Unexpected Reunions (w/ Anthony Padilla) | Reading Reddit Stories

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- We're back with more unhinged Reddit stories, and this is a pretty special episode because today's guests are Ian and Anthony. (Ian burps) (crew cheers) Wow. - Wow. The two of us on one couch? It's been a bit. - Two of us, one couch. - Two boys, one couch. - One cup. - Six feet apart because, no, I'm just kidding. (everyone laughs) - If you missed the last like three videos that have come out over the week- - This is gonna be very weird if you've been away or something, on vacation. - Anthony and I bought Smosh. - We own Smosh again. - So Anthony's back, baby. - And we own this (beep) again. For those of you who don't know, Ian and I created the Smosh YouTube channel together almost 18 years ago. - Yeah. - And now it's been six years since I had left, and now I'm back, baby. - Hell yeah. - Back, baby. - I'm back, baby. - Back, baby. - Let's go. - And now we're gonna listen to some (beep) up Reddit stories. (crew laughs) - All right. (everyone laughs) All right. All right, let's hop into this first story. - All right. - I'm curious if this will be relatable at all for you guys. - Oh no. - Is it about friendship or something? - I don't, maybe. (everyone laughs) - Is it about one person leaving a company and really not talking to the other person for multiple years and then coming back together and then now they're reunited again? - Well, let's see. - Okay. - I did post that on Am I The Asshole. (everyone laughs) - This is just your story. - "Am I the asshole for trying to reconnect "with my childhood best friend?" (everyone laughs) - Did you? Is this you? Did you do this? Okay, let's see. I'm gonna get some context. - I don't know how you'd be an asshole for that, but I guess we're about to find out. - Yeah, true, true. - All right. So this is a 26-year-old woman. "I am marrying the love of my life, "and we've begun wedding preparations. "While making the list, "I reminisced over my childhood best friends, "specifically my old best friend, Mona, "who's also a 26-year-old woman, "and decided that I'd liked her to attend. "To explain, Mona and I were best friends growing up. "We shared the same childhood friends, "despite me living out of the city "for most of the year with my father "and only being in the same state "for a few months of the summer. "We had a falling out partway through high school, "and she ceased to talk to me. "I told my fiance that I wanted to reconnect with Mona, "so I reached out to our mutual childhood friends "and asked if they still kept in touch. "One of them did and gave me her number. "I texted and said I was in town "and wanted to meet up to catch up and talk. "Fast forward a few days, "Mona's come to meet my fiance and I "at a local shop for coffee, "and I introduced them and told her that I'd like her "to attend my wedding. "She stared at me "and said that she wasn't expecting my wedding "to be the topic of catching up. "She coldly said that she thought I had reached out "to apologize about what happened when we were younger. "I was confused. "She callously said in front of my fiance "that she stopped talking to me and cut contact with me "because of what happened with her boyfriend "when we were in high school. "My fiance asked what happened "and she told him that I kissed her high school boyfriend "during a summer that I was in the state "and stole him from her, "leading her boyfriend to dump her over text. "She went on to say that if I didn't have an apology, "she wasn't interested in speaking with me. "She excused herself and paid for her meal. "When we got home, I was fuming that Mona was still upset "by something that I couldn't even remember "and that she misconstrued. "My fiance told me "that I didn't mention this stealing boyfriend thing "and asked if I ever apologized for it. "I admitted that at the time I didn't, "but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. "We were kids, it was a high school relationship. "They were only dating for eight months, "and he made the first move. "My fiance told me I was the asshole. "I think otherwise because it was literally a blip of time "so long ago and I assumed Mona would've understood my side. "It was over 10 years ago. "We were 15. "Am I the asshole?" - Ooh. - Yeah. - I like how she's like, "Just get over it. "It was only 240 days of your life with this person." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was some quick math. But... (everyone laughs) I feel like it's not that big of a deal to just apologize at that point. - It's, yeah. - It's- No, go for it. - It sounds like she just doesn't want to apologize now. She's like, "Hey, it wasn't that big of a deal," but yet, if it's not that big of a deal, then why can't she apologize? - That's my thinking. You know? - Yeah. - Yeah. I mean, it's also just kind of weird that like she doesn't, like, she's like, "It's not a big deal. "We were so young." Like, that somehow negates the fact that she, it does sound like she stole that person's boyfriend. - Boyfriend, yeah. - And she's like, "I don't even remember it. "Like, for you this was a big day of your life, "but for me it was Tuesday." - It's also specifically, they stopped being friends because of this incident. - Yeah. - This was the last time they talked. - So why doesn't she realize that? Why doesn't she connect those dots? - I feel like 'cause that's the simple thing to come back and be like, "Hey, I know we ended on weird terms, "and I'm so sorry about that, "but we're different people now. "And I'd love to see what our friendship could be now." I feel like that's your easy in. - And that's simple. How long would that have taken? 20 seconds? - That was just like, yeah, yeah. - And she's also like, "She misconstrued this thing "that I don't even remember at all." So how could you know that she misconstrued it? - Yeah, exactly. Yeah. "No, I don't remember this thing "that you're getting completely wrong." (Anthony laughs) It also feels like she's kind of not really caring about this friend and more like wanting the nostalgia factor for her wedding maybe, like... - It's like what her friend represents to her. - Yeah, it's like, "Oh yeah, memories. "I wanna have those at my wedding. "I'll throw those in there." Without actually- - Like you're a freaking prop. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah, just like a little, little collectible. - Yeah. When we reconnected I should not have bothered, you know, communicating or apologizing for any of our history, and I should just say, "Get over it." - Yeah, get over it. (everyone laughs) It was, look, yeah, we worked together for 12 years. Who cares? Get over it. (everyone laughs) - There's some comments here. "It was over a decade ago, "and also it was her who was hurt, not me, "so surely she must be over it by now." That's someone doing quotes. - Okay, yeah, yeah. - That's what she was saying. Someone says, "Still upset by something I couldn't even remember "and that she misconstrued. "Girl, pick a side because that just gave me whiplash." Exactly, as you pointed out. - Yeah. - I feel like that happens a lot in these Am I The Asshole stories. They trip up over their own words and they'll- - 'Cause they're not telling the truth. They're not being completely- - She either does remember it. She probably does remember it though. - Oh, absolutely. - Right? - Yeah, they're just not being reliable narrators. - She literally knew that they were dating for eight months, that he made the first move, all of these, she remembered all these specific details. She vividly remembers this (beep) - Yeah. - I think she also saw this as an opportunity to just kind of like let this guilt float away and be like, "Yeah, it didn't matter, right?" - Well, even posting it was her trying to get other people to be on her side about it so she didn't feel any- - Exactly. - She's just not accepting responsibility. - Did she do any follow up or anything? - No follow up on that one. - She was like, "Did not get the-" - No. - "The support that I needed. "Going somewhere else." - No, I think she was, the verdict was asshole, so I think she left. (everyone laughs) Done. And that got cross posted on Am I The Devil, which is where the worst Am I The Asshole stories go. - I wouldn't qualify it as the worst. Not anywhere near. - Just ones where clearly the person posting is- - [Anthony] The asshole. - Like clearly the asshole. - Yeah. - And our next story was also cross posted on Am I The Devil so- - Ooh, okay. - Great. - Let's check this out. "Am I the asshole for hosting an alternative reception "for my daughter's vegan and alcohol free wedding?" - Huh. - [Shayne] Okay. - Oh. - [Shayne] Yeah. - Okay. - "My daughter and her fiance are planning "on having a vegan and alcohol free wedding, "which caused an uproar within our family." - Boo. (crew laughs) Boo. - What? Oh, you need the alcohol there? - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - "Many of our family members and friends are meat eaters "and enjoy having a drink or two, "and they feel uncomfortable and unaccustomed "to the restrictions being imposed on them. "They feel like they won't be able "to fully enjoy the wedding "and that it is not a true representation of who they are. "I understand my daughter's choices and respect them." - Meat and beer! (everyone laughs) - Meat and beer family! (everyone laughs) - "I respect my daughter's choices, "but I also wanna make sure "that everyone feels comfortable and happy. "After much discussion with my family and friends, "I decided to host an alternative reception at