UniFi Dream Machine

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I do not understand the aversion to DPI on the USG-3P. I have DPI turned on and I'm still getting line rate on my 1GBps fiber connection.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/richie510 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 27 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Just replaced an AC lite, a dumb switch, and an Edgerouter Lite with one of these. Pretty happy so far. It was awfully simple to setup and configure how I wanted it. Readopting the other two existing APs was easier than Iā€™d remember it was. Comcast here is just 200mbit, so not really pushing the device too hard.

It is nice having everything in one controller now.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Dittobox šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 28 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Does the speed test built in to the UI take in to account IPS? Or is that before IPS?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 28 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

For a new apartment, I was planning to buy a USG and UAP AC Pro. Should I get this instead?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dehydrogen šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Would've loved to cut down on clutter but surprisingly no USB port for the price. :/

Edit: And no POE.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/oTHEWHITERABBIT šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 24 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and today we're gonna be taking a look at the ubiquity dream machine this is model number UDM u.s. and this is kind of like a all-in-one like like you know you think like a multifunction printer this is like a multifunction network right so this is your access point cloud key for port switch and unify controller as well as your USG or firewall kind of all rolled into one device for a $299 price point which is actually pretty nice so I'm going to compare this to buying all of these sort of components separately later in this video but for now let's get this thing unboxed and I'll bring the camera close so you guys can take a look while I take it out of the box all right so UDM this is the non pro version they're also coming out with a u DM Pro I don't really know the specs on that yet let's go ahead and get this thing opened up there we go all right look at they actually like the box has like a concave section in the top that's pretty neat good for shipping I guess so here's the device itself it's pretty hefty I would say this is about four pounds and then we have some QuickStart guide you can do the QR code to download the QuickStart guide and then we have a power cable and that's it that's it yeah that's it so power cable UTM the UDM itself has a power button on the bottom we've got a spot for the power plug here we've got a wind port we've got four land ports now the switch on this thing these are all gigabit but there's no power over ethernet supplied by any of these ports this is regular straight-up Gigabit Ethernet ports it's like this nice sort of soft plastic e material that they've been doing on a lot of their equipment lately which I actually think is pretty nice I to paint one of these like r2d2 how cool would that be if you guys know how to paint one of these if you can paint it like r2d2 contact me and I might I might commissioned you to do that that would be super cool all right so let's talk about specs so this thing has a four by four 802 dot 11 AC wave 2 multi-user mimo access point that's in the 5 gigahertz it's 802 dot 11 and for the 2.4 gigahertz it has the 4 point 4 port gigabit switch with your 1r and port there is a unified controller on board although I don't know it says unify controller integrated but I don't know if it's got a battery backup or not that'll be interesting to see so what I'm gonna do is I'll do a test where I just unplug it and see if it shuts down gracefully or not I'm not sure what the total throughput of this thing is that's better one of the problems that we've seen with the USG is that the u.s. G's throughput is not great right so I don't recommend the u.s. G for internet connections more than about 300 megabits or so it just when you try to turn on intrusion detection intrusion prevention the DPI stuff it just takes way too much of the of the u.s. G's processing power to also handle you know 300 megabit or more bandwidth connections internet connections this device on the other hand has an AR M cortex a 57 1.7 gigahertz quad-core CPU so it's got a pretty beefy CPU I'd be interested to know if you could get a full gigabit internet connection running through this thing with intrusion detection intrusion prevention and dpi turned on I don't know the answer to that question I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find out the answer that question my internet connection here is only like 400 by 20 so I don't really have the capacity to even test it properly alright so let's get this thing plugged in nice long power cable that's nice I suppose I should probably hook this up to the network first all right so I'm plugging this into the East to port from my edge router four and let's go ahead and power it on don't we hear the fan kick in and we see the white light the ubiquity white light interesting question on the UDM us who is this device for right so that's the first thing that people are gonna ask what is this who's the target market for this thing because while it integrates with my dog scratching at the door while this integrates access points which cloud key and USG or firewall in one little unit there's pluses and minuses to that right so first of all cost is great like if you take a look at these components separately if you've got a nano HD this is the sort of smallest 4x4 multi-user mimo access point that ubiquity makes you got your USG you got your cloud key right this doesn't even count the four ports which but this is essentially combined squish together into this device over here the Nano HD is 172 bucks the cloud Keys 179 and the USG is usually around 139 bucks so total of just under $500 for all three of these purchased purchased separately okay whereas this essentially encompasses all of these and even better because supposedly has better throughput than the USG for $2.99 the downside is if I have my internet connection terminated down here in my basement well this device has the the access point built in if you're purchasing separately I can take this access point and I can go move it wherever I want it right so that's a pretty big advantage now you can purchase extra access