Cam Newton Compares J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, and Drake's Rap Beef To The NFL | CLUB SHAY SHAY

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did you ever get tired of hearing people say man you dressing like a auntie you dressing all them women clothes them tight clothes bring your girl around me if you know a female is toxic and still you know she toxic she ain't going to be toxic with no go cam though [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you know come on cam we still away from red flags though cam that's cool but some red flags equate the Six Flags yeah boy oh boy is it a is it a fun ride my life grinding on my life sacrifice hustle P the price want a slice got the roll of dice that's why all my life I been grinding all my life all my life running all my life sacrifice hustle P the price want a slice got the roll a dice that's why all my life hello welcome to another episode of Club Shay I am your host I'm also the proprietor of Club Shay and today is a special edition because we're on the road and the man we're on the road with today he's the only player to win the Heisman the BCS National Championship NFL Rookie of the Year and be selected number one in NFL draft the same season he's an NFL MVP he's an SEC and NFL offensive player of the year he's a first team All Pro earned three Pro bowls AF AP college player of the year consensus allamerican first team all SEC quarterback he won back-to-back national championships one in junior college the other in the NCAA he's also has the most rushing touchdown by NFL quarterback Carolina Panther Auburn Atlanta great some call him Superman I call him my nephew Cam Newton how was that intro it was all right all what did I what I leave out tell me what I leave out it was all right entrepreneur father all right all Dad D yeah father great father great father great business here thanks for having us yes sir let Club sh Shay come into Fellowship you did anytime you welcome anytime welcome look here I know you on a espresso that's bad luck what's B the mixing Spirits with a unspirited drink that's bad luck that's bad luck okay we here you got water I think yep boom there you go yeah now let's go viral it's your good luck you diging I'm saying so this rock and roll how you doing oh I'm magnificent any better I be a twin see what I'm saying you listen I'm we're here at your at your place fellowship and I think it's one of the uh I haven't been to a whole lot of cigar spots but the ones I have you're second to none yes sir when you came up with the idea for Fellowship what were you thinking and what were you hoping to accomplish well I travel a lot and um smoking cigars is a part of my daily routine and for me I just wanted to create something that embodies everything that I like socializing networking being comfortable uh as well as eating great food and amazing and you know smoking right um cigars so you you know you combine all those things together and that's what you get out of Fellowship was this your first entry into being an entrepreneur um indirectly or directly yes indirectly no I think the first one was realizing at the age of 20 I'm the man of of of my bloodline okay and that's and I say that humbly being that I got so much high regard to my father um but making those type of decisions um really put a lot of things into perspective okay let's get right into it you call we you went viral earlier when you said game managers versus game changers can you clarify what did you mean cuz I think I know what you mean but I want to hear it from you what did you mean when you said there are certain guys and you can list the guys if you like that are game managers and there are certain guys that are game changers because they're asked to do different things correct well in the game of football today there's only really five game changers at the quarterback position okay Lamar Jackson Josh Allen Aaron Rogers Patrick Mahomes Joe burrow okay and that's not a title that's just handed out to anybody now this is the biggest misconception being a game manager is not a backhanded compliment it's something that your team does not require you to win the game all the time those game changers they're asked to win the game every single day right right and that's just what I meant and when I went more into detail about it I think it really became apparent that I'm like yo hold on and I know we're talking about Brock per here and I have no quarrels or no issue with him I think his his rise to who he is is the perfect definition of the American dream right hardworking get it out the mud you know earn every single thing that you that you get that you get and he's done right by the opportunity that he was presented with and for me I never wanted to kind of come off because I know what it's like to prepare as an NFL player I think too many times it was assumed or painted as if I was bitter um as if I was was a hater or I was just calling that how I see it when I think about game changers there's top two on their team top three top five and when I you know explained it even more I was looking at the roster of the San Francisco Fort ners and I'm saying to myself well they loaded right but he didn't ask for that situation you know what I'm saying you know I've played with Christian mcaffry I know how Dynamic he is you know I've always been a fan of Debo samel i' I've I've played against Fred Warner I know the amount of preparation it is George K those guys and you know that team is stacked uh Trent Williams those guys you know have the ingredients to be or to become a dynasty right and I never wanted to kind of Jade that from you know his hard work and preparation I think sometimes cam people I remember when I first got into the league people would critique us and they like well you never played game MH and if you did play the game were you any good now you have players that played the game played the game at a high level that were very good and they're not allowed to critique so are you beyond reproach are you not allowed to be critique regardless whether you're Game Changer or game manager so where are we going with this cam I think we're living in a day and age where people aren't critiquing the take they're critiquing the person who gave the take oh oh okay so I said they mad at the messenger yeah yeah I said game manager and people were saying you didn't jump on the the fumble you didn't you didn't perform or he's better than you or you're a bust or you're doing and I'm saying to myself it's like that's not talking about what I said right I think a lot of times we're getting distracted by who's delivering the message not the message itself right wow that's it's funny that you say that you listed Mahomes Lamar Josh Allen Aaron Rogers those are your and Joe burrow those are your game changers yes sir those are the guys that you go into the game and there's a level of expectation week in and week out yes sir we're going to win this game correct game managers you just like okay if this goes well if this guy play well this guy plays well if the defense does we have a chance to win no it's it's simple with those five guys that I listed you're telling them or the the unspoken word is go in us the game okay game managers in some regard is you're basically telling them don't lose the game right see what I'm saying right those like don't put the don't put the ball In Harm's Way protect the football just give guys chances to make plays on your behalf or our behalf and we'll win the game right you do realize like when you say certain things like this and this is uh I remember remember when you had the comment and uh your dad called me when I when you said I think what was the term you used what was the term that you use random randoms and I'm thinking to myself does he understand like if he goes into one of these locker rooms and these guys that he called random how uncomfortable that's going to be did you think about it in that terms Shannon I'll tell you this or Uncle Shay my sole purpose while using my platform is to expose the truth okay however it comes out it may be aggressive it may be you know a little slain sometimes but it's the truth right and I don't bite my vernacular just because of the setting that I'm in right you could put me in the locker room you could put me in a barber shop you could put me in in in in a Podium you can put me in front of ESPN Fox CNN it doesn't matter right my vernacular would not change and randoms were guys who I felt still do feel that they've been given opportunities that guys of my stature never gotten and that's just the truth I think that's going to make for some very uncomfortable tough conversations cam so be it this is when I realized that I'm not for everybody right that's when I started living in my true self but as a quarterback you have to be for everybody you know you the face of because you got to be good with dline the o line the wide receiver the running backs the DB you you actually are the CEO of the company yes sir and you understand a lot of people are going to take their cue from you of course and I'm good with all them anybody you you you do the research you probably already have people who are watching this let them do their research find a teammate that said cam was an amazing teammate you call me random you come in there camer we going to have to have a conversation well you just that's just competition it's just competition anytime that I ever wanted to insert myself let's compete right that's a cultural thing I'm competing with you right now right Club Shay vers funky Friday night cap verse 4th and one it don't necessarily matter it's a healthy competition you see what I'm saying and we have to normalize that we're seeing it in music right now J Cole Kendrick Lamar Drake M healthy competition now don't get distracted by the words understand the message and and and and where it's coming from the purpose of the words so I see guys have uh opportunities to be backups that didn't come by way of me I understand who I am and you want me to minimize myself you want me to Dam my life so somebody else can well you have the deal you like to be a backup I I told you who I would would back up but that still wasn't good enough so now it's this whole emancipation of of who the black person supposed to be especially a black quarterback you want me to shrink or minimize myself no cam you have a wife and kids you you have a wife and you got three kids you're without a job you say well I'm only going to work do this this and this I don't know if you're in the position to say that if you're trying to feed said family and keep a roof over their head Eli did it Eli Manny that's in the beginning you could have probably pulled that card in the beginning when you had the power that's cool you can't say different rules to different people yeah I don't think it's a different set of rules because we going to talk about this later with time says look I want sh door to go here here there okay fine I a have no problem with that although uh I didn't really particularly like when when Eli did it but I'm saying when you have the power yeah Superman Clark Kink ain't got no power yes sir Superman had Superman had the power the guy that did this the guy that was 15 and one yes sir could have called that shot but this is what I'm telling you is this that person who you're talking about I'm a very confident person that often times get Mis interpreted as cocky mhm who does Cam think he is to sit up here I've told this is me telling you I've admitted to putting myself in some [ __ ] up situations okay and I don't want to put myself in no more bad situations so if you give me a allseason to learn a Playbook properly right if you give me a time to really understand the play caller's purpose now I can interpret what he's trying to do and also give my insight too those are are those are situations that I didn't necessarily have I was learning in New England I was learning and I said this not time and time again I was learning a 20year system and trying to cram that throughout the year as well as I I was signed a month before we played football right I go to Carolina I was trying to learn on the go and on top of that you fire the OC two weeks into an already bad situation now I had to learn something again right now in the offseason I'm telling you like yo these are what I would want to do this is me representing myself and if I can't represent myself and speak as honest as I know how I don't want to put myself in no bad situations because my production was being impacted by bad situations but when I say that it's me saying who does he think no it's not that it's just the truth and I'm speaking my truth but the thing is Cam the people that you mentioned the likelihood you were going to get a chance to play hello I knew I I knew they wasn't going to come and get me I knew my phone wasn't going to ring but I still had to tell the people what I wanted and that's the power of media right now right we don't have to wait for a publishing in the newspaper or magazine I can go direct to the source either with X Twitter Tik Tok Instagram got your own platform I got my own platform I'm going tell you how what I want right and it's for you to to sip through and say okay that juice is worth the squeeze right and if not then it is what it is and I'm fine with that that's the thing that people don't understand I was ready to walk away from the NFL when Carolina released me the first time so me being in this position right now it don't make me uncomfortable look where we at this place ain't cheat this place paid me very well why didn't you you said you was ready to walk away and you was dealing with some injuries in Carolina why didn't you take that off seon to get fully healthy and then come back that's that's the gift and the curse because the opportunity presented itself as a competitor as a lion when the opportunity presents itself you say to yourself I could do it mhm I can do it I don't need that much time I'm me and it ended up I bet it on myself and it didn't work out right and I don't have nobody else to blame but me even though I'm saying to myself those are bad situations I knew those situations as it was arising still having full confidence in myself to say I can do this yeah it but see Cam and the words of the great Clint would he said every man got to know his limitations it's like if you know a female is toxic and still you know she toxic she ain't going to be toxic with no go cam though [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] I tell you toxicity and any no C no now come on now come on like we going to keep it the buck now you you know what I'm saying come on cam you tell me we still away from red flags though cam that's cool but some red flags equate the Six Flags and boy oh boy is it a is it a fun ride ride make at the end of the day you still got to taste the you know what I'm saying the appetizer or the or the sample just to see if that's something that you want to partake in oh man Dam come on now I may be too real come step now you know what I mean Cat Williams you your folks even know how real and you know what I'm saying they can get but at the end of the day I know who who I am right and I know that that may turn a lot of people off but that ain't my kind right and and I'm extremely respectful to everybody I respect everybody right and when that time comes for me to express myself I don't want to be minimized I have children I have sons I have daughters and I raise them to be able to to look every man and every woman in their eye and speak your mind and there's a right and wrong way to articulate yourself and I've never crossed that boundary by disrespecting Somebody by expressing myself you are you done with football uh I think the question is is football done with me cuz if you give me ample time or you give me a situation that makes sense to me I have to take it are you training to go back to play football man I'm ready right now that's what people don't understand I still work out I still I mean it's like riding a bike I've been playing this game since I was seven years old Housewives work out happily trained yes are you training mm don't let the cigar fool you I smoking cigars like after a t a day three a day it don't matter don't don't don't let this fool you now how about this getting in is the easy part is knowing when to get out that's hard mhm I'm I'm listen put it like like this I'm not begging nobody mhm to go back right if the opportunity presents itself where somebody feels the need that Cam Newton can help our franchise I'll be ready have you or any your representatives representation reached out to any of the 32 teams yes and what's the feedback what's been say oh man you know well we're exploring options right now and you know that professional talk right all all to say we're not interested yes sir and that's fine that's cool they have to do what's right for them and I have to do what's right for me and a part of that is telling the people what's right for me right so you can't sit up here and say Cam ain't willing to be a backup I told y I'll be a backup these are the people who I would backup and that still wasn't good enough so what is it now and I already knew that going into it because it's not necessarily what's being said it's the source of who's saying it right oh man you know bringing the Cam Newton into the franchise what does that say to the starter am I supposed to apologize for the AE that I bring that's that's me that's what made my Roar loud I put a lot on my plate that's how my father raised me right and now man look my father is obviously the most influential male of my life and he is as holy as holy but when my dad know when I talk to him like this like pop you ain't rais no [ __ ] now this is this not him as my pastor this is me talking to him as a man right you ain't raised no [ __ ] so I got to do what's right for me and my family and us right and I'm not going to let nobody play with me so that could be intimidating to a franchise because they think that