Jonathan Cahn message "Like Waking Up"

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Father we praise you and bless you and thank you father we thank you for your coming we ask your hand upon all things that we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and we pray for the coming of your kingdom Oh Lord we pray for the Lord that failed to be removed under ancient people Lord and Lord that they would look up and say baa-baa-baa b'shem adonai 'blessed is he who comes the name of the lord but we ask for the day of your coming of your kingdom that your presence Lord and the day that the Lord shall be known and his name shall be known and the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth we praise you [Music] the barielle B'nai Israel a more behold - ha ve be a falafel - Yale ahem shabba shauncy crawl to ruin my craw kodesh and the Lord said to Moses speak to the children of Israel and say in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a Sabbath a reminder a memorial by the sounding of the shofar this day is called as you've heard many times probably your whole life it is known as Russia's Shauna but it's really not Russia Sean from to China means it's the beginning of the year it's not really the beginning of the year though Jewish people celebrated as that it's the first day of the seventh month it is called the day of the sounding of the shofar what does the shofar represent this is all about the shofar and the shofar was sounded to announce the coming of a king it was sounded to announce God's coming on Sinai it was the sound of the Watchmen it was a sound that called the people of God the children of Israel to gather together before the Lord for the sound of war the sound of victory sound of breakthrough sound of Jericho it was the marker of times the beginning and ending of time so what is the meaning of a day of that's entirely the sounding of the shofar it's saying get ready [Music] for a kingdom is coming get ready because a king is coming this is to mark the beginning of the rating of the kingdom of God and so feast begin the days of all the ten days let's say get ready was a day of days the time of meeting God Yom Kippur is coming and that represents the day we will all stand before the Lord the Feast of Trumpets are especially prophetic because when you read the end of the Bible or the prophecies of the end you start seeing trumpets because this is all about that when this was sounded the people God were gathered together the Bible says when this was sounded this when this does sound when the great shofar sounds they the elect shall be gathered from the ends of the earth the rapture it says the dead will rise at the time of the trumpet sound with the trumpet sound the kingdom will come when the trumpet sound Messiah will come the Orthodox they get ready they they see this as a time of preparing for the day of judgment and that goes with what the Bible says two mysteries that God set up the entire age as a Hebrew year and as the Hebrew year ends with trumpets so the age ends with trumpets all about the coming of the Lord and also personally what it's saying is get ready because we will all stand before the Lord and so the time you have to prepare is now so these are the days of all on earth because it's the only time you have to repair for eternity and so we're gonna do you an ancient scripture close your eyes for a moment and this is the ancient gives your link to the trumpets you won't maybe not recognize that at first but then you will [Music] watch TV fight watch the my heart teacher when he opened the Seventh Seal There was silence in heaven for one half hour [Music] [Applause] she must meet Nolan and I saw the seven angels to stand before the Oh Lord God and to them were given seven so far seven trumpets in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel when he is about to sound the trumpet the mystery of God is finished father we praise you and have us be ready for the day of your coming Lord in all our lives we want to be ready help us to live lives ready for the cake and we bless you in now Lord we ask your blessing and anointing on the word for your people in the name of Yeshua Jesus Lord in my weakness be strong in your power and all those people say Amen now everybody you know it's a very short one so you can open up or just listen and that is Isaiah 26 verse 19 very simple awake and sing you who dwell in the dust awaken sing you who dwell in the dust we have stories as we grew up fairy tales like Snow White she eats a poison apple falls into a deep sleep she can't be awakened we have Sleeping Beauty is given a curse she falls into a sleep because after she cuts herself on a spindle she cannot be awakened until the time the one comes who can awaken her but what does this have to do with anything what does this have to do with the Feast of Trumpets in a recent tribute that made news there's a daughter to her father a very famous political leader who recently passed away the last words of the tribute that she wrote was the dream is ended this is morning the quote came from CS Lewis the shofar is a vessel it's the vessel of the priest it's a vessel of the watchman it's the vessel used to wake up a city when the Watchmen would see danger coming he would sound the shofar to wake them up if they were sleeping or wake them up to the threat but now on the Feast of Trumpets it's the the vessel of the Watchmen that is sounded continuously not by the watchman but by the priest the priest is a spiritual minister so now it's a spiritual sound a spiritual wake-up call it's to a spiritual wake up to the sleeping the Feast of Trumpets is the day of God's waking up his people now I'm going to speak about a very important subject here that of waking up the Feast of Trumpets is God's wake-up call but to see what that means first we're gonna look at sleeping a lot of things the Bible says about sleep and it's generally not too favorable Psalm 13 3 says consider and hear me O Lord my God enlighten my eyes on or I will sleep the sleep of death proverbs 20 verse 13 says love not sleep lest you come to poverty open your eyes and you'll be satisfied from sleep comes