Shannon Sharpe Continues to Embarrass Skip Bayless

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I really appreciate skip believing in me but we're supposed to be teammates and I think that's what hurt me more than anything it's easier to grow apart and grow together though it's officially been 13 months since skip bis and Shannon CH decided to break up and both of their careers went in a completely different direction as a result of it and a lot of it wasn't that difficult to predict if you go back to our content one year ago I said repeatedly that Shannon Sharp's going to be okay if anything this is going to be a boon to his career but Shannon Sharp actually went on Cam Newton's podcast recently and opened up about the unforgivable thing that skip bis did that resulted in them disbanding so before we get to the content we are giving away copies of college football 25 all you have to do to enter is click on the link in the description down below we have giveaways going on Instagram and on Twitter and now that we got all that out of the way [Music] mik check 1212 what's going on everybody I wanted to open up this video by saying I have tremendous love and respect for skip bis and Shannon sharp and I know what you guys might be thinking Mike you respect skip bis well you wouldn't have the modern sports debate show if it wasn't for skip bis the huge reason I ended up making this YouTube channel is one day day I was watching Undisputed I watched what skip bis was doing and I thought to myself I think I could do a little bit of a better job than this guy next thing you know I made a YouTube channel so in a lot of ways skip bis inspired me to do what I do today and for that I'm forever indebted to him because I absolutely love what I do on a daily basis for you guys but that being said he is a master manipulator a great tactician to always make sure he's trending and as a result he's been relevant for four decades no I mean seriously four decades if you don't believe me look at this clip but when sports writer skip bis moved from the Morning News to the competition it created quite a controversy among his peers he doesn't apologize for the change or his big new salary but being the chip Moody of local print has made him the target for some resentment no different than anyone else uh I feel like I'm the most hated guy in town now I can't go back to the morning news for fear of being gunned down by the guards go back to clean out my desk I haven't even done that yet I feel like I'll walk in the Times Herald and uh 20 staffers will dive on me and uh bring me up from the the fixture or something you know and from then on man skip Alis was credited for finding superstars in the industry whether it was Finding Stephen A Smith and bringing him on cold pizza eventually creating ESPN's First Take and bringing on Stephen A Smith to be his debate partner these two individuals created the modern debate show and whether you like it or hate it it was great for Ratings Stephen A Smith and Skip bis would take turns yelling at each other about sports 80% of their conversation would be about the Dallas Cowboys and LeBron James whereas the other 20% could be really anything and it made for great TV eventually in 2016 skip bis decided to leave because Fox Sports made him an offer that he couldn't refuse to recreate the same Sports debate show on their Network and ultimately skip bis accepted very bold of him to decide to move away from ESPN when he had a good thing going with Stephen A Smith he could have kept that job for years and years to come but ultimately he decided to go to Fox Sports and he said that he wanted Shannon sharp to be his next partner now at that time Shannon sharp was still trying to figure out his role in the space he had some appearances on ESPN and some appearances on CBS but they had him coming in on a panel that really wasn't good for Shannon CH because it didn't really let his personality shine but on Undisputed you can make a legitimate argument that Skip and Shannon had way more chemistry than ski and Steven A I mean Shannon Sharp's Charisma and his Persona his bagger dressing up in the nice suits bringing cigars and Hennessy to the set roasting skip balis in the perfect way I mean these two were like peanut butter and jelly for the greater part of 7 years things were going really smooth until 2022 when they started to butt heads the first incident wasn't that bad of an incident I mean it was just an argument in regards to Baker Mayfield and like there was a little bit of tension but it wasn't anything that serious as you could see here says he's dead last in qbr 17.8 talking about yesterday how do you look yesterday gu no let me I got the floor because all you do is bring up those 11 games all you do is go back to talk about when he was a rookie won seven games I W talk about what I want to talk about cuz I got the floor Baker Mayfield is dead last in 2022 in qbr blah he dead I don't care blah blah blah blah he's 57.8 he's 33 in completion percentage you going to let me talk because that's what if you'll stay on point on question you never stay on point I'm about to stay on point you you not get on point until I'm done talking that's right spew all your I'm spew it ferte spew it 17.8 because all you talking about you're uncertain about Justin Herbert but you get on the floor for this clown he's a bum he's trash and you know it and every time you bring him up I'm going to let the world know exactly what he is you four Twitter followers don't worry about hold on you talk about Twitter and we come out here and discuss topics that you tweeted so don't give me about that Twitter stuff you can talk about my follow all you want but I got the Dead the and you see how he do America he talk about my Twitter followers that's what I know I got it and I'm going to continue to go he's 187 tell me when it's my it's not your turn okay he's F football F Focus got 37% blah blah blah goad blah blah blah but the incident where things got really tense was when they were discussing Tom Brady now skip bis was trying to stand for his man Tom Brady whereas Shannon sharp was just trying to say that Tom Brady sucks right now and then skip B said something that really pissed Shannon sharp off still playing at a high level at 45 when you had to stop at 35 you make it seem like I was a bum I'm in the effing Hall of Fame I got three Super Bowls so what you would take a personal shot at me wait a minute you ever played your game and it's by far have I'm going to have at it because I'm going to have at you you can tell that Shannon sharp is really upset about this because he truly felt like his partner didn't think that he achieved anything that great in the NFL whereas Shannon sharp is a top three tight end of all time and the fact that he was able to get to that level in his career despite being a seventh round pick is an incredible achievement I mean this is just the beginning of the tension between the two skip bis would put out a controversial tweet in regards to Demar Hamlin Shannon sharp would no show work the next day so skip balis would have to do work on his own I apologize for what we're going to set out to do here today if it offends anyone obviously my partner Shannon is not here today I look forward to seeing him tomorrow and ultimately this would