Wack100 on Drake Feeding Kendrick Fake Daughter Story, Kendrick Calling Drake a Pedo (Part 2)

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this is the most gossipy battle in rap history that's exactly what it is hands down he's Drake being attacked with no real facts I mean they're both kind of being attacked they're both kind of being attack with no that tells you what the me social media do once the people pick it up whoever these people may be they could be the little dweeb dude sitting up in Maine with bu focals 100 lb if he leaves a they're going to say the people everybody has the same Worth right in that comment section so as of right now I say Kendrick Kendrick's one right now you're saying if he Drake drops something else it might shift it might but right now Kendrick want it and when you talk about all the guys up look Kendrick said that Drake has a secret daughter I heard that are you saying that's true when I seen when I heard Kendrick say it and I knew that people were calling around trying to get information right and after Kendrick delivered that and I seen Drake go on his Instagram which is a goddamn you know what that is that's a light yeah and say what daughter I instantly knew Drake fed Kendrick some [ __ ] okay because if we hear something like that we know the TR to be true right we G to say oh [ __ ] yeah we're not going to go to our platform and highlight it unless we know total [ __ ] it's total BS the minute he put what daughter up there it Amplified Everything Kendrick just said everybody's like okay now where's the daughter now we got to do the math here you're saying this is a a child that he doesn't claim doesn't take care of and since then there's been another child well well well well they're saying that he doesn't claim but chances are he probably does take care of the child if it's actually true which is why it's been quiet cuz think about it when I mean when push a t brought up the whole thing with the Donis he didn't say what son it's like all right here's my son you know but you know the whole daughter thing look lots of dudes out there have kids that no one knows about you know for example Dr Dre was going through his divorce one of the accusations was that this one white girl who lives in some mansion that he bought has a kid by him and she's you've never heard her say anything not saying it's true but these types of things have people have secret kids and they pay off the baby mothers to just be quiet hold on hold on it's not a secret see they call it a secret kid because the world thinks because you're a celebrity you're supposed to tell them everything yeah right some people don't want people to know certain things because of things they've been through right um but the fact that Drake himself went and said what daughter yeah help me find her yeah help right he's not going to put any more light on that and knowing it's the possibilities right that somebody could pop up with this daughter right Drake's not stupid he's not a dummy no right so um and he talked about his last his last record you know like I fed you a bunch of you I fed you this fed you that but uh you know they called him pedophile that was a big one I feel like I mean you can file lawsuit over that definitely yeah that is standard defamation definitely standard defamation with someone who has money that you could actually Sue because it could definitely hurt him 100% no yeah and like and this is why they like whack you put the clip up that Kendrick was referring to the 17 yearold on the stage I said I put the clip up to show you that this is what Ken referring to if you slide it it shows that it was in Colorado the legal age of consent right is 17 y'all saying she was 17 then I also put the federal clip up to break down on the federal law is 18 but this is 14 years ago and the statute limitation to this thing is 10 years so either way you look at it right if even if it's distasteful he's not a pedophile well yeah and I think the girl actually spoke up and she said number one Drake didn't pick me out his crew goes and picks out girls from the audience and brings them on stage and he had no say in this brought her on stage he doesn't know who she is he doesn't know she was there with her father she was there with her father and Drake was like 22 23 it like it was 37 year old Drake like that that what I was trying to establish this is not 37 year old Drake in a 17 year old right right cuz you know when people say that it's like right now yeah you just did that right now and it wasn't it wasn't not all Kendrick also called Drake a snitch yeah I don't know where that came from I guess there's a situation where like Drake got robbed and in Toronto or something and they're saying he Co operated but then once again he said show the paperwork and there is no paperwork yeah I don't know where they came from I don't know either and then I mean there was all types of Buzz over this I guess like the dude that robbed him end up getting killed and something something it's like a whole big messy situation some Toronto [ __ ] that I'm not even familiar with but the power of Kendrick has been tested because what he has said is law regardless that nothing's been show the gr hasn't been produced the paperwork hasn't been produced so that let you know right now he's the voice he's he's the voice of hip hop right now
Channel: djvlad
Views: 62,694
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Id: DsrewbgA6y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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