my house "where meat and alcohol are going to be served "for those who are unhappy with my daughter's reception. "I made it clear that this is an optional event "and that everyone was welcome to attend or not. "Many guests are choosing "to attend the alternative reception "instead of my daughter's reception, "which is making her feel completely distraught and angry. "She thinks that I have disrespected her "and her partner's choices "and is accusing me of trying to sabotage her wedding. "I told her that this is not the case "and that I'm simply trying to provide the wedding guests "with more options. "She insists that I should have supported her decision "and made sure that everyone was comfortable with it. "My daughter is threatening to disinvite me and my husband "from the wedding "if I do not cancel this alternative reception. "And I am now unsure if I'm doing the right thing. "I wanna make sure that everyone is happy, "but I also don't want to create an unnecessary rift "with my daughter. "Am I the asshole for hosting an alternative reception?" - I have lots of thoughts. - Yeah? - The fact that it was competing, that's my biggest issue is that it was competing. - I don't think it's like, see, I don't see them as competing things, but I have an issue with the people that went, "Okay, I'm just not gonna go to the actual wedding "and I'll just go to this party instead." - Right. - That's my issue. - I thought it was- - [Kiana] I think that's where the competing is coming in. It's the same time. - Wait, wait, wait, it's at the same time? (everyone laughs) No, no, no, no, no, no. - That's what I'm saying. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - That's where it's stealing. It's not, "Hey, there's this additional thing the next night "or later." - There's no (beep) way. That would be insane! That would be an asshole thing to do. - That's why I have lots of thoughts. - I mean, look, receptions typically happen right after the ceremony. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It feels weird to be like, oh, here's a reception that's happening a day later. - Well, but I mean, there's plenty of people that will do, like if their partner is from like the east coast and they're from the west coast, they'll do a wedding and reception on the west coast. Then they'll go to the east coast and do a reception there. - Sure. But either way, like, "Many guests are choosing "to attend the alternative reception "instead of my daughter's reception." I don't know. Either way, it feels like this is clearly pulling away from the daughter's plans. For me what sums it all up is, "I'm unsure if I'm doing the right thing. "I wanna make sure that everyone is happy." My opinion is that I'm like, it's your daughter's wedding. If she's not happy, then you fail. I don't care about everyone else. - Also, the daughter already expressed she's not happy. - Yeah, it's like she told you. - And then you go on Reddit to see if everyone's happy? - Yeah. I need to make sure everyone on the internet is happy too. - Well, and I feel like this happens a lot with weddings where like, I'm not saying it's just the moms, but I have heard many times moms will like, you know, invite a bunch of their friends that have nothing to do with the bride at all, and they're like, "Mom, I don't even know these friends "that you're inviting." But it's like, they're just doing it 'cause like they want like, you know- - People to hang out with. - Yeah, that, and it's just like, they just want to have like a good time. - My issue is that this person knows that it's taking away and that it's making their daughter unhappy, so I think that's where the decision should be obvious, regardless of if it's at the same time or not. Like, that doesn't matter. The fact that they're saying people are choosing this instead of that, I think is just a clear indication to like not do it or make it a different day or switch it or tell the people, "If you're coming to my thing, "you have to go to my daughter's thing. "Sorry, that's the rule." - Right. If the daughter's threatening to disinvite you from the wedding, it's like, "All right, you've made your message clear. "I'm canceling this thing." - Yeah. - It's fine. There's some comments here. Someone said in quotations, "Many guests are choosing "to attend the alternative reception "instead of my daughter's reception. "Instead of? "Your daughter absolutely nailed it. "You are upstaging/sabotaging "your own daughter's wedding reception "because you and your family can't go a couple of hours "without meat and alcohol? "So a bunch of selfish, self-absorbed alcoholic assholes "who hate vegetables too much "to celebrate someone on their big day? "I'd go no contact with you for this stunt. "Congratulations, "you definitely just destroyed your relationship "with your daughter. "You and your family sound absolutely insufferable though, "so you're definitely doing her a favor. "You're the asshole." - Ooh. Ooh, that was rough. - That's brutal. - Damn! - I mean, like, it is really, I did really love that line that the mom had about like, you know, "Like not drinking and not eating meat "just doesn't really align with people's culture." And it's like, so you're saying like their culture is like getting (beep) up and eating hot dogs? (everyone laughs) It's like not enough of an excuse. Like, and yeah, I mean like, look like, at my birthday party, like I wasn't drinking during that time, and everyone was like bringing alcohol. Everybody was drinking. And like, I, you know, at the beginning of the night I was like, oh man, this is gonna like, kind of suck 'cause I'm not gonna be like on the same like level as everyone. And then like, you know, as the night like progressed, I was like, oh, I'm just like enjoying my time with my friends and like- - Yeah. - Even if I'm not drinking, it doesn't matter. - [Shayne] Totally. - I got some Topo Chico. I'm set. - It's all you need. - Someone else said, "The wedding isn't about your family, "it's about your daughter and her husband. "Y'all can't live without meat and alcohol "for one (beep) evening? "You're the asshole and so is the rest of your family. "This wedding is a representation of your daughter "and her future husband. "Why should it be a representation of the rest "of the family? "Spoiler, it shouldn't." Yeah, I mean, you know, I know weddings, I know there's plenty of weddings that are dry weddings and stuff, and it's like, it's one night, like who cares? Whatever. It's about them. They're allowed to dictate what they want. I'm always going to prefer, if I don't really know the person and I get invited to a wedding, and I find out there's not gonna be alcohol, I may not go. - Yeah. (Ian laughs) If I don't really know. If it's like, oh my, a friend or a friend and they're inviting a bunch of people, I'd be like, okay yeah. Oh, no, no, no alcohol? Nah, I'm out. But... - But your daughter? - But oh my god. Like, if anyone close, any of my family, I'm going no matter what. - Yeah. - And sometimes like events like that, I don't want to drink too much. - Yeah. - Like, I like to kind of stay aware and have a good time and be present. Anthony, do you ever struggle, like as a vegan, do you ever struggle with events and stuff that don't serve any vegan food? I feel like in LA that issue doesn't arise too much. - No, I mean I deal with it a lot, but then usually I'll just eat the salad or I'll pick around, like, I don't know. It's like if I'm going to an event, I'll assume that they're not gonna have many options and that's okay. I'll just mentally prepare to eat something afterwards. It's not that big of a deal to me. - And you got that, you always have like a protein bar on you. - I usually carry protein bars on me just as backup. Just to like have something, get some protein and not feel like all I can think about is food. - Yeah, do you think the daughter would've been upset if all those family members just had a flask on 'em? - A flask and a turkey leg like tied around the hip, like with some rope. (beep) vikings. - Stuffed into their pants. Oh my god! "Don't worry, it's not my bulge. "It's a turkey leg." (crew laughs) - Also, I wonder like if it was a dry wedding than if it's somebody, like if the groom or bride is like sober, has like an issue with alcohol. - That's true. That's actually true. - They didn't get into any of the reasoning. Like, it could have been we don't want any alcohol because of X or, they didn't, we don't even know how strongly they felt about the vegan situation. Like, if someone's eating meat in the corner, do they care? You know? - Well, 'cause it's also it's an alcohol free wedding. It's not like, oh, it's not open bar. I don't know what this venue is or something. But I am curious about the specific wording on that. If it's like no alcohol. - Right. - Or if it's like bring your own or something. So that does make me wonder if it's more serious circumstances. All right, well moving on. "Am I the asshole for telling my roommate "that I don't give a (beep) "about her boyfriend's allergies?" - Oh. Oh, here we go. - I mean, even the wording of that kind of implies yes. But let's see. - Okay, damn. - Let's see. I'll hold back my judgment for now. - "I, a 24-year-old woman have been living with my roommate, "Layla, who's 25 and also a woman, for about 10 months. "We have a two year lease, so I really want to fix this "so we're not miserable for the next year. "And to start, I need to see if I'm in the wrong. "Layla started dating Kyle about six months ago. "Kyle has severe food allergies to shellfish, nuts, and soy, "as well as a lot more mild/moderate allergies. "I use