Unhinged -- Reddit Stories -- FULL EPISODE

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hi guys welcome back to another episode of two hot takes i'm your host morgan i'm justin and i'm lauren you've been asking for stories that [ __ ] you up you wanted crazy you want it out there who you yeah oh i thought we were talking about the fan base no i i me lauren i literally will listen to yours and alejandra's and i'm like oh my god and i'm in my car and i'm like listen here honey pretending i'm like opie you're like getting the mild ones yeah but i mean lauren wants the hot seat she wants she wants the heat yeah just a little this is the hot seat but it's always funny because it's so much easier to form your thoughts about the stories when you're not like on the podcast yeah everything seems to make sense because whenever i'm driving sometimes i'll literally turn my radio off or my podcast off and i say my response out loud and i'm like wow i nailed that one yeah even when it's the one you already were on are you already responding i literally do the same thing i think it's it's crazy too because i'll be listening like an episode the morning it comes out just like kind of like proof checking again and i'll be like wait god i should have said this right here like ah it would have been perfect it would have been so good or like on youtube i like read the comments a lot on youtube to like respond to people and like have conversations on there and someone would be like wait what if he actually had the bag of ids because it was something to do with sex trafficking and i'm like maybe he's not a murderer maybe he's a sex trafficker like there's stuff you don't think about and i'm like a hundred percent and my opinions change too yeah like the more i learn about some of these stories or like new information i get from people in the community like engaging on you know whatever i feel like i'm like wait okay i'm more educated now yeah but then then when we're on with your dad it's he'll be so adamant about a point and he'll keep bringing it up until we argue it until the very end and then he'll be like well maybe it is that i know he's just very he's very positive very just like full of wisdom and i think that's like a great um like opposite of me who i'm like i'm i kind of go the more pessimistic route with these people because i i read too much on reddit and i and you've seen some [ __ ] i've seen some [ __ ] um so there's that but these stories today you wanted [ __ ] wild and i hope i'm gonna deliver because this episode theme is unhinged let's do it okay let's dive in [Music] so i actually mentioned this story on alejandra's episode the mother-in-law's and mom's episode and i mentioned it in regards to a listener write-in and the listener was basically like my mother-in-law we went to a wedding recently and she kept introducing us in a weird way and she kept saying this is my son this is my daughter-in-law and this is my baby and kept pointing to her belly and i was like it sounded familiar to another reddit story so i went in my archives dug it up so that's the one that's up first but i do want to say you know we had a lot of positive comments on the youtube that are like maybe it's a cultural thing like maybe she's just being really nice blah blah blah so that being said i get some mother-in-laws are very nice and just very friendly but this story is what gave me my uncomfy vibes and heebie-jeebies okay ready we're ready very ready my step-mom tried to walk out of my home with her baby and told me she doesn't need permission to leave with her baby and it wasn't her baby she married my dad when i was 15 and even though being 25 years age gap she was more of an older sister and friend rather than a parent we remained like this for a couple years and i looked up to her a lot then the trouble started i'd only been with my boyfriend for two and a half years before i found out i was pregnant not only were we happy but my in-laws and my dad were happy for us as well my stepmom wasn't the excuses started i was too young i wasn't married this wasn't an environment for the baby to grow up in she also wanted custody of our baby and wasn't happy when we told her we would be raising this baby this went on for a while we were no contact with her for a month that was when my dad fully spoke to her and let her know her actions and words need to be kept to themselves we were adults we could make our own decisions she did apologize to us and promised to stop we gave her another chance she had never done this before and she could have been afraid for us but we told her that we would be fine and always had things planned out if things changed in a heartbeat she seemed fine for a couple of weeks but then behind my back she was pushing my boyfriend to propose by this point we were at the start of quarantine his parents were stuck at our house as they couldn't fly home and my boyfriend eventually decided that instead of telling me this he went to his mom who always wore the family engagement ring and asked for it so he could propose i caught on when mother-in-law accidentally let it slip i sat my boyfriend down and told me that he knew we just had discussed marriage before and both agreed we were happy and how things were in our relationship at the moment he agreed but told me what my stepmom told him i wasn't happy and after talking to my dad she received a massive lecture from him she called to apologize and to say she was just looking out for me i told her thank you but we were fine i definitely kept my guard up after that we had our son in august and my dad and stepmom stood at the edge of our front porch while we stood by the front door so they could see him my stepmom kept trying to come near the baby which is where i would step back while my boyfriend would block her while my dad grabbed my stepmom she kept apologizing saying she kept forgetting but for a week after that she was constantly texting me every day wanting to see the baby my dad eventually made her stop after i told him and i think um the context of this is like it was really really early on in covid and so they wanted to like keep her and everyone else away from the baby yeah wait and also i i miss this how old are they now there's been no mention of age so far we saw her on christmas she wanted to constantly hold him even went into his nursery as he slept and tried to pick him up as he slept we always saw this on the monitors and yelled up the stairs for her to leave him this led to a fight and she left with my dad i know they had a massive fight because dad told me her reaction was something he had never seen she had a miscarriage before they met and her first marriage fell apart because of it he thinks this has sparked up old memories for her he promised to get her some help the moment he got back from his work trip my boyfriend works with my dad so he left too i've been mostly alone with a baby all week yesterday my stepmom wanted to come by to pick up something i left her alone to get what she needed from my garage i left my office door open while i worked and could see the baby who was on the floor in the living area my stepmom was taking forever so i went to check on her she wasn't out by her car so i took the baby and looked around the house for her i found her in my son's nursery packing up some of his clothes i asked her what she was doing and she told me she was taking the baby for a couple days i told her she didn't ask for permission nor was she taking him that's when she got angry looked straight at me and said i don't need permission to take my baby i told her he wasn't her baby and she needed to leave or else i'd call the police she continued to pack and ignored me so i went to grab my phone she then followed me down the stairs screaming at me she was leaving but tried to grab my baby in the process when she realized she wasn't going to get him she screamed at me saying she only wanted to kiss him goodbye before leaving okay i told you you're trying to kidnap a baby and then you're mad that they won't let you kiss goodbye i told my boyfriend and dad and i know things didn't go well for her and my dad because she's now telling me that if i hadn't gotten pregnant it wouldn't be causing problems in her marriage yeah what is wrong with her this is truly this is mental illness to me like when i first read this one i'm like this sounds like a serious episode of like psychosis but how did this happen like she i don't know this just out of how did just that spark it like how is there nothing having a baby i know like is was there any other signs it sounds like everyone was besties and then this happened it sounds like the start to a horror film honestly yeah this isn't it it's just like coming in reality like this is my baby yeah just packing everything up and running out did you guys watch manifest a little bit yeah not fully through it oh you have to get to the end and this will spark some things for some people yeah some crazy baby stealing happening yeah i i think um there's a couple more stories that we're going to read that are kind of similar to this you guys but i think there is just something that past traumas and like tension really comes up when people have babies so but it like completely took over her she it's like she was on autopilot she's really enveloped in this baby now yeah it's her baby this is the story though when i heard the one with alejandra i was like oh yeah like yeah and a lot of people have written in since and been like my parents i live at home with my parents and they constantly call my baby their baby and it's almost making me feel like my baby is my sibling oh my gosh like it's making me feel so weird and uncomfortable yeah and i'm like oh my god yeah like language is just like so important it's like oh like my little grandbaby like it's just well it is kind of weird too because i think about um i mean my sister had my niece at a young age and said and she ended up living with us for a little bit and my mom absolutely was not like this is my child or anything like that but you know my mom went into like her mom mode you know because that's what she's known for her past four kids so like she would help out and be like very motherly you know too but that's a grandma role but yeah it is a grandma role but we all live together so i think it just like sometimes it was annoying to my sister because it's kind of blurry yeah because it's like okay know your place grandma yeah i got this yeah but yeah so i think that can get confusing when you do have a um a baby and you're living with your parents when they're so young you know because the grandma is it's like they go on to like this mode where they're like i'm gonna help and take care and all this and like when they're all living together then it can make the mother be like all right let's uh chill out yeah this is definitely not that rational grandparent stepping in behavior though this is not at all completely just this mental illness like this is out of this world not normal yeah this is some crazy [ __ ] well i have i had this one thought while you were talking about this and i don't know or i don't actually think this would be the case but like in a crazy world what if the stepmom was hooking up with the baby daddy still didn't come out of her [Applause] wait it doesn't work like that what um no but i'm just saying that like she could be so attached potentially to like the baby daddy that she was like this should have been my baby kind of thing update update update no official update i'll um i'll read the top comments and then i'll read some top comments or i'll read some comments from op so the top comment does not seem like rational behavior at all please have a talk with your support system and make sure they all understand that this is serious you need to protect your family and her husband needs to get her medical attention that she so clearly needs be safe yeah god the dad is on the side because what like you know sometimes like they're like no you're lying you're wrong gaslight don't support pick the wife's side i completely agree like to have the dad be like no like get in line this isn't normal like he's constantly reprimanding her i think it's very very very refreshing yeah i agree um next comment yikes you may want to make a police report or have it documented in some way she also probably should not be left around the baby at all under any circumstances i'm so sorry you're going through this very very supportive like you might want to get a restraining order your stepmom needs professional help because yeah this it really does sound like her miscarriage seriously affected her and it's almost like some ptsd really like coming to light and being triggered um so some comments from op i know i'm already talking to a lawyer and my in-laws have agreed to go with me to go to the police i'll be doing that first thing in the morning uh yeah well at least she has all the support around her yeah but still it's just like forever now you're just constantly thinking well i have a feeling what's gonna happen is they their marriage might not work out yeah but sorry go on constantly thinking justin oh i don't know i just like initially when it when she was first saying it i just thought