Loca D on Doing 31 Years in Prison for Killing 2 Latin Kings (Full Interview)

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foreign here we go today we have Jacqueline loka D Montanez a former member of Chicago's Maniac Latin disciples who at the age of 15 killed two Latin Kings and became the only female to be sentenced to life in prison as a juvenile she's now out after doing 31 years welcome to Vlad TV thank you well you have a very interesting story so you were born in 1976 and grew up in Chicago what part of Chicago did you actually grow up in I'm a part Northwest okay what nationality are you Puerto Rican okay and what was Chicago like during that time I mean it was rough that's you live in poverty you live in the streets you you're surrounded by gangs drugs okay now your mother had a stepfather uh but where exactly was your real father during this time my mother had her husband my stuff yeah I did have a stepfather My real father was living his own life okay do you guys have a relationship at all we've seen each we've seen each other like maybe once a month or something like that okay so you maintained a relationship with yeah okay and you had two brothers and two sisters yeah and your stepfather was actually a high-ranking member of the Latin Kings yes he was okay so tell me a little bit about him um well he was actually a uh next to one of the leaders of Beach and Spalding from Latin King's territory and he ran that set and he ran the drugs ring he was just high up there he was a high up there okay okay and then in 1984 uh at age seven something terrible started to happen to you at home yeah I started getting raped okay did your mother know about it at all no that's in the beginning okay did she start to learn later on she learned that when I turned like 12 years old okay so from age seven to age 12 you're being molested by your stepfather and did your siblings know no it was just it was a hush hush thing I mean people I think people started to notice it but I think the beatings overrided it so they was too busy looking at watching the beatings how does a seven-year-old little girl you know up to age 12 really deal with something as horrific as that he was feeding me drugs really okay what kind of drugs at that point marijuana cocaine okay and then at age 10 you're actually hospitalized for a drug overdose yeah so was that sort of related to those two situations yeah okay okay would you overdose on okay okay I mean and they have something to have some phenobarbons and some some of my mother's seizure meds because we just popping pills okay I mean when a hospital brings in a 10 year old who is overdosing on cocaine I mean usually at least Child Protective Services should be triggered and so forth right they was but everyone was scared of what I had father everybody was scared don't nobody [ __ ] with my stepfather they wasn't they came into the house okay so even CPS was scared of your stepdad yeah okay well you said by age 12 your mom actually found out about the the rape yeah she then gave me a DCFS which is what children Family Services so you're put in foster care yes why did your mom give you up when you're the one that's the victim I guess for support you know she she was scared he I mean he used to beat my mom as well you know so for I guess she was in fear of her life of leaving him okay what was that situation like when you left the house I went to a group home right away and that's when I joined the maniac Latin disciples okay so how did you actually join were you jumped in yeah I was beating okay how long did it last I hear different stories about this type of thing um well actually I was beating my violation actually took they gave me like a three minute head to toe you have you have to choose like I was allowed to choose back in the day use a lot of choose like either a cover would be more time if you're covering up your face or if you're not covering up your face it'll be less so I took the no cover so you got beat in the face a bunch of times okay and then after all that was done now you're a maniac Latin disciple yeah now the maniac Latin disciples they're their own gang but is there some similarities to the Gangster Disciples just the pitchforks I mean they folks we just we by ourselves okay so now you're a gang member and at the time the maniac Latin disciples did they have beef with other gangs in Chicago yeah Latin Kings most our number one enemy was Latin Kings what was the history of that beef actually that actually went way back before my time so I can't even comment on that that [ __ ] that was before my before I became a maniac okay but now you're a gang member and you have to adopt all these beefs that you don't even really know why the beefs are there I mean the Kings no way so I was okay with beefing with okay but your stepdad was a Latin king that's why I ain't [ __ ] okay so as you're now an active gang member what type of violent situations were you involved in before the actual incident later on I was I mean just normal gang banging stuff fighting just some normal gang banging stuff stuff that I'm going to tell for I got locked up for selling drugs got locked up for attempt murder got locked up for aggravated battery the attempted murder was the situation about that I beat a girl with a hammer okay were there any shootings leading up to this no not like you know what I'm saying not not to wear I mean I've always I was always taught how to use a gun my stepfather taught me that so I've always watched him you know I'm saying do his dirt but as far as me and The Maniacs we ain't you know I'm saying we back then it was it wasn't so quick to pull a trigger we was quick to fight nowadays they quick to pull triggers back then we was more equipped to fight each other and and jump on each other instead of trying to shoot somebody up okay so here you are living this life and 1992 rolls around uh you're age 15 around this time uh now you actually had moved out and you were completely living on your own yeah how are you able to actually finance that seven drugs okay so you had your own apartment you had your own car and no one actually knew you were 15. nobody knew I was 50 now The Maniacs no I was 15. did you feel by this time that you had a drug problem no I mean I was doing cocaine and popping acid but I was I controlled it on my mind level of my I was thinking straight I ain't bringing no problems to The Maniacs I I'm saying I hooked I stood my hood down what I'm saying I make sure everything was straight okay and then on May 10th 1992 a friend of yours named mudo to move the rest in peace he got killed by the Latin Kings yes he did now Muto was he a member of your gang or just a civilian he was just a kid in the neighborhood that the brothers felt we all took terms taking him to school because he didn't like to ride the yellow bus and he was deaf so he was more embarrassed at the yellow bus so we all took turns taking him to school so he just used to always be seen in folks car so they made him a Target so this was just a deaf kid that you guys were just kind of taken care of in your own way and because of the proximity the Latin Kings assumed that he was part of your gang yeah how is he killed exactly yeah shot in my car in your car yeah he got his brains blown out but you were not in the car at the time I was in the