Paranormal -- Reddit Stories -- FULL EPISODE !!

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okay let's introduce ourselves before we forget and get to the end and we're doing it hi guys welcome back to another episode of two hot takes i'm your host morgan and i'm alejandra and i'm lauren that was better good job coming at you guys with a trio episode um we're so excited for this it's been like a freaking a request people have been trio bring them back yeah when was the first one a month ago forever first and only actually yeah we were we were scared to do another trio yeah we were but here we are but here we are with truly spooky vibes paranormal are you shocked she's doing this one yeah a little bit i mean how scary can it be um [Music] i have some listener write-ins that actually sent in pictures of their ghosts like it's it's pretty scary oh [ __ ] okay yeah lauren um is really really scared of like scary movies like she cannot listen to crime like true crime podcasts like she can't really watch scary movies and so before we started recording tonight she's like should i watch squid game and we're like no you you will cry and have a nervous breakdown well i originally thought that squid games was like another like the circle or like too hot to handle so i thought it was just like a reality show yeah very much not that [ __ ] is dark yeah i did go to the stanley hotel uh last weekend which it's in estes park and apparently it's where the shining was filmed and our um our driver was saying that um i said driver because it wasn't a uber driver apparently they only do like safe rides there but the driver sounded very like elite like my driver but no um but anyway um he was saying that uh jim carrey filmed there for dumb and dumber and or stayed there when they were filming there um and apparently he ran out and said i i refuse to stay at this hotel it's haunted yeah yeah yeah and it's super haunted our server said that he's only been working there for like six months but he said that he had a guest that took all of her clothes off and ran around naked in the lobby saying that a ghost was chasing her oh and i had drinks there so like that's impressive thank you yeah yeah this going into it yeah oh yeah wow i didn't know like the other stories but i knew that it was like haunted okay yeah wow this is kind of funny that you mentioned that because we have a listener write in from the stanley oh yeah and it happened six months ago oh it was her she was naked let's see so listener writes in and she goes what happened to me at the stanley hotel hello this happened to me about six months ago when i was visiting colorado with my family for context myself and my boyfriend had booked night tour tickets to the stanley and i was thrilled for clarification i'm something of a hopeful skeptic and my boyfriend is more on the side of disbelief entirely i would just go ahead and call him a skeptic but his conviction goes far beyond the ramifications of the word in this context to my belief i think he thinks the whole idea of ghosts and the paranormal is fun but it just doesn't seem realistic to him and he outright refuses to put any belief in the idea i was genuinely excited for the whole thing me being the little ghoul i am had already done research into the whole history of the building and was mainly just excited to be there and see what the tour had to offer my boyfriend the trooper he is was just along for the ride the tour guide allegedly warned us before we began that due to the high altitude we may feel faint or pass out and if we felt we were going to it was okay to step out or take a moment and that the tour would circle back around important note i suffer from heart palpitations and they have been intense enough in the past that i had to fight to stay conscious i have almost passed out before due to them but the cause wouldn't be something such as altitude and even if that did happen i declined the prospect of missing any of the two at the beginning in all seriousness i was going to stay in the tour even if i had severe palpitations let's cut to the chase and i will say this while leaving out as much as possible so it's an entirely blank slate experience for any who might wish to attend it was time to enter lucy's room there was no light whatsoever in this room except for a red light which was the only light in the hallway which spilled into the entryway of the room but did absolutely nothing in the way of revealing the interior my boyfriend was actually a little jumpy and hot-footed it since he was a little wary of entering i remember pushing him out of the way not literally i just got in front of him and saying don't be scared and entering why would i say this you might ask i want it to be known i was genuinely excited to be there i was genuinely excited at the prospect of seeing something i couldn't explain and having a reason to believe there was an ounce of fear in me of course but i couldn't imagine any time being wasted due to fear i was too elated at the entire situation and the prospects it held we entered and i put myself in the corner so i had a view of the door and the people coming in from the moment i entered i began to see little white shapes dance across my vision no biggie i had seen similar shapes in dark rooms as a child nothing new there something to do with my eyes adjusting to the light no doubt however just under a minute of me being in this corner i noticed as i was watching people file into the room i started seeing their after images follow behind them not anything like a little blur that covered the next people coming in to make that effect i kept seeing the same person enter over and over again like a haze and it was happening for everyone for instance guy number one is super buff and short after he enters the first time i would see the exact same shape followed closely behind girl number two who's super tall and lanky would enter for the first time and i would see her shape follow closely behind and enter the room over and over again and it wouldn't stop i think there's a term for this experience actually and in those stories the visual effect follows the person these kept going i started to think my eyes were playing tricks on me due to the light and i wiped my eyes to get rid of it nope kept happening i began to feel light like i was floating and light as a feather i can no longer feel the floor beneath me or anything for that matter i don't imagine it as being lifted it was suddenly like all sense just disappeared except sight nothing around me like i was there but i wasn't and even that doesn't describe it it almost felt like i was being held off the ground in suspension but there was no weight pulling me down i felt like i weighed nothing at all and i remember envisioning a feather in the center of my chest i felt what can only be described as my head falling backwards and my eyes closing but i could see perfectly and there was no concept of shape i remember having to fight to regain control over my body again and when i looked up the hazes were still happening same guy number one entering the room over and over again same girl number one entering the room over and over again and i remember feeling a sense of danger and knowing i needed to leave so i said i need to go and waited to see if the haze is cleared they didn't but the hazes seemed to move out of the way instead i remembered gunning it for the door and hoping i didn't hit anybody the hallway was distorted like looking through a fisheye lens the walls were tall and round and the floor was thin and long and the red light was intense i ran back to the stairs i initially came down and noticed the carpet was distorted as well no color changes but certain areas of the pattern were bulged and round and other parts were thin and spindly i ran up the stairs as best as i could and my vision began to blank when i remember this part now i distinctly remember it in frames like i remember being by one chair when i came up the stairs and being much farther away and closer to the doors next not like a fluid memory that plays normally in your head and the moment i got out of those doors it was normal again it took a few seconds to clear up but almost instantly after i was fine again completely fine now as i said i've almost passed out before on multiple occasions and for me there's always a warning and a sense of dread there's panic and i know it's coming ahead of time and now due to a more recent event i have almost passed out due to low blood sugar so i still haven't experienced anything like this as well in the moment i felt like i was falling back i felt no fear only confusion and peace i wondered what was happening but i wasn't terrified and panicking in the moment like i have been since i've never experienced anything visual like this either not since or before in fact nothing i experienced in the story i've ever experienced before or after which is why this experience excited me the moment everything cleared away after i got outside as well i remember being super angry with myself for not sticking through it and seeing what happened because i got exactly what i wanted a super cool experience with no explanation from my end i heard later on from another person on the tour that she thought i was an actor which was fun and the buff guy was a real guy he told me later on his wife had to stop him from running too i understand this sounds super made up and crazy because even though i have fun telling my friends and family this story it definitely comes across as a short fiction on paper but i promise for what it's worth this actually happened and this is actually one of the best stories i'll ever most likely have she sounds like damn you're a normal lover wait so what about her boyfriend did he experience anything that's my question um so top comment isn't this related to the lack of oxygen and she goes it's entirely possible but i would assume passing out from lack of oxygen would feel the same as passing out from hyperventilating or low blood sugar i'm actually dumbfounded i didn't look into this more so i will just personally haven't had any issues with high altitude and i didn't assume passing out like that would include whole hallucinations and um someone else goes did your boyfriend say anything about how you're acting during all this and they go in the moment after i return to the group he was super supportive and comforting when i returned the little white shapes i mentioned previously came back and stayed until we left the room he did the good boyfriend thing and comforted me and tried to get them to go away since in all seriousness he thought i was experiencing an intense panic attack before and during the experience he didn't really react because to be fair he didn't really have much time too the way i wrote it probably conveys that this happened over the course of a few minutes whereas in reality the actual experience occurred over the course of a minute or two at most possibly less he has heard the recounting of the tail from my lips and seems to be on the side of she just had a wild-ass panic attack which is unfortunate but what can one do i mean it does the way she's explaining it does kind of sound like somebody who's on like the brink of fainting and when she describes like certain aspects i'm like that's kind of how i feel when i'm in like a strobe light situation where i start to kind of like disassociate with my like surroundings and all of a sudden i'm just like watching myself move in slow motion so i mean i'm not doubting her experience at all it's just like so hard because you're like is this like a visceral response to something yeah is it like you know i know is it true paranormal i would like i would feel the exact same way and that's kind of where my head was at too but just because of the stanley hotel having all these weird stories that happened the story though like what happened there i actually have no i have no idea i don't know i the only thing that i knew about it is that they say it's haunted and that the shining was filmed there which is kind of funny that i went to the that building because i wouldn't even watch the shining with you and sarah when you guys tried to make me remember sarah but yeah yeah i don't even think i could tell you what happens in that movie um yeah that's that's interesting i don't know if i could subject myself to that well i didn't do the tour but yeah but um they were all sold out we did look into doing the tours we just got drinks in like the restaurant so we didn't actually get to like go