nuts and soy a lot in my cooking "and some occasional shrimp. "At first Layla would tell me that Kyle was coming over, "and I would just adjust whatever I was planning on making "if it was something that would be aerosolized, mostly nuts, "and this was fine. "He's never had any reactions at our apartment from my food, "but it slowly escalated "and now they want me not to keep any ingredient "in the apartment that could cause him anaphylaxis, "even if I'm not actively eating or cooking it "while he is over. "I've refused, and they've both pushed back a lot on it, "and I snapped a little and told them I don't give a (beep) "about his allergies. "I can accommodate him to an extent, but I don't care "if the contents of my cabinet make him uncomfortable. "He doesn't need to to be near my things at all. "They're being very dramatic "and insisting I'm gonna kill him with my selfishness "by having closed jars of nuts in the kitchen I pay to use. "But I'm not going to have my diet restricted "by someone who doesn't even live here. "Layla isn't speaking to me at all right now. "And I feel a little bad now "because I do understand how serious allergies are, "but I also think they're overextending boundaries "by telling me what I can or can't eat "when he is not even here." So I should say the verdict on here is not the asshole. Reddit's like you're not the asshole. And I, you know, I see the reasoning there of like, this is your apartment, your roommate is not allergic to anything. And I believe she started dating Kyle after they were already roommates. - Yeah. - So, you know, they had their agreement, they had everything. She was already cooking these foods. - Also, like she said, like I don't give a (beep) But I mean she clearly did. - She clearly gives a (beep) - She did make an effort in the beginning to like not cook those things around him. - What's strange is that she describes how he's not had a reaction, but she has made the accommodations. But out of seemingly nowhere according to this, they suddenly are like, "No, you need to now take out everything." - Yeah, there was never a reaction to it before. - Yeah, no, it's not like an incident happened. - Yeah. - And then it's like, "Oh, okay, sorry. "Can we please..." I don't know. It is strange. It's like, it's a little, from the roommate, it seems a little controlling. I wonder how much this is coming from the boyfriend and how much is coming from the roommate. - It seems like they had a pretty good compromise going that was working for everyone and it was very reasonable and it was communicative and they were all on the same page. It sounds like she kind of had some of these outbursts that would be considered asshole adjacent. You know, it's like, "I don't give a (beep) about his allergies." Yeah, that was like an asshole like outburst. - Definitely. - But it sounds like it's 'cause it caught her off guard after feeling like they had already found a good compromise. So I can see why she had those outbursts. - Yeah, I think what's also tough here is if it was her roommate who had the allergies, I get that. I get that. You're living under their roof. They're paying to be there. That's more understandable. This is someone she started dating after they were living there. - Yeah. - That she's asking her to change her entire lifestyle for. It's like, "Could you go "and just stay with your boyfriend then? "Like, can you go visit him there more often? "Like, and whenever, if he comes here less, "I can really try to clean the place "and make sure it's not," but this almost feels like the step of like, "Well, I want Kyle to live here." - It kinda does. He's moving in almost. - It gives me that vibe. And what I always wonder too with these Reddit stories, with roommates specifically is I'm like, okay, so she's drawing this line about the allergies. What other things are happening in the house? Like, is there other things that they're upset at each other about- - Probably. - That are not being addressed, that it's almost like there's a war going on that we're not seeing. - Yeah, it seems like it's about this, but there's like twice as much stuff going on probably. - And there is an update. - Oh. - I've just gotten word that there's an update. - The boyfriend has died. (everyone laughs) - There was a particle in the air. - Yeah, she busted one nut open and it was all over. - "I sat down with Layla a few days after my initial post "and really talked with her about why I felt her "and Kyle's request was unacceptable, "and I laid out my biggest concerns. "I eat mostly plants, "so nuts and soy are like 50% of my protein. "So my grocery bill would increase "because I'd have to make it up in animal products. "Who's going to pay for that? "I'm not vegetarian, "but I don't really want to eat like that "and I definitely don't want to pay for it. "So would they make up that increase? "I honestly didn't trust them to stop there. "I already did what I felt was reasonable accommodation, "and it wasn't enough, "so how long 'til they take coconut, eggs, and tomatoes "from me too?" - What? - Yeah, I don't know. - Then they're gonna take my job. - They're gonna take everything from me. (everyone laughs) They're gonna take my kids. - First they took my nuts and I said nothing. - Then they took my kidney. (laughs) - "It was weird as (beep) to ask me in the first place, "and I felt really disrespected because this is my home "and I don't take second place to a guest. "I can to her personally of course, "but that doesn't extend to the apartment. "I said I would agree to continue "not using his serious allergens "when he was present or soon to be, and that was the line. "It didn't go over well at all, "and Layla told me I was overreacting, "and I could just do it and kept talking over me "when I tried to say that I wouldn't. "Eventually she slipped up with the, "'Well, what if he moved in?' "And I said, 'Absolutely not,' "and ended the conversation with her for the night." (beep) called it. - Yeah, you did. - "We argued in circles about it for nearly two weeks, "and once it was out, she didn't drop it. "I realized it wasn't going to get better, "so I did what I didn't want to do "and told her that I was going to the landlord "about breaking my part of the lease and she freaked out. "I don't know where Kyle's money goes, "but apparently he doesn't have any "because she was yelling about not being able to afford it "on her own and he couldn't help even if he moved in. "I told her that this had gone way too far, "and I didn't think I could be happy living here "with her anymore. "If it were easier for her to leave instead, "that would be fine too. "She was really upset, and I said I wouldn't force her out "or leave her suddenly on the lease alone, "but it was one or the other. "Eventually she accepted it "and decided she would move back in with her dad. "That was the end of April, "and she's fully moved out as of this week. "My childhood best friend, Allie, has been flip-flopping "on moving to my city for forever now. "And me calling and saying I had a cheap open bedroom "if she came right away got her "to finally pull the trigger on it. "And it helped Layla out "because she didn't have to pay to break the lease "since I agreed to cover the full rent at my own risk. "Allie has stuff to tie up in our home state still, "but she's already sent me half of July's rent. "I just gotta squeeze for a little while, but I'll make it. "I'm super excited to see her and show her around. "Plus we've been cooking together since fourth grade, "so that'll be a nice change. "And I can get a cat. "It's been a bit of a rough couple months, "but I'm very happy with how things are looking right now, "so I just wanted to share all that with you guys." Well, it worked out for her. - All right. - There we go. Everything happens for a reason. - And she wanted her boyfriend to move in. - Yeah, yeah. - [Shayne] Which makes perfect sense. - It's like they were prepping for that situation. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - And I'm surprised that the boyfriend and Layla are still together. I'm surprised he hasn't had any reactions to her 'cause she sounds kind of nuts. (crew laughs) (Ian laughs) - Anthony's like, "I'm out." (everyone laughs) - Is there a revoke buy Smosh button? - Yeah. - Revoke! I'm out. - Sorry. That was a terrible joke. And... Look, I also understand people being overly cautious about allergies. - Oh, of course. - It's like when you have like an anaphylactic event, it's a pretty traumatizing thing, and you don't ever want to be in that situation again. - No, yeah, I would be get it terrified of causing an allergic reaction in someone. I'd be like, oh my god. Oh my freaking god. Like for an episode of "Eat It Or Yeet It," I made cookies and some other things, but one of the things involved nuts, one of them didn't. And I was like, I realized afterward that I'm like, oh, I didn't wash the like kitchen area properly. So I like texted 'cause I know Kiana's allergic to nuts. So I texted her. I was like, "By the way, "I didn't properly like clean the area and stuff. "So everything that I'm bringing tomorrow is contaminated. "Like, just so you know." - [Kiana] At like 10:00 PM. - Just so you know. I was like, "I'm texting you now so I don't forget "and bring it in. "Like, I'm letting you know, just don't eat any of it." 'Cause I'm terrified of that. But I think that this is less about allergies and more about like asking to accommodate a partner of a roommate. