross this video has been put together as a historical account of the events that unfolded in this story no disrespect is intended and rest in peace to everybody in this video who've lost their lives chicago police have filed their first murder charge stemming from the deadliest week in chicago has seen this year ah she called tears him like they could use the calls i was a part of the world shadrach i'm the product of the war on shattrath smoking on katy peck impostor and mister the most it's only two things that come together jail or death i cried a lot of nights getting in the streets send me messages on instagram you're gonna be the next pack a lot of people get on there forget this like hurt i had to cut tasks completely yeah investigation guys really wanna kill me god just bought a sweet when it comes to chicago drill music there is no more famous hood than o block the parkway gardens housing development as it's officially known spawned a generation of rappers who pioneered the modern day rendition of gangster rap that you may know as gryll music people like chief keef rose to the top of the rap game off of the back of booming tracks that painted a picture of life on one of america's most dangerous blocks but while people like chief keef were getting famous with their stories and raps about the life on chicago streets people like king von were actually in the streets killing rival gang members or ops settling schools for their dead members and defending their block in what has become a literal domestic war zone my recent video on the murder of fbg duck was a two and a half hour breakdown where we looked at dozens of murders taking place on chicago's south side the shocking reality behind the chicago drill music that has become so popular it's a story that saw countless young promising and talented men losing their lives early for what really seemed like a feud over nothing oblok and the war on chicago south side tends to attract the main focus of coverage about chicago drill and street goings on but chicago is a big city with talented rappers and fearsome gang bangers hidden away in every corner and pocket so today we're going to head east and look at a slightly less famous but equally if not more bloody war taking place in another part of chicago that has had an enormous impact on the gangster rap and drill music scene coming out of the city this is an area that has been so dangerous for decades now that the locals have nicknamed it terra town and this is also an area that spawned another one of the most famous rappers in chicago drill history g-herbo over the course of his career g-herbo went from being shot at on the terror town blocks to touring the country and taking in millions of dollars but that come up wasn't easy herbo grew up witnessing decades of danger and violence on his block with many of his childhood friends losing their lives in front of his very eyes fortunately for g herbo he was able to put the pain that he witnessed and experienced in the streets into his art and his music with his subsequent success taking him far away from the terror town blocks that terrorized him and his friends most of their childhood i mean it's no wonder that his biggest charting album is titled ptsd but sadly getting away isn't easy and many of his friends wouldn't be so lucky and while g-herbo was living at large traveling on private planes the war was still going on back at home year after year bodies would continue dropping and some of her best friends would be wondering why he was so lucky and not them this is a story of betrayal brutality but most importantly brotherhood with the gang that herbo and his crew grew up representing going by nlmb which on the street stands for the no limit muskegon boys but to fans of herbo's music nlmb stands for never leave my brothers so today we'll be taking a closer look at one of chicago's most dangerous blocks where dozens of men get left behind to die and only a lucky few make it out alive [Music] chicago drill music and the gangs that young chicago rappers affiliate themselves with tend to have long and storied histories the black disciples and the gangster disciples that the likes of king von and fbg duck belonged to respectively also had a long history themselves the bds and the gd's folklore dates all the way back to the 60s when the likes of larry hoover and david barksdale fought for influence over the city's drug trade and thousands of young men looking for guidance in the most troubled areas of chicago and unfortunately leaving countless bodies in their wake but when it comes to today's east eastside based no limit gang the modern day rappers and gangsters the rep no limit actually descended from another chicago street gang with a very long and complicated history too in this case it's the black p stones in the 60s the biggest baddest gang of all was the blackstone rangers one of its organizers was a skinny kid from aberdeen mississippi an unlikely looking leader by the name of jeff ford originally known as the blackstone rangers this was a street gang formed by young black men who lived around 66th place and blackstone avenue in chicago's south side this crew was apparently formed all the way back in 1959 at the saint charles institution for troubled youth by eugene the bull hairston and jeff the angel fought and like many of the famous street gangs that we know today the blackstone rangers originally formed to protect its members from the danger of the many other street gangs that were emerging in the streets of chicago around the time racial change economic change cultural change they grew out of that turmoil one particular rival that the blackstone rangers had formed to protect themselves against were the devil's disciples from nearby kenwood not to be confused with the biker gang of the same name back and forth street battles between these two crews persisted throughout the 60s by which point an estimated 200 people had joined the black stone rangers giving not only the rival gangs something to worry about but also the local police had you as a police officer ever seen anything like that before no never eugene heston was the founder and leader of the blackstone rangers going by the nickname bull with jeff thought his vice president and second in command with him going by the monikers black prince or angel the latter apparently coming from his gift for diplomacy and an ability to help squash conflicts between the rangers and other gangs in fact unlike the modern day gangs of chicago who seem primarily concerned with settling scores and murdering rivals back then jeff thought's talent for diplomacy were deployed in an effort to prevent the blackstone rangers from going to war and killing other gangs with jeff for instead attempting to forge alliances between these small and fractured street crews and he was very successful at this eventually forming a sprawling alliance or nation of gangs counting a total membership in 1969 to be as many as 8 000 members and forming a council of numerous gangs aiming to control the city going by the title the main 21. 21 gangs would join under the umbrella of the blackstone rangers there would be a ruling council called the main 21 and a new gang name the black peastone nation some would argue the p stood for power the nation was four thousand strong there were some struggles over leadership but in the end it was jeff forte who emerged as the man in charge all the gangs were united under the banner of the black p stone nation or bpsn each gang in the nation were considered a brick in the pyramid hence their infamous logo and for a period starting in the late 60s the organization actually gained political legitimacy famously working with a local community association that had been given a million dollar grant developing a program that aimed to get members of the blackstone rangers and the devil's disciples into honest work and employment programs during this time publicly the black keystones were beginning to look a lot more like a group of community activists than an active street gang for example some in politics around this time had praised the peace stones for having played a role in preventing violent reprisals from the black community in the wake of the martin luther king assassination this had politicians at the time praising jeff fort for his successful gang diplomacy with for even being invited to president nixon's inauguration leading many to believe that jeff thought might just have a bright future in politics but under the surface things were perhaps slightly more sinister it was said that during this period black peace stones had been shaking down local store owners for protection money in exchange for preventing violence following the martin luther king assassination with critics of the black peace stones describing them more as a mafiosa style protection racket than group of community activists and from here soon cracks would begin to emerge in the public persona of the black keystones on the streets they were at war with the disciple nation and gangster nation that would later merge into the black and gangster disciple gangs made famous in modern day drill music in fact as a result of this violent conflict playing out on the streets eventually the black keystone's leader and founder eugene bull hairston would arrange an assassination attempt on black disciples founder david barksdale aka king david in 1968. the shooting of king david would be carried out by a group of 14 year old keystone members who would attempt to assassinate david barksdale armed with m14 rifles in a contract killing being paid only a sum of one dollar each king david would initially survive this assassination attempt but unfortunately his gunshot injuries would later claim his life around six years after the shooting eventually the authorities would crack down on the black keystones as a political organization prosecuting jeff thor himself for misusing federal funds in connection to the job training program made possible by the city's million-dollar grant this was a move which some considered simply a right-wing attack on black chicago's attempt to bring about legitimate change through politics we were trying to do something about a situation that was literally destroying this community with many pointing out that only a fraction of that million dollar grant ended up in the hands of the keystones but that simply didn't matter when the headlines read gang leader steals one million dollars from the us government jeff fort would later be found guilty of conspiring to misapply federal funds being sentenced to five years in prison during his time in jail jeff thought would convert to islam more specifically the black muslim organization the moorish science temple of america and upon being freed in 1976 fort would form the el rucken tribe of the moorish science temple with el rucken translating to the pillar in arabic and coming up with a new nickname swapping out the formerly diplomatic title of the angel now referring to himself as chief malik or the ruler and in the process of establishing his new religious organization jeff thor also purchased an old vacant movie theater called the oakwood on the corner of 39th and drexel this would become the legitimate headquarters for the el rucken and the religious transformation of the black keystones was presented to the public as a positive change for the group however local authorities thought otherwise insisting that jeff ford's new religious organization was simply a front for a large drug dealing operation that would operate throughout chicago through the 70s and 80s and during this time jeff thought organizing yet another alliance of gangs in the city and prisons known as the people nation bringing the likes of the former black keystones the latin kings mickey cobras vice lords and other gangs all together under the banner of the people nation i mean despite the negativity that he brought to his community you do really have to admire the vision that jeff thought had to try and bring this many people together in his community and perhaps people were truly right when they said he had a lot of potential in real politics but the reality was jeff vaught was playing with fire and eventually the authorities would crack down on his operation a 1983 drug bust in connection to a large shipment of drugs in mississippi earned jeff thor a 13-year sentence for narcotics trafficking but from here even in prison it would appear as if jeff thor kept a tight grip on the large organization of gangs that he had built up in the streets of chicago and this meant that even behind bars bloodshed would continue to play out on chicago streets for example in september 1988 the original founder of the blackstone nation's eugene bull hairston would be killed execution style with authorities certain that it was jeff fort that had handed down the orders from prison but even more shocking than the allegations of drug trafficking and murder for hire were earlier accusations leveled at jeff thor relating to terrorism and linking him to libyan leader moammar gaddafi apparently over the course of several phone calls made to his troops from jail jeff instructed members of his organization to meet officials from libya in what was originally proposed as a pilgrimage to mecca and the middle east was later exposed as an attempt to make a multi-million dollar deal with middle eastern terrorists as apparently jeff thor had directed el rucken members to meet with libyans in panama city and brokering a deal to receive two and a half million dollars and a large cache of high-powered weaponry in exchange for a commitment to wage war on the local authorities in the united states in what was described as operation rock bomb a court was later told that jeff thought's religion organization slash gang had made an agreement with a foreign government to commit terrorist acts in the united states on their behalf in exchange for a two and a half million dollar bag honestly this is one of the most outrageous and shocking accusations that has ever been leveled at a gang leader in the united states history thought would be found guilty of these accusations and ultimately given a hefty 80-year prison sentence jeff fort is still alive to this day serving out that sentence at the adx florence supermax prison one of america's most secure and brutal prison facilities jeff fort's family still fight for his release to this day but just considering the insane amount of danger and terror he was able to inflict on the chicago community and considering what he and his organization were attempting to do in cooperation with the foreign government it's very hard to believe that his release will be coming any time soon the history of jeff four and the black peace stones continue to cast a dark shadow over chicago communities to this day as the next generation of children of peace stone and affiliated gang members would move around chicago and grow up the identity of the black keystones would be passed around splintered and distorted with numerous small organizations breaking off but retaining the keystone identity and remaining active in the streets and prisons of chicago and america beyond but eventually a renegade set descending from the original keystones would emerge based on chicago's east side this group would eventually go by the name no limit with the name apparently signaling a heritage handed down from the black keystones but with no interest in following the rules or limits imposed by some of the more militant forefathers of the gang back in the day when it was a religious or political movement the young orphans of jeff thought's fallen organization would grow up and cultivate their own identities and feuds which would get very deadly indeed violence would continue to play out all over chicago particularly one small area of territory in the east which would eventually become so dangerous that it would earn itself the nickname terratown [Music] today's story is most concerned with a four block by four block rectangle of territory bounded by yates and kofax avenues between 75th and 79th street if you type terratown into youtube you'll see numerous drive-throughs and drone shots depicting the run-down blocks of the area which looks to be near abandoned by city authorities and residents say that in these areas murder is a common occurrence in the 90s after the incarceration of jeff thorpe his son antonio was one of many descendants of the original peace stones who fought for control of this area with the battles taking place on the streets there apparently being so deadly and terrifying that the area would eventually become known as terrortown and naturally with the infamy of his famous father it wouldn't take long for antonio fort to find himself a target in 1992 antonio fort would be jailed for conspiracy to purchase half a kilo of cocaine and after his release power struggles would continue in the area events would unfold unfortunately for antonio and on the 28th of march 1997 antonio's bullet riddled body would be dragged out of wolf lake and in the decade that followed petty violence would play out as more and more gangsters vied for control of the streets of terror town and if the rival gangs didn't get you the police certainly would as the years went by slowly descendants of jeff four would be taken off the street one by one facing arrest after arrest with his other son wakita picked up the drug charges by the police in 1996 with reports around this time explaining that since jeff thought's lengthy incarceration in a supermax facility the religious focus of the l rucken that he had started had fallen away with his remaining descendants reclaiming the black keystone identity and going to war with other famous chicago gangs like the gangster disciples over control of the area during these years a nephew of jeff thorpe named eric gotharrow earned himself the nickname the prince of terrortown apparently establishing a huge open-air drug operation at 79th and essex known as the powwow line a scene which i imagine wasn't dissimilar to the fictional open-air drug market hamsterdam depicted in hbo's the wire but eventually this 15 000 a day drug operation would indeed be taken down too in what the police described as operation terror town 2. jeff thought's nephew would be busted along with 18 other people in a raid that discovered an enormous shrine to jeff fort himself along with 13 cars 10 guns 125 grams of cocaine and a whopping 900 grams of heroin and as a result the gangs on the streets of tara town in the 2010s would be left without leadership becoming a much more fractured collection of renegade keystone gang sets slowly losing their connection to jeff fort the blackstone rangers or the heritage of politically motivated gangs that had once controlled the area teenage gang bangers would grow up knowing they descended from peace stones but establishing new rules new territories and new disputes with the young teenagers in the area giving very little thought to the religious political or social movements that jeff thor had at least tried to pioneer through the 60s 70s and 80s but more interesting than that to me was that in the streets and blocks of terror town were the next generation of young men growing up close to the cycle of violence and gang warfare that their elders had endured with some taking part in the war killing and being killed as part of a new generation of conflict in the streets of terrortown while others would take the scenes that they had experienced and witnessed and channeling those experiences into music making hit songs about the lifestyle that they grew up around becoming successful musical artists and getting a once in a lifetime shot to escape the cycle of violence and get out of the city with their lives intact [Music] despite 75th to 79th streets being so dangerous and gang infested that it's literally nicknamed terrortown the area particularly 79th street has spawned some of the biggest chicago rappers who avoided gangs you may be surprised to find out that one of the most successful musicians and entrepreneurs of our generation kanye west grew up in a childhood home only minutes away from terrortown and despite later in his career claiming to be affiliated with the gangster disciples kanye actually had early lyrics where he discussed encountering black peace stones in the neighborhood and having to go by a nickname so they would leave him alone and kanye would even bring rap legend jay-z back to the area many years later but when it comes to the most famous name in the rap game associated with the no limit gang in terror town we're of course talking about g herbo formerly known as lil herb herbo would meet fellow no limit drill legend lil bibby at a local youth center after school together herbo and bibi would spark a friendship eventually becoming collaborators and putting their block on the map as far as drill music is concerned lil bibby made big moves in the music industry through both the booth and the boardroom eventually partnering up with his brother g money and starting the record label grade a productions playing a big role in bringing top tier talent like juice world and the kid leroy to the forefront of music but away from the music and back to the streets another famous name you might associate with no limit is cairo an outspoken affiliate who will play a major part in the beef as this story develops and another name from the streets that you might know from the music is mad max aka c money or killer chris he's possibly the most active killer in the street side of this story becoming infamous in both the streets and on the internet for allegedly being a fearless shooter who claimed the lives of numerous enemies now as far as the streets goes there were allegedly two main leaders of no limit back in the early days rumored to be a direct relative of blackstone rangers founder eugene bull hairston g bull was from 78th street one of two commanding members of no limit who apparently played a role in mentoring the likes of lil bibby white shawn and g-money with another gang leader by the name of g gill hailing from 79th street commanding another set of the younger generation of no limit mentoring the likes of g mainski g herbo jock and mad max himself who would post publicly on instagram about coming up under g gil other important names associated with the no limit movement who you might hear mentioned in this story include faro lil wet aka wet em up and crazy james there's quite literally dozens of people who claim no limit publicly with some estimates of its membership online suggesting that the gang is 200 people strong it would be difficult to identify and name every member here and that's really not something i'm trying to do right now but that's a selection of some of the most important names who you'll be hearing about over the course of this story the fact that no limit is such a large gang is perhaps the reason that the crew was able to survive at such a long wall with so many enemies as in this story there are three distinct feuds going on between no limit in their allies and their enemies in different parts of the city the three groups that no limit and their allies are feuding with specifically include the lakeside gangster disciples some of whom go by kts or kill to survive pocket town another group of gangster disciples and black mob a group descending from the original black keystones in the area so let's start by taking a closer look at the lakeside gds some of whom go by the terrifying nickname kts or kill to survive lakeside are arguably no limit's biggest opposition they're a crew made up of gangster disciples and vice lords in a particular area of terror town south of teratown is no limit territory with an overlapping area in the southeast known as lakeside hence the intense rivalry between these two groups in fact the nearby mcdonald's located on 2425 east 79th street has been the scene of much bloodshed and drama in this feud but we'll get to that later some from this area and the nearby pocket town go by the nickname kts or kill to survive sometimes referred to as cutthroat the terrifying implications of those nicknames alone should be enough to give you an idea of just how deadly this feud can get in fact some kts members even sport a large shoot to kill cross hair tattoo on their necks a terrifying prospect which likely inspired fear into pretty much anyone these guys encountered gang member or not in fact kts members had local residents so terrified that there's examples from back in 2010 with locals posting lists of gang members to avoid on facebook and telling others that their area is under attack associated with this group you've got the likes of kts dre and kts vonn both feared hitters due to their family's gang ties with their father vinnie apparently having a deep history of involvement in the local gangs vinnie was apparently an og gang member from the area who had clearly taught his sons the ways of the street from early but in addition to being