fully immersed in there yeah i probably would be a little bit more nervous if we did what else did the server that you hung out with that worked there to say that's all you said just the naked girl story oh i was just laughing because we were making fun of the server and we were like oh so your ex-girlfriend like we kept pretending that was his ex-girlfriend okay well up next yeah if you're watching on youtube me and alejandra are going to go back and forth with headphones because i need to go buy another pair because sharing is caring sharing is caring except kovid we don't share cove okay so this next one is actually from a paranormal investigator oh nice that's a job yeah you didn't know that either i knew there was like uh ghost hunters or whatever not ghostbusters but like well he like basically no you know [Laughter] you know the like shows i'm blanking on the names but they're actually like that's their job and they shut down the area and they like take their little like yeah pictures of the room and then they have a little ghost machine 10 degrees like paranormal is here you know what i mean they like they do it they study it i'm like i think that's him yeah like anyone out there is like [ __ ] you you're butchering this profession but i know it's a real job it's so funny because um do you we had the circle on and that's the only time i ever saw is when we were we had a bunch of people over and we were all watching this reality show oh yeah yeah when like kendrick and all them were there so um they had this like fake occupation in the circle where this guy like said that he was a ghost hunter oh and he was explaining what it was like to be a ghost hunter and how he came into that career and everybody like their reactions were so priceless but he was making everything up but yeah well this guy isn't okay okay let's hear it so this listener actually wrote this to me in june of like 2021 so like months ago so he goes to start i think it is relevant that i provide a little background information my name is jake 28 male and i've been studying the occult and paranormal for the better part of 13 years and almost 10 semi-professionally i have personally investigated over 150 alleged hauntings and have been a part of three teams i've been able to meet many interesting people doing this i was even able to meet and have a very personal conversation with lorraine warren the person whose case files the conjuring movies are based off of oh my gosh despite all the recent criticism from the paranormal community she was a wonderful woman to meet why is this important i don't mean to sound arrogant it serves a purpose most of my research is mundane and boring many things that appear to be supernatural can usually be explained away by sometimes complex however usually mundane and normal scientific means i try to stay skeptical and look for sound reasons in everything even where there is none in my 10 plus years of research i've only had a handful of things ever baffle me and of those experiences none of them shook me to my core more than this one give it to us i got the chill i know i'm excited in the summer of 2012 around a family get-together my uncle had mentioned that he had previously purchased a property and that his workers have reported weird happenings my uncle is a businessman that makes his money by buying foreclosed or derelict commercial properties in and around the chicagoland area and essentially flipping them by turning them back into either functional businesses or renovated commercial buildings as it is common knowledge among my family that i am heavily invested in paranormal research he brought the complaints to me mostly in just at the time after some prodding and convincing i was able to have his ear long enough to have him agree that me and my team would be allowed to set up an investigation he seemed to think little of the stories that his employees would tell i took them differently as many of them sounded like the employees were genuinely terrified one of the reasons i became a paranormal researcher was to help debunk fears when someone had no one to turn to my uncle was mostly a shrewd man when it came to money so i offered my services free of charge in hopes that i may be able to bring some closure or peace to the employees after a month my team and i were chicago bound with all of our equipment i had with me my best friend derek 21 male at the time and my other friend eric 22 male at the time between us we had several cameras sensors and various instruments of the trade when we arrived it was clear that renovations were in full swing and mostly complete the building was a large three-story and housed a hotel with a full restaurant and ballroom despite my uncle's wealth my immediate family was lower middle class and it was very obvious to all of us in our band tees and rusty astrovan that we were gravely underdressed we made our way inside to the front desk weaving in between the hustle and bustle of what was happening around us we were met by a receptionist and he asked what we needed and asked if we were lost obviously alluding to our shabby college appearances we tried our best lol i explained that our uncle had told us that he was going to allow us to set up for the night and do a lockdown style investigation the receptionist seemed confused by this information stating that he did not doubt that my uncle gave us that permission but that it would be difficult to achieve as they would be having guests there that night and they had just recently opened for business at this point i was feeling quite disappointed and he saw that on my face he excused himself and stated that he would talk to his manager and if need be contact my uncle to sort it out after a few moments he comes back he says that there was a slight misunderstanding with the schedule and says that regardless we can have a room and stay the night and as long as we would like that we were free to set up and investigate as long as it did not interfere with other guests another nice looking man walks up as our talk with the receptionist ends and says that he will provide a tour of the place so that we can become acquainted with the layout he took us through the lobby into the packed restaurant and showed us the kitchen that was in full production dinner fury after that he showed us to the ballroom that was empty and closed for further renovation however showed us around backstage in case we wish to investigate there finally we were shown around the corridors and rooms after the tour we returned to our van to retrieve our equipment we were overly excited to be staying in such a nice place and i called my uncle to thank him and explain the schedule mix-up when i asked him why he had us investigating in the full swing of business day he responded with confusion he asked us to verify the address as we began to unpack things he explained that we must be in the wrong place since he had only just begun renovations on the building and it was supposed to be empty as he said that a shiver ran down my spine my phone then died in my hand and derricks and eric's phones began to rapidly ring before also dying we all turned around to look back across the street to see a building in ruin no i oh my god i got full body chills same the same building we had just walked through somehow we checked the chained door and boarded up windows and even tried to retrace our steps on our tour and parts of the building that we were supposedly just in were even completely missing at this point we were beyond scared but tried to talk through it rationally as we climbed back in our van we had nothing we couldn't all have hallucinated the same with the exact same details even recalling such details among each other down to the color of the napkins the dining people were using we debated stain but as we were deciding we checked all of our equipment and all of our batteries backup batteries and backup backup batteries were completely drained holy [ __ ] this is insane yeah at this point we were really terrified and just wanted to leave luckily our van started and we pulled away quickly not once looking back holy [ __ ] i feel like oh my god that's something that's what creep me out is that you're both you're like all walking through the same all of the hallucination because you're like or not whatever the hell i've never heard anything like that before that i feel like i would be institutionalized after this yeah like i don't i don't say that lightly like i would honestly be like in an asylum after this i would check myself in i'd be like clearly i like can't trust my lego in sight but the fact that all of them i know that is so crazy i would use three separate people well you know what's crazy when you were telling it's not crazy but when you were talking about this i was like his uncle sounds like a developer and it sounds very developed meaning it's like out of his hands at this point like why are they touring like a full building if that's in business like clearly it's past inspection like it doesn't matter anymore it's kind of like his hands are clean so i was a little confused by that detail but then i was like oh my god so were there any people there there were people but i'm saying were there still people once they looked back no i assumed the building was in ruin like my god it was literally parts of it were missing he said parts that of the building that we were supposedly just in were even completely missing the receptionist wasn't real none of it was real it was like it was literally a ghost vision but like that how does does he have an analysis of like what this could be so he goes on to say to this day this is the only investigation i have ever abandoned and hope that someday i get to return to finish since 2012 the building has been restored to its original hotel restaurant combo my uncle asked me to be vague about business details as he still owns and operates his property and has let me know that many guests and employees continue to see people walk into dead ends then vanish and other ghostly encounters oh my god as stated before most investigations turn out to be mundane or debunked hauntings are never like in the movie but in this circumstance we were completely floored and it made me a believer for life after some background research on the building it was clear that there was never any tragedy or out of the ordinary deaths on the premises i like to believe that we simply somehow walked into an echo or ripple in time like a ghost of the atmosphere and happenings and maybe even a snapshot of some people too that is that is like wild there's a okay there and that's actually a really cool theory that no it is an actual theory that there are like alternative universes like simultaneously happening like every little decision that you made today could have like one other one in another universe could ripple it like i think justin would [ __ ] know about this this little space stephen hawking genius boy but like it is an actual thing yeah no there's a there's a there's a documentary it's they believe that like the bermuda triangle has something to do with that and there's something called like the zone of death or something like that where there's like no gravity like anybody who flies and they're like pilots who fly in there have completely lost direction like there's no like all of their compasses stopped working yeah and there's somebody who like came out of there and it was like a different like year and then yeah it's like some manifest [ __ ] yeah yeah it's literally like the show manifest i wish i knew the netflix documentary so i wasn't just like speaking out of my ass right now but it is something that brett was watching and i was watching it too we'll find it we'll put it in the youtube unexplained yeah we'll find it so crazy yeah but it's kind of cool that he was like nothing bad happened there we genuinely think that we entered like a ripple in time or something kind of cool like it's very chilling yeah but i would but nothing scary happened necessarily you know like he didn't have any one like mess with him i mean yes of course the whole thing was scary but like nobody was being mean to him like the guy was really nice at the counter it sounded like well and it's it's really crazy it almost it reminds me of a lot of things like it reminds me of like the titanic where they like are in the bones of the titanic and then like the movie and then all of a sudden it flashes like back to the actual like titanic yeah or like um there's a movie with owen wilson lauren your favorite