corner um I was actually working that night selling drugs so that morning when it was time for me to take him to school I was changing shifts and he was in my car and he was excited because it's Mother's Day and he wanted me to take and go buy his mom some something and he kept beeping the horn and I was talking to my folks so by the time I flew to turn around car had pulled up and blew his brains out how did you react when you saw that he's on number five okay so your friend gets killed and you go meet with his mother his mother ran out to the car she felt it she felt it that's why I don't have kids so I don't know but they say a parent knows when something's wrong with a child because as soon as she as soon as he was shot she ran at the house screaming that she ran to the car what was the conversation like with the mother at that point she once trying to hear nothing all I could do was promise her that I did and did it okay so you make a promise uh to mudo's mother that you're going to avenge his death definitely how did you know that a Latin King actually pulled the trigger they were calling out there it was called throwing out their crowns and calling out who I'm saying disrespecting The Maniacs they drove right past us okay so you know it was the Latin Kings but did you know specifically who did it not at that moment no okay but the hood talks so now word starts getting around and so forth so what information did you start to get after that actually got information not even from the hood information came from the police information came from the when they informed us that they had somebody in custody and that they was going to court and then informed us when they was being wounded out so it was never the hood that if they said anything it was the police the shirts in the county jail that was hitting my people letting me know that they was being released oh okay okay so you're telling me that the actual Sheriff was trying to fan the Flames of this beef by letting you know that this guy who allegedly killed your friend is coming out of prison yeah bonding out bonding out so you knew who did it in his name and everything else like that by at that point I knew because he went to bond hearing I was there oh you went to the actual bond hearing what was it like being in the same room with the man who killed your friend I just wanted him dead okay so two days later on May 12th you went and got two girls uh from the disciples yeah uh Monica yeah am I pronouncing it right Nick are you right AKA Marilyn molero uh age 22. who actually had two kids of her own yep and Tootie [ __ ] yeah I don't know 2D's first name Madeline Madeline uh what's your last name Mendoza okay so 2D AKA Madeline Mendoza how close were you to these two girls I won't close it out with them they were just folks I actually so these moms out used to get high with her brothers was my my folks so I was more I knew her brothers so I didn't really didn't know them okay so the three of you got together and planned a mission to get revenge yeah you guys got a 25 caliber pistol yeah now originally the plan was to do a drive-by yeah so walk me through the steps of what happens next it's just we was planning to do a drive-by we was driving around [ __ ] but when nobody in beaches tomorrow then [ __ ] was out they was just it was ghosts and that's supposed to be the heart of Latin Kings but it was ghosts nobody was out so we just drove around but the car pulled up next to us so when they pulled up next to us I actually knew the driver because like I said my father my stepfather was a Latin kid and so I knew a lot of Latin Kings growing up so when he recognized me he asked me like what the [ __ ] I was doing this Hood I just said I was just driving around but then he turned around to see two feet in the back seat he wanted the flight one and asked us to follow them to the park now the actual person that was involved in my friend's murder was sitting on the passenger side and he kept talking [ __ ] oh you the famous local D also you look a d i just kept looking at him it's like y'all heard the room and I meet the legend local Dina flesh so we finally into the park okay and the two guys was 22 year old Hector Reyes and 20 21 year old Jimmy Cruz who is the actual shooter I had to raise was the actual shooter okay so you Hector and Jimmy you guys go to the park yeah and and the two girls and uh 2D and manyeka so once you get to the park what happens next well actually out of respect for the victim's family because they are popping up now I wouldn't even want them to relive that [ __ ] just to know that we did go to the park we always talking they have big guns we had ours I was invited into the bathroom um he acted tough until we got in the bathroom when we got in the bathroom it was a whole different situation he pulled his dick out and tried to act like he won't [ __ ] and when I didn't want to do that he mentioned the movie like what is about that and that's when that's when I pulled the trigger okay so you pull the trigger and uh Hector Reyes is now dead in front of you what goes through your head as you're looking at this dead body nothing this is something that this ain't this is something that I've seen my whole life living in the streets of Chicago you could walk past the dead body that's normal looking at people with their head blown off was normal was nothing sickening it was just everyday life so nothing at that moment went through my head well seeing a dead body or seeing someone get killed is one thing but actually pulling the trigger yourself is a little bit different not to me okay it wasn't you know I'd have conscience then at this moment yeah but at that moment at the age of 15 I didn't give a [ __ ] like bro you killed my friend you killed my friend there was no no coming back from that I didn't give a [ __ ] you know I'm saying I didn't I wasn't thinking right and no at this moment I do you know I'm saying this moment is a lot of fear it's a lot of emotions where I took two lives you know what I'm saying I ruined four families five families so I mean but back then a child doesn't think that back then a child thinks that oh it's just down to do whatever well after you killed Hector Reyes you come out of the bathroom and Jimmy Cruz is there as well as muneca and Tutti yeah so what happens next I guess Jimmy thought that I was the one that had died he wasn't expecting me to see he wasn't expected to see me walk out that bathroom so when he saw that it was me and not his friend and after he heard the gunshot he knew then his friend was dead so he wants to reach for his gun but he was about to kill one of my girls and I wasn't gonna let that happen so I just took off running and as I was running I pulled the trigger and hit him in the ass okay so then you and your two friends jumped back in the car again no actually I stood over Jimmy's body and I wanted Latin king's car passed by and when it was one of the Kings and he of course he recognized me because like I said my stepfather so instead of I'm thinking in my head he's going to go get the Latin Kings I'm we're gonna die right here but instead he called my stepfather and he told my father your daughter just killed when our boys he didn't know nothing about the boy in the bathroom he just saw the body outside so he made a deal with my stepfather