if it happened to me if i'm in that situation i almost think when she first says that you're almost kind of like ha yeah like okay nobody told me and you kind of think it's a joke or something but then when she's like freaking out then it becomes scary almost and then it is the restraining order or yeah but it just sucks to even have to involve law enforcement into family matters like that is just so weird it's very common though no i know it is it's so cool no i'm not saying it's weird in this like overall it's just if you were in that situation it just feels very weird to have to call the police on your mother-in-law yeah and just go through that because then forever that's just kind of a strained it's not a good relationship you have it's not ideal and like my family has gone through some [ __ ] like my brother one of the first times you met my brother he talked about like a fight he had gotten into with my other siblings biological dad and i don't think the cops are ever called on that and like my mom i've witnessed some like abuse from partners with my mom and like the cops were never called on that but like they definitely should have so it's like i wish they would have been but even even though they weren't those things still last forever they do like that trauma sticks with you it's obviously it's it still affects me it's shaped me it shapes the way i look at relationships and i think that's where a lot of my opinions come from it's like witnessing trauma and experiencing trauma like that i guess like let's leave off like there's been no updates on this lady this post is seven months old there was never an official update after there's only comments on the account and no posts afterwards wow so i hope she's okay hope she's okay um i would assume that it was handled very well it sounds like she's got a great support system and i think it'll be okay for her yeah yeah i would oh sorry no i was just gonna say because if if there was some other crazy [ __ ] that went down you'd think it would end up back yeah on here i'm really surprised she did not update because of the fact she was very responsive in the comments but maybe like it is also hard like once you get a lawyer involved they don't want you speaking out and i think a lot of people on reddit don't update because of the seriousness of you know everything that's going on yeah yeah i mean i would because my thought is that either the husband is going to help his wife get some help or she'll help herself i mean it needs to obviously happen from her um and if she doesn't the husband probably has no choice than to leave her yeah and then if he leaves her then is this woman really still going to be attached to her like ex-step-daughter's baby or she's going to start stalking her yeah then it gets that i mean that would be really scary but my i feel like the fixation is almost because they are like so intertwined yeah but who knows okay so if you're listening to the podcast you will miss my dad's hello but tune in on youtube to see his his cute wawa shirt also that pizza that your dad is making smells so good yeah wait do you want any extra pizza hello dad yeah come say hi come say hi i like how he only responds to whistles come say hi come and say hi come and say hi yeah oh my god what are you wearing yeah this is perfect here i'm saying hi remember when you guys played uh that pong game on everybody i'm just back you gotta duck a little bit so they can see your outfit i supposed to duck yeah you gotta duck down there you go now you're in the view show them your avocado again avocado beautiful and the shorts love oh my gosh he's literally wearing a gas station like shirts station where did he get that i know i feel like those are just how howdy's they're in like florida i think too my uncle jimmy is a big fan of wawa i'd say florida's east yeah it's definitely yeah where we are but like i don't know florida's in its own little boat there's so wild uh so up next there's two kidnapping stories geez wow i'm telling you you guys kidnapping babies is really common apparently that's terrifying up first the time my mom kidnapped our newborn is the title to preface this the incident happened exactly one year ago today we are no contact with my parents and will be for the foreseeable future unless my mom gets therapy my doting wife and i are in therapy but not so much because of the issues we have in our marriage but because we both have shitty families and neither of us until meeting our therapist had strong spines we are very low contact with wife's mother she's more bec than anything but she also has some drug issues she's dealing with namely an addiction to painkillers what is bec there's a lot of terms on just no mother-in-law and here's where my reddit expertise goes down um let's google it someone literally posted on just no mother-in-law and they go what do all the acronyms mean question exclamation question exclamation just like down a line because i love like a lot of the subreddits when they they abbreviate things like emma i'm mil like mother-in-law obviously abbreviate it great but just know mother-in-law is like notorious for like creating these new [ __ ] it's like the little text things it's so annoying so someone literally the top comment on this post i've stopped coming here often because of all the damn acronyms i hate acronyms mother-in-law is fine i don't follow the stories that have a lot of acronyms so funny it also probably takes more effort to think through what acronym it would be rather than just type it so apparently bec is like throughout this entire thread and apparently it stands for [ __ ] eating crackers i was going to guess that [Laughter] basically a bec moment or action is when the person you're talking about has gotten so fed up that every little thing they do is annoying deservedly or not okay so they're just like they're on your nerve got it essentially okay let's go back a year in a few days wife is due any second with our first child my mom up to this point has been a [ __ ] eating crackers mostly little annoying things however she has also been patronizing of wife in the six years we were together two years married i've always shut that [ __ ] down but i'll admit i should have gone low contact or no contact before this so the plan was to have both sets of parents to the hospital after the baby arrived and wife and i had time to bond her parents accepted that my dad who is an enabler was okay with that but my mom was not she demanded she'd be at the hospital we told her no she had to wait finally she said okay after she saw we wouldn't put our feet down so the baby was born it's a boy we hadn't found out so it was a big surprise anyway both sets of parents come everything's good finally wife is tired so i walk my parents out hers had gone home my dad went out to get the car i waited by the front door with mom she turns to me and says that my dad and her are filing for custody of our baby she claims my wife is on drugs like her mom a lie wife doesn't even drink and that she saw how wife was around the baby and she fears for his safety i'm stunned my dad pulls up and she gets in and leaves i go back upstairs and my wife sees my face i really don't want to tell her but i'm not going to lie to her she's upset as i am so i text my mom that she's not to contact us i then block her number my younger sister's blowing my phone up and i know it's my mom i get along great with my little sister as does wife but she was a minor at the time and lived with my folks we go home the next day wife had tearing and therefore needs meds she refuses pain meds because of family history but she says she will take advil so i go get some things at cvs wife and baby are sleeping him and is caught in line getting us dinner when wife calls hysterical she woke up and no baby oh my god i run home and we are both a mess at this time then my neighbor comes over and she says what's going on she sees me running like my feet are on fire so i tell her she tells me wait so your parents weren't supposed to take the baby yep my mom came and kidnapped my baby wow i call the sheriff's office my best friend is a deputy there as soon as i tell him and his partner what happened they had to get our baby turns out my dad wasn't involved in the actual kidnapping although i'm sure he knew about it my mom knew at the time where we kept a spare key and let herself in both her and her fm were arrested because there wasn't a chance in hell we weren't pressing charges the baby was returned to us and according to my friend they had a nursery waiting holy [ __ ] [ __ ] how did the [ __ ] what's wrong with the dad he's an enabler but what a psychopath i don't care if you're an enabler like that's scary to me because this other woman she probably has some like severe mental health issues this dad seems like he's just like going along with the ride it's like just as bad as doing it yeah it is i think enabling in some cases is just as bad as actually doing it well yeah i think it's literally if not even worse cause like well i'm i'm pretending that the dad is a little bit more level and the mom is just like having some serious issues so like if that's the case then like how can you and your right [ __ ] mind watch somebody kidnap someone else's baby i have a nursery ready a nurse oh my god that's where the thing the dad obviously knew the plan right it was she's rearranging a guest bedroom or whatever an office for a [ __ ] new baby but how is that ever gonna work oh well actually she could have said like oh i just want to make sure the baby has a comfortable place to like stay watch the baby yeah and he might have been like oh my wife's being crazy but because she said she would the big was that right after she gave birth to the baby yeah that is so crazy i can't even imagine like being like after having birth like having some psychopath like say this [ __ ] to me right but you have to be nuts to think that that's actually going to work you're not going to end up with the kid yeah what's the point unhinged she's unhinged and that's the thing like you her being like oh i saw how she was with the baby i'm scared for his safety she just pushed that thing out what how can you say that that little baby is probably just hold up in court what do you mean like all the doctors are around like she couldn't even abuse that baby if she desperately wanted to no you don't need me like she's like and also who knows how long her goddamn labor was like she was potentially pushing exhausted in labor forever like she's probably so tired and just wants to bond with her child and then sleep and then have her mother-in-law come in and be like yeah well you can go [ __ ] yourself i'm gonna take your baby and you're just trying to like re recover recuperate you're just trying to take a little advil and relax wait do we have the ages of everyone no ages in this post oh my god his username though it is um not today satan i love that it is another horror film exorcism i don't know justin these ones might [ __ ] you up more than lauren oh no it doesn't like i'm not afraid all that but i'm just like [ __ ] can you imagine yeah it's wild because again on the uh like you have to now you will not have these people in your life no if my mom tried to do this to me i would kick her ass i'm picturing that it's very interesting i just can't imagine i can't imagine any parent in my life doing that i don't know i mean what if someone was normal forever and then it just happened and they snapped yeah well like the one stepmom they had a good relationship until they got pregnant it's like ah so he does go on to say my mom was sentenced but because of her standing in the community she was only given a slap on the wrist however the negative attention she got after that event spurred her and my dad to move good thankfully my sister [ __ ] thankfully my sister turned 18 before then and she stayed with us a few months before going a few states away to school for a long time both her and my dad were radio silent however my mom has tried to reach out in the last few months thankful thankfully we've learned from this we have cameras a security system and no spare key outside our neighbor who is now a great friend has our spare key we are three months along with our second child i'm hoping my mom doesn't find out season two neighbor steals babies oh my god i knew like oh my god can you imagine i know you're no spare key no spare key i know that you're just you just had a kid you're trying to get you know and that takes up crazy amounts of time and is very stressful in itself but if i were this couple i would also move that's what i was i wanted i was surprised they stayed i wouldn't i i don't know i would just be out yeah so this guy neighbor has the key he did move actually now that you mentioned that i really trust the neighbors and he moved to a gated community that has a security guard and has been made aware of the mom so no worry there she's gonna jump the bushes yeah what's interesting though is the story i was between on this one the title is mother-in-law basically kidnapped my baby and it's very very very similar we had our daughter about four weeks ago she's been over at least three days every week since we've had her she's