person uh but there's a movie with him called midnight in paris yeah where he my mom literally just watched that that's the movie i was telling you guys about it's so good that's literally the movie so it reminds me of that where it's like all of a sudden you're like in this alternative universe but like everything is so real you just transport about your time what's crazy to me the chains were on the gates of this yeah like how did they walk in so freely into this building like this was a true like ghost world yeah and the fact that their phones everything lost batteries yeah the gravitational pull or whatever of whatever happened magnetic field or something crazy like which is similar to the documentary i was watching it's so crazy i know it's like the minute that he was on the phone with the uncle they just took all of the technology out yeah well like their batteries their backup batteries their backup backup batteries the fact that the phones like his friend's phone started like ringing rapidly and then all of a sudden died yeah like unreal unreal i still have the chills me too i have constant goosebumps i'm literally gonna email him back now and be like absolutely insane also what hotels so i can stay there the next time yeah i think he was saying that he doesn't want to because his uncle still does business but he'll tell me right maybe like hush jake jake you're going to tell us right i would tell you would you if i was with people yeah yeah that's three yeah would you do it yeah if we all agreed on it okay let's do whatever came back no then we'll be it's restored now people stay there please what a way to go um wow insane i wouldn't stay there we can go i would like check out the dessert yeah yeah i wouldn't stay there no stay in the night would definitely be unless we were all cuddled but no even so yeah the whole time yeah but not staying there yeah i'm not sitting there i'll just hold hands but i'm okay not sleeping there yeah i know we can go say it we can stay at another place but okay i think it would be good oh that's [ __ ] up that's like the craziest coolest i don't think anything can top that no well this next one she sent in a picture sorry that was so [Laughter] i am so sorry cut that out no it's stained that's good start the episode with that [Laughter] yeah add it to the two hot takes soundtrack it's like layers justin can you like chop and screw that yeah we'll add it in so up next another listener write-in we're starting off today with listener writings i kind of like it so they go okay so i don't know if you're still taking paranormal stories for a future episode but i figure i send in my experience so my freshman year i was in a triple dorm with two girls who i genuinely did not get along with however we are all united on the front that something weird spooky was happening in our room we were on the second story of our dorm building and often we would begin to hear jack and the box music we would go investigate with all three of us to see if anyone in the hallway was playing music or outside our window but never found anyone this would happen frequently other times we would all be watching something on the television we shared and suddenly books would fall from the shelves they had been on and the tv would glitch one time while watching tv it turned itself off and the tv stand shook and the flat screen fell over we all watched in horror of it and screamed after a few occurrences like this we decided to tell our ra about our weird experiences together because we did not want to seem crazy so we all went together and she informed us that lots of people on the floors above us but in the same room i.e the room directly above us on each floor so like 101 202 302 etc had reported similar happenings to their ras the freakiest happening didn't come until we shared with our ra though our dorm room doors were on the hydraulic hinges so no one could slam the door and they would shut slowly behind for move-in efficiency from the university this meant that no one could pull the door shut quickly it simply couldn't be done with the weight of the hinges and the weight of the door all of my roommates and i had anxiety so this feature was rather nice because we knew when the door was being opened and closed since it was so heavy and had those special hinges every night we all triple checked the door being locked before bed because of how bad all of our anxiety was on one night after we had all checked on the door and gone lay down in our lofted beds the door slammed open and was slammed shut again just as quickly we all three screamed because it shocked and terrified us from not only the noise but realization it should not have been physically possible due to the door being locked and the hinges the door used our screams were so loud that our ra and other people on our floor ran to see what was wrong and tried to open our door it was locked again just as it had been when we checked it before the incident however none of us had gone out of the bed before they'd reached the door to check on us after the incident we all struggled to live there it was scary and my anxiety increased 100 small things happened here and there like the bluetooth speaker turning on and playing creepy classical music oh no shut up despite my roommate being the only one connected to it with a password thankfully nothing like the door incident ever happened again but my r.a did share a picture of the ghost we all believed was haunting us from one of the residents that lived above us i attached the picture here i got so stressed out living there i decided to move out early all the random freaky occurrences really stressed me out i'm convinced that a previous student from the dorm is haunting it the building has been on campus since 1940. ever since every time i hear a ghost story i instantly believe people oh okay wait i'm so scared you don't want to be sure it's not going to be that creepy what if it is you don't know do you think it is it it gives me the chills for sure i just the fact that they all three were already stressed out and like doubled triple checking the locks and then that happens oh my god yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] helps me stomach it it's a person in a black jumpsuit okay i was not prepared for that glowy like me too but oh my god oh my it's hovering off the ground no shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up it's the lady hovering off the ground it's not connected you are [ __ ] with me no dead ass this is a real listener write-in here's the email oh my god cause what if they're just [ __ ] with us i think they're [ __ ] with us i'm crying i didn't think you guys would react like i didn't either i don't like scream my arms are numb right now like my arms are going down during the story oh my god yeah so oh i don't know what no no no no i had okay so like i had another listener right and send in pictures too are you crying yeah just from laughing at you guys i'm not scared i'm like laughing at you okay um but i do have someone that sent in a video like that sent in pictures of them after a ghost attacked them and they have scratched sharks and hand prints all over and i can't find the story anymore so if you're the listener hearing this like oh my god but basically had a ghost dude alejandra i'm sleeping in your bed tonight oh my god yeah seriously i think wait i have a story that i could like it's probably like best to tell right now okay okay tell it all right i know you have a personal ghost experience this is one of them yeah you can't it's not that crazy but um okay so do i know it no no i don't think so um so when i lived in minnesota one of the like my my mom moved into a house in eden prairie when with her like second husband's like my stepdad and um we i don't know we things always happened to where we thought the house was like haunted or maybe not honey i do remember you're saying like no well when you were leaving to go to la when we were kids i remember being in your basement and like yeah and like everybody was just like oh yeah like you know like oh really yeah yeah and i was like the [ __ ] why are we here yeah like i'll give you like really quick instances for context so like um we had a basement we finished it so in minnesota you have basements and um sometimes they're unfinished meaning like they're just like grab like framework but then people finish them and like furnish them whatever so we finished ours but when we bought it it wasn't and like little weird things would happen like we had a dog and the dog would go down there and it wasn't a very yappy dog and it would go down there and just like bark at like a corner like as if it saw something and we're just kind of like come on like it would just like sit there and bark and then fernanda who they say that like kids and animals have like more of a window into these things definitely and so fernanda was like three or four and she's like a very even keel child like doesn't like cause scenes nothing and my mom would be like go downstairs and clean up your room because i think her like playroom is down there and one day she came running up the stairs maybe she was older than three like maybe five came up the stairs like crying and she said she saw something down there like oh my gosh and we were just like okay she's a kid like but like weird things that happened so like one of my like best friends whitney like she'd be over and we would be like watching tv on my main floor so it had three floors upstairs main floor basement and we knew nobody was home and you could like very clearly hear footsteps and it wasn't like did you hear that we'd both be like you hear that yup and it would be like like you'd hear footsteps yeah and you could chalk it up it wasn't a super old house so like you i don't know like it was weird but not like super weird yeah and then um the weirdest thing that happened one of the weirder things that happened is my mom was sleeping one night and she had like a bad dream or like it was a dream and the dream was that like it felt real it was almost like lucid dreaming where like you you feel like kind of feel like you're awake yeah you remember everything and you feel like you're actually like going through the motions and she said she felt like a body hovering behind her but she was sleeping alone and she could like see the body in her like dream or whatever and it was like just long black hair in front of the face kind of like the grudge the ring or the ring whichever one that is yeah yeah and she my mom is like a religious person so she tried to like do the like in the name of the father-son holy spirit like the cross and she said that like she would get this far and then something would whack her hand away and she like could like couldn't do it okay this probably wasn't a dream she doesn't know she feels like it was real this does not sound like a dream i know and so then the next morning fernando's still very young at this point like i want to say five something in that range my mom's like brushing her hair getting her ready for the day and my mom's like how did you sleep and fernanda's like um i slept okay i just had like a bad dream my mom was like oh what was it she was like there was this person sleeping behind me with long black hair oh my god and it was the same night oh my god no and like yeah there wasn't a person in the house let's put it that way but it was more of like a paranormal situation no this is a for sure like a [ __ ] ghost or like evil spirit like you could argue like okay this was like a sleep paralysis demon but how do your mom and little sister on the same night without talking to each other exactly envision the same exactly thing it's either a wild coincidence or like there was some shared like energy that night no there's there's a ghost yeah like some spirit they both just like had this like weird like vision that night and it was that was like chilling and obviously she's a child so my mom wouldn't like tell her that no to like freak her out and so my mom didn't she was like oh that sounds scary and like it's just a dream she wasn't like oh my god girl me too you know you don't tell her you're a child no but yeah it was just weird things happened in that house nothing to where it was never like wow we need to get out of this house it's so bad yeah but it was like little things like the footsteps and i feel like i don't really remember like just weird noises like stuff like that it was never like harmful that's like the most harmful it was probably you guys know about