shooters the likes of von andrei were also prolific posters on social media being seen in numerous clips online driving through rival territories armed and looking for a response another significant lakeside member who will be important later in this story is posto a local member who would sadly lose his life with this incident representing yet another significant escalation in the war between these two areas but before we get to that there's actually another lakeside member whose killing would represent one of the early triggers of this deadly war that young man's name is nutso who was killed by another group close to no limit in 2008 that group's name is the muskegon boys [Music] the muskegon boys are a set of gangster disciples from terra town originally going by the muskegon block gangsters they hail from 78th of muskegon avenue just off of exchange this set was apparently pioneered by two locals going by the street names of doski and white bread in the past they may have been considered closer to the fellow gangster disciples in lakeside but events would unfold driving these two gd sets apart and the muskegon boys in no limit much closer together with the alliance between these two crews famously being nlmb or the no limit muskegon boys sometimes referred to with the bacronym never leave my brothers many of the younger members of no limit and the muskegon boys would form close friendships with several individuals playing a significant role as part of this story people like zale rock kobe and fazo as mentioned previously the muskegon boys and lakeside had formerly been on good terms due to their shared gd heritage but that would all change around 2008 when younger members of the muskegon boys would get their hands on firearms ultimately leading to deadly outcomes between the crews eventually a beloved member from lakeside by the name of nutso would be shot and killed nutso real name larry pickens was murdered on his porch at 7815 south marquette avenue in june 2008. this represented an early escalation between the muskegon boys and lakeside with the muskegon boys eventually forming that nlmb alliance with no limit but from here things would get much more complicated as i mentioned earlier no limit would be battling two other gang sets in addition to their war with lakeside playing a small part of this is a historical overlap between some members of lakeside and pocket town and to understand this we've got to take a closer look at pocket town another gang set who would battle no limit fiercely for control of the streets of chicago pocket town is yet another gang with its heritage from the black keystones this can be seen in graffiti all over the area depicting the five-point star depicted in early black keystone folklore this area apparently earned the name pocket town due to its triangular shape and is based towards the greater grand crossing area a short drive west of terra town nearby sircon city is another older gang set with loose connections to no limit gangs have been active in pocket town as far back as the 1980s in fact there's one kingpin from the area named nate hill who became one of america's biggest drug traffickers apparently forging close ties with the black keystones before eventually being taken down in a big bust now according to comments on reddit the gangster disciples in pocket town in the 90s were somewhat organized but fractures in the group throughout the 2000s would see individuals branching off forming new alliances and breaking free of the past as new feuds emerged between members from varying sets for example you've got the likes of rio hailing from pocket town but also affiliated with kts one individual who played a role in early feuds related to pocket town goes by the name of lil pez or paris he was murdered just age 16 in grand crossing in march 2008 being found with a gunshot wound to the head on the sidewalk of the 1300 block of east 72nd street around 11 p.m his sister would tell the news that she'd feared her brother had fallen in with local gangs with it being believed that lil perez had formed links with gang members in both lakeside and pocket town with it being believed that his killing marked a significant escalation and tension in the area so by 2008 we have the likes of the muskegon boys and no limit warring with the lakeside gds or kts as well as former peace stones based in pocket town but there's just one more piece to this complicated puzzle because there's yet one more significant group famous for being constantly at war with no limit a set of gangsters based in the north of terror town descending from the original black keystones who go by the name of black mob [Music] in the north of tara town there's a territory controlled by a group called black mob based on 74th to 75th and phillips only a few blocks north of 79th when no limit call home one of the most famous and feared names from black mob is shooter shells much like mad max shooter shells had allegedly played a role in numerous killings as part of this feud apparently cultivating a fearsome reputation in the streets but we'll learn more about him later in the story black mob is a set branching off from the original peace stones descending from jeff thor who claimed terrortown since the early 90s it's said that over the years following the large busts on the original p-stone leadership that descended from jeff 4 black mob in the north would continue on the keystone legacy controlling the drug trade in the area but as renegade keystone sets like no limit formed for a period these newer sets would be expected to pay attacks to the original generation of black stones black mob in the north essentially if these new younger no limit gangsters wanted to sell drugs in terror town they would have to pay the ogs from black mop and as you can probably imagine that is where tension started it said that at some point in the 90s former leader of no limit g bull was killed though there's very little information online about that particular incident but what we do know is that into the naughties a new leadership figure for the no limit troops emerged a man known as hellrail aka g-rel or rugotti not to be confused with another hellrail from lakeside who we'll discuss later in this story up until this point black mob and no limit had been historically friendly but soon a turf war would break out between these two factions a no limit member by the name of veto had allegedly been selling drugs in black mob turf he was ultimately attacked for not paying tax or showing respect to the elder keystones controlling that area retaliation from no limit would soon follow and story has it that veto would attempt to shoot up an enemy from black mob unsuccessfully attempting to kill them with their family present and this reckless act of disrespect would apparently spark the bitter war between black mob and no limit eventually on the 27th of april 2009 a veto real name divas johnson would be murdered in the street in teretap after apparently being confronted on the street about the disrespect vito was allegedly shot five times in front of a large crowd police were called to the scene of the shooting around 1 20 in the morning attending the 7800 block of south essex where they found veto with gunshot wounds in his chest just a few blocks from his home and he would sadly be pronounced dead by 2 18 am veto's killer went by the name of buu from black mob real name trinity walton he was charged with the killing of vito ultimately getting 60 years in prison the loss of vito hit no limit member's heart and surviving members would regularly bring him up in conversation and in songs g herbo would rap on his computer's freestyle that he drops the five for veto a reference to doing a downward five finger hand sign as a mark of disrespect to the five point star that represents the early black keystone movement which black mob descended from dropping the fives is essentially a keystone killer hand sign showing respect for their fallen brother veto would echo through everything the no limit members did and said for years to come even many years later when lil bibby signed juice world he became so indoctrinated into the gang's way of talking he'd regularly be seen on camera swearing on veto's life in regular conversation the killing of veto caused no limit members to identify as bmk or black mob killers and considering the separate beef going on with the gangster disciples from lakeside many no limit members would also identify with the gdk or gd killer movement in addition to dropping the five many would be seen in pictures and doing the upside down pitchfork hand sign commonly associated with the gdk movement and once again upon signing to lil bibby you might catch pop singer juice world throwing up gdk in numerous pictures too and since this meant that no limit members were beating both black peace stones and gangster disciples at the same time many from no limit would identify as ebk or everybody killers sadly however the murder of veto was just the beginning of a long and bloody war between these groups and in the decade plus that would follow countless men from every corner and pocket of terror town would lose their lives to gun violence and while not every killing in this story would be associated with these specific feuds the sad truth is the young members growing up in terror town will be forced to witness death and destruction throughout their most formative years no doubt having an incredibly detrimental effect on their mindsets and prospects for the future the next tragedy would strike on july the 2nd 2009 when senior nlmb member james robinson aka jmo or prince chico would be shot and killed around 10 p.m near the 79th street of yates avenue he was found by police on the street with a bullet in his head prince chico would be another of the names that would be sorely missed by the young members of no limit just like vito g herbo would go on to memorialize chico in several of his songs like the track eastside story where he would reminisce growing up around vito helrel and chico in the neighbourhood fortunately herbo was one of the examples of a terrortown native who was able to take what he witnessed in the streets and turn it into art sadly many others wouldn't be so lucky and to make matters worse it wouldn't only be the ops that young men in terrortown would have to fear as many of the young teenagers in the area forced to carry weapons to defend themselves from potential rivals hell-bent on shooting at them and taking their lives as a result would unfortunately also face the prospect of the police shooting at them too [Music] in april 2010 zale a beloved member of the muskegon boys will become the latest young man in terror town to lose their life to gun violence but in this case instead of being shot by the ops zale would lose his life after a dramatic shootout with chicago police he was allegedly stopped by the cops at 10 30 p.m jumping out of the car and apparently opening fire the police would return fire striking zale real name isaiah jackson eventually taking him into custody and taking his weapon but sadly his injuries would be too much and he'd be pronounced dead at 1 45 am after this incident some from no limit would say that they were cpdk a trend that surely would worry the police at the time but sadly the lust of zale would be followed by the murder of another beloved member from the muskegon boys as on april 12 2010 19 year old fazon robinson known as g faiso to his friends was participating in a dice game at the 2900 block of east 79th street at some point apparently things went left with gunshots being heard and the police responding to reports of a shooting once they arrived on the scene they would find faiso shot in the back taking him to south shore hospital where he would sadly be pronounced dead fazer would be sorely missed by his friends in the no limit muskegon boys with the likes of g herbo going on to shout out faiso countless times in his songs he would also name his popular 2014 debut mixtape welcome to phaso land as well as popularizing a trend of referring to white nike air forces as g phasos in his honor this is something that future pop sensation juice world would do in some of his songs with this apparently coming from the fact that fazo himself was a huge fan of the popular nike sneaker silhouette no arrests were made following g phaso's killing but many believe that the killing was the result of the ongoing beef with lakeside following his passing images of g phaso would circulate with the caption lakeside killer suggesting that perhaps before his death he had indeed played a role in violence against lakeside possibly attracting retaliation however others that are closer to faizo would suggest that his death at the dice game was nothing to do with the ongoing feud but regardless of who was responsible it's believed that faison was a top member of the muskegon boys leading to their enemies in lakeside taking advantage of this loss and beginning to target fazo's friends and family exactly a year after fazo's death a memorial barbecue in celebration of his life was held at 79th and escanaba avenue here fazo's family and friends would be gathered on the block when a car pulled up slowing down rolling down the window and someone inside opening fire full-grown men and a ten-year-old boy would be hit but fortunately no deaths were recorded sadly this was just another example of how ruthless the shooters in this story were willing to get and from here naturally things would continue to escalate and blood would continue to spill between these two warring groups [Music] a violence between the no limit muskegon boys and their enemies continued in terrortown throughout 2011. on june the 3rd boss blizz real name randall cummings an older figure in the no limit community and allegedly the father of faro from no limit who would have only been seven years old at the time would be shot multiple times being found lying dead at 6801 south crandon avenue witnesses say that after an argument a silver car fled the scene with this happening just down the road from a police station with the police themselves even hearing the gunshots now popular chicago drill documentary channel chicago scene 88 has suggested that the alleged shooter in this crime was kts rio from pocket town and if chicago scene 88's research is to be believed no limit would hold a near decade-long grudge against rio for this incident but sadly only days after that incident another of no limits enemies would end up losing their life hakeem graham a 20 year old with suspected ties to black mob was shot multiple times and killed on june 6 2011 and then another suspected affiliate of black mob was gunned down on november the 1st 2011 at 7 45 in the morning at the bus stop at the 2400 block of east 75th street 18 year old rayvon martin was shot in the back of the head execution style as a bus approached 2011 was a bloody year in terrortown but things would only escalate further in 2012 when one of the most bloody incidents in this story took place on the streets of chicago on february the 19th 2012 just before 7pm lakeside members had driven through no limit territory looking for their ops at this point they apparently spotted a large group of no limit members standing outside of a liquor store on the 2500 block of east 79th street at the intersection with essex avenue a shooter in a beige vehicle allegedly leaned out the car opening fire at the group with an automatic weapon with an extended clip five people were injured in the shooting but survived including a 14 year old but two people would sadly lose their lives at the scene a 53 year old by the name of gregory glinsey also known as alamo and a 19 year old by the name of jamal harris also known as rock despite causing numerous injuries the kts shooters from lakeside didn't break the spirits of the no limit soldiers going forward they would openly honour their fallen friend rock beginning to refer to their territory in terror town as rock block rock is actually the reason that you'll hear the likes of g herbo and others frequently referring to where they're from as rock block and herbo himself would go on to honor rock in many songs kts von heavily rumored to have been involved with the shooting would mock rock's death on instagram posting an image of rock's headstone with a gun and power emoji others affiliated with kts would later take to social media to mock no limits losses and bait them to retaliate but sadly the violence was still just escalating from here six months later on august 23 2012 another mass shooting targeting no limit members would leave another eight people injured with this incident taking place on the 7800 block of south essex avenue only a block away from the previous mass shooting that claimed the lives of rock and alamo according to police two people opened fire from a moving car around 9 15 pm eight people would be shot in this drive-by with the news reporting victims from ages 14 to 28 a 28 year old man was shot in the knee a 16 year old boy shot in the foot another 16 year old boy shot in the leg a 20 year old man shot in the leg a 14 year old shot in the arm a 15 year old shot in the neck and a 19 year old woman shot in the arm the day after this shooting cairo from no limit would tweet telling the world that he was in pain g herbo was also one of the individuals targeted in these incidents with herb later opening up in interviews about being in the shooting that hit eight people including his 13 year old cousin it was kind of big it was like eight of us got shot me my younger cousin my cousin was like 13. apparently at one point herbo himself was shot in the foot and apparently at one point a bullet passed through his hat narrowly missing his head i got hit uh actually in the foot like it was mine the bullet went like through my head like i had my head on like on some swiss beats type [ __ ] a lot of leg shots and stuff like that after the shooting g herbo angie farrow would go back and forth on twitter arguing over who had the worst lower body injury from the shootout with farrow himself claiming to have taken multiple bullets to the leg meanwhile ramo from no limit would tweak telling his comrades from rock block to get well soon this enormous wave of shootings shocked the chicago community with the chicago sun times posting a provocative cover story with an enormous headline reading terrortown and a picture from the scene of the shooting of a body lying in the street others reporting on the incident referred to a war between two factions of the black keystones perhaps a reference to no limit and black mob and to make the story even more crazy after that second shooting according to police a dozen squad cars were sent to a nearby motel where a car riddled with bullets and covered in blood was spotted after the shooting an apparent trail of blood leading from the car into one of the rooms would end with a dramatic swat team raid that unfortunately for the police led to nobody being found and the cops ultimately being unable to determine whether the blood belonged to a shooter or a victim that had fled the scene as a result in an effort to disrespect and no limit going forward kts vonn would begin referring to them as no limbs and naturally in retaliation to both shootings and the ongoing disrespect from the ops no limit members would hit the streets looking for revenge in the days following the incidents g herbo had tweeted about following the shooter then going on to tweet that he had just got off the phone with his own shooter telling them that he needs to see something on the news and then two days later on august 27th herbo would tweet saying that three people got shot on the five referring to black mob territory where herbo's auntie lived as well as firing off another tweet saying that his hitters are still in the field for him g herbo clearly went through a lot during this time and his life in the dangerous streets of terrortown as a member of no limit meant that he could be the target of an assassination at any moment most of the no limit members couldn't really say that they were safe in the streets of chicago but that very same month of the second shooting a couple of young men from no limit made the decision to try something different making some music about the lifestyle that they were experiencing at the time with no idea just how big their music would eventually become eventually attracting millions of fans and a potential group out of the dangerous blocks of terrortown [Music] g-herbo had started out rapping just recording little 60-second songs on his flip phone and this was something he had apparently been encouraged to do by his fellow no limit homie lil bibby lil bibby and g herbo met in a youth group that they were forced to attend in order to keep out of trouble and after sparking up a shared love of music bibi would later take g herbo to his studio on 79th and luella to record professional standard music with this experience ultimately leading them to make many songs together lil herb as he was known then and little bibby would have their first chicago drill hit on august 5th 2012 when they uploaded their song kill [ __ ] to youtube that song today has over 50 million views on youtube and over 20 million streams on spotify kill [ __ ] was a breakthrough moment for no limit in the rap game and herbo and bibi would be putting their whole crew on the map they had lyrics referencing the grimy life that they had lived in terrortown the track had herbo rapping about how he knows people ready to do homicides he raps that the gang no limit are 30 years running and 30 years gunning he shout out 150 another name for the rock block which would become a frequent quotable in herbo's music bibi would show love to rock on the track and vowing to shoot at his ops claiming his affiliation to no limit in numerous lyrics and dropping bars where he claims that he will shoot their ops off of their porches bibi even goes as far as to say r.i.p the police and saying that his team are cop killers perhaps an earlier reference to no limit members claiming to be cpdk after the death of zale these violent and grimy rap verses combined with a banging 2012 era chicago drill beat cemented kill [ __ ] as a hit one of the founding tracks of the chicago drill movement which up until that point in 2012 had been dominated by black disciple rappers like chief keith the success of kill [ __ ] would bring a taste of legitimate passive income to the young members of the no limit crew with the rap game emerging as one of the first opportunities to break the cycle and see some success outside of the dangerous streets of terror town some would be able to get out that way but others might not be able to take the same route and so in spite of positive signs in music the remainder of 2012 would be incredibly rough for the no limit muskegon boys as they would continue to be targeted by rivals with one particular exchange of violence being captured on video and being immortalized forever as one of the most haunting moments in chicago drill history [Applause] g herbo and lil bibby weren't the only teratown natives to have a crack at making music because over on lakeside kts members had been making their own songs too releasing early tracks to youtube in october 2012 mainly rapping over atlanta style trap beats kts vonn will release songs like smoke which featured lyrics disingotti a member from an unrelated rival gang to lakeside whom was allegedly the first person that kts von had killed with his ad-lib and catchphrase don't go gotti appearing frequently in his music and on the clothes of kts members and von would end the song with the terrifying lyric don't be surprised if the cutthroats kill you he had another big song drop in october of 2012 called i'm off that where he wrapped his lakeside bro god that it's a man down in terror town and that people need to move if they don't want to end up like gossip [Music] he's got another line where he says he caught his opps lacking and now they know gotti he also has the track sneak snitching where he ironically kind of sneaks snitches on himself opening the song with an extended intro from the show first 48 explaining how killers are most likely to be found in the first 48 hours of a case with von going on to rap that recently the detectives put him in a homicide suspect lineup because he caught his op slipping and lined them up he goes on to say quite literally that the cops say he pulled up and started shooting seemingly in reference to the two big drive-by shootings committed against no limit in 2012. he says his crew don't leave witnesses and he raps that he leaves his ops on the news and makes them famous but it wasn't just music being uploaded to youtube by kts members they also begun dropping hood vlogs called under lake showing the behind the scenes life on their block and attempting to show maximum disrespect to the ops cody block gotti block my young [ __ ] got a lot of off to say [ __ ] rock we out here man cut those