Unexpected iPhone Experiments

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is this what Apple is doing to like prove that they don't crack screens because I mean like they do crack you know what this is the intro I don't want to do an intro lifx watch mr Boyle which is not good for you baby oh baby oil is it's alright wait vegetable is made of vegetables is he baby will made out of babies don't connect the dots because I don't know I don't want to know the truth whoa yo let's try that right now I feel like we can make this happen I want to see this in real life I don't have any vegetable baby oil a cup I just go to Walmart wait so this is melting the ice is this is this a time-lapse is this happening over time or is this just you know what it is what is it it's viscosity this is a problem let me talk to Rico for it tell you a story oh well listen a buddy of mine dropped his keys out of the boat into the water and he didn't have a floating device on it did he retrieve it he didn't he had to get new keys we had to take him home but that sucks that's why your boat keys should always have something floatable on them yes sir if you lose your boat keys you lose your boat you lose your boat because you can't drive look okay I like that that's a good idea honestly that's how do it yourself DIY it baby packing it up in your living room in your kitchen in your bath on the table everywhere it's a big wheel that is a big wheel for a small wheel for sure but it's a big wheel for a small are you saying it was a big small wheel - the biggest small wheel I've ever seen the world's biggest smallest wheel so we got these this glue right now on the top of this wheel he's gluing what is he gonna look he's gonna make this he's gonna make it a car if he makes this a car this guy's my hero really is he's making it a car oh and it has its lifted look at this it's no ordinary car guys this cars already customized okay with some safety features alright is that the seatbelt no that that's the gas pedal fest the gas pedal you can only set it Wow so slow look at that I like that that's fun that's fun for the kids I must go to see my people therapist drill car can't hurt you trocar isn't real drill car be fearful of drill car okay so we have a lot of balloons in this episode that means we're gonna deflate a lot of balloons there's a lot of clowns somewhere where are they everywhere are you afraid of clowns I don't necessarily like clowns that much for personal reasons third year party my three year old party do I have mature three-year-old party a lot of clowns name sounds all I'm gonna say not like it whoa Wow okay it's not deflating whoa okay this guy's making us think that he has magic powers but this is just the life act he doesn't got snow magic peddlers leave that okay he was are these magic tricks do we need to start doing magic tricks cuz I feel like that's a good illusion you know what I'll trick someone on the street walk up to them like hey you want to see this balloon deflate their me touching posted by alright this is a bee oh dude honestly I would be so cool that would look so cool if I pull up on that on a date it's got a back seat what do you think the horn sounds like oh look at this tiny thing amazing are those mannequins are people back there those were people okay that engine doesn't sound good it does it that engine is like sounds really tired yes alright go ahead okay and then boom and they blow it out okay and then the smoke sucks the balloon in whoa have you done this before done this before but this reminds me there's a video all right now and it's of a cat sticking its head in a glass to drink water and it is hilarious I'm gonna show it to Tori for a quick [Music] got elongate long ball it's a long bar all right do it yourself look at these graphics dude I like this I could do that they've used that perfect they have pretty nails too nice nails oh we're gonna get a girl hacker all right let's see or maybe it could be a guy we don't know hey I don't know I painted my nails for Halloween one time did you I thought you Halloween painted my nails and stayed indoors and did some stewed honestly this will impress my vegan friends you know what also it'll do there's a hundred percent chance that that's gonna squirt on her table and that that citrus it's right there yep look citrus a lot of people citrus juice is not good for your marble countertops your woods you can wipe right off but the acidity and citrus will eat the marble trust him he has a table I do have a table our legs got tired so we're really tired yep so we're down now something'll okay okay I think I know who's gonna win Oh obviously you know that this is this is really wasteful is this what Apple is doing to like prove that they don't crack screens because I mean like they do crack was the point why why do I need a new iPhone actually what why are you doing this thing dude that's thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars though specially if this was made when that phone was new that's stupid expand the phones are getting bigger and bigger like obviously these phones are nice yeah Wow look at the last phone but nothing is nothing satisfied satisfactory about this like I'm actually upset hurt oh I'm upset that some people do die phone giveaways this guy just cracks them all