my experience in palm springs right oh you told my mom about this yes well me too but like you and my mom were like bonding that night oh okay so i had to go to palm springs for like a field work like one of my internships and i happen to know someone through my grad program that like his mom owned an extra house in palm springs she was going to turn it into an airbnb so like they let me stay there i paid but like i got to stay there and it was just me there for half the time and then like his cousin moved in as well and so it used to be an assisted living facility it was like a three bedroom or four bedroom house that was an assisted living place and so i had the master that had like my own bathroom and whatever and so i'm like laying down watching like great british bake off one night like trying to fall asleep and all of a sudden i hear footsteps going up and down the hallway and i could hear mumbled voices down at the other end and like if my bedroom was here the hallway went in an l and then there was like washer and dryer and so it sounded like they were like at the end of the hallway talking and then all of a sudden the light switch on off on off and i could look under the door and you could see it going on off and i just literally i was like this isn't real this isn't real pulled the sheet over my head and just laid there all night it was awake you weren't sleeping i was not sleeping i hadn't fallen asleep yet hadn't fallen asleep yet it was so scary and then like that was the first experience and then the cousin moved in and the cousin wasn't living with me at the time so it couldn't have been him and a friend like no one was living with me yet cousin moved in and there was a bedroom at the end of the hall by the washer and dryer and after this experience i was always so scared that maybe someone was like living in there without me knowing so every time i would hit the doorknobs to make sure they were still locked locked all the time and so i came home from work one day and his cousin goes um super weird but like did you happen to go in to the bedroom at the end of the hall and i was like no like it's always locked and he goes strange like i came home from work today and the room was wide open i didn't unlock it and i talked to my aunt and she didn't unlock it either and you never know how it got unlocked no we no one we couldn't figure it out it was just unlocked and open one day oh i hate it yeah i was so so happy when i got to move out of there yeah oh that's just it's scary because it's like unexplained yeah luckily it's not malicious you know like to where you're like they're you know what i mean yeah it's not i have one like eerie story i don't know if i've told you guys this before but i was pretty young and i was with my siblings and we were at my mom's boyfriend's cabin and my mom and her boyfriend like went out to this bar like i don't know it was super far away like this cabin was in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere like the closest like bar town was like like miles and miles away and all of a sudden like we're all just you know watching tv hanging out like just kids alone and banging on all of the doors like one door then other door like the next door like the window like it was just like we were so insanely terrified that we all went and i don't even know if we had like cell phones at the time and maybe probably i don't know but but like we all went and like hid underneath things like we were like hiding underneath this like um coffee table and just were shaking once we finally like got a hold of my mom and her boyfriend they told us that it was one of their friends playing a prank on us i figured no no wait for it [ __ ] 10 years later or like five years whatever it was my mom said no it wasn't we have no idea no idea till this day who or what that was we just didn't want you guys to be terrified and never go back to the cabin again but weren't they concerned oh i got the chills again yeah but we i have we have no idea did they like race home after that to be like well i don't even know if we got a hold of them at that point or if it was until they got home and then we told them i don't i don't i was pretty young like i was the youngest of all my siblings so i just remember being terrified i don't remember all the details but i just when my mom told me that that wasn't the truth oh my god i was like you're kidding me so i got i've never heard that story yeah that is absolutely terrifying i would yeah i would i'm like i'm a scaredy cat like i get spooked yeah like especially by loud like like i was just at not scary farms last week oh fun yeah except not if you're spooked like i didn't know that you went there yeah fun yeah and it was um i went with brett for his birthday because he's like obsessed with that okay like i think the thing that brings him the most joy is like me being scared he like likes like me being terrorized oh my god yeah and so we went through like one of the haunted or not the haunted mazes whatever like the scary mazes and i just like have like a heart attack when i'm in there like i get so spooked when things yeah even though i'm like i know something's about to jump out at me i can't i can't react i hear a chainsaw noise yeah yeah um yeah no no no yeah it was not okay i know it's really crazy too because like i mentioned it on a couple episodes but i didn't like ever make a post being like send me your paranormal stories yeah but i had probably close to 100 emails yeah i believe it's 100 emails there's so many stories that i want to share that like we're just not yeah gonna be able to get to but i'm just like i'm gonna have to figure out a way to like screenshot and post like on a website i gotta get a website up and going okay so i think this is gonna be the last listener write-in and then we'll get a couple of reddit in so so when i 28 female now was 18 i lived with my boyfriend and his family and next door to his brother and sister-in-law a friend of my boyfriend's mom owned and rented out a house behind the one we lived in and we were soon introduced to the new tenant of that house whose nickname we'll say is scorpion he was a retired u.s marshal tattoo artist and minister that is like the most eclectic well-rounded scorpion's a well-rounded guy scorpion does it all he had a former canine police dog a white german shepherd named zeus oh he was very friendly he was very friendly and would always come sit under our carport and use our wi-fi a couple of months after us knowing him he started talking about waking up with scratches hearing strange noises and his belongings going missing he became suspicious of paranormal activity in the house he was renting so he would set up his phone to record audio at night he captured some audio of himself growling and speaking in tongues while he thought he was asleep but we wrote it off as him just trying to scare us and weren't really concerned but he continued to tell us stories of strange happenings in his house so one day my boyfriend's sister-in-law and i decided to go over to scorpion's house with him and do a little ghost hunting of our own when we arrived we started with the usual if there's anyone with us give us a sign commands not really expecting anything to happen well about 10 minutes into walking around and asking questions we heard knocking coming from the master bathroom we went in the master bedroom and couldn't find any source for the noise still asking questions and walking around in the dark room we heard something heavy drop onto the floor near the bed we turned on the light and found a brown leather baseball that scorpion was shocked to see and said he'd never seen it before creepy but not terrifying so we continue to go home bravest [ __ ] sorry that's scary sorry why am i sorry it's a little loud in the microwave it's okay i just can't believe how brave they are just wait just wait just wait okay after a while of getting no responses to our questions we got bored and all sat in the living room the way scorpion had his living room set up there were two couches back against two adjacent walls created a 90 degree angle my boyfriend's sister-in-law and i sat on the couch closest to the exterior door and scorpion sat on the other couch we are all in idle conversation when suddenly scorpion's well-trained and well-behaved german shepherd went absolutely nuts and started barking and growling at scorpion hair raised on his back burying his teeth and looking ready to attack we were shocked because this was so unlike zeus my boyfriend's sister-in-law and i both looked at scorpion to see what his reaction to this was and as soon as we looked his way he slowly turned his head towards us with a completely unrecognizable change coming over his face the only way i can describe it is animalistic like a feral evil looking on his face stop once he was making eye contact his mouth started twitching and he started snarling at us all while his dog is still in attack mode and freaking out on him i'm gonna throw up are you serious i don't know what i would do needless to say sister-in-law and i flew out of the house not stopping until we got back to my boyfriend's parents house scorpion did not follow thankfully i'm a big googler and i immediately started looking up everything that happened and all signs were pointing to demonic possession really because i was thinking split personality disorder maybe have you seen that show about that guy in that movie about that person who has split personality they say i've looked this up that people with like severe cases can change their physical appearance like in some cases their eye color could change if you remember you telling me that before actually really yeah but that's not even like that's not demonic there's nothing no i don't know a lot of people in our brain yeah it's just the brain yeah so i'm like if you watch videos like in my psych class like you used to have to watch videos of like schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder and with each personality the person changes yeah and the way they look totally changes exactly their mannerisms everything so that would be my like rational thought but there's probably more to it right now there's more i don't know i did not expect to be this like that's why i was like lauren i'm surprised you're coming oh my god i thought it was totally good it was like boo yeah literally no it's like the friendly ghost i yeah this is this is more than you this is out of control well now i know that i need to change what reddit once i read oh [ __ ] um so fast forward a few hours and i was leaving to go to work the driveway at her house was kind of long so i had a little ways to back down before getting to the street right after getting into my car and starting it i saw scorpion walking over he went under the carport where my boyfriend's family was sitting and sat down i was backing down the driveway at this point but i saw him look up and lock eyes with me and say something i got to the end of the driveway and backed into the street putting my car in a drive to pull off when a truck that was parked in the school parking lot across from our house floored it and backed into me once the police report was done and i had called in to work i walked back up to the carport where everyone was sitting thankfully carport sorry it's like a garage that's what you guys you guys have at your oh only because that's what jeff's thing is it's a car it's just like he doesn't like have a great garage it's like an awning that you park your car under oh i did not speak well he does not have a good rubber rod i didn't even hear [Laughter] thankfully scorpion was gone but my sister-in-law was white as a ghost she told me that as i was backing down the driveway scorpion was staring at my car and said in a taunting sing-song tone be careful about 30 seconds before the truck backed into me coincidence i'm not so sure fast forward a few weeks and sister-in-law text me while i'm at work to tell me scorpion got in touch with a local paranormal investigation group and they're going to investigate his house that night i agree to head over with sister-in-law when i get off work so that night we walk over and meet the team they had five people and all of their equipment we separated into two groups myself and three of the investigators and scorpion sister-in-law and the other two members of the team my group went in a scorpion's bedroom lights off and doors shut and the other group went into the adjacent spare bedroom i backed into a wall near the door as the team