Could This Be The Car Of The Missing Knoxville Woman? MORE CARS FOUND!

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[Music] that that's a car it's upside down we just went right over it I'm going to dive on it clear check the window see if there's a [Music] plate but I mean we're at the end of 2022 and this thing expires January of 23 this is exploring with the nug my name is Jeremy and today we are in Knoxville Tennessee to search for a missing woman named Regina Robinson so there's not a lot of details on namus but I was able to find that she went to visit a friend in mid December of 2020 and she stated that someone was threatening her she left her friend's house the next day and sent a text to her friend and that's the last time anybody has ever heard or seen her she left her friend's house in her vehicle which is a 2001 Toyota Celica which is red in color with a license plate cjj 926 and it expires in 2020 it is a cloudy cold 36° day temperature so uh it's not going to be the most fun out on the river but you know what this is what we do we want to search the riv so this is what we do we want to search the river really good if she has ended up in this River we're going to see it we hopefully be able to find her and if not at least this river is cleared and we can move on to the next spot hopefully bringing some ANW to the family so let's get the boat in the water and let's start doing some sonar got Brown With Me from Adam Brown Adventures we're going to man I don't know I guess we're going to start this this would be a perfect spot for a car to go I think so and uh I told the viewers already I'm sure you're caught up but there's 89 people reported missing in the in Knoxville alone one in a car car and uh so I I mean essentially you know we do what we do see if we can find it the car is a 2001 red Celica Toyota we won't have a clue that that's the car until we dive on it but I'm sure we're going to find something to dive on water's not in the worst shape considering so uh you ready yeah let's do it start sewing arm before we freeze to [Music] death never fails 5 Seconds putting the boat in the water we drag it over something and the boat pops luckily I brought my boat hopefully it won't happen to the same but I'll tell you what man as far as boats go this is a never ending problem with us inflatable boats are just garbage always leaking always something falling apart we need a nice durable aluminum boat but we'll see what happens we'll see what happens in the future money don't grow on trees you know so we'll suffer through this maybe the gods will grant us a better boat someday all right fast forward to the boat swap we got my boat in the water and uh come to find out we couldn't get his motor running either doesn't make sense cuz it's a new motor but over here on this side somewhere up under here there's now a nice little hole and that's going flat so now we got my boat in the water and hopefully it won't go flat but you know we have great luck so it probably will but either way now we're ready to start shooting some sonar fashionably late as always right man you look happy I'm so happy right now you look it all right I'm finally in the boat we got we're back out here out the water back out here we haven't even been out here yet so like we're on the water and uh scanning by this boat ramp I'll show you what I'm looking at luckily it's a cloudy day so we got a really good shot of the screen no sun glare really shooting 12T right now which is more than enough we're going right by the boat ramps which is right there usually when the cars will go off the boat ramps they'll go down and Float Downstream a little bit so fingers crossed a car should jump off the screen any darn minute if there's a car out here that's the kicker I'm not seeing anything yet not yet but see the boat ramp right there and another one right there so out here there's a big blind spot so there could be something right there there's the pillar there's a big clump of stuff over there in the middle maybe we can scan yeah I mean the car might have been could have gone out and then floated down in the middle so we can go on the other side of the pillars next I'd be really surprised if we don't see anything here which will obviously make me a little sad but whatever I drove all this way for nothing that there looks like a car oh nope get a little bigger I don't know I don't know what the heck that is looks interesting yeah it does it might be part of that boat dock yeah maybe but I mean man we're getting a super good image like the pillars you can see the rocks on the pillars that's really cool I don't know what that is honestly I would love to go back that kind of could be a car maybe a wagon or something like one of those Magnums but I don't know how we pull that out I don't think we would but we could definitely dive it and see what it is what's this something else that that's a car that's upside down we just went right over it did you see it you're directly on top of a car that's upside down oh I do see it but it's like my setting exactly right so it's not a great picture oh yeah well that's a that th% a car right there so I I you know I knew it there there's no way I knew there'd be a car here not a doubt in my mind you whatever you you you my down IM you don't know all right so you just saw what I saw first time we do have one car confirmed at this boat ramp it's upside down maybe two cars there's something right where that boat ramp not a boat ramp that's where the row team puts in seems like there's a something underneath it but uh if it is I don't I don't know what we'll get another shot here going back over it but uh definitely one car for sure so looks like somebody's going swimming are you excited about that do you man I don't swimming I forgot my mask I got a leg cramp I think that other thing was a car too maybe okay so there's the car that we just went over it's upside down that's even a better shot billion trillion perent a car you can see the the wheels see the shadow throwing there's two wheels upside down I see the shadow better than the car no doubt car right