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And I don't know if that's something either of you guys can relate to. If you ever dealt with that. - You did have a partner suddenly move in with us. - I know I was gonna- (everyone laughs) 'Cause we were talking, yeah, when we were talking about like, oh, the partner like moving in and like not telling, I was gonna be like, hey, remember that time when like I didn't really tell you but my partner was gonna be moving in. - And then they lived with us for a year and a half? - Something like that. - Wow. - Yeah, yeah. So I had an additional roommate for a while. - All right, let's move on here. - That's really funny. (everyone laughs) - Here we go. "Am I the asshole for not letting my apartment mate, "21 female, back inside after she got spat upon by a camel?" (everyone laughs) - What the (beep) I'm gonna need to take a drink for that one. - [Shayne] Yeah, okay. - I'm dying to know where this is. - Yeah, that's a fascinating type. - Brooklyn. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) So this takes place in Ohio. (everyone laughs) - Would be Ohio. - "This just happened and it's been super stressful, "wondering if I made the right decision. "I share an apartment with another woman, "and we've been decent enough acquaintances. "I'm the primary tenant, but she's subleasing, "and the landlord is okay with that. "Apparently she walked out to this fair "that had all sorts of attractions and animals. "It was walking distance about a mile away from our unit. "I remember it being advertised but didn't go. "Well, to put it plainly, she got spat on by a camel. "She texted me shortly after it happened to warn me "that she was coming home. "I thought, okay, what's the big deal? "Come home. "I saw her coming up the steps looking miserable "through the window and went out to the porch to greet her, "and instantly I was hit "with the most unbelievable vile smell I've ever smelled "from a good 20 feet away. "I really couldn't take it. "I got only a whiff and I could feel my stomach churning. "I went back inside and closed the door. "She came up and tried to get inside with her key, "but I was practically begging her, 'No. "'Whatever happened, you can't come in like that.' "She was yelling, 'What? "'I live here!' "And then was practically crying "that she had nowhere else to go. "I said, 'I'm sorry, but there's no way. "'I can't let that smell in here.' "I could smell her through the door. "I was gagging. "I suggested that she find a hose or shower somewhere "or jump in a creek or something." - Jump in a creek. - "Anything but coming in like that. "But she was saying no store would let her in." (everyone laughs) "But I held firm. "I held the door closed until she walked away. "She came back an hour later soaking wet. "Maybe she had jumped in a creek." (everyone laughs) "And opened the door. "I couldn't just sit there holding it shut all day, "and the smell was maybe barely better, but still horrific. "She jumped straight into the shower, "but I can still faintly smell it "throughout our whole living room, "and it's making me feel absolutely sick. "Now we're both furious at each other. "I'm mad that she came back in before the smell was gone "and now the whole place smells unbearable. "She's furious that I dared to hold the door shut "and keep her out "and is saying that she'll be talking to the landlord "or a lawyer because that can't be legal. "But I don't know what else I could have done. "This is dreadful. "Am I the asshole?" - "This is dreadful." - There's a lot there. - Holy (beep) - So we have a little, we did a little research on this. - Oh, okay. - A camel will bring some of its stomach contents into its mouth, mix them with saliva, this is called cud, and spit it if they are feeling threatened or have been provoked by another animal or a human. - So it's like vomit. - So it's like a horrible vomit. - I've heard they spit. - I had no idea it smelled. - Yeah. But it's not just saliva. It's like an acid gross. So it's I guess it's more like a skunk type of defense. - Yeah. - The verdict is asshole, and I completely agree. - Completely agree. - "Go find a creek." - "Go find a creek!" - "There's no creeks for miles, but just go!" (Shayne and crew laugh) - It's so sad. - Or find a store or hose or- - She was saying, "No stores will let me in." (everyone laughs) They're like, "Get out!" - What is a store gonna do? Oh yes, come to our shower. - A CVS holding the electric door shut, like "No!" (crew laughs) - This almost sounded like a zombie story. - Yeah. - Like, keeping the front door- - "No!" Like, can't keep it shut. - There's a public pool, and they're like, "Get out! "Get out!" - I think that's huge asshole behavior. She's literally holding the door shut while she's trying to get the key open. - [Ian] That's insane. - You can't hold someone away from coming into their home. - To shower, like... - Yeah. - She could have stepped outside for a bit. - I would've been like, "I need to leave." - Yeah. - "I'm gonna leave. "Can you please like after you're done showering and stuff, "like Febreeze the (beep) outta our place." - It's not like she's gonna roll around the ground. - Yeah, she just wants to get back and shower. She hates the smell too. - Yeah. - Some comments. "You're the asshole and it's likely illegal. "If she's paying rent to live there, "you can't just randomly lock her out "because you don't like how she smells. "When people are dirty and gross, "the place they clean themselves up is their bathroom, "which you locked her from. "Blocked her from. "The right thing to do would've been to leave "while she gets cleaned up "and come back with air fresheners." Someone else said, "You're the asshole and absolutely vile. "That's her home. "That's where she's meant to clean off. "Where else was she meant to do that? "That's absolutely disgusting of you to do. "Sure, it smelled. "But she was probably embarrassed and in a terrible mood. "Imagine having to walk home like that too. "And just thinking of a nice shower and curling up in bed "to just have someone hold the literal door closed "on the apartment you pay to live in." Last person said, "You could have locked yourself "in your room after opening up all the windows, "sprayed the place down with Febreeze after, "or just been a decent human being. "I hope there's some repercussions for what you did "because you sound absolutely vile and inconsiderate." Yeah. - It's just like inhumane. Like, it just doesn't, she's not treating her like a human being. She's treating her like a dog. - Yeah. - Worse than a dog. - What really hits- - That's true 'cause I would bring my, whenever my dog got sprayed by a skunk, I would bring her into the house. I wouldn't go, "Go find a creek." - "Find a creek!" (everyone laughs) "Get!" - "Shoo!" - What does a camel's breath smell like? It smells like a wet, slimy compost pile on a warm, nasty day. Oh. - Okay. - I mean, look, I've been to a petting zoo. Animals smell pretty bad, but it sounds like they can make you smell like a camel. - Even worse. - But what hits is like, yeah, whenever you're like (beep) up. Like, you know what I mean? When you're (beep) up, and you're like, oh my god, I'm about to get home and I'm about to shower and I'm about to like be done with this. - Yeah. - And then you get home and you're locked out. But I feel like I've experienced similar things where you're like, oh (beep) Like, either your clothes are messy or you just feel exhausted and then you run into another obstacle. - Yeah. - And you're like, oh, I thought I was gonna be home free soon, like- - And it'd be one thing if the door was just locked, but literally she's holding the door shut. - Holding it like, "No!" (everyone laughs) - Asshole. - Asshole. All right, next story. "Am I the asshole for dropping our dinner on the ground "and walking out when my boyfriend asked me, "'What's for dinner tonight, bitch?'" (everyone laughs) - Wait a second, wait a second. Did one of my partners post this? (everyone laughs) - Jesus. - But I said it like, "Bitch." - Yeah, true, how many I's were in the bitch? Right? Is it just one I? - It's just one. - Oh, then that's not- - No yeah, that's not okay. That's not okay. You gotta have it like, bitch. - [Shayne] Okay. - Wow, okay. All right, legend. - [Shayne] "I was-" (Anthony and crew laugh) All right. - Everyone's like, "Ian, stop. "Shut your (beep) mouth." - Ian, I'm not gonna buy Smosh anymore if you keep this up. - I'm sorry. Dude, I'm getting zooted off this matcha latte. - Do you know how much caffeine is in that? - "I was over my boyfriend's apartment this weekend, "and I was cooking dinner because he was studying for exams. "I made pasta and a chunky sauce with meatballs and veggies. "I told him dinner was ready and he goes, "'What's for dinner tonight, bitch?'" And it's in all caps. Bitch is in all caps. - Okay. - "What's for dinner tonight, bitch?" - Wait, what's the Smosh way that it would've been done? - Be like, "Bitch." You have to have that bitch. - What's for dinner tonight, bitch? Or that. - Yeah. - That's too, that's getting too like... - "With like a lot of emphasis on the last word. "I was fed up. "I'd had a pretty rough day with work "and I have some awfully bad associations "with that word being used by other people in my life "who were pretty abusive. "So I was so irritated "that I dropped the pot of pasta sauce I'd been carrying "right on the ground and was like, "'Well, nothing's for dinner tonight now. "'And I better not hear you using that word again. "'It's for the girls.' "He was freaking out." (Ian laughs) "He was freaking out about how sauce had landed on his rug, "and he even said, "'You're seriously acting like a bitch right now. "'I don't know what else to call it.'" (Ian