so instead of going to get the lack of Kings he went and picked up some drugs for my dad and I was able to get out the parking lot okay so now you get out of the parking lot you and the two girls drive off what happens next we're into the neighborhood um of course [ __ ] will be [ __ ] the girls started bragging about it oh look Adidas this look I did this look at that so they brag to the wrong person one of the girls that they were bragging to end up getting locked up with some kilo cocaine at night so she ended up turning Us in to get free okay well that's happening you know without you knowing so this girl is now starting to cooperate with the police but you still think that you got away with it to a certain degree because the Latin King who saw you got paid off he's not going to say anything so you went to a hotel right yeah I actually ran from my because my stepfather was making me come home I was supposed to go to Puerto Rico and he kept telling me I'm you know I'm saying my mom was going to pack my clothes at my house and I was actually supposed to be going to Puerto Rico but I wasn't going to miss the funeral so I went to a hotel room with the folks okay and then the next day you went to the funeral yeah and you and the mother had a conversation at that point yeah we um organized the way we was going about we went in the funeral all of us went in the funeral every other person who I'm saying because we really believe that it was going to be a problem so we we went prepared for problems so he went in gave the we put a flower on the casket and then went to the mother and I just gave her a dozen of roses and told her I did it how does she react she just cried and said thank you at that moment did you feel a sense of closure over the whole situation yeah but I knew it was going to be some consequence behind him but I didn't think it would be prison time okay so behind your back the police now know that you and the other two girls did it and they're now preparing to arrest you we didn't know nothing about right so they actually arrest you at the funeral home they arrested leaving the funeral home going back to the neighborhood once we got in the neighborhood that's when they arrested US when they arrested you what went through your head they never said it was it was for the murders when they came now mind you we we deep as [ __ ] you know what I'm saying we just came from a funeral so a lot a lot of us is out there so as I was giving up my guns because I'm going to Puerto Rico now you know what I'm saying so as I was giving up my guns yaka called me to the corner and was like man what's up you gonna say bye without me you're gonna leave without saying bye so as I walked over to her to give her a handshake the polices came so I'm like what the [ __ ] but the first thing I get to yelling is I'm 15 years old don't handcuff me so that's when everybody got to realize and what the [ __ ] did she just say all I heard was Whispers like what the [ __ ] and the police was like what and I was like I'm 15 years old don't handcuffed me my cousin was like she's 15. so we was in the police car when after I had it for me at that moment that the night before they jumped on a pregnant girl so she thought that's what we was getting locked up for we didn't know we was getting locked up for the murder until the detectives drove us to the scene of the crime and when they took us to the park they pulled out a gun and they said which one do y'all want to take this gun and shoot me in the back of the head while I'm using the vacuum so at that moment that's when I knew what I was [ __ ] locked up but then they took us to the beach in Spalding which is the king the heart of Latin Kings had them Latin Kings surround my car for the police car and I was in the back seat and one of them had a gun to the window and it was like yeah that's her at that moment I realized I'm looking at it now thinking back I I realized I was a child for real because all I could I remember saying was it wasn't me what are you talking about it wasn't me at that moment a child came out but that's how I knew I was locked up I was being locked up for murder so the detective in the car with you pulled up to a Latin King area and Latin Kings were pulling out guns with the detective present and he was allowing all this to happen actually the detectives are now actually convicted they were convicted and charged for being dirty cops right we'll talk about that later on yeah that part of the story as well yeah he definitely did that and it was and it was letting us know like either Y'all Gonna sign a statement or we gonna let you out we're gonna let you out right here I would have never survived had they let me out right there so we was like what sign of statements so you signed the statements right there in the car no they took us to the police station okay so they take you back to the to the precinct and there was some sort of issue about your mother uh actually being present and so forth yeah they wouldn't let my mommy they would actually went to my mom's house and told her I was a witness saw a murder and that they were holding me under protective custody and when she kept asking them can I go see my baby they kept telling her we're gonna call you and tell you when you can come she waited waited waited and they never called her so she came on her own and when she got to the police station they still wouldn't let her talk to me until my statement was signed she actually didn't even search me because when I said I was a juvenile they never searched me nothing so I still had acid on me I was still popping acid the whole time I was in the in the in the precinct so by the time my mama came they had gave me a pack of cigarettes knowing I was 15 years old they gave me my pack of cigarettes they gave me food took pictures of me laughing and and smiling and I was tripping off acid bro and they still you know I'm saying so when my mother finally after I signed the statement there was no you thoughts to present no my mama wasn't there they all just came at the last one the statement was already prepared so when I signed the statement then they let my mother in and my mother informed me like y'all do know she's intoxicated and they didn't even want to take no blood work they was like no she's not they was she was like she is intoxicated I know my daughter her eyes are booked she's intoxicating y'all just questioned her being intoxicated well at the same time uh muneca was also arrested yeah and she spent 20 hours in police custody uh they threatened her with life in prison they also threatened her with taking her away from her kids and uh her defense attorney actually recommended that she signed a guilty plea with no conditions attached yeah yeah she uh she signed the statement as well because they kept telling her that either she was going to sign a statement and say I killed one and she killed one or I was gonna say she killed both of them and likewise they would they were telling me I was gonna sign a statement saying I get one and she killed one or she was gonna say I killed both of them right because the statement that you signed at that time said that you killed one in the bathroom came outside it gave the gun to muneca and she shot the other which doesn't really make a lot of sense because if you hear a gunshot coming