there is a car I'm willing to bet this other thing right over here is a car too me too let's see what happens where you going you're turning stay straight I'm trying not to hit the dock you hit no dang dock talk about docks and stuff schol is not that deep it's like 10 108 11t right here where that car is at it's probably about 10 ft so it's not that deep at all be a quick dive depending on how cold you want to get I got my thermals so shouldn't be that cold n You' be all right so I think so there's what we saw before I think that is a car it's just to the left of us it's it's rectangular it's either a car a boat all right we started over there saw those two cars maybe definitely one car over there we've gone all the way and circled back and I'm pretty sure there's another car sitting right here which is a crazy spot for it I think there's a boat ramp way up there but let's see if we can see it again so there's a car right there you're say there's a there's a mess right there we just went over that mess doesn't look like a car to me it looked like a car better when we was closer that makes it look like nothing but the shadow looked like it was upside down because there's two wheels somewhere in this mess I'm tell there a car see there's like a frame of something we just passed to I kind of see that but I mean get close to like the trees I mean go just right by the trees and it'll it's you're going to be like oh oh okay I'm going to be like that I guarantee you like there it is me in my big mouth not thinking Jeremy knows everything but wait wait wait wait or going directly over it that is th yeah billion trillion per a car we just went right over it you can see the wheels you can see through the wheels the bottom one yeah so it's just forward of that mess you kind of see the frame it's a little weird wonky on on but it's crazy spot for one too unless like it went but this looks like private property it's in between houses I think it's a road like right up here though but I don't know it probably went through right here if it went off right there I mean that's a could be an accident that very well could be the car we're looking for it's definitely definitely two cars getting shallow ooh all right we got two cars now maybe three watch that Pokey thingy okay excited I don't think you're the least already I don't think you're least been excited because how cold it is what's funny is the water is almost 60° so the water is warmer than uh like way warmer than the air I'm excited about that so when you actually get in the water it's going to feel great all right so we have ourselves a plan we have two cars upside down that we know 1,000% are cars now I'm pretty sure there's like more than one car over on the side that we put in at and over here I think there's two or three more cars in this area they just look squirly on the sonar so we're going to what we're going to do now we're going to get a game plan we're freezing to death out here I'm not going to lie to you D we need to get some more clothes on but uh definitely going to dive some of these cars make sure they're not our missing person and then we'll get a game plan together cuz this this is we're in Knoxville this is a big river big city lots of places to throw cars in this River so we're going to do lots of searching but let's get back over here if anything put a dang coat on cuz about to freeze down all right we made it back to the spot where we put in there's the the popped boat and the boat ramp I we just went over this and I think I got the money shot right here look really close if I can get a good shot that looks like the hood that looks like the roof I think this is either a van or a Suburban or like a big SUV and uh the butt is facing the boat ramp so I think there's a really good chance we can uh get this one out with the wrecker on our wrecked and recovered channel so we're going to focus our attention on this one for the other channel but we're going to dive these other vehicles to make sure you know uh that it's not our missing person you know cuz that we're out here to search for the missing person and uh we brought the wrecker so we might be pulling a car out to it all right so we are sold this thing is an SUV it's way bigger than a minivan uh and it's got a big full- siize Hood so I'm thinking this is definitely some kind of suburban Tahoe maybe but we got it marked right here the magnet this is a perfect convenience spot boat dock everything so now the next job is for Adam here he has Drew the straw to dive today I'm going to dive on it clear check the window see if there a plate it's not the car belonging to the missing person we know about yeah we know this is not the Celica but we do know there's another car Downstream more there another car way across so we do still do have options but we'll start with this one all right Adam's all suited up he's getting ready to get in the water now uh a a diver rescue team from the Knoxville fire department I guess uh randomly shows up and I guess they're doing some sonar training today and they informed us that this Suburban is known and they've Dove on it so it's clear so uh there really is going to be no surprise for this Suburban other than we're going to figure out what it is he's diving it today essentially what we're going to do he's going to assess and see if we can even pull this Suburban out the dive team said they don't care if we pull it out or not all right he's got himself out in the water uh what he's since there's a current what he's going to do is put up here and then he's just going to float down there and uh dive on it I'm going to clear all this stuff out here and then when he's done I'm going to move the buoy down to the other car and he'll dive it too and see what it [Music] is [Music] [Music] all right Adam's diving right here and what a darn coincidence the Knoxville's dive Rescue Team are all here at the same spot we are doing some training today so now we kind of got to look like we know what we're doing they got two bows out here they're going to do some training on Sonar and stuff and looks like Adam's up see if he figured