[FULL] NFL LIVE | Riddick claims Eagles dominate Cowboys & Giants after acquiring Saquon Barkley

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Dak Prescott shut down any concern about the walking boot he was wearing you saw in the photo on his surgically repaired ankle he said it was purely preventative I think we're believing him he's going to need a new deal and so is wide receiver CD lamb who said he's not going to discuss the contract with the media Dak talked about Sidi in his own contract status yesterday there's been um conversations back and forth but uh for the most part for me as as yall know I've been let my agent do that uh especially as we get right here into training camp they one a training C on mind flips to just obviously helping my team and just doing everything I can within the organization and on the football field to make sure that I my best and everyone around me is their best and uh the money and all that would take care of itself it would always have how many passes have you thrown to him in the off I I can't necessarily count him so a good amount a good amount C going to be ready a player like that an athlete like that he makes my job easier as long as he's training trust me he'll be just fine hey there you go uh CD lamb led the NFL with 135 receptions last season 64 more than any other Cowboys player and that was the largest gap between any team's top two receivers last season his leverage has increased even more this offseason as wide receivers have gotten paid across the league good time to be patient right in terms of average salary per year four of the five largest wide receiver contracts in NFL history had been signed this off season glad of Booger to join us here uh good to see you Bo Bo I get it you don't want to be there for that top whole thing me walking around you're like I'll just wait until the real stuff starts so we'll get to you in a second he's so mad all right Jeff clearly the Cowboys dealing with an exploding wide receiver Market where do things stand with CD getting that new deal well I can tell you that the Cowboys right now are prioritizing the deal with CD lamb of course we know what Jeff Justin Jefferson got in his contract we don't know what Jamar Chase is going to get in his but it feels at least like the Cowboys have some answers in terms of a blueprint for for this CD land deal so then of course the Wonder is why isn't it done yet well we still have some time before training camp a lot of these bigger deals do get done in the middle of the summer around this time so at any point we still could heal hear that CD lamb gets his deal that being said as the market shifts upward the big numbers that Justin Jefferson get the question becomes are the Cowboys going to be willing to go that high for CD lamb that being the big question right now we will watch we will wait and we will see if if he gets his deal yeah B Dak says they'll be fine whenever cidd shows up but should the team have more urgency to get this done yeah you know Laura I think they should especially with two players uh like CD lamb and and like Michel Parson and I get it the quarterback is the most important player and the head coach Mike McCarthy especially on a one-year deal but when you look at regardless of who the quarterback is next year and who the head coach is you still have to have a number one wide receiver and that guy CD L you still have to have a Cornerstone on defense and that guy is Michael Parson so I'm really not sure what the Cowboys are doing regardless of what Dak is uh is going to do regardless of what the head coach uh is is going to do whether he can save his job or not you still need a number one wide receiver I would make sure I take care of CD lamb I would make sure I take care of Michael Parsons because you don't want those guys to question their ability or or to question their longevity with this team because you know they are Star Wars and they should be compens and it should be able to go in training camp with peace of mind knowing they're going to be there for a while hold on B did I just hear you say that regardless of who the quarterback is you got to have a number one white out is that what you just said but you know I love you need one regardless but but but so who's who's going to throw to him me am I going to throw to him you can have all the wide receivers you want out there on the perimeter you can have all the toys on the perimeter you want I I understand what you're saying look CD deser deserves to get his CD deserves to be in the 32 Plus or 35 and above per year range he does simply because of what he means to the offense but at quarterback now look I understand I can understand why this is probably taking some time when you have no tag no trade and you hold all the cards like that does what makes you want to do anything as far as giving the Cowboys any kind of break especially considering that basically everything is in your favor last year you were number two in qbr you were number one in cpoe completion percentage above expectation you were number one in passing TDS and what is Dallas's next best alternative we all know in in negotiating uh jargon that's what GMS are always thinking about what's our next best alternative outside of Dak is it Trey