out of the bathroom you wouldn't be able to just calmly give a gun to someone else exactly exactly but see that's how the officers had awarded it you know what I'm saying they wanted both of us to go down so she we both signed statements right and the third girl 2D she turned herself in like shortly after this stuff in because when it was time so she was coming out the store and when it was time for events to point her out to say that was her we had realized that somebody was pointing us out because we had heard it on the radio the identification that somebody was identifying me munyaka so when they did that the little kids in the neighborhood I was yelling at them letting them know somebody's pointing us out somebody's identifying us so they went the whole neighborhood went crazy looking for this a my car on my car and they found the van so they had to take off with the witnesses said I'm saying so by the time they did that she wasn't able to identify to be coming out the store so truly turned herself in with a lawyer well after the dust settled you get indicted by a grand jury for murder yes so now you're in jail awaiting trial uh no bond I assume nope now your stepdad who's a Latin King is somehow caught in the middle of all this of course and I guess your house got shot up yeah my house got shot up and my dad ended up shooting one of his gang members um as they was trying to come in my house but he shot him in the ass but he ended up shooting one of his gang members and yeah they did shoot up my house and he ended up leaving the Latin Kings over the situation he had to I mean um the lord of the Latin Kings actually hauled him on a meeting in prison and was like how could you do that and he was like what you mean that was my daughter's decision you know I'm saying he was like well I knew her since she was a baby and he was like she chose to she chose her own route I can't tell Mike I can't make I couldn't make my daughter be a Latin Queen she chose what she wanted to be she chose my life so um Lord Gino made it clear that I was that I was um forget that was unforgivable and that my father had to leave so he left okay so now you're waiting in jail until the trial you have a public defender so it's not like you have the top legal representation it takes four years until it actually goes to trial you know actually um no that's not true I got convicted I got caught my case tonight too I was convicted in 93. that's my first conviction it took about a year and a half they waited so actually I turned 17 and I got convicted um I got found guilty August August 5th of 1993. and by September I was sentenced to life in prison sentence and sent off to prison okay and you became the first female juvenile to get life in prison yes and this was life in prison with no possibility of parole yes now that initial conviction wasn't there an issue with your mother not being able to see you that's what brought me back in 96 that's what actually brought me back in 96 the United States Supreme Court throughout the statement because my mother wasn't prison I had no youth officer present nobody was there but me and the detectives when the statement was being tooken so it was it was thrown out and I ended up going back in 96 for a retrial and the judge was upset because I wouldn't take the offer that was on the table and she brung the statement back in after the United States Supreme Court threw that okay what was the offer that they were giving you at that time 25 years okay why'd you turn down to 25 years money hungry and young and stupid right in retrospect that would have actually gotten you out a lot sooner I would have been home way sooner okay uh because later on when they essentially said that it was unconstitutional to convict a juvenile to life in prison without parole your sentence was changed to 63 years yes it's three years at 50 percent okay got it we'll get to that part a little bit later so here you are you're now serving prison as a 17 year old yeah and not only a 17 year old but a very notorious 17 year old in a prison full of grown women and guards and and both male and female guards right yeah what was that first day like I mean it was nothing like I saw on TV she I mean walking into a prison for a number of grown-ups and me being the person I was I didn't go in I didn't find Jackie so years later so I went into prison as local d so I was I wasn't scared of nobody I was Fearless can't nobody you know what I'm saying a [ __ ] I'm not never have but never will be so to the point where when I went in I kept looking around and there's a lot of people out there so I'm actually in a cell and I'm thinking in my head what the [ __ ] they about to make me somebody [ __ ] like I'm the youngest one I'm fine as [ __ ] and somebody actually came to my door with a bag of clothes and and TV and and all types of [ __ ] and I was like I'm not gonna be your [ __ ] what is wrong with you but it wasn't even that but in my head because that's what I see on TV that that's what they do that's what I thought they was trying to do but I thought oh y'all ain't gonna make me your [ __ ] that ain't gonna happen you know what I'm saying but as time went by the week went by I got to realize it wasn't even like that and everybody was really trying to figure out who was the kid in in the prison because that's exactly what I was a kid in a grown-ass prison well early on you get approached by a group of women the first is yeah the first day out after I'm clear because when you go to prison you got to go through medical so once your Medical Careers you're able to walk the compound so the very first day that I was approached by some black queens and surrounded I was going into the yard and but it was this one little old lady right there too so as I walked into the yard the old lady looked at me and I noticed that I was being surrounded so I pulled out my Shank and the old lady spit my face so I'm like what but and me one thing about Hispanics we're very big on respecting our elders so when I realized that she said you killed my nephew I realize this victims family I just put my head there you know I'm saying I gave her her respect but as of at that moment that's when centered from the Latin Queens was right next to her and she spoke up and I said you you won't get the same respect bro you won't get it so as soon as she did that I had already threw up my pitchforks and GDs came Maniacs came you know what I'm saying people gangsters came a lot of the folks came through and they broke up the little circle it was like ain't nothing happening you know what I'm saying ain't nothing to happen now that we ain't doing this we're gonna start awarding this [ __ ] and y'all don't want it it ain't that many of y'all y'all can't [ __ ] with it so they instead the merge they have merged around but as I was walking I realized I had blood everywhere on me and I didn't know where the [ __ ] it came from and I was like what the [ __ ] did somebody just stab me that I didn't know but when I looked to the right somebody else was being stabbed up next to me and I was like this they gonna kill me in prison because I like to fight I got a mouth and and I'm a dying person it is what it is well you already have a knife on day one definitely were there situations where you had to use that knife yeah I've got I've actually