on the ground that I give away like that I've got a lot of followers and subscribers seriously but instead you decided to run it over wanna doing my free gift I'll give away no we give gone give away we get soap up for giveaway headphones antica guys I hope you liked this video and yes as always some why I don't like this I don't like yeah and I don't like you thumbs down for his video hurt his thumb upside [Music] Manek it's so hot it's how hot in the summertime hey don't worry don't worry do you know how to do things yourself I kinda do swell we have good thing we have this portable fan for you couldn't I just you know just go in the AC you can or you can work a little harder what a little more and then make yourself a portable train and then it not work it on sweat let's be optimistic okay give it a shot see how it happens this doesn't look very portable by the way where you gonna put in your pocket I was gonna say yeah you can carry it around but you're not putting this in your pocket or your book bag what is this also this would be great for on a plane oh yeah or in a car oh and then you put it on your head I got a ream what if what is subtle flex that's a fake supreme patient wow that looks like a great way to shave your eyebrows that's a great way to just never make eye contact with everyone anyone ever again it's a great way for everyone to think you're a dingleberry yeah imagine you won't going up to people and they're talking to you and they just learn never looking at your face they're just looking at the pain the whole time like how is this happening Oh 80,000 people go to the hospital every year with a lot more injuries in the United States alone what is with all these facts in our videos now I don't like it I like it I don't know about people getting made my mom would ship rose with all the safety elements take it off see it like you know in commercials when the guide the end comes and speaks really fast yeah what if those those are the facts whoa oh I like that whoa let's how you make a salad 100 miles per hour dang that's good childhood right there miles per hour chop chop chop chop chop chop chop dude that's a hot it's beautiful I love I just love so motion oh that's a brick it took a breakdown pour what we need to just get away from what jeepers you ever hear about those really weird ways that like the only a couple of people does it game ended every year from and you're like that would suck to be that would you that's why I try to be super cautious all the time right so I stay away from sharp things that's why I just sit in my room and eat saltine crackers do you like coconuts ah yeah actually dude I went to Jamaica one time and they had the best coconuts I've ever tried it's cuz that's where their home grown man they are they are in coconut water there is amazing you think you tasted coconut water go to Jamaica I love how we can't even see what's going on they're just they just cropped out like the whole thing yep ah that is not very pretty that's yes oh man if I was that coconut I'd be scared that thing just doesn't look good that coconut didn't look that good oh yeah and then you just be just heated and alright let's see if it works oh wow it doesn't say that that looks dangerous yes that is not safe that poor coconut oh that was his finger bro he almost lost his finger if he wasn't wearing a glove do you want your finger or your coconut scrapings because you can't have both oh we got some more very satisfying stuff yo I love doughnuts oh they're actually making like this this way this is not good for me because I love doughnuts so much that if I just see this I'm not gonna consider the fact that it's gonna be Sam and I'm just gonna eat it look at this they always they're always like oh kinetic sand don't eat it and then people are like making food out of it yeah look at this this is this is not never me sprinkles on it looks so delicious too oh my gosh it does look all that that looks so good I would eat that now on site I would do that let's go the knife that's my favorite night this is a shot some to the children amazing oh yes job that's my favorite knife dude that's me I love that knife job I want to cook that nice jump and they're chopping it up I'm gonna eat that what are you guys doing back there and why are you eating pizza all this my jam this is your jam this is my jam once wow that's is he taking our jam Oh gross oh that looks uh the jam doesn't want to go through it no the jam is not feeling it oh yeah wow this makes it work oh it's a jam fountain it's German this budget this is this Jam is like cool I like dude you know it'd be cool well we're just getting toasts and then putting your head under that dude yet skittles okay I mean it looks cool like because the colors that's not good oh look the skills came back whoa oh my god oh my god he's gonna clean that up more skittles I'm stable I'm not in my face I didn't like that I'm never seen that guy's face we've been reacting to the life hacks for a while but I've never seen his face love you guys back be fearful of drill car
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 920,111
Rating: 4.9041429 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: pEdWHZPDjtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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