Unexpected Find While Searching For Missing Kansas City Man!

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[Music] I mean cuz you think about it the only way it got in the water was here this spot is only a little concerning cuz it's like a huge pit and then all that crap right there built up there's cameras everywhere so they would have caught the W on camera you think right I think this is a car part you go to the front of a like a you know the bottom of your bumper like a skid plate or something Kansas City M police number 73 I'm wondering if you could send a police officer my direction I think there's a story behind this [Music] [Music] one from what I hear from his family Johnny was a great guy a lovable guy just a very how do I say it Huggy Jolly great guy and he up and vanished Into Thin Air and that's what brings us to Kansas City Missouri Johnny Lee Thompson was last seen leaving his friend's house in Independence Missouri July 6th 2019 he apparently had some he discussion on the phone with somebody while he was at this place got into his truck and left and he was never seen again his phone's GPS was working at the time and it was tracked to lywood and Indiana in Kansas City Missouri and his phone was later found near the Central Avenue via duct Bridge Thompson's truck was a black 2017 Ford F-150 with the Kansas license plate number 654 lxu usually I don't involve family in my investigations because to be quite honest with you I'm not very good at it and I don't want to give them false hope that I'm going to give them answers but in this case we did reach out to the family on Facebook and I got to meet them as heartbroken as they are that they don't have answers they are grateful that we're here to help so I'm glad I can at least try to give them some answers but who knows what we'll find today I've got Adam brown with me as always let's go jump to the boat dock and see what he has to say so I got Adam brown with me again as always he's been on this trip we're looking together today's going to be a hot sunny day and you're the diver today huh yep are you excited I am excited I'm particularly excited about that farther vehicle up there cuz it's like a Jeep or humer I don't know but it looked perfect on on your sonar so it's could be interesting it's possible it could be an accident like a newly like somebody crashed and it's not even reported yet a missing person so it could be something it's going to be a good story behind it I think but let's get this boat in the water let's see what happens you ready to uh get muddy it looks super muddy how muddy was it yesterday when you Dove like down there was it sinking still you just it was there was it was a little I mean it was muddy but it was like the shore was really muddy wor theore it was like a foot deep maybe then you hit rocks underneath the mud so it wouldn't sink to your death and then crawling down there was like there's there's rocks to grab onto so I was hold on to that but this that was also Kansas this spot is only a little concerning cuz it's like a huge pit and then all that crap right there built up and then it's I don't know I think it's a little less actually here though than out there so it doesn't look as bad there is a channel run right there it's going to be be a workout see just uh don't let go the Rope what is it so the car's upside down looks old but uh that sonar shot we just did when I was we was marking it yeah I don't think it's that buried but check the windows if you can look for a tag if you can't rip the grill off or something at least we can identify what kind of car it is sound like a plan yeah we'll get some parts off of it I wonder if that's a I don't know maybe it's like a what do you call it rifle semi-automatic rifle there your air on yep all the way yep good [Music] this is kind of helpless feeling you know cuz he's uh usually like they have underwater um Communications you know like I could talk to him with a headset under water and stuff it's pretty cool but that stuff is like thousands of dollars for just it's nuts all right he's on its way back hopefully with some news on what this car is tada it's just a boat trailer or it's a car huh it's a car it's at least a boat trailer maybe what's left of an old scrap Heap really felt the tons of different tires and frames and stuff pretty sure it's a boat trailer it's hard to say a lot of fishing line down there oh that sucks so the question is do you think I don't think it's an F-150 no definitely not of 2017 if anything it's an old old rusted like truck like it's something pulling a fishing trailer that's what it feels like that's so wild why would it be right here that's so weird I say let's go to the next one we know for sure 100% sure is it's yeah that's that's what I got excited about it's I don't think it's a truck but we'll see I think it's a truck it's definitely something neat yeah okay all right we got the car marked with the magnet boats on the side not this coolest idea but whatever I don't think supposed to leak water out no it's sweat you're good it was brown like the river though uh really dirty this one's going to be cool this is the one I've been thinking about all night this could be a Jeep this could be a Hummer this could be a stolen military Hummer cam some camouflage thing that was stolen from the police department right yeah I mean I don't that's it matches the description at least the picture it could have been a crazy accident that just