caught a case I call the case in in prison where I I stabbed the officer busted officer's um head um [ __ ] I have to keep it you know what I'm saying uh uh want to let Queen stab me I got stabbed in my arm and once she tried slicing my throat and I just you know I'm saying snatched it off running up stabbing her I mean it's something that was just the norm well by 2005 you actually gave a statement and you changed your original statement where you actually admitted that uh muneka was not the other shooter that you had shot both men yourself but what made you do that what made me do that was the fact that by then I I grown up and I've had a conscience like I said I'm not the person I used to be local D is gone you know what I'm saying I'm retired I'm a woman I I'm I have a heart now I have feelings I was not about to let a woman even though she wasn't even though she had pulled a trigger even though she didn't do all that I wasn't about to let her be in prison for something I did she had they took off the death penalty she had to do too much since she got kids grandkids then it just didn't feel right to me that I was gonna walk the streets after pulling the trigger and she was still going to be in prison so I had to modify the statement and say she knew nothing about it and you know what I'm saying I made her come with me just so she could come on I had to make it seem like she didn't know absolutely nothing because if I didn't she was going to stay in there in prison for some she didn't she didn't do she didn't put no trigger well I mean initially you got life without parole uh manyeka got life with well she got the death penalty she got the death no life the death penalty uh Tootie roshi a sentence she copped down 35 years she did 17 and a half and went on 09. okay so now you change your statement and when youka starts to go to the appeals board but the first few times they don't actually accept her um and we'll we'll get to the story a little bit later on three years after you change your story in 2008 your mother died and that was a major uh turning point in your life yeah that's why I changed my life so what happened at that point when I lost my backbone my mother you know what I'm saying she died of cancer I was actually in confinement when they released me early out of confinement because my mother was dying um I was in confinement for for knocking the girls eyeball off her head so we I had I was doing a year and a half in confinement because while they could find me I beat somebody else up you know so in the process of that my mother was dying and I didn't know nothing about it so they actually let me out of confinement early so I can see my mother and I won't I didn't understand why I was getting out of confinement and I only did a year and I still had six monthly months to go so when they released me my mother came to see me on March 1st 2008. and while on the visit she still didn't tell me that she only had a certain amount of weeks left to live you know but seeing my mother and her kissing my face and praying to my hair and hugging me and not letting me go then she stopped she couldn't breathe for a second and I still didn't realize that when I saw all the medical team was already in the visiting room and I still didn't put two or two together because I would have never thought no [ __ ] like that who thinks that you're going to visit your mom for the last day for the last time so my mother actually stopped breathing in the visiting room so they was like okay this is over she got to go the ambulance was already there so I'm like what the [ __ ] is why you know what I'm saying I'm still not putting [ __ ] together my mother died two weeks later after that so I I lost the one person my everyday my hero I'm sorry for your loss and was that the moment that you said I'm done with this gang [ __ ] yeah that's the moment I I let everything go it was I had already been incarcerated 16 years I don't even have a GED you know what I'm saying that I didn't have anything I I had devoted my life to to gang banging you know what I'm saying and I was determined to always remain local d but when I lost my mama I had to learn how to be I couldn't live in prison no more I wanted I wanted to do things that my mother always wanted me to do and I was determined to do that so in order for me to do that I had to learn how to feel I had to learn how to care I had to learn how to love and I went to school I went to school and I kept going to school and I was going to stop to get to I felt like I made my mother proud and within them not even a month I had got GED and I haven't been to school in 16 years so I got my GED then I went to college and got a certified dog groomer got licensed and dog grooming dog training I went and did everything I could do in prison you know what I'm saying people tomorrow you got life in prison what you doing all that for I was like I'm going home I'm going home I'm going to fight for this and I did it and I avoid it I avoided every situation it would bring me down or take me back well then next year 2009 uh Northwestern law came in and said they wanted to fight your case yeah yeah and with them behind you uh the Supreme Court actually ruled that mandatory life in prison was unconstitutional for a juvenile yes sir yes I said the case back to Cook County and that was a situation we talked about before where you were given what a 25-year plea deal no no that that was wasn't the 25 plea here that was 2000 2029 2000 um it was 1996 when they gave me the 25 plea deal and I wouldn't say 2000 and um nine is when Northwestern came into my life and they started changing the laws and stuff and when I went back in 2015 that's when I went from my whole reach my whole resentencing hearing and they gave me the 63 years at 50 percent okay so when you suddenly go from life from prison mandatory life to 63 years which is 50 because it's a state case right yes so that's 31 and a half years yes sir and at that point you have served how many years I had already served 27 when I got my sentence I actually had to do seven more years that's that's how I went I had to do seven more years so at first it was they kept trying to say no we'll give you 80 years I was like wow I'm I'm fighting this to the video and we're just gonna keep we're gonna fight it to the paint come off this wall but when they kept changing judges because my judge I had one judge it was oh you're never going home then I had another judge was more sympathetic I for some reason I know that my God was powerful because he kept removing every obstacle that was trying to stop me from going home and I knew my mom was in his ear like I'm I'm a firm believer my mother yeah my eyes was Superwoman and she followed a lot of cancers and a lot of diseases that my mom had went through hysterectomy pacemakers cancer and she fought it off but for some reason she at the end she died of cancer lung cancer and I think that my mother gave up on purpose because she felt she needed to go up there and get me home well like we said in 2016 you got reset into 63 years you now had a date that you were coming home a few years later in 2019 uh muneca goes to the prison review board for the third time and by this time there was some more information and that is one of the key detectives in your case Ronaldo Guevara uh he was involved