Lance who I'm still rooting for who still putting in the work but what's their next best alternative if they if you have CD lamb and you have Brandon Cooks and you have a credible running game and the offensive line is serviceable we don't know how the offensive line is going to look and you don't have a trigger man I don't care you're not going anywhere in the NFC EAS you're not going anywhere in the NFC and you for darn aren going anywhere in the NFL so this is I think look they need to be prioritizing both of these because you are right on this I agree with this and as Jeff said as every contract continues to be stacked one after another the price continues to go up CD already has a has a case for saying I need to be at the top of the Heap anyway yep and for Dak you can you can bash Dak all we not saying you I'm saying we can all we want all we want he can look at his past statistics you know minus obviously his playoff record which everyone will point to immediately and then he can go what is your next best alternative outside of me what are you going to do they better get something done and I hear you to that point Lou but here's the thing they have had every opportunity to sign Dak Prescott and maybe there maybe the Cowboys not saying you or I but maybe the Cowboys are still on the fence and if they are that's fine they want to let this play out this year between Dak and Mike McCarthy I hear you but when it comes to CD lamb and Michel Parsons I don't think the jury is still out they are top five players at their position and regardless of who the quarterback is regardless of who the head coach is those guys deserve a spot on the team is all I'm saying I think the Curious part here too is that all offseason we thought that we were essentially told that once one guy gets done the others will follow we knew that Dak Prescott really had such a big cap number this year and they would try to free up some space by doing that deal and it never got done so it felt at one point like once one Domino went down the rest would go as well and now we're still in this stalemate with all three guys that to me I I'm reluctant to think that uh we still have time these negotiations can still get done and if they do get done much a do about nothing but it does feel curious that we're still sitting here on July 10th still wondering if any of these deals are going to get done before camp and by the way Camp is two weeks from today exactly so if you're thinking about that as a timeline at least an indicator in all of this there is some urgency there although I wouldn't be shocked if they're not done when Camp exactly starts all right to another white out in want of a new contract Bri and auk who continues to not so subtly troll the 49ers he posted this Commander's play he was watching on Tik Tok reminder of course that he played at Arizona State with Jaden Daniels so there is a connection there and look here's auk's case for a new contract cont ract after a season that he had last year that was excellent auk averaged nearly 13 yards per Target the best Mark by any player in a season since ESPN began tracking in 2006 it was nearly a full yard better than anyone else that's significant when it comes to the game of inches Lewis do the commanders make sense as a trade partner for auk absolutely Laura absolutely this guy was not just a product of catch and run situations just take the short pass and then make you know although Brandon is fantastic after the catch this guy averaged almost 18 yards per reception he was a guy who he's a guy who can win on the outside who can win on the inside he will go over the middle catch those balls and contested areas and picture him in Washington with Jaden who he's familiar with with Cliff Kingsbury and that kind of spread type of offense with a dual threat quarterback like that and with the wide receivers that they already have there and Terry McLaren and Johan doson and they have the cap space just like New England has the cap space you think Drake May wouldn't like to have him along with jayen P and J Devon Baker they're young players that they have on the perimeter a veteran who's still in his prime with those young players a Young quarterback who by all accounts is impressing everyone up there with his ability to take in the offense and start to utilize it man right now if you're one of those two teams with that kind of cap space you for sure sitting there going can we pull this off can we get a guy like this in his prime for sure yeah I Echo everything you're saying I'll just add to that Louis another team in the Pittsburgh Steelers a team that traditionally likes to draft and develop wide receivers but if you're going to try to become a more explosive offense and try to do more than just uh be uh 500 or better like Mike Tomlin has done every year of his career then you need to be more explosive on the offensive side of the football and somebody who is a premier route Runner like Brandon IU fits that bill and this is nothing against George Pickins because pickings is outstanding but he is not a premier route Runner like IU can be somebody that can be where he's supposed to be get in and out of his breaks on time and be a friend for whoever the quarterback is there in Pittsburgh that's another