always telling me what i'm doing wrong and how she'd do things differently baby is up every two hours and she insists she'd sleep through the night if she could stay at grandma's oh yeah so what she did is they put the baby down to sleep the two of them went to bed and they woke up you know four hours later and they were like the baby hasn't woken up yet what like what is going on the baby hasn't woken up did she die from sids because that's every you know i feel like that's at least it would be my fear but i feel like as a new mom first time mom that's a big part of like your fears as like sids and so they go and check on the baby and it's gone see it turns out turns out the mother law stole the key came in and took the baby yeah and these are the people you're trying to rely on to help you in these times of very much need yeah where you just need an extra hour of sleep or you need a little help here can you watch the baby just help us out a little bit and then this [ __ ] happens do you know what makes me mad about stuff like this is that and this could go for a lot of different situations but this person was a mother once yeah and and i'm just like don't you put yourself in the shoes if when you were a brand new mother if your mother-in-law or if your mother did this like like because you were a mother because you know how that feels how do you think this is okay i think they disassociate from their time out of a mother and it's almost like there could be i mean there's so many reasons it could be i think they're better than i feel like i feel like they feel entitled to this child i think maybe there's some mental health things where i want to do over i want this to be my baby i see this as my baby i'm this is just me and i'm right you're doing it wrong i'm kind of like justin said like how maybe you have all these crazy thoughts but how do you think you're going to get away with that right it's never going to happen unhinged there's more kidnapping stories i found i'll post the links on the youtube description if you guys want to read them anyways but i think i think we're good on the kidnappy kid vibes yeah right yeah yeah yeah um give us some more diversity yeah it sounds like all these people got it figured out uh luckily the update on the one where the mom stole the key and took the kid while they were sleeping um they got it all sorted i'll post that update so not actual kidnapping but this one's still a little dicey okay am i the [ __ ] for refusing to attend my brother's wedding after my sister-in-law left my two-month-old on a park bench me and my sister-in-law have always been close her and my brother met when they were 15 i was 12 and i'm now 21. she was always really nice to me and we bonded over the fact that my parents don't like either of us a few weeks ago i got called into work and my sister-in-law said that i shouldn't waste money on a babysitter when i could just let them take her for a bit my husband was also at work i guess at some point she decided to take her and her dog for a walk she says they were walking through the park and the leash slipped out of her hand without thinking she put my daughter on a nearby bench she was in a little carrier and she ran after the dog she didn't even catch the dog and it wasn't until two hours later that she even realized that she was missing okay when i came to pick up my daughter she broke down and told me everything i was livid but i was so thankful no one kidnapped her my husband was so mad he stormed down to their house just to yell at her she recently messaged me the details about her wedding i told her i would not be attending she called me sobbing saying that i am a petty [ __ ] and she wishes someone would have kidnapped my daughter okay that's what that justifies the decision yeah i was gonna say like at first i could see just being like forgive me but making that comment like no [ __ ] you that is [ __ ] up i hung up on her and she apologized and said she needs me there my friends and family have called me saying i'm petty and that she was stressed and it was an accident am i the [ __ ] that's not an accident that's not baby i love love dogs love animals baby dog two-month-old baby dog yeah but even if you set the baby down and 10 seconds later you're like oh okay say that she left the baby there for two hours two hours yeah and she didn't find the dog didn't even get the dog no got so distracted by looking for was she drunk probably because how oh my god so do you want to know where this gets worse does it it's a trick question like can it get worse it gets worse it gets worse let me find the comment from op so apparently like ops again very this one is very very responsive she goes kidnapping is quite common in my area but the park is sort of hidden but still like it's quite common in her area like that is a terrifying thought oh my god that's so terrifying yeah playing with fire so someone comments and they go yikes what was she doing for two hours before she realized she left her on a bench looking for the dog the whole time question mark not the [ __ ] and she goes yeah she said for about 40 minutes she was looking for the dog then she told me she went shopping for clothes for my daughter how can you buy clothes for someone and not realize they were supposed to be with you for the last two hours what happened to her that's insane that's not even just spacing out or forgetting that's just that i don't even know what that is yeah that is crazy it's like memory loss seriously i but the thing that the craziest thought to me about that is is if i was the parent i think about the fact that it's so frustrating that i like when i misplace my keys i can't just like call my keys i don't have like a tracker on them i can't figure out where they are if someone kidnapped your tiny little baby you can't just like ping it oh no you'd be like [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is the most terrifying thing the i can't i can't imagine and like when you trust somebody to wash your baby to leave them in a park by themselves two hours for two hours what if it was super sunny outside that's what if it was hot yeah and this baby literally [ __ ] died from the [ __ ] elements so here i go swearing i was doing so well no i [ __ ] swear but but that's the thing didn't box say that he liked how much i saw yeah so that's the thing it's like what if this little baby two hours for a two-month-old two months old two-month-old babies are they're so little they're so easily affected by heat and dehydration so i'm curious if she realized and then went back to the park and found her that's what i was yeah or if there's actually other people around because if you i mean if any of us were walking around you see just a random baby on a park bench yeah all of us would run up and be like all right what is going on here go to the police station right you figure it out so still but how do you even figure that out you don't have like a name take on a baby you don't need me in well still but at least i know the idea that like you lose a baby it's like how do people identify it's just at least you know that you have control of the situation in the sense that something terrible isn't going to happen but this is just crazy either the park is not very popular but still even you're just tempting disaster yeah literally well okay the one thing that i will say is that so she went back and got the baby before they came home right yeah so yeah so she at least she admitted to it and she did she technically like didn't have to say anything yeah but she did come clean so that's where i'm like okay well at least she's not yeah so op does go that's admirable no one picked no one picked the baby up no one sat with the baby the baby was just sitting there for two hours and so opie goes i'm sure that there were a few people in the two hours but no one stopped to get her that's crazy if i saw an infant on a bench alone i'd assume its mother was around the park somewhere but i'd still keep an eye on it yeah i think it's very strange how no one stopped too and so she like comments a bunch and so um she basically says luckily it wasn't too hot but she's a little sunburned on her arms we've already taken her to the doctor hospital they said we shouldn't worry too much um and a lot of people are just kind of like is your sister-in-law jealous of you getting all of this attention because you had a baby i don't like it though it doesn't sound like a jealousy thing i don't know i just because if it was why like why would that be a jealousy thing i don't like i mean she's getting married and you know she her sister future sister-in-law you know thinking not thinking from the sister-in-law that left the baby's perspective it's like i'm getting married i want the spotlight to be on me so you think she just wanted the attention of being like look what i did wrong no but i think she like i think when people are jealous and insecure of themselves they self-sabotage or they try to hurt those individuals that they're jealous of for example i read a story today about this individual who was insecure about their friend had felt threatened by this friend and during a test in school she put laxatives in her drink and her sandwich at lunch to sabotage her friend from taking the test and then if you go look at that person's profile they also admit to crushing up sleeping pills and putting them in their friend's food wow i think there's unhinged people that need mental health help but but that's intention like that like they had a result that they were looking for where is this i'm like what result would she be looking at maybe she wanted the baby to get kidnapped maybe she wanted to hurt her in a way why wouldn't she just try again instead of telling them what she did i mean she left that child there for two hours and went shopping i know but i'm just saying like why why didn't she like why would she tell oh like why versus actually acting it out again yeah i don't know so i'm like i like i have no words for this one i have no idea it doesn't add up yeah nothing about it so weird but the fact that when she was confronted by i'm not going to come to your wedding and she was like yeah i wish your baby would have been that kidnapped some crazy [ __ ] instead of being like you know what i'm really sorry i understand i'm hurt i want you there but i understand like i say some things that i don't mean when i'm really hurt but like just bring the baby in and say i wish your baby got kidnapped that is not that is not okay yeah but that doesn't surprise me that much i and i'm not i don't think leaving the baby there was malicious i don't think that was for me at least i'm not seeing that as the intention i think it's just some person who is either very forgetful or just just not all there to the point where you could forget that heavily you're distracted by chasing a dog yeah that you make a dumb choice and then realize it later right but even still you could be that far removed where you're just like then don't just dumb and then then don't commit to watching a two-month-old baby yeah right but but they also wouldn't be smart enough if they could make these dumb choices to make that decision on the front end to say no so yes obviously going forward no one's going to trust her with the baby but i don't know i just don't think she left the baby there on purpose i so crazy i i truly this one has me very baffled same i don't want to like think she did it maliciously because how [ __ ] up is that yeah wouldn't that end up couldn't that end up being like some sort of crime yeah i don't even know i think i i think even now she could get charges pressed against her for neglect yeah i was gonna say even the the one that you had with alejandra the story where like the the grandma left the two years old i mean there's reckless endangerment yeah but it was like neglect too yeah she just left the child to go do laundry there's so many crazy laws that i i mean even lawyers don't know about there's so many crazy laws and just specifics that you could probably press charges for which she does mention in one of her comments she gives like an update she's like i didn't think this post would really blow up they always say that i have agreed to go to the wedding if my brother can sin if my brother chooses to follow through with the wedding my sister and i are trying to convince him to just reconsider the wedding and take a second to actually think about what's happening i'm seriously thinking about getting the police involved yeah but so someone made a comment and this is why i'm like i don't think there's any health issues involved but someone made a comment they're like not the [ __ ] but have you talked to your brother about this was he not concerned that his fiance left his baby niece alone for two hours right also consider the fact that this isn't just your sister-in-law's wedding it's your brother's wedding so maybe if you want you can just go in support of your brother not your sister-in-law if you don't feel comfortable with that it's perfectly fine because you are entitled to how you feel and she goes yeah i talked to my brother and he excused it by saying quote she's got diagnosed high blood pressure me and my older sister