Bullet Train Food in Taiwan!! Popular $2 Bento Lunchbox Review!!

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[Music] love the packaging and this is probably the most popular one that everyone was ordering okay the reveal [Music] good morning hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's a wet and drizzly day in Taipei Taiwan but the plan is we've just arrived at Taipei main station and we are going to take the high-speed train today from Taipei to Taichung which is one of the major cities in central Taiwan especially for this train ride I wanted to explore and buy and taste some of the Taiwanese bentos so in Japan of course it's a huge tradition to buy bentos and they have these amazing bentos that you can buy at the train station that you can eat on the train but it's also a tradition here in Taiwan and they have Taiwanese food bentos [Music] so we got our tickets that was very easy and self-explanatory and actually we didn't book our tickets ahead of time we just bought them here at that station but we have about a 45 minute wait now until our train leaves so we're off to search for some bentos I'm not sure if the bentos would be here in the station or if they would be once we check in anyway we're gonna explore for a little bit we have a little bit of time bathroom [Music] after some walking around we found the railway the official Railway Bento the bad news is they're closed and they don't open till 9 30. the good news is our train leaves at 9 46 so as soon as they open at 9 30 we're gonna run in there we're going to choose some train bentos some Railway bentos and then we'll run to our train and it's actually an official Taiwan Railway Association Bento so they have a couple shops according to what I was reading in a year they sometimes sell around 10 million bentos and sometimes there's also even disputes about which train station has the better Bento and there's little alterations of taste and then also we found another one this is the Bento number one here at Taipei main station maybe we'll have to try to go to Bento number one first and then go downstairs to Bento number two not sure if they have the same food or not [Music] hello can I have traditional pork chop uh six that that one one and then the vegetarian one the traditional one is in the box and that seemed to be what uh there were a few people in line before us we've got the traditional one but they only had three choices some of them are sold out but now there's actually a line yes people waiting in line people are waiting in line it really is and it's mostly mostly Elder Elder people waiting in line because I think it really brings back the good memories of the Bento anyways we got our bentos we're gonna run downstairs maybe see if the other uh Bento number two Shop is open and if they offer something different and then we gotta run to our train oh very excited it looks like it's actually exactly the same so nothing different but however there is one version of the the pork chop version I got the traditional pork chop but they also have the classic pork chop so we'll just give one more success we are in with a few minutes to spare down to our track and our train should be leaving in about five or ten minutes perfect timing thank you [Music] just a one hour ride so actually not that much time we gotta start eating immediately and we are off just a quick tip though the train Railway Bento shops they're open they don't open till 9 30 a.m so if you come earlier you're out of luck and then they close I believe at 7 00 PM so that's the the timing situation now they're very popular I mean people really line up people crave the taste of the the bentos that they serve the other good thing is that we got here right as they opened so the food is really hot and fresh right out of the kitchen this one is the classic pork chop the traditional pork chop and the vegetarian so three different options that's all they had actually okay I'm gonna start with the traditional Bento and love the packaging and this is probably the most popular one that everyone was ordering okay the reveal and it actually smells so good I mean it has a very distinct Aroma you smell some of those braising Taiwanese braising spices which are just so I think I think that really is like a an aroma that reminds you of Taiwanese Cuisine that's star anise that's soy sauce the pork chop just nestled in that better rice you could just see that it's kind of absorbing the sauce is absorbed into the rice okay let's go right in the pork chop foreign it's pretty tasty kind of has a I'm not sure if it's fried first and then sauced but it kind of has this breading around it that's kind of gooey but just fully absorbed with the sauce oh it is actually really tasty and then where you keep on chewing the more flavor keeps on being released but I really want to get some of that rice at the bottom there some other cabbage [Music] it's really like condensed packed in there too cabbage is really nice and crisp okay before moving on to the other ingredients let's let's try the other virgins version so this one is almost the same thing but this is a bit more expensive looks like the pork chop is a bit bigger and it comes with different vegetables and in a different box yeah the pork chop seems to be a bit bigger we've got cabbage some broccoli tofu on the bottom and the Egg also [Music] I think it's the same recipe kind of that gooey batter absorbed with the sauce a little bit sweet salty and all of those braising spices it's kind of a flavor that just is kind of addictive and just kind of keeps growing in flavor just explore that maybe the tofu next oh it's a different type of tofu as well [Music] oh wow that's really like bouncy almost like a mushroom okay with those same Taiwanese braising spices and herbs wait a second thought that's not tofu I think it's fish cake oh that's why it's so bouncy like that okay fish cake for sure and then we've got some broccoli some cabbage some onions and then finally the component up here is the the braised Taiwanese egg one of the classics oh yeah that's comfort food the yolk is really like starchy and creamy it's called egg is actually fantastic okay let's try one more Bento we got the vegetarian beta vegetarian Bento oh this looks really good I think that's bean curd on the top there but it looks like there's some spice and some herbs on it then on the bottom you have some pumpkin you have some vegetables you have some bean sprouts you have some cabbage as well I guess we'll start with this this is the the main piece I love bean curd really spongy texture to it and has a nice kind of herbal taste to it I think it's basil Taiwanese basil and then dig down to the to that base of rice cabbage all really packed packed down here oh like ginger ginger too okay over here there's some pickled pickled ginger sweet Pickled ginger pumpkin vegetarian one is really good I mean it could use a little bit of spice a little bit of chili but the vegetables the crispness of it the flavor really good that I am about to move back over to the um let's move back over to the traditional Bento because we haven't tried that tofu yet I think this one is bean curd as well I really love the Taiwanese bean curd that's just a great texture really spongy and really hearty and I think probably one of the great things about the the railway Bento in Taiwan come look at it right here it's that kind of layer of sauce between the meat or tofu and rice and that kind of section right there that kind of mixes in with the Cabbage that kind of mixes in with the drippings of the pork and the sauce and the oil that I think is one of the highlights of this box [Music] yeah I think that's what it's all about that's the Comfort that's that what's brings that brings back the good memories because it's all packed I mean as opposed to any other meal where you would find this same your same dishes in Taiwan the the difference of the bento box is that it's all packed neatly within the Box almost like a onigiri you know like it's kind of like packed in and the flavors just kind of mingle perfectly it's really a quality quality and affordable [Music] definitely something that you have to try when you take the train in Taiwan [Music] good oh the vegetables are really good not overcooked Krush fresh [Music] this is really tasty but you could use a little ghost [Music] oh yeah oh that bumps up the flavor okay and then lastly got a tea oh it's sweet oh this one is sweet but then we also got not so so huge of a fan of sweet tea I think this one is not sweet it's good [Music] that was a great journey train is so smooth and so fast um it's a little bit outside of the city the train station I believe you have a nice view of the of the city and I hope you enjoyed it hope you get to try the Taiwanese Railway bentos when you're in Taiwan thank you so much for watching and remember to subscribe for lots more food and travel videos and goodbye from Taichung in Taiwan I'll see you on the next video thanks so much for watching
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 369,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taiwan, train, Taiwanese food, Taiwanese train bento, Taipei, Taipei main station, things to do in Taiwan, best Taiwanese food, Taichung, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens food, train food, best train food, railroad food, high speed train, Taiwan high speed train, Taiwan bullet train
Id: 6OU7-DD_Bvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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