man you hit me from the pocket to the ward to the lake man where y'all here man doing [ __ ] in my toy face got to knock you out like who the heck don't be surprised if them cut those kills [Applause] man [ __ ] [ __ ] man [ __ ] rock but it wasn't just hood vlogs going up on the kts youtube channel because ktsd and von were also known to record themselves going into the ops hoods and pressuring local rivals they would call these videos their no lacking series i assume a play on words against no limit recording several clips showing their followers that they were lurking on the no limit block with their enemies nowhere to be found they would continue to film passing cars pondering whether there were ops inside them that were too scared to jump out let me see what it's saying [Music] [ __ ] in trucks riding fast look at them guys in that right truck they see us oh y'all know what it is boy he coming out here they ask hey they out they was out here somewhere look at this [ __ ] they write [ __ ] like this on the wall that's what they write on their walls they lit ass don't be on [ __ ] boy we be out here it's late night [ __ ] ain't out here it's not five in the morning it's not five in the morning it's not no [ __ ] like that it's ten o'clock see what the [ __ ] is all that and i see some of you [ __ ] just riding passing them cars i don't know if that was you or not a little hurt your ass wasn't one of them cars man choice in the alley well you just wanna get out of that way that is that's up too first thing you do [ __ ] hitting alleys and [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] worried about that [ __ ] i gotta do it stop blowing i i ain't gonna start see i ain't gonna stun if you check the stats [ __ ] we've been [ __ ] [ __ ] up but we ain't gonna talk about that somebody been [ __ ] y'all up down here boy we just two t killing me [ __ ] around and we finished hey matter of fact i got a mixtape coming out folk called 2t killer folk called no love and ain't no [ __ ] got shot in our hood in like two years we're gonna keep it real [ __ ] ain't got shot from the lake in like two years [ __ ] ain't been scared or none of that [ __ ] y'all straight cowards man why y'all blocked so damn dry man we out here scattered though y'all don't y'all get no money y'all take all them fake ass videos and fake ass pictures we definitely out here they ain't a lot of us seated so y'all be like 50 deep then [ __ ] riding past looking ain't nobody popped out check ain't no [ __ ] trying to bust a shot out the car that's our favorite on that bike i don't know if it is lying his ass up though and i'm getting on camera we're going to sell this [ __ ] the world start hip hop cuz them [ __ ] that be getting shot how we hey how are we out of 24 hour spots here we be here all night and don't nobody never shoot this [ __ ] up up and i look like a car full of y'all i swear to god that's some of you vicks i don't know which ones but look we banging at the condo and the continent will come back look at it stop on kingston and never come back it's gonna keep going on colfax on the light now after their first successful foray onto the op block kts members would continue the trend filming themselves lurking for clout once more this time attracting the attention of the local police hey i know this man walking in there once again we're hoping they can pop out so we can light they hold up back they go to police i ain't gonna look at that guys y'all see him the [ __ ] is it though watch tv hop on that way ain't doing [ __ ] we ain't know that man but despite the police presence they would continue lurking showing off the empty streets nearby and claiming this block as their own they would also show the time on a flip phone to prove that they had indeed visited the op block at a reasonable time i was only seeing one person right there walking that way man big bro man real [ __ ] do hey can we up to now my [ __ ] hey 33 out here man [ __ ] scared white [ __ ] in the car [Applause] [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] man damn josh hill that's wonderful i don't want to focus on that kite is too fast throwing up the race oh my god no one knows he's throwing up the race [ __ ] throwing up the race at me what's going what part of the city is this hey what this is this type of term come here man [ __ ] with us this time yes it is right here this is how i said it again this is where we at you're in terror town oh come on [Music] [Applause] gay man baby hey man y'all know what it is man stop putting that [ __ ] up on internet [ __ ] man like y'all out here man real [ __ ] man you gotta shoot it all the way to the gym i terrorize you [ __ ] enough about myself man we got a [ __ ] [ __ ] rock block my little brother got the shot a [ __ ] cluck and y'all put it over facebook y'all ain't even out here what the [ __ ] yeah on this block what [ __ ] gang bang like that [ __ ] [ __ ] like this look at that corner ain't nobody out though on all type of [ __ ] man you hear me youtube instagram yeah get caught lacking you get popped yeah yeah we own that this is the barber shop they throw it over don't get rocked man you feel me i'm back don't get rocked man don't get caught lacking out here i just caught one of you [ __ ] lacking the other day man you're lucky i don't say your man you're lucky we're from the lake marathon to town outside 8 30 who ride past nobody's 8 30 boy it's 8 30 and you [ __ ] not outside man come on man y'all ain't gotta know who the [ __ ] is this you wanna hear somebody but the third installment of the kts no lacking video series documented possibly the most infamous moment in this feud the night would begin with the cutthroats patrolling the block and passing gd chance back and forth there's marquette leaving the motherland for a couple seconds that's all all the gdm's on the night walking this big go down now they go to cut those [ __ ] no lacking part two no lacking part two part three this hello what time is it wait hello get the time oh you tweeted i love my time yeah man 703 703 703 man come on 703 one particular member that's walking with the group to take notice of is poster yeah what you're trying to do yeah we out here cruising you feel me oh dude no you doing it wrong just know you back down [ __ ] you all right i already know you back down [ __ ] out of town as a group they would walk down 79th street until they get to the mcdonald's on 24 25 on east 79th ass [ __ ] [ __ ] up though rock [ __ ] you said they going in mcdonald's and if you listen carefully even as police sirens blare in the background posto seems to know that there are ops inside the mcdonald's telling those around him to get them outside so that he can pop them or blast them and so after recording themselves walking through the front door of the mcdonald's inside they find numerous members of nlmb catching them completely off guard the kts crew then begin to pressure the no limit members with kts dre grabbing a 17 year old cairo pinning him to a wall and telling him to say [ __ ] rock his friend who recently passed away cairo would refuse to say this and dre would punch him in the face at a certain point a mcdonald's security guard working probably one of the worst jobs in chicago attempts to usher everybody out at which point another nlmb member named moody comes out the bathroom with something apparently tucked into his hoodie once the kts crew leave mcdonald's they would walk into the streets in a celebratory mood with other members waiting outside seemingly pushing for further confrontation no shut up shut the [ __ ] up man start running well [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this drop this [ __ ] ass as kts dre walks away from mcdonald's with the camera in hand a few individuals off-screen are heard further back closer to the no limit members who were emerging from the mcdonald's and as von continues to film himself walking away people heard off-screen mentioning a gun and are still smiling kts vonn picks up the pace and begins to jog away from the scene with gunshots eventually being heard in the distance coming after him come on slow down get back to the hood story has it those no limit members that were being pressured in mcdonald's ran and got their hands on the nearest gun with posto from lakeside apparently being shot in the arm during this off-camera confrontation following this incident kts von would post the video to social media with cairo himself tweeting just how surprised he was that they still put that video up considering how everything played out in the end this incident boasts the actual physical altercation and the disrespect of posting it online made kts von the top target for no limit members going forward with this very confrontation essentially sparking a years-long personal feud between the no limit and kts members who were there that night and clearly this was reciprocated with the likes of kts von appearing regularly on social media still lurking outside that very mcdonald's looking for further confrontation oh hell man impostor game man i'll be covering the bloody back and forth that came as the result of this incident later in the story but one thing is certain for better or for worse this was a watershed moment in chicago drill history as is the case for other shocking moments caught on video like the confrontations that were recorded in the lead-up to little jojo being killed this moment will go down in history as one of the inciting incidents for a long and bloody war that would take place in the years that followed between these two groups of young men who ultimately due to petty squabbles would escalate things to the point where multiple people on both sides would lose their lives before they were even old enough to realize just how precious life really is and the sad fact is following the mcdonald's incident an inevitable wave of violent attacks would play out all across terrortown [Music] in the months that followed kts members confronting younger no limit members of mcdonald's violent incidents would play out all across territory on the 29th of october 2012 the uncle of mad max from no limit big loss real name carlos alexander was walking outside of his home at 10 30 a.m when two unknown men approached him opening fire and fleeing on foot he would sadly pass away with tributes being left close to the scene of the killing mad max would go on to pay tribute to his fallen uncle on instagram with kts vonn rumored to have been involved in the killing along with another individual from lakeside by the name of bud naturally mad max would be lurking in the streets looking for revenge for this incident and it would only take a couple of weeks for that revenge to take place as on the 10th of november 2012 bud real name anthony bagsby was out walking on the 2600 block of east 79th street at about 12 55 pm this is no limit territory and close to the mcdonald's that was featured in the no lacking part 3 video the news reported that three to four men approached bud on the street shooting him several times and leaving him for dead mad max himself was reportedly a shooter on this hit which appeared to be direct vengeance for the hit on his uncle bud would later die in hospital with the news reporting that the deceased man was known to police to have a lengthy criminal record and gang affiliations with local friends and family leaving behind a memorial at the scene of his murder with some speaking to the news and sharing personal stories from their life with butt following the death of his alleged fellow shooter kts von would get active on social media the day after the news broke tweeting disrespect to faizo los and rock and in response to tweets saying r.i.p bud no limit members would reply mockingbird and saying that von is next with no limit ramo making a tweet suggesting a no-limit member by the name of crate head was involved in the killing of bud suggesting that before killing bud he had made him say that he was a lakeside killer the following april 1st no limit cairo would tweet in april fools saying that bud is still alive hanging out in front of the store an apparent reference to him being homeless before he passed but the kts members weren't discouraged by the violence just a day after bud's murder kts von drops a song called no love along with a music video uploaded to his youtube in the track he raps that he has younger's killing for him before they're even 16 years old as well as lines saying once again that he kills people or turns them gotti when he goes on hits clearly kts von wasn't worried about catching the attention of his ops as he even tweeted publicly that he would be attending budd's funeral on november 16 2012 a bold move considering just how many funeral services get shot up around these parts he would also post a tribute video with kts dre speaking on bud's death to their youtube showing the world that they're still on their blocks selling drugs and making money and suggesting that they still have young boys ready to kill y'all know what it is [Music] whatever [Music] moving into 2013 the war between no limit and their many ops would continue but fortunately away from the streets the young rappers in terror town were also making big steps towards getting their music careers going on march the 14th 2013 lil bibby drops a big street hit called how we move featuring king louis a track that had lyrics painting a picture of life in terrortown where bibi raps about letting his max spark on odds and turning them into track runners for dissing no limit but perhaps bibi didn't even realize at the time the huge opportunity that he was creating for himself by turning his experiences in the street into art the top comment on that video today is somebody praising lil bibby for taking the opportunity to earn money in the rap game get out the hood and invest in real estate and as time went by the rappers seeing success from terrortown would realize the opportunity that they had created taking steps to get away from the cycle of violence that had trapped them but until their careers had truly flourished sadly the violence would continue to play out on the streets of terrortown the next person to lose their life in the war would be another lakeside affiliate by the name of deangelo simmons aka lolo on the 5th of april 2013 at about 6 p.m lolo and another lakeside member named macmain were walking down the 8 000 block of south manistee avenue when they allegedly bumped into mad max and another no limit member with the news reporting a gunman walking up and opening fire on lolo leaving him pronounced dead on the scene just an hour later it's been claimed that mad max is the one who fired the fatal shot into lolo's chest while the other no limit member had allegedly shot an 18 year old lakeside member in the foot with the news capturing that individual being taken away from the scene alive in an ambulance lakeside would later refer to their hood as lolo world in honor of their dead friend and in the days following the hit g faro would tweet about his alps not shooting and lil chris aka mad max doing hits no limit cairo would make numerous tweets disrespecting lolo and bud this was apparently mad max's third body in a short period of time he was seemingly killing well-loved members from lakeside one after the other and developing a fearsome reputation amongst his ops as a result von and posto were desperate for revenge sliding on rival turth with itchy trigger fingers looking to kill anybody they found eventually killing a rival not from no limit but from nearby sircon city an older set with a loose connection to no limit fero was a circon city member who had allegedly had previous beef with pocket town notably dissing a deceased pocket town member by the name of ronnie moe real named ronnie arthur's ronnie had died in a grizzly car crash whilst trying to escape a burglary in january 2013 and he was apparently beloved by kts members too so on the 25th of may 2013 many kts members including von were out looking for rivals passing through circon city territory near pocket town allegedly the first person they saw was pharaoh taking out the trash as his elderly father was too frail to do it von allegedly jumped out of the car shooting pharaoh in the head eight times a brutal attack said to have left him near unrecognizable and to make matters even more grisly pharaoh would be found by police under a street lamp under a blood-soaked sheet that had apparently been placed over him pharaoh would be pronounced dead at 9 30 p.m in the 7300 block of south dorchester avenue pharaoh's family and the local community were devastated by this loss but a while after the murder kts von begun mocking pharaoh on twitter saying that he got killed in the alley with the trash he mocked him for getting shot in the face frequently calling him face fried pharaoh and subsequently even got in a public argument with pharaoh's girlfriend who said that they were going to make sure that kts von didn't get a funeral clearly kts von and others from lakeside were itching to kill anyone even remotely associated with their ops and sadly from here things would only get worse as going into the summer of 2013 we would see back-to-back violence between no limit in their rivals with things escalating even further with every week that went by [Music] the summer of 2013 in terra town was as violent as they get simo from no limit is allegedly playing an active role in the gang hunting for ops all summer but on june the 26th 2013 he'd be allegedly thrown out of a store on the 7500 block of south yates boulevard where story goes he was spotted by a group of black marble members which included shooter shells they would run up shooting semo repeatedly with the area quickly becoming a crime scene as paramedics would rush to save simo's life but it was too late and sadly simo real named cortez bailey would be pronounced dead in hospital according to his sister simo had even been targeted in a shooting the very night before his murder but following the news breaking of simo's death no limit affiliates would mourn the loss on twitter cairo posted our ips and in the years that followed he would continue to pay tribute to his fallen friend publicly as did ramo and of course g herbo who would rap about semo in numerous songs like his computer's freestyle where he said that he would let off 16 gunshots for cmo but the no limit members would barely have time to mourn the loss of semo before tragedy would strike once again as only one day later the news would break of yet another no limit death because the same day that semo was killed tracy gibson jr would be riding in a car with friends around the 7500 block of south merrill avenue at about 1 30 p.m the car passed a group of around six to eight people standing on a sidewalk who recognized the group in the car and begun to open fire with tracy himself being shot in the head in the vehicle with him being pronounced dead in hospital only the day after the news of simo's passing the news would report on tracy's death pointing out that he had been murdered just a week after his high school graduation gehrbo even would rap about being with tracy the same night he was killed on the song riding with her no limit members would go on to mourn the loss of their friend tracy on twitter but despite the continued disrespect from their rivals no limits opposition would soon take losses of their own a few days later on the 30th of june jordan jefferson a 24 year old with alleged ties to black mob was at the greater metropolitan church of christ where he apparently helped the pastor carry supplies into the church attending the service and then leaving the church to walk to a nearby corner store whilst he was standing outside the store on the 2400 block of east 75th street and south shore he's allegedly spotted by a crew of no limit members which included mad max and others that group would run up and shoot him in the head leaving him dead at the scene with jordan's body being photographed by reporters whilst he was left on the street covered in a sheet whilst investigators secured the scene following the murder black mob members would refer to this territory as jordan world but meanwhile only a week after the murder no limit ramo would tweet about it seemingly pointing to mad max aka lil chris or killer chris as the shooter in recent fatal shootings so wild mad max was building up his reputation of killer chris the fearless shooter from no limit with countless bodies story has it over in black mob shooter shells would cultivate a similar reputation apparently driving around the no limit strip looking to avenge jordan with other black mob members and it was on one of these trips that they would apparently eventually spot a beloved no limit affiliate by the name of pistol p on july the 3rd 2013 around 6 50 pm on the 2400 block of east 79th street a male gunman would hop out of the green car shooting pistol p in the back as he ran pistol p real name rayford brown collapsed on the 7900 block of south phillips avenue and would sadly later die in northwestern university medical center this was supposedly yet another personal vendetta as pistol p had allegedly been responsible for the killing of hakeem from blackmob back in 2011. no limit members would mourn the loss of their beloved friend with ramo tweeting that the ops had taken his shooter away vowing to get revenge and promising in a tweet that he would send those responsible to meet pistol p as well as boldly telling the world around a week later that he was getting up to attend pistol p's funeral g herbo would even go on to name his musical project the pistol p project in his honor the following year and naturally the numerous losses on the no limit side empowered kts members to take to the streets once again with another installment of the no lacking series being released with members telling their opts don't get c mode [ __ ] solo don't go rock that's all no go rock [Music] they would also continue to mop through the streets with it at least seeming as if people were running away from them lagging on that east side [Music] [Music] [Applause] but sadly the violence would continue on the streets of tara town through to the end of july once again shooter shells and other black mob affiliates are sliding in terror town looking for their no limit rivals on july the 29th 2013 the black mob shooters would allegedly pull up on 79th and oglesby avenue just outside of no limit territory here they would spot richie rich from no limit real name richard pierce with a shooter hitting him in the head and the neck with richard unfortunately later being pronounced dead the loss of richie was mourned by mad max on instagram as well as by cairo and at this point there was really no sign of the bloodshed stopping any time soon but the next loss the no limit crew would suffer would come as one of the most devastating because just over a week later beloved nlmb member kobe would lose his life to the streets too another heartbreaking loss that would once again echo through the music of g herbo for years to come [Music] the summer of 2013 was one of the most violent summers in the history of chicago's terror town after the deaths of semo tracy jordan pistol p and richie it's hard to believe that the members on either side would get away with yet more violence but sadly in august 2013 one of the most beloved members of the nlmb would lose their life on august 10 2013 21 year old jacoby herron also known as kobe would be out enjoying a dice game with other members of no limit like g herbo cairo and more when things that the dice game died down the members dispersed and headed home story has it that kobe refused to ride instead deciding to walk home through the streets of terra town and unfortunately once again outside that very mcdonald's in terra town where no limit members had been confronted by kts members kobe would be caught once again by the opposition with a car pulling up and one individual opening fire with it even being rumored that another individual got out of the car standing over kobe and brutally shooting him in the head whilst he was on the ground kobe was found dead outside that mcdonald's restaurant on the 2400 block of east 79th street at 402 am and it said that when the shooting went down herbo and cairo heard the shots rushing with guns towards the mcdonald's but when they got there the shooters fled kobe was pronounced dead at the scene and his body was left on the streets covered by a sheet whilst investigators secured the scene whilst officers bagged up evidence eventually removing kobe and hosing away a pool of blood left where he passed kobe was a beloved member of nlmb and his death would hit the community heart following word of the incident spreading through the city kobe's murder would be covered extensively by the local media the more recent one was on 79th street just east of yates he was a 21 year old man shot a number of times he was dead when police arrived and you know he was out there this morning for a