are trying to talk to him about reconsidering the engagement this is so far just so unrelated and yes it is a tangent but i feel like we as people every day make just stupid mistakes that are pretty forgetful like one time i went to chipotle and left the keys in my car with my car running the whole time i was in there just not thinking and i came out and i was like what how did this happen like how did i make this mistake and you almost just you don't even understand what happened and i wasn't drunk i wasn't anything well and so you just think like and yes a baby is a whole new ball game but but i think you can still make weird forgetful mistakes especially if you're it also isn't her kid too so i can i don't know i don't know what i'm trying to say but so i have the perfect thing i mean in the united states alone the stats of babies dying in cars every year is horrendous wow i mean parents and one of the most like tragic pictures i've ever seen on the internet was a parent who left his child in the car when he went into work forgot to drop the baby off at daycare and the baby died in the car so sad and it's just like forgetfulness he typically didn't bring the baby to daycare his wife did so he forgot to drop the baby off he deviated from his routine it wasn't you know he was so locked in his patterns and his behavior and it's like you know for the sister-in-law she probably doesn't watch the baby a lot the baby's only two months old so you know for her her pattern and her routine is going to the park [ __ ] her dog ran away i gotta think about the dog and then it's like out of sight out of mind that's my thought i think the confusing thing because all of this i could see it happening the confusing thing to me is like how do you just lose a dog and you're like hmm i'm just gonna go shopping now yeah did she find the dog like you said she didn't even find the dog so like i would think that if i lost my dog after 40 minutes of looking for my dog i would be like i'm gonna start making posters i'm gonna go to like the police or like the the vet or what what whatever i can do to just like be like hey this is a picture of my dog please everyone look for this like the fact that like it was like 40 minutes and you're like well time to go shopping that's where i'm kind of confused she just seems off yeah she's off yeah i looked through the comments there's no mention of her even finding the dog the only comment related to the dog was yeah she said she was looking for the dog for about 40 minutes so no idea sounds like this one is still really developing very interesting yeah there's no official update yet and the last comment was basically we're trying to get my brother to reconsider i would say that that's kind of invasive and i don't you know like if she genuinely it was such an accident and she's so like remorseful then like for you to be like trying to break up her marriage um but the fact that there's other stuff going on yeah and i'm sure this isn't the only thing right i'm sure this is and and the fact and it's a huge thing too yeah but like if it was genuinely such an accident you know um but the fact that she said i wish your baby would have gotten kidnapped that's the one that sticks with me yeah i'm like how could you say that to somebody true [ __ ] yeah absolutely that's and um people lash out when they're embarrassed or hurt yeah they get it right that's you know we all do it but it's so easy to just rectify a situation or like the last thing you want to do is stir the boat more the easiest way that you could rectify this is like you know what i'm really sorry i did this i i completely understand sorry what is stir the boat a phrase oh it's still the pot okay sorry go on but yeah like you just gotta smooth things over it's like i know i [ __ ] up i'm so sorry i respect your decision i'm going to give you your space yeah versus i wish your daughter would have been kidnapped yeah that's [ __ ] up like if she'd been like you're a petty [ __ ] fine whatever she's mad she's hurt she feels embarrassed she crossed the line with that how is the rest of the family on the wife's side my friends and family have called me saying i'm petty and that she was stressed why is the rest of the family on her school because we don't know what story she's telling probably yeah the sister-in-law or all of them we don't know what she's telling us is completely everything yeah yeah maybe they were all in on it [Laughter] just watching conspiracies let's not even go about that well you guys love that [Laughter] what was that i was trying i was trying to copy your go and then it it it was like even more powerful than i thought it sounded like an animated cartoon it was out of control it literally sounds like it's outside of the headphones like i feel like it's all around us okay i'm gonna take a little bathroom break okay same i guess same so up next am i the [ __ ] for not wanting to give my late husband's sperm to his parents i'm sorry i really tried to think of a less silly title when my husband was diagnosed with cancer we froze his sperm so we could have children via insemination even after chemotherapy his parents were very involved in his treatment and were aware that we were doing this his treatment was unfortunately unsuccessful and he passed away on july 19th his parents asked me if i was considering being inseminated with his sperm and i said no then they asked me if i could transfer ownership of the sperm to them so they could use it to have grandchildren i assume they're planning on hiring a surrogate for this but i'll admit i was so surprised and confused i didn't actually ask my gut reaction was that this is wrong and exploitative and not what my husband would have wanted we froze his sperm because we wanted to raise a family together and freezing his sperm seems like a better option than adopting or using a sperm donor not because he wanted to give his parents grandkids or just put his dna out into the world for the sake of it i'm so confused about who they expect to raise this child or children as they're both in their 60s the surrogate question mark one of their nieces or nephews my husband has no siblings and i certainly wouldn't feel comfortable doing it it feels like they just want their bloodline to continue without any thought to the practicality of it that's probably what it is i'm actually kind of torn on this one i look at this and i really to put this into perspective he died july 19th this post was six days ago so it was technically written on either july 31st or august 1st wow no there's only a there's only been about two weeks since this man's death but i think that's part of it i think his parents are mourning so here's the thing so if you look at the stages of grief anger bargaining guilt you know all the stages of grief i think they're at the bargaining stage i think they're at like okay he's gone but what can i do to have a piece of him yeah yeah what like what can i do to bring him back i think that's where they're at they do too i but the thing is is that like if the child has a great home to be raised in i don't think there's anything wrong with that i mean the other thing she's gonna do is just throw the sperm away so it's like but the the wrong part is that he never agreed to it so it's like if that would have been a conversation before there would be no no question but because it's like without his consent it feels really weird it feels wrong wrong on the wife the wife is gonna have the sense of she's gonna have more of the sense of what he would have wanted than the parents will i agree with that if like honestly if she's uncomfortable with it that's her choice but i think she would at the end of the day it almost feels like she should be the one making this choice but then you also have to take into consideration that she's also mourning so maybe the idea too of him having a child out there that's not with her is like horrible you know and i i don't see this being a like logical thing i think they were together they were married in the reality that was their reality before he passed they were together they either planned on having kids together or not at all i i do i do think i and this is a really really hot take that people have like i've seen on the internet and has like kind of been implanted in me now it's like you shouldn't have a kid because you're lonely you shouldn't have a kid because you want a mini me yeah like there's hot takes that people put out there where it's like these are reasons why you shouldn't have a kid and it's like for these grandparents it's like you shouldn't have a kid to try to bring your dead son back yeah because what is that kid's life gonna be that kid's life is not gonna know his parents yeah and who's going to be the mom who are they going to get a donor egg that they don't know where it came from and then implant that into a surrogate or like she said maybe a niece like yeah what is this child's life going to look like yeah it definitely like if i had to pick it doesn't feel right it really just doesn't feel right but i mean it it's not it's not so awful like if he were to if they were to continue his dna and you know they brought an amazing human into this world like i mean once the human gets here like everyone's gonna be so happy and in love like whoever the like people are that are taking care of this child but um at the same time like if this was never even an idea that floated through his head yeah then i don't it just doesn't feel fair i to him i'm kind of sad they mentioned the frozen sperm to his parents because if that would have just been a conversation between them this dilemma wouldn't have even happened yeah and i think honestly should have been that's what i'm saying like i don't think they should have even like involved the parents and been like yeah we're freezing his sperm well that's not even part of the treatment that's a decision that's like a smart decision you make as a couple because you're going to go through this this recovery process yeah well i um i had a friend in high school that he got testicular cancer literally a year out of high school and so i remember hearing about the fact that like they froze some sperm just in case and blah blah blah and like that's a decision you make as a couple but like i don't know i i've also seen a lot of posts on reddit that are like my husband is terminally ill and everyone's asking me if i'm going to get pregnant and it's like why you're already dealing with the loss of somebody and and then to come in and raise what would have been your child together would make it even that much harder i think for a lot of people that's heartbreaking but then i think there are some people that are like i'm so thankful that i do have a piece of my husband or my partner left and this one is probably one of the tougher ones like ethically morally that we've like really i think what i would do if i was her is that i would just respond to the parents mean like i'm mourning i'm sure that you guys are mourning and this is not a good time to have a conversation about that um we can definitely talk about this but not right now i think we need to this has been two weeks since he passed exactly that's what i'm saying like we need to we need to heal more like we're in a really vulnerable moment all of us and we need to heal more before we have this conversation and then at that point like you know if the parents are like have some really like compelling reason if they're like he always said that he wanted to pass like you know whatever like what and like if they're really so convincing that they're like look at his diary as a kid and this is what i don't know whatever whatever converse yeah i think the wife who probably knows and i think the right answer is probably just no but if there's some you know after they're not in the thick of mourning if there's some really genuine reason where it makes sense then they can decide but right now i would be like we all need space we all need to think about this yeah and i think that's rational like you should not make any major life decisions after a great loss like this but even still let the dust settle but i think if he didn't explicitly say anything about having a kid regardless if he's here or not yeah it goes away so i got a lot of comments op like i'm going to show you guys this is a throwaway account this is me scrolling to the bottom and this is me scrolling all the way up to the top op comments extensively well behind the scenes here yeah extensive we just saw behind the curtain i know style so i'm gonna try to like do them the best i can i really want to do this one justice because i think this is like probably one of the hardest posts we've ever read and i want to just i'm like want to cry at this like this is probably for me i just i can't imagine losing your partner like this and having to deal with like his parents coming out of the woodwork two weeks later and being like hey that's sperm yeah i just lost my son but hey that's sperm well it's it's even sad enough to to need to make the choice to free sperm in that situation because you know there's a risk yeah and then to have it actually happen it's just i don't know yeah there's one comment i want to start with