pulled out a ouija board and started asking questions bad idea that's a real thing yeah people do that apparently like for purposes other than just like to [ __ ] with people yeah i mean all a hundred looks like each other sorry what who are these amateurs yeah we're like this team is a bunch of 12 year olds yeah bad idea i know but i was too scared to leave the room by myself so i stayed they asked all the routine questions that paranormal investigators ask but got no response after about 15 minutes we all met back in the living room everyone from the other group was wide-eyed and looking nervous my sister-in-law asked us what happened and why one of us screamed our group all looked at each other confused and told them that none of us had screamed or even talked above a whisper cue confusion for everyone as they all tell us they definitely heard a high-pitched scream from the master bedroom i quickly left after that not long after this scorpion was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given less than a year to live he was having frequent seizures needing some sort of transfusion weekly and was preparing to begin hospice care he had to quit his job and moved out of the house he was renting to live with family honestly we all forgot about him until we saw him at the grocery store a few years ago which would have been about six years after all of this happened he looked completely normal healthy even and all i can think is that he's better because he got out of that creepy house for sure oh my god oh my god i have a feeling this guy's they call him scorpion because he has a big scorpion tattoo probably something like that he's a tattoo you know just like yeah exactly yeah that's a side note but oh my god yeah i mean we can't rule out multi-personality disorder you can't rule it out and the scream is weird though right yes and the dog's snarling at him but that's crazy but the dog but dogs can sense so if he was going into that other personality the dog could have sensed an energy shift and been like true this feels wrong yeah like i have i don't know i'd love to look into this about people who are in fact multi-like personality disorder and they're i wonder if their dogs have ever had reactions to the split in personality i just can't believe that this group of people like kept going back to the house yeah that's why i was wondering yeah they're brave what is this well she was like she was 18 at the time so she's probably like she wasn't real like what like we thought he was messing with us at first but no like it does sound like a i thought with the dog doing that like there's no way he could like i mean he could i don't know but the dog is a natural reaction so i don't know how he could get his dog to like turn on him like that like yeah play a prank right unless he found a way to trigger the dog and like does that i don't know yeah but not much on it um like the top link is uh dog trained for woman with multiple personalities she's supposed to be a companion dog but not much saying like how dogs react to that i'm so curious but apparently dogs can have schizophrenia yeah i didn't know that actually yeah oh that is a crazy story though well speaking of dogs and to lighten the mood so lauren doesn't have to tap out over here thank god so this is going to reddit now this is from the subreddit paranormal and the title goes our family dog came back to visit my mom picture in link so coda the best golden retriever that ever lived died years ago when my dad set up a trail cam to spy on a fox he got this picture of what looks like koda visiting my mom my mom was her person oh that is light and then i think i can go full screen this is the picture see if you can see the dots oh i see it right here yeah outline oh my god that's like very like i see it very distinctly no way golden retriever like wow wow that is like very so crazy like accurate yeah you don't have to like work to make it okay so i didn't notice this when i first read the story so they go on to say coda appears to be on the deck on the left side of the picture on the right side my mom is bent over leaning halfway out of the open door to the sunroom if something was on the deck she would have seen it two feet in front of her face at this point the whole family is convinced it's a picture of a ghost koda she's sitting right there oh my god oh for sure she would have seen it like she's sitting right at the top of the steps oh that's amazing that's really cool yeah this is definitely gonna be an episode to tune in to youtube yeah for the pictures okay this is the paranormal we'd like yeah it's not it doesn't it doesn't last long guys okay that like last one that was just like so crazy like all hundred though that that's a really good point that you brought up um with i don't know like whatever yeah i i'm so i'm so curious it's like he had it it's not like he would be like right he would be like i have no idea right he's disassociating right and it might be like a combination of like different things going on in that house like him and the house yeah at play and it could be like he moved out and he got the treatment he needed and like that's why he looked so much better i don't know i mean we're totally speculating here because there's so much man well and like you look at like crazy [ __ ] too like what is it like the amityville house like where dad this family they were totally happy i might need to meet if you just think about all these scary stories that all these movies are based off of the conjuring amityville horror or like whatever it is like these stories come from a speculation of truth and so there's one story where this man and his family they were um i'm gonna use this to get a new drink and then you guys can tell the story okay today's episode is brought to you guys by anna louisa that's a a l-u-i-s-a anna louisa is an amazing jewelry company that practices both sustainable and ethical jewelry making business and shipping they provided us with a code to give you guys 10 off any purchase on their site and jewelry starts at just 39 you guys know i absolutely love my necklaces i wear them constantly it's probably a staple in most of the fashion choices that i make not only that did they send me amazing earrings as well and i think these are going to be my new go-to because they're adorable anna louisa releases their jewelry collections every friday and they do it in small batches to make sure they're not wasting anna louisa aims to bring clarity to the jewelry making business they have everything from beautiful rings earrings necklaces and more and it's hard to pass up when you get 10 off right i'm a sucker for a good deal go and treat yourself or a loved one today and use my code too hot that's t-w-o-h-o-t to get 10 off so go check them out at too that's code too hot t-w-o-h-o-t for 10 off i'll skip it i'll post the link for people really i mean i actually don't care i'll listen to it couple more reddit stories i honestly the listener write-ins came this came hard like literally they came hard they came very correct okay buckle up okay you got this you can do it i'm [ __ ] freaking out you're fine you're okay no one's gonna hurt you there's no ghost in my house yet after today we've had really good luck with our apartment there's been no paranormal like type activity there's never been anything unexplainable in our apartment but we're like holy [ __ ] it's so funny because every time that like you and sarah are gone i will i hear all the way all the time i will find something here outside that i'm scared of like yes i've heard that too and i think that's our mind i mean i've literally been showering before and i will get out in all your footsteps when you're in the shower no oh but i'll hear something like thank god you guys are moving out no i feel like i hear something and one time i literally facetimed morgan and made her look in every single including your closet with me it's kind of invasive sorry sorry but i just i was like did you catch the dead bodies no i but i um i like morgan do you remember that i literally had my shower cap on and i was like tea tree oh my god i called the police one time and they checked every room oh yeah that's right yeah i i i was warranted though yeah i supported you yeah your door was open yeah yeah yeah no you had to yeah okay so you all good down there you ready yes okay so the title is and again this is from the paranormal subreddit the title goes okay ghosts are real i'm right now sitting on my front porch smoking a cigarette next to my close friend yeah you're laughing now but [ __ ] although i don't know why i didn't mention this before my white car is named ghost and the white suv that i had before that was casper okay a spooky [ __ ] i haven't heard that one sorry okay spooky [ __ ] fall hey i got the spooky phone case for a reason i love it i'm right now sitting on my front porch smoking a cigarette i cannot bring myself to go back inside my house there's someone in there [ __ ] just over two months ago i moved into a new house after losing nearly everything to covid i won't go into details or draw it out typing this out is making my eyes well and every hair on my body is standing straight up but god damn it i saw a human shaped shadow in my walk-in closet am i going crazy maybe but i know that i am not at the same time okay this is what happened i'm laying in my bed browsing reddit and from the corner of my eye i catch some movement coming from my closet within literal milliseconds i turn and see someone standing inside of it looking right at me you guys i flipped the [ __ ] out sprung up ran out of my room slammed the door and grabbed a kitchen knife i yelled and screamed about calling the police that i had a knife and basically acted like a scared monkey no response after about a minute of yelling i realized i'd left my phone in my bedroom to call 9-1-1 i slowly peeked in there was simply nothing there you guys nothing no one could have gone anywhere i'm [ __ ] pissed and terrified about this i saw this person i saw their shape their movement their arms there was a humanoid figure in my closet and that is all i know i don't know what to do from here update number one nothing at all back in the house update number two i took some advice from some of you and feeling very very silly i spoke loudly and assertively to my empty closet and told the entity to leave update number three nothing has happened still but i found out some really unfun news apparently the previous owner of this house committed suicide i wasn't able to get any more info than that that does not make me feel any better i don't know if they were in the house when they did it or if they were male or female or if it's related at all i will update this post if anything happens again you guys think there's an update there's more [ __ ] see couldn't get off that easy yeah in a way so they posted like update number four of course mods removed it they go update number five i left a comment in this thread to update anyone who cares i left the house after another incident and so i'm gonna scroll and find their comments they go i tried to make another thread to update everyone but the mods took it down maybe some of you will see this comment i left the house drove up to sacramento to stay with friends for a little while and even though they think i'm going crazy they are being supportive so i was asleep in my room with the closet door closed securely as i could which means i stacked some furniture in front of it lol i was woken with three very hard and very loud bangs on the door that was it for me i was more scared this time than the last i took off and don't even think i locked the front door behind me it was about 3 a.m [ __ ] this to me though like i 100 believe in ghosts like i believe in bad energy and like whatever like not saying that someone committed suicide necessarily bad energy but like i believe in that [ __ ] but also you hear these insane stories about people hearing like movement in their walls or footsteps above them and there's [ __ ] people living in their attic or there's people living in their like a crawl space in a wall that they didn't know existed i've heard of that so i'm like maybe there's a [ __ ] person living in his like addict that is like parasite the door is i never saw it you guys haven't seen the movie night yeah dude i did not [ __ ] with that movie would you watch it again with me morgan no yeah well we got it we can handle it um a lot of people love it though but no everyone has wasn't for me when i say i haven't