in framing at least 51 people for murder yeah uh 19 people were exonerated in cases that he had investigated uh you know several included false confessions and you know beatings and coercion and everything else like that this is the same cop that had you in the car with the Latin Kings pulling the guns out on you yep yes it was but with all that information about that cop came out what'd you think I felt like they had actually Kim Fox had actually sent me some mail I was already in Florida prison I had to do the interstate compact and I was already at Florida prison and she had sent me a letter and said that they were going to reopen my case because of that and that I was looking at a lawsuit and I declined it because I mean malero took it of course you know what I'm saying I understand but I declined it because I knew I was guilty and I didn't feel the need to even though they did me wrong don't get me wrong they was not they were sent to us they did exactly what the [ __ ] they did with everybody else the only thing different was I was guilty but the way they treated a child was unconstitutional the way they parade me in front of cameras was unconstitutional they should have blocked my face but they never did that's that's the whole point of me getting all the threats and the stabbings and and people want to kill me because my face was never blocked as a child and it should have been and so they did me dirty but at the end of the day in my mind and I tell malero the same thing today I feel like you you're pursuing this innocent project or you're pursuing this the conviction getting money off the detective I feel like it's karma's a [ __ ] man like I feel like you're trying to get paid for for being involved in the murder like you was involved bro like I I would feel like you're trying to pay me to kill that you're paying me for the killing you know no I did it and I refused man right I refuse and you you just don't know how many times people tell me no go for it no I refuse to collect any type of money behind the detective because I was guilty I was guilty and as hard as it is living out here today I still can't say I can't accept it I'm just gonna work hard to do what I got to do well uh when Yucca got out in 2020 right yes she did April 2020. and she filed a lawsuit against uh the police department yeah how much how much money is she actually seeking she's um actually all together 17.5 million dollars with the police and the wrongful conviction because after I was resentenced I got on TV and said she knew nothing about it I think you know what I'm saying so that helped with it so now she's seeking 17.5 million dollars which she'll get she'll get it I just I just don't want to have no parts of it you know what I'm saying I just want to live a normal life okay well I'm assuming unless there's a settlement which I guess there is most the time but if you were to get on the stand you'd have to say that well I said this but then I said this now I'm saying this there's a few different you know there's some flip-flopping in terms of your story but I wouldn't I'm not getting on her stand I'm gonna let her do what she got to do because I don't like I said I don't want to have her I promise a [ __ ] I feel like today like I told you I'm a different person today I have a heart and I have conscience so I wouldn't want to put the victim family through that again let them rest in peace let them know what I'm saying let them out of respect for the dead their family just let the [ __ ] go it's been 31 years and when he when [ __ ] like this keeps coming up it's like pouring salt into a wound like and I understand that I didn't understand this before but I understand that because my brother was just murdered and there's no way possible that I want to keep seeing this [ __ ] every [ __ ] day somebody's talking about him dying him getting killed what the [ __ ] let him rest in peace he's not going to rest in peace unless y'all let this [ __ ] go well just this year you finally get released yeah after doing 31 years in prison so so when you look at your whole life you spent for every day that you were alive outside of prison you spent two days in prison yes two-thirds of your life was spent in a cage yes sir as you're walking out in your 40s how hard is it to deal with this outside world that you really have no idea what it's about I still don't know what it's about I mean I'm not gonna say a lot to you I'm not going to see here and try to act like I'm hard I still don't know nothing about Society I work two jobs I'm trying to maintain a rant and utilities I'm trying to work with kids now you know I'm I'm actually now trying to open up a program get some assistance over the dog grooming and Doctrine I told you I was licensed and I wanted to do it for instead of kids joining the gangs and getting high like I did come and learn a trade and it's something fun and something for them to do so I'm trying I'm trying my hardest to build that I really am I just opened up a uh GoFundMe to try to help me get that done but like I said I'm I'm working two jobs and I still got it right I still don't I still I have bars on my window because I still need to feel like I'm in prison sometimes I wake up in the middle of night and realize oh my God I'm in a real bed like I can get up I have to I look sometimes I wake up and look around and wait for the officer to [ __ ] the officer gonna do a walk through so I can ask them can I go to the bathroom that [ __ ] still I mean I just did that for 31 years so I'm that's the [ __ ] that I'm accustomed to right now and this card is [ __ ] out here it's not easy it's not easy when you don't have nobody to support you or nobody to help you because you're a convicted murderer nobody wants to understand that I was a child a child a real child but see if it was their child they would want somebody to help her but so me coming home to nothing and no one's helped me nobody understands that when I say I really need some help like I'm I'm 46 years old working two jobs if I I have seizures I'm very ill I'm not I'm not doing too good but I wake up every morning and I go to work when I can't even my bones be hurt but I have to go because I know that I have a responsibility well your stepfather who was raping you from the age of seven actually turned his life around left the gang found God and I guess he actually visited you every week the whole time you were locked up the whole time I was in prison my stepfather was there he made sure that I I saw my nieces and nephew grow up he made sure that that yes he did he turned his whole life around and that in the beginning I was mad don't get me wrong because I'm sitting in prison with life and [ __ ] I was the person I'm the product of you you made me you train me to be a killer I just so happened to go to the maniacs and not want to [ __ ] with the Latin Kings so you made me who the [ __ ] I was and you're gonna give all that [ __ ] give me the [ __ ] money what is wrong with you he literally gave his life over to God and gave up everything else's cars everything he ever owned and donated to Red Cross took his family to a shelter home and started fresh and he has he I will say today my stepfather is a man of God he really is he's very apologetic to me every time he speaks to me he tells me sorry I I like I told him