points and then you know connect them adopt them to the you dm's unify controller no problem but there is something to be said for having these components separated so where would I put this as far as a target market I think this is gonna be great for home users all right so home users that maybe aren't big fans of amplify they want to kind of be in the unify side of the house this is a great sort of entry point into unify especially if you're just trying to learn the interface and learn how it works also for small businesses with really vanillin needs right so I have a number of customers that could benefit from something like this that I have sold basically this exact set up to write maybe a UAP Pro instead of the Nano HD but so for all those types of customers they don't have any sort of real crazy needs they could absolutely use one of these there are some downsides to this though and you're gonna hear a lot of IT oriented people out there in the forums and in comments on YouTube and Twitter or wherever they're gonna be bashing this thing and saying that oh you know you can't adopt it to a hosted Unified controller that's true this doesn't do multi-site unify you're stuck to the one site that it comes with I believe that's true these are just things that I've heard online you can't do any JSON file editing with this thing okay no you can't but again who's the audience for this thing like don't listen to those you know snobby IT guys like myself if you're an enthusiast and you just want a really cool unified device for your home to play around with this thing's gonna be great right or for your small business so I would sort of put it in that area in like the Soho rather than the SMB market because it's not something that I would deploy to a medium business it is something that I would deploy to you know a tanning salon they would love this thing just got everything all in one unit you just plug it in and you're good to go so I have my solid white ring we are ready to get this thing set up let's try to do it through the unify software let me say like recording on alright add controller one controller found it says here we go up and now it is blinking blue as you can see so one controller found we're gonna say set up this controller okay so dream machine we're gonna change the name we're gonna call this our - dream - we're gonna sign in with our UI comma count here we have the opt in so Auto optimized that's great and then send diagnostics and performance information to ubiquity this is new since they got their hand caught in the cookie jar where now they ask you if you want to opt into their data collection I'm gonna not opt in for hip for this one so let's call our Wi-Fi network we're gonna call dream police and we'll do a password of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 let's look at our Advanced Options separate 2.4 and 5 gigahertz Network so that's interesting I'm not gonna do that in this case we're just gonna say next update schedule every day at 3 a.m. okay that's fine internet speed test is starting all right there we go there's my approximate 400 by 4 58 by 26 I should be about 400 by 20 so that's actually great and then it says adjust your speeds to what your internet provider has promised you this will be used to determine the problems with your internet your internet service provider plan provides this information I'm just gonna take the defaults that it found that's perfectly fine we're gonna say and next review configuration good we're gonna click finish and now it says setting up your network and it's estimating about 4 minutes and 45 seconds to set up the network so we are going to pause here and we will come back when the network is set up [Music] all right so it now says connect to your Wi-Fi connect your Wi-Fi network dream police let's go sit let's go ahead and say join Wi-Fi dream police there we go Wi-Fi connected you are now connected to wife to dream police setup has complete access to your network from anywhere unify OS unify site manager so we have a couple of different URLs here HTTP colon slash slash unify slash home and unified UI comm let's say go to dashboard r2 dream - I like that name we're going to trust it and there we go so this looks like the standard unified dashboard let's check out devices so here's the dream machine if we click on dream machine we can see channel utilization and we can see our ports by default looks like he gave us 192 168 1.1 as the land network and one client connected to the 5g network we can say configure LED settings we turn the LED on and off off save there we go configure LED use site settings on there we go back on and yeah this gives us all the sort of same unify stuff that we've seen previously so let me do this I'm gonna hook up a computer to this and then we'll switch over to my desktop and I will try to log into the interface just to look at the sort of back end sort of cloud key portion of the UDM okay so I have opened up HTTP colon slash slash unified slash home and it brought me to this page here so here I have unified Network and then your dream machine settings so let's go here first this is sort of the backend the cloud key controller in the back end of the dream machine we're gonna say manage dream machine and it wants me to log in with my UI login let's go ahead and bring that up and here we have two FA token so let's fire up the two-factor authentication Google Authenticator 1 700 496 there we go so that is nice so if you have to they enabled on your UI account or UI comm single sign-in ubiquity single sign-in account this machine the dream machine will work with your two-factor authentication so that's pretty sweet I like that a lot I don't believe that that is a I don't believe that's something that you can even do in standard unify with the cloud keys or with a host of unified controller yet correct me if I'm wrong down in the comments but I don't think you can do 2fa yet with regular unified okay so here's the dream machine we have our overview the name firmware IP address here's the CPU memory RAM let's look at our performance everything looks solid let's look at controllers here we can go into our unified network it is 5.12 dot 22 by default as of the recording of this video which is November 26 2019 and under settings we've got general here's the device name our - dream - time zone we could factory reset or reboot the device and then we can check for firmware updates or update manually if we want to say you know downgrade or go to a you know beta version of firmware or something like that you could also disable the automatic updates so that's pretty nice but honestly for home users I would probably just leave automatic updates enabled