seen it everyone's reaction's like you have to watch it yeah really you've won so many awards which is really good apparently there's a ton of metaphors in there that just you know i missed [Laughter] i was just i was too busy like waiting for like where i'm gonna be scared and need to like protect myself and like you know what i mean so i wasn't like looking out for like i didn't know that it was poetic yeah the poetic part of it i didn't realize that i was just like waiting to be scared and have something jump out at me and it's not like that so i mean intense yeah so at the end of the day like there are at the end of the day i haven't said that in a while um there's definitely some um like connections that they make with the real world that are you know really powerful that people really latched on to and that's why the movie won so many awards but the way that i viewed it when i was just expecting something completely different i yeah maybe if i watch it again but yeah the ending wasn't it for me top comment oh no no no no go ahead so top comment on this one i lived in a small apartment where we'd experience odd noises and the like the most memorable experiences were in the bathroom were the bathroom taps turning themselves on at full blast at 2 am and once while i was in the bathroom i saw a shadow walk as clear as a day across the open doorway i also saw one while at work in a warehouse it walked through one wall crossed the warehouse and vanished through the opposite wall that person has someone following them um yeah i don't like jesus but you know what i don't know my reaction was like she's like i'm sitting here smoking a cigarette what would compel you i'm not judging but i'm gonna sound like i'm judging if this happened like like you're sitting down and you're like reddit like wouldn't you like call somebody and be like i am terrified wasn't this no she was like live she was like i'm sitting on my doorstep smoking yeah they posted on reddit right after this oh she's like i'm sitting outside my house i'm too scared to go inside i don't think you know what to do when that happens like when the palm springs thing happened i was just like this i like kept trying to tell myself this isn't real this isn't real but like i hadn't been asleep yet right and like when we did up um i had like a sleep paralysis story like a while ago and we've talked about it more recently and so i started to think about it and i'm like could that have been a sleep paralysis type dream yeah but i hadn't fell asleep yet yeah and so in this situation like when it happened to me i'm just like i kept telling myself it's not real it's fine yeah like you don't know who to call because it's like it's not like an incidence where you can call 9-1-1 like someone's breaking into my house it's like oh i [ __ ] saw a ghost that's true you're right now that you say that it's like what do you do and you're also like i had a really weird instance with sleep paralysis and like you guys are like two of my closest friends and like you're you've never heard these stories because it's like you don't really know who's going to take it well and who's going to like think you're crazy because i've had even like more crazy stories than like that like i i think i told you the grim reaper one no no oh my god did i tell you that i feel like that sounds familiar was it a while ago yeah yeah yeah you did it was like i don't it was basically i was take i was sleeping it was at one of our apartments mm-hmm is that meadows and i this was like a very lucid dream because i was in and out of sleep to the point where i like it was almost like inception i couldn't tell when i was actually anymore because i was like so conscious like i felt so real like reality but i could hear them like it was one of those i maybe i was still in school or something because i was like sleeping in a little later they were going to work yeah and i could hear them like getting ready and stuff so i knew i was actually awake unless i was like sleeping but hearing them i don't know but i was so in and out of slumber and then it was to a point where i literally tricked myself into like literally not knowing if i was sleeping anymore and i must have like it was an out-of-body experience it was like i was walking through my apartment but i'd never gotten out of bed but i tricked myself into thinking i was out of bed oh my god and i like went into the kitchen like nobody was home so they had clearly left and i went into the kitchen and the only thing standing kitchen was a grim reaper and it was so real that i literally woke up and i literally hate drinking sat there for like a while and i was like did that actually happen did i get up and sleepwalk and then not too long and they say when you see the grim reaper it means death is like upon you and i want to say my grandpa passed away not too long after that so it was kind of like take that as you like foreshadowing yeah like i don't know i don't think that i don't think i didn't think much of it but i will say that there was death not that long after and i've never in my life seen the grim reaper until and that's the one and only time i've ever seen it and i like have never even seen a movie with a grim reaper like i don't even know where my mind like put that but it was weird because it was full day it was a morning there was sunlight the apartment was cheery there was nothing scary or dark about the apartment it was as if everything was normal but the grim reaper was just chilling in our kitchen having a coffee like that was it yeah i remember fairly oddparents yeah do you remember they always have like the grim reaper or is it is that the right show the only thing it's going on like cartoon network there's something like that that they all not the fairly odd parents but that's what whenever you like when you're telling that story that's like what i'm picturing it's like the one with a little girl like she's a little animated girl oh what is that show it's not very um [Music] i think it's is it grim it's a little bit called like a rim or something like grim reaper yeah um speaking of though i'm like browsing for more posts homeless woman lived in a man's closet for a year yeah that is parasite oh wait i don't want to give anything like that's japan sorry it literally went back to japan no i i you know me i google spoilers like weird yeah actually it's funny because you morgan as we all know well i guess i don't know if everyone knows this but like she will literally google the end of a movie while she's watching it everyone knows now anything yeah and like yeah but it's funny anxiety thing yeah my um what i would call step grandma my stepmom's grandma she told me once when i was younger that she would read like the last like five pages of a book before she would read it to see if it was worth her time i don't get it i was like that's crazy but i think that's crazy but i have i have like read a lot of books where i get to the end and i'm like i wasted all this [ __ ] time true are you kidding me but i can't like part of what keeps me reading is wanting to know what happened oh i skipped to the end a lot why and i still keep reading oh okay so i think we do one more scary one like real spook and then we'll end with some like light-hearted feel-good paranormal okay like a playful ghost like casper do you have any stories of like a ghost where they like are helpful um somewhat or like a parrot like people have had i feel like i've had situations like let me think my friend's house is haunted by a ghost that loves to torment me not that that's not really that's not what we're looking for not really didn't have the vibe check you know what i mean where ghosts like save somebody from something i really want to re read this crime scene one my experience as a crime scene cleaner but lauren when she wouldn't be able to handle it well i can just step out no it's long that's fine i have things to do in your house using laundry okay so i feel like people are going to be mad at me if you don't say the post is labeled my experiences as a crime scene cleaner oh okay basically i'll i'll find one paragraph that i can read that like you won't flip out about yeah no and i'll link it it is it is super super long so we would probably be here all night so the next job that there was activity was a suicide of a man that was middle-aged the coroner had already removed the body but it was a mess the guy shot himself with with what was a large caliber handgun and the spray was everywhere in the basement there were skull fragments and blah blah blah first step in cleaning this was using our backpack vacuum cleaner to suck up all the biomatter the corner told us when we went in that he and his partner were extremely uneasy in the house and it felt strange and we immediately started getting claustrophobic suffocating feelings when we went into the basement as well to make matters worse the family of the man had come over and were crying upstairs but the vacuum noise helped cancelled out while i was cleaning the power to the lights went out and it was completely pitch black this was strange because my vacuum was still powered my crewmates started screaming at this point so i turned off my vacuum and climbed off my ladder i thought maybe he touched a wire to the lights but when my vacuum unit was turned off he was still screaming i could hear things being knocked over i started fumbling around for my flashlight on my tool belt and yelled from my friend asking what was going on but all i got back was panic screaming then i saw in the pitch black something darker that was moving in my direction and i will admit i freaked out i slipped trying to back up still looking in my belt for my flashlight and found it when my back hit the basement wall i turned on the light aimed at the blackest shape i have ever seen and when the light turned on i saw the shape of a man wearing a flannel shirt beard and an expression like he was about to attack me then it was just gone my crewmate was behind where the entity was sitting on the floor rocking with his hands on his head when i approached he picked up his flashlight off the ground and turned it on then ran up the stairs and outside and threw up so they both saw the same thing this man like it's super super long he talks about multiple crime scenes like deaths that he's cleaned up and paranormal activities on them wow it's a heavy that one's like really heavy yeah um so you have to like really be prepared to read that one damn so moving on to happier ghosts okay i finally messaged my landlord asking about the ghost he'd never had tenants talk about hauntings i go on telling him about francis the name i made up for my ghost roommate he stops me mid-sentence because francis used to own the house and lived here decades ago wow give it a name and it's actually the real name yeah months back on a sunday i was having a nightmare where i was yelling for someone to leave and they wouldn't wake up to see this cloud of mist at the foot of my bed and it just glides out of the room whole time i'm watching i'm just like oh cool it's leaving then it dawned on me what i saw and i got spooked but obs there are a dozen ways to argue that it didn't happen so although i know what i saw i was like eh not worth it my thermos [Music] just goes so no let it go this time you can't picture what level of chill is really [Laughter] well maybe francis is nice [Music] my thermostat is in my living room i know the consistent temp of my apartment even through the night because i do a decent amount of all-nighters big thing with ghosts is they have a cold presence on sundays i'll always wake up sweating buckets with the furnace running constantly as though the thermostat is measuring the house as really cold but this only happens on sunday nights a while back my friend is over and i just addressed the ghost being like hey let's set some ground rules what's your name francis i'mma call you francis i don't mind you but you can't be messing with me ruining my sleep schedule the random intense furnace stuff stops but still someone could say it was all in my head selective stuff or some logical debunking i will casually talk to francis when i get home from work hey francis i'm home or whatever kind of funny sunday before the start of my three days overnight shifts i go yo francis i'm gonna be doing overnights the next three nights so you got the place to yourself no parties though tuesday night my same friend is over and i'm running late for work by at least half an hour clearly frances is kind of