anything out now this car that Adam just Dove on these all these dive rescue teams know all about it so this is if anything he just wanted to dive it to I don't know see if you can see anything maybe get some markings or something who knows but the real question is the next car that we're going to mark That's the them two cars cars are really the the focus of today what you think bro it's very pretty good like up above the wheels facing up oh it's facing this way you sure I just got that the second car Mark and I got ad him right here dragging him out there so it's upside down uh I'm in this one the the the dive rescue team does not know about so it could be anything this could be our missing person so red Toyota Celica there is a tag number I can't think of it off hand but if there's a tag obviously bring it up and if not do your best to clear it identify it find anything that we can like figure out how to identify it but I'll drag you out there and it is upside down so it's really easy to find the butt cuz the butt is always up sound fun yep how deep I'm 11 ft not bad at all Clarity you already know what Clarity is cuz you Dove that uh truck so great but it's not the Missouri River no so it's always better it's all right all right are you happy okay have fun [Music] [Music] sh oh all right he's back up he's got a tag the red for hatchback a red Ford hatchback okay Tennessee tag okay this isn't expired yet oh this car is still good that's how stupid I am I don't know what you're wearing but I mean we're at the end of 2022 and this thing expires January of 23 not dud that's crazy it must have Flo how did it get around that bourbon though that's crazy it's not like a b or something a hatb I don't know so you're literally standing on it huh it's right well I mean we definitely got and it's not even that's like a new wreck cuz I've never seen one we got that's not expired yet I mean d it's it's right it's so so shallow makes me wonder it's not expired that definitely went in after the Suburban and the rescue team knows about the Suburban so this just happened you know the bridge is right there but it didn't look severely damaged I don't know it must have floated down and the windows were up yeah maybe it just floated over I think it floated over probably it's probably something a lot simpler than we're thinking but I don't I don't know let's go dive the other one worth a more thorough check I just we got the plate so we we can definitely find out if it's oh yeah a missing person and then if it is I'm sure they'll take over oh yeah definitely but uh yeah it looked reddish red or almost purpley but not pink I think it's red not pink let me get up in here we'll go across to that other one see how he doesn't even like the pink joke anymore nope nope all all serious over here with Adam in the red okay we made it to the other side we was way over there now we're way over here and there is the next car that we're going to dive already got Adam up here suited up he's ready to jump off the boat figure out what this thing is get off my boat good now this thing is so shallow he's probably going to be able to stand on this car before he even goes down honestly I think it was like 8 ft deep I think he's standing on it right now actually [Music] a he's standing on the car so it's like 4T deep he's got another tag it's cool let's go over and see what we gotth think yeah expired 2013 South South Carolina it's odd place for that we're not in South Carolina but what kind you figure out what kind of car it was it's a Dodge the wheels are yeah the wheels are bright likey I knew it that was another kind of tricky one it did have a plate surprisingly weird spot I don't know South Carolina Dodge I couldn't tell if it's a hatchback at first I thought it was a truck but it's not a truck it's it's some sort of Dodge car or small hatchback Dodge I'm sure we got the tag numbers well yeah we got the tag that one expired 2013 so is it scummy uh yeah it's scummy but it's like the paint if you rub it away the paint's still pretty good condition it seemed like it was like gray I'm pretty sure gray maybe white yeah I noticed last time that one car we pulled I thought it was white it ended up being silver yeah so under silver yeah but a weird spot for a car nonetheless um I'd love to know the Stories Behind These to so let's drag you back over there figure out our next game plan okay we just got back to the boat ramp uh we Dove three cars we knew there's a sub Suburban because of the uh diver guys told us about it we Dove it anyways just for the heck of it like a warm-up dive so we got tags off of the other two cars this one was the Tennessee one it's not even expired yet it comes back to a 2014 Ford Escape red that makes sense cuz that's what it looked like right you said it was a hatchbag yeah right yeah yeah now the other one this tag comes back to a 2020 Subaru Impreza white and color now here's the thing it says right here it expired 2013 but it was a 2020 and you said the wheel was a do was a Dodge like a ram yeah so I'm really confused about that one maybe the cops can explain it you guys are saying something about recycling numbers and stuff so it's possible maybe they did that or or that place doesn't belong on that car that's possible too people steal them commit crimes you know it's true so cops are going to let us know we'll give them a call here in a little bit fire department's everywhere so maybe they can run the numbers I don't know but we'll [Music] see
Channel: Exploring with Nug
Views: 138,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing woman, regina robinson missing knoxville, missing tennessee woman, tennessee missing persons, exploring with nug, adam brown adventures, cold case videos, unsolved missing person cases, missing cold case files, scuba diving car, car found river, car found underwater, cold case, found car underwater, missing persons cases, missing persons cases unsolved, missing persons cases 2022, exploring with nug missing woman
Id: 4Ro8dDmCk8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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