I forgave them a long time ago when he helped my mama hand and she was dying because it went from beating us might beat my mother breaking her bones beating the hell out my mama to taking her baths when she couldn't even move and being there when she died so for that I have to forgive him I had to well right now you're out but you're actually on probation for real parole you have an ankle bracelet not no more oh it's gone just got it off actually a week ago two weeks ago how did that feel I did feel free I did feel free I was able to to travel I got on a plane you know what I'm saying I was able to travel I was able to drive places and and I I'm able to get the pool in tub actually as soon as I got it off I ain't gonna lie to you that goes to tell you how little I you know they said when you come out of prison you're in the same state mine as you was the age that you went in so my 15 year old me came out when I got that bracelet out I went right in a bathtub put a whole bunch of bubbles in there and later I fell asleep and then my niece left me in the in the hotel room in the bathtub sleeping for hours I woke up all wrinkled up like old lady I ain't know what the hell was wrong with me but it felt good it felt good to be able to go in a pool to be able to take a bath the little things it felt so good I love it I love it but you're actually on parole for three years yes sir well here you are you're coming out of this environment where someone bumping into you or giving you a dirty look or not being polite could be the last thing they do it could trigger into a stabbing a murder whatever that's because you are said that we just had this situation me and my niece was at the store and we was shopping and I was it was a self-checkout and it was open but there was some other people lined up so you ain't getting to go with that so I'm gonna go over there so as soon as I was going that way the girl stepped up and told her that Granite machine I'm like all right all right I'm set up you know what I'm saying so I was like told my niece I said well go grab that one so as soon as she went to grab that when the lady jumped from that one to that one and I was like [ __ ] are you gonna make up your [ __ ] mind [ __ ] ass hole what the [ __ ] I just went with them and all I could hear my niece was saying please let's just go please let's just go I looked at her I said man pay for this [ __ ] let's get the [ __ ] out of here I said cause [ __ ] you'll send me back to jail [ __ ] I'll beat the [ __ ] out your ass when you with you and your kids [ __ ] and they had just with that she was like I know I said [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] I just went there and that's because that's what I'm used to you know like you said in prison ain't no argue we ain't doing all that so I had to real it took my niece's voice and my ear to say see please let's just go and I had to look at her life that was close that was close it was so close and I I got in my car and I just stopped praying like oh my god what the [ __ ] did I just do like I could have went there with this lady over a [ __ ] spot in a line that's simple like bro like that simple I pops back in and Pops back out and I had to tell myself like damn I got to go let me just go and I went home and that night I just sent it I said in the pool and I just looked around I thought about that night and I was just like God you gotta you gotta get that prison mentality out of me like I don't want to be like that I'm not in prison no more I'm not and I have to learn how to live in society but I just don't know how that woman was not a physical threat to you she just had a bad attitude yes right but one small altercation a punch a slap whatever you're going back to prison you're violating your parole right exactly exactly exactly and I I just I gotta learn I I'm I got to remind myself daily that I'm not in prison but I can't be in a blink of eye so I have to remind myself like I checked myself daily like [ __ ] they could be the dead you in the back of prison so you better check yourself right because even though you're out in the world you're not actually Behind Bars you're not exactly free being on parole just means you're still in prison but allowed to function outside which means you don't have the same set of rights that a normal U.S citizen has um they don't need probable cause to search your car or your house they can't go in whenever they want they could really do whatever they want the same thing as a prison and if they find drugs guns yes I'm going back you're going back and how long are you going back for I said finish off my um 63 years oh God so you're gonna go back for the 30 years yeah oh that's a that's a heavy toll right there yeah have you tried to get counseling or therapy to try to do anything I went to um I'm actually asked I'm going to therapy I am I have to um I think that I'm facing the fact of trying to forgive myself for the murders I think that's what's holding me back and I have to learn to forgive my mom for leaving me so I'm going through brief process right now and I'm working on now I'm going to counseling for that and I'm going to council to because I do have to forgive myself I was a child I made a mistake I didn't know nothing I didn't know I thought it was cool I thought it was I was cool to Revenge my friend's murder you know what I'm saying in my mind because that's what the hell I was trained and taught to do all my life it's I'm just so I'm loyal to the I'm just loyalty for [ __ ] I have that bad and I have to start thinking like damn Jackie is this [ __ ] Lord of you but I'm like that I'm loyal as [ __ ] and it could be with anybody let's have to be with a game it doesn't have to be with family I'm I have a heart now I could I go I literally go down the street and people be begging for me I know you but what you begging me for but I still give it to them I'll give up my laughs I just I don't know I become a softy maybe I'd say but it's I'm okay with that I've become a crybaby and I'm okay with that you know what I'm saying because when I used to be a gay member and I was so cold-hearted I didn't give a [ __ ] if I killed you in front of your kids I didn't give a [ __ ] if I killed your kids I didn't give a [ __ ] I didn't care so where now I've cried watching TV shows I'm like the [ __ ] was he crying for but I'm a new person I'm a new person so then I love it well and now you're actually married to a woman I have a wife yes I do love to death Yvonne I am married and I love my wife to death and she is a very good supporter she's been through here my through my whole incarceration she's been there she's been on and off but she's been there so and my family adores her my family she knows my whole family and she's just like one of the family members to them well in prison because before prison you had you know dated guys right no no not at all I had not willingly I had a boyfriend I did have a boyfriend but that was more up front because back then being gay was not out like it is now so you couldn't be gay and think that you're going to be a gang member or be gay and think that you're going to be around gang members so where now you see them now be like oh yeah he gay what's up you know what I'm saying keep going so when I say I had a boyfriend it was because we both was gay and we