little bit while investigators taped off a scene and tried to talk to people not clear exactly what happened in that a couple people out there said that they heard the gunshots i mean there was a lot of them when they found casings up and down the block but uh right now there's nobody in custody for any of these any shootings overnight kobe's family and friends would of course be heartbroken at the tragic loss with g herbo later naming his project blick or ballen like i'm kobe in his memory even putting kobe's headstone on the cover of the project and during the press run for this project g herbo would speak with sway on being there the night that kobe was killed my homie got killed and we was together like it was we was outside like four in the morning just on the block chilling shooting dice all type of stuff that's my homie jacoby who i lost a couple blocks over just walked off and we heard shots going off like a lot of shots kobe just walked off we hear all them shots when we get to the scene i see my homie out there dead you know i'm saying lay it out herbo and his friends would even visit kobe's gravesite in clips that still circulate on social media other no limit members would mourn the loss of kobe on social media meanwhile the ops would be celebrating and since the incident took place there's been a lot of debate as to whether black mob or lakeside were responsible with some even believing that it was members from both gangs arranging this attack on no limit but for the record many years later a freedom of information request on the police files around kobe's case revealed that shooter shells from black mob was named as an official suspect in the murder conversely many believe that kts von and posto were responsible for the killing particularly because soon after the murder kts von released the song called kobe all about kobe's death a song that featured a very disrespectful cover art that featured a picture of kobe with a cross over him and in that song kts von repeats over and over again that he's smoking kobe as well as dissing fazo rock as well as dissing g herbo directly saying that he will smoke lil herb and von would of course later be seen on social media saying numerous times that he's smoking on kobe kobe hit the the oath i'll be smoking no no limit bros while the public might never definitively know who was responsible for the killing of kobe members from no limit like cairo have vowed to get revenge with von continuing to take to twitter replying to no limit members mocking kobe after this incident posto would later tweet that he kills no limit members with some believing this may very well be an admission of having played a role in the killing of kobe and others from here no limit members would go back and forth with trolls on twitter who mocked their dead friends and kts members would continue to escalate their disrespect for the ops eventually going as far as to have custom merch made naming all of their murdered ops in a long list with kobe's name at the top and kts von would continue to lurk in comment sections on his ops pages ready to disc kobe at the first opportunity as well as making his own post mocking kobe for not getting a ride the day he was killed naturally the war between these two groups was reaching fever pitch and retaliation wouldn't be far behind in fact g herbo would later rap on the 2021 track pray for my enemies that him and his crew made the trenches bleed and that they crushed their ops after kobe died and the sad truth is in the many years that followed the trenches would indeed bleed heavily with young men on all sides of this war taking heavy losses with only a few of the struggling soldiers finding a way out of the deadly cycle that continued to play out on the streets of terrortown after the death of their beloved friend kobe members of no limit were reportedly lurking around terrortown looking to kill a rival in revenge and sadly someone would lose their life only three days later on august 13 2013 34 year old eric chisholm was with another man in a parking lot outside of his home on the 7400 block of south kofax avenue around 9 40 am a light-colored suv passed by and a gunman began shooting from the passenger seat eric was hit and sadly pronounced dead at a nearby hospital at 10 20 am with police describing the scene as littered with shell casings since this happened many have suspected mad max from no limit as having played a role in the shooting and following the killing mad max and other no limit members would be lurking in the comments to remind their ops that they avenged kobe with rapid speed and as the year went on other members from no limit like g faro would tweet shouting out someone on his team for dropping bodies like mad max with this perhaps being early origins for the nickname that would eventually become infamous despite reports that eric had not been affiliated with gangs this incident had been seen as revenge against black mob by no limit however they wouldn't stop there because there were key members from rival gang lakeside which no limit and their numerous members had a personal vendetta against other than kts von andrei themselves the most wanted target for no limit around this time would have been posto no limit would desperate to get back at posto for what some believed was the role that he had played in the killing of kobe as well as for his role in the no lacking three mcdonald's incident after all posto was known for regularly mocking his ops and g herbo on social media posto would be hard to catch however because he would end up being arrested on october the 5th in a scene caught on video posto would be released on the 18th of november 2013 and it would only take five days from his release for his opposition to catch him on november the 23rd 2013 around 1105 pm 18 year old posto real name taishan anderson would be shot in the head in a first floor hallway in the 2700 block of east 80th street someone in the building called the police after hearing three to four gunshots finding posto laid out on the floor bleeding from a gunshot wound after being taken to northwestern hospital posto would unfortunately be pronounced deceased at 11 50 pm cops would label the killing as gang-related and in the years that followed rumors circulated of a two-man masked hit squad from no limit which included mad max as being responsible others have pointed the finger at crazy james from no limit with his lyrics on the song it's real including lyrics where he says tell posto pick his face up this is no fairy tale i drill headshots i killed people as a result of the hatred that no limit members had towards posto following his death members would mercilessly mock poster on twitter and instagram and in songs with g herbo actually making numerous tracks where he says he smugs posto and in a semi-successful effort to turn posto into the tuca of the east side several other rappers have been heard saying that they smoked poster on songs too with one of those people once again being pop sensation juice world who would rap that he was smoking on posto numerous times smoking on katy peck impostor and mister the most g herbo even claimed at one point to be starting a legitimate cannabis company named postokanna after his favorite murdered op i'm sure the authorities were rubbing their hands together like birdman at that one but sadly when it comes to posto the disrespect that no limit have shown this to c-stop reaches a shocking new low in chicago drill history because in a since deleted video which has been thoroughly scrubbed from the internet we seemingly see g herbo and lil bibby with other no limit members at what they claim is posto's gravesite where they claim somebody urinated and defecated on his headstone for the record this clip has been thoroughly scrubbed from youtube in the years that followed but it still circulates on some website but it's probably for the best i don't put that on youtube naturally lakeside and kts would be devastated at the loss of posto and the ongoing disrespect and kts von would be seen on social media spinning the block eager to avenge posto even returning to that very cursed mcdonald's that has been so central to this beef oh hell man apostol game man we were about to say oh what now [ __ ] something about don't want no mcdonald's [Music] in early 2014 no limit members would allegedly catch kts von and shooting him in the chest but he would get away and survive with von apparently spending weeks in hospital later posting a picture of his weight loss on instagram saying that bullet made him skinnier meanwhile in 2014 mad max from no limit is allegedly arrested several times for numerous minor infractions that would end up taking him off the street for a prolonged period this would mean that for a period of time two of the most feared people in this ongoing war would be off the streets of terrortown this would lead to a short period of calm and thankfully 2014 was also a notable period for the music coming out of terrortown and taking over the chicago drill scene after meeting at a youth center and bonding over their shared love of the rap game g-herbo and lil bibby had risen to prominence off the back of their street anthem kill [ __ ] the landmark chicago drill track that put the no limit rappers from tara town firmly on the map and up there with the greats of chicago drill like chief keef and lil reese and while tragedy continued to strike in the streets herbo would continue to put his pain into music using his art to memorialize his fallen friends his fallen friend g faiso was immortalized forever in the title of his first mixtape 2013's road to fazo land and his first full-length debut project welcome to fazo land which dropped on february the 17th 2014. also in 2014 g-herbo would get his first taste of success in the mainstream music industry when he was featured on nicki minaj's underground hit shy rack a tribute song to the violent underworld of chicago nicki minaj seems to really get into it and on the track she even claims to be ebk or everybody killer meanwhile herbo's verse on the song was full of grimy references to life in terrortown his iconic hook on the song saw him rapping that he knows a couple guys down for a homicide and elsewhere on the song shouting out rock block off the back of this song nicki minaj would give g herbo an enormous opportunity to perform at summerjam his first chance getting up in front of thousands of fans on stage herbo would go on to say that it was this period that changed his life but all of the added attention of being a popping rapper in the rap game wasn't without its headaches around this time g herbo would be forced to deny that nlmb was a gang with him doing mainstream interviews with rap publications like double xl where he would sidestep any affiliations with chicago's criminal underworld telling the magazine that terrortown was a war zone growing up but the nlmb had stood for never leave my brothers and it would make sense that jihobo would want to distance himself from the gangs in chicago a mass shooting in a terror town laundromat on june the 3rd 2014 put the warring black keystones in the media spotlight once again a gunman had allegedly walked up to a strip mall and fired into the crowd wounding six people including 14 and 16 year old boys with a 41 42 and 52 year old being shot in the arms and legs and a 27 year old woman also being shot in the leg hell this shooting was so bad a woman even injured her toe just trying to run away the police at the time explained that they knew that this was a war between factions of the gangster disciples and the black keystones describing this rivalry as one of the most violent in the city now there wasn't any evidence linking these incidents to g herbo or no limit but it's natural that his affiliations would come back to haunt him as he made a name for himself in the legitimate music industry in fact it seemed as if lil bibby had also realized that in order to make a legitimate name in the music industry one's old gang affiliations might just become a liability and following the success of kill [ __ ] lil bibby's rap career flourished too story goes is that when bibi was still in the streets he was much more concerned with making money than killing ops and this mentality seemed to translate into his music as well his three installment mixtape series free crack alluded to themes of drug dealing and hustling that has been one of the most famous tropes of popular rappers in rap history and lil bibby had an exceptional run in the rap game and off the back of that he eventually realized that there was much more money to be made in the boardroom than in the booth with bibi eventually setting his sights on bringing through the next generation of successful musicians from his city with bibi famously discovering chicago rapper singer juice world and signing him to his label in 2017 but that would be a few years away at this point but still it's believed that around this time lil bibby was already distancing himself of the street ties from his past and apparently this even ruffled a few feathers because in june 2014 g herbo would drop his song just bars which features a lyric where herb says that he will never leave his brothers but someone else got on and forgot their homies with cairo from no limit revealing many years later that herbo was sneak dissing bibi with this lyric saying that herbo was mad that bibi left the gang behind after getting his record deal baby guys saying first oh he got in his feelings about some [ __ ] he branched off from the gas so now it's just her left you know baby i already said he ain't he's separating himself he on some commercial [ __ ] already he made the song just bars sneak this baby apparently around this time unlike bibi g-herbo would remain in terror town and the majority of the nlmb members felt that he was representing them in his music and over the course of the rest of 2014 herbo and other no limit affiliates would drop songs referencing goings-on in the streets on july 6 2014 ebk juvie drops pistol gang a track dedicated to fallen member pistol p with lyrics also referencing bud and lolo as well as shouting out bibi and herbo's mixtape titles and even having a lyric where he says that mad max will come and kill people and saying that they will do your mans like they did jordan then on august 2014 g-herbo drops a remix to bobby schmoyer's hot boy in the music video herbo is seen on the block surrounded by no limit goons and on the track he says a lot of incriminating things like that he used to pop people before rap saying g mainski taught him to use others to do hits for him and he says check the news somebody went to sleep for kobe and in what might be yet another sneak disc towards lil bibby herbo claimed not to care about record deals he would shout out vo and pistol p and as the year went on herbo would continue to honour his fallen friends in his projects of course there was the pistol p project in december 2014 and of course the ball in like i'm kobe mixtape dedicated to kobe in the years where lil bibby tried to step away from the streets and towards the music industry to become a legitimate entrepreneur g herbo seemed to take the opposite approach proudly displaying his gang affiliations in his songs and music videos with very little care to presenting a commercial and polished image to the music industry and in a way this worked for him because while little bibby was burrowing behind the scenes of the rap game trying to make a bag without it all being about him and his music jihobo was becoming the face of terrortown carving a place out for himself in the chicago drill mount rushmore but the only problem was eventually g-herbo would need to stay away from the streets and soften up his image if not for the money then for survival but the sad truth is that the killers and shooters who stood by little herb while lil bibby supposedly left his brothers behind would wind up being extra hurt when g-herbo ended up doing the same and naturally in the years that went by more and more bloodshed in terror town meant that those brothers who did get left behind would only take things more and more personally despite the likes of g herbo and lil bibby getting opportunities to make money and build careers in the music industry the danger in terre town the blocks where they came from remained for their friends still in the streets the violence would simply continue as their block and their gang began to get more and more famous from drill music the next person to lose their life in the ongoing conflict between nlmb and black mob would come on the 16th of october 2014. when a black mob affiliate by the name of t-bone real name alexander d smith was walking down the 7 500 block of south kofax avenue accompanied by a 14 year old boy he'd allegedly be caught by rivals from nlmb being shot multiple times and dying at the scene with the young boy accompanying him also being grazed in the hit little is known about what happened after t-bone was killed but shooter shells would later rap about the situation suggesting that he was upset that t-bone was never avenged but as you know no limit have many ops in the city and separate to their war with black mob they were still waging a bitter war with lakeside and the kts crew their most feared shooter kt von was the top trophy for the no limit soldiers von had seemingly taken a bullet to the chest in early 2014 that took him off the streets for a significant amount of time but going into 2015 the war between no limit and kts would heat up once again ironically for once in this beef each side would trade shots at each other back and forth on songs rather than in the streets on march the 10th 2015 bibi and herb dropped kill [ __ ] part 2 aka ain't heard about you which featured lyrics where g herbo invited his ops to pull up on him on essex and 79th as well as saying he smokes posto and naturally seeing as bibi and herb's careers had been taking off with songs dissing dead ops naturally once he'd recovered from his injuries kts von would get back in the booth recording some of the biggest songs of his career on april the 10th 2015 he drops the track street life featuring a music video showing von literally cooking crack on a trap house stove and a chorus where von says if he didn't kill for posto it wouldn't be right he would rap that he got caught lacking when he got shot but that every shooter isn't a killer he also says on the song that he's smoking kobe and in a way this song was a sad but true reflection on the dead end street life that kts vonn had been born into it came with other lyrics warning the listener that falling in the street life will have you doing awful things like killing a friend of 10 years or dying broke unable to fund the ongoing gang war but it would be kts von's next song that would be the most famous of his career and unfortunately his last on april the 29th 2015 kts von releases the music video for the track kill to survive the music video would feature yet more offensive merch listing their ops that they've killed and the song central chorus of kill to survive became the perfect national anthem for kts gang members von would rap about literally living in the purge and claiming to slide through terrortown with lakeside members putting people in the sky while dropping fives and following the track's release he would be seen on social media driving around the ops territory blasting the song at full volume and showing off his pistol kts von was beginning to make a name for himself but so too was g herbo who continued releasing music referencing the war with lakeside on may the 31st 2015 herbo drops back at it part 3 opening his verse with lyrics about smoking posto bud lolo and t-bone as well as scoob who was the brother of black mob member shooter shells who died as part of a different beat while shells was in jail herbo would also acknowledge the mcdonald's incident on this song saying check the video because a few of the people from it like posto are now dead but sadly g herbo's lyrics would end up being much more prophetic than he realized when he recorded them because soon the main protagonist from that no lack in 3 video would also lose his life apparently on june the 22nd kts vonn would exchange threats back and forth with a no limit member by the name of chopper and the day after this exchange on june 23 2015 kts von real named davon davis was standing outside an apartment on the 7500 block of ellis avenue apparently high on pills at the time he was alone and drugged up essentially vulnerable to any of the many ops who would desperately want to pull up and catch him lacking around 205 pm a group of men passing by in an suv allegedly spotted him slowing down and firing shots ktsvon would be shot multiple times including twice in the chest and once in the head in what authorities expected was a drive-by where they wanted to make sure he was dead vom was indeed later pronounced dead at the scene and weirdly it was also reported that shortly after the shooting another mysterious suv came down the block where the murder had been committed rolling down the window with the occupant of the car asking the nearby crowd if somebody else got killed with a woman apparently replying that it was a birthday party whilst another man nearby would hold out his fingers mimicking a gun and saying boom kts von's murder would go unsolved and whilst von's friends and family mourned the loss of the kts general big cutthroat the smoker himself many theories would follow as to who was responsible for the killing chopper from nlmb who had gone back and forth with von in the comments the day before his death would post a video online apparently right after the murder wrapping the lyrics about killing for posto from von's april song titled street life changing the lyrics to say that he should have killed for posto and now he's in the sky and suggesting that all of their dead homies are now beating vonn's ass if he ain't killed for pastor it won't be right he should have kept the puzzle here kept his pipe but now he up there for the venus and a day after von's death chopper would also tweet that the ops are lacking whilst they're lurking despite not being formally charged in the case an lmb chopper would later be taken off the streets anyway catching a murder case for killing a man who allegedly wouldn't share his blunt others have credited the killing of kts von to mad max aka c money or killer chris because only two days after the shooting max would post to his instagram a picture of a lion with a bloody face and a caption reading one picture a thousand words and max would also post yet another picture of him with no limit member mally along with the caption splash brothers in response to this kts von's brother kts dre would even jump in the comments asking mad max for his phone number which he actually provided another detail that had people thinking mad max was responsible was the fact that soon after the hit mad max would change his description on instagram to call himself the smoker which had previously been kts von's nickname this would catch on and no limit diesel and 30 clips would end up releasing a song called don't get exposed where they claimed to have took the name the smoker from and in the music video for that track no limit members were seen doing kts von's signature pose of having one hand over his mouth and another hand doing a gun sign to his head ever since the killing of kts von no limit members would seemingly adopt this pose on mass as a regular sign of disrespect towards lakeside basically once kts von died everybody in no limit was rejoicing ramo from no limit tweeted r.i.p kobe days after the murder chopper would continue mocking von on his own instagram rama would point out the day following the murder but most of the ops in the no lack in part 3 video are now dead no limit jocks celebrated with social media posts honoring kobe and mocking von now despite the mountain of examples suggesting no limit were responsible for the killing of kts von other theories have circulated painting a different picture some suspect that von's killer may have actually been a rival from circon city as only a few days after the killing of von a circum member by the name of eric turner was gunned down with one theory suggesting that the same man who killed vonn might be the same person from circon city who would kill von's father vincent davis senior which took place around a year and a month after the killing of von while it hasn't definitively been proven who killed von it's clear that his passing was the best news no limit could have hoped for but it's believed that after the killing of von kts and lakeside were out for blood with a particular focus on mad max however in this case revenge would be out of reach because sometime after von's death his brother dre would end up being taken off the streets as a result of a gun charge leaving some of the no limit members free to focus on the numerous beasts in the streets now that