and just have it check you know weekly or daily it's not going to do anything different to the device the downside is that there might be a piece of firmware pushed out to this device that's buggy and might cause it to crash or something like that but the upside is that if there's a security issue where you know perhaps this device has a bug that needs to be fixed or a security flaw that needs to be fixed that update would come through automatically and you don't have to think about it so for home users I think that benefit outweighs the possible danger of you know a a firmware coming out that like bricks the device or something okay so let's go back to controllers and let's go ahead and launch unified network okay so it pulled up 182 168 1.1 : 8 4 4 3 let's go ahead and log in again and 2fa it one more time alright here we go this is interesting look at this client crosstalk i7 that's my computer here connected over wireless is having trouble resolving a domain name to an IP address I can click on that doesn't give me any other information about it I can resolve ip's fine let's double check yeah I can't resolve DNS just fine all right so let's take a look at some of our settings here we're gonna go to settings close this out we have V try new settings up here in the corner this is the sort of beta version that they're working on I don't like it as much as the other version but I'm also not used to it yet so I'm just gonna keep back in classic mode for the time being now one thing I notice is that dpi was enabled by default on the UDM so that's pretty cool they want to make sure that you're using the DPI and it looks like they probably are confident enough in the CPU of the device to have dpi turn on by default which is not something I would recommend with like standard USG I'm just feeling for heat it's not really warming up that much it's a little warm around this LED ring but that's about it this thing's not warm at all or not too hot at all I should say so let's look at the controller again this is all just standard unified from here on out and I've done a thousand videos on unify so I'm not gonna dig too deep into that obviously if you come down here to backup you want to make sure that you do have auto backup turned on that is always a good idea and there's not a interesting there's not a little micro SD card that you could auto backup - so there's another downside of this device if you do turn auto backup on and the device completely craps out yeah you might have lost your backup so make sure you download your backups especially anytime you make a significant number of changes or like upon initial configuration of thing download a backup so that you have that for safekeeping [Music] everything else in here looks pretty standard if we come over to threat management so the intrusion detection stuff is not enabled by default let's go ahead and enable threat management and we can click on threat management here and now that has been enabled Oh enable unified threat management weird I clicked on enable and it brought me to the new menu and then I have to come down here to threat management and turn it on okay so threat management is now turned on we have intrusion detection let's actually flip it over to intrusion prevention automatically block threats and malicious activity on your network so again if you are a small business or a home user it's a really good idea to turn this on just throw on your IPS it does have a note here though that says enabling threat management will affect the unified dream machine maximum throughput to 850 megabits per second or I'm wondering I wonder if that means it will affect the maximum throughput which is 850 megabits per second or does that mean its maximum throughput is theoretically one gigabit but turning this on is gonna lock it down to 850 megabits per second that's interesting I don't know if that's what the case is there alright let's save those changes alright so yeah everything looks good again I'm really happy with this device I think it has its place in the sort of unify family and its place is gonna be the lower end you know people that want to get in to unify this is a nice all-in-one device I think unify did a really nice job on the UDM again I wouldn't recommend it for IT snobs like myself because I want to have you know control over where I'm placing my access points and I just want to be able to fiddle with everything but if you are not in IT you know if you're if you just want to not have to deal with everything you want a nice all-in-one unit that just handles you know your whole apartment or your whole house or your whole small business this is cool like this is really cool and for 299 bucks for a four user multi-user mimo on the access point that's awesome I think that's great and then of course you can always adopt other access points to it now I said that I was going to try to see if it has a battery and just unplug it and see if it actually just goes straight off my guess here is that it's gonna go straight off and I don't think there's an onboard battery that's gonna like sort of keep it alive for any length of time we should see there all right ready we're gonna pull it one two three pull yeah look at that it went straight off so hopefully the lack of an onboard battery doesn't have the same cloud key Jen one database corruption problems that we used to see I guess the jury is still out on that no what kind of questions do you guys have about this device I'm happy to do a follow-up video if you have questions about it or comments about it tell me what this device can't do that you wish it could do put that down in the comments below if you have questions about this device put those down in the comments below and in my follow-up video or maybe in a live stream or something I will answer all of those questions and talk about those comets in fact let's go ahead and fire this thing back up for the time being all right there you go quick look at the unify eutteum dream machine trashcan not a trash can r2 dreamed to with so we're gonna call it now if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you give me a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you guys so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 134,283
Rating: 4.9225321 out of 5
Keywords: unifi, ubiquiti unifi, unifi dream machine, dream machine, udm-us, udm, ubiquiti udm, unifi udm, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, unifi controller, ubiquiti networks, unifi security gateway, ubiquiti usg, ubiquiti access point, unifi setup, unifi dream machine review
Id: 7-QvRq6vvf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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