the comment i want to read is in reply to something else so i kind of feel like i have to read the comment from an outside source first so this person goes damn i don't even know what to judge this one i can see most sides since as of the moment i haven't come to a definite decision that i can't expect to say if one of you is the [ __ ] over the other not the [ __ ] to start i understand completely why you feel the way you do and i'm terribly sorry for your loss i have a couple questions though did you and your husband actually decide what he wanted to do in this case or are you speculating but obviously you have the authority now are you keeping it from his parents because you feel they're yours and only yours so no one else can have them and you decided you won't use them deciding what someone else should be doing with their lives is not your right so using that to justify not giving them it is sort of assholery in that case they love their son i'm presuming and raising a child that shares their son's dna while teaching the kid about his father and history doesn't seem so bad the grandparents are [ __ ] for not being as sensitive as to you as they should be by asking so soon however at the same time if they're in their 60s then they don't have much time to lose anyway and they might be thinking that by you deciding against using them you're going to move on from him somehow grief is weird i think the priority is what would your husband want but if you or them honestly don't know if you wanted to pass on his lineage or whatever reason then it's a me versus the in-laws question over what each party wants and yes legally you have the authority of course but being an [ __ ] isn't only judged on legalities the context is key again sorry for your loss and all the added grief so long-winded great points that was a pretty good post it it it was very probing which i appreciate because i think these are all questions that we just said like yeah what would the husband really want so opie goes on to say my aversion to their plan is due to what i know about why he wanted to freeze his sperm he wanted to be a father specifically he wanted to raise kids with me i know it wasn't about just passing on his jeans because both adoption and sperm donors were also options we discussed and he was fine with those possibilities i just can't imagine he'd be comfortable with having a child with his dna out there who neither he nor i had any hand in raising yep yeah and on top of that too like who he's mixing his dna with like not being able to decide that yeah you know like he didn't get to pick like okay if i die like i would want my my dna to be passed down to this human or that human it's just like bringing a child into this world is a serious decision i don't like i think you know unplanned pregnancies happen and everyone makes the best of that situation and obviously people are typically i should say are very happy to have a child but he's gone like this autonomy and this decision is gone so to just assume or to let his parents just take over the sperm and like not really know what's gonna happen to it i don't think is it definitely doesn't seem like it's what he would have wanted yeah and i'm trying to put myself in the situation of him like if i were to die and had like my eggs saved and whatever would i be that mad if my parents decided to like pass down my dna i don't know so it's so hard to say because he's not here and like the decision is in him you know right and it's it's obviously not going to affect him in any way at this point that's true but you want to honor the person that everyone loves that passed away so that's right and my gut feeling i still feel even a little bit weird about it if they didn't have the explicit conversation yeah but i feel like it should be her or nobody exactly i agree with that i think where i'm getting really caught up with this one is i'm not so much concerned about the people that are trying to make this decision like the grandparents aka like his parents and the wife okay like yeah they're affected clearly like they're directly involved right now but i look at this child and i don't know if this is from me having known people that are adopted and constantly feel this like burning aching desire like what about my birth mom like i love my parents that raised me but what about my birth mom why did she give me up right there's something to be said about you know children that go through this experience of not knowing their birth parents who they feel a part of them is missing and there's a lot of trauma with that i just look at this i'm like it's just such an unfair situation to bring a kid into for selfish reasons of my son is gone i want a piece of my son it to me this seems so selfish right and or continuing the lineage any reason that the grandparents have is to me is selfish because it's like no matter what you do your son is gone yeah and i'm so sorry about that and it's so tragic but to bring a child into the world to appease you what that is really an interesting concept to think about that's where i'm coming from are they like who is raising them are they raising them and if they are right they're 60 yeah i have 60 year old patients that die every day what are you gonna where's this one-year-old gonna go is family automatically gonna take them on take her them on like what it'd have to be the mom or the wife i mean but however i will say um i i mean even when people are adopted like and they were wondering about their birth parents i think a part of that is because they know their birth parent is out there you know or they don't know anything about them or something like that like i think i don't i think it would be different if you're like i know that my dad died and this was my situation you know um because he'd he would be able to learn about him the grandparents are going to tell him all about him you know yeah but i um but i guess like even still growing up and hearing about your dad and not having your dad oh there's lots of oh yeah it's traumatic either way it's not an ideal situation and i mean the only thing i will say though is that with a lot of situations it's not ideal like there's things from my childhood that i'm like damn like i could have been like a cooler person if this didn't happen or whatever it is and i it's just like life is crazy so i don't i think more of this story is just really focusing on like the wife yeah and like what she wants to decide and like if she thinks that that's kind of [ __ ] up and crossing the line she's not the [ __ ] like it's not the [ __ ] at all for this and so with that being said someone comments i hope you decide to have his child i'd be the same it's not theirs to use and she goes me carrying his child isn't really on the table yeah he's gone yeah and i feel like for her he's gone there's no bringing him back then the sperm should be gone done deal i agree i think he's gone as there's she wanted to raise a kid with her yeah it would be such a hard place to be put in though like i'm just picturing if i had people that loved the person that i loved like as or like you know so strongly to and they were just so desperate and i was the one who had to make the call to like break their heart like ed you know what i mean like i i'm sure she's just feeling so crazy right now or like just so torn and like one that's so fresh yeah two weeks you guys like again like two weeks she just lost her life partner someone who she they were actively planning to have a life and kids together i can't even imagine like typing this all out and thinking coherently like yeah i feel like clarity will come with time yeah i really do yeah and again it's been about two weeks like sit on it don't make any rash decisions like i saw somewhere where you shouldn't make any major life changes for at least six to nine months after a death just don't give it to the parents yeah no it's not theirs and it's not what he i really don't think that's what the husband wanted and that's what i would just say i'd be i would literally be like i don't like the fact that like this decision is put in my hands because i don't like that i'm holding back something that you guys really want however i know it's not what he wants yeah and if i thought even the slightest bit it that it was what he would want then this would be a different story but i am so confident that it's not so like i don't want to feel like the villain here but i am the one who is able to legally call the shots and this is just what i think is right exactly legality is also a very important point in this because depending on the paperwork that they filed when they did do the sperm donation saving it depending on what state apparently it's a big thing so one of the top comments is not the [ __ ] though though the decision may not actually be yours to make anyways if you contact the sperm bank where it's frozen they may likely have procedures on what happens in the situations of the donor's death there may be terms that he agreed to in the paperwork that may state ownership transfers to yourself or it may state that the sample is destroyed contact them and see what they say though if ownership is now yours i don't blame you at all for saying no op replies ownership is mine and someone comments back you are so selfish and she goes for the legal ownership passing to me after his death question mark and the person literally responds back everything is me me me okay this woman just lost her [ __ ] husband wow this is where i get mad of people being able to be anonymous on the internet because what a goddamn troll literally yeah i i think was that i was saying the steam morgan right we've talked about this yeah i i think that it should be outlawed that people are able to just create all these different usernames and just be trolls on the internet like if you want to say what you want to say then have a face and a name to it you know like i think that's totally fine to express yourself and the freedom of speech and everything but it is so it's gotten so toxic and dangerous the fact that people can just hide behind these like i love cutiepie563 and say evil things to people like that is so wrong so i don't know it says a lot about the people that do do that yeah it says a lot that you feel like you there's a reason you're hiding behind some fake little name there's a reason there's clearly a reason you're a coward and and they have nothing better to do you're being cruel for the sake of being cruel because what is this gonna get you who is this gonna benefit you are being cruel for whatever malicious reason that is oh they're just taking out whatever like frustrations or whatever the [ __ ] they have to everyone's fighting their own battles and yeah it could be it could be an outlet um wait sorry morgan could i interject for a second yeah so i i'm just thinking that um when you talked about the adoption thing and you're like even like people like you know like are always wondering and stuff like that i'm gonna actually what i was gonna add to that is i was going to say hey i'm actually going to phone a friend for a part of this and i'm going to reach out to my roommate erin sella and have her interject on this story but no but like what i wanted to say is that because we're talking about like should there be a child be brought into this world or not yeah then i think people who are adopted are going to be like what so i don't know who my parents are and so i shouldn't have been brought into this world i just think they're going to make that parallel you know what i'm saying what do you think justin i didn't get that much of a vibe because at the same time when you're talking about like babies that weren't planned it's like that's what you say about yourself all the time oh i am literally a and i'm i am an oops baby 100. or well actually my mom is which makes me like technically one i think it was super valid because my ex was i think technically adopted but she knew her biological dad but didn't her biological mom at all or something and i think everything she said was very on point it was on point with what she experienced and kind of that so there was nothing that stuck out to me where i'm like okay that's fine i was just saying because we're talking about the concept of bringing a life into the world or not i'm just i could see that people like i could just see people making this parallel of being like wait so you don't think i should have been brought in the world just because i'm [ __ ] up over the fact i don't know who my parents are my biological no you know what i'm saying like and we can i think it would be a point to like we can add this in because i think this is very important to have i'm going off of like i had a college roommate that was adopted and i've had other friends that were adoptive and they are very very happy they're there right they're very yeah thankful for their adoptive parents they love their adoptive parents they have a great relationship with them but i've also heard the opposite where people's adoptive parents haven't been great but from my experience no matter how great the relationship is with the adoptive parents my friends that have been adoptive have always like had this yearning to find their