both didn't we couldn't let our people know we was gay so we became boyfriend and girlfriend aha but we both do you know I'm saying we both know the truth yeah do you feel that your your sexuality was somehow formed by the molestation early on and you know kind of you know sex with men equated this this trauma where you just didn't want to deal with men yes exactly that's exactly what happened got it so once you got imprisoned into a female prison and you're surrounded by women you started to have relationships with women while in prison yes it was like heaven it was Heaven for a lesbian yes it was okay so now you're out and you're married you have a family you still have your stepfather who has changed his life around you you still have other family members and cousins and and I mean I have you know cousin uh my family has died throughout the years of being incarcerated so when I came home I only had um my stepfather my aunt and my nieces and nephew my sister um my like I said my brother just was just murdered so he just passed away so um I don't have family like that but I have I have a lot of supports I do where I'm making it I'm making it it might be in scratching and I'm crawling but I'm making it well you did the time and you have the right to tell the story at the end of the day you you've given up two-thirds of your life for a stupid decision that a teenager has made we've all made stupid decisions at teenagers some more extreme than others yeah uh we and a lot of decisions we made could have escalated into these types of things had certain other things happen yes I feel like I got lucky myself I could have been in similar situations myself but for whatever reason it never happened thank God thank God but in your case uh you did make a bad decision but you also can't be judged by your worst day you've been on this Earth for 46 years yes sir and you know 365 times 46 is thousands and thousands and thousands of days yes sir and there was one day that really affected a huge chunk of your life and I think that the one thing that I'm noticing throughout this interview is that you're not glorifying that day you actually feel extremely bad about what happened you didn't feel that I think it's cool you know a lot of people might you know I'm not even gonna lie a lot of people when they knew I was coming out here and they felt like oh she's the I hated being in prison and people saying oh you my hero you're my role model or you I have nobody to be a role model for my focus now is trying to stop kids from making the same mistakes I made it I'm a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child I'm going all the way back you know what I'm saying and I believe that it does take a ability to raise a child I would not want to see nobody not even the Latin King's kids I don't want to see no child go through what I went through I wouldn't care what gang they're in you know what I'm saying I'm not looking at the GameStop I'm looking at the child I'm looking at the fact that they got fathers who are Maniacs Kings whatever and the kids are the ones that are growing up watching that [ __ ] bro and the bullet ain't got no name so before I lose another life and I could have prevented it I can't do that I took two lives but I'll be damned if I'm Not Gonna Save A Million yeah uh it's an inspirational story to a certain regard of going through what you went through and actually realizing the mistakes that you made and also sort of the bigger picture of this is what happens when you start dealing with guns uh there's usually you have a very bad outcome you know we're coming off of you know I woke up this morning to uh take off being killed being killed in a dice game I just a dice game I just got the picture of him and I was just looking at him the way up here and it's I got it on my phone of him lying on the floor with the blood everywhere I'm actually looking at this body and I'm looking at his friend who is his his body and I'm thinking in my head like bro I've been there I've been there I've watched my friend die like that I've held him like that and I could just imagine his best friend what he's thinking in his head like he's gonna go on the Rampage because that's exactly what I did you know what I'm saying so I actually that's crazy I just was looking at that just right before I came in here and I was like Lord my condolences to the family you know what I'm saying to his family and his I just because I'm hoping his best friend just doesn't make the same mistakes let you know what I'm saying I know right now we can't you can't talk to them and feel like because the anger is a [ __ ] so watch somebody die like that and you got their blood all over you like that that [ __ ] you up so all I can do now is just pray for them you know what I'm saying because they're gonna have some hard times ahead of them yeah it's a devastating situation I actually interviewed those guys I actually give gave the Migos their first interview ever uh back in 2013 and to see where they've gone up to this point and to see it all end of 28 years old over a dice game of our dice games yeah but but this story will be repeated many times in the future unfortunately as it was repeated many times in the past uh tempers flare people uh don't want to take losses they don't want to be embarrassed they they don't want to deal with the heart of losing somebody and guns get drawn and lives get lost people go to prison people people die that day and it's a it's a horrible cycle that unfortunately continues it's a cycle that's going to always continue but my thing now is if y'all want to go and kill yourself that's all y'all I'm trying to save them babies I'm trying to save them babies I really man I can't even keep saying it enough I really want to save them babies so that's why I'm so determined to get this program started because I'm seeing these kids go around the route that I went and if don't nobody help them then they will and eventually you're going to be paying for them anyways because you're going to be paying taxes for the prisoners so you have to help them now you know what I'm saying and that's what I want to do come to my program learn how to learn how to bathe a dog learn how to train a dog that's something dog is is a comfort thing dogs help you so therefore I want you to do that instead of joining The Gangs so I would rather save them now than we have to pay for them later there you have it loka D I appreciate you coming in and sharing your story uh taking responsibility uh for your actions turning your life around I truly truly hope that the anger that you're still feeling to a certain degree gets under control because the last thing I want to hear is a headline that says you know loka D back in prison for 31 years because she went and slapped some woman for disrespecting her at a Walmart you're right you know what I'm saying you're right yeah yeah that's that's the one thing I really want to point out um I definitely appreciate you sharing I hope I hope whatever plans you have come to fruition and uh wish you all the best thank you so much absolutely peace peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,776,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: vGqOOC6i9bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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