two of their biggest rivals from lakeside were no longer active with one particular member of no limit choosing instead to take things further with music and finally distance themselves from this dangerous street activity [Music] despite perhaps earlier feeling lil bibby had gone the commercial route and left his brothers from the no limit streets behind as g herbo's career progressed he would get more and more options to take things mainstream after his successful collab with industry heavy hitter nicki minaj and a successful series of mixtapes dedicated to the friends he'd lost in the streets on the 3rd of september 2015 herbo would attempt to build a business around his ear for music signing a record deal with cmg cinematic music group and changing his stage name from lil herb to g herbo with the cmg founder praising his new assignee and business partner for creating cinematic songs that paint a vivid picture of street life in chicago and as well as a record deal herbo would get his own subsidiary record label which he named after his block 150 dream team angie herbo's first release as part of this album deal would be the suitably titled song no limit a track where hobo would quite literally spell out his gang affiliations as a member of the no limit muskegon voice herbo's ability to turn street pain into cinematic rap music would continue to be praised and rewarded and in 2016 he would continue a steady climb to the top on january the 3rd 2016 g herbo and lil bibby dropped the music video for their new track don't worry clearly there were no signs of love lost between herbo and bibi at this point who were both seeing the benefits of getting money in the music industry rather than in the streets that track today sits over 30 million plays on youtube perhaps helped by the fact that the song paints a cinematic picture of the dangerous life on terror town without going as far as to dis specific dead ops by name a much more commercial friendly form of street music that would pay dividends going forward as herbo got more success through 2016 he would make public tweets about his dead friends believing in him and by november he was appearing on the breakfast club with charlemagne making light of the violence in chicago and joking from the start that herbo's father probably killed people he probably he probably killed people so they didn't play with him but as things went on this interview would be no joke as herbo opened up on the violence in chicago being a result of the lack of leadership that the older generations of gangs in terror town perhaps had it was once a point in time where street dudes had more roots in certain principles and think and move a certain way like the shorties don't have guidance herbo would also speak on moving out of the center of chicago now that he'd found success in music i don't have a a certain label like no just keep him away from you if you feel me but did you move out the crib did you move away from chicago or um i moved away from where it's going down at you know like the inner city you feel me but i'm still in chicago it's only two things that come with you jail or death every street dude no you have to take that extra step with that small sacrifice if you want to excel in life and there's nothing wrong with that herbo would say that over the last two years or so he had made the conscious decision to distance himself from street activity when did you say okay let me get out of the street and really focus on my career in music um i would say for like the past year and a half two years i just met super focused herb would go on to explain that the reality of street life is much more negative than the music would make it seem saying essentially that the streets have brought him nothing but pain over the years they haven't been through the situations where they lost five homies you never hear nobody waiting outside your mother your grandmother crib trying to kill you i cried a lot of nights being in the streets my mother crying if i see my mother cry that's gonna make me cry herbert would end 2016 with his november 24th mixtape strictly for my fans earning herbo his first small taste of chart success with the project landing at number eight on the billboard us heat seekers chart and he would go on to spend the majority of 2017 building on that success and working up to the release of his debut album humble beast earning herbo his very first entry on the billboard 200 albums char landing at 21 and the 2018 deluxe version of humble beast featured the chicago drill anthem never cared which i would say goes down as having one of the hardest chicago drill beats in history herbo was truly making his way in the music industry with a major label behind him a label in print of his own and the first of many hit records being recognized by the billboard charts he was finally getting the opportunity that so many who lost their lives in terror town would have only dreamed of but sadly while turbo was making major moves many were left behind in terror town and the violence would only continue to escalate in herbo's absence following the death of ktsvon in summer 2015 members of the no limit gang would continue to be targeted in attacks by their various ops eventually shooter shells from black mob would be released from jail after 18 months apparently the result of a raid in a house he was staying at with a girl we had this we had this little crib together you feeling down on 23rd on phillips or whatever she uh i don't know i guess she was going left and she got damn it called the police and got that [ __ ] ready the crib was in her name so she gave him consent to get the crib search or whatever you feeling you know she gonna say whatever reason why she did the [ __ ] and [ __ ] they searched the crib you know they found some guns or whatever you feeling and you know they found some other [ __ ] that they was able to use to pin that [ __ ] on me so [ __ ] i went down for that shot i've been booked for like 18 months for that [ __ ] at this time it's believed that shooter shells was really looking to avenge his fallen brother scoobs whose life had been taken by another gang whilst he was inside allegedly scoobs was killed by a man named yogi from a set called abk in may 2014 and after his release it said that shooter shells would get his revenge allegedly catching yogi real name du juan williams on june the 27th 2016 with the news reporting a 20 year old man shot dead on the 7400 block of south shore drive shooter shells had apparently caught yogi and another 18 year old man shooting them both with yogi being shot in the head numerous times later being pronounced dead in hospital and shooter shells would go on to rap about the killing in numerous tracks for example in the song pac-man where him and his crew quite literally totes sniper rifles in the music video shooter shells would rap that he's smoking yogi as well as telling fans that his crew black mob are friendly with lakeside and the cutthroats who were also beating no limit during this period considering how disrespectful shooter shells was getting towards no limit in some of his songs it's no surprise that him and g herbo would actually go back and forth in a lyrical exchange herbo had actually been dissing shooter shells in his music as early as 2012 on the track my hood where he raps that he's not scared of black mob and to tell shooter that they're changing the name of his hood by killing his friends herbo would go further on his i'm a boss 3 style where he says if he sees shooter he's going to shoot him or blam the eight as he puts it so when shooter shells came out of jail he was eager to drop songs clapping back at the perceived disrespect coming from g-herbo in no limit on march 21 2017 shooter shells would drop his son godfather where he once again mocks yogi saying that they smoke him going on to infer that that killing was revenge for scoobs as he raps he was in jail when scoobs died and he couldn't say goodbye now it's rumored that only nine days after this song shooter shells would catch another body with this rumored to be his fifth murder the fourth committed against no limit this being a very personal killing the shooting of the father of lil wet or wet em up from nlmb who went by the name of bigware now the killing of big wet would ultimately result in a shocking retaliation that ended up killing four people but we'll cover that in more detail shortly because at this point all you need to know is that ultimately when shooter shells got out of jail he was on the wall path looking to cause maximum pain and disrespect to his opposition both in the streets and in the music and on the 6th of april 2017 he would make a big splash with his latest diss song aimed at no limit titled death of 150. this was a savage and disrespectful song aimed at his rivals namely g-herbo and his 150 dream team record label the music video featured an armory of guns with a tech 9 being menacingly dangled from a string in the intro and as the video went on we would see an individual wearing a t-shirt of g-herbo's 150 dream team record label being attacked with the 150 shirt eventually being burned on camera at the end of the video if anything the lyrics of the track are even more disrespectful than the visuals because it's wall-to-wall with disrespect aimed squarely at no limit and g herbert he would say herbo's rap and ass don't want to shoot suggesting the only way shooter shells can touch herbo now is through music he would rap menacingly that since g-herbo moved out the city shooter shells is going to come looking for him he says if he catches somebody on no limit turf on essex and 79th he's going to put them on the news and have college kid making videos about them he says that herbo will soon be meeting his dead friends rock kobe and faizo even referencing herbo's earlier mixtape ballin like i'm kobe saying that herbo won't be like kobe until he's dead he goes on to say that if he catches a no-limit member he's going to kill them regardless of their being witnesses he says all of the disses aimed towards him from g herbo's songs will get herbo killed and he ends the track dissing numerous no limit members g herbo faizo kobe veto semo and pistol p death of 150 went crazy in the streets of chicago and had drill music fans picking sides between herbo and shooter shells it was also the biggest song of shooter shells career today sitting over seven million views on youtube with his other songs tending to average in the low hundreds of thousands this song made shooter shells a much bigger name in the chicago drill scene and in an effort to capitalize off the back of this growing buzz he would continue to release more music and getting more and more brazen with his lyrics on may 22nd 2017 shooter shells drops the song real ones where he appears to admit to killing more people with him even rapping at one point i'm talking my count alone i've got a whole nick meaning a nickel or five kills it's strange to think that a person who by their own admission had allegedly killed five people would allow videographers to visit their block and ask them specific questions about their life in the streets but that's what happened and only a few days after that song released an interview with shooter shells would drop where he would speak on the disses between him g herbo and the no limit crew saying that he was essentially retaliating to herbo's early disses on the track i'm a boss and saying that the beef between them two is personal you know like we've been in tour with them guys for a minute you know a little herb or whatever i'm like all them little 150 guys you for me they specifically literally hurt but just all of them you feel me ain't singling out just him you see me all the went through with the whole all of them you feel me like when he first started rapping or whatever he freed me when [ __ ] were just local he had mentioned my name and attract this one i wasn't even really rapping like that you know everybody always play around with the music but you feel me i'm not taking that [ __ ] too serious if your [ __ ] put me up on game not that y'all running but i'm about [ __ ] he said some [ __ ] about me or whatever you know his rap beef once my [ __ ] mention my name we finna we go go at it because you know we're really into it like anything like this just some eye [ __ ] i never heard of this [ __ ] you know me into it you feel me so i mentioned the back but it ain't really going to recognition shooter would say that too much has gone on in this beef and that there would be no chance of him and herbo squashing it you think it's like any any way that situation can be solved no you don't know man too much going on you feel me it's been too much going on that should have never gone down shells would also explain that the war between these two groups had escalated from schoolyard fights to gun fights and full-scale gang war you know a lot of [ __ ] with the herb [ __ ] it wouldn't even just lure her though you feel me he used to go to a whole another like when i was like in sixth grade i used to go to powell you feel me and then we used to be like you know elementary school was close by elementary school used to fight you feel me we've been always in tour with them and as we got older you feel me the [ __ ] just escalated you feel me so you know my friends start gang banging fist fights turn into gunshots you feel me gunplay as we got older high school and then my friends started playing with guns people started dying or somebody got shot and ain't nobody gonna let that [ __ ] go you feel me so once a [ __ ] get hit blood [ __ ] the [ __ ] it'll never be the same shooter shells would also explain that since dropping his death of 150 diss track his dm's are crammed with fans of no limit telling him that he is going to be the next one to die in the war you feel me you got my [ __ ] day you know sending me messages on instagram thomas you're going to be the next you're going to be the next pack you feel all this extra [ __ ] you know [ __ ] your dead homies all this just a whole bunch of goofy [ __ ] a few weeks after this another interview with shooter shells would take place this time with zak tv where he would discuss the long-running beef with g herbo denying that he was dissing herbo for clout on the death of 150 and saying that the beef has been going on between them for years in the streets yeah you know we're in tour with them you famous a little herb guys or whatever the little nose the little limits you can move into that so there's a whole bunch of eastside [ __ ] going on you from all know too people know what's going on you should much like me all the time about cloud chasing like i'm just trying to come out this demand and feed and get some cloud here and [ __ ] like that here's the thing like even before herb even came around you feed me this was like [ __ ] in sixth grade elementary school [ __ ] been always fighting the [ __ ] but so this [ __ ] been going on back in the day my [ __ ] been fighting them since elementary school and then as my friends got in high school the [ __ ] gonna escalate my damn my [ __ ] stop playing with guns all that [ __ ] so i ended up getting locked up again you feeling so i'm recently just not coming home but you know the [ __ ] still on the beast alone my [ __ ] diss me this [ __ ] it's still busting it don't get no [ __ ] because he getting on i ain't gonna wrap that [ __ ] up funnily enough shooter shells explained why he never dissed lil bibby seemingly respecting bibby's focus on getting money rather than dissing dead ops and shout out to bibby man you know he on some growing and [ __ ] but wait i don't y'all respect him yeah i gotta respect the bible you know he's doing his thing he ain't i'll never recall here and beat me say [ __ ] about it he'll probably say but he don't say [ __ ] about no black mob there's no [ __ ] such-and-such no [ __ ] this don't [ __ ] that shooter shells once again reiterated that there was so much bloodshed for the two sides to settle in this beef at this point that only the people who got rich would be the ones to escape the cycle can the [ __ ] change now no it meant a lot of blood [ __ ] though even though [ __ ] have money you feed me a [ __ ] do that rap [ __ ] [ __ ] it will move to say that if a certain [ __ ] from down now your favorite probably you know certainly like muslims they got the money they probably don't don't be on that [ __ ] you know risk it all and got to make it locked up all that but it's still going to be [ __ ] that ain't and play that got some bread that could really stop [ __ ] they gonna be still keeping the [ __ ] up you feel the [ __ ] keep happening man [ __ ] dad behind that [ __ ] you gonna hear all his homies down you feed me i lost my brother to that [ __ ] so it ain't like i could just turn my back and be like you give me [ __ ] that [ __ ] but if i was to get on that [ __ ] it'll be some more like for the next generation type [ __ ] okay like man you think [ __ ] gotta learn how to forget when that [ __ ] go because if we just keep this [ __ ] up the [ __ ] it's just gonna be up you feeling like everlasting [ __ ] keep going on and on and on halfway through this conversation zack tv discovers shooter shells his age and i've gotta say the answer surprised me too hey let me guess 29 21. bro you 21 bro yeah regardless of what shoot the shells or any of the gangs from this story did in the streets there's no ignoring that a lot of the violence in chicago is likely the result of the harsh situation that many of these young men found themselves in growing up and a shooter shells opens up about all the pain he went through losing relatives at such a young age it does a lot to explain what actually caused him to become this violent person my og passed when i was like laughing my pops died when i was like man man [ __ ] around dude who's your mama dead you're broke all that 2014. for you you lost your mother your father and your brother mad you wanna strike back but at the same time another one you'll love was condescending you gotta look at your little ones anything like man what [ __ ] if they liked him into this [ __ ] shooter shells was clearly dealt a difficult card in life and unfortunately his reaction was to dish out pain to others and despite having the wisdom of an older man as a result of growing up fast in the streets unfortunately one of the consequences of causing so much pain to others would be that karma would eventually catch up and sadly for shooter shells less than a month after that interview with zach tv karma would indeed come knocking when on july the 10th 2017 some have suggested that shooter shell's location was given away because as he was getting into his car a white nissan altima pulled up with three shooters hopping out and gunning shooter shells down in the middle of an auburn gresham street in broad daylight but that wasn't the end of things because the murder of shooter shells is one of the most gruesome in chicago history story has it after shooter shells was struck he would fall to the ground at which point numerous shooters stood over him taking turns firing bullets into his face in what was one of the most grisly deaths in chicago drill history he was shot in the face as many as 18 times with a graphic picture of shells's disfigured body taken by a member of the public and posted online which is far too graphic to show you on youtube police would recover a whopping 43 shell casings at the scene due to the serious nature of this crime and likely due to shooter shells's involvement in numerous murders across the city the fbi would be called in to work on the investigation with the fbi allegedly filing a court order to search the content of shooter shells's iphone which was found in his pocket after his death it's unclear whether the fbi found anything of no on shooter shells iphone but what we do know as a result of police documents later posted on reddit drill community shyrockology is that the prime suspect in the killing of shooter shells was mad max from no limit numerous outlets would go on to report that mad max was named as one of the shooters with the cops apparently picking up mad max a week after the killing of shooter shells catching him with a gun with a defaced serial number but clearly the cops didn't have any further evidence connecting max with the incident and he was ultimately let go g herbo would actually go live following the death of shooter shells he was with his girlfriend at the time and she was apparently unaware of the news finding herself surprised with just how many people had tuned in joining the live obviously to see herbert's reaction to the death of shooter shells coming right now first person who this is this is another because if this her [ __ ] going crazy like this i ain't gonna watch it for a month y'all that's ain't gonna see me oh yeah this is my [ __ ] stop this man this swervo 150 soon after this herbo would be seen running around outside in a seemingly good mood telling viewers that he's in chicago downtown and that it's going to take the ops 2 hours to get to him y'all show y'all what we call a pj but for good old game hold on wait wait wait i'm at wait [ __ ] stop playing [Music] but y'all want to address my next location or something but how the [ __ ] do you miss a whole money shot how to [ __ ] miss the whole shot eventually herbo would find his comments inundated with people mentioning shooter shells prompting herbert to snap into a rage and telling people to get off his page but y'all stop commenting [ __ ] on my page get the [ __ ] off my page if y'all finna come in all this lame ass [ __ ] i already know everything that's going on leave me the [ __ ] alone i don't know nothing about nothing y'all that's the police on vito get the [ __ ] off my page with that gay ass [ __ ] i don't know nothing about nothing about nothing about nothing get the [ __ ] off my page before i don't get on live and block all y'all up all get the [ __ ] on leave me the [ __ ] alone i don't know nothing about nobody bro everybody broke his head bro if your ass ain't rich or no limit i don't give a [ __ ] about you folks leave me the [ __ ] alone however despite getting angry at these incriminating comments as time went on herbo would continue to make subtle references thought to be aimed at his former top op in four minutes of hell part five g herbo would mock shooter shells for getting shot in the head so gruesomely saying he never made any money and has no head left fellow no limit rapper crazy james would rap on his never cared remix that they're going to shoot her shells their ops and even little bibby the one person who shoots shells said he respected for never dissing the dead would come out on the song crack baby seeming to reference the incident with the line last one to diss the gang his brains was all sloppy the killing of shooter shells wasn't without consequence however as 13 days after his killing an og figure in no limit by the name of g slim would lose their life too allegedly black mob and lakeside were responsible for the slaying which took place at 5 15 am on the 1 500 block of east 82nd street g slim real name lavon del noble was shot in the neck and hand and died while another man was shot in the face and survived with a seemingly innocent bystander being hit in the groin and neck iding the shooter's vehicle as a white sedan but regardless with one of their biggest and most feared rival shooter shells off the streets no limit members might for the time being feel a little bit safer on their block however as shooter shell said himself the consequence of killing a rival now means that you must live in fear for losing one of your own friends or family members and in the years that followed the violence would continue to play out the same way but there was one particular act of violence that no limit member was accused of just before shooter shells was killed that may well be one of the most shocking incidents in this story and perhaps even chicago drill history at large and that's the story of lil wept from no limit who allegedly killed four people in one night on march 29 2017 big wet real name jerry jacobs was walking on the sidewalk on the 7 900 block of south phillips at 11 13 pm when a dark vehicle approached and four men jumped out shooting jerry in the body as he tried to flee he made it to the hospital but was pronounced dead at 3 40 am on march 30. following his death the police would come out publicly to say that big wet was indeed a documented gang member big wet was apparently an og in no limit the chicago gang that had been battling for decades for control of terrortown and he had apparently faced murder charges twice in the past some have suggested that big wet's killer may have been shooter shells from black mob but for the record others have contended this version of events but much more shocking than the actual murder of big wet was actually what came next because less than 24 hours after the murder of his father big wet lil