birth mom or find their birth parents and i just think it's like this kind of like it's just this innate nature to like either whether it's like know where you come from know who you are a part of i don't know i don't i don't know personally but i just think it's a conversation to be had and i think i will include because i in my head when we were recording that segment i was like i'm gonna send her the story and be like hey i know you're adoptive i know you have a great relationship with your birth parents i'll let aaron tell it if like i started crying ugh so it's so tough like this [ __ ] just [ __ ] hits me but i'll let aaron tell it if she's willing um but aaron like kind of went through that experience so we're gonna phone a friend i know [ __ ] well i'd for sure have that i would for sure have that yearning yeah put yourself in that situation yeah and like i said i'd i in no way like morgan i know your heart and i know everything you're saying i totally was like on board with what you're saying i just know that we get so sick of people like making assumptions and so i was just trying to be like it's good to clarify so yeah if um if you tune into the youtube version i'll phone a friend i have no doubt she'll respond uh so that'll be on the youtube version and here's where i'm going to cut so i get my [ __ ] together so i think we covered everything with that one i think thank you for bringing that up i i obviously don't want people that are adopted to feel like they're any less or shouldn't be here because i think that that's definitely important to that's not what you're saying it's not what i was saying but i think it's very easy to when you feel personal about something to kind of infer i think it's really easy to like misinterpret things and so i don't i don't want there to be any misinterpretation like a child that's adoption adopted is just as valuable and their life is just as important and are like i just don't want anything negative inferred from that i'm just saying like in this situation i think it is unfair this it's just sperm it's not even a child it's not like it's inseminated eggs it is purely sperm yeah which like how many how how many seeds have been flushed swallowed or thrown away yeah this is just sperm this is not wiped wiped out towel time tell time so i i'm glad you brought that up because now we can include it and just feel like all of our boxes were we're checked in let me just shut the [ __ ] up someone else want to read the [ __ ] i don't know if i'd be a good reader well i kind of like it i honestly thought that reading would be way more smooth but then i remembered that i have like hard like reading anxiety where it's like whenever people would popcorn in class i'd be like no oh i love popcorn i like it's like i know how to read but it's just like the the fluctuation of my voice and like when when commas come and i don't see them and all of a sudden they're there and i'm just like i pause and then that stuff just doesn't bother me yeah well with that being said here you go really yeah we're gonna pass it down the line what you're gonna popcorn me that's [ __ ] up i just told you my trauma from grade school [Laughter] all right let's let the real show begin oh i needed a break after that last one it was intense so we have a lot of awards on this one am i the [ __ ] for not taking my husband to my brother-in-law's funeral after he went against my sister's wishes my sister's husband was sick for over six months in the past couple of months he got worse they have two kids nephew four and niece six i agreed to take the kids in to look after them and help my sister focus on her husband a week ago i got a call at 6 50 from my sister crying telling me her husband had just passed away it was so devastating i was still in bed when i got the news i checked on the kids and they were asleep i had to go see my sister and be with her i asked my husband to keep an eye on the kids and warned him not to tell them about their father's passing till their mom got there and could tell them herself in her own way since she made me promise to wait till she left them herself he nodded but said telling them the sooner the better i told him it was none of his business and he needed to respect their mother's wish he said i could go and he'd watch the kids an hour later my phone rang while i was with my sister and it was my husband telling me to get home asap because the kids had a breakdown after he told them their father passed i was dumbfounded and so so mad and helpless i asked why he told them but i couldn't hear his reply because the kids were crying loudly in the background their mother heard and figured they found out she told me to drive her to see them i apologize for what my husband did but she didn't respond we got home and it was a mess my heart sank seeing the kids crying for their dad like that their mom took them inside the room and shut the door i lost it on my husband and he said he didn't want to say anything even made them breakfast but when he heard the kids talk about what they were going to do when they when they see their dad he felt the urge to tell them i yelled at him for going against my sister's wishes he apologized to my sister but she said she doesn't want to see him because the kids stopped talking from their trauma he wanted to go to the funeral but i told him my sister doesn't want to see him and i'm respecting her wish he got upset saying i excluded him from family events which was unfair and flat out petty he said he couldn't help it so i shouldn't hold him accountable because it just happened but i felt ashamed and a major letdown from my sister because she stated her wishes and he didn't respect them um he's an [ __ ] huge [ __ ] i want to cry thinking about that like if i was a mother and those were my wishes that i wanted to be the one to tell my kids that that's just why like i don't want to be traumatized why like why did he think that was his right one it was so explicitly like she made it so clear and beforehand like he's trying to be like no they need to know now like they don't they're when a kid is that little they're gonna remember who they were with and how they were told oh i just like just picture them picture them over breakfast i just can't wait until dad's not sick and we go to the lake and he goes well actually your dad died this morning yeah i don't believe he would you're not gonna be going to the lake how could he decide that was his responsibility in his place like that is so sad no and then him being like you excluded me from a family thing you [ __ ] lost any rights to be around that family the minute that you [ __ ] their life upside down you went against her wishes you ruined those kids moment of grief that they should have shared with their mom exactly their mom their mom should have been there the fact that they found out and they're bawling without their mom there that makes me sick to myself they're young how old are they again four and six six they're babies they're [ __ ] babies i they don't know what's going on what was wrong with him like if it was if it wasn't made clear beforehand i would be like it was a mistake like he thought he's doing the right thing he's being honest but it was very clear don't tell them what did he he literally was like i feel like they need to know well it i feel like i'm such i feel like i'm just the biggest trust guy ever because all these issues i always go to trust but from you literally now can't trust him you asked him to do something and you trusted him to not do something and it's a huge thing and that's and especially when we're talking about like how much childhood moments like that really make an impact on you as a human shape like huge and yes i i i have faith that the kids will be able to you know get over that and live a happy life but i mean that that moment obviously it's going to take a lot to like handle the fact that dad passed away but like therapy but hearing it from him i'm sure that they'll get you know they'll move on from it but that he just added a difficulty that was so unnecessary and not his place and so [ __ ] up this like makes me scared to let anyone watch my kids honestly it kind of starts he didn't care exactly it feels like it didn't feel that big to him where he's just like oh guess what or like it was exciting news that he wanted to be the one to like break it yeah it's very weird i i would be the exact same way if i was that person's significant other i would be like i don't know if i want you to around any of these people anymore and i don't even know if i want to be around you because like that that was a huge breach that you did that wasn't something small no and i'm i know i'm quick to be like divorce break up but this is like our first review in the podcast but these girls just say divorce and we're like well yeah we're not married so that's easy and this is not my relationship so obviously i'm not attached to it yeah but i just look at this as if my partner would have violated my trust gone against my wishes disrespected me disrespected my family traumatized my niece and nephew i just like i look at all this and i'm like add all this combined and then the fact he's whimpering and oh yeah now he's the victim also him being like you're excluding me from a family event this is [ __ ] a funeral this is not a [ __ ] holiday party celebration yeah you're being excluded from a funeral because you just ruined that kid those kids grieving process yeah he's playing victim i'm looking at this person and i'm like let's add up all the reasons why you're an [ __ ] yeah and i'm like do i want to be with this person yeah so no it's it reminds me of the the lady who threw away all the pictures of the late mom he ruined this like it's the same [ __ ] and i didn't watch that episode yet i look at how traumatic death is like i i'm so [ __ ] in the head like i'm so scared of losing my dad that i literally go and check and make sure he's breathing when i wake up in the morning and he's not gone before me like i'm terrorized of losing a parent so like i can't even imagine these four and five-year-old kids who are just like just beginning their little lives and just [ __ ] absolutely [ __ ] yeah i completely agree absolutely he's the [ __ ] she is not the [ __ ] for not taking the funeral which leads into the actually there was a mod uh that stickied the comments so it's at the top yeah saying all right folks it's that time of day again where we remind you to be civil yeah good luck on this one so this one got pretty heated uh top comment has a lot of awards uh not the [ __ ] i was babysitting for a family friend while they were at the hospital saying goodbye to their other child i knew that their son had died but i kept my mouth shut and loved on their daughter who was talking about going to see her brother until they got home because we're both gonna cry because it was one million percent not my place to say anything didn't even cross my mind to tell her even though i had to leave the room a few times to wipe my eyes and regain composure yeah okay but yeah it's it's 100 not your [ __ ] place to tell he's an adult if you need to go in the other room and step back like yeah you just lost your brother-in-law yeah step back like step back this is not your place though i don't understand in what rational mind well and this is interesting exactly children that young are easily distracted as well he really could have thrown on the tv for a few hours until her mom came no he totally wanted to hurt those kids by telling them they were distracted it almost seems like he wanted to just like have the spotlight like yes like have the power like just like yeah oh i know this news i'm gonna let you guys know like i want to be the first to let you like i don't know but like it makes me so sick he's hand and again again obviously i don't know like we're not hearing him talk we are not hearing like his situation but like from what we do know this is sick yeah it makes me so sad and i get every situation is so subjected to the person that experiences it like obviously op writing in is the wife in this situation but there's very objective information here it was expressly said don't tell the kids and he still went against that and told the kids so no matter what else went on in this situation yeah he had one [ __ ] i agree one [ __ ] assignment you'd one job he did not understand for you guys the assignment well the other way to think about it that you kind of lightly touched on is now the kids forever have this memory with him these kids have not spoken that's the whole reason he's not invited to the funeral too like one he disobeyed all guidelines did not understand the assignment but these kids have now gone like mute right they did write that that they haven't been talking they haven't been talking these kids have now because of this trauma and the sadness have decided not to talk yeah the kids stop talking from their trauma it makes me so sick and i think the reason it makes me so so so sick is that i'm assuming that this guy is like very like in his right mind and very normal and like does not have any diagnoses is just a normal dude not taking drugs like not like out of this world like i'm assuming these