oh we can't control this mother no you've never had no problems from Cam Newton you've never seen Cam Newton on a DUI you've never seen Cam Newton have conduct detrimental to the team you've never seen Cam Newton OU his the organization knowing that this wasn't my fault I still take the blame that's what quarterbacks is supposed to do right I've been a a upright honorable citizen in the eyes of of the media and now when I have my way of expressing myself oh who do you think you are I'm cam new simple and plain if I gave you a choice the last drive you got two minutes on the clock and you got to go 80 yards to get a touchdown I'm GNA give you Tom Brady I'm Gonna Give You Patrick Mahomes both in the prime who you taking Brady why it's Brady it I mean not not to minimize Patrick I I remember playing I never played Patrick Mahomes um the time I was supposed to play him I had Co okay I remember playing Tom Brady in New England I think it was 2017 2018 and the impact that he had it was like the game is never over mhm as a quarterback you never want to get distracted by the opposing offense you know what I'm saying I think Pat well it's not I think I know Patrick Mahomes has that it's like when you score it's like damn we left too much time right what with Brady the whole crowd they were down I think about two scores the whole crowd Brady Brady Brady that type of impact I don't think the game will ever see that in in respect to who he was and he's proven time and time again with Elite support C support and cast and questionable support and cast Brady has always got it done and I wouldn't say it just was Brady it was coach bich it was Josh McDaniels it was that whole organization Brady was just the person that got a lot of credit but if I were to that situation I'm going with Tom Brady every single day do you feel like when you playing against a Brady or you playing against the Mahomes now that you're actually competing against them and I know well I'm not on the field against Tom Brady I'm not on the field against Patrick Mahomes but you know what they're going to do and you got to Magic yes sir I mean as a as a athlete in that game or a player in that game those are all things that you think in the back of your head you know four-minute offense is that is par out is is is of of great desire that we got to get first downs we got to keep them off off the field you know and as we're playing these are the things that completions keeping the clock rolling you know uh protecting the football whether in the pocket outside the pocket guys you know stay in bounds it's it's a lot it's almost like the Jordan effect the LeBron effect the Steph effect these are great players now and when you're playing against them you'll be lying if you didn't feel that impact to say sh you already know who you looking across from I think you're two and 0 against Brady does it does it does it feel what you say now I I didn't hear you it was a I think you two and0 against Brady I think you beat him in Carolina and you beat him in New England yes sir do you feel different like beating a Brady or beating one of these top a Rogers or beating one of these top tier quarterbacks do you feel different with when you beat one of those guys only person I wish I I would have beat was Payton you only I'm on to verse verse Payton obviously one in the regular season when he had that crazy year with 55 touchdowns yeah and then obviously in the Super Bowl right um but other than that I I H my own right if I give you a choice you got to start a FR you you Cam Newton is the general manager MH and you get Joe burrow Justin Herbert jayen Herz or Brock to start start your franchise with who you picking Jo sh smoking Joe [ __ ] cool I seen him at a Super Bowl party and I was like yo like this dude I could see what like gu man listen he he got that it Factor okay and a lot of times especially as you cover sports or you you talk about it critique Sports you don't really know these people you don't have real interactions with them I met Joe cool guy and his Aura was just like just a cool ass dude you know what I'm saying not taking anything away from Jaylen not taking anything from Brock not taking anything from you know any other person uh Justin Herbert that you that you spoke of but I need guys that's going to lead our franchise it's easy to say when things are going good good but are you going to give the confidence in that locker room when things going bad right and that's what I look at from my seat who do you think wins the wins the Super Bowl first Jordan love Brock pie Joe burrow Lamar Jackson Justin Herbert Dak Prescott Jaylen HST Lamar what happened what happened this year because it seemed like everything was perfect they had HomeField throughout they were clearly from about week nine on the best team in the NFL it wasn't close you look at the team that they beat they beat Miami by God knows how much they did a demolition job on the 49ers they blew the doors off Seattle all the teams that made the playoffs or that was playoff potentials they just didn't skate by them they Ram Shack and then this moment AFC Championship Game on your home field and everybody knows Lamar Jackson is going to be the MVP the only question is is it going to be unanimous again yeah I think one thing that Lamar and the Ravens organization just has to figure out is how to win the ugly games M it's one of them situations like sometimes when I look at Lamar it's like bro stop thinking and it's easy for a guy with that much talent to think oh it it's so many like as a chef you can prepare this meal in so many different ways but everybody know your signature signature is smoked man smoke this [ __ ] and get and get on about your day you got the win find a way to win the ugly games and we can talk about the other stuff later Patrick Mahomes has found a way to do that I don't care what we need to do or we could talk about all this other them drop balls we can worry about all that [ __ ] after the end of the game let's find a way to win Travis Kelsey man we going to find a way to [ __ ] win and I think for Lamar once he figures that out now to say that he hasn't but everybody around cuz it's just not Lamar right it's everybody finding a way to win that's what made Tom Brady and the New England Patriots so dynamic because it could be we gonna find a way to win remember that Super Bowl in Atlanta that was the ugliest Super Bowl ever yes the Patriots versus the Rams low scoring we thought it was going to be a fire uh uh uh up and down 3531 man it was low low scoring game we got to find a way to win and once he figures that out the organization figures that out it's funny that you say that because Brady mastered that and you mentioned Patrick Mahomes because you look at the Super Bowl against Philly he threw for 180 yards MH but every yard mattered correct every this he didn't have what he I end up going overtime and I think he might have had close to 300 but you say that is like finding ways to win that people don't think you can cuz everybody thinks that he's supposed to throw for 3 400 yards and that's the only way they can win right but sometimes he turned into a game manager because he Tom Brady was the greatest game manager and the greatest because he understood man this is going to be a low-scoring game man I can't put this ball In Harm's Way I can't fumble I can't make mistakes or knowing how to compartmentalize the different versions of yourself okay and that's what makes you a game changer cuz may say hey hey hey easy easy easy hey check check check hey Bronco hey Bronco hey 52 is the mic that's checking into a a run play it's too high I know what it is I want to take this shot we're calling two plays this second and short or third and one we're going to be aggressive okay hey hey hey hey easy hey I got to get us out this play first down one yard game cool that's fine I need to understand what version of myself that I need to go into my deck of card and say okay boom I'mma throw that little that little T of spade out it's going to walk though you dig what I'm saying right so each so each game a quarterback Cam Newton has to go in there I have to be the best version today of what is needed of me today I might not need to be Superman today put a microscope to it and even display okay not today cuz out out in in a given game you may have anywhere from 40 plays to 62 plays that's just been documented what a regular game for a offense may look like those G those plays each play will never look the same so you have to sit up here and say oh oh I got one right here hey hey easy we good set w80 easy no no no no no no we good and you taking your shot that same thing they come out the next play you want to take another shot oh no no no no no no no hey kill that kill that these are what the outside pundits don't realize it's a chess match and too many times people forget that in football you just think it's 11 on 11 it's about splitting that number down the middle and finding your one on one right and the great ones do it and and you you see what makes them great the Cowboys are in a very precarious situation because they find themselves in a very similar situation to where they were four years ago Dak Prescott going into the final year of his contract that time they they they franchised and made the play on a franchise tag thought about franchising again get him a longterm deal so here we are again what is it that Dak needs to do what is it that Dak hasn't done to convince the Cowboys cuz clearly they're not convinced because Jerry said it after we're only going to go as far as Dak carry us and this was as far as he could carry us what are you seeing from Dak what's what's going on with Dak what's going on with the Cowboys offense that in big games he doesn't play his best this messages to uh Dak Prescott we looking for that [ __ ] dog and I don't think Jerry Jones will allow him to become that because you got to be politically correct you got to be the almost the president of football almost to be the signal caller for the Dallas Cowboys what Dallas Cowboys need at that at at that quarterback position is somebody say no [ __ ] [ __ ] that it's my [ __ ] this is what we going to do I I hear all that but we trying to win we trying to win yes or no okay cool now unleash me and let me win this football game that type of Aura I don't think that can be that no cuz Jerry wants to win his way you see what I'm saying so those are going to be very combative forces that I don't know if they can get to that next level I know a guy that played quarterback that didn't win nearly as much Dak probably won more playoff games than him and he never had to worry about a contract the guy that Dak come on now came after I all I'm saying I I I mean am I missing for the people we keeping it the butt now who you talking about so uh so so the people will know all I know is Tony Romo was made the highest play quarterback in football with no Super Bowls no uh NFC championship game no First Team all pro no second Team all Pros he ain't he ain't never had to worry about a contract and when he's done playing he gets a deal that nobody else gets so what are we really talking about so you want Cam Newton to to to shut up and and sit back when I'm telling y'all that this is ain't there's different rules for different people yes when I can sit here and say hold up easy there's a slant coming hey watch the pressure hey watch this and watch that as a as a athletic quarterback you don't get enough credit you think Lamar Jackson has been as successful as he is by him not understanding the the the football game and how people are going to try to play him Jaylen Herz Patrick Mahomes these athletic quarterbacks come on now you you said like okay Romo got what he got when he played in then he goes out and he becomes color of CBS gets this long-term deal The Prime Time game he ain't oh yeah he number one he number one I take another guy who I have a whole bu respect for and call me bias Greg Olsen yeah Greg Olson didn't get that deal so it can't be no black and white thing it's just like yo how why how did he get that right you want to call games man I want the money I figure everything else out [ __ ] I asked you a question about that what made you get into Le portier yeah it's [ __ ] you realize that you could become a billionaire [ __ ] we'll fig all the other rest of the stuff out later I ain't no different cam do you want a call game nope [ __ ] we going to give you $30 million a year [ __ ] no but you can't go scam you can't go in there say no you got yes I would love to call games well yeah I love to call games what that contract look like we going to give you 750,000 yeah all right I'm good where I'm at I mean they probably I mean it all depends on where you calling you calling the you know you're the number one slot or the number two slot number one slot you know is here man you got to know who you are you see what I'm saying you take you take certain people from certain situations and that situation ain't the same my point period Undisputed ain't been the same since Shannon Shar Moon walked up out of there Shannon sharp going to be straight yeah now skip why them rating ain't what they are now oh was because of you no you got to figure out you got to know who you are bro you do c but I think the thing is is that we are not going to get allowed to start at the top you start in the mail room and then you going to start carrying the mail and then you going to work your way up before you get to the penthouse you're not going to the penthouse you have to understand that and see I once see you can be good at any game if you understand the rules and how to play the game I understand that and I'm exposing that so so you do me a favor okay you go back to the introduction yeah and you give that resume yeah and you put that on Dan orosy and see if he don't become get the number one slot out hello you see what I'm saying I understand what the rules are I'm just here to expose it like your constituent cat William said I'm just here to collect information and I'm just here to report it don't get mad that I'm reporting what I've obviously seen was to be true and what everybody else knows they just don't say it correct so you going to make me the bad guy because I'm reporting the truth no no I'm not going to do that I'm not in the position I don't need you you don't need me but people need the truth you had a very interesting take on on Kurt Cousins you're like I want to know who his agent is for sure because I want to know how a man that's won one playoff game been a game manager his entire career and get guaranteed 331 331 million 35 he's coming off season ending Achilles surgery at his age the Falcons just gave him 180 million 100 million guaranteed 50 million at the time of signing it ain't even I mean it it's that's egregious and I love the fact that he's able to get that right money but what the Falcons paid kurk cousins they could have got Cam Newton Justin fields and Michael Vic for that price you do realize they could have gave up two first rounders and got Lamar Jackson for but we not talking about that see this is the thing about sports that we don't do a better job with holding people to the fire okay you a judge or you you you a critique Dak Prescott you a critique Cam Newton you'll critique Lamar Jackson you'll critique Patrick Mahomes but who's to say for the ownership the management and all these decision makers by tricking off these key decisions but they want you to just shut up and play right I'm sitting up at the like when are we gonna admit that these coaches really don't know what they doing these managers don't know what they doing these owners really don't know what they doing or they they're making bad situations and this the franchise is suffering from that it's not just that y'all don't have good players well and see here's the thing if you and I make a bad decision let's just say we make a bad investment we can't recoup that they make a bad investment the TV contract going to pay them $300 $400 million so what if they actually lost you see how you overcome a bad investment if you make a bad let's just say you go out there and buy a piece of property for 50 million you're like damn I'm I'm out of this 50 million but you say you know what I got 100 million coming in ain't no skin off my back nothing see that's how they look at it and see I look at Atlanta I think they were looking for the next Matt Ryan because the most successful quarterback in the history uh I guess far as wins and get into the Super Bowl you look at Matt Ryan cousin is basically a c copy of it Matt Ryan had Tony Gonzalez arguably or he's top three mm you know yeah he had Rody white he had Julio he had some weapons but they say look here we you had a defense yeah I mean you had Julio that's all you need [ __ ] but they say we got bejan Robinson we got Drake London we got uh Kyle pittz we I think they signed uh Mooney uh from Chicago so there like we just need somebody to get him the ball that's cool but I'm telling you with that 180 that you gave that guy you could have had if not more Talent at that position and you was going to sell out right I'm here man we are across the street from mercedesbenz Stadium yes people after games for the four years that Fellowship has been open has been in in in and saying the same argument when you go in that Stadium sometimes it's not Max the capacity I was a teenager when I when Michael Vic was here oh that thing was yeah come on now man that mother bro and they wasn't Elite no but Michael Vic to Atlanta was something that the city needed right and that's where you got to talk to management to say Hey listen I understand it's it's twofold we got to win football games and and we got to sell tickets right I don't know and I'm not saying that to to to shame Kurt Cousins right what I am saying is let's let's give a little bit more perspective too because the perspective about it is my take personally was Cam's getting old he ain't getting no younger he 32 at the time he's coming off a shoulder injury LZ Frank