happened I mean cuz you think about it the only way it got in the water was here or that bridge either way they had to send it like it's not like a putt this thing in the river wrecked on the picture at least maybe the front end I don't know I don't know to find out y get down there and feel around don't lose the Rope cuz it'll take a minute for me to come after you all right get that tag if it is a Jeep it'll be really easy to clear cuz there'll be no windows unless it's got the hood on or it's a Hummer man this could to be fun before warn I mean it's it's it's directly behind you huh no this one that's right here so it's directly to your side I don't know how much root you give yourself a lot of slack all right now we do joke and have a lot of fun here when we're doing these videos but we do know the ultimate goal is to try to find loved ones clear these cars see if there are any missing persons with it it is a serious thing and we do take it seriously but if you know me you know any of my videos you know I I I try to keep light of everything I don't want it to be Doom and Gloom until it's time to be serious I know you guys understand that Adam's the same exact way we're just doing what we do and trying to make the best of it and if we do come across a missing person or you know it's something to gets serious we're not going to goof off about it so I just I hope you guys you and me are on the same page now so but know that I do care and uh we're we are trying to do the right thing when we have the right mind to do it got a huge Yank on that rope yeah he's coming back right now it's like is pulling him off to the side here the current is roaring there he is I mean it's not old was he a feel around inside wind this thing's on the hill so the the driver sides up and the feels like the windows are closed but it's about like I went on the other side that fell down it's deep like it almost felt like the whole thing was still moving so I got out from under there wow but it kind of felt like the windows were closed the front felt kind of messed up but I mean all in all it's not old for sure I pulled this part out the back tail light so I take no tag not that I can find H kind of the bottom passenger side is like slightly buried so the plate might be down there hard to say but I didn't feel anything okay so we got you to we got a part number here to look up GL was it 238 eBay has it coming up as a 2007 to 2017 Jeep wrang so you said you think the hard tops on it yeah I mean the windows at least the driver's ones weren't broen what are you thinking I don't know really I just don't know what to go for I I guess we can call the cops and let them know there's a a new Jeep sitting here okay so I just walked up to the hill where the Jeep Wrangler is at I'm trying to figure out how he would have got in now check this out you see these blue lights flashing everywhere those are cameras this is a power plant there's cameras everywhere so they would have caught the wreck on camera you would think right so what I'm doing is I'm walking this area maybe somehow that jeep got out here and it slipped down and rolled so I'm looking for broken glass parts that may belong to a Jeep there's a reflector I think that's for a bike let's go down here and take a quick look yeah that's just that's just a bicycle reflector but just walk around here and see if there's any evidence that maybe there was a crash cuz with him saying the windows are up you know or maybe we can find a tag Lane around up here maybe the tag got ripped off on the way like here's my theory maybe they somehow got this vehicle down here and tried to drive it alongside and it rolled and they rolled down this hill but there would be there would be evidence of a crash you know there' be little pieces here and there glass everywh and he says the windows are up that does make any sense so maybe it went down in its Wheels but still that's a violent drive you know think when would the tag get ripped off it hit that water straight and then it rolled as it hit the water maybe that tag would have got ripped off down near the water let's walk down here a little bit more see if my theory is making any sense I'm about halfway like I got I got just to this spot you know you can see Adam down there but not for nothing but the remains of a phone looks like old burner phone I don't see a SIM card but man it's been here a long time I don't know I think this is a car part I don't know I mean it looks like uh look like it go to the front of a like a you know the bottom of your bumper like a skid plate or something I don't know if that would come off a Jeep Wrangler or not though doesn't have any numbers on it sucks I don't know I'll carry that over there too I found some parts that went to that could have been trim pieces for a vehicle they don't have any numbers on them though so we can't run them to see if they are I was really hoping to think like my work in theory is rock crawling maybe somebody managed it cuz there even on the other side of that there is there's no easy way and that's the casino you have to go through their parking lot jump the curb go down the grass and then go down this nightmare and somehow managed to like did it look rolled it looks like it rolled right here like when you was I'm wondering if somebody was rock crawling right up here what's I saying like did if when you was you would blown the windows out if it would rolled all the way down it would have been driving