wet aka whit him up from no limit would hit the streets in a fit of rage hoping to get revenge police would later claim that little wet went into the nadia fish and chicken restaurant at the corner of east 75th street and south coles avenue this being within a mile of his father's death location outside the restaurant was four men two were chased into the restaurant and fatally shot in front of shot diners and the two other men attempted to run away ultimately being chased down and fatally shot dead in two different nearby parking lots and apparently two of the deceased men were blood brothers visiting their mother who worked at this restaurant with their own grandmother being seen pictured by the news breaking down at the scene upon discovering the tragic news and would later appear in an interview with local news at the scene of the crime with the distraught mother being led away from the scene in tears if i found out who did it we had heard maybe there was a shoot there were shots fired inside the restaurant then they came back yeah they were shooting at somebody they say inside the restaurant my boys just got in the way i guess so they were shooting inside they got two bodies inside the restaurant or somebody else's kids i imagine they said it's two boys inside the restaurant so if they got two bodies inside and two outside oh they just killed a whole bunch of kids up today i just know my baby one there and one down the street now they was outside i guess they running different directions trying to get away from the shots it's saddening to me cause they got my babies i hear the rain in the water just laying on the sidewalk i mean cover them up for something just open they just laying there on the street they've been out here for almost four hours four hours how do you lay a kid on the ground little wet real name maurice harris would later be arrested by police after allegedly being identified as the shooter being charged with all four murders with the police even publicly stating his involvement in the no limit gang as part of the black keystones with the cops quickly fixating on the murder of his father big wet the day before as a clear motive with the arrest for this mass shooting that claimed four lives even making it to the tv news which is a rarity in chicago when murder is so commonplace well police make an arrest in a shooting that killed four people in the south shore neighborhood the suspect lost his father to gun violence just the day before police say the two cases are related and both are tied to gang conflicts tonight one man is in custody 19 year old maurice harris and investigators say he is not cooperating with him police say the quadruple murders outside this south shore restaurant were a planned execution in retaliation for the murder of maurice harris's father jerry jacobs who like his son was a documented gang member jerry jacobs is murdered then 24 hours later his own son goes and kills four people so obviously those two incidents are related nineteen-year-old maurice harris is now being held without bail on four counts of first-degree murder it is his first charge as an adult but not his first run-in with chicago police while i can't go into into the specifics into his extensive juvenile history as we've seen too many times before here in chicago he's no stranger to cpd nor is he unfamiliar with using an illegal handgun tonight in the south shore neighborhood the chicken and fish restaurant is open again even while neighborhood residents come by to see where such a violent crime occurred this would be a huge case and beating it would seem impossible to laugh funnily enough his no limit homie g herbo would even rap about the situation on his song four minutes of hell saying that his little cousin is fighting four bodies and that if he beats them he's gonna fly him out to egypt perhaps herbo thought that beating such serious charges would be impossible for his cousin but in one of the most surprising turn of events in this story despite police claiming to have had witnesses positively id little wet as the shooter in june 2020 after spending over three years in jail awaiting trial prosecutors would drop all charges against lil webb apparently despite even having witnesses pick a little wet out in a photo array ultimately the state's attorney found that the eyewitness accounts to be unreliable with the cops claiming insufficient evidence to move forward with the case with wet's attorneys going on to say they had provided a strong alibi that apparently proved lil wet could not be the real shooter after the news broke lil wet would be released being seen on social media celebrating and laughing the moment he got out [Applause] [Music] [Music] and little wet would even go on to open up about beating these charges in a 16-shot interview sporting an enormous smile and taking an enormous hit on the blunt when 16 asks him about his father being murdered so i want to go back to like uh around the town like with the situation with your father like first of all i don't say rp to your father but you know like when that happened you got the news where were you like what was you doing man i was i was doing what i was doing he would go on to say that when he found out his dad died everything went dark and he woke up being charged with four murders everything just went dark like it was just his heart hard to explain like everything just went dark what time was you facing see i was facing she's like hell life nothing else ultimately wet would say that the cops case was based entirely on gossip suggesting that they had rushed to the case uh as a dedication of the lack of evidence they shared a lack of evidence they they rushed their case too fast and [ __ ] when it all but when it all came out the truth came out she like rushed they casually fast the lack of evidence so what evidence was they using was it just like some type of you say she say just talk it's also worth noting that according to nbc news lil wet and his family had apparently previously filed a lawsuit against chicago police in relation to an illegal strip search that was carried out when lil wet was just a minor but nbc 5 has confirmed that last year harris's family filed a federal lawsuit against the department related to an alleged incident involving a strip search by two off-duty chicago police officers when harris was just 14 years old one officer involved has since left the force the department is not commenting on that case ultimately despite claims of an open and shut case chicago police would drop all the charges and lil wet would be a free man once again now for the record many believe that there is perhaps much more to the story and if police truly didn't have enough evidence to convict little wet then surely someone else must have done the crime but regardless of who you believe was truly responsible lil wept would return home free of any consequence at all and naturally off the back of the sheer scale of the crime that he was accused of he would become a mythical figure in the history of no limit with endless speculation over whether or not he was responsible for these four brutal murders but unfortunately for no limit while little wet was in jail they would end up losing another one of their members the one possibly with the most feared reputation of all mad max [Music] with the war raging between no limit and their various ops from lakeside black mob and pocket town it was only inevitable that eventually the most feared and famous members of the gang would eventually lose their lives too around a year after the murder of shooter shells one of the most feared hitters from blackmob mad max aka c money aka killer chris who had allegedly played a role in an incomprehensible amount of killings as many as 13 by some estimates would end up this time on the other side of the gun losing his own life on august 3 2018 mad max is located by his enemies whilst moving into his mother's apartment around 3 p.m on the 7600 block of south kingston here he's chased down and shot once in the body and once in the arm he was found slumped in the courtyard of an apartment complex and taken to hospital with the news initially reporting simply that a man had been shot in the arm the news would describe his situation in the hospital as stable but sadly he was far from it mad max real name christopher jackson would fight for his life in hospital for exactly a month eventually being pronounced dead on the 3rd of september but to make matters even more crazy after his death the police would claim that heavily medicated mad max would give a videotaped deathbed confession naming his killer as hell rel real name tyrell webb a senior member from lakeside with a screenshot of the supposed recorded confession later being circulated by hellrell himself who would label max as a snitch however the cops also claim to have another cooperating witness and surveillance footage pinning the crime on rail and based on their suspicions cops would initially arrest helrel catching him with a gun that matched the shell casings found at the scene of max's murder but for some reason he was released without charge at the time perhaps because mad max was still alive at that point but then 11 days after the killing an attempted murder warrant was issued and hellrail would flee eventually being tracked down in iowa and arrested on august 28th being held in custody for a few days until mad max died in hospital and the charges were upgraded to full-blown murder and a video would even circulate online showing he'll rail react in the interview room the moment detectives told him that his charges would be upgraded to murder gunshot residue kit was done on you yes sir ballistics test was done on the gun and they recovered shell casing from the scene um since then we've gotten all those results back also since then little chris has died on september 3rd so now it's become a homicide investigation so carlson is going to read you your miranda rights for you for a homicide yeah this is not a homicide investigation so we're reaching [Music] terrell webb would face murder charges for the killing of chris jackson with the case even being discussed on cbs news as the killing of mad max had taken place on chicago's deadliest weekend of 2018. nearly two months but chicago police have filed their first murder charge stemming from the deadliest weekend chicago has seen this year 27 year old terrell webb is accused of shooting and killing a rival gang member he was charged after a deathbed statement from the victim it was one of more than a dozen murders the first weekend in august halrell would post on social media from jail expressing his frustration at facing 45 to life as a result of being snitched on by a man who had supposedly killed many people he would eventually share messages suggesting that his lawyer has the tape of mad max confessing and that he would eventually reveal it to the world but he'll rel would also eventually be released with the police citing a lack of evidence much to the delight of surviving kts members who circulated a statement from hellrell branding mad max as a snitch hellrail would also diss mad max on instagram showing off a t-shirt reading 150k and a picture of max holding money with a caption saying that's the last time he'll touch any money with this t-shirt apparently being made specially for the music video for his song self-explanatory where he naturally diss mad max extensively and eventually he'll rel himself would even elaborate on the situation in detail in an extended interview with chris barnes saying that he's innocent and that he believed racism played a role in him being accused i didn't do that [ __ ] the blood man for real for real fantasy talent [ __ ] not cause i did i'm all that i didn't do it for however much anybody want me to have done it but i'm a black man man i've been locked up several times man i know i ain't do it i know i could beat this [ __ ] yeah i know i could beat the [ __ ] but still i'm i'm scared i'm a young black [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and then every time you know you pick the jury or the judge you're always right no matter what you're saying that's against me then you pick a jury jury they always white or whatever you're saying so it's just the probability i i i don't like the probability my you know god got me man in the end hellrail would end up being sentenced to 10 years for involuntary manslaughter in the case of mad max either way you look at it no limits top killer had been taken out of action this was a devastating loss and surviving no limit members would mourn max's death incredibly hard perbo and other affiliates were seen at his funeral shedding a tear as they saw off their no limit brother and posing for pictures in front of his headstone in fact several people would do the kts pose with a hand over their mouth and gun fingers to their head next to max's grave an apparent reference to max having allegedly played a role in killing kts von after his death various no limit members posted on social media memorializing the loss of mad max as well as bragging about the many murders that he had supposedly committed and following his funeral no limit members even paid for a plane to fly over terrortown holding a banner that says c-money nlmb for life herbo would later release a song called standing in the rain mad max dedicated to his friend as well as other songs where herbo appeared to brag about the sheer number of kills that mad max had wrapped up in the streets but naturally many on the opposite side of the beef in terror town were delighted at the news that no limit had lost their most feared shooter kts members continued to drop disrespectful songs like kts prince who released the track cap in while mad max was still in the hospital a music video that included the sequence where they counted down from 150 for each dead op no limit had lost lil don from kts did an ig live mocking mad max after he died but he also admitted that everyone from the other side was scared of max because of how many people he'd allegedly killed that [ __ ] got red yeah it's all about max don't get me started on my boyfriend that [ __ ] told a [ __ ] that [ __ ] was doing all that [ __ ] out here you told on the [ __ ] boy you getting up on all these [ __ ] a [ __ ] get up on that ass you tell but max was alive for when he was getting on like you know [ __ ] like that was popping off back then tough like you know them tough [ __ ] folk just think they too damn tough uh i could kill anybody folk don't be the main ones dying folk and look what happened to him and look what he did he told on the [ __ ] folk sadly with mad max gone no limit members would continue to see even more of their friends lose their lives and in one of the most tragic and unexpected turns in this story one of the most talented people to ever enter no limits orbit would soon lose their life too under tragic and suspicious circumstances [Music] by 2016 lil bibby had already had an exceptional solo career his free crack mixtape series had cemented him as a chicago drill legend tracks like can't trust a soul you ain't gang and thought it was a drought racked up millions of youtube views and streams everything seemed like it was going in the right direction for little bibby as a rapper but even before dropping a debut album in 2017 he would abruptly retire from the rap game quitting recording himself for the foreseeable future choosing instead to go the executive round and bibi would later reveal in a dj vlad interview that the financial instability of the rap game pushed him to move into the industry to make more money and he would later tell double xl that he went broke doing music as a rapper at which point he decided to get to the money his own way on the business side of rap i kind of took a little time off from you i went broke before vanessa and i took some time off like okay i need to learn what to do with money i'm young i got a great ear great eye for talent and i don't need these old people telling me what to do and how to do it so bibi worked out that the real money wasn't in being a rapper but the behind the scenes business of the record labels themselves who would find and support rappers but bibi would need a vehicle to get to this money and so alongside his brother g-money founding the record label grade a productions with bibi and g-money having a phenomenal stroke of luck with the first artist they discovered being future emo rap sensation juice world with g-money apparently playing to bibi juice's early track all girls are the same which piqued his interest but apparently when bibi heard juice world's flagship hit lucid dreams he knew immediately that this was the best song that he had heard in 10 years my brother was he brought juice he to me and um he played me the song all girls the same and i was like all right that's the guessing wrong and then he sent over some youtube links and i heard lucy dreams when i heard lucy dreams i'm like oh now this is like probably the best song that i heard in about 10 years so that's when i really knew and i kind of like okay we gotta go story goes that once bibi got involved in his career juice world went straight to the top with a lyrical lemonade music video for lucid dreams quickly blowing juice world up to superstar status and so after bringing juice into the fault of his own record label and getting his career going bibi would apparently oversee juice world signing a bigger deal to the major record label interscope in a huge 3 million deal bibi would go on to play a role in the creation and release of juice world's debut album goodbye and good riddance releasing in may 2018 and his follow-up death race for love which came out in march 2019. it would seem that bibi would fiercely defend juice world and his legacy at all costs in fact bibi was even once seen pressuring a man who he caught selling fake juice world merch on the street i'm what let me see let me see let me see it man goofy come here man come here how many more you get come here oh goofy yeah and according to bibi throughout his career juice was loyal to him and remained close yeah he was with me you know because everything else like everything i put together everything that i said was gonna happen growing up sorry to have it yeah but it wasn't just bibi that juice would get close to over the course of his rise and run at the top of the rap game juice world would be seen regularly with gang tied no limit street legends like herbo and cairo no limit members would even take juice well to the gun range to work on his shooting skills with these antics being streamed live on social media and people jumping in the comments to say that juice's gun is about to turn somebody into shooter shells juice you gonna shoot the k damn folks you going one-handed you think you a pro pro yeah let me get back so despite not growing up in terror town juice world would spend a lot of time with lil bibby and other no limit members eventually taking on behaviors and habits associated with membership of the gang like throwing up the gdk hand sign merging things on veto and rapping that he was smoking on posto the young lakeside member that was murdered in the war with no limit smoking on katy peck impostor and mr the most at a certain point juice world's close ties with the no limit gangsters from chicago eventually had other street rappers like kodak black hitting him up on facetime asking him to elaborate on his affiliations with juice hanging up real quick hey where you at with your gang i'm down in front of the sheets where you at lock in and stew you know i stay in calabasas i ain't gonna lie you know everything we do that [ __ ] i ain't gonna lie [ __ ] you hear me i'm all you on your wrist [ __ ] that's the bird [ __ ] [ __ ] still the street [ __ ] i ain't gonna lie [ __ ] you you you you damn i shoulda did that album with me but i ain't sweating and i don't care man it ain't too late man you already know we gonna make it five times just off the songs that we got together man what the [ __ ] who is this [ __ ] why the [ __ ] he says 10 times platinum [ __ ] [ __ ] them crackers up you already know how we coming man i'm saying what you what you game i ain't gonna lie what what what what's no limit 150 what that is sadly despite juice world not living the dangerous gang lifestyle that would end the lives of so many no limit members early juice 2 would end up losing his life at an early age but for unrelated reasons as on the 8th of december 2019 juice world and his entourage are flying on a private g5 jet from los angeles back to chicago and this entourage includes cairo from no limit who is seen with others on the jet throwing up the l's however trouble would soon call when the plane landed after the authorities were tipped off about drugs and guns on the plane once at chicago's medway airport juice's videographer would be caught with a gun in his camera bag while another two more guns were found on the plane with high capacity magazines and metal piercing bullets and a k-9 unit would eventually be deployed leading officers to drugs in the luggage with a whopping total of 41 vacuum-sealed bags full of cannabis being recovered along with six bottles of liquid codeine cough syrup however the drugs and guns under the plane would be the least of their worries because after getting off the plane juice world who famously had a long-running addiction to prescription pills would begin having a seizure with blood coming out of his notes he was given narcan by police but unfortunately he couldn't be saved will juice world later being pronounced dead at hospital at 3 14 am his cause of death was later reported as accidental oxycodone and codeine toxicity but as to the other drugs found on the plane it's believed that the police were unable to link the weed to anyone specifically and ultimately nobody ended up being charged in what appeared to be quite plainly a large interstate drug smuggling operation this was yet another devastating loss for no limit and its members would publicly mourn juice world g herbo would later call him the greatest artist to ever live and cairo would post thanking juice world for everything he'd done for him and saying that juice world was the first person who ever took him on a private plate for the record there's been a lot of speculation online as to whether juice world's close ties with no limit gang members may have been the very reason that his private jet was being used to smuggle large amounts of drugs across state lines after all the cops that were waiting for him at the runway were apparently from the city's gang unit and apparently only six days after juiceworld's death it was reported that the fbi had visited chicago in relation to the investigation into shooter shells death ultimately we'll probably never really know the true degree to which deuceworld's affiliations with chicago gangs contributed to his unfortunate passing but one thing we do know for sure is that he became yet another loss for the surviving no limit members to carry and ironically making more music about the pain experienced in those very streets would be exactly what g herbo needed to take his career to the next level as he would go on to release some of the most poignant music he had ever made [Applause] [Music] g herbo had been going through a lot over these years while the no limit soldiers went through some of the hardest battles on the streets g herbo had become a successful rapper moving far away from the violence of the inner city and constant danger of terror town gang wars but that doesn't mean he didn't continue to struggle with the ups and downs of personal life and clearly living in constant fear of deadly attack from gang rivals would lead him and his inner circle to continue taking risks and unfortunately he would face the consequences of taking those risks on the 22nd of february 2018 g herbo was arrested alongside two other people after their limo driver tipped off the police to the fact that the passengers had illegal firearms about 10 30 pm police would pull over the limo in the first block of east roosevelt road in the south loop neighborhood officers would find a glock under the seat of one of the members of the entourage with another man being found with a gym bag containing a loaded pistol and 21 rounds in a magazine but to make matters even worse police officers claimed to have observed g-herbo placing a gun in the seat pocket directly in front of him with that gun bound to have contained an extended clip with 30 rounds of body armor-piercing bullets in court herbo's lawyer pleaded with the judge that he has no violent background no prior arrests and a fiance that's eight months pregnant herbert would ultimately be charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon being released on 25 000 bail herbert would later strike a deal with prosecutors pleading guilty to one count of misdemeanor carrying a firearm winding up with a sentence of just two years probation and a 494 dollar fine