coup all things that are not quote unquote serious injuries they're not career in career ending if you tore your Achilles back when you was playing you're done yeah it was you never the same place so now he's coming back I I had this take on fourth and one you're giving this person the money coming off a injury so how am I supposed to feel because the same questions and the same concerns that you had with me obviously you done Overlook that you see don't have don't have those concerns with him and if you give Kurt Cousins my resume he probably would have got more but I'm tripping but I'm bitter but I'm mad I'm not I'm just exposing the truth and it's for you to to digest however you feel there are a lot of running back that traded that changed teams Derrick Henry went to the Ravens saquan Barkley went to the Eagles and Joe Mixon went to uh the Texans they also got Stefon Diggs which running back do you feel would have the biggest impact the biggest impa I don't think he has as many yards but I think he has a bigger impact Derrik Henry I think so too you know what I'm saying like he made a great year for Derek Henry will be 750 yards not a th that he used to because obviously you got to share that workload with Lamar but if he can get 750 and take that put these games away like we've all known the the the Baltimore Ravens just to to bring their teams into submission I think Derrick Henry I think Derrick Henry needs to have about 1100 because I don't want Lamar to run because now when you play action that thing with Big D Henry coming down to Hill yeah and you like he roll over and Lamar pulls that ball up out of there yeah Z flowers and those guys goingon to be running Scot oh for sure but I don't think 1100 yards is going to make it make a break that impact that ain't nothing 17 games that's which is true but you got to understand I don't see Derek Henry averaging 120 140 yards per no can he give a 70 uh yes yes so 70 time 17 if if that's the average that's all we need for that's it and then when you get into the Red Zone we got to shrink this field now they really going to be on the attack and dictating to the defense now we playing chess right Christian mcaffrey you play a couple years with him I believe he's the best running back in football because of what he can do right he's not 225 lbs but he can run inside he can run outside you can put him in the slot he can catch it you can put him out wide you can sank dump it to him he can make people miss and he's he's better he's better than you think at pass protecting even though of his size what did you notice about CAC when he was there with you and and in Carolina Christian mcaffry was polished to be a a professional football player when when he was in wck ball like I mean we I think the viral clip went around when you know his father Ed was giving them IVs and in high school that's that's a little different his preparation before the game the people don't see how he take care of his body MH a a big Bruce Lee fan you know be as water this guy takes care of his body better than I've ever seen anybody from his dieting to his his trainers physios just preparation before you know practice right he has a real routine and I think for him it it's not about size cuz he understands the the Christian mcaffry that we see today was not the Christian mcaffry saw as a rookie he realized I have to put on weight to endure this type of beating right but I think Christian mcaffrey is capped by the by the position that he plays because he's so much more than just a running back corre if you really want to put Christian mcaffry he could be a top 10 receiver and that's not fabrication this is if if you say all right CMAC this year we're GNA move you from running back and we're GNA put you as a and I guarantee you he does numbers that's just his position gives him that what I think he's making 17 a year around that where he should be making 25 at like a top tier receiver right that's just the impact that Christian mcaffry has there was a lot of speculation and I don't know how true it is because I haven't really talked to anybody about Lamar and that like free agent wide receivers top three agent wide receivers didn't want to go there yeah um because it's not that they don't believe Lamark and throw is just the type of offense that they believe they run they're going to be doing more blocking than catching was that something that you you experienced that it wasn't that cam couldn't throw because you threw for 4,000 yards as a rookie yeah so clearly you can throw the football but because of the type of offense that you guys ran receivers free agent receivers felt that man I'm not going to get an opportunity to showcase and they going to say I'm a bust because I'm not catching 100 BS it's the situation as a receiver that you got to say hold on that's not a good situation for me I'm a fan of Lamar right I'm speaking as a receiver I'm a fan of Lamar but that may not be the right situation I don't think Stefan Diggs was sitting up there saying I want to go to Baltimore correct I think we found that out with Odell you know Odell wasn't featured like he would have thought to be featured but that doesn't say he's not he still doesn't have it um but I definitely dealt with that as well and I think the Ravens organization is not in the position of trying to to promote Pro Bowl players we trying to create Super Bowl players right and our system is is what it is and it goes through and it stops with Lamar Jackson two-part question Russell Wilson comes to Denver we know what he did in Seattle goes without saying it went to the Super Bowl 1-1 lost another was a bad play call away from possibly winning two Super Bowls within his first two to three years first two to three years of of of his NFL career what 40 50,000 yard passing over 300 touchdowns he's going to have 400 touch down pass and touchdown before Why didn't it work in Denver and I'm sure you've heard the stories about how some of the things transpired that wasn't football related yeah but I I I don't think when you change ownership or when you change coaching they got to go with their guys I don't think when um sha pton Shawn Payton got into that locker room I don't think Russell was his guy and it impacted his play whether the pressure of everything and your psyche while you're playing good or bad you know you got that in the back of your mind they tried to make it work but it just wasn't that that's one number two is he didn't have the support that he had in Seattle now like you would have thought how many times the Carolina Panthers played Seattle Seahawks they was a divisional game and it was some battles right so I see I I knew the impact of the Legion of Doom or the legion of boom however you want to look at it the 12 man with uh Earl Thomas cam Chan Richard Sherman and and Wagner KJ wri you know uh Bruce Irvin like these guys like they were intimidating bro and they wasn't trying to be on homeboys and and and Dap You Up we'll do that [ __ ] after the season even at the end of the game we ain't with no friendly [ __ ] with you bro [ __ ] you when you have that to look across I don't think he had that type of same support in in Denver right not to say that that defense wasn't a a standup defense it was just a lot of combinations of things where it was just a style of play uh Pete Carol had that organization like they they was bound have something happen I was like oh bro it don't happen to nobody but Seattle they always a play away you know when you see that um that comeback from uh the Green Bay that year it was just like it would not happen to no other team even when we played him during our year going to the Super Bowl we were up by like 28 points they came back and if it wasn't for an onside kick that we Rec covered that was just that type of team right and you know I don't think that was the the same roll out in Denver that he had and then you get Justin Fields his situation goes as a uh I think 15th pick overall I think he top 20 uh pick had some good moments tremendous legs tremendous legs yeah uh studied got better at studying understand the play understand what was expected of him Why didn't it work in Chicago but that's where we got to also not just critique Justin fields we got to critique management and they done put him in the the best positions to be successful he's running unbelievable is he's running for his life right [ __ ] you put somebody else in there that can't run he would had doubled the sacks and also preparing him or having him evolve as the player that he needs to become that's coaching that's that's General management that's ownership this is our franchise guy we got to develop him in the way way for longevity right we're seeing the same thing kind of happen with Bryce young if y'all don't develop this player in the right way then we're going to say after a year or two he was a buz right but that's not the player that's the management going into a situation because if you were to ask you if you were to put the power back into the players during the draft and if it wasn't up to management to say who they wanted to go to a lot of these teams nobody wanted to go there because they know the insufficiencies of management but the players don't have that Eli power to say no I don't want to go over here right but if they did it would be more teams say no I don't want to go to this team why would I want to do that I seen what y'all did to him right yeah y about do that with me so so now both of these guys end up in in Pittsburgh uh Mike Tomlin and he says right now Russell Wilson is in the pole position and there will be a there will be a time that Justin Fields will be able to compete for the starting job so what what do you think the Steelers thought process was cuz I I have my my opinion on what I think it is tell me what you think it is I think Mike Tomlin is doing what I just said he's developing Justin Fields hey we're gonna bring in a a veteran that you can see not only his preparation on the field but how does he take care of his body I want you to study that and then he's on a one-year contract if he does not produce then you will be inserted to take on that right and you're still young enough yes to be labeled a franchise guy right so it's it's it's chess here and if anybody can coach Justin Fields it's Mike Tomlin because he knows the struggles he knows how to the the vernacular or choice of words to get through to his quarterback in that that type of in that type of manner what does Lamar have to do to get to that Super Bowl because he's he's been an MVP twice yeah one vote away from being a two-time unanimous MVP a two-time first team all pro pro BOS we know he's going to the Hall of Fame but I believe he needs that that one Super Bowl now we start talking about Lamar as one of those Pantheon one of those top six seven quarterbacks with multiple Su cuz there aren't many that have multiple multi MVPs yeah and Super Bowl but this is the thing that I think we get so jaded and distracted by things that have so many different determinant factors right does Brady have as many Super Bowl rings without certain rules being in place does Patrick Mahomes have you know the same amount of if if this play goes one way that play goes another I don't think Lamar Jackson's greatness is dictated or predicated off of him winning the Super Bowl or nothing no he's great for sure but be that EST is what we're trying to add for sure but I I I think like I said earlier the Baltimore Ravens has to find a way to win the ugly game yeah and if we can find a way to win those type of games that's all three levels and three phases of football that's offensively defensively and special teams if we can find a way to win those type of games then we'll be good there's no denying that they have enough talent to win but I don't want the pressure to be on any player to think that you got to win a Super Bowl to be labeled a great player or a generational player we've seen it time and time again I always ask this question because it's so it's so Paramount to putting perspective into sports what's more important impact or championships you look at a guy like alen Iverson is he not great yes does he not get the EST no I think me the way I look at it Cam and you correct me if I'm wrong I believe you can be great without winning a championship but in order for us to add the EST you have to have won a championship car Malone is a great player is he better than Tim Duncan because he didn't have TI he can't be Charles Barkley is a great player I believe you can beat great without winning a championship in any sport be bonds MH but you have to win championships but you're you're thinking about a lot of determining factors when car the same determining factors that went into him winning the MVP which is true but hear me out Carl Malone was a great player and was a shot away from obtaining yes a NBA championship if it wasn't for for the the Russell push off not well push off crossover and then boom we seen Michael Jordan's last shot as a bull yes if he misses that shot then Carl Malone who we do we know him to still have that same thing so his greatness will still it is what it is you're going it's so many different things in sports that we look at and say to ourselves I mean let's look at Caitlyn in college right now yes right during this time you know we don't know if she's going to win the national championship correct but her not winning the national championship does that suppress her greatness no she's still great you see saying but I don't put I can't put her in front of terasi I can't put her in front of uh uh Stewie I can't put in the others that have multiple multiple championships and have the same credentials they they they've won final fours and won Finals MVP theyve won nay Smith Awards so I I just like I said is she great yes I believe you can be great without winning a championship but in order for us to add the EST you have to have a championship say that's that's opinionated but if you that's just a discussion that barber shops all across America and and and and cigar conversations let me ask your question sir without those championships would you still look at Kobe the same way without those championships would you still look at Jordan the same way without those championships uh yes no way yes no cuz I'mma tell you this I no I I uh no you're right you would you're right but I don't respect the championship that Kobe won with Shaq more than I appreciate the championship that he won with Lamar odm okay or Pal okay or Derek fiser that one was a a grinder that's a person going back to what I was saying he man there was some ugly winds it it required him to exert just as much energy on the offensive side as the defensive side he's guarding the best player and I'm still giv everything that I got right but that still doesn't negate that he was on a great team right see what I'm saying like those teammates have to also understand the the amount of uh uh uh the amount of focus that it requires like when you got a great player we can't just say oh Lamar got it right everybody got a urgency has to has to rise and the great players brings that out from the whole organization Patrick mahes does it Tom Brady has done it and I see what you're saying so I I I would agree with what you're saying the panther the team that you spent the lion share your career with how do they put Bryce young in a situation where they can get the maximum value for what they gave to get him well well I I I remember having a conversation with um a brief conversation with him during Super Bowl I saw him at a um at a party and I think he he needs to understand that voicing his opinion is important yes some quarterbacks have that freedom too and some don't you ain't at the age or you can tell us who and what you want yeah you're a rookie yeah but but you have to because every offensive coordinator ask their quarterback this question game on the line third and four third and eight got to have it situation who would you prefer to throw the football to see what I'm saying so game on the line or going into this season what do you need to be successful right and he needs to have those answers for that so talk to Bryce Bryce has to obviously be open to doing it not doing it publicly right right but doing it behind the scenes to say listen if we got this person in the draft this is who I want right that like I need to be protected right and not to just think selflessly on the offensive side man we need defense we need to control like understanding what our division is cuz first in any type of uh uh Team atmosphere you have to dominate your division first that only guarantees you that you will go to the playoff well I'm not so sure they know what the hell they doing because they had an opportunity to get two first rounders for Brian Burns and they trade him to to the Giants for less than that we have to start holding these people management accountable you see what I'm saying yes and when a guy like me says that it's like who what the [ __ ] would do would you do I'll tell you what I'll do right you know what I'm saying it's a lot of things that even going back to the franchise it's like bro you should not have clean house like you clean your house getting rid of a Ryan khil impacted that offensive line getting rid of a Thomas Davis impacted that defense not just the linebackers losing Luke how you lost Luke Luke retired right but I do think Luke would not have retired if he knew that locker room was still going to be intact he probably would have took some time off right and his health is an important you know taking concussions extremely serious but that would have been something that you would have had to consider being a Luke Keeley knowing that I still got KK short I still got Charles Johnson I still got Thomas Davis I still got guys that that's going that's going to battle with me you dig what I'm saying Julius Peppers they all left and that's the these are the things that he had to think back and say hold on we ain't got none of I got to start over n I'm good