this way so I don't know if there's a way yeah you think it would have blown the windows out so I don't know dude that's what I was thinking but then I'm thinking well if it didn't blow the windows out maybe it headed straight down its wheels and that would have been a violent bouncing down like maybe yeah maybe that tag bounced off I didn't see anything I don't know this one this one concerns me cuz it just doesn't this there's no there's no easy way like this is not like let's go dump a car and to go here here this thing is fortified it's got cameras that are lit up yeah at night they glow like the police they should have caught this on camera I mean I think it did roll down here because it was still on the edge Edge and it it felt like it was kind of moving a little bit when I was on the The Far Side kept going down so like if it rolled down it makes so much more sense to me and the windows I Really they felt as much as much as I could tell the windows on the driver's side and the driver back were closed but what the passenger is the one that's like sketchy side buried yeah cuz the whole vehicle is pretty much on its side all right so I I don't know I am weird about it it's cuz it seems if it if it floated that far if it floated I don't think it would be where it is I think it would be a little farther deeper cuz it keeps dropping down I mean unless it floated just perfectly and landed here I don't know that's usually like if me there's a lot of if it would have floated down and sank here have bigger tires and they're lighter I don't even know but it's not upside down it's inside like it it just seems odd this seems like a really odd one and I'd hate to just blow it off be like eh cuz it's not your typical spot let's call it cops and see if like maybe there is somebody who just went missing or there's some a stolen Wrangler somewhere know it's Wrangler so that Kansas City Missour police number 73 hello I'm wondering if you could send a police officer my direction what's going on there at the boat ramp and we was out in the river searching for a missing person and we didn't find him but we did find um a Jeep Wrangler that is in a very odd spot for a Jeep Wrangler to be underwater in the river and so we want we wanted to report that see if you guys knew about it cuz it's it's not a place where you would find a car typically oh my gosh dude is that The Thin Blue Line on I don't know it's pretty cool though hey we going there's an RV in near the ramp yeah well that's what that's what we was we told the cops we' be near we we didn't tell them it was in the river okay so what do you guys we were out here searching for a missing person and we uh found a Jeep Wrangler oh it's under underwat okay sounds good what' you do hey you you heard what I said I didn't say anything bad okay yeah somehow I got off word got all messed up there so it sounds like you guys are you guys like a boat with a sonar and found it up there yes just independent search recovery team okay yeah somehow PD got the word that somebody they're describing a ramp an RV in the water up by the ramp but no ramp up there something's there's something to it here somehow yeah we seen the helicopter I was like man that was a hell of a response oh yeah you had a whole bunch of stuff coming this way holy crap um so so they're uh they're teaming up here trying to figure out what to do Adam's over here running the show this is the Adam show today I don't know it's just that seems it's odd spot and then there's cameras everywhere I just don't know it just seems like man somebody's goofing off and wrecked it I'd hate for there to be a body in that thing and then it just sits there for a while yeah we just we don't have any resources anything that so highway patrol is the one do all that yeah I bet it's a chore too getting cars out of this River what I'll do is let me just get your guy's name so the guy and then who you're with maybe a good contact number they have questions about the precise location where you guys saw that might get with you time you think as long as I've been doing these videos you think I would remember to finish a video but as you can see there is no ending this is the ending but to give a quick recap the police did take down a report got all our information took a note of the vehicles that we found that jeep really has me wondering cuz it's very new has it been there that long and uh it's in a weird spot I don't know if they're going to do anything about it the the current is really strong so if there's no missing persons reports or any kind of crimes related to that jeep probably going to leave it there but we can always go back when we have better tools we might be able to pull out ourselves but either way but that's going to do it for this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any upcoming videos and until we meet again my name is Jeremy and I will see you on the next adventure woo
Channel: Exploring with Nug
Views: 153,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unexpected find, searching missing person, kansas city, missouri missing person, kansas city missing person, cold case, mystery, unsolved case, scuba diving missing person, scuba diving, scuba diving muddy water, dangerous water, sonar, side scan sonar, looking for missing person, johnny thompson, exploring with nug, adam brown adventures
Id: hyFT-bo9u2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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