things and so it just makes me so sick because i'm like who in their rational right mind like who do you think you are one for kids this young settlement yeah but kids this young to stop talking four and five four and six like make that making that choice at that age to be like well i just if someone random like to me like random i'm not super random but like that's just not my my home is telling me that someone that i love most in the entire universe you also like don't believe it there's it's just so sickening to me like it wasn't his place like i want to scream at this man i don't want to kill him i think there's something though where the younger you are that trauma occurs the more likely you are to actually stop talking and this is something i definitely am going to fact check i like really want to look this up where um to make sure like this is actually a thing but i think the younger trauma happens at the more likely someone is to like stop talking or shut down interesting and you just need to fact check that's interesting though because i my first thought was that the younger you are the more likely you would be to continually just ask questions and try to understand because you've never experienced these concepts and i think it's like exactly what you're saying but flip it you've never experienced these concepts so you don't know how to deal with it so you shut down but i also think though too at an older age you could shut down just because you do understand what has truly happened and you just shut down yeah it's called selective mutism and obviously this is like a very specific circumstance so i'm not even sure if i'm gonna find anything like directly on this so there's not a lot on this but there's so this one quote there's also a misconception that kids who can't speak in some settings have been traumatized in fact kids who become mute after a traumatic experience are typically mute in all situations not specific social environments so these kids literally could be affected pretty greatly in all areas of their life going forward because of the fact that this man took it into his own hands and thought it was his [ __ ] job his due diligence to tell these poor children makes me so mad yeah there's not a lot on this either like selective mutism after trauma there's not i wish people a lot on it there's so many things through growing up that i now look back and i'm like i learned so much in school about things that are just not relevant to me today and i don't regret learning those things because i think they help with your brain like developing and understanding just i don't i don't even know but but what makes me mad is that there's so many things that we could learn i i still feel like there should be more communication for people to really understand how these things can have an impact because i don't know i think that even like with myself like my mom loves me so much and i love my mom so much and then i still think some of these things that happen like in my childhood like where you know she wasn't trying to be mean at all like or bad or anything like she was a great mom to me but i think that some of these things have an impact on who i am 100 and like we just don't no one no yeah no one knows that like it's nature versus nurture we are we are some of our environment i think biology plays a big part but i also think we are heavily shaped by our experiences yeah and i've started realizing more and more like these certain instances as a kid i'm starting to remember these times where it's like no one was outright like trying to like hurt me or be mean to me but these things made me feel a certain way that has like shaped who i am now yeah it's just crazy i don't know i just think it should be more of a topic so back to this story there's not a update uh did you realize this was posted one day ago no but i did look for the update yeah this was posted one day ago so update to come very very fresh we will keep our eyes peeled for an update op only replies to one comment and it is this comment says not the [ __ ] at all do not take the responsibility of your spouse's axe on yourself you clearly express your sister's wishes he made the choice to go directly against them your sister had every right to not want contact at all with him after that who knows how the kids would have responded or been more traumatized seeing him again you are not petty you are trying to love and respect and support your sister in her time of grief and opie goes yes i agree but he's been giving me grief about how harsh i was towards him and that i should have let him attend the funeral with me completely ignoring the fact he went against my sister's wishes and she rightfully wants some space from him someone else replies to opie and goes it's not about you none of this is about you on repeat until he gets it and someone replies back to that that's what i was going to say tell him quote this is not about you or any of your feelings this is about sister and her kids that's it he made a choice and this is the outcome of his very selfish choice yes yes i honestly i've we've read the most crazy stories i've listened to the most crazy stories on this podcast but this like i genuinely don't think i would ever want to see him again if i was if i was the parent i would just kids i don't think i would i don't think i would forgive him like obviously he could do things to like i you know i'm not going to be he could try to redeem him yeah he could try to redeem himself but like as of how he's acting right now i don't ever see myself wanting to be around this man you'll never trust you'll never trust no but like him gaslighting her you're being petty you're being petty this is a petty problem no petty problems are not this this is life altering for multiple people this is not petty i think i know this sounds kind of crazy but i think one of the only things i'd be thinking about why i would want to have a relationship with him is some familiarity for my kids almost like like the person who told you this news is in our life and their family like um i don't i don't know if that makes sense but like that would be like to try to lessen the survey exactly like that would be my one consideration because if you never see him again it's a random man who just told you this news yeah but i also think the fact that the kids are already so traumatized like this has already been their uncle for the time they've probably been born like i don't know if op ever says how long they've been married um yeah no i'm just saying that's like my one thing that i would be like because otherwise i would be like i don't want to see this man again the only way i would consider it is if he for that reason to try to like to try to lessen the severity of the situation i get that it doesn't mention how long they've been married so we don't know that but i think the fact that these kids were so traumatized by him telling them that they went selectively mute kind of already says like it doesn't i don't i don't think him being included is going to make the situation better because if he was already a part of the family and included in a way like you know what i'm saying like where it's like yeah he already burned the bridge like there's not anything that's going to lessen the severity of this situation because he's not the person that should have told them i think we've burned the bridge on this one and he's gone yep it would be really hard for me how do you move on as the as the what or if i was you know as like whoever i am as my partner and my sister i it would constantly put me in a really uncomfortable place where i'm i know where like i side with i side with my sister and not because she's my sister but because of the situation 100 so it would just be so hard like i would just be like every time i'd go to a family thing i'd remember you were a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it would just be hard like i'm not saying they can't get through it but like it'd be really hard for me i don't know well we'll look out for the update on this one but i can't believe that you said those just a day ago one day ago wow i hopped on that one right i don't know why it always like blows my mind when these things are recent yeah speaking of recent this one was nine days ago popcorn popcorn who you me am i the [ __ ] for cleaning out the fridge without telling my husband [Music] what do you guys think finally like a happy kind of one lighthearted on him do we know what dh is doting husband i believe okay my dh brought home a metal box that he checks on often during the day when it's in the fridge when asked about it he said it contained freshly pickled olives his friend jason got from his uncle's farm and wanted dh to keep till he gets back from his business trip i had no problem with him keeping it safe at the bottom of the fridge dh always asked me to be cautious with the box and not open it as it'd be rude to touch other people's stuff yesterday i decided to clean out the fridge which took me about two two hours from unplugging the fridge emptying all of the items grocery vegetables containers and washing and cleaning out the inside of it letting it settle before plugging it in again i took the box my husband brought out of the fridge and placed it on the kitchen island alongside the containers while i was working i received a video call via whatsapp from my husband while at work feeling bored asking what i was doing i showed him i was cleaning out the fridge and he suddenly freaked out and asked about the metal box i was confused so i told him to calm down and i showed him where the box was he got mad telling me i should not have cleaned out the fridge nor even touched the box without telling him i again tried to ask him to calm down as i saw no big deal about it his precious box was safe and sound but he went on a rant about how the box needed to be put back inside the fridge asap and told me to plug the fridge in right then but i couldn't because it was still wet and i wasn't finished cleaning the other parts apparently i pissed him off by stalling and he hung up and 30 minutes later he came home and pitched a hissy fit saying i should have picked a time where he was home to clean out the fridge so he could take the box somewhere else to keep it cool i said so what it was sitting out of the fridge for barely two hours and olives can stand being outside the fridge for a longer period he said i don't get it and took the box and wanted to leave with it i asked where he was taking it and he said he needed to go back to work and had no time to explain i shrugged this whole thing off but he came back with it in the evening and put it inside the fridge then complained about me cleaning the fridge without telling him and acting dismissive of his opinions i argued that what opinions could he have on cleaning out the fridge he argued back saying he promised jason he'd keep his olives in good condition and i should have just told him end of story i wonder if i messed up he usually doesn't get that mad unless i've messed up and i think that i have is that the end um so what is the [ __ ] is in the box i'm picturing body parts i'm picturing body parts i was just gonna say what body parts are in this i'm i'm over here i'm thinking like sperm one more other story no i know that it doesn't make sense but like that's just where my like where i'm at right now i'm dead ass i'm like what body parts is this yeah like who freaks the [ __ ] out that there and he checks he checks the box at the box multiple times a day yeah but isn't it like the movie rat race where they're trying to keep that heart cool enough to make it all the way through the whole movie i forgot that movie existed oh my god i don't know if i've seen it oh this is it takes place in minnesota doesn't it some i i i don't know that much rat race all i know is there's some heart in some like makeshift cooler and they're trying to keep it a lot i know it sounds really really familiar to where i feel like i've probably seen it but i'm not sure but why is he checking a box of olives multiple times a day because they're precious why is he concerned about the olives being outside of a fridge no one would leave work early for olives i'm sorry that's what i'm saying also like i like justin always is like very concerned about food being left on the counter and like getting food poisoning and the like when i've been to like parties and there's a charcuterie board with olives on it like that [ __ ] sits out for like six hours i wouldn't get worried about olives my mom leaves pizzas out for like three days no more morgan leaves chicken out like all day and that [ __ ] is warm sitting on the counter i'm like dude okay i'm not about to eat this and she'll cook it up be like it's fine here is my theory think about a grad school high school my grad party the chicken had a little heater under it and it was heated i don't leave chicken out for that long but i don't think that was for safety reasons i think that was like for yeah i did i think it's both no i think it was for more like let's not have people eat clothes you can't exactly mess with that [ __ ] though i've been on the bad end of that too but i think well you also have a really