with that and I can't speak for Luke but these are the things that on hindsight you got to think about shador all intents and pray he's goingon to come out this year and his father coach Prime said look I don't want my son to play in the cold weather and and I'm going to ter uh you know I'm going to have have a say in where he plays he said Eli did it even I told teams I ain't going there the thing that he has that Eli had is that his dad had money he got clout sir and so you know he didn't come from those situation where you know we eating catch up with a nit nit needle yeah you know we robbing Peter to pay Paul what do you think what what's an ideal situation what first of all what do you think about Coach Prime saying that he want shador to be XYZ and what do you think an ideal landing spot for shadur would be Atlanta they just gave first cousins all that money we'll figure all that other [ __ ] out you ever heard of dead cap yeah oh the Broncos got 85 million we'll figured all that other [ __ ] out if Prime can get shadur in Atlanta but let me tell you something all businesses including Magic City will be appreciative of that damn PI right there real talk so these are the things that but I don't think he'll be a top four pick as he was on uh record the say and that's fine I remember having a conversation with deshun Watson when he got drafted cuz Deshawn just alike with with Justin Fields they came through uh my 7 on7 program and I had both them from Georgia one's from Gainesville and I think uh from Kena yes sir ra he went to uh not R uh Harrison correct um and I remember telling them you're in the best situation than any other the quarterbacks he I think Deshawn went 12 to Houston you got a quality receiver in De hop you know what I'm saying and the level of expectation isn't like you can you can they GNA let you grow a little bit you know what I'm saying I I think really too and I say this humbly my success in the league was not good for the upcoming rookie quarterbacks when you see guys like pton pton Manning didn't become good until after second and third year they threw him out there in the fire but if pton Manning was drafted in this day and age of of expectations thr 26 interception no no hell no but when they when you see a guy like a Joe borrow when you see guys that have early success CJ stra CJ stra oh my goodness what you want to go somewhere where you can really take your time and becoming the guy your way you see what I'm saying and that's just some of the things that you got to think about so from PR's perspective it's not just weather that that I think he's trying to run away from it's the situation right and who's best equip come on now when you think about it and you say do we go to a Giants and he don't got the talent that he he he's capable of having or a a Las Vegas see what I'm saying like oh okay I see what y'all trying to do over here we going to take our talents over there I don't think weather has anything to do with it I think certain situations has everything to do with it Caleb Williams um RG3 said that he believed Caleb Williams should pull a Eli Manning he don't got the juice we don't when you think about you ain't even got to say the first name when you mention the word or utter the word Manning they come with a little tremble like who when you think about Sanders you they don't even know half the people don't even know his last name they say Prime right Dion that come with a little rattling of the oo Williams n and that [ __ ] you you say Newton that ain't got no you know juice either you know what I'm saying [ __ ] we already see what that tried to get you we s across from Shay you you ain't nobody training C you dig OTAs but that's just the facts right so I think now when you looking at these situations and and who got the the ability to say what they not going to do it comes with a pre-existing resumee cuz obviously I got Sons when my son get to that point hopefully if he ever is in a draft my daughters is ever in a draft oh you best believe no we straight we good what y'all want n I'm I'm representing them you know what I'm saying I know I'mma put my son and my daughter in the best situation to succeed right and that's not a a succeeding es situation right you want to do you believe the Bears made the right decision moving on from Justin Fields because I said this cam I said I do not believe the Bears are going to pass up two number one overall quarterbacks in back toback years I said no don't do it no way I I would have loved to see what Justin Fields could do with Addie Keenan Keenan Allen got DJ still there DJ Co K still there you see what I'm saying like what would he would have done with that you know what I'm saying but I mean I guess we'll never know are you surprised that they made this move no no I'm not because I don't know what was happening inside that locker room or inside that organization um and we've talked you know a couple times and and I think with Justin he's one of those he's not he's not a vocal person he's not vocal like you Cam yeah he not he not nobody else don't cam yeah which is true but I'm saying like I don't think he could express himself or nor I think he knew how to express himself in a way that it wouldn't come off in a conflicting way right but in that position you got to have you got to have some [ __ ] to you I'll give you another person who may not be vocal but he got some [ __ ] to him Aaron roders you don't see Aaron R hey bring it up everybody on me that's one of them like when they do that [ __ ] that's a swag [ __ ] boy bad cold cold but he just does it in his subtle way long way you know what I'm saying so all these different players is you know you got to have some some stuff to you let's talk about his uh his fashion he's received a lot of criticism um painting his nails doing certain things you were a guy that caught a lot of criticism from the way you dress man C with them tight clothes on he think cuz they this and that they look good they don't look good he got them hats he made need how the hate that that he received and you received how would you how would you tell him to handle that situation and how did you handle it just be you we don't need no more Cam Newton we don't need no more patri uh uh uh uh pton Mannings or Patrick Mahomes or Tom BR we need unique players being themselves and I got news for you Jen Z is here and j z is here to stay right so whatever you may think that oh that ain't football man that dude got pink nails but I guarantee if he paint his nails pink hell even die his hair pink if they win the football games ain't nobody going to worry about that thank you let's keep the main thing the main thing don't you worried about fashion like bro I have a life outside of football these are things that I like I love art I love you know fashion I love my family I love doing things that will take my mind off of the daily rigers of the pressures of of of Performing and you can't judge me hell I don't go to your cubicle I don't go to your job saying what you can and can't do why you drinking a caran maiato ain't you counting your calories but you know it just is what it is I I I think you know what Caleb Williams represents is something that is is is unique to who he is and we can't be uh Hypocrites to allowing why we like that cam I I ain't like that no but people it it I remember I was having this uh conversation with uh coach Schuler Mike Schuler one of my favorite coaches of all time that have coached me because he knew how to speak cam right we had a head butting one time with the things that he was trying to make me understand the level of expectations for what being a franchise quarterback was okay and he said something he said would you see Payton Manning doing this would you see Tom Brady doing this and I had to stop him I said Hey listen I'm not trying to be no Tom Brady I'm not trying to be Payton Manning cuz guess what I can do some [ __ ] that they can't do and they can do some [ __ ] that I can't do but it's a thousand ways to skin a cat and we all trying to win football games right so I hear what you're trying to say but you have to also understand that that ain't me right I'm not trying to be there dig I'm saying I could go into Payton Manning's neighborhood where he from Payton can't come to where I'm from see what I'm saying he ain't going to do no camps at in no College par College po no no but I could go you know to Louisiana right you dig what I'm saying I go to California and do whatever and I'm not the the the moral of the story is you should not have to try to mimic what somebody else did to appease to somebody else be you that's not why they winning games you think they're winning B because they stand up there and they all button up and they speak eloquently at the end of the game they're winning games because they're winning games because of what they do during the course of the week and if I'm doing that during the course of the week why you care if I got on Versace or Bliss whatever I got on don't matter it could be I come up there to Bath I come up there with a tow sheet on naked [ __ ] I man I'm winning football games man right [ __ ] did you ever get tired of hearing people say man cam stop dressing man you dressing like an Auntie you dressing all them women clothes them tight clothes did you ever get tired did you get tired of hearing that cuz you still here to this day bring your girl around me and we'll figure all that up we'll figure out well about you man listen you don't don't think I got the juice she get the smelling these dreads and smelling that aura and you know smelling that ghost get to seeing like oh man I like what you did with that you can tie your bow tie is that a clip on oh baby I really tie bow tie like oh pocket square how did you do that with a jean jacket what you doing with that how you got a dog on wallet CH a pocket watch like all these different details it's like man I really study fashion right I grew up in the church so even though the Bible say Come As You Are had L Newton wouldn't letting me come in there with no Jordan shorts and the flip I had to press my jeans you coming as you are come on that's how you are and I'm stepping right and you can't name anything that I got on cuz a lot of it is from a thrift store I Thrift these are things that I I I genuinely enjoy to do outside of right I love textures I love textiles I love art Bas je Michelle Bas I love these people Jay-Z I love for real I love Kanye I love the Artistry of of music paintings like these are are are self-express in many different faets and I tried to bring that to the game of football by saying oh this what type of time I'm on today I'm feeling spoty let me go on the step and let everybody know how I'm coming today I want to feel like James Bond today I'm going to put on a tuxedo right or I want to you know get my Urban on I want to you know dress with a shirt or or whatever I want to do I can do it and I should not have any type of issue with how I play cuz it really doesn't right what does Cam's fashion say about him so what what we what we have on today what does Cam trying to relay today what you saying today what you on today I'm a big stepper you see what I'm saying like I I've been um quoted in in the media recently saying you know just because you got a lot of money don't mean that you got style okay you feel what I'm saying and I remember got problem with everybody stripping the mannequin yeah that that's a mannequin that ain't you like man you got that the the the Vace glasses with the Versace shirt with the Versace Bel and the Versace purse and the Versace like cool that's fine I don't knock that but when I see fashion for what it's right I said damn like I like how you put that on or I like the ribbon that you you know tied around your neck like I I I'm the Canelo uh um the Raph lawrens the the the kisss the you know Canelo brelli uh Bruno Cinelli brunella Cinelli yes you see what I'm saying I know you know you dig what I'm saying like these are all fashion inspired things that I like and you don't have to have that uh perd to look good you see what I'm saying like you can go wherever you want to go and to mimic that a little but doing it with your with your own flare with your own flare let me you so you get up every morning Cam and put this on am I lying cam every day seven days a week you get up and dress like now not one time do you want to put on some Al Leisure not one time you say man you know what I ain't I ain't feeling like getting all all spoted today so you know what I do you one better you ask any one of my team teammates any one of my teammates how the cam dress it was everyday it was a lifestyle bro every single day I man I got so many clothes that I'm not man I'm not about to waste my money and I don't find myself spending $4,000 on a jacket a pair of shoes that I only wor once and I done spent $14 on a pair of jeans that I wear every day and it going to look completely different so people who really know me know bro every day cam going to dress up it's going to be a different side different style you know I don't consider myself with the neopolitan you know with the strawberry vanilla or the chocolate I'm asking Robins I got so much flavor you got 30 you got 31 and mo I'm a stepper I'm a big stepper never pledge I pledge me f me sh but bro I'm trying to tell you if an opportunity present like those are the things that I genuinely care about like I love dressing up my kids I love you know doing that because that was a passion that I I didn't come from money right so we had to make do with what we had you know we wasn't poor but it you know I remember watching MTV Cribs and I was saying myself go e man look at that closet yeah Dang if I ever had that I was going to do this and then I invested in so many different pieces of clothing and that energy wasn't reciprocated you know what I'm saying like man I done spent $10,000 with y'all and you ain't going don't worry about it or I'll go and support a black business and shoot that reciprocation is still there you see what I'm saying so I love putting people on and say bro what you got on oh man this ain't Thrift though bro this you know yeah had that MTV Cribs had me foood too cuz a lot of time they rented them crib for a day no they didn't what see that's the way that's why we here we Ching expose all that written ass [ __ ] you know what's the real you feel me so let me ask you this it was reported and you can you can confirm or you can deny this that Jerry Richardson when you sat down him he was owner of the uh the Carolina Panthers when you was going to be selected number one overall and he asked you he said you have any c tattoos you said no do you have any Pearsons you said no he said keep it that way was that true yes but it wasn't it was it wasn't what it was it see that was what he said but he also o said other things after that okay said we want to keep it that way because we don't want you to go out and do anything that's not a good representation of this franchise I'm going give you the keys to this Ferrari now I don't want you to scratch it up me and Mr Richardson's relationship was was something that I had one regret in my life I never had a relationship with my grandfathers cuz by the time I came of age they were they were deceased and the man who I am now I go to my father to have these uncomfortable uncomfortable uh conversations and with Mr Richardson what people didn't know man we had some real conversations and 70% of them wasn't had anything to do with football he had a very um good perspective of who I was and what I was becoming he would always say cam save your money because I would tell him I was like yo I I want to become the second football player to own a franchise he says Kim you got to save your money I said Mr Rich how do you say your money he said well I had to make a business decision I left the NFL I played with Johnny United one of the greatest quarter he still believed or believed at the time that Johnny United was the best quarterback to ever play and rightfully so but I had to make a business decision because the Baltimore Colts wasn't going to pay me enough for me to provide for my family so I had to go into the workforce he started um you know in that way to I believe it was Hardies Hardies right then it went into uh Bojangles yep so these things is something as a businessman where I am now me having different businesses and trying to have it be producing assets not liabilities just because Fellowship is of existence doesn't mean that Fellowship making money it's my job to make sure that everything that I put my name on and that I'm a part of iconic Saga everything that you see me produce whether either social media or on YouTube long format is produced and created by my staff at iconic saga no backing no help no nothing and it comes with the key thing that he taught me was he had these core values or these core words for the franchise to by by and one of those things was Harmony I like what the hell Harmony got to do with said cam you have to understand Harmony is the the the key ingredient for any two people or more to coexist it got to be on the same page I can't want something from you that you don't want from yourself or you not in alignment with that hard work you know what I'm saying e like these things are something that I still hold dear to my everyday life today so no matter if it's a homeboy uh my partner uh whether we intimate or not it's it's is whether working relationships or not Harmony is key and and honesty to the degree where transparence like I got to know how you think I know how you feel and you got to feel safe to express yourself and that I'm not going to judge you for that so the thrilling excitement of March Mania is here in draft King sports book one of America's top rated Sports app is giving new customers a shot to turn five bucks into $150 instantly in bonus bet with any college basketball B North Carolina listeners don't forget draftking Sportsbook is now live in your state download the draftking Sportsbook app and use code Shannon