Uncovering Secrets Beneath the Surface: Missing Man's Search Leads to 2 Submerged Vehicles!

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that is definitely a pickup what in the heck is that doing there there is nothing around here railroad tracks Bridge right here yeah we're in front of it all right maybe maybe dude's a fisherman and he came back here and just kind of bloop just went off [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3 weeks ago 72-year-old Roland Edward Daniels went missing out of Childersburg Alabama he was last seen in the city and he just up and vanished Without a Trace he is also missing in his pickup truck I believe it's a Toyota Tacoma and that is bringing us right here to the river behind us because nine times out of 10 when somebody goes missing in their vehicle they're either buried in the woods or they're in a body of water so that is what we're doing today we're going to be searching this body of water behind us hopefully we can find this vehicle and bring the family some answers a lot of these cases I'm starting to notice that they all have the same theme there is it's either age um suicide accident but they all like it's it's there's not that many cases that are different from the other one when you think about the big the big scheme of things you know the big picture this case for instance he is older uh possible dementia and uh it is a straight shot here's the road straight shot down the road right into the water he very well could have been flying down this road and just kept on going and busted through them trees and he's right here we don't even know but we already have the boat in the water we're going to start searching shooting the sonar I hope we find something I really do uh it's only been 3 weeks it'd be really nice if this guy was still alive but uh you know if he made it into the water with his truck um I hope we can find him today that way the family can have answers they don't need to be sitting around for months and months and months not knowing what happened to their loved ones so that's what we're doing today all right all right what we looking at here 11 11 ft that's deep enough right out the bat the really cool thing is it's very Sandy Bottom not very Rocky be able to see a vehicle easily you can see it's plain as day the bottom is like oh as I speak something sitting right there go back over that like the whole thing is mud and I here's some gravel over here but this is all just s but there's something there's something there go back and look at that let's go up full screen that's definitely a hatchback that right there go back right there that's the window to the hatch yeah you could definitely I would put money on that one that's that's some kind of hatch oh yeah definitely a hatch station wager hatch it's got a rear window that's definitely the the rear end of it as as th% not a pickup trbe we could pull that one out maybe the boat Dock's in the way we have to park angle weird but we have to pull it up like there yeah all right so we know there's a car we can mess with it later but let's keep searching cuz we're looking for a pig up yeah we can come back and pull this one out I feel like yeah for no reason I decided not to floor it just saw something on the sonar at first glance of looks like a truck it looks just like a truck but it also I was going well I was going 5 mes hour so like it wasn't a good scan I we shooting 100 yeah so it was teeny looking boy it had a shape of a truck what in the heck is that doing there that is so weird look at this there is nothing around here railroad tracks Bridge the boat ramp is on the other side like a ways wa maybe there's a path over here that he Flo this hole pointed is it pointed I mean it could have floated that's that is wicked that's ridiculous that's a build that's that's maybe under the bridge there's a way to get under here there must oh yeah that's see right there the opening that's got to be where it came through yeah right there there's no other explanation no that had to been there's no way it would have floated this far how Wild all right well I mean that's truck we got two missing people in the area two different trucks so you're looking for a Tacoma or F-150 yeah wow man that just made me a heart I was like what is that see dude you never know see I didn't even look I didn't see that yeah you got to I mean anywhere you got to really double check everything maybe he was a maybe maybe dude's a fisherman and he came back here and just kind of bloop just went off I don't know let's not get ahead of ourselves like you said but you diving right you said you want to sh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh oh oh [Music] not our guy what is that I took the anchor off too all right it is like a white silver it's a ram ram all the windows are all right I don't know how to get you up here grab a I don't know grab grab that I'll pull the anchor up and just pull you to the side man man what a shocker not our car well I saw a white it was a white truck when I got down there white or silver the current was pretty good too but more than I thought yeah look like it's moving a little bit it's a it's a ram it's a Dodge Ram yeah all the windows are up though the hood is up over the windshield so no no I mean it's got a air pocket in there the Hood's up over the so it's protecting the front so but and it's facing the bridge but all the windows are up so it's kind of weird couldn't see inside it I take it's got a big no it's got a big old bumper guard on the front big huge like any stickers on it like personalizing sticker I don't know I saw uh the dealership logo on the back what does it say uh it said Alabama can't remember where you want to do that car yeah I going to dive the other one here I don't know exactly how you want to you want to do that car yeah I going to dive the other one [Music] [Music] is yeah oh oh what the [Music] if I have d [Music] w [Music] man what's all this crap you throwing in here I don't know what it is but it's a cool cool cool older car it's like it's like bright blue like I don't know it's like a shiny I don't know you know it might look different out of water but it's like a shiny bright blue front headlights like the ones that flip up oh uh there's no tag I pulled mirror and a part I mean it's we might be able to get a part number off some one of something one of these it's got a cool little look to it I mean I think it's old a back throw that back air for now it's a cool color cool look yeah the the the headlights the ones that go up and down is that all rusted pieces I mean it's bubbling it's pretty old like I think if we pull it out uh it mostly come out but some maybe the door might fall I don't know the passenger door is kind of open fun it'd be a cool one to pull out though I think all right well got that out of the way now you're going to get up in here and we continue this yeah we'll keep on searching all right so we cleared man we cleared all the obvious spots I mean yesterday we was Way North and cleared all of that section found like three vehicles you Dove on them uh weren't our guy and uh today we came all the way South finding out where he actually lived and I really thought we was going to get answers today but I think it's kind of a good thing we didn't cuz it is only three weeks he could show up you know I don't know the story behind this guy I don't know his life you know maybe he decided to go out and just do his thing I don't know I have no idea but you know what we searched all the obvious spots and uh so the search continues and hopefully hopefully some answers will come up sooner or later yeah I think we covered all the obvious spots I want to come back and pull at Le that truck and maybe that car we found yesterday out I think we can get those out with our wrecker um maybe we missed something I don't know maybe somebody can uh have another spot that we missed and tell us to come and we'll come back this is the lake but I didn't see any good spots on the lake I mean it's the only other body of water but it's kind of out of the way in my opinion but neat well if you guys are watching this and you're local in the area and you know some spots that we need to check make sure to hit me up in the comments below give this video a thumbs up keep us on the road and keep us motivated to continuing searching we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Exploring with Nug
Views: 48,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rp4lxWq6aIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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