poverty the Lord said to his disciples Luke 22 verse 46 he said to them why do you sleep get up and pray that you will not enter into temptation see their sleep is a sign of another kind of sleep a spiritual sleep you can fall asleep spiritually you can see it in many churches in many denominations they fall asleep spiritually Keith's dream wrote a song called asleep in the light not just about churches though not about denominations only it's about each of us we have to guard against spiritual sleep when you fall asleep in the natural you drift off you rarely know that you're falling asleep or that you're sleeping when you're awake you know that you're awakened you know that you were sleeping but when you're asleep you generally don't know it so when you follow sleep spiritually most of the time you don't realize you're falling asleep spiritually until it's too late or when you snap out of it when do you fall asleep in the natural when you're tired when you get tired in the Lord be careful you're in danger of falling asleep when you fall asleep with the natural you lose your focus your eyes start going out of focus well when you lose your focus in the Lord you're in danger of falling asleep people don't usually plan to fall asleep in the Lord actually nobody plans to backslide falling asleep in the natural world you become less and less engaged with what's going on you tune it out so when you start in the in the Lord if you are less engaged in the spiritual things the things of God the word the prayer his presence the fellowship zeal ministry you're in danger of falling asleep the Hebrew word for sleep is yah Sean triumph yah Sean means to be slack to slack off when you start slacking off in God prayer in hedges in purity and zeal you're a danger that word also means to grow old when you start getting old in the Lord you're not fresh anymore that also is a danger for falling asleep it also means to become stale or or or hardened where you you're you can't be changed you're not open anymore you're in a have you're in just habits and you're not open that's another danger thing another word for sleep also means inactive in Hebrew not good to become inactive in God and active in the things of God you're more in danger if you're less on fire than you were when you once were in God then you're in danger of falling asleep so how do you fall asleep usually get lulled into you don't realize it when you sleep you dream you were in a realm of illusions false thing they don't exist when you dream you fall away from reality you you actually your mind unless God's given you a dream which is not often but it can happen but other than that your mind is coming up with things that fool you you think it's real I've known people who they have a dream and the person did something bad in the dream I mean the other another person and they're hidden at them they wake up mad at the other person for the dream what happened in the dream but when you're asleep you're you're a fool yourself thinking that this is reality well so with spiritual sleep you start falling away from the reality of God you start fooling yourself about what is scriptural you fall away from the Word of God when people fall out of God's will when their lives don't line up with a word of God anymore they start fooling themselves and they say well it doesn't really say that God is okay with that just like the enemy said did God really say that that's how it that's not what the enemy caused the first spiritual sleep that he calls the the whole spiritual sleep on the world that brought a physical sleep of death when you fall away from the Word of God you start you start bending it you start fooling yourself I've seen believers do the most ungodly things and justify it with the Word of God another this if you get into bitterness and unforgiveness that will cause a spiritual sleep you may justify it but it is it is causing you to fall from God clearly people living together there's no problem we're in God's will no you're not it's very clear what it says you are falling asleep to God you're falling away I've seen men of God we're going to God in adultery and justify it with Scripture it is excused now if you're struggling with something and you're convicted of the sin you're not spiritually asleep or you wouldn't be struggling with it but another form of self-deception is fooling yourself people want something and they put God's name on it God told me I'm gonna get this this this this this when my boys go to bed they almost always when they say their prayers they almost always say and Lord no nightmares I used to when I was a little kid at night mayor's hands reaching up out of the bed a monster under the bed monster in the closet my boys always help me close the closet running away parallel or falling you ever have those that you're falling in fold or you're paralyzed you can't move I had a I had a nightmare when I was a kid that my babysitter was actually an alien and that kind of made me very cautious of her when you're asleep you have nightmare so to is spiritual sleep there are believers when you're out of God's God's presence your life becomes it's just become something there believers who are always in Christ every second everything is bad news everything is negative everything's the end of the world every motive is wrong everything is negative reading everybody's they see everything through a lens behind every silver lining there's a cloud everything is depressed and dejected that's not God uro if when you get away from the good news that's what you get into you ever have dreams that repeat you ever how do you feel about repeating dreams repeating dreams actually I've had dreams about ever ever dream about taking the test again in high school you're taking this again and again and you wake up and thank God I'm out of school you know I know somebody a good lady in the Lord I don't think she'd mind me saying this but she the dream is kind of censor she had his dream again and again throughout her life that her family is moving away she's a kid she's a girl you're moving away they're packing up the car and they leave her they leave her there just her in the