new customers can bet five bucks and get $150 instantly in bonus bets only at draftking Sportsbook with code Shannon the crown is yours you go to C uh the Carolina Panthers number one overall your debut game you throw for 422 I think the next game you throw for 423 first rookie to have back-to-back 400 yard passing days fastest player to throw for th000 yards still a record set a single sees of rushan record for quarterback rushing touchdowns uh F first quarterback I think he the first quarterback to throw for 4,000 yard rookie to throw for 4,000 yards also oh yeah first play of the NFA history to have at least five rushing DCH five rushing touchdowns and five passing touchdowns in the first five games name Rookie of the Year and you were number two in college somehow you end up with number one you're the first pick in the draft that they held number one when you came out there and got that Jersey you had number one M what happened to the number one Jersey I really didn't want to be number one I mean number yeah what happened to the number one Jersey why you didn't get that Jimmy Claus you hey you got a big big Bank take little Bank hostile take over yeah yeah he tried to tried to hustle you he tried to finesse you did he tried to juger juger can't from Atlanta bro I'm bro I'm a finesser and when I felt like he was finessing see that goes back to the thing that make me great my mentality when Jimmy Carson charged me a million dollars for my number I said that would be the last why don't you just go to the equipment manager n it's it's it's proper protocol even equipment manager said hey the person who has number two you got to work out a deal with him so I went direct to the source that's how my dad raised me I ain't have no problem with uncomfortable conversations hell it was comfortable for me and when I felt that he was trying to play me that took over to say we will never hear Jimmy Clawson again in Carolina so you made sure he they got get that was the chip on my shoulder and that's that's how that's what made me who I was how much would you have been willing to partake to get that number I would have donated 100,000 to his foundation or whatever to him I don't care when he hit me with a million I thought it was joking and I said I've been public with saying it like a million I was waiting on it like nah man J play I said all right cool we hung up the phone he called me back like an hour later and was like and I was just talking to some representatives of mine and uh we'll do 750 ,000 I said oh you for real I said bro [ __ ] don't even make a million do in their lifetime where I'm from you think I'm about to give you a million dollars for a [ __ ] number but all right say less I mean a m i mean I bought a bass boat I thought that was pretty I got a pretty good deal I traded with uh uh Frank uh Wayne Wright freaky Frank I asked him said you got any hobbies cuz I wanted 84 Jermaine Lewis had 84 I offered him his he and his wife Rolexes he said nah I kind of want to keep the okay fine when the fre uh Frank way right because he was with me the year before in Denver and I was like man he's like no Sharpie you can take it I said nah bro I don't want to just take the number I get he's like I said what's your hobby he said man I fish bought him a bass boat I got it too he got a bass boat hopefully he still got it but I don't and I I get what you're saying you know it's your number you had it I don't want to just big big up you and just take the number how we make it work but oh you ain't you ain't F to hustle me now it went my energy changed I was trying to be a good teammate yeah and that's all I needed you know as a competitor you don't need too much to get going it's one of them you you could say something wrong to me and I'll be is that really how you feel cuz when I look eye to eye of you and I'm I'mma have my discern and things like oh oh oh he for real yeah I said don't worry about it and at that particular point in time it went from becoming the best player to ever play for Carolina then it was like I you will never hear Jimmy Carson's name as long as I'm here and that was my first duty to to to kind of conquer yeah you wanted you wanted to race Jimmy Clawson from the elexicon anybody bro yes cuz I felt played and you not going to you you're not going to finesse me right what you think this is and that's all I needed he he turned me as the kids say they teed me up right you dig what I'm saying like and and that's just what it was and I can see how he felt it was like yo they took me with the pick the first pick they they they didn't have no first round picks the year before he was the first pick of the draft in the second round supposedly to be the franch FR quarterback it didn't go so well but I'm telling you is if the Carolina Panthers have the first pick chances are they to have a good season so he was in that realm of trying to be insubordinate or trying to make it hard or whatever and that's fine that's cool don't try to do that with me and the crazy thing about that the following year after I chose number one he went to number seven so now number two is available is available why why did he go to number seven I don't he that was his college number his high school number I don't know but now that man really tried to for thish you can't he going to get all bad you get what I'm saying see that's where it was like these are the things behind the scenes that people don't really know what get you going you see what I'm saying so I was like man bro who the [ __ ] do you think you with oh you going to [ __ ] around to find out oh you think this you going to find out today when you got there you had a guy that was a a starting his own right Steve Smith Senor yes sir one of the best receiver he was a triple crown winner one of the best receivers for his size pound-for-pound I don't believe there's a better receiver to ever played the game than Smitty yes sir what did you take from Smitty what was his cuz I I know him off the field so what was what was he like as a teammate great teammate but just like Luke Keeley when Smitty was on the field get the [ __ ] out of his way he was a pit bull and that's what I took from him now you have to understand who Smitty was and if I could go back and change things Smitty wanted to win yesterday and and he knew as a business what taking a Young quarterback that means we we we are um rebuilding he didn't want to rebuild he wanted to win and I can't take that away from Smitt and we bumped heads you know because he felt the transitioning of the team to kind of go to the quarterback and I can't fault him for that if I had to change things I would wish to have had Smitty my fifth year cuz now we can talk we can have grown man conversations and I don't think a lot of people understand what that's like going into an NFL locker room at the age of 21 22 cuz we got all the veterans bro I had and you got to lead them I had John B I had Thomas Davis I had Jordan Gross Ryan khil these older guys was like leaning in for a rookie at the I didn't know I I went from a locker room where all my players that shared the field with me were my peers we talking about man what we going to play at the end at that time they had NCAA like what you know we going to go play mad and we going to go get 25 cent wings at the spot we going to go bowling man when you going to the NFL locker room hey we going to try to go bowling no man it's date night for me and my wife now I got to go pick up my kids from the daycare it's Friday I ain't got time to these are family men these ain't no you talking to a guy that's 38 approaching 40 35 32 what the hell they got in common with a 21 year old j z ain't mixing with no Millennials you diging what I'm saying like all these Baby Boomers in that locker room they ain't trying to you feel me so that's that's what the disconnect was and I learned so much from Smitty because even though he was aggressive on the field great teammate still to this well during the time he never wanted to have his own room on the on on the uh on the road he would always room with a younger players so that they he could teach them the preparation what it was like Wow and I always respected that about gave the best gifts Heart of Gold but on that field bro a shark If he if he sense any blood oh boy in practice walkthroughs or any man Smitty coming after you bro 59 with a soul of a 64 [ __ ] like I said it but it was Smitty that he was describing yes sir let's talk about that Super Bowl run that magical season your 15 And1 um you win the MVP outright Steve mcir shared the MVP Award with pton Manning in 2003 what changed for you what clicked that year that everything fell into place 35 passing touchdowns 10 interceptions you had another I think 10 rushing touchdowns come from behind Victory you guys did it all what transpired that year that you was like I got it uh it was definitely Harmony uh but also a trust in coaching knowing that that's really when Riverboat run was giving me an opportunity like I feel comfortable with the ball in my hands let me run I I know how to protect myself I know how the chest of of the uh the philosophy of the game if we're in any short yardage situations let's make the defense play 11 on 11 right just leave me with one guy I can run through run pass go around I can find a way to get a yard put the ball in my hands and have I think they that was the year they had more design runs and that's why I felt comfortable like when you look at all the success that I had in my career high school even in college I was able to protect myself by running the football even though that the game at that point in time didn't see nothing like that I don't know what they going to do with you know taking the hits off I could protect myself outside the pocket now we see uh uh Richardson and the Colts we see Lamar we see you know all these run first quarterbacks that they would designed to run you guys had power you pull the guard The Tackle and the fullback and we going to figure it out let's get the butter from the duck see what I'm saying that that was the time where things started coming into play then you started saying let's design passes off of this right pull the same guard the same fullback ride and then boom the rpos so when people talking about the RPO like these are the things that derived from something we was doing that with the quarterback as the runner we out the major primary Ball Carrier see what I'm saying so my relationship with Mike Schuler Ken dorsy was my quarterback coach uh and even coach Rivera like it was meshing that year and um that's what it pretty much came down to you beat the Cardinal in NFC Championship game you destroyed them and you get to the Super Bowl so what's your thought process you like man I'm the MVP I'm in the Super Bowl it was a glor it was a beautiful day in uh um Levi Stadium remember Super Bowl 5 remember like yesterday um my Broncos taking on the Carolina Panthers what do you remember go back what do you remember about you wake woke up that morning you probably had the same pream what was your pregame meal [ __ ] I don't I know I know the night before the game what that was what' you have the night before the game uh vanilla bean ice cream marshmallows caramel that was mine you I mean you ain't have no pasta no spaghetti no meatballs none of that I did but that that that that just whatever they had you know saying I would okay so you wake up that morning you have your pregame meal only thing I remember from that Super Bowl was I was mentally drained it was a lot and still to this I ain't never really watched the game no film no coaches view or none of that [ __ ] I was I remember that feeling during the game I'm tired like tired remember running around I was like yo it's real stars on the sideline you know what I'm saying but still trying to stay focused the halftime wasn't 15 minutes it was damn they're 45 minutes or an hour [ __ ] was changing their whole uniform having to restretch ret tape all them like damn like this [ __ ] is a event and during the game certain rles or certain runs I was tired and knowing the measure of what was the mental tasks I just thought I was like damn dog I'm ready for this [ __ ] to be over with you know what I'm saying and that didn't impact the game I just remember like I had just had my first biological son that year and I was just I don't know it was I it was two times in my in my life that I I couldn't lose right it was 2015 um in Carolina and then 2010 at Auburn that was just you know what Drake say or or future what a time to be alive like was it was were you tied mentally were you tied emotionally were you tied physically what was it about that day was it the magnitude of the moment was it was it you knew what you were about to Embark upon and how different your life would have been had you won that game what what what felt different about that day that you all of a sudden you felt like you didn't nor you normally I tried to treat it like a regular game but it wasn't a regular game you know saying you played in the Super bow like you know like it's you can explain it but to be in it them lights is bright it's the crowd is already buzzing cuz normally you went out you go out there for pregame this Stadium's half full that St stadium is 3/4 full and it's buzzing the sideline is jam-packed you got excuse me excuse me camera people and like you said the the CBS normally have one or two CB but you got the stars of the Stars that's out on the sideline then and you see it but you know like you said you try to prepare like man it's a regular game you know hey three points for a field goal touchdown to six interception y but it the the the thing leading up to the game you couldn't do your regular routine it was like um a virtual kind of prep operation you you couldn't have the confines of your house to get treatment you know massage stretching and and that process was on the road on the go um and I don't I don't remember the crowd being loud you know what I'm saying like no because you got half half the stadium was for the Broncos half the stadium was for the Carolina Panthers the other half was drunk and they a give a damn who W it was just it was an event that you know when I think about it it didn't like none of this has anything to do with the actual game right right but certain plays that play back in my mind constantly still to this day it's like yo what if he would have caught that or what if I would have do on the on the fumble what if you know the defense would have got to stop right here or what if you know we didn't have a three in out right there you know what I'm saying what if we would have went for like these things play back constantly that preparing for a game of that magnitude I did not give the respect to it like I should because there's nothing bigger than a Super Bowl no sporting event no and that's what I just you know you know they're going to pick aart about what you said about you being tired you being this game you felt different than yeah but it's the truth I mean look did I play my best game no no didn't but the truth is did pton manic play his best game uh no both of you guys I think was sack like four or five times through a pick fumble yeah like those things aren't it's just that wasn't the best version of myself that day and I'm fine with that um and I find peace in it now it's it's it I I wouldn't even say it wasn't meant to be it was just like I just didn't put my best foot forward that fumble you mentioned you got stripped of the ball and the ball's on the ground bouncing around and everybody thought you were going to jump dive on the ball at least give yourself another possession another opportunity that didn't happen yeah how long has it t how long or have you gotten over that play and how long did it take you to get over the Super Bowl loss I mean I took it personal um pretty much like a whole year and then when I felt like we could get Vindicated or have vengeance a Revenge from that we lost because of misfield goal uh in the the rematch to start the season kick off um but yeah that's what I take I mean I I'll say this we didn't lose the game CU I didn't jump on the fumble it was a combination of a lot of a lot of different things but we lost and I take full accountability on my you know performance and I could have been better I should have been better right so the part of your we've touched on a lot of things and you've touched on a lot of things the one thing that you didn't haven't touched a lot on that I can't recall is your brief stint at the University of Florida M they win the national championship the year before you got there correct uh yes as I was enrolling they were winning the CH Championship yes sir Tim TBO is already there mhm you know cuz Chris leak is the starter Tim TBO comes in they got packages for him yeah he's probably going to be the starter next year unless you being Cam and I know you I know how you think yeah I'm going go be I'm going go get this job yeah but that's that's not how I was recruited though okay I was recruited at the minimum with your skill set you will have a package you have a package also just like TBO had okay and that's that wouldn't that okay oh okay iy y'all won a national championship a lot of these guys coming back I could do that you know what I'm saying like I'm looking at the style of runs I'm saying to myself like that's me I could do that's me I at the to get my feet wet in the SEC as a freshman sh four plays a game just to run man I could do that [ __ ] I me I play linebacker early on in my wck ball and then I transitioned into running back right then that transition to two I could throw the further so now you can play quarterback so these things is a part of my whole thing that embodied who I was as a player so you get there and it's not shaping up kind of how they what they had told you or the way you envision it because all of a sudden you're not getting these four to five plays a game right and so did you have a conversation with Urban uh Urban was he didn't want to talk to me I wasn't important enough