Understanding the Impact of Eye Dominance on Putting

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how important is eye dominance when it comes to putting so you can either be left eye dominant or right eye dominant but in putting terms you would either be a lead ey dominant golfer or a trail ey dominant golfer so if if you're a right-handed golfer when you pat your left eye is your lead eye CU it's on the target side your Trail eye is your right eye and are golfers supposed to do something with ball position or setup if they lead eye against if their Trail eye this video is going to look at that very topic to find out which of your eyes is dominant there's a few different things you can do the one I always do would be something like that make a triangle with your hand and then whatever's inside that triangle with both eyes open you would then close an eye so say you close your left eye and what was inside the triangle changed quite a bit that would mean you're looking through your non-dominant eye if it stays the same you're looking through your dominant eye if that doesn't make sense just type into Google or something how to find out my dominant eye you're more likely to be the same hand as I so a right-handed person is more likely to be right eye dominant and a left-handed person is more likely to be left eye dominant but it's it's not you know it's worth testing there's plenty of people who go against that I actually do I'm left-handed but I'm right eye dominant if there is a confusion around this related to pting it would be that golfers want to know right I'm lead ey dominant so what does that mean or I'm Trail ey dominant the most common thing I've heard people say would be that if you're a lead eye dominant golfer so left eye for right handed golfer then that means your ball position should be forward in your stance and if you're a trailer dominant it should be further back in your stance I can't think of the top of my head many golfers that have been very successful when you've looked at them going wow their ball positions really far back but there are there are examples especially in the past and some in the present of forward ball positions being quite successful you know Brad Fox and Ben khaw people like that if I was to if I was to say the the ideal ball position it would actually be just forward of Center or maybe ideal is not the right word maybe a neutral ball position that for me allows the least manipulation of the putter I think ball position is really important for putting so I would I would always want somebody to have a ball position that allows them to to to put well it affects face path launch angle of attack it's just it has a knock on effect almost everything so rather than rushing into oh you're a you're a lead ey dominant golfer let's get that ball off your front foot or you're a tra dominant let's get it back in your stance behind your Center these things these extreme ball positions require quite a bit of connection to you know create these good launch conditions space and path conditions strike conditions so I wouldn't I wouldn't run into wondering what my eye dominance was and then changing position based on that so personally for me the big link with eye dominance is generally around ball position where should your ball be placed and that's going to affect how your body sets up and everything I actually think ball position matters a lot more than eye dominance so I would I would start with ball position rather than worrying too much about which ey is dominant there's not wrong with finding out though H which you are but the way I would check ball position through three very easy ways to do it is I would put like a te in the middle of your feet or a golf club the grip end or an alignment stick whatever you're using any of those three work just the same the key thing is that you would have it right in the middle of your feet and level with a face of the putter so not the middle of the head of the putter the face of the putter then the golf Ball's going to then be under your lead eye I think that's the best ball position for most people I'm not seen every single golfer on the planet but it's where I would start with most people because it's the ball position allows the least amount of manipulation around launch conditions face and path strike so that to me probably outweighs eye dominance so try that first and see see if you think about it the big worry if you're a lead eye dominant golfer you're probably not going to be too worried about that because you're going to be like right well my lead eye is on the line of the ball so whether you run eyes outside the ball inside the ball or over the ball the lead ey is on that line of the golf ball with that ball position provided your bodies straight as well but that's another video but yeah trying to stand up tall tilt forward put her face in the middle ball just forward forward the person that's probably going to be more worried about this as of opposition is the tra I dominant because they're going to think but now my Trine is is is not like on top of the golf ball what I would say is it's that far from being on top think about the gap between your eyes that's how far it is so that's this is part of reason I'm not totally convinced on on eye dominance being a huge Factor if you do want to play with a ball position a bit further back because your tray dominant possibly you might have to open your body up a little bit you know till I I I do see a lot of golfers with neck tilts spine tilts all these tilts going on to combat different ball positions and eye positions but for me that's the starting point putt like that for a a while even if it's just practicing at home with something in the middle of your feet level with a putter face lead eye on the line of the golf ball and body nice and straight see how that goes first and and then if you're not convinced not happy not comfortable then you could tweak around eye dominance so yeah maybe if you're lead eye you could try going a bit further forward if you're TR life try going a bit further back but I would make very small changes first ideally do it with a coach as well but if that's not possible or you don't want to you could experiment but personally my take is don't worry too much of eye dominance I've not seen it as a huge factor I have been looking for eye dominance to play a big role in putting as well it's not like I just want to deny it cuz I know there's good coaches out there and there's golfers out there that really believe eye dominance is a big factor and some of the golfers out there it might be because they they learned their eye dominance they made an adjustment and it worked for them so that's amazing just you know I would never say oh you shouldn't have made that adjustment if somebody's made somebody putt better I don't care what it is but I would just say don't worry too much about it I would I would start with the better ball position and and or the neutral ball position and then take it from there without thinking oh right I'm lead eye dominant I'm going to have to play the ball right off my front foot remember you do that you're probably going to have a big forward press or something to to compensate for that and that might work for some people as well but start neutral and see how you go cuz as I said I would I would like there to be a strong correlation with eye dominance and where the ball should go if you think about it as anyone that's putting content out on the Internet or coaching golfers if we could just ask a golfer oh what's your eye dominance all right you're you're you're this then all you need to do is this and you'll P better that's our job is a lot easier we look like Miracle work workers and it's uh it's good for business but I just I just haven't seen that link I haven't seen such a strong link that I I would be confident to ask a go for watch your eye dominance and then give them advice based on that I do see Trends you know in terms of I you should definitely check out I've got a video on finding your ey line whether you should be on eyes over the ball or inside the ball patter and and there's a little bit of talk about eye dominance in that I would say find that out for definite but play with a neutral ball position for start unless you've you've got a different ball position and you're ping well then you probably wouldn't even be watching this video all right so don't worry too much about ey dominance ball position for me far more important thanks
Channel: Ross MacLeod Putting
Views: 14,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben crenshaw putting, brad faxon putting, eye dominant, forward ball position putting, golf, golf advice, golf practice, golf tips, hole more putts, hole more short putts, putt better, putt like a pro, putting, putting ball position, putting eye dominance, putting practice, putting setup, putting tips, shoot lower scores
Id: JJdZ504z9Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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