herbo would later elaborate on his mindset during this period telling adam 22 of no jumper that you can't expect people not to carry guns when they live in constant fear of being robbed and killed and i might get killed for having on a nice hoodie a nice jacket so if i got a gun i ain't supposed to protect myself i'm a bad guy i'm a thug i'm a gangster now but this the life that we brought up to and then i can't blame the person who's trying to rob me for my thousand dollar coat because he can't get a job the dirty kept me alive you know what i'm saying i love chicago i love my 30. when i got arrested for that gun you know people the police and a lot of people like they was upset like some police out to get me or whatever wanted me to be in that situation some people was upset that i even put myself in that situation because they knew i had to be in that situation they know what situ what we up against in chicago and they know why people gotta carry fire on to protect themselves so they like damn you let them people trick you when you post a high high on security because they ain't saying nothing about me not having a gun they know i'm supposed to have a gun on me they know somebody to try to kill me they know somebody tried to rob me they know what i'm up against herbo makes a good point and it really shows the difficult situation that he was in after becoming so successful and getting away of the violence in terror town and fortunately moving on from that charge herbo's career would go from strength to strength the collaborative album swervo with producer southside landed him at number 15 on the charts with that being followed by a sequel called still swerving which charted at number 41. even if things were good on the charts sadly all wasn't sweet in herbo's household and after settling that gun charge and putting that firmly behind him in 2019 herbo would be embroiled in yet another scandal this time for accusations of domestic violence on april 12 2019 footage would surface claiming to depict a physical altercation between g herbo and the mother of his child arie fletcher at their son's birthday party apparently earlier in the evening things had seemed friendly between the two but later footage appeared to depict a much more heated altercation outside with fletcher appearing to assault herbert herbo would later claim that arie fletcher had actually stolen a large amount of his jewellery i ain't man this [ __ ] but my [ __ ] jerry [ __ ] you had my jury since yo six [ __ ] month party and my mama she stole it out my i'm a room i've been at all this time i ain't doing no insurance claim trying to get you locked up nothing you told me i'm not lying to my jury back you same ass [ __ ] you got still got three hundred thousand [ __ ] you got all my humans no she got three dude am i changed and we called after the birthday party incident news would surface that g herbo had actually been arrested for battery after fletcher accused him of beating her in front of their child arie fletcher would take to social media detailing her claims of abuse at the hands of g herbo saying he kicked down the door had his child taken away in a car by a friend and proceeded to trash the house and beat her severely with herbo's dramatic arrest on april 17 2019 captured on police body cam video later being released to the public give me the children [Applause] [Music] i'm stupid [ __ ] i'm slapping your fat ass too for driving off in the car with my son come on go ahead y'all know not to play with me how'd you get all those cuz he dragged me punch me he punched me in my eye that's all my [ __ ] happened to be black spit on me anything in the [ __ ] person what the [ __ ] do she want for me bro we with different people everyone if you want to get stuff back from her at this point you need to go to take her to court trying to fight wow [Applause] yeah so i don't know if they pulled it out already we got the call about it about the gun so yeah on january the 6th 2020 g herbo would plead guilty to the charge of misdemeanor battery with him being sentenced to 12 months probation 150 hours of community service and a family violence intervention course but at least herbo had accepted the situation and in 2020 he would be attempting to move forward as a better man and better rapper on february 28 2020 he'd release his fifth album ptsd the project was themed around the pain and trauma that he had experienced in the streets with a poignant cover art depicting herbo holding a blood-soaked and bullet-holed american flag with the stars replaced by faces of friends he had sadly lost and hobo would explain to hip-hop dx that this introspective album was inspired by his own experiences receiving court-ordered therapy following his 2018 arrest with him eventually being clinically diagnosed as having ptsd a result of all of the trauma he had witnessed and experienced in the streets ptsd the album was an enormous success for g herbo peaking at number seven on the billboard 200 his best album performance to date and his first top ten with the lead single from the album also called ptsd a star-studded cut featuring the likes of chance the rapper lil uzi vert and a posthumous appearance from juice world would earn herbo his first billboard entry for a single song on the hot 100 charts coming in at number 38 and in a further commitment to the themes of self-reflection on this album in july 2020 turbo would announce that he was launching an initiative called swerving through stress aiming to help young black people access therapy clearly herbo was learning from his past and the self-reflection of therapy appeared to be a positive influence on his life but likely another positive aspect was distancing himself from the people and situations that had brought about all this trauma to begin with with herbo later telling adam 22 that he had to cut people off and distance himself from those people to get away from the streets suggesting that he is just too tempted to get involved when they phone him looking for help so he just stopped answering a lot of people who are kind of stuck in this like prison of who they're around and they feel that they can't break away from that so i didn't get into my best of friends when i was waiting in the streets because i was i'm loyal to a fault a phone call just something as simple as a phone call could pull me right back into that environment so i had to cut tasks completely right you know how hard that was for me despite herbo's claims of improving his inner circle this wouldn't end up being completely successful and by the end of 2020 he would find himself in legal hot water once again apparently the direct result of the company he was keeping because in december 2020 jihobo was charged as part of a 1.5 million dollar fraud scheme with him and five members of his entourage accused of using stolen credit cards and ids to fund a luxurious lifestyle including spending on private jets expensive vacation and even the purchase of designer puppies apparently totaling a theft of 1.5 million over the course of four years herbo will be charged with 14 counts of aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to commit wirefraud but from there matters would only get worse as in may 2021 herbo would be charged with additional counts of making false statements to a federal agent with herbo allegedly lying saying that he didn't know promoter antonio strong despite evidence allegedly proving that strong had paid for multiple private flights luxury hotels and exotic car rentals as part of the fraud for the record g herbo has pled not guilty to these charges in mid-2021 and despite things not looking good this situation is still unresolved herbo would appear to deny being fraudulent in lyrics on his song's statement a song that actually came from his latest full-length release his album 25 which is a great piece of work and is crammed full of insights into the war in terror town particularly his relationship and past with no limit top shooter mad max with g herbo rapping on the song two chains the max was killing people and didn't know how to stop with herbo going on to say that now he's a millionaire he doesn't need to kill people anymore as well as one of my favorite songs of g-herbo's entire catalogue drill featuring rowdy rebel where herbo compared mad max's killing ability in the streets with playing the video game call of duty suggesting that mad max had 50 kills his 6th album 25 was a massive success breaking his previous chart record for ptsd earning herbo his first top five album on the billboard 200. add that to the fact that at the end of 2021 herbo would appear on the all-star remix to the street anthem who wants smoke by nado wick alongside lil durk and 21 savage landing herbo his highest entry on the billboard hot 100 with the song coming in at number 17. ultimately g herbo did escape the streets getting fame and fortune and the possibility of escaping the danger of terrortown with his life intact an outcome that so many of his friends would not be fortunate enough to have but whilst turbo was living it up as a successful rapper many of those friends who he left behind would grow bitter and resentful against him for not doing more to use his newfound success to help them out but with herbo's help or not one thing's for sure back in terror town there will be no respite for those gang members still left behind there constantly battling for control of the streets and survival and so in 2021 we would see the killing of possibly the last big name associated with this long-running war because after years of trying somebody would finally end up taking the life of high-profile lakeside member kts dre [Music] back in october 2018 surviving rivals in the ongoing war in terror town no limit cairo and kts dre would go live together on instagram beefing each other face to face for the whole world to see pizza thank you cairo would ask dre who's there with him with dre showing him a whole bunch of guns causing cairo to quickly hang up hey him like that who is that hey i'm gonna hang up they don't want to see nothing see what cairo would go on to say that all of dre's new people around him are new and that he doesn't have any beef with them these are my man who are you with i can't even tell you all that i would ask you who you went but i know your ass name with all new [ __ ] that you trying to recruit them [ __ ] straight [ __ ] [ __ ] them ain't even real hops them [ __ ] ain't in two of us though they feel important right now we don't even know that goofy y'all cairo goes on to say that kts dre is scared of little john who is apparently the realist in lakeside cairo then brings another no limit member by the name of magic into his life with him asking who even is kts von whilst getting a haircut they'll watch it to you bro we'll focus cairo would go on to explain that he would rather settle things in the dms with dre saying that dre is still on house arrest and suggesting that he would beat him up he steadier can you please dm me for we can talk folks regularly like we always do for kids i don't want to argue with you but i hate what the hell he just put up some [ __ ] talking about date he owned house arrest so you just stop talking let's do get off my shirt ain't nothing good but the whole time that cairo was talking dre would be in the comments suggesting no limit or a bunch of hoes no he said no cap you're asking bro we some [ __ ] bro that's what you want to hear some [ __ ] apparently dray would also comment that he doesn't recognize magic from no limit saying that he's a new person too much to the amusement of cairo he's about who his matter what he do don't worry about who that is man uh some new ass [ __ ] you hang with dre would reply saying that people that he's around are the original cutthroats with cairo eventually admitting that beefing the ops on ig is so 2014 and he's only doing it because he likes dre please say please say that you you putting on the show folks on this instagram [ __ ] bro that's what's up that's some [ __ ] we doing in 2014 going live with each other and [ __ ] like that i just did that because i still like you a little bit we can talk regularly before we we got we got you growing for that [ __ ] there's too many police [ __ ] watching then something happened they're gonna be oh they was arguing on instagram and all that dick sucking ass [ __ ] there's too much police [ __ ] going on instagram you said you want to work on this [ __ ] they ain't anywhere else in a way cairo was right so much time had passed since their running at mcdonald's it makes you wonder why they would even still go back and forth but of course despite a lot of time passing the beef between lakeside and no limit had continued raging with lives continuing to be lost on both sides and in 2019 there would be a violent exchange between members of no limit and a terrifying set of new enemies with family ties to lakeside called death row yes that is an ak-47 on the right on august the 11th mook real name malcolm sabbs from death row is standing on a sidewalk on the 8600 block of south exchange avenue when at 1 35 am a group of men approached him on foot opening fire he was struck in the head and later pronounced dead and then the following day on august the 12th willy from no limit is targeted in what appears to be a retaliatory attack the 18 year old real name willie washington was standing on the sidewalk at the 7800 block of south phillips avenue when a car pulled up two people jumped out shooting him multiple times jumping back in the vehicle and driving off he was shot in the back of the head and the body being pronounced dead by 8 52 am but much like the other senseless killings that we've seen in the chicago gang wars willy's body would lay in the street for an extended period of time during which time members of the public were able to take a picture with the grisly photo of willy laying face down in the street circulating on social media but i won't show you here sadly the violence wasn't over yet because only two days after that apparently the cousin of mad max magic from no limit the same person who had been on that facetime call with cairo after he hung up on kts dre was standing next to a car on the 7800 block of south essex avenue only one block over from where willy had been killed when a dark-coloured vehicle drove by with someone inside opening fire on the group of people standing by the car magic real name kenneth summers would be struck in the head later being pronounced dead in hospital this is just one of the latest devastating losses for no limit meanwhile one of their most despised rivals kts dre would catch a charge himself ending up in jail for a short time but by december of 2020 he would be back home going live on social media telling people that he didn't want to leave the city of chicago and saying that he's still shooting his ops whilst fighting court cases man that ain't gonna be nowhere but in iraq [ __ ] i'm over east [ __ ] mo block soldier [ __ ] we ain't shooting from no car we just trying to get closer [ __ ] talking about am i in a wreck [ __ ] [ __ ] have court [ __ ] in cook county today [ __ ] [ __ ] you tomorrow bro you need to leave the city they unless they gonna get you dre then tells his ops to come and kill him because he's tired of them threatening him again [ __ ] sooner than later y'all i'm tired of this [ __ ] come take me out this [ __ ] cause i can't take it no more y'all be pissing me off with that stuff y'all been threatening me for 20 years [ __ ] that's y'all [ __ ] i have a song he also denied even knowing who cairo was when somebody brought up the mcdonald's video explaining the video are you punching cairo who the [ __ ] is cairo bro never mind you know who the [ __ ] is that cairo away from kts dre clearly had no limit on his mind during this period that month he also released the song nlm bk part 2 alongside kts rio which had lyrics seemingly aimed at g-herbo saying that he's still on the block unlike these rappers who only act gangster and from here he would continue talking openly on social media about his enemies on february 5th 2021 going live to speak on lil wet from no limit and the alleged killing of four men after his father's death with kts dre suggesting that all of the men killed were innocent and had nothing to do with killing his father big way over there only smoking [ __ ] no limit [ __ ] [ __ ] the whole no limit [ __ ] go cry [ __ ] [ __ ] time about me bad match dad a rat [ __ ] on vaughn [ __ ] man max that a mad rent [ __ ] look it up [ __ ] [ __ ] somebody [ __ ] a [ __ ] fighting for their life [ __ ] charged with a dying declaration cause this [ __ ] said a [ __ ] name on this death bed [ __ ] whole cow [ __ ] hole [ __ ] you know [ __ ] y'all listening to that [ __ ] supporting that [ __ ] whole [ __ ] whole gang [ __ ] whole gang snitching y'all be supporting that [ __ ] y'all ass weird as hell oh later that month on february the 28th 2021 kts dre goes live with cairo once again with cairo accusing dre of sneak dissing him on another page what up little g what's up little girl i see that they just sent me that page but she wanna do sneak this on me who's [ __ ] that you and you in it you in that video goofy man i don't even think about [ __ ] [ __ ] man no matter what i say you always gotta talk over a little bit you know we used to talk on the phone all the time i know but look dude you just said on live fans don't hear before you ain't got to do all that as things go on cairo accuses dre of lying about him accusing dre of saying all cairo is known for is getting beaten up in mcdonald's with cairo wanting dre to admit that he is known for much more than that with dre ultimately refusing to admit that he knows cairo for anything gangster i'm trying to see why you land on me though all right tell me a lot they just said you just said that that's the only [ __ ] i'm known for i want you to stamp it on one of your homies i ain't trying to be disrespectful nonetheless i'm gonna put this on my homies don't cut though gang on about the whole gang every last one i'm oh no none gangster [ __ ] no gangster [ __ ] about why are you just right like that i personally don't know no gangster dre goes on to accuse cairo of lying about chasing dre off the block you just said on live and told her [ __ ] let [ __ ] tell you you ready to expose goofy dude man how he be running and doing this and doing this how you be running for y'all how y'all used to chase him when y'all ever taste me whoever tastes me whoever chased me bro you over eat [ __ ] internet and whole east side gonna hit it whoever takes me [ __ ] nights what these [ __ ] want for me what you just want for me you did get chased who takes me you taste tea before when you got something as chase too i taste unlimited [ __ ] but listen though you got some ass chase too in you a lot of times so you not superman oh what you never ran from us period step dad put this put that on your brother anything you never ran from us in those situations you never ran from nobody from no limit once cairo tells dre to swear on his brother's life that he never ran from no limit suddenly dre gets agitated and begins to bring up cairo's deceased friends putting on your brother that you never ran for no no no i'm saying my brother i'm saying my brother from you you ain't having to run for me okay putting on your homies i ever ran from that other [ __ ] who got on live and said i'll be running for y'all all the time why are you going around this [ __ ] why are you going around yeah let's keep it real i'm known for running that's what i know i'm just saying why you saying you never ran from none of us period ain't look i don't know who i ran from you know i've been times i'd have been on setting like a little weird [ __ ] that happened i probably didn't have to run but not for my individual not from you they would continue to go back and forth with dre insisting he had made no limit run away from him unlimited times you ran a lot of times from you have you ran for me before hell nah oh what another one i only see you one time never ran for me i only said you one time in person and that was that day and i ain't even running that day hey you hit me you lucky we don't lie you ain't never listen listen hey y'all ain't all ready for me at once hey look hey look you ain't never ran for me a lot of times in your life like y'all they never had to run a lot of times because of me like all the time like unlimited times like listen to this quick i ain't making [ __ ] listen look look the conversation ends with cairo asking dre one more time if drake can admit that he has heard cairo did something gangster to kts so you never heard my name and no gangster [ __ ] with your homies uh any of your homies i want you to know any [ __ ] ain't gonna last till you listen to me no folks if you get if you did anything you got away with it focus we do not be thinking that but we thank you look listen we think you guys get up get off i'm gonna get out you said that you just stunning apparently this call had taken place whilst kts dray was still on house arrest for another charge where he'd apparently wrestled a cop for a gun after a traffic stop with him apparently violating the conditions of his bond and being sent back to the cook county jail in june but within a month dray would be eligible for bail and his girlfriend would post his bond on july the 10th 2021 dre would have to put up 5 000 and wear an ankle monitor as part of bail conditions but unfortunately for dre he would never even make it home to serve his house arrest because as he was leaving cook county jail after bailing out a car pulled up around 8 50 p.m with two men said to have fired dozens of shots a total of 64 shots would strike kts drain real name lingerie sylvester with him later being pronounced dead after the murder police were seen putting dozens of evidence markers around the scene with the news of this brutal shooting once again making its way onto the tv news a man is dead after a shooting right in front of the cook county jail chicago police say a 31-year-old man and a 60-year-old woman were walking when two people got out of a car and fired shots striking them both the man suffered gunshot wounds to the face and chest and was pronounced dead at mount sinai footage from the scene shows several evidence markers placed on the street and near the sidewalk a man named landry sylvester was leaving the jail he went by the rap named kts dre he'd just been bailed out and police say he was ambushed by two men who got out of a vehicle near the jail sylvester was shot as many as 64 times and pronounced dead at mount sinai in the aftermath of dre's death his sister would claim that somebody must have given his location away and his mother claimed that it was too dangerous to even hold a funeral for him naturally they would fear rivals coming through and shooting the memorial up ironically something that kts members had allegedly done to their rivals from no limit many years before with that in mind then it's no surprise that following kts dre's death no limit members would mock him relentlessly cairo would initially pretend to mourn katie s dre's death clowning on instagram and pretending as if he was genuinely upset about the loss playing emotional music over pictures of him smoking as if he was sad with cairo even going as far as to post dms referring to the mcdonald's incident replying to people telling dre to come and beat him up again in fact after kts dre's death cairo would frequently make light of the mcdonald's incident in social media posts like this one from 2022 where he claimed to have made it out of mcdonald's safe though to be fair cairo would come out soon after making all of these mocking posts to clear the air and say he's just being goofy and cracking jokes because dre hurt his feelings all those years ago meanwhile lil wet would post a face palm emoji on ig others would mock dre for being shot 64 times posting up that they're going to go and play nintendo 64 while others would make posts suggesting that messing with no limit was a bad decision many said that they were smoking andre some posted pictures in tribute to mad max evk jubi celebrated with a big drink nlmb jock mocked him meanwhile many on the kts side of the war would mourn their loss lil art paid tribute saying that his killers are going to avenge dre and that he will see him soon ultimately the death of kts dre represented the final chapter in a nearly 10 year long feud that started the day that kts dre and von confronted cairo and the other no limit members in mcdonald's with all of this in mind many of the no limit members online behavior following the death of kts stray can be seen as incredibly suspicious particularly no limit cairo who after this incident would continue to spend literally hours live on social media arguing with his enemies dropping into numerous instagram live sessions with kts royale who would later claim that cairo killed kts dre with cairo quickly