team that I would add to that you know what's interesting too about this general manager Adam Peters uh in with the commanders was largely uh responsible for drafting Brandon auk with the 49ers in 2020 as John Lynch's right hand man so I'll throw a little gasoline on that fire l i I wouldn't have thought I didn't think that this is a trade that would happen ultimately because I just don't see the incentive for the 49ers at this point unless they really do get good Capital when it comes to trade compensation uh because otherwise I I just think that you tell Brandon auku you either playing or you're sitting but you're not going anywhere because he is certainly still valuable to the team and you figure out where the chips fall after this season but I like where your head's at if there was one team that'd be willing to give that up it feels like it would have been a guy who was largely responsible for drafting him in Adam Peters who could certainly use that wide receiver throw that gasoline on the fire Jeff I I love that oh go ahead it's July let's do it why not no no I was I was just going to say look you know GMS get very very attached to guys who they pound the table for and especially guys who they pound the table for and wind up being good players and productive players and when they move on there is no question and those are like those are kind of Trades those are kind of free agent signings that just make sense cuz you have so much insight as to how the player really moves and how he and how he gets on with the rest I mean it's just it makes almost too much sense especially considering what they're number one in the NFL are they one or three in terms of cap space right now you know heading into the training camp oh yeah I'm I'm calling Magic Johnson I'm calling somebody and saying help me out what can we do what can we give up to help to get make this happen right and well yeah come on anyone got his number either way also if you're brand in iuk and maybe you're not feeling the love like you want to from the 49ers that's a way to really feel the love a place where you know you'd be appreciated we'll keep an eye on it just getting started here on NFL live saquan Barkley know their their mindset and how how they want want things to go uh you know they want me to to to be that that guy that uh JJ can always you know talk to and uh ask questions about and uh he's definitely that type of kid look what are your expectations when McCarthy does get a start with the Vikings oh I think he's going to be very successful like we LED all off season long once he got picked that he was in the best position with the play caller Kevin oconnell the receivers Addison Jefferson hackinson like he is set up for success I don't think it's going to be game one but when he gets in there he is set up to be a very successful quarterback all he's got to do is be the ultimate ball distributor next let's go to saquin Barkley who's now an eagle listen to this conversation between him and Giants GM Joe Shane right before free agency I I think just mulling over this the right thing to do is let you test the market and see what your value is um I don't want to do the franchise thing or all that stuff again I don't want to go through that we've we've both been through that you know if if you really want to be a giant for life and you're interested in staying here and coming back just see what your Market is and then have Ed come back to us and we'll see if we can we can come to an agreement all right I appreciate that does that sound good yep can you give me your word on that or you you you're not going to give us a chance what do you mean like just cing back yeah I mean I already told you where I want to be so okay all right well let's do that we we'll go out and see what the see what the market says I I think it's the the right thing to do I love you man I appreciate everything you did for the organization you know the two years I was here and I'm not saying we're not going to get something done but I think it's right if if for some reason it doesn't work out that you you know that the organization thinks the world of you and everything you've done but hopefully you know you go out there you see the market and you say you know what I want to be here and you give us a shout back fascinating inside look from Hard Knocks Jeff what was the biggest factor in saquon's signing with the Eagles though well in a word money uh what an intimate conversation to to be on the fly a fly on the wall for but look ultimately saquan Barkley did go out and found the market for himself and it happened to be with one of the division rivals in the Eagles but he did wind up getting 26 million guaranteed an average of 122 per year over years so you know it's one of those things where As I understood it at the time Joe Shane and the Giants really weren't interested in paying any running back that much money at this point I shouldn't say any running back but but top of the market they didn't feel like that was where the market was now I know it's easy to kind of say well you you might end up paying for this in the end but we'll see Joe Shane is essentially sticking to his gun saying that this is My Philosophy this is what we're trying to do here and and the proof will