for urban to talk to me and Granny you got to think about it like this do you even have a voice to talk when the person you're trying to talk about is the hosman front runner yeah so I had a conversation with my father to say like pop it's time to kind of rethink this thing cuz I would not have wanted a backup to me to have the energy to say I only can play if he get hurt I'm not that type of person right right you don't want to put that negative in I didn't I was a I'm a ultimate Pro I'm an ultimate teammate like I I wanted people to succeed you see what I'm saying like I didn't want TBO to get hurt he's the greatest college football player to some people you know what I'm saying and it's subjective if if not number one he top five and TM TBO is owed a large portion of who Cam Newton really is because just the like just the same way I I gave you what sparked my aggression or my uh competitive nature with Jimmy Clawson it sparked the same thing with Tim Tio being around Aaron Hernandez the pouncy twins Chris rainy Joe Hayden Carlos Dunlap major Wright Percy Harvin like Brandon James Brandon Spikes these leis Murphy all these great players that I was around I would have been a fool not to take what they were doing and what made them great and apply it to my journey in Joo as well as Auburn right so some things transpired you get get into a little trouble with with a computer and you end up but that wasn't the reason why I I left the reason why I left like did I get in trouble yes that was already taken care of okay prior to me leaving oh okay okay yeah I didn't get kicked out of but see that's but see that's how they they frame the story yeah I didn't get kicked out of Florida okay I left Florida okay and when TBO announced that oh and by the way I'm coming back I said oh it was a no-brainer hell yeah you got to leave now I wasn't playing when you was here so and and then for Urban's sake you couldn't even identify who the backup was between me and John Bradley I'm like bro what the what are we going on we fighting for scraps y'all can have this cool if it was up to me would did I want to leave hell no cuz them was my are my brothers right like we build real relationships over that 2year span I was there we worked out together we trained together we bled Together We Cried together we sweated together we we prepared together and I'm seeing guys like Joe Hayden play early as a freshman I saying damn bro I would love to have an opportunity to play uh Maris pouncy playing early man I would have loved to Aaron Hernandez playing ear I would have loved to to be out there and those things when they're like bro like we'll go back to the dorms and have these conversations like bro that [ __ ] was lit like bro like you see all them people in there see him I said damn I wish I saw him but that wasn't they was cheer for me you know the main everything all the reasons why I went to Florida was accomplished other than me playing and that's why I had to leave and at that time they didn't had a transfer portal so I had to get it out the mud you Urban Meer had to sign off to where I transferred to right he gave certain restrictions you cannot transfer to uh inate in State uh school so FAU FIU Florida State Miami I couldn't go to none of them right and I couldn't go anywh so I said how do I clear all that so I can go anywhere I got to go Jo I said [ __ ] I'm going Juco and on top of that what really ticked me to [ __ ] off was when my father had called Urban to ask for a championship ring he didn't give me a championship ring so that really was my driving force to becoming the player who I was I said don't worry about it I'm going to go get my own got one in Joo got one in in at Auburn you can make the case given the talent that you had at Auburn on the offensive side cam you had the greatest offensive season for a quarterback in n in in NCA history now I know Joe burrow threw for 60 touchdowns and 5,000 yards but he had Justin Jefferson he had Jamar Chase he had Clyde Edwards Air he had uh I forget the guy's name he's M tight end Moss at tight end and he had uh if I'm not mistaken other wide receiver the third wide receiver is in in Carolina now so what you had look at look at what you didn't have and what you were able to accomplish so basically Jimmy Clauson l a fire up under you Tim TBO l a fire up under you and urban l a fire up under you not only by not playing you the four or five snaps that he said he would give you but also when you ask for a championship ring for being on the team that you felt you were entitled to like no we good yeah but that's what made that what they call it that's what created the monster right and I if I could paint it the way I wanted to paint it while I was at Auburn there was a opportunity for Auburn to play Florida in the SEC Champion that's what you wanted that's what you wanted C no racial slur but boy they would have seen a baboon out that [ __ ] I would have showed my whole ass boy that's what I wanted I wanted to prove to them that they [ __ ] up they made a mistake I knew that was my point to prove I was better than TBO that was my opportunity to prove that y'all [ __ ] up that was my opportunity to prove that this could have been y'all but you played me and there was times where I will be the first person to tell you while I was at the University of Florida I was not the maturest person that I needed to be to lead that team and I would take responsibility for that but who I grew to be nobody was [ __ ] with me but by the time you came back that was the mature Cam Newton I needed to I needed alienation in Jo I was in Brenham Texas and if I were to give you the amount of that you got from Cat Williams to put up on the line and say where is Brenham Texas you couldn't point it out and and everybody who was in Brenham on that team they had some roots or ties to Texas so there was many weekends there was many times where the closest family member was thousands of miles away only thing I could do was work out I cried I I mean I was vulnerable I was embarrassed but that shaped the creation of who cam was people don't remember this when I was at the University of Florida they called me Cameron Newton yeah when I went to Auburn it was Cam Newton so for me that was the creation of Cam two completely different people I knew how to compartmentalize those different people and I didn't let that situation use me I used it mhm and when I look at my impact to football I love to say people's favorite NFL player just started to get good in the NFL I've been good at football by the grace of God I was good in high school I was good in college I was good in junior college and I was good in the NFL there's not a lot of players that can say that and and it took a measure of focus and discipline and also vulnerableness to understand like bro like you out here by yourself so when I talk to my 7 on7 kids when I talk to kids around you know the world and I tell them like bro I know what it's like to not have [ __ ] and you so close to what you want it ain't out of your reach you just got to tap in and use this game of football and and and not get Jaded by the distractions the money the nil's the the the the woman yeah all these different things stay focused you go to Auburn and then there's this Auburn B Cam Newton his daddy received this large monetary sum of money yeah how what would so so what's going on how did this come about allegedly yes you know um before you so what where were the schools that you could have gone to okay you go to Auburn so where after blind where were your choices Oklahoma Kansas State Mississippi State Auburn okay it was a whole different recruitment process when I was in Joo rather than coming out of high school okay [ __ ] out of high school I was looking for gear and a good time right by way of uh you know em the hostesses yeah and Jo oh I was I was a millionaire mentality how are y'all going to incorporate me in this offense with my skill set right not what uh uh uh Sam Bradford was doing cuz that that ain't how I play the game right I'mma bring a whole different element of this offense that you got to start shaping some [ __ ] around Kansas State the same way Mississippi State Dan Mullen right and he knew Dan Mullen was the offensive coordinator and the quarterback coach while I was at Florida okay so you had some familiarity there a lot of familiarity and his plan was I remember coach mull had called me and at that time me being the type of player I was if a Coach calling you that means you don't did something you ain't go to study hall you didn't go to class it was something but this conversation was him telling me that he was going Mississippi State to Mississippi State it ended up being Mississippi State he didn't tell me the the the team and I was saying to well he asked he want me to consider transferring to Mississippi State but coach ma uh um not mine coach Meer Urban had to sign off on that and I knew he wasn't G to sign off for that so I had to go to junior college now when you when you say the things like going through the whole NCAA pay for play Scandal this is where I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to to share this if you really go back and you know the reports to what it said it said two sources yes said that Cam Newton and his father took money to go to alurn to Auburn those two sources was Dan Mullen and his wife Megan Mullen how do we get to that I'll tell you the day I was going to commit to Auburn at of Junior College it was neck and neck Mississippi State Mississippi State and Auburn when I went to Auburn as my mental was was solely focused on success I was trying to I was really trying to play catch up to the Joe haens the Maris pouny the Aaron Hernandez who are already in the league and I said to myself we came in in together in Florida they already in the league I'm trying to find the fastest way that I can get to the league when I went to Auburn they mentioned that they will have 22 seniors coming back Mississippi State probably only had three to four these are all different things as a 20y old college player and a 16 17 year old kid you don't think that that's a big thing but it really is my whole determining Factor was I wanted to go to a school that could get me to a BCS game okay that was either the Tostitos Bowl Orange Bowl Sugar Bowl whatever if I went there and my tenure at that school I was going top 10 okay cuz I knew in order for us to get there I would had to play my best form of football right when I was about to commit to Auburn one of the things that my father told me that I had to do as a man he said you got to call Coach Muller and you have to tell him the decision that you're going to make be a man said damn po like why though you know what I'm saying he GNA find out sooner or later fig out TI you know what I'm saying [ __ ] but that's how my father raised me okay he said you going to have to be a man and that's that's that's where I always challenge Society now we need more men empowering men mhm not boys raising boys you dig what I'm saying but C circumstances play out like that but to that point I put a lot of focus on my father I said pop you a man of God if it's on your heart to wherever we going to decide to go that's where we going to go man my at that time we were exploring so many different things and he came back wrote it down on a sheet of paper I unlooked I looked at it it had Auburn on it I said I ain't going to even question it that's where we going okay that day that I was going to make it public I had to call Coach Mullen I remember having a conversation it was extremely awkward because when I called him he answered how's my quarterback doing and I said coach I just wanted to be a man and call you and and tell you and uh Miss Megan that I'm going to to Auburn and I didn't want you to hear it through the Great Vines I don't want you to hear it on ESPN I wanted to be a man that call you and he asked me this question H but how cam like you know I was going to do right by you BL we need you and I gave him this quote it was just too good to be true now too good to be true for me right was you got 22 seniors they battle tested I ain't going into a locker room with freshman these they ready to win right now they just need me to propel them to Elite status Mississippi State needed a me and some and I don't think Mississippi State Garners the the measure of recruits like come on it's Mississippi State here and still Mississippi State at that particular point in time and I heard Miss Megan in the background I was like did he did he commit did he commit he like no and then that's when I talked to her I was like man I just apologize but this is a business decision that I I'm saddened that it that it didn't work out had that conversation when I was 20 and I thought I was doing the right thing so fast forward to the success going on at Auburn first game we played Arkansas State I think the next game or the first Prime Time game we had was versus Mississippi State it was on a Thursday night we ended up with in that football game and I'm big on energy I'm big on just posture and certain things at the end of the game I looked at him and I wanted I wanted to shake his hand and say Coach man appreciate you man thank you and it was a little iffy though you know what the what what the hood teacher like you know what I'm saying like my Spidey sensors a little up they were tingling he on he on he on some bull you dig what I'm saying I ain't really know what it was his wife was there we spoke condolences man good luck for the rest of the year you know what I'm saying Blas blah the report came two weeks after that and if you remember it was two sources it was Dan Mullen and his wife that created all this Ruckus Cam and his daddy took money yeah now fast forward to now when it's becoming a big story I remember after the game we had another Prime Time game on Saturday night we played South Carolina that was when the world knew who Cam Newton was another phone called by coach coach chisik and and anybody who played at Auburn knew if if somebody's calling you from a noall ID it's coach CH that ain't a good call that you want to have but I was in good standards you know what I'm saying we undefeated at that particular point in time he said cam I need to talk to you and your par are your parents still in town said yes sir said I need y'all to come to my office and we need to have a conversation cool boom I'm thinking you know you about to just stay the typical man you're doing an amazing job blah blah blah y'all rais unbelievable young man my goodness it's working out fine like I remember look it was me my mom and my dad and Coach chisik sitting across from us and you know coach chisik you know hey I just want to let y'all know it's about to be a report that comes out that a scandal uh and NCAA is about to do an investigation on you guys's family so looking around like on who for what say uh there's a report that you guys took money to come here so I'm like okay cool how much we talking boom he said 180,00 looked at my mama my mama looked at me we bust out laughing you Ser like for real we laughing coach chis ain't laughing I was like oh you for real so I'm saying to myself I'm looking at my mom mama you got 180 pop you got like where the hell is money at right cuz [ __ ] well I'm from you can't hide that type of money n he never seen a I ain't never seen ,000 let alone10 to 200,000 right that be hard to hide especially man in our house but we going man [ __ ] I done found so much [ __ ] from PlayStations the Sega Genesis the all that that they tried to hide from us I'm like man how who right who got it it was it was a suspicion to us like who got this money that y'all proclaiming us to have got and he was just reporting news he like listen I don't know who did it or who got it but the NCAA is about to open an investigation and uncover as much as they possibly can okay and during that stint from that week on throughout even the national championship that burden was always on and I no longer was an amateur athlete I had to operate as if I was a CEO I had to operate and be stoic and and be strong and and and going somebody would ask cam you all right yeah yeah yeah I'm good no good and well I was suffering in silence nobody could could could go through what I went through not my family not my teammates not my coaches not only am I being investigated throughout the day I'm trying to play the best form of football that I possibly can during game time and I'm going through so much I can't I can't speak to them I'm talking to my dad I'm talking to my brothers I'm talking to you know my family but they don't get it they they they they there for support but it's not like we understand what you're saying that's the only thing that they can say and I'm saying to myself bro it's hard we playing after that you got LSU you got Arkansas you got Georgia you got all these games that I'm like yo on top of that this is the greatest season that the Auburn university has ever had you got Alabama how are you doing this I was having an outer body experience in in my body like I'm like yo I'm surprising myself with the measure of focus that I had to go through and still that's what brought my family closer because even though I know even though I knew still to this day nobody took money from it that was just a gr n thrown into the crowd to just have a bitter person he didn't come to my school so he had to have taken some money to go to that school because we had already had a relationship but I was thinking to myself hell you didn't play me while you was at Florida these are all things I'm saying like I seen your true self right I didn't want to get burnt twice so on top of that these things are happening and through it all by the like I say by the grace of God I was able to still perform at a high level and my father jumped on that grenade knowing good and well he ain't take no money knowing good and well he said look how can we allow my son to play well we going to need somebody to take the to take this WP my father said without blinking I I