salty because i'm not giving him the space i told him my friend can't find their socks anywhere while i'm getting ready for work get this i go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and their socks are up on the shelf in my bathroom oh my god francis is [ __ ] around i'm like what the [ __ ] francis moved your socks they're the [ __ ] francis there's no way in hell those socks were there before i was in the bathroom earlier that night and they were not there and my friend never went to the bathroom the whole time they were over that's the most unexplainable experience of it all when i'm leaving my driveway my car always shines its lights through the back door window all the way to the door of my downstairs neighbors i'm nosy so i always peer through that night this op is just like they are comical yeah i love the honesty yeah that night i didn't but my friend did and jumps in their seat swearing they saw a pale old man staring at them through the window i didn't see it so it still could be brain playing tricks along with a trick of the lights although i've never had a weird glare or reflection anytime i look through the window so the next morning i have the combo that's described in the post title also i would always shrug off the constant times i'd wake up from a nap or go to one of my doors and see it was unlocked i'm a forgetful person and didn't grow up locking doors i'll often even be like oh yeah i recall for getting the locket when i came home but sometimes i don't recall for getting the locket and now i'm thinking that's cause francis will be opening that [ __ ] when he's moving around the house that's all sounds like francis doesn't pay rent and is ungrateful as [ __ ] yeah true what the hell francis is about to move in with you all yeah yeah yeah he's coming for you he's coming for your socks goddammit i can't find them as it is princess is already [ __ ] with me he's the one who mismatches all of our socks they're always mismatched yeah top comments on this are really cute like everyone's sharing their ghost stories oh you have a resident ghost like me it can be scary at first but they become like part of the family afterwards no way that's a stretch it's great you talk to him like he already is keep that up and just give him the basic respect all people deserve then you'll have a nice paranormal protector for your living space seriously these guys tend to be territorial and won't just let any entity walk through your home try to find out more information on francis his hobbies likes and dislikes gramps as i call my ghost loves to collect different types of batteries found this out because they were always disappearing so i put out a basket full of them and announced to him that they were for him we switched them out every few months to keep them fresh gramps seems to appreciate this very much and began whistling for us on sunday mornings when i make breakfast you know okay uh i don't i'm strong i don't know how i feel about the friendly struggles i'm struggling like part of me is like wow okay amazing like you're accepting the situation you're making the best of it you're kind of like embracing it i do love that i do because i've heard that most of the time this is what i was getting at earlier their energy's like not malignant they're not there to like or malicious yeah they're not there to like inflict any type of that's what i've read and heard who knows typically i think that's the case yeah they say that it's like a part like it's an energy or a spirit that's like stuck between like two different whatever planes have you yeah have you guys seen the the afterlife of the party no oh it's like a really cute um ghost story what's a casper like yeah yeah yeah i mean like for the friendly ghost yeah and sorry no no you you finished oh i was just saying like i when i hear that story part of me is like okay amazing you're just embracing this so you're trying to like because i mean they're really not causing you harm none of these stories like these people didn't get injured except for scorpion had a weird he had a moment where it was like it took over it consumed him yeah made him somebody else yes possessive moment yes yeah but for the most part like they're not hurting anything they're not hurting anybody they're not they're scaring you maybe but like if you embrace it like the batteries it's kind of like okay you're making peace with it yeah but then i'm like are you encouraging it yeah and i don't know if i would just be fine with like whistling my dad whistles and like what they say is true like you marry your father because my boyfriend [ __ ] whistles i'm like i don't know who's walking in the door is it my boyfriend whistling or my dad was playing like cute so little to no parallels with friends yeah no no i love that her parallel was like clearly married my dad because they both whistled yeah two guys a whistle i haven't seen it twins but they say i don't know why they say like guys marry their moms yeah girls marry their dad it's like as gross as it but i don't think it's i see more inner overlap between me and brett's mom like i see it but i don't see it between my dad and brett i could see it just happy happy-go-lucky big big guys just popping around like very high maintenance and my dad's like so not i don't know i just don't that's the la in him though yeah yeah um no there's another story though that kind of relates to this um that i found and it's about a guy who works in an emt service and so he was talking about his experiences how there's a lot of ghosts in the garage that the ambulance is our house and he kind of chalked it up as like a lot of people die in our ambulances and their spirits are probably super confused and so they are stuck like in that ambulance like garage bay like area and so like they were describing experiences where like papers would fly off the desk when there was no wind or anything and it was just like i think a lot of spirits your energy does get stuck you guys should watch the afterlife the party because it was like basically she doesn't like right after she dies she doesn't become a ghost until like years later so everyone's already been like accepting that she's been gone for years and then they're like hey you need to do this in between until you go to like your next phase of life is this a recent netflix you were watching it yeah okay i remember you were watching it i came home one day no it must be sarah no it was you but maybe it's a different watching the airplane yeah so it moves about a different movie there's a lot of like like ghost ones or like there's another ghost one where she dies and then gets put in another body you know the one where she's like arguing with her friend and she's like you're supposed to be dead and she's like i know and like they're arguing with each other yeah maybe i was watching yeah lauren's got a bad memory over there actually no i have the worst memory so maybe it was sarah maybe i've maybe i've no yeah i think yeah watching the same show okay two more short and sweet ones okay my cat came to say goodbye i'd posted this in a different forum oh maybe a year ago but since i just discovered this subreddit today i'm going to share it for my first birthday many moons ago my parents surprised me with a kitten the kitten went through everything with me countless dance recitals many nights of terrible instrument practicing high school graduation etc she even slept on my bed most nights she passed away two days after i turned 18. i didn't lose a pet that day i lost a sibling a best friend and it was crushing about three days after she passed i was laying down trying to sleep when i suddenly hear her meow my kitty had a very distinct nasal meow so i knew it was her of course i jolt up why am i hearing a dead cat meowing so as i'm looking around my room i hear it again next to my window i heard it one more time and then silence just deafening silence i don't even remember hearing crickets outside i brought it up to my mom a few months later and she told me i bet you she stopped by one last time to say goodbye this happened to my mom so i had a childhood cat named sweetheart she passed away um i was at college and my mom like a couple nights after she died kept hearing meowing in her closet and she shined like or she shone her phone flashlight towards the closet and saw two eyes glowing from it turned the lights on went in the closet nothing oh my gosh yeah that's so cute yeah i like those stories mm-hmm they come back i think i sent you the video or maybe you two on twitter the cow yeah yeah the dog had like just passed away hours before and the cat is like what is the cat doing again it's just like it's pawing towards nothing but i forget exactly how it is but it's like smoosh the dog or something yeah it's the same way yeah you should do that to the dog and then they cut the video and they show it doing it to the air and yeah and the cat's like looking around like it's looking at something yeah oh my gosh yeah it was so cute i know okay last one my sister came in my dream before she passed my sister was an addict for over 20 years she had gone out of jail for the millionth time i loved her dearly and never was rude to her because she was an addict as other family members would treat her shitty anyways she got out of jail october 1st 2020 well during the time she was out she stole 20 from me i was angry because i used to be in terrible financial situation to where every dollar counted on mine and my fiance's checks well he has become a successful youtuber so we overcame those issues she passed away october 13th 2020. before i got the phone call i laid down for a nap before my son's appointment during my nap she appeared in my dream in a white room i clearly remember saying what the heck is this and i turn around and she's there handing me the 20 she stole and a cross necklace i didn't have time to ask questions before she disappeared 10 minutes after i woke up from the dream i received the call she passed from overdose no way yeah also october 13th is literally in two days i have a story very similar to that um but i didn't realize that's like paranormally i so i picked this one just for the fact that like when i was younger and my great-grandma passed i i had a dream about her and it was at her funeral and i remember like in the dream i was at her funeral walking up to the casket and all of a sudden she sits up from the casket looks at me and goes it's gonna be okay morgan oh my god so like i picked this one because i think it is like a paranormal experience almost when people that we love have passed and they visit us in our dreams yeah i agree i mean i'm not even gonna go down my rabbit hole because i [ __ ] love dreams i think you both know this i think there's so much to be said about that yes like i'll make my story very quick but it's it's completely on topic with this like ah it's so hard for me to tell the story i'll try not to cry but like my mom lost her cousin when in the 90s like right before i was born i think i've told you the story yeah so she had this cousin she was very close to like almost like a brother that she never had and my mom was visiting peru after she had moved to the us he still lived in peru his name was richard he lived in like the jungle so he had to take a small plane to get to lima oh wow where my mom was he was like a maybe like a marine biologist something like that he'd be like in the jungle and my mom was like i'm in peru i'm here for a few more weeks you have to come visit me like i'm here from the u.s i only come once a year or whatever and so he was like okay i'll try i'll try and so he gets on a small plane to come back to lima so this is the 90s it's like 93 94. and my mom's watching the news and all of a sudden they're like a small plane has gone down no survivors like back then they would play the victim names almost like movie credits i hate small planes yeah on the news that was like the only way to get yeah from that area um and so my mom's like eating her popcorn and she's watching and all of a sudden they play they put his name on the screen and it was like a full name so he knew she knew it was his name yeah and she is like just sad like i felt like someone like took her voice box like she couldn't talk because she was like oh my god like her guilt ridden because she like begged him to come back got on a plane the plane died no survivor plane went down no survivors so that's like not the crazy part so my mom was like very very close to him i didn't know but at the time she was pregnant