be in the pudding we have to find out whether this works out best for the Giants or for the Eagles but at this point Joe Shane and the Giants have gone in their certain direction it's just all so fascinating because it's in the same division where he ended up going all right we had to get a reaction to this one yesterday because why wouldn't we do this I put together my defensive flag football team of our analysts in their Prime here's my team guys Marcus RC Lewis Herm and Hawk Hawk's my like really fast guy who could chase some guys down in flag anyway Herm had some thoughts I looked at those DBS that are on my team with me none of them can catch but me I had 38 interceptions the rest of those guys can't catch in flag football you got to be able to catch the ball Ryan Clark he can't cat Lewis rck I know can't catch I scattered rwis rck at pit he cannot catch he's got hands of stone so you got to get some defensive backs that can actually catch the ball Lou come on what what do you got to say to that Lou ain't nobody listening to Herm anyway man I wasn't listening to Herm then I ain't listening to Herm now you know what and I think we got video that can dis that anyway Susan Smith can we can we inter can we can we roll the tape can we just roll the video this is in the playoffs by the way that's in the playoffs you see that that was an off Target throw all right by Drew by Drew bledo you see okay a no ston that's an interception too okay ain't no stone hands there is that me Jeff you know what I wish you would have played wide receiver back in the day was a lot of body there a lot of body I know you ain't gonna say nothing right now come on bug b you better you better say I do have a touchdown cat College I I came out of the back field I play I'm I'm the only person that has played offense probably on this panel today well don't count me out I by the way I I just want to say things that were saying look I didn't like what her was saying yesterday at all like I am the only one you're trying to do Jeff you're not going to gas me up Jeff Jeff you're not going to gas me up I I didn't think it so disappointed with you Laur it's unreal by the way I know boo I didn't pick you I'm sorry so disappointed with you la look look you're going to get you're going to get defensive lineman and you leave me off this is this is flag football you got to rush passer Marcus is just stopping and run who's going to rush the passer cuz he's not getting off the line of scrimmage are you kidding me you know what I I have regrets I didn't know bug that I was going to be faced this soon after my list with you challenging me on my list I might have made a different decision because I don't see Marcus so I should have picked you and I'm sorry about that but really let me tell you my real reason I was going through all of our amazing analyst and I was thinking who would still love me even if I didn't pick him and I thought it was you boo so that was really why I knew that no matter love the clean up love the clean up I'm digging my hole here all right Hunter there and Deno ay of course also they could form one of the best pass rushing trios in the NFL last season Anderson ranked third in pass rush win weight I knew I was going to do that Elmer fud enters the chat while Hunter and ay both had double digit sacks by signing Hunter and ay the Texans became the second team in NFL history to add multiple players in an off season after they had at least 10 sacks in in the previous season joining the 1994 San Francisco 49ers who won the Super Bowl B what are you looking forward to most with that pass rush just watching these guys jail together you know everyone has talked a lot about denil Hunter and I love him I've seen his maturation from LSU where they didn't think he could rush the passer to where he is now and how he's climbed the sack ladder now you're going to bring him and put in with Will Anderson Jr to to take this young guy under his wing and help him kind of navigate once they recognize who you are how do you beat the double teams how do you take that next step but I think the most underrated signing could be deniko Archer because we all know that that this pass rush thing kind of goes in in Cycles we talked about the edge guys The Edge guys The Edge guys it's amazing I think now you want your pressure coming from the interior and isn't it something that Aaron Donald retires and we're trying to figure out who's going to be the next guy to dominate inside or maybe it's going to be a couple of guys one guy that I think is g to have a really good season is Deno archery because of his versatility he can play outside but I love that Trio inside they're going to challenge I think for most most sacks in the National Football League if they stay healthy yeah B strong down the middle this football team on defense it really is that and Deno is a big part of that aiz alire who they got from Tennessee who was in San Francisco uh when when Deno was there he he's added in order to like really fortify the second level that defense you see Stingley in the back back end they draft Kamari Lasser I mean look they've got guys all over the place for really for for the Texans they were what 11th in points per game allowed last year their goal has to be be top