gasps) - Whoa, okay. (Shayne laughs) - There's some other (beep) going on. - Wrong bitch. - "I just walked out and got takeout for myself "and went to my friend's house. "She thought it was funny, but my boyfriend was furious. "He kept texting and calling and sending me voice memos, "trying to explain that saying, "'What's for dinner tonight, bitch,' was a TikTok trend "and that he was just quoting something "as a joke to put on TikTok. "I thought that was the (beep) excuse ever. "It doesn't matter if he saw it as a joke or stole the joke. "It was still disrespectful. "But it didn't change the fact "that he thought that (beep) was funny, "to demean me when I was trying to do him a favor. "Like hell I came over when he was studying "to make a home cooked dinner, "and he decides it's time for jokes? "So I put my phone on don't disturb for the night "and split a bottle of wine with my friend and her roommate. "The next morning he was sending me angry texts "demanding I clean his rug "because he was still too busy with exams to do it. "I was shocked he left it overnight. "That's disgusting." (everyone laughs) - The mess I made. - Yeah. "I texted him back saying, "'Yeah, so that's the bitch tax, honey. "'Leave me alone until you're ready "'to handle your own cooking and cleaning "'because this bitch isn't anymore. "'Also, it's vile you left that soaking in all night.' "He called me and told me that he was okay "with doing his own household work, "but I did throw a full pot of sauce at the ground, "so that's on me to clean up. "I told him, 'Yeah, no, I'm not comfortable doing chores "'for you if you see me like your bitch.' "He told me he didn't, and it was just a trend. "And I got pissed off he was playing "that TikTok trend BS excuse again. "And I told him, 'Well, I'm starting a trend called saucing, "where as a little joke people throw pasta sauce around. "'You can't be mad 'cause it's just a little prank. "'A little jokey joke. "'A little prank, bro.' "He got really pissed off and hung up on me. "And now I'm seriously wondering "if this dumb (beep) TikTok joke "is gonna be the end of things between us. "Am I the asshole now how I reacted "when my boyfriend asked me, "'What's for dinner tonight, bitch?' "Edit to address a comment I've gotten a lot, "and I don't have time to reply every time. "But did you tell him not to call you a bitch? "Like, how would he know otherwise? "Honestly, if someone has gotten to the age of 30 "and not realized that women as a whole "do not like having demeaning slurs used against them, "they're beyond my help. "This isn't something that needs to be told. "I shouldn't have to go through life like, "hey man, just in case you were thinking I might "like demeaning slurs against my gender used on me, "I don't actually. "And if you're about to comment something like that, "let me just tell you in no uncertain terms, "women do not like being called bitches by men. "Do not call women bitches. "If you needed to be told that it is unkind, "consider yourself officially told. "Now you have no excuse to not understand." - Yeah. - I think it really hits, I mean, look, it doesn't matter what age he is, but when she's like, yeah, he's 30 years old, I'm like, yeah. TikTok trend? Like, okay. - I mean, like from looking at this one event in a vacuum, like I'm sure some people could see that and be like, "She overreacted." But I guarantee like with the way that he talked to her, I'm sure that he's talked in similar ways to her, and she's communicated to him that she doesn't appreciate that. And he's probably ignored it and goes, "Oh, it's a funny TikTok trend," which is like what a bad excuse. - It's a bad excuse. The adding of the like, "Well, now you actually are acting like a bitch." - Yeah, that really sealed it. - That sealed it of like, you probably do talk disrespectfully to her. - Yeah. - It'd be one thing if they joked around together, and it was like established that they call each other that kind of thing. - [Shayne] Right. - I mean, clearly it completely caught her off guard because this was something that was hard set in stone for her of like, "This is not a line that you cross." So it feels like he should have, I mean, it doesn't say how long they've been together. But it feels like they probably should have, he probably knew. - He probably did know. - You gotta test those waters before you bring out the big guns. (everyone laughs) And that word is one of the big guns, so you gotta make sure that your partner's like chill with, you know, that. - But I agree. Like, relationships, people in relationships, they gauge like what are we comfortable with joking about and stuff. - Yeah. - And he said a joke that clearly offended her. - [Ian] Oh yeah. - That he, as we are either assuming or, you know, we don't know for sure that it's like there's clearly been stuff before this. And he's not taking her feelings into account. - A lot of times people joke and use that kind of word with each other because they know, like it's so established that they would never actually mean that, or, you know, it's almost funny because they would never say that. - Sure. - But the fact that he's saying it and she feels like he meant it means that there's other stuff that's there. - There's a lot going on. And what I can't get over is that he did leave the sauce. (Anthony laughs) - Yeah, he just left. He's like, "That's for you to clean up. "You did that." - Well, yeah, and the fact that like that he's angry about it. That he's like, the fact that this happened and his response is anger rather than like apologizing and trying to fix things and just getting angry and sending angry text messages. It's like, I think there's a bit of history here. - Yeah, I feel like it could have been like immediately, "You know, I did not know that was gonna offend you, "and I'm so sorry. "Let's make this right." But he doubled down and said, "You are acting like a bitch right now." - Icky. - No, that's where it's you, I mean, you lost me before, but like, that's when it's like, all right buddy, you're gone. Some comments here. "Not the asshole. "I googled the trend, "and it is all about seeing how women react "to a knowingly offensive comment, "and usually they are offended. "These jokes aren't funny. "Well, you reacted, he got his wish. "Effed around and found out. "He needs to grow up." So he was also clearly filming her. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, huh? She did mention it. - He said it was a trend and yeah- - He wanted to get her reaction. - Yeah. - Dude, that's so- - So well you got it, bro. - That's so cringey. "Not the asshole, "and yes, this should be the end of you two. "He sounds like a total asshole, "and leaving that on the floor overnight is just nasty." Last comment here. "Not the asshole. "Your gut response shock and rage at him taking you "for granted to the point of demeaning you was the right one "from the beginning. "Him leaving the mess overnight, expecting you to come back "and clean it up, just confirms it. "He doesn't respect you." Yeah. - Yeah, and she probably felt extra disrespected because she probably didn't want to cook him dinner that night and she was going out of her way for him. - Yeah, she was helping him out. - Yeah. - And he's like, "This is gonna give me so much clout." - Yeah, "It's gonna be so funny doing this favor for me "and I disrespect her." - Yeah, like look, there's a lot of TikTok trends. A lot of 'em are totally cool and funny and fine. - Wait, so you're telling me that there's sexist things on TikTok? (crew laughs) - Yeah. - What? - All right, here we go. Okay, so this is from Am I The Buttface? (Ian laughs) - Is this for like kids? - [Shayne] A different subreddit. - Yeah, is this for kids that don't wanna say asshole? - It's like Am I The Asshole but with less rules. There's a lot of parameters in Am I The Asshole, the subreddit. Like, mods have created a lot of rules. So there's a different subreddit called Am I The Buttface, which allows for them to kind of tell stories that go around the rules of Am I The Asshole. - Got it. - Got it. - But this was reposted on Am I The Devil, so it's gonna be good. - Okay. - All right. "Am I the buttface for confronting him "on why he never loved me in front of his husband?" Okay. "Wes and I had been best friends, "had been BFFs for our entire lives. "I had it so bad for him that when he was 15 "and couldn't afford a phone, "I saved up money to buy a 1K iPhone for him "but lied and said I had gotten it for free from my parents. "When he came out as bi, "even my parents fully accepted we would end up together. "I was really in love. "I even followed him to the college he picked. "I watched him sleep "with literally any remotely attractive person "and didn't say anything because I wanted him to have fun, "but it wasn't easy. "But then he got into a bad accident. "After helping him through the recovery, "I confessed my feelings for him, and it did not go well. "It was obvious "from his resigned expression he already knew, "but he said he didn't feel the same way, "and he wasn't planning on getting married, "that he was too damaged. "I was a mess. "The next day I ended up drinking and went over to his place "and begged him to love me. "He said I was the best person he knew, "but he can't lie about how he feels. "I asked him to kiss me "so I could prove to him we were meant to be, "but he said no." - Stop it. - "I still begged, saying, 'Please, let me love you.'" - Oh. - "'Let me show you.' "He ended up letting me kiss him, "but he pinned my hands to my chest so I couldn't do more. "I felt so horrible about it the next day. "I was prepared