with me oh my god yeah it was so it must have been like i think it was 93 93 and um she was pregnant with me and then he had a brother named coco and coco was like deployed in the military peruvian forces and apparently i don't know why maybe this is a 90s thing maybe it's a peru thing i don't know they didn't um notify him of his brother's death because something about they didn't really it was hard to find next of kin especially if he was deployed though but it could have been but what i was told is that it would make him too mentally emotionally unstable in the field so they didn't want to like rock him when he's like deployed yeah like assault rifles so they were like i don't know that's the story i was told they didn't tell him because apparently he was like in such a vulnerable place that they were like we don't know what he's gonna do so we don't tell him so he comes home three months later and he's like telling my mom or somebody about he's like um he's like how is um how's richard my brother and they're like he died three months ago and what's crazy is he likes like apparently like three months ago four months ago he had a dream or coco had a dream that richard like at the time he thinks richard's alive so he doesn't think anything of this dream but his brother richard comes to him in his dream holding a little girl and he's like it's our niece and he wow and he didn't know he was dead yet so then he comes back and he's like oh my god like that was his like angel his spirit and it's me like i'm the little girl i'm such a crazy son because i was the only girl who was born it's like it's so sad and then beautiful i know you know i know it's so stories like breaks down when she tells that story because like after your little like guardian angel he literally probably guided your soul yeah it's so ugh i know it's like that's like a good story of like a paranormal like visitation or like a spirit visit but yeah that you can't deny because it's like well he was already passed at that point but he didn't have no idea he had no idea he's just thinking oh it's another dream of my brother and he's holding a baby and he's telling me this is our niece did your mom even know what she was having at that point yeah like oh actually i don't know because like that would be crazy like your mom didn't even know and then it was like oh this is our niece like i don't know that's a good question like timeline-wise yeah like i could do the math on it but i don't remember the timing exactly i just know that i was born like a few months later so i wasn't born yet when he like says this is our niece or something like that yeah but it's just crazy like that's right insane it's so sad but like you said it's like sad but like beautiful yeah you look like you had a visitation thing down there too oh well no i was just thinking so i haven't thought about this in a long time but when i was really little like my grandma died when i was pretty young and at this time i i dream a lot now but like at this point in my life like i didn't really remember my dreams that often and i woke up and i was i was telling my mom like i grabbed i dreamt of grandma and my mom like just paused and like froze because she was like grandma was in my dream last night too oh yeah i love that stuff and so that was something that was like so beautiful to my mom because she felt like that was grandma visiting us yeah it's like it was 100 for sure those are the moments i love right yeah i welcome all the spirits i know i think especially the dream visits yeah my dad has had some amazing like stories about like my grandma doris her favorite song was um it was like i think it's called claire de lune and it was played at the end of one of the oceans movies and so one of my cousins was like sleeping one night and all of a sudden woke up and the tv like they fell asleep with the tv on but they woke up and it was her song playing at the end of that movie and then another cousin happened to be like i think fell asleep with the tv on or had the tv on while they were doing stuff and all of a sudden they had like this urge to like look at the tv and it was my grandma doris on a seas candy special oh my god like they had done a recorded tv show on c's candy and she was on the [ __ ] tv at the sea's candy store shopping that's so cool that's so crazy insane like i think it was kind of like a similar thing where they woke up and then saw her on the tv or like had the urge to turn it on and that was what they turned on and then my dad has had like so many dreams of her like yeah just it's just amazing i love that for anyone who like loves that kind of stuff there's a book and i should know the author it's called signs yeah it's all about stuff like that where like you see signs of people or like you see things that are it's too uncanny to wear like the seat like yeah of all the channels and of all the time it's more than a coincidence it's more than it was like unexplainable or that one too like you and your mom julian at the same night of the same person like well and your sister and your mom having the same like that's like but no but like there's just some things that you cannot explain like divine interventions or like truly evil spirits like what's like the rainbow that i keep seeing yeah that's i was thinking about this this whole time i know or like when you started talking about things i thought you were going to bring up your rainbow oh this is the light now we can end it on but my grandma for some reason i always think of rainbows she passed away in like 2003. and i was telling my cousin meredith i'm like i always think of grandma joan like with rainbows and she was like me too she's like apparently when i made her cards when i was little when she was in the hospice i would always put rainbows in them and she loved the wizard of oz and so every time i see the sony pictures rainbow yeah i think of her and like recently i've realized like when my grandpa passed so her husband passed years after her he after his funeral literally the same day i have a video with like the time stamp the date there are two huge like hawaii size right double rainbows and minnesota right after we like buried my grandpa and like when we went to my uncle's funeral a few months ago who was one of her sons we all like the family gathered for the first time in years at like this restaurant and we pull up had it rained nothing there's a huge rainbow going through the restaurant and then like on my birthday our photos i'll send you like it's me sarah rainbow there's rainbows going through them and then in new england which they didn't like malibu was so dry there was no reason to have there's no like that's the thing about malibu malibu is dry it's like very desert it's like a fire prone area like there's no yeah okay maybe marine layer but like we weren't we were inland we were so inland so we have rainbows right and the crazy part is like i moved locations i don't know if you noticed like for the photos and the rainbow's following me and it's always through me that's kind of insane and i just took pictures in boston i'll send it to you and there's a rainbow only through me and i'm like it's so crazy but i'm like that's my grandma like i always think of rainbows when i see her incredible ugh i hate like thinking about death like it gives me so much anxiety but like just the fact that like meaningful things like that can happen ugh yeah it's beautiful okay you guys that's paranormal i know you hung in there lauren it's okay you did good i'm like contemplating her like lively yeah it's just contemplating her existence no no i think it the way that this all um it's shaped up okay yeah yeah yeah the ending i'm really happy about yeah yeah there you go there you go brought it home we are ready to get home all wearing the merch today you guys oh my god everyone showed off you gotta like i want you to stand up on the chair just so that they can like see the shorts they're so cute wait let me make sure my underwear doesn't show [Music] hey yeah look at those shorts they're so cute and i'm not even just plugging them they're actually so cute i know i love it like really well merch is coming uh lauren's in a medium for reference on the sweatshirt i don't know what i'm in i'm in a large on the sweatshirt i do recommend sizing up um but link is gonna be dropping super super soon very excited and we hope you guys enjoyed this paranormal episode i think we were really looking forward to it and yeah maybe not lauren but no i love it i love getting the gang back together so i was just gonna say i think lauren's happy that the trio's yeah so if that means some sacrifices i'm in trio will have some more episodes i i hear the people i i hear them see them this is hard to edit the trio ones but you know i'm i'm i'm getting an assistant in november wow so it'll be it'll be more manageable but we were good on this one though we didn't like cut each other off no it was good we we did we did good the last two and i don't think we caused much controversy on this one so it's okay that's okay also i would love to re-watch my reaction to where she goes dude jump everyone's reactions on this are gonna be hilarious also when i was in the bathroom i was on the other side of the place and you guys go lauren and i literally go ah i don't think you heard me because i was so far away i screamed because i was like thinking i was like what if this bathroom has ghosts and like all this stuff and then you yelled my name and i was like they're here they're coming to get me yeah my place is not haunted but yet after this you never know we could have posted up we could have summoned some [ __ ] i don't even want to joke about it because i do believe in that it's like you give evil energy that like recognition and just latches on i know i know just uh just uh we got to do sage welcome yeah welcome francis into your house no no he seems like a homie no i don't need any ghosts what if francis pays right i have a hard time being roommates with my dad like i'm i don't need another yeah but wait sorry no i was just like he's like not even gonna take another bedroom and he pays rent you're not gonna you're not gonna accept the rent he doesn't pay rent but you know what if what if francis pays rent no okay i have another question i thought of this while we were doing the reading okay would you guys um buy a foreclosed home where somebody had either been murdered or committed outside if it's worth a million dollars and they're selling it for like a hundred thousand yeah cause then i'd flip it and get the [ __ ] out true okay i wouldn't live in there yeah would you buy it and live in it no no for a hundred grand no it's a two million dollar house for a hundred grand no oh well does it have a place i can put my pony in the backyard yeah huge yard yeah it's got a pool good thing i don't have a pony because you know he's still out it's got like a cat sanctuary yeah you're really you're really playing to my weaknesses i don't know i is it super haunted um there's not even any proof of hauntings oh oh no then i'd give it a shot okay you'd give it a [ __ ] i'd give it a shot i mean my my great grandma died in my home okay at the farm and like didn't need to know that before visiting the farm yeah yeah no my great-grandma died but there's no spookiness about it sometimes you hear creeks on the stairs that's normal it's a really old house it's like 100 years old well that's the thing too is a lot of times like you have to realize that like pipes in houses will make weird noises those pipes all right yeah okay let's go to dinner all right let's go to [ __ ] dinner so uh until next time guys until next time bye bye that might buy didn't sound normal i just got excited ah we can keep it [ __ ] it bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Two Hot Takes
Views: 857,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, blind reaction, reddit reaction, two hot takes, twohottakes, two hot takes podcast, twohottakespod, twohotakespodcast, reddit read, redditread, Redditpost, reddit relationships, redditrelationship, reddit AITA, AITA, reddit life, podcast, girls reacting to story, story reactions, girl bloggers, girl vlog, los angeles vlog, los angeles podcast, relationship advice, r/relationship, relationshipadvice, call her daddy, hot topics, emma chamberlain, she rates dogs, rslash, r/slash
Id: EbQhreWDH3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 17sec (5957 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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