five be top three if this is a team that getss inside a top five top three in points per game allowed they'll win the South going away and they'll be in the AFC title game that I mean that you can just go ahead and book that if they can get inside the typ top five and start shutting people down like that with how much you expect them to improve their explosiveness on offense which is already good this is a team that is legitimately worth the hype yeah the health of quarterback Derrik Stingley Jr guys is also going to be key remember Stingley has missed 14 games during his first two seasons would love to see him get healthy and be out there a little bit more make that defense even stronger let's get defensive again okay this time some love for TJ wad from Joe burrow burrow telling the part in my Take podcast quote TJ is a unique player in this league there's no other defensive lineman that I have to treat like a defensive back I have to be conscious about where he's at because he's just going to jump up and catch it and there's nobody else who can do that TJ watt leads the NFL in sack since he entered the league in 2017 but as burrow said that's not all watt brings to the table right he also had seven interceptions the next two players on this list miles Garrett and Aaron Donald don't have a single interception two of watt's interceptions have come against Joe burough and makes since why he's talking about him he's one of three players to have multiple interceptions against burrow the other two are are both DBS leis how special is watt as a pass rusher l i mean it's it's not just the sex it's the number of times really that he doesn't get sex but he's still beating his guy and for as we know every play has its own story and maybe he just doesn't get the sack but he was fourth in pass rush win rate a lot of guys who were like tops in the league top five top 10 in the league were in the like in the 40s in the 30s in terms of pass rush win rate so look TJ had has all the moves he has speed he has power he has versatility he can Rush from the left Rush from the right he can drop into coverage you see the seven interceptions I mean really the thing though for me that really makes him special is the kind of person he is we got a chance to talk to him last year you were there I mean you see he's just so intense so smart such a team player there's just really nothing you wouldn't pay that kind of guy to be on your football team there there is no limit you basically just handle your checkbook and go what do you need what do you want he's worth it what an incredible player to talk to also just the leadership he's shown to the younger players on that defense look we know watt's going to be good but do you have any concerns for the Steelers defense yeah for me I I I think this Steelers defense is going to be really good you had Patrick Queen to go along with with Wad and cam Hayward and we know what that front seven is going to look like but to me it's on the back end like other than Joey Porter Jr on the back and I'm really concerned about this secondary uh I saw where they signed cam Sutton but he's going to be out uh for half the season and so they're going to be able to need to show up the back end because if not teams are just going to try to pick on that secondary we know what they're going to be up front and that front seven we know what Steeler football is but can they hold up on the back end can those safeties and Corners hold up especially when they go against teams that can line up in three wide receivers and stretch them vertically and horizontally can they hold up that's going to be the biggest key for Pittsburgh let's get back to wat guys Jeremy Fowler has an article on espn.com that ranks the top 10 Edge Rush in the NFL based on a survey of Executives coaches and Scouts watt ranked second on the list behind miles Garrett who received 70% of the first place votes Micah Parsons rounds out the top three B you agree with the order of that top three right there no I don't necessarily agree with the order if it were Bo I would put watt number one I just like his versatility we just talked about not only his pass rush win rate shout out to laa for me getting that right also his interceptions and you add in Michael Parsons and his versatility he can Rush on the edge he can rush over the guard he can Rush different places when you look at Miles Garrett a dominant player he's more of a power player he has some speed uh to power capabilities but you don't think about him with the array of moves that you do with a TJ watt or a Michael Parson so if it were me I would go TJ watt number one I will put Michael parsons's number two and it sounds crazy to put the defensive player of the year at number three M yeah I I would probably quite honestly I'd leave them in the order that they're at I mean we know that miles is a freak we we look I mean that size that body that you know fluidity power playmaking ability I mean miles can do it all so I think but but TJ would be right there i' I'd hate to pick between those two I would absolutely hate it I could go either way with them who knows probably give TJ that's not good TV to him pick pick one we on national television and we have I know I know I know you have to pick one and