hanging up i don't even tell guns for real so why are you in your rap saying kyrgyz will keep his blink on that [ __ ] sam police is [ __ ] i don't hang with i'm not even no limit what the [ __ ] you want to see me with no limit for now you think i'm on your lap i'm really cut though and deep down inside oh i'm cut though cause i cut [ __ ] stops hey that's [ __ ] up though i know i know how to fight though don't let that no lack of [ __ ] fool you if we want you you would be got the mother y'all hit the snake dre at the county who what and send a phone call to you hey i'm gone man while it's not definitively clear who was responsible for the killing of kts dray what is clear is that this beef has escalated so much over the years that it was unlikely that kts dre would ever be able to live a long life in the city of chicago and while no limit members were celebrating the death of kts dre like no other sadly this would not represent the end of the war by a long shot because even if one of their most feared ops was off the street there would still be an endless supply of enemies and their surviving relatives gunning to kill and hurt members of the no limit crew with these deadly feuds unfortunately raging on to this very day the no limit gang had been fighting numerous enemies on various fronts for decades with two of the main conflicts ultimately seeing the most feared enemies from each area lose their lives kts von andrei from lakeside had lost their lives six years apart and black mob's most feared killer shooter shells had also lost his life in the war but no limit themselves had also suffered heavy losses in the streets the passing of their most feared shooter mad max was a devastating loss and unfortunately the other war with their rivals from pocket town would heat up drastically in 2020 with an enormous amount of bloodshed being witnessed as people on both sides would lose their lives back to back a pocket town member by the name of grizzy real name eric chapman jr would be killed in mckinley park on the 1st of may 2020 at age 30. he was shot in the chest after an argument with another man around 2 30 a.m two months later on july the 13th 2020 a prominent pocket town and kts member kts rio real name lee demario cameron would be sitting in a car at a gas station on the 7000 block of south damon avenue when a silver suv pulled up and somebody started shooting with rio later being pronounced dead in hospital it was believed that the hit on kts rio was a personal revenge attack due to rio allegedly killing a no limit og by the name of boss blizz back in 2011. the next death would come on september the 28th 2020 when pocket town's k-dog real name kevin forbes would be shot on the 6900 block of south woodlawn avenue later being dropped off at saint bernard hospital with a gun shot to the head with him being pronounced dead on arrival several other individuals would lose their lives from pocket town over the course of 2020 with threads on reddit suggesting as many as six people would lose their lives in this period of only a few months but in 2021 would come a devastating loss for no limit when a beloved friend of theirs that was supposedly out of the streets would lose their life as a result of this conflict gregory jackson iii aka lil greg was a member of nlmb and close friend of g herbo but on january 28 2021 greg would visit the studio 19 barber shop at 1931 south state street story has it that he would come face to face with a pocket town affiliate that he had a personal feud with at the barber shop no confrontation took place there and then as it said both individuals involved were not personally shooters but each man would apparently call their respective group of friends to find out whether or not a move needed to be made ultimately the other individual left and greg remained in the barber shop but he wouldn't be safe there it was later reported that while sitting in the barbers somebody would walk in and shoot him in the face after greg's death hit the news the police would name him firmly as a friend of g herbo and a member of the nlmb gang apparently greg was like a brother to g herber with herbo releasing a long heartfelt statement about the loss as did other no limit members like mali greg clearly was plugged into the rap game because even 21 savage posted him after his passing this murder would hit g herbo particularly hard with herb later admitting that it was this loss that sent him into a spiral of alcoholism what's some [ __ ] that when you sin by yourself you just get depressed about life thinking about my little brother though go out right now he passed away in january january 28th i'll be thinking about him a lot because that [ __ ] wasn't ready for him i ain't gonna lie like sometimes i'll be feeling like a [ __ ] did something help just to hurt me i don't know i was drinking a lot i went into like a slump like real like just emotional slump just drinking all day and then going to the studio drinking drinking drinking drinking a pocket town affiliate would end up being linked to the vehicle used in the murder of lil greg being arrested with a gun in the getaway car but ultimately not being charged in connection with the murder interestingly the gun used in this crime would end up being connected to three navy seals who had been busted running a gun racket in chicago for years with the newsletter reporting that u.s soldiers in kentucky were selling weapons across state lines to pocket town gang members who were using those guns to settle scores on the streets in the aftermath of lil greg's death lil don from pocket town would post to instagram mocking his ops and suggesting that lil greg was the biggest scorer of 2021 but following this what would appear to be a brutal revenge attack would take place clips circulated seeming to suggest that a memorial party was being held on k-dog from pocket down's birthday with many pocket town members said to be attending the party that took place on march 26 2021 in what police would later describe as a mass shooting in pocket town it's alleged that a number of people pulled up to the event on 2500 block west 79th street and begun shooting into the crowd indiscriminately as people were leaving the party eight people were shot and the police claimed to have recovered more than 100 shell casings from outside the venue one individual believed to have been hit in the shooting was arrested in a car speeding to the hospital with police finding a gun in slide lock suggesting that all of the bullets in the clip had been fired recently with later footage from a security camera being released apparently showing pocket town members returning fire but i can't show you that here one witness who was a marine veteran would tell the news that his experience of the scene was like something out of desert storm unfortunately as a result of this shooting spook real name dante thomas would be killed by a gunshot to the head being pronounced dead at the scene another pocket town affiliate by the name of lord was shot in the head and taken to hospital in critical condition later passing away with another affiliate by the name of denny g being shot in the stomach and later being seen on social media recovering in the hospital no limit members would celebrate following this tragic shootout some would publicly show love to little greg after the incident with cairo apparently going on to call faro from no limit the savage of the year but that euphoria naturally would never last it's said that retaliation would come soon after this and in the aftermath numerous shootings had been recorded in no limit territory it's claimed that eventually that other individual who greg faced off within the barbershop before being killed would eventually lose their life in a july 2022 shooting ultimately this was just the latest in another long line of murders back and forth between these two crews clearly there's been no love lost between these groups over the years and the unfortunate truth is it's really difficult to see the violence ever coming to an end whilst those involved continue to escalate things on both sides there really are no winners in the streets the only thing even close to resembling a win is simply getting out with your life intact g herbo was lucky enough to do that but in his own words the trauma that he experienced on the street left him suffering from ptsd and addiction problems it's truly hard to imagine what g herbo or any of the no limit soldiers went through over these decades-long wards it's a uniquely tragic experience that very few people can truly say they identify with or relate to but perhaps one of the most fascinating things to come out of this situation is the fact that several people mentioned throughout this story would sit down to do hours long interviews speaking their piece about everything that's gone down over the years and in the final chapter of this story we'll take a look at no limit cairo's explosive 2022 interview with 16 shot and visuals where he finally broke down his true feelings about the war candidly the ups the downs the brotherhood and betrayal leaving nothing off the table and clearly not scared to hurt a few feelings [Music] cairo from no limit has been one of the most outspoken people involved in the deadly wars between the gangs hailing from terror town but he also seems to have a sense of humor about it on the 9th of february 2022 cairo appears in a vlog alongside a man that he calls his lawyer telling the viewers that he doesn't kill his ops they just magically everything we do is legal we don't do no crime you know some people might see us call crime stoppers we ain't this he also introduces lil wet to the camera saying that he can't say much just a little bit more y'all don't know the big weather it's the little one though but he's still big it's also worth noting that in this vlog cairo is in the studio with a g herbo track playing in the background that he's mouthing along to with cairo at one point saying that these lyrics are real clearly at one point cairo believed in g-herbo and his lyrics but at some point that would all change and in march 2022 the world would witness no limit cairo sitting down with 16 shot and visuals for a two and a half hour tell-all interview this was an incredible piece of chicago history and one of the very few times somebody from a gang war like this who isn't a rapper would speak so candidly at length on the events that had unfolded in the streets and apparently respected no limit members lil wet and faro were in the room during this interview with most people believing that this is an endorsement of the things cairo said over the course of this interview cairo spoke with incredible introspection on feeling like a lost soul who was badly influenced by the older people in his neighborhood saying that he was smoking and drinking since age five and that terror town was an awful place to grow up you know i used to be smoking and drinking and [ __ ] when i was like fast six seven eight man i'm a lost soul [ __ ] you know the older guys they [ __ ] me up in the heat that's why [ __ ] be saying [ __ ] like ah she called chia town and [ __ ] like that cause [ __ ] used to cause terror and [ __ ] cairo also gave an interesting insight into how hard it is for kids in the neighborhood to escape the cycle of violence saying neighborhood kids disputes would follow them all the way to school and back home meaning that in the end they would eventually be safer dropping out of education and just staying on their block this gang [ __ ] felt like this [ __ ] fan of [ __ ] at school you going to school trying to get your education [ __ ] put your brain on the book that school [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] follow you there at church they should follow you there all the places you feel say that [ __ ] to follow you they should follow you home in this street [ __ ] at one point 16 shots asks cairo if he's considered breaking the cycle telling his youngers that they don't need to participate in the war or gangbanging to which cairo says that's exactly what he did yet here they are with him gangbanging and making a choice to ride with the gang i told y'all that because for now and i said man don't be in this [ __ ] they right here with me right now gangbanging that these people right here gang banging they they didn't listen because that stayed twice before they grown but most explosively in this interview cairo would have some choice words for g herbo initially explaining that the reason he doesn't rap is because he doesn't know how to pretend and he believes that most rappers lie nah i never made no song i don't know how to pretend it's only like championship [ __ ] telling the truth and they raps all the rest of that [ __ ] entertainment cairo would go on to say that he was offended by rappers making money off the streets but not living it suggesting that many rappers simply steal other people's life stories making money off [ __ ] the other [ __ ] to risk their life for he rapping but he ain't out here killing [ __ ] sliding none of that [ __ ] but his homie number is sliding and [ __ ] now he get in the booth now i'm gonna [ __ ] be going oh boy and it would eventually become crystal clear that cairo was talking about jihirbo with him openly putting dirt on herbo's reputation and suggesting that he was never sure about him i would never close with her he won't never come no sign i asked him what he was he said i'm no limit i see how the [ __ ] throw limit out i'm really no limit you ain't never been on my blog where the [ __ ] you from ultimately cairo would say that he loves that herbo made it out of terrortown and became a millionaire but he says that he isn't proud of g herbo not coming back and helping the people who were there with him in the early days i love him for making this [ __ ] but i ain't proud of him for not doing [ __ ] for the [ __ ] around him who was around him before he made cairo would go on to say that a lot of people get success and forget about their past and that herbo is one of those people a lot of [ __ ] get on and forget that [ __ ] [ __ ] like heard cairo would eventually elaborate that he's not just looking for a handout and that he was really upset about the fact that g would regularly promise specific things to the crew and then let them down i heard it say man i got the 150 drinks in labor for the sand like three four y'all folks reneged on the gas never sand them cairo would accuse herbo of promising no limit members bail money and then reneging man heard we need for short five thousand [ __ ] saying goofy [ __ ] [ __ ] get locked up cairo would also accuse herbo of rapping about their dead friends for clout going as far as to suggest that herbo only met veto once majority of the [ __ ] who died he know them [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] he'd be rapping about all the older guys he don't know them i don't even know if you know veto for real is that probably the same bro once t.o.b you see your big cuz and i'm talking to facebook you like oh yeah facebook what's up big bro hey on [ __ ] like that like you don't even know the face of all the way pride cairo would then go on to quote g herbo's own lyrics where he claimed he would take little wet to egypt if he beat the four murder charges with cairo dramatically proclaiming that lil wet has still not left chicago he said my little cousin in the county fight quadruple bodies when he come home when he beat this [ __ ] we going to easily bro ain't went to ease of yet bro be this sheet he is shot right as the conversation went on cairo proceeded to rip g herbo for not living the lifestyle other no limit members lived even going as far as to compare him to six nine i know phoneme don't [ __ ] with him cause he do weird [ __ ] don't do [ __ ] for his block he said y'all type of [ __ ] you know you know do i compare him to 69 for he wanted to join trayway in response to questions over whether or not he could ever fix things with herbo cairo said outright no saying that it's too late and too many people have died without herbo coming back to help if a [ __ ] let 10 of your [ __ ] die after they get on they didn't know what they was just right here with us i feel like you never gave a [ __ ] for like because you just right here ducking shots and [ __ ] with us too but ain't [ __ ] he could do cause he's like we waited too long we can't even enjoy this [ __ ] all right [ __ ] did cairo went on to point out how hurt he was when he heard lyrics on herb song riding with it where herb appeared to say that he wouldn't die for his block because other people had already died for it i love motherhood you think i'm bad for that [ __ ] follow them they already died for that [ __ ] how the [ __ ] you gonna say this [ __ ] about your homies from them that [ __ ] said candle lights [ __ ] out there sneak don't sneak this on me crying and [ __ ] you know we all [ __ ] up down you putting this [ __ ] in rap [ __ ] on us and towards the end of the interview cairo even opened up about his appearance in the no lacking three video at mcdonald's with cairo breaking down that situation in great detail i won't do it here but i definitely suggest you go and give it a watch but towards the end of the interview cairo would come out with yet another quotable saying that the no limit gang never killed anybody but that god killed them [ __ ] said we never killed no [ __ ] god killed him cairo's frank discussion of g herbo taking stories from real gangsters ruffled a lot of feathers some people like lil reese came out to defend g herbo whilst others pointed out the fairly reasonable counter-argument that cairo all the rest of no limit really shouldn't be relying on the generosity of one man for their survival and prosperity suggesting that they can't wait for g herbo to put them on they should put themselves on ultimately both sides have valid points and perhaps there's a much wider observation to be made that g herbo who was already facing several legal cases including a large currently unresolved fraud case should absolutely not be giving money or opportunities to documented gang members realistically it only takes a few misguided messages or recorded phone calls with the wrong people to have herbo tied up in a racketeering case with the whole gang relating to all of the crimes and killings they have potentially done which ultimately would completely blow this entire career that herbert spent years working on in order to get out of the cycle of violence but at the end of the day cairo had made his thoughts known and spoken his truth to the world some people might look at g-herbo differently while others might look at cairo differently this was a blockbuster interview that went incredibly viral and off the back of it cairo would capitalize on his newly increased profile continuing to release vlogs filmed on his block once again coming out with tongue-in-cheek quotables where he claims no limit do not kill people we will kill people i'm judge jones trying to live my life homie anything god he'd show his crew hanging out on the block riding bikes with everyone apparently comfortable outside because their ox ain't going to do nothing here we got a rad motorcycle cause [ __ ] ain't gonna do [ __ ] oh no but of course if there were any ops watching cairo reminded them once again that if you mess with them god will kill you they told me god just bought a switch a man is dead after a shooting right in front of the cook county jail the man suffered gunshot wounds to the face and chest and was pronounced dead at mount sinai oh this has killed a whole bunch of kids up today police say he was ambushed by two men who got out of a vehicle near the jail sylvester was shot as many as 64 times and pronounced dead at mount sinai he was a 21 year old man shot a number of times he was dead when police arrived and you know he was out there this morning for a little bit while investigators taped off a scene they just landed on the street they've been out here for almost four hours four hours how do you lay a kid on the ground it was one of more than a dozen murders the first weekend in august police say the quadruple murders outside this south shore restaurant were a planned execution in retaliation for the murder of maurice harris's father harris is only 19 years old and while his juvenile record is protected one commander says the system failed him i'll just be completely honest this story is one of the most shocking things that i've ever covered this is by far the most violent story that i have ever covered on this channel and honestly i was just blown away by the sheer brutality on display in the streets of tara town i'm not gonna pretend like there's something that i can do or say to make these decades long and bitter feuds any better all i hope is that this long and detailed piece can give you a better understanding of why things are the way they are in america's most dangerous places dozens of young men lost their lives as a result of this gang war and it's hard not to feel that in many ways it was really all for nothing every killing can be traced back to an earlier incident where somebody else was wronged or killed leaving behind another person with a lifelong vendetta that they're willing to kill to settle i can't pretend to relate i don't know what it's like to grow up losing friends and knowing the people who killed them are only a few blocks away i don't know what it's like to be consumed by hate grief and revenge day in day out but what i do know is that not everybody who makes that decision to pick up a gun and kill an op is doing it with a clear head i'm really not making excuses but if we as a society ever want to make things better in communities torn apart by gang violence then we have to have some empathy and focus on the real causes of these problems as cairo said himself you've got kids as young as five being given liquor drugs and guns many of these young men like faizo and mad max lost their parental figures in horrible ways before they were even old enough to know right from wrong they might have done terrible things in their lives but how is it fair to expect those young men to grow up and do the right thing when all they were ever taught was being wronged by the ops by the police by wider society sadly the violence in terror town continues to this very day and i've got to say it was incredibly disheartening during the course of writing this video to keep seeing news breaking of numerous new people losing their lives in relation to this war that really drove home to me just how endless this cycle is to me cairo's interview was poignant not just for his insights into the realities of gang life looking past him being upset that g-herbo sold him and the gang of dream i think it's important to look at how cairo's story differs from g-herbos because it highlights the wider problem there's really not a lot of hope in the streets and if your only hope for getting out is that someone else on your block becomes a rapper blows up and comes back to help then you'll be disappointed and realistically herbo simply can't be back in the hood giving chains to his killers because if he did he would be putting his life and his livelihood in danger and sadly when it comes to the streets it seems that the exit door goes only one way another person who i barely mentioned in this story is the brother of g faiso fabian who would leave tara town after the devastating murder of his brother choosing instead to focus on basketball and going on to have an illustrious professional career playing outside of the united states he made a choice and got out too just like g herbo but maybe attracting a little bit less attention and while i respect cairo's decision to remain solid and never leave his brothers ultimately for some people they do just have to leave to survive and i don't believe that's a decision anyone else can pass judgment on i just hope that many more of the next generation of young men in terror town grow up and make that decision i pray for everybody who lost their life as part of this story and for everybody still risking their lives in the dangerous streets of this world i truly hope you make it out thank you for watching this video and rest in peace to everyone who lost their lives [Music] i want to give a huge shout out to chicago scene 88 whose incredible research made this possible go and check out his channel if you want to learn more about the stories of chicago gangsters i'd also like to thank my team my editor camille my research assistants on this job cormac and sam as well as all of my patrons for supporting the channel thanks so much you all mean the world to me and peace out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Trap Lore Ross
Views: 5,682,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hVnSvGjBnv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 40sec (11380 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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