to beg his forgiveness, "but he told me it was fine, "that he didn't feel taken advantage of "so I could stop beating myself up over it. "But he admitted that he didn't want it to happen again, "meaning the kiss. "I cut him outta my life, even though it was hard. "But I saw him yesterday with his husband at a bar. "It had been four years. "I had a few drinks, and I confronted him." - Oh boy. (Anthony sighs) - Okay, this is gonna be great. - "I asked to talk privately, "but his husband wasn't cool with it. "So I asked in front of his husband and their friends "why he lied to me about not wanting to get married. "He was clearly embarrassed and taken aback "but answered and said he didn't lie and that things change. "I said he needed to tell me the reason he doesn't want "to be with me because I deserve to know. "Was it my looks, my personality? "Did I say something wrong? "But he said no to all of that. "He said I was great, that I did nothing wrong, "but he only ever thought of me as a brother, "that there were no feelings. "That really pissed me off because it felt like he's lying. "The brothers thing sounds like sweet home Alabama (beep) "I told him he was missing out. "I would've loved him forever. "But if that's his choice, that's on him. "He said neither of us are missing out, "that we were meant to be with other people. "Before I left, "I said he would never get how badly he hurt me. "He was apologizing a lot "and said he hopes I find happiness. "But I walked away. "His husband, by the way, was being really hostile "to the whole conversation and kept telling me to move on "and saying, 'He doesn't want you.' "He seems like an ass. "Am I the buttface?" (Anthony laughs) - That's asshole behavior. - "Am the buttface for confronting them?" - Holy, wow. - Oh (beep) - Wow, the entitlement is outta control. - It's so personal. - And this is from their perspective. I think this person probably is even more intense. Because hearing that he was apologizing a lot means that it's like he's like scared. He's like, "Oh, I'm sorry. "I'm so sorry." Like, he just wants this person to get away. Holy (beep) - Scary. That's like, that's scary. - "You're gonna let me love you and you're gonna like it." - The kissing thing, yeah, that's really uncomfy. - Yeah, "Let me kiss you. "You're gonna see how much you're missing out on." - God. - There's some serious like entitlement issues going on. - I'd say buttface. - Definite buttface. - Definitely a buttface. Probably more. - Probably creep. Probably... Yeah. That's illegal. - Some comments here. "Ah, unrequited obsession. "I see a large therapy bill in this person's future. "Either that or prison time from stalking." Someone else says, "That was a big asshole move on your part. "I promise you that every single person "who was forced to listen to you pitch this little hissy "was absolutely dying of embarrassment for you. "You need therapy and you need it badly. "This ish with Wes is borderline stalker BS "and you come off sounding 1,000% unhinged. "The man has spent half his life trying to keep you "at arm's length "while also trying not to hurt your feelings. "Leave him alone." - Yeah, I wonder how did he end up in a bar? How did they end up in the same bar four years later? - Right, it's very coincidental, and they just brush over those details. You could almost assume based on the other behavior that it was purposeful. - Probably following him. - I think there's a lot going on here. - [Anthony] Yeah. - Woowee. - Yeah, and based on the ages, they've held this flame for like minimum 10 years. - Yeah. - And it sounds like the husband knows who this guy is. - Yeah, there's been discussions. There's been lots of discussions. - Based off the way the husband was responding. It's like, oh, this guy knows this history, which makes me think this guy's been a little, been a little stalky stalker. - Huge issues, and everything was like a personal reflection of, "What does it mean about me? "Why don't you love me? "Is it my looks? "Is it my personality? "What is it?" And they couldn't just accept that it just wasn't there. - It's like they've been married for four years. It's done. It's done. People change. - I think people get this idea in their head that there's one soulmate in the entire universe for them, and that they found them. And that's where the stalker obsession like starts. When in reality obviously there are millions of people that you can- - And also like to think that you have to qualify for somebody. - Yeah. - That if you check off all the boxes, which is why there's like, why there's like a lot of like the incel communities, like, "I don't get it. "Like, I work out. "Like, I'm like ripped and blah, blah, blah, "and like this person's six feet and-" - "I checked all the boxes." - And it's like, it's not about checking off the, like it's, you don't, you're not trying to like fill out like an application. - Yeah. - Like, you're never gonna, if somebody's not into you, you getting a six pack isn't gonna change that. - Yeah. I think another thing too is people who felt a certain way about someone and then they don't see 'em for years and think like, oh, they're gonna be the same exact person that like, "Oh, we can pick this back up again. "Like, maybe it'll work now." It's like if it's been four years or more, that's a different person. That's a whole new person. Most likely. And if they're married and stuff and like they couldn't accept that. They were like, "No." - Even saying like, "You said you would never get married," so many years ago. - Yeah, way back then then. - When we were 26. - And he says like, "Yeah, that was true. "That was true then." - Which can be true. - "But I'm a different person now." - Yeah. - Feel so bad for that person that has to deal with- - I hope after this was posted that the original poster got the hint. - Probably not. - And stopped contacting them, but probably not. - Probably not. - All right, here we go. "Am I the asshole for taking my sisters and their husbands "to see Garth Brooks when my friends didn't pay? "I was lucky enough to snag six tickets "to see Garth Brooks in Vegas. "My friends and I had made plans to go as three couples, "but I can't really afford to pay for six tickets. "The concert is kind of expensive. "I told my friends that I needed the money for the tickets "before my credit card was due. "They both promised they would get it to me. "I reminded them a few times, and they both forgot. "I called my sister "and asked if she knew anyone who might like to go. "She said that she "and my stepsister had been talking about going. "We decided to make it a family trip. "They paid me immediately, "and I transferred the tickets for each of them. "Last week, one of my friends saw "that I posted on Facebook about going with my sisters. "She asked why I was going twice. "I told her I wasn't. "I needed to pay my credit card bill, "so I sold four of the tickets. "They went ballistic. "I do not have any credit card debt "as I pay my bill in full every month. "They both assumed I would be okay "just paying the minimum monthly payment like they do. "They expected me to save them the tickets "even though they didn't pay me. "I told them both to check their texts "and see where I had agreed to that. "I sent them screenshots of where they both agreed to pay me "before my bill was due. "They're pissed because all the tickets left "are either resale or very expensive floor seats. "I am mad at them for trying to screw me with my credit. "They are mad at me because they had booked time off "to go to the concert. "Am I the asshole?" - Well first off, you never pay just your minimum on your credit cards. - No. No. - Always try to pay the balance. - You're like, "Future me will worry about that problem." - Yeah. - Yeah, get that (beep) taken care of. - This one is a little bit gray though because I feel like there could have been not an ultimatum, but like, "This is your last chance. "If it's not happening today, it's not happening at all." It doesn't sound like that was necessarily given. - Well, she does say she sent screenshots of when they agreed to pay before the bill. I think she sent reminders. "I told my friends that I needed the money for the tickets "before my credit card was due. "They both promised. "I reminded them a few times." - Okay. - "And they both forgot." - Okay. - So I do think there was multiple times here. The verdict is not the asshole. I don't think they're... I don't think they're necessarily an asshole for all of this. I guess what we're saying, like is it could have been like, "This is the last chance. "I'm about to sell them to my sisters." - Yeah. - "I'm going to sell them to my sisters tonight "if you don't pay them right now." - I think that's the only thing that was missing. But even without it, I don't think it's necessarily asshole behavior when it's already been discussed so thoroughly. - If you gave them a few times. - Yeah, if I was that friend, like I would be, I would be like a little upset, but I would also understand like, oh, I (beep) up. - Yeah. - That was on me. Like, if you reminded me multiple times and I just completely ignored it, then yeah, I mean, it's my fault. - Yeah, for sure. The comments here. "Not the asshole at all. "You gave them plenty of warnings in writing. "There's really not much more you could have done. "You are super responsible "in making sure you pay off your balance every month. "Way to go. "But I will add one thing. "Even if you just pay the minimum required "on your credit card, that won't screw with your credit. "All it will do is charge you interest for the month." - That sucks. - "Whereas