hate the other that's the way it goes I get it pick one hate the other guy I know but you know what really Micah Micah could be the one that surpasses everybody because if we're talking about freaks that's another guy who right now it's almost like he's almost just like toying around with rushing the passer he's almost like a guy without a position which is weird and and to not have Max Crosby in and uh Nick Bosa in this conversation right now this just goes to show you some of the Fantastic athletes that are in this league that those two guys aren't even in the discussion right now as far as the top three in this context Lou it's hot take bug you know you hey but listen speaking of good TV I know watch me read this tweet here from Micah Parsons actually there's two of them so everybody hold on to your horses here these are Micah's thoughts on this Edge rusher debate he said there was no way it was 167 double teams maybe 500 MF can't f WM man it's up this year on Mama's two weeks and then most double team player but I have best pass rush percentage and most pressures saying production low something not adding up by the way the two weeks he's talking about Camp starts in two weeks and I've been looking forward to reading those two tweets all day long guys I would pay money to have you read tweets all show long I I'd come up with the tweets and just have you read them I'd pay money Hey listen b uh how much Mone you going to pay cuz I'll do it let's do it start tweeting some things out and I'll read them in the next block I'm just wondering how much and there's are the only players in NFL history to play at least 10 seasons and get selected for the Pro Bowl in every one of those Seasons Detroit struggled to recover without Sanders and the Rams are trying to ensure they won't do the same Aaron Dono did a great job of making sure that the guys that were behind him and the guys that were with him were ready and we set the T from the first play to the last play let's go we do that we dominate we win this game let's go they'll count on Kobe Turner and Byron young the only two rookies in the NFL last season to each register at least eight sacks to help and then the Rams used their top two picks on a pair of former Florida State teammates Jared verson round one brayen Fisk in round two for now it will be up to all of them as well as a rebuilt power running game to help mitigate the loss of one of the greatest players in franchise history and the Rams haven't ruled out the idea of approaching Donald late in the season about returning for a potential playoff run maybe we'll see if he gets that appetite later on but they'd have to make it to that spot that far for it to gain any traction for that to become an LA Story like that little spice at the end there Adam uh B Donald's gone for now right rahee Morris was their DC he's now the Falcons head head coach what do you think this Rams defense looks like this year yeah well it's going to look like a bunch of new faces that's number one but they're going to have to kind of reinvent themselves and and they're going to have to do it with some rookies a couple of guys that LS and I talked about on the desk for the NFL draft uh Braden Fisk Jared verse two young guys you put him in there put them in there with Kobe Turner they're going to rely on young guys up front and and for a defensive coordinator to create one-on ones and create mismatches whereas in the past you could line up Aaron Don anywhere on the off on the defensive line whether it was in or tackle and he could create his own mismatch so I look for these young guys to step in and kind of take their next step forward it's going to take some time because there's only one Aaron Donald I think he's a top three defensive player ever in this game so you're not going to replace him but you're going to have to allow these young guys time to develop and they drafted two guys pretty good Fisk I love and Jared vers more of a power player two guys that I think could take the next step uh from college into the NFL and and kind of bring their game to the Forefront yeah Bo and that that reinvention or I guess we should just say like how how do things take the next step is really being entrusted to a guy who's been there for a while been there eight season a guy by the name of Chris schula the new defensive coordinator who has coach linebackers he's coach secondary and he really is someone who has earned Shawn mcb's trust and Shawn has a heck of a track record now of finding defensive coordinators and having them have a lot of success under him whether it be what in the beginning when it was with Wade he found BR Brandon Staley then he brings Raheem in two of those guys became head coaches and now Chris schula is the next one but as far as you know the players are concerned let me just say this real quick about Aaron Donald no one has had a more perfect career than Aaron Donald other than Barry Sanders right Aaron Donald was the perfect NFL player I I spent some time with him you know right this year before the draft and it's amazing when you're around the guy just how good he makes you feel and how you don't even realize you're in the presence of one of those truly truly Transcendent individuals and you can't replace that you simply