take it paint me however you want to paint me right I'll do it for my son he GNA be eligible to play cool I'll take it well Cecil you can't you can't come to no more games and still to this day it was told while during the hman ceremony they said I think it's best for you not to show up for that I took that personal and the person that meant the most that had the greatest impact on Cam Newton the player the man that he became at his At His Highest moment M to date the man that meant so much to you couldn't be there to share it with you could not share the moment I remember winning the hosman ceremony stuttering I was nervous but I I didn't want to be there I wanted to be with my dad I wanted to be with my family cuz this was my opportunity to to show my dad like to thank him to thank him but also my dad challenged me every day boy that's not right boy you got to be a man FR I'm 7even 8 12 13 15 17 still in college son you got to be a man that ain't no man take responsibility take accountability this was this was me showing him pop I'm being a man pop look at me look at what you created man man it's us this ain't just me this ain't Cam Newton this for our whole lineage this is for the whole Newton name this what you created let me share that with you everybody was excited but I they stripped that from me right but but Archie Manning that ain't no question but if it's Lamar ball that's a problem Dion Sanders oh he playing all that these are great forms of King Richard men who meant so much and that was trying to put their family in the best situation Tiger Woods father those these people my father has did nothing wrong and was painted as a villain still to this day he still ain't been back to Auburn truth be told do you get an opportunity to get back to Auburn yeah but I ain't never been back to the Heisman right for what they didn't care about my family at that point in time cuz if they knew we was telling everybody like 180,000 200,000 you can't hide that not in my community not in my culture you would have seen it in a car you would have seen it in a house you would have seen it in a something y a business the church something they couldn't find nothing and this was an investigation that took place for more than about 3 to 5 years nothing but when I'm suffering and all everybody really cared is are you all right can you play I Was ineligible for a day and boy what we going to do I got eligible again and now every it put everybody at ease not no do that like bro I'm [ __ ] up y'all at EAS I'm not at ease yeah but I I used those what is it 12 minutes I use that 40 minutes or 42 minutes on Saturday to inflict what was being inflicted to me complete disregard to how I felt and whoever I was playing they was going to feel me so you're seeing a lot of examples of me using my circumstance not letting my circumstance use me right Jimmy Clawson Tim TBO Urban Meyer the NCAA damn mull damn man somebody got to pay for this and I'm doing this is a peaceful protest sort to speak I ain't going off the rail and saying like man let me tell y bro y'all y'all y'all doing too much NCAA you call them a house you know people with reports of ESPN all everybody CNN like this was big news you don't care about my family people were staking out of my house asking like did you do it going into stadiums where they disrespected me by playing Son of a Preacher Man like these are these are facts right oh scam Newton you think what I'm saying yes this a't it's a whole thing that people ain't thinking about what I went through right and I'm telling you like bro that ain't that's what I displayed there is no different than what an average black man or a black family goes through on a regularity it may not be through Sports it may be through circumstance Mom working two and three jobs to provide single parent or the father's is is not around or he's trying to provide as best as he can these are all uh uh trauma that I was lucky to use that trauma to put on my shoulder to I I gotta keep going I gotta keep going this my way out I ain't about to be no doctor I ain't about to be no lawyer I'm about to be a football player and I don't care what my circumstance is I got to perform and put that compartmentalize that put that away for these 42 minutes while I show the world I'm the best football player the game the iron balll MH you guys go down 24 nothing that team is loaded that's that may be the best Alabama team ever you guys are in Tuscaloosa you fall behind 24 nothing yep that would you say Carolina put your but that was the game that was your you know say a Heisman moment you had a Heisman game the entirety of the game from the point that you were down 24 nothing could really be your highlights and you don't need any others yeah what's going through your your mind what's go what's the team psyche at that point in time you're in Tuscaloosa yeah that's your chiefest rival that's the that might be the greatest rival in in in college sports I understand Duke North Carolina Ohio State Michigan but they're not in state yeah and it's divided you either love Alabama and hate Auburn you either love Auburn or you hate Alabama there is no in between it ain't no cousins no it's bad blood yeah and I didn't know that and I think coach chisik did a great job leading up into that week because that always will be the game around Thanksgiving and schools out right that's just the first uh uh introduction to what professional sports will be all we had to do is prepare for that game you know Training Table work out watch film whatever and he would give us speakers to talk about what that game was like now me being at the University of Florida I was a part of some rivales Georgia Florida Florida Florida state Florida Miami I witnessed all of them they were rivalries but the Iron Bowl is a little different it's a different energy different en I remember going to the game and they had cancelled our um tiger wal that's when you get off the bus and then you have your fans and I asked I said why we don't got tiger wall simple question or simple answer was it's just not safe damn we in col this amateur sports right mm man we was approaching you know the stadium this the bus rocking like damn these [ __ ] a bus rocking and I remember looking outside it was a couple who had to be 70 plus they flicking us off damn it's Grand by Grandpa they all about it m on them was flicking us all and I said oh it's that type of game when we entered or when I entered the stadium on the field they throwing you know beer bottles and beer on like oh it's that type of game all right I see what we got going this disrespect is overload we go down 24 I'm okay cool we got to score before halftime and I'm saying to myself bro cam if you going to do anything great just going to cement your legacy right here and dare I just make it all about me because we had unbelievable effort from Nick Fairley uh the defense um Terrell Zachary Darvin Adams uh Michael Dyer uh lee zimba like these guys were a part of that puzzle to get us to it now I got a lot of the credit but these were the unsung heroes too and I just remember making it so personal like we this ain't where we stop at we got to keep going and as you know know being an athlete that's what gives you that stamp of approval that we want to hear what your take was what was it like in the locker room did you have to grab somebody by their shoulder pad and say [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go like you bullshitting we bullshitting I'm bullshitting too but [ __ ] we got 30 more minutes to impact the rest of our lives what we going to do I'm about to barbecue [ __ ] you going to get a plate let's rock and roll them type of stories you can't get by just reporting the news cuz it it take a different measure of of of experience and even though Travis Kelsey may be able to be talked to in this type way you can't talk to shanon Sharp like that sometimes you don't even got to talk to him you just got to look you straight bro [ __ ] let's go let's get it those type of connections or Wifi is is something that only having the experience in the game can share that and I did not want that opportunity to be missed because I was fighting so much more off the field that on the field was just a playground that was my place of Refuge you can't talk to me reporter while I'm playing yeah I'm at peace blah la la la la la la la la and every time I ran I ran with with with with vengeance I wanted to hurt somebody cuz I was hurt and I used it as as a way to give me my Edge right will you look at that roster you mentioned Percy harvy Brandon Spikes Joe Hayden Dunlap joris jenin Mike and Maurice pouncy uh person said he smoke smoked weed before every game did you know did you know y did you guys party that hard Camp damn [ __ ] we was Untouchable in gamesfield I ain't going to lie I was so disappointed in the in the documentary cuz they left out so much but it leave out [ __ ] Percy go go talk to Percy [ __ ] go talk to Charlie Strong [ __ ] go talk to Joe Hayden you see what I'm saying ask them to real and they would have did that [ __ ] for free [ __ ] all the Netflix deals and all that [ __ ] like we need to tell you want to tell this real story [ __ ] that was a very toxic locker room where they we still had success but damn it was a it was a combination of a lot of talent that was boiling over right and there was times where it was just un unmanageable and then there was also times where it was a thing of beauty where it was a com a competition every day every practice like we competed and even though Tim TBO was a person who I wanted to be better than Tim TBO made everybody better cuz he competed right that energy that he had that screaming that raar and then that Ah that's something that I could connect with right and he connected with everybody else even the stadium there's a situation you have a 707 you mentioned a 707 that you have here um DeShaun Watson has ENT come through your Camp uh Justin Fields has come through your camp and I remember telling your dad the first time this was a couple years ago that it was documented and the kids I feel were being disrespectful not all kids but some was being very disrespectful and I remember calling your dad I say see if I was c i canel that I said because the one thing is that I'm taking time out of my busy schedule and I'm trying to give back and the one thing I will not allow is kids to be disrespectful MH and he just said he I remember him saying matter of fact that a how cam is Cam Gonna Keep it going and keep and and because he believes in this and he want to give back to community and then earlier this year you had a situation where you have a 707 and I thought it was kids but it was later reported that there were coaches there were adults that you ended up getting into it with and I don't understand how you stay so I mean you had them flow the dreads weren't going nowhere you stayed Immaculate D yeah I like it can't be real I just got to be CG cuz ain't no way a man getting a tussle you got one in the headlock you you strong arm and one you throw him in the bushes and the other would come up like well damn c yeah well so what what what transpired what led up to that confrontation they were uh coaches that was at one point a part of C1 in okay and that familiarity was something that you know we knew each other okay words were said and I always say I got my PhD and [ __ ] talking okay I could talk [ __ ] with the best of them it don't matter if it's a young boy it don't matter if it's a preacher it don't matter if it's an opposing opponent it don't matter who it is I can keep it governed in in in how you want to talk okay and the truth of the matter was a lot of people when they when they see you as equal they will talk to you as if you were equal MH and I show myself so much I I exert my uh my time and energy so much to people that they get so comfortable not right right who I am mhm and in large part that's what I want and also but don't forget like who like bro there's not a lot of people that have done what I've done right and I don't use that as a banner like I'm Cam Newton it was just like yo y'all talking I'm talking and then boom it's going to be what it's going to be so they see the the sauce they see the smile they see all these different things and you'll [ __ ] around and find out they take that for weakness though they take it for weakness and even for the kids they see see that they see you always running around hey yo c103 C1 bless the baby all that they they they get distracted by that's still Cam Newton the Rookie of the Year the Heisman Trophy winner the MVP and nobody's really they're not used to seeing somebody of my magnitude exert themselves in that space because it's it's really like a for an expression or or an analog it's like The Ruck a p it's raw uncut you know 707 gives you that platform to to talk [ __ ] do you think you need to temper it because you say you put yourself on that level and when people see you as the level they see you as a equal they will talk to you as such I can I'm from the south your dad's from the south I know he's told you Cam our Dynamic is never going to change I'm dad your son yes sir you're not going to be on my level and he doesn't put you on his level you nor do I put him On My Level exactly so do you think moving forward you might need to temper that where you put people on your level and then you stay in their your place and you allow them to stay in their place in this situation no okay because I'll tell you this I'm I'm not quiet about saying where I'm from okay I'm from Atlanta Georgia yep and I don't want to just appease to Buckhead and not appease the Bankhead and even if you don't know where those different areas in Atlanta is is you know exactly what I'm saying right and when I was growing up Michael Vick was that person where if he would have said cam or anybody I'm throwing a camp and I want somebody to be a part of my team man I I would have did anything to be a part of it cuz he was my hero still am my hero Asis every single time I see the Michael Vick the Pacman's they're like bro you that [ __ ] that I wanted to be Vince Young that guy these are the guys that I wanted to be like so I will always keep that respect there so now me being in the position that I am now the Justin Fields the Deshawn Watson's the bo Nicks the Sam howls these quarterbacks that have come and that's just the name the ones that you may know not to mention the ones that you don't know and also other players Travis Hunter uh George Pickins the cam Sutton even though what he's going through right now these players came through and I was trying to tell them then bro use the game of football because it can get you everything you want you got to commit you got to be disciplined don't get distracted so it's hard for me to remove myself from a platform where I impact way more than people see than that Viral moment going where somebody's swinging on this person and swinging on that person and I'm saying to myself I was so grateful because it could have got yeah ugly on both sides if they would have pulled out a knife if they would have pulled out a gun that's for them if my side would have been there I was by myself it I I was triggered and that was the thing now where even when I have these conversations with my girl she said cam like you got a you got kids you got eight kids what I'm going to do if you go right you get knocked in a coma what like what's your family going to do so these are things that I think about myself and I'm saying to myself I mean too much to too many people yes for me to get detracted from what the vision and the focus is because a lot of people live VI cariously through me and whether they give me the credit I deserve or not that still can't distract me from my mission and that's always to impact and empower the Next Generation let's talk about your upbringing your dad he's a couple years older than me went to Savannah State um your mom is from Savannah obviously Savannah State is in Savannah how was Cam's upbringing your dad is a minister so I'm assum assuming that the upbring was fairly strict oh extremely strict and with me smoking this cigar right now it's still hey hey boy hey turn it down turnone it down you're cussing too much I ain't ra you like that boy you know those are things that that's that liable that's him that bar man but people have to understand even when I'm expressing myself to this day they got to understand where I come from right my father didn't have the millions that I have but he always was a alpha yeah his presence was going to be felt whether he was wearing some raggedy clothes or wearing a a Liber righteous suit didn't matter my father had that aura about him this is the man that I wanted to impress so he raised me to be this way growing up in the church it was extremely strict I can't remember a time where you know I didn't have a curfew that don't mean I didn't sneak out you know what I'm saying but I would always say it like this I knew and know what's right and what's wrong I didn't always do right though you feel what I'm saying uh I grew up in the three parent household my mom my father as well as my grandmother and yes sir no sir no ma'am yes ma'am was you're missing something yes sir I ain't I ain't know what huh what yeah what what huh yeah what no it's yes it's yes sir it's no and no ma'am look at look me in my eye when I'm talking to you as a measure of respect but also understanding that you you are digesting and processing what make sure you you listening and understanding what those things it's like I always tell the parents that that come through our program just like the the players what this Society needs is for parents to be parents we don't need no more friends home home girls and you know he just he all right he going to be good no give that dude give little Tay Tay and and John John a curfew right they failing math science and all that and I don't give a damn how he can catch the ball he ain't going to go to college they might be JN X but they can't say the ABCs come on now they