when you pay the balance in full, "there's no interest added. "Just an added FYI." - Well, yeah, the (beep) interest is insane. Like, if you only pay your minimum, I mean, even if you have a small amount in your bank account and you're only paying the minimum every month, you won't wind up paying off your credit card for like 10 years. - OP responds to that saying, "Thanks, I get that. "But I've seen too many of my friends "and coworkers fall into a pit with credit card debt. "I'm not interested in that slippery slope." - Interest. - Someone else said, "Not the asshole. "The tickets were never theirs "because they never bothered to pay you for them "or ask if you could make other arrangements, "which would only be acceptable if it was okay with you. "If they can't remember to pay you before the concert, "what kind of odds would you have given "that they would remember to pay you back after the concert? "Some of these judgments are really easy. "Not the asshole. "They don't pay, they don't go. "No excuse here. "They had multiple reminders and opportunities. "Maybe they'll learn to keep their promises, "but it doesn't look promising if they're angry at you "and not their own inactions." Yeah, I mean, I think ultimately it's just that is the cut and dry factor of it. Look, I'm not saying they're the asshole. They're not the asshole. But yeah, if it was my situation, I think I would've day of if I'm about to like sell them, I would've been like, "Here's what's about to happen. "I'm communicating what's about to happen. "I've reminded you several times. "I'm about to do this right now." - Totally. - "You have an hour." - Yeah. - Yeah, it is weird to like not let them know like about the switchover, but yeah, not the asshole at all. Yeah, pay off your balance. - Yeah, no, I agree. - And I'm so surprised that there's that many people that want to go see Garth Brooks. That's impressive. - People love Garth Brooks, man. - Apparently. - People love Garth Brooks. - Yeah. - There's been several concert related stories. There was one we read where she, a woman missed her brother-in-law's funeral for Taylor Swift. (Anthony laughs) - Yeah, but they're not blood related. (crew laughs) - I got (beep) for that one because I said "Our Song" is the only good Taylor Swift song. That's a joke. That's a joke. - Yeah. - She has other good songs, guys. - [Kiana] Is this your apology video? - Name one. - This is my apology video. - Okay, wait, name one. - Oh, "Mean" actually was one of my, I like that one a lot. I like a lot of, look, I like a lot of her older stuff, but I also like, what's the one, 1980? What's the one with "Shake It Off," that album. - That's an old one now. - Okay. (Anthony laughs) All right, here's our last story. - Okay, is it the spiciest? - I don't know. - [Kiana] It's something. - Okay. - It's something. R/TrueOffMyChest. "I don't think my boss knows that I know there's a camera "in my office." - Oh. - Oh my god. - Oh god. - Holy (beep) Wow. - Wait, was this posted from Smosh? Was this posted from a Smosh employee? (Anthony laughs) - [Kiana] Who has an office here? - We don't have- - Did they find out? Did they find out? - I will say I do want a little fun little, oh, this happened, you know, recently. - Oh, yeah? - Over the course of a month, I slowly hid fake bananas in Ian's office. - Yeah. - I would tape them underneath things. I would hide them, stash them in his couch. There was close to about 30 bananas in his office, and they were in there for days and he had no idea. - That's actually why I wanted to buy Smosh again is 'cause I wanted to own those bananas. - Yeah, yeah. Specifically just the bananas. - Yeah. - Well, they're back in my office again. - Oh, good, good. - I'm glad we own 30... - Fake bananas. - Very, okay. They're fake? - They're like styrofoam. You know the ones that are like in like- - They'll last forever. - They'll be good forever. - Yeah, forever. - And they're an investment. - Yeah. - "I don't know where to start "because I'm not even sure if this is weird or not." It's weird. - It's already weird, yeah. - "I started at this new job not long ago, "and since the first day I've known there was a camera "in my office. "I don't think it's necessarily weird to have cameras "in an office setting. "There's cameras in all sorts of places "for all kinds of reasons. "But the camera in my office isn't any sort "of built-in fixture, "and my individual office room is the only office "with a camera in it. "On my first day of the job, "I realized my boss was too aware of my actions." - Oh. - "He said something to me that threw me off, "and I knew he wouldn't have brought it up "unless he had been watching me do something. "It was just too coincidental, "but it was casual at the same time, "so it wasn't a direct illusion to the camera he has. "But immediately after the incident, "I scanned around the room, "and I found a camera nestled into a cubby "with a small wire that led into his adjacent office." - Bro. - "My other boss has also indirectly responded to my actions "in the group chat. "The few times I had spent an excessive amount of time "on my phone were times that the, 'Hey guys, let me know "'if you guys need anything to work on. "'I know things are slow,' messages would trickle in. "Anything that seemed to hint at me being watched "was also said or done ambiguously enough "that they weren't revealing anything "about being able to see me "as if I'm not supposed to know I'm being watched, "and that's what is unsettling to me. "The camera is pointed directly at me, not the door, "not the front of my desk, "not anywhere else that would make sense for security. "I've looked at everyone else's office "and didn't see a single camera. "The camera is pointed specifically at me, "and I don't even deal with money "or anything that could be stolen. "I don't know if I should bring this up. "I'm not entirely mad, "and I guess I understand the reasoning, "like making sure I'm on task or some (beep) "It just bothers me a little that I can be watched whenever, "and they never even disclose that. "I feel like someone being constantly monitored "has the right to know that they are, "especially since I'm the only one being watched like this. "I at least used it to my advantage "because I at least know not to be on my phone, LOL." So in the comments we can gleam that she states that she is a 22-year-old woman. If we feel that's important. - Yeah, I was a little curious about if it was a woman. - Yeah. - I have a favorite part about all this. - [Shayne] Yeah? - Just how much time are these people spending watching her do nothing and complaining about her doing nothing? - That's management, baby. (crew laughs) That's what being a manager's all about. You just watch other people work. - Or not work. - I am kind of surprised at her reaction. - Like, how chill she is? - I'm actually like kinda disappointed. - She's being extremely chill. - Yeah. - I would just be like turn the camera away. (Ian laughs) - Yeah. - I would turn the camera away and then see if it gets moved back, see if anyone says anything, and be like, "Hey, you didn't disclose that. "That is illegal." If I moved it and I saw it get moved back, I would then go to HR. - Yeah, immediately. - Like, "Hey, there's a camera in my office. "I moved it away. "It keeps getting moved back. "That's illegal." It is illegal. - I wonder if it's like a trial that they run on like new employees. - It should still be disclosed. - Yeah, I agree. - You disclose it. - Either way, it's gross. Like, and I think a lot of companies nowadays are obsessed with productivity and efficiency and especially in the time of like remote work. I've heard of like companies like installing software on computers that will like track the person's productivity, which is crazy because like, I think humans have always been as productive as ever. But now we have technology to hold people to account. So it's like, even like back in the day, you know, like maybe in the '50s when corporate office jobs were just starting, I'm sure people weren't working, you know, nonstop from sitting down in their chair to leaving home. - Right. - And now there's this expectation of like that's what it needs to be. And you have to always be working. And now we have technology to hold you to that account. It's like, it's scary. - It's weird. I also think creating a environment of distrust is not going to create trust. - Exactly. - Amongst employees and everything. - And I think the best way for people to feel motivated to work is when they feel trusted, when they feel respected, when they feel like they can work at a pace that works for them as long as they get the work done. That kind of thing. But to say you need to always be working 100% of the time and I'm gonna watch you to make sure. - It's weird. And I also feel like how you monitor production is just like, hey, did you do your job? You did it. I don't care when you did it, how you did it, like you did it. Like, we can see what needs to be done. - And if your job is to be the one to like make sure that somebody else is pulling the lever, then that's a (beep) job. - Yeah, you're the one without the job if you're sitting there just watching someone else. - Yeah, they're justifying their job by saying, "I'm monitoring the people." - And this is us having the best assumption of why they have- - We're being very charitable here. - We're being extremely charitable here. - Yeah, we haven't even like brushed the, you know, the fact that she's like a 22-year-old woman. - And it could be just a completely creepy awful reason. The tough thing legally also is that we're