can't he was too good of a player and too good of a person to replace but they have done a heck of a job of drafting man Braden Fisk you're right B we talked about on the night of the draft he is a foundational player Jared verse is a foundational player that's what they did at Florida State and remember this name too Cameron kitchens who they drafted out of the out of Miami he is going to be a superstar as a safety an absolute Superstar they're in good hands but Aaron will be missed Lou do you think you could see Donald coming back like Adam was alluding to there maybe in the playoffs well I guess we lost Lou um okay well Jeff oh oh oh I'm sorry maybe that's the answer were you asking me I was you just talk to him I'm sorry you know what I I you know what I I don't I don't honestly I don't think so yeah when I saw him at the Pitt spring game this past summer I I asked him I said how did you know he said I I just don't have the energy to the commitment to put into it I'm he said I'm full I've done everything I wanted to do I remember when he was a rookie I remember interviewing him and asking him you know what are what are your goals and he said I want to be the best of all time and as the end of his career heck year two or three of his career we were already talking about is this the best defensive tackle of all time and then at the near the end of his career we're talking about is this the best defensive player of all time what else is there left for him he seemed so happy and content and he still looked like someone if it was third down would go out there and whoop 99% of the guards so I mean who knows but I I don't see it I don't see it happening first of all I'm thrilled that Lou was back with us like we lost for minut for a second uh but second uh look first of all you talked about Lou about the idea of trying to replace Anor and Donald how you just can't do that but we can look at the draft as you mentioned some of these foundational players and look exactly at what they did it is so clear what it takes to try to replace a guy like Aaron Donald look at the positions next to the first six picks of the Rams draft there is one offensive player on that list otherwise this is a team that understood we've got to load up we've got to find the type of pressure uh at least in some sense of what Aaron Donald provided it's going to be very difficult but they very clearly are pushing toward exactly that you know I'm gonna um I very good points Jeff I'm gonna point out that we're glad Jeff got his mic on for that segment since he was giving Lou a hard time hey crucial to TV Jeff put the ends well yeah well you I need a sign that says put your mic on we're gonna without question is the TD pass to micle Harman to win the Super Bowl this year cuz as we're watching that unfold and Chris Bor and Dan rosi and ourselves are calling it for ESPN International we're sitting there going you know in these kind of situations I've seen quarterbacks miss this kind of throw and not be able to execute in those kind of moments but that's what makes Patrick who he is that's why when you announce him as the SV as the best player in the NFL this year you're just like yawn no kidding cuz he makes this stuff now look routine it's not a big deal anymore the extraordinary is ordinary to him and that's just amazing it's amazing his career Arc it started off on fire and has not caught off one bit yeah that was a great moment I love that uh for me I'm I'm going to go into in the playoff game against Baltimore uh you talk about being an improvisational guy in the pocket this is not what he normally does but it's amazing for him to buy that kind of time against this defense I don't even see this play open like I've watched this play from the all 22 I've watched it from The End Zone I didn't see Travis Kelce open until he caught the football that's the type of mind that Patrick Mahomes has and as a Defender I really don't know what you do against this right here shout out to Travis Kelce for making an unbelievable catch I know he's having a great time on his tour around the world but that play right there by Patrick Mahomes was absolutely outstanding well B it's funny because we all very organically picked three different plays and three of those plays is happen to be in the playoffs against three different teams this one here against the Dolphins in those frigid temperatures he cracked his helmet on this play he refused to come out of the game ended up going over to the sideline eventually to replace his helmet really didn't even want to wanted to keep playing and I just think that that shows the mental makeup of Patrick Mahomes the willingness for him to deal with those conditions while by the way I was sitting in a igloo tent because it was so ridiculous ully cold and that guy's down there doing things it wasn't that c come on daring otherworldly man oh stop Toler that was so cold I don't want to hear it Lou I don't want to hear T the live tomorrow at 8:00 P.M on ABC you see it on the screen celebrating the greatest sports moments of the year the sb's benefit the B found
Channel: Filiz Arığ
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Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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