sensitive stomach so yeah anyone would be sensitive to that [ __ ] e coli coming up in there anyone's gonna be messy i think you can leave food out for a lot longer than a lot of people think yeah that's what i'm gonna say so like i think about the grad school rule like if i left this out at a grad school party right now could i eat it in six hours yeah oh yeah okay i'm gonna eat it like i don't know like i've forgotten pizza on my counter drunkenly one night and i eat it next night for dinner if i left a chick-fil-a sandwich out overnight i'd eat it the next day i bet i'm eating that [ __ ] yeah those nuggets that chick-fil-a sauce let's go mm-hmm those aren't olives raw raw chicken that's different raw chicken is totally yeah she'll leave raw chicken off for two weeks and eat it raw and then she'll be like think about crowd parties [Laughter] you are just lying i deal with this almost on a daily basis you are lying like you think this chicken's good oh yeah it's fine you're a [ __ ] liar though because you brought [ __ ] costco chicken over and you go oh i think it might be still good and you open up and i smell it and i go no throw it away i don't see my nose growing morgan the hero i'm not pinocchio no i'm not pinocchio you guys i'm pinocchio not not because i'm lying but because you guys like cuties are gonna throw that chicken away two days ago i discovered a snapchat filter that makes you pinocchio and i was like i don't know why this makes me feel like oh i sent that to her i was like i have a dick on my nose and i i'm not mad about it it was floppy flops all around yeah i was very insert clip of me that i sent to morgan you need to redo it you guys i saved mine too i'll send them to you so back to this front there's definitely body parts in there um there's something crazy this is not olives in this box but like why would why would they keep body parts like kidneys but then why would he not why would he not talk okay what are the updates so this is this is a husband like why would you not tell like i'm sorry boys don't tell anything boys keep secrets is that [ __ ] true justin i don't know do you think your kind [ __ ] does that it's [ __ ] i feel attacked um okay so edit first of all yes i'm aware that dh is overprotective of his box but he always box but he always acts like that whenever someone asks him to keep something safe for him like furniture or car parts and second of all so this is a regular occurrence keep this car part safe for me don't let an atomic bomb go off and destroy it please watch my chair yeah i mean this is what i have to deal with with my boyfriend like all of his stuff is like so sacred like i didn't realize that like the fact that my fingerprints on his drawers are going to like that's weird he's being ocd the fact that multiple people are reaching out and dropping items off at his house to keep safe oh drug dealer he has drugs in the furniture what so take it take a peek at this chair right here see the bottom of the chair oh the bottom lining is like sagging a little bit okay there's drugs in there there's trucks in there you got to put that chair in the fridge the minute you said that i go that's where you would sew in drugs i've seen on tick tock you guys this is so wild but i've seen on tick tock videos of semi truck drivers or smugglers smuggling [ __ ] i think you're talking about cartel talk oh i'm on that too i see the planes all the time i see the planes i see cartel talk all the time but i i see all this stuff where people are smuggling i see cartel talk whatever it is where they literally have like a truck full of wood and then if you pick up a section of the wood there's [ __ ] it's lined with cocaine oh yeah i used to watch live pd and they'd put it in all the cars compartments yes tires and everything exactly and so i'm like chairs car parts a box either way there's not [ __ ] olives in there would you have not opened the box i would have opened the box would you like to open the box i want to open the box the minute it got it crazy for not opening the box yes yes the minute he flipped out face time the minute he was like i'm coming home from work don't touch the box or whatever he said you'd have been in there i would have boxed open and you would have seen all the raw all you guys i'm so [ __ ] annoying i will google the movie spoilers when i'm in the middle of the dude she will it's [ __ ] up i want to know and i'm literally and she and she will watch a movie together and then all of a sudden she gets her phone out and she's and then i look over her don't do it and she goes and smiles and i'm like you know you know i'm like don't you dare tell me i don't tell you though you have no you have before you kind of insinuate yeah there's something there's something in the look of your eyes that i instantly know the rest exactly i can't handle what my eyes do then stop googling it i have to know i have to know i was just gonna say i have to know oh my god no i i have i actually the worst part about this story is that i've taken on your bad habits and i started doing that and i like i don't do that with everything what's the point of watching the movie i know i don't do that with everything i do that with series i do with series when i'm just like i am not about to have anxiety for the next like 10 episodes that's what it is so like i just need to know like did you actually die or like are you coming back to life like i just let's get this out of the way i don't want to mourn you for 10 episodes and you come back to life yeah and i don't i haven't regretted it i think that's why game of thrones ending was so heartbreaking for me because i didn't know what was coming oh my god okay they ruined it y'all you guys are crazy but we're not going to go down that rabbit hole wait okay so be sure no what i do want to say though actually from high school one of my best friends in high school her dad he was like so nerdy so sweet they're all quiet like uh no and and like like his mom her mom and her dad were married or are still married like sweetest couple ever so cute whatever he literally grew weed in their basement and well i don't know if he was a drug dealer or if he just like it was a passion or like a hobby but if it's like minnesota it's illegal exactly drug dealers and especially what was this like how many years ago was this like high school you graduated high school in 2011. so you were ages 20 we don't need to talk about these things yeah you're making me feel way too old okay um back to the story okay so edit first of all i'm aware that dh is acting overproductive of the box but he always acts like that whenever someone comes over and asks them to keep an item safe like furniture car parts and second of all no i haven't seen those olives myself and i haven't opened the box because i didn't even think i had to but dh tends to be overprotective of his friend's belongings so it didn't give it much thought how another edit how do you resist because many were wondering yes i unplugged the fridge before cleaning out since i did heavy cleaning you can see that is a common method just google it if you're curious i do it all the time and to give some info the metal box does look like a container of some sort but dh calls it box so i didn't think much different i don't give a [ __ ] about how you unplugged the fridge i want to know what's in the box so i think that the edits are clearly responding to the comments which we don't know what they are yet so go look at her um account and see if there's an update someone goes question what does your husband do for work sanitation construction garbage transportation op replies back no he works at a marketing company as an assistant and is a serial killer dexter dexter someone replies back please open the box yes although i am sure he will have changed whatever was on the inside when he took the box with him [ __ ] someone goes i think she opened the box and he was standing in the doorway that's what i'll continue to think until she says anything else and that had better be her telling us what's in the box or i will lose my mind someone goes marketing company stand down everyone it's just cocaine yeah yeah um which i would not be surprised if it's drugs but then why wouldn't the first yeah exactly why would you freak out about cocaine not being in the fridge like what needs got in the fridge it's got to be a lot of cocaine like what if it's like a hundred thousand dollars and that needs to be in the fridge in the fridge when it's coming in the planes and [ __ ] no no no no but i'm sure like for him it's just like if it's in the fridge don't touch it i know where it is don't touch it because he doesn't want her to open it up but he freaked out about her unplugging the phone don't even bring it home yeah he was he was like you unplugged the fridge i know which also like i guess if it was cocaine and you didn't want your wife to find it why not like stick it anywhere else under your bed there has to be something else what else needs to be in the future he's just [ __ ] nuts about protecting other people's [ __ ] like oh my god morgan's like take these strawberries i'll eat them in a couple of days and i'm just like no matter what i'm going in from the studio every five minutes to make sure they're the fridges those are morgan strawberries yeah another comment info have you actually confirmed that it is really olives in there because it all kind of sounds suspicious no because why would i since husband said it contained olives honestly i don't know why some people think this is weird husband can be a little too dramatic and overprotective of others belongings and since it belongs to his friend then why bother looking inside it's not like he took it from a stranger what's wrong with her she's very trusting i'm pissed so she got literally like almost a thousand down votes on that comment good and someone replies back and goes seriously stop whatever you're doing and go look in that box and if you're [ __ ] posting for fun i don't care pretend you open the box and make up something good yeah god this is [ __ ] crazy what's in the box i what just makes me mad is that she's like why are you going to reddit and asking people for their advice and you're not realizing the fact that this is really questionable hi holly like this is so questionable like what if you're if you if anyone's gonna freak out that much about something in a secret box and you were like there's something bad and you're like why would i look like yeah no one drives home from work to take the box with them back to work and then brings the box back home at the end of the day with olives for real what kind of olives are they are are they [ __ ] gold i don't care if they're imported from italy with like [ __ ] magical truffles on them no one does that i don't know maybe maybe they've been maybe they've been ripened for a hundred years they're not ripened what's it called yes what's it fermented yeah that is true thank you pickled pickled pickled pickled fermented i think they didn't say pickled yeah they did say pickles for a hundred years maybe that's it but still i was so good in a box like let's go with that so we all can just sleep tonight yeah i don't know how you can like literally be that i'm crazy to like not look in the box i would have looked in the box from the get-go i would have said you're not keeping your friend's box in our fridge without exactly same i'll get my own fridge there's not a goddamn chance i would let that box come in my fridge without knowing what's inside is this the end you just closed your computer i kind of like that though it's like a mic drop everyone's gonna be left wondering what is in the box i think this is a good this is a good point to end i think unhinged might have to come in a 2.0 version down the road because i gotta i got a lot saved in this little magical computer of mine how did you feel you've been wanting crazy i really enjoyed this conversation not pretty good we cried we laughed we did rollercoasters we did cry we did laugh this was truly a rollercoaster of emotions yeah i think that's like one thing that's really great about this show is that we are very authentic to ourselves and our emotions and crying is okay yeah yay i really don't have anything else to say on this one except that unhinged 2.0 will be coming down the road at some point that's all we have for you guys on this episode of two hot takes and until next time this was the best day ever until next time until next time bye guys adios [Music]
Channel: Two Hot Takes
Views: 1,287,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, blind reaction, reddit reaction, two hot takes, twohottakes, two hot takes podcast, twohottakespod, twohotakespodcast, reddit read, redditread, Redditpost, reddit relationships, redditrelationship, reddit AITA, AITA, reddit life, podcast, girls reacting to story, story reactions, girl bloggers, girl vlog, los angeles vlog, los angeles podcast, relationship advice, r/relationship, relationshipadvice, call her daddy, hot topics, emma chamberlain, she rates dogs, rslash, r/slash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 7sec (7027 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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