can recite a rap song but they can't recite all these different things like I'm telling you so that comes from the the the way that they're being raised and when we start putting the oners back on the parents that's when Society will change cam kids you mentioned you got eight kids yes eight you done I want more what Six Flags baby bad just bad come on C hey man look but but this is what they this is what they say what they say who say that I don't know who they is cuz I'm going find them and put something on them but people saying we having all these kids I take care of all my kids yeah yeah see that's the thing yeah I always wanted a big family I come from that M you know what I'm saying I I my father had three boys no girls and my cousin here he serves as my as my assistant now that's my brother like we head to toe head to toe make the pallet who going down there to get the pallet and no it smell like mothballs but you stink who's who's smelling like that who must it like those conversations happened during the summer we worked together my father had a construction company a landscaping business like that's how we got swoll We Didn't Start Living way we didn't have no free weights running around how we had this s yeah these pallets you know what I'm saying you going to go get this tree this bush and you going to take it 50 yards and you better not mess up my whole uh uh plant structure d That's how I got strong so when I grew up that's all I knew was family right so I want that and I I owe a due diligence to each woman who get given me that and I respect them the same do I have jurisdiction of who they talk to no but I owe a service to loving them unconditionally no matter what they do and we have to co-parent together how how do you because look cam these women wanted to be with you let's be one let's be all the way 1,000 come on with it these women wanted to be with you m MH you're not with you're not with this one you have a one or two kids with this one have one kid over here now you're with the I think you're with this the one you had the last kid with the previous like hold on what special why she get to be with you now you done left me with five over here or two over here why she why she special well I'mma mess it up for you no you can't do you can't it's it's it's a respect right and we can't allow our personal vendettas to get in in in between raising these children you see what I'm saying I do and did I want it to be this way when I was 7 12 years old I wanted to have a a family wanted to be married with the house and the picket fence and all that that just wasn't what my life pned out to be I proudly say I have eight children six biologically through me right and I don't believe in stepchildren what my biological kids get everybody get I don't have no favorites I'm raising kings and queens and I have uncomfortable conversations with my children is you [ __ ] hey is you smoking weed is you drinking no I don't I don't picate with that I'm very handson I I do go to football practice I do go to basketball practice track practice tennis practice because I want them to see what a positive male figure is in their life I'm not just out here just slaying and leaving right no but it's it's difficult cam when you've been in a situation for an a long period of time if I'm not mistaken I think the first situation you've in that situation for probably about a decade um and to leave yes and I'm you know I'm sure it was a very a very uncomfortable conversation that you had to have yeah but things happen though okay and and as you know when you know we we all in the public ey try to keep personal yes personal uhhuh but I want to be an example for people that I never proclaimed to be perfect learn from me right we can talk about everything and I think when you look at my career Jo High School professional I've been that guy for a long period of time I had a lot of Temptations I had a lot of mess ups a that way too so that's why I'm relatable to these kids my kids or anybody else's I know what you're going through bro but that don't mean you can't fail this class cuz if you fail the class you're not going to past Clearing House talk to me like I I I done did a lot just because of who you see today don't mean I ain't been through a lot and they always try to put that on how old you are like no bro I done been through a lot of stuff bro some things that I'm proud to say and some things that I'm not proud to say the Mee you do you remember the have you seen the meme of you and uh I think it was Josh Norman getting into it they got a meme of you bro they meme everything now you know you about to get even more memes now that you now you on this side of the camera right Bring it on Bring on the pr bring on the pr bring on the yeah I I want that but you know it was crazy I was having this conversation and the way media is now by the time my son gets to high school or my daughter gets to high school they won't even remember Cam Newton as a football player because it's so direct to consuma yeah YouTube I I was with you going be so far removed so far removed and if you get really good at this cam people will forget that you actually played the game because I get a lot of times people like well how do you know so much about sports I was like I studyed a lot I hey I study a lot they're like can you know you know football you know eveng you know dates you know players you know all this stuff I like yes ma'am I I do a lot of study I have to prepare it's in you though but that thing for me is like journalism not just media journalism has changed yes over the years and how people digest right that right and we're in a golden era of that right we don't have to just wait on ES PN to report sports right we can go to direct skip bis and night cap and you know all these different yes podcast to yeah get the news right you don't and that's you don't need a middleman no because there's something cam wants to say cam has platforms he can just say it right and with no misinterpretation no you ain't got to wait for for me to do a magazine special or or or a newspaper like no that's going to get misconstrued right yeah I'mma tell you how I really feel when you were in Carolina your neighbor was Michael Jordan yes sir Mike loves to gamble uh boay and uh I don't play boay that you don't play boay no that [ __ ] right there that's that's a relationship killer it got a typee of person you know you know your consent on IAP he got [ __ ] bringing pistols to the arena all off boay yeah I I do some gambling and I think uh I learned this uh this quote around him uh Michael Jordan that is he was having just a little banter somebody asked him he said hey how much you want to bet on this simply said by Mike whatever makes you nervous that's him that's said that's a flex right there yeah but it is what it is but you ask yourself why does gambling so prominent with with athletes because that Rush that thrill that you get it's it's it's either gambling or you playing a sport it coincides because the nervousness the an anxiousness that you kind of get the thrill it's like woo is he going to make the shot what's coming next what's coming next what card is he going to get the card am I going to get the card there's a lot riding on this a lot of but a lot of probability dig know what I'm saying so it is what it is so yeah I learned a lot from from from MJ uh very positive in in in who I am today always was uh assessible to knowledge you know what I'm saying and um just who the what he represents for the culture and what he represents for us today is something that I've always marveled if Cam Newton never plays another down in the NFL are you satisfied with your career yes sir because I gave everything everything to this game of football and in the famous word of Frank Sinatra you did it your way I did it my way from the fashion to the way I presented myself to everything else I'm satisfied when you decide when you officially decide to call it a career in five years does cam newon Cam Newton get that call does he get that knock on the door and say welcome to football Heaven which is Canon Ohio the Pro Football Hall of Fame honestly though I wouldn't care and not to disrespect the Hall of Fame and the people who are in it my impact was felt and that's all I wanted from a kid from College Park Georgia by way of Atlanta to have the impact that I had where globally I go anywhere and people say man he look like U man what's the uh the football that we played in a mask sport mhm to be recognized without your helmet on that tells you something that you did something right and let this be said too I never had an incident with domestic violence I never had a a a run in with the law I never had anything conduct detrimental where people would have assumed that oh man he's a head case right that's your personal opinion go back and talk to Ron Rivera go back and talk to Matt Ru go back and talk to Bill bich talk to Greg uh OS talk to Thomas Davis talk to these people who shared the locker room with me rest in peace talk to Jerry Richardson these people will tell you who Cam Newton really is a lot of people who don't like Cam Newton it's only subjective to what you may think and I'm fine with being able to say I'm not for you and I think with me being so comfortable in my skin that's what rubs people the wrong way so for me I'm I can get the validation from people around when they appreciate what I've done and that's my nod to them saying well done and that's what I can go to sleep at every single night whether my daughters or my sons remember me playing football or not I have the ability to raise them to be honorable kings and queens the same way that my father and my mother did for me and my grandmother last thing the the car accident when you was in Carolina do you remember that do you remember that morning yeah I I do um it was on a off day it was it was uh we had Victory Monday and at the truck that I was driving was was elevated ele like H to too high but you know young and like I wanted to stand I I that was me being around the Texas being around in Alabama like them Country Boys had them uh elevated trucks and I and I wanted to get one and the intersection that it was at I remember the car coming out then it stopped then I stopped or slowed down then I spared up and he spared up too I remember I thought I passed him and I was trying to blow the horn like and as I'm blowing the horn he clipped my back left wheel and it flipped over and as I'm flipping I'm saying to myself oh my God not like this not like this and I was on the phone with my mom not like this no no not like this not like this and when I got out I didn't realize how close off the edge of the bridge it was right so when they say I had a a a Praying grandmother a Praying Mother man that could have been it you don't know the time the hour or the day so don't let smoking the cigar derail you from understanding that I'm a man of God God-fearing I know where my favor come from I'm I'm I'm humbled by the fact that God has given me the opportunity to say that I owe my life to him I don't fear nothing outside of God and that day was a perfect example of I was on top of the world my father would always say son be careful one day you can be on top of the world and the next day the world can be on top of you do right by people and no matter what you say about Cam Newton you can never find a person that I did wrong and that's what resonates to me the most because there was times in my life similar to that car accident where I ain't supposed to be here they thought after Florida they'll never hear from me again it was so many transfers that left and you never never heard from them never heard from them but when I came back and my story and my and my and everything that I went through why me I would always ask myself man how I'm always getting caught man I son you ain't regular these are conversation this is a perfect fatherson story man I was afraid of my dad the only thing that brought us closer was me in Ju while I was in FL man I didn't call my man I'mma cut your phone off you better answer that was the first time I was out I was a bird man I was gone yeah you could bring girls in the dorms and ain't nobody got curfew oh man but that wasn't the calling that I had right it was that's why I'm able to resonate with my kids and say son it's all right tell me like what's going on it may be tough loving but all medicine ain't sweet either right so as I'm living these these situations and I'm saying to myself and let me be the example of hope so I can't stop going out to 707 I can't stop speaking my mind because every time I want to there's a person that I'm giving hope to that I may not ever meet but they are able to say man cam I resonate with Cam he my kind and that's not a black thing that's not a white thing that's a all all mankind thing I like him are you surprised coach bich doesn't have a job no it's because he don't want a job like bro what makes him special you had an opportunity to spend a one year with him and it was only a year but what makes Coach B special I remember when Robert Kraft called me and it was something that was just it's it penetrated my my my core it was like yo like damn he was like cam in this organization you ain't going to find an organization that's pulling in the same direction like the New England Patriots everything is a line to win it when I went to spend my time at in New England I was blown away by the the the amount of details that they focused on he taught the game game of football not just to the offense not just to the defense special teams included he taught the game of football to everybody often times that pencil ain't just a fashion statement he got a pencil iPad notepad taking notes why he working out taking notes watching film certain things and he teaches the game coaches often time forget that being a great coach is also being a great teacher you have to understand talking to cam you got to change the tone or dialect when you're talking to a Shannon sharp when you're talking to a ooo or Odell Beckham or Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady the great ones know how to weave in and weave out and get they message across that's what bill bich has done and proven he's so intentional that it ain't like he riding off in the sunset because that's what he want to do if Bill bich wanted a job he got that name Manning Sanders bellich that man if he wanted to be hired somewhere he would have been there me knowing what I know about him he probably don't want it what does he have to prove and when you at peace like that you can gracefully buy out I think he wants that Schuler record alltime winning as coaching NF fa history he's so close but some records out of respect should never be broken think about Barry Sanders when he was so close to Walter Payton said no em Smith the same way well see he see I think Barry was like what you said kinkley if he thought Detroit could give him an opportunity to win they had started trading pieces getting rid of pieces around him that he could the Glovers and the low Browns and all them guys that started to leave he like man y'all ain't got no room for me yeah but sometimes people you got to ask yourself too what's your carrot there is a comical analogy where the mule is chasing the carrot mhm in high school your carrot is I want to go D1 I want to go to college corre that's your carrot you bite that boom when you get to college that Carro is NFL I got to go to the league when you bite that it's now oh I want to go and be a household name a pro bowler I want to be a All Pro that's your care when you got all these different things a Super Bowl like what else is your car and you dictate that not somebody else and I think even for me I don't have nothing to prove I'm I'm I'm at peace and that's if you're at peace with that no you got another cat you on this camera side now oh for sure you want to be great at it just like you we the football oh man listen it drives you you probably here's the thing this is what and I tell people I want to be better at this because this isn't my natural football was God gave me the ability to be able to run and to jump and to catch a football so I didn't really have to work that much I mean I train and got good at it but this is not something that that I was naturally good at but I'm working it's the challenge right and I think for me to be independently own mhm nobody is telling me what I should produce mhm and for it to consistently catch the eye of people to make it go viral that's my carot and it's doing it in an intent to impact it's not doing it an intent to shame so when I do say Game Changer and game manager it was the the the topic of the NFL the whole year cuz think about this whether the 49ers won or the 49ers didn't win Cam Newton's topic or take was still going to be who's doing that Shannon Stephen A skip they got so many platforms Disney Fox not me I'm just taking my taking it's just getting picked up because you can't ignore what I'm saying because it's the truth to a degree where it still becomes opinionated and subjective to the consum Cam Noon ladies and gentlemen ah appreciate you bro all my life grinding all my life sacrifice hustle P the price want a slice got the roll a dice that's why all my life i' been grinding all my life all my life been grinding all my life sacrifice hustle P the price want a slice like the roll a dice that's why all my life been grinding all my [Music] life
Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 4,397,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, NFL, Basketball, NBA, Sports, Shannon Sharpe, Music, Comedian, Athlete, Cam Newton, football, Drake, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Lamar Jackson, Justin Fields, Mike Vick, Steve Smith Sr., Luke Kuechly, Christian McCaffrey, Jerry Richardson, Auburn, Tim Tebow, college football
Id: oYhCJ5sAcuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 30sec (10350 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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