in California and the laws are a certain way here. The laws are different per state, different per country. So I know audio you can't, it's two party consent. So they probably, they can't record the audio. This is similar laws to us here in California. But video I guess might be legal. I don't know. But if that needs to be disclosed or not is the question. - Still provides so much or it still brings so much distrust. - Oh my god, it's still stupid as hell. - Yeah. - I'm just like, it's just so disappointing, like hearing how okay with it this person is, and I think that kind of gives you an idea of like where we are. - Yeah. - Like, "No, it's fine." - I know. I feel like if workers, if people just drew a hard line about that. I'm just like, "No, never gonna work in a situation like that." But I also know people like they get a job, they're like, "I need this job." - Sure. - Yeah. - So I have some comments here. "Anytime you're finished with a task "and waiting for another one, "spend excessive amounts of time staring into the camera." (everyone laughs) Someone else said, "Yes, yes, and don't blink at all. "Just stare vacantly directly into the camera." Someone else said, "Is this your office? "Place a nice plant/object in the way of the camera "to decorate. "If the decoration is moved, ask why." Someone else said, "Put a hardcover copy of '1984.'" (everyone laughs) - No, you know what would be epic? Is if you took a picture of yourself from that vantage point, printed it out, and then put it in front of the camera. - Oh, that's a super smart move. - Or you get a looping video. - Yeah. - Of you just working. (everyone laughs) Always productive. - I thought you were gonna say to put a copy of goatse in front of it. - Oh. - Put goatse in front of it and then wait and all a sudden you hear from the next office just, "Oh my god!" - And they can't complain or else they have to admit it, right? - He walks over, vomit on his shirt. He's like (groans) - You seem pretty busy spreading your ass. (everyone laughs) Sorry, sorry, sorry. - All right, there's an update here. (Anthony laughs) Oh god, I wonder what's gonna happen. "I wasn't expecting so many responses. "I genuinely appreciate "how concerned everyone is about whether or not I'm okay. "It makes me feel good knowing a lot of people care "about a stranger's wellbeing. "I've seen a lot of comments asking for an update, "so this is really the most I have of one. "Nothing has changed yet. "I haven't brought it up to them "because part of me is wondering "if they'll eventually remove it. "I was curious to see "if they would ever bring it up themselves "or if I could find a way to hint at the fact that I know. "I sort of want them to stay unaware that I know "so I can see how they act in response to my actions "to potentially call it out in the future. "The top comment is pretty funny "about staring into the camera. "There were a few times where something ridiculous "would happen with something "and I'd stare into the camera for a moment "as if I was breaking the fourth wall, LMAO." (everyone laughs) - She's Jim from "The Office." - "The Truman Show." Is that what they think this is? - "I don't think I'm going to bring it up just yet. "I actually really like working here. "I get along with my coworkers, "and they pay me decently for what I do. "For everyone asking, yes, I'm a woman. "I don't think this is as much of a sexual harassment case "as it is just a micromanaging thing. "They haven't done or said anything to me "to make me feel like they were hitting on me. "Just genuine politeness. "My guess for the camera "is that there may be testing my integrity "and seeing how much time I spend on my phone, "even out of view of other people, which I could understand. "But wow, I wish there was another way "besides a camera on me. "There's been a few other micromanagey things "that have irked me a little, "but I still like my bosses in spite of that. "If something changes, like if I start getting the vibe "that this is becoming creepy, I'll keep you guys updated. "Oh, and also a few things I wanted to mention "that a lot of people had ideas about. "You guys had good ideas by the way. "Due to where it's at, "it would be really hard to cover the camera with anything. "I can't exactly reach it. "So I'd have to find something like maybe a wide shelf "that would block view from underneath it. "The wire runs into my boss's office. "You can't see the wire from mine, "so I'd have to take a pic of it from inside his office. "So I don't know if I'm able to evidence collect too easily. "I'm also trying to be a bit vague with details "because I got a little paranoid about the idea of my bosses "somehow coming across this thread. "Anyways, I appreciate you guys, "and I'm sorry I don't have more thrilling update. "I'll let you know if anything changes." This camera must be in a very obvious place, I feel like. - And high up. - If it's really out in the open and just there, then it's like, okay, they're not trying to hide it. - It's so weird to not say anything about it. - It's so weird. - It sounds like at this point she's just curious to know what happens. She's like- - She's so chill. She's like- - Time to goatse that camera. - "They're watching my every move. "Anyways." - "Anyway," boo boo boo boo. - She kind of gives some details in the comments of what the camera looks like. "It's like rectangular sorta, "longer vertically than it is horizontally. "The lens doesn't poke outward. "It's flushed with the rest of the body. "So from first glance, it could be mistaken as a speaker. "I can't reach high enough to put something to cover it, "and it's an abnormal place to decorate, 'so it'd be obvious I was trying to cover it." - It seems crazy to me to even try to cover it. - Yeah. - Like, if she likes the job and the people are reasonable, I think it's okay to just ask like, what is that camera doing there? - She could even play dumb if she's like not sure it's a camera. If it's like, oh, it looks like a speaker. Just be like, "I was just so curious. "What is that?" - Yeah. - And them be like, "Oh, I don't..." (Ian laughs) - It is strange though 'cause I feel like the moment, I don't know if it's 'cause I'm a guy or it is different because of any other reasons, but I'd immediately be like, "Is that a camera in my office?" I feel like I would just ask right away. - I would feel so, I wouldn't feel... I'd be so out of my element if I knew that there was a camera on me. - Yeah. - We don't know her work experience. This could be new for her, and she could be like- - Fresh out of college. - "Oh, this is normal for corporate America." - Or she thinks she might lose her job if she asks too. - Yeah, that's true. - Threaten her livelihood. - Could be intimidating. So I don't know, but hopefully she eventually asks. - I hope so. - I hope- - For my benefit. - I know. - I wanna know. - You want the update. - I wanna know. - But anyways, that was it. Thank you, guys. - All right. Thank you. - Yeah man, this was so cool. - I'm a little scarred from a few of those stories. - Yeah. No, that happens. - That's how this goes. - That happens every time. But Ian, glad to have you back, and Anthony, glad to have you back. - Let's go. - Oh (beep) Let's go. Thank you, thank you. - Yeah. Yeah, so if y'all haven't heard the spiel before, Anthony and I are writing in and starring and creating sketch comedy on the main Smosh channel now. So it's back to Ian and Anthony sketches. It's a good time. We understand making sketch comedy on YouTube being ad supported doesn't actually, doesn't actually work on YouTube anymore. (everyone laughs) - It's why there's so much less sketch comedy on there than there used to be. - Yeah. - Because YouTube rewards watch time and, you know, how many ads you could place in a video. - Yeah. - And when we decided to come back making sketches because we really feel like that's, you know, that was the foundation that we created those 17 and a half years ago that we couldn't just do it with ads. - Yeah, so we now have memberships on the main channel, so there's a couple different tiers. Your support obviously means a lot to us. You'll have like some bonus content for members. We're gonna do like these like live stream, like watch parties for each new upload. So yeah, become a member. Come hang out with us on our streams. Watch the sketches. They're very silly. And yeah, I mean like, it just feels like, it feels like old times. - It feels like no time has passed in a weird way. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I mean, as like people- - As people we're different. Oh, we've grown a (beep) ton. Thank God. - Yeah, yeah. - It was rough for a second. - Yeah, yep. But like, just jumping back into content feels like we're like right back there. It's like zero adjustment time. - Yeah, exactly. And it fulfills a void in my heart that I had for a long time. I've wanted to create that absurd, that joyful absurdity and bring that to camera again with you. - Yeah. - So thank you, guys. - Come join in on the fun. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. Well, thank you guys for watching. We'll see you next Saturday. Courtney and Trevor from The Mythical Kitchen. Love that guy. They're gonna be here. We're gonna be reading more stupid stories. And yeah, head over to the Smosh channel and become a member. It's gonna be exciting. See you guys later. - Bye. - Bye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 2,446,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, smoosh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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