lead to the 2023 playoffs where we would find out that Shannon sharp would leave the verbiage said that Shannon sharp agreed to a buyou with Fox Sports meaning that Shannon sharp didn't want to leave Fox Sports approached him and said hey we're going to buy your contract out and apparently the rumor is that skip Bist facilitated this which is kind of crazy cuz I could understand at this point skip Bale is thinking hey I got Stephen A Smith in in the game I found success with Shannon sharp clearly I am the ex factor in creating these successful shows so I could easily do it a third time but the thing is Skip bis really struggled this past year I mean Undisputed has hit an alltime low in terms of viewership four months ago we discussed how they were barely getting 50,000 viewers skip bis tried everything he brought in Michael Irvin he brought in Lil Wayne he brought in Rachel Nicholls he brought in Richard Sherman and he just couldn't replace Shannon char whereas this is the greatest thing that could have happened for Shannon Sharp's career I mean the man has multiple podcasts that he's launched including night cap and Club Shae Club Shae had the most viral interview of the past year when Shannon sharp interviewed Cat Williams and Cat Williams just went off including this great part about Diddy $50 million four times four times just to protect my integrity and that virgin hole I was telling you about right uh cuz P Diddy be wanting a body it and you got to tell him no you got to tell him no I did at this point Shannon sharp Just transcended Sports I mean he's a cultural phenomenon and it wasn't difficult to tell that this is what was going to happen if skip bis let Shannon sharp go but Shannon sharp still maintains appearances on a sports debate show he just chose a more successful Sports debate show signing with ESPN and teaming up with ironically Stephen A Smith on first take now I will admit I did like Shannon sharp on Undisputed a bit more than First Take I don't think it's that much of a downgrade but overall if you ask me despite me thinking that Shannon sharp was better on Undisputed than First Take there's no question about it this was the greatest thing that could have happened in Shannon Sharp's career whereas skip bis just keeps going lower and lower and lower and there's a question of whether or not he should consider retirement at this point now Shannon sharp does make podcast appearances and discusses the situation at length if you remember earlier on he went on Stephen A Smith's podcast and discuss the situation as you reflect back on that moment what goes through your mind and how much trouble was the relationship between you two in at that particular moment a lot of that is my fault because there were times that led up to that that I felt that shots were taken and I let it go and he felt that he could go over the top in that situation whatever the relationship is once one partner has no respect for the other the other partner then in turn loses respect for said partner then I think it's only a matter of time because I felt in that moment he had lost all respect for me he had no respect for me this is Undisputed skipping Shannon this is not yours so it really really hurt me had I attacked him personally live on television what would have happened and the one thing I appreciate about Shannon sharp is he's been consistent in regards to what caused him to want to leave Undisputed because now he goes on to Cam Newton's podcast and he discusses the straw that broke the camel's back but I know where not to go it's it's to a degree yes you can joke but let's not go there let's not play in that area right and he really goes into it in detail in regards to how disrespected he felt by Skip bis to think that because I said Tom Brady wasn't playing well and he wasn't playing well this is not to take away anything what that person has already accomplished so I was just disappointed how how it handled could have been handled better I mean I really like the way Shannon sharp handled this situation and the reason that I appreciate Shannon sharp so much is the way he went about this the whole time was just expressing his gratitude towards skip bis for the opportunity to begin with but he really dropped some wisdom in here saying stuff like I just think that after seven years and you with somebody it's easier to grow apart and grow together at the end of the day I think Skip bis really underestimated Chan and sharp in the very beginning this show was all about Skip bis in 2016 it was skip bis and whoever his partner was But as time went on when you compared both of these individuals Ventures into social media skip Bale is trying to make LeBron jokes on Instagram Shannon sharp actually conducting great interviews with celebrities and athletes there's no question about it that Shannon sharp eventually became a bigger star than skip bis but skip bis was so consumed by his own hubris and his own Cockiness reflecting on the fact that it was him that brought Shannon sharp into the spot light and as a result Shannon sharp would be nothing without skip bis but he neglected to realize that Shannon sharp was blowing up and he should have done anything that he possibly could to keep things together and at the end of the day I think Skip bis's own Cockiness was his own downfall because if you go into ESPN and you tell the bosses hey I have a great idea for a sports debate show give me Stephen A Smith and we're going to make magic and then you hit on that then decide to take more money to go to Fox and this time you make an even better show with Shannon sharp obviously at a specific point you're going to think you're like Teflon and you're going to be able to keep pumping out these great shows no matter who your partner is you are the common denominator consistently but the reality is is that skip bis just picked two incredibly talented Partners in the beginning and he let the success go to his own head at the end of the day I still think Skip bis is a legend and this is the greatest thing that could have happened to Shannon sharp but obviously this was the worst thing that could have happened to skip bis so let me know in the comments comment section down below make sure you check out Cam Newton's whole podcast with Chan the CHP about this it's a great watch apart from that I don't know if you guys heard Tua and the Dolphins can't agree to contract terms Tua wants to get paid like Jared gof or Joe burrow and the Dolphins just don't want to pay him that amount could this result In Tua getting traded while we have a whole video on that I'll leave it in the end screen and I'll catch you guys there aside from that I'm your boy Mike and I'm dropping our mic until our next upload [Music]
Channel: Mikerophone
Views: 234,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shannon sharpe, Shannon Sharpe Debut, Shannon Sharpe First Take, Shannon Sharpe First Take Debut, Shannon Sharpe First Take Skip, Shannon Sharpe First Take Mistake, Shannon Sharpe Debut on First Take, Shannon Shape Debut First Take, Mikerophone, First Take, First Take Shannon Sharpe, First Take Shannon Sharpe Debut, Shannon Sharpe Embarass, Shannon Sharpe SKip Bayless, Skip Bayless Shannon Sharpe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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