UNDISPUTED | "Cowboys are in trouble!" - Skip on Mike McCarthy is "getting fed up" with Jerry Jones

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from Tyler Dunn who has broken stories about Mike McCarthy and Aaron roders during their Green Bay days now quotes a sources saying Jerry Jones involvement in the Cowboys football operation has worn on McCarthy and that he's quote unquote fed up with it a little bit hean big deal or no big deal that Mike McCarthy might be getting fed up it it's I guess skip you could say it's a a big deal for somebody like me but big deal to somebody else because I've seen this movie before this is right around the time where coaches be like man this dude man and it's not he's not calling X's and O's that's not why you fed up you get fed up because of everything else that goes on while you trying to lead a team as a head coach right that that that's where you kind of you you I've seen it firsthand where talking about Bill parcel's well Parcels or Jimmy Johnson or any I've seen it and so you saw it up close I saw up close with Parcels being as a part of the team what was the beginning of the end Terell Owens I think the beginning of the end had already started before to to pushed it over the top then the loss to Seattle obviously kicked it into another gear the the constant interviews the radio shows the the talking about contracts and just cuz coaches want to go about not having to deal with that they just want to coach a guy up they just want to win they don't want to get caught up in having to answer for your mistakes every single day where you are talking about a team or talking about a player or talking about a contract a dispute or if a guy should be playing or not playing and I think and this is right around that time no skip that fouryear fiveyear window where guys start to say man you know what I I I'm starting to get teed with this situation knowing though this is probably going to happen because every coach that's alive that's still around and coach for Jerry they going to talk to before they take the job that's just the reality you GNA pick up the phone hey what you what's what's the deal with this guy and they gonna tell you hey man he's really good with the team he's really this he's really that but this is what's going to happen when things start to go this way the fact that he's on a lame duck contract right now one year which you know is a lame duck contract you know he started off six and 10 in his three straight 12 and Five Seasons I believe he's one and three in the postseason one victory in the regular season three losses in the in the I mean in the postseason three losses in the postseason doesn't help his case to be you know fed up with him but I I certainly understand skip why he would be like you don't want to continue now you're dealing with Dak Prescott if you should come if you should go you dealing with cidd lamb is he mad where's his money then you're dealing with Michael Parsons where's my money I don't care you got to deal with all that as a coach that wasn't what you were supposed to be dealing with but because your front office and your general manager hasn't handled it a certain way I got to feel those questions on a consistent basis and so it becomes to a point where it's like you you you just it's almost like you're trying to set me up for failure and that's where the frustration comes in but can you know this I mean when you play for the Dallas Cowboys you knows what comes with this I got a owner and is not normal in sports in general for your owner to be always doing interviews always at practice always having they saying something that's not normal but you know when you come to the Cowboys this is what comes with it right like Mardi know that if he don't win a Super Bowl or or get to the NFC Championship it's going to be some things said and some things that he's not going to like I mean he's been unsuccessful let's just say that he hasn't done much since being a Cowboys head coach I mean they don't care about the 12 and five records I mean yeah 12 and five 12 and five well when are he gonna get us to the NFC Championship when are you gonna get us to a Super Bowl and now yeah it's wearing on you because of the pressure of this brand that Garners so much media attention and you don't have a contract in place after this year that can be frustrating on anybody I think this is the writing on the wall right now I think if they don't do something significant this year like get to the NFC Championship or get to the Super Bowl this could be it for him that could be that could be that could be frustrating to a coach they they G certainly clip him if he don't make it to NFC Championship yeah or this could be it I mean that's just the way it is you know welcome to Jery's World y'all welcome to Jerry's world so when I read this story last night I started laughing and I couldn't stop laughing I can't tell you how fed up I am with Mike McCarthy and I've been fed up with him for a couple of years because he's little more than Jerry's puppet coach and puppets can't motivate because they're lifeless and we've had called to be AEL want a Super Bowl he want a Super Bowl Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers w a Super Bowl lifeless he's a bump on a sideline got a Super Bowl all I know is I've seen two home playoff games coached and I put quotes around that coached by Mike McCarthy we go back what was it three years ago mhm Dallas is a three-point favorite over Jimmy garoo San Francisco 49ers and we don't show up we're clearly not ready to play and right away it's 13 to nothing and it's 23 to7 going into the fourth quarter and we kind of made it a misleading game at the end of the game but it really wasn't in question at all San Francisco dominated that game basically from start to finish and then I had to sit through that disaster of a debacle of an ordeal that was last year when they were seven-point favorites as the two seed at home against the seven seed Packers and it's 27 to nothing before halftime that has to be on Mike McCarthy and how he kept his job I don't know because there were candidates out there there was a Jim Harbaugh and Kean laughs at me about that but he was out there he was available would he have coached for Jerry Jones probably not bill bich was out there and may you know maybe he was involved in the Atlanta thing I don't know to what extent maybe he should have gotten it maybe he shouldn't have I don't know exactly what happened but he was available Jerry loves him I think he likes Jerry could he coach for Jerry we might find out because next year we we really might find that out and Deion Sanders I know he says I'm happy at Colorado I'm here for for the duration but Jerry loves Dion I think Dion loves Jerry Dion loves Dallas Deon love being a Dallas Cowboy would would he would he give in to Jerry enough to come coach this team for the right amount of money he might he just might could he handle could he control Jerry and ways Mike McCarthy has no chance of controlling Jerry yeah I I would give Dion a shot at this so my point is fed up with what like what did you think was going to happen when you were out of a job for a whole year and you took the job well seriously to your point what do you think was going to happen Jerry is Jerry it didn't work with with Bill freaking Parcels because he handed everything to Bill until after what was it a couple of years in and then all of a sudden cou yeah he's saying you know what I love this Terell Owens he's box office man I can sell to right and bill says Not Over My Dead Body to the point Bill won't even call Terrell by his name he calls him the player right the player the player did this and the player did that and the player sits on the bicycle and rides like Lance Armstrong with his Lance armstr thrwing add- on and Bill's like I I I can't take this anymore and to his credit he said I'm done with this I know it was sort of a mutual parting of the ways but that's Jerry that's that that's what you're going to get but when you in it though Skip and you take a job everything is Kumbaya we're all good everything is happy and then over time it wears on you sure ites to the point it's like you know what this ain't really this ain't all what is cracked up to me is it worth the sacrifice you have to make you did get to coach the Dallas Cowboys but if it but if if you turn it and it goes in your direction and you become a Super Bowl winning coach for the Dallas Cowboys that's a big deal it's different than winning a Super Bowl at the Green Bay Packers although that's still a pretty big deal yeah but it's not the same as the Dallas Cowboys as much as we want the Packers to be a big deal the Packers are a big deal but it ain't the D it ain't the Dall we ain't leading our show off every single Sunday Mondays talking about the Green Bay Packers unless they have some of that Lombardy Mystique that still operates yeah they do I'm not I'm not discrediting that but the Dallas cow
Channel: Đồ Chơi Bằng Giấy
Views: 9,065
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Keywords: dallas mavericks, boston celtics, mavericks, celtics, luka doncic, kyrie irving, jayson tatum, jayson brown, kristaps porzingis, nba finals, 2024 nba finals, undisputed, first things first, first things first live, undisputed today, undisputed on fs1, undisputed skip and irvin cowboys, undisputed and skip bayless, skip bayless, michael irvin, chris broussard, nick wright, richard sherman, rachel nichols, lil wayne, keyshawn, paul pierce
Id: IHNyX2l4J_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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