dog but then all the sudden the car comes back he said they come back and they get the dog and leave her and she sometimes it deals with she's dealt with she told me about rejection things like that well it was one of the signs of spiritual sleep is that you have things repeating in your life that in or it's something you're asleep to God's trying to get your attention if you have things that keep repeating in your life that are not good you have the same problem the same pattern the same relationship the same things you may be asleep to something that God wants you to wake up from well that brings us to the next part the end of sleep is waking up when you stop dreaming when you snap out of the fantasy when you when somebody's trying to wake you up they went first of all often when they try to wake you up they're talking to you sometimes you get them the first part is you incorporate it into the dream you hear their voice in the dream you kind of brought them into the dream we kind of fight waking up but there are signs that you might be asleep too something that you should be waking up from maybe there are voices things in your life things or events trying to wake you up that God is using a friend who loves you trying to say something trying to say something in love and truth or the same situation repeating and repeating again same conflict again in your life same problem same pain God uses pain to wake you up your conscience maybe saying something's not quite right and the natural waking up is crucial we to make sure we wake up to go to work to go to school to go to the service so we make sure so we have alarm clocks we have a lot the old Kline used to have bells that rang on top but then we started getting you started getting the ones that you the electric pad and you have cell phones and what do we do when we're woken up we try to stop that alarm right away either to keep going or just wheat we try to hit that thing now we fight waking up we don't like alarm clocks when we need them so listen here is the connection you are woken up by some kind of alarm you're you're woken up from sleep with some kind of alarm what is the word for alarm in the Bible or Hebrew you know what the word is the word is Tarrou ah try it now some of you are getting the connection to Rua is the sound of the shofar so what is that telling you that shofar is the alarm clock of God it's the wake-up call of God blow a trumpet in Zion sound the alarm and the word actually is rule I'll link to Torah you're going to say these words there's three words when we sound the shofar for each sounding and one of them is Torah to rule is the alarm this is the alarm clock so it's kind of like give you a back then um this is facetious but you go to bed and you put a shofar on your nightstand in the morning your friend blows it you wake up that's what the watchman did the watchman sounded the alarm to wake the people up from sleep to see the threat it could be life or death if they didn't see it if they didn't hear the alarm so this is the day of the alarm clock actually in Hebrew it's not it's not rush Hashanah it's not even Feast of Trumpets even though that's what it is that's not the actual word that's in Leviticus the actual name of Ovidius for the Feast of Trumpets is yom teruah try it what does that mean it means the day of the blowing the day of the sounding of course of the shofar but also mean you could translate it the day of the alarm the day of the alarm clock the rabbi's spoke of judgment the day of judgment foreshadowed by Yom Kippur the Day of sealing so the trumpets are the alarm waking up and it's there they're on to something they're saying get Eddi the feast of waking up just like you got Passover every year that God gave that to Israel so they'd never forget their salvation they always remember where they came from well also every year you got a day of the alarm the day of the shofar the day of the alarm why because because God is saying we have to wake up we got to stay awake and if we fall asleep got to wake up alarms why is shofar alarms are not supposed to be pleasant you know you have all different ringtones you can wake yourself up but the prophets too Pleasant you won't wake up alarms are not supposed to be pleasant they're supposed to save you they're supposed to be powerful that's why the trumpet that's why it's not a harp it's a trumpet it's there's something powerful that something's not quite like this sound any sound that's like the shofar there's a movie called awakenings based on a true story in the early part of the 20th century there was a sickness that caused all these people to fall asleep and they slept for years and decades they slept through the depression slept through World War two slept through the 1950s and some of these patients were administered a drug and they all the sudden began to wake up after all those decades I mean from like the 1920s it was like then I don't if it's 1960s they're waking up something like that modern America what a shock to them traumatic well spiritually this happens all the time you can be sleeping your whole life you can be falling asleep and not realizing you it but waking up its abrupt falling asleep is love but waking up isn't a prop thing I remember in summer camp and I shouldn't be saying these things but this is before I knew the Lord so it's okay it's all covered we took one of the guys he's in bed and we took the whole bed while he was sleeping took him outside put the bed into the field imagine waking up in a field and not knowing what's going on when you wake up you're always disoriented anyway but waking up every ever wake up and you don't even know what day it is you wake up and you don't know where you are well waking up is a abrupt thing the word for waking up in Hebrew is coots try it same word from the same word we get the word cat's ear which is the word for the harvest the Lord talks about the harvest of salvation well that word is linked to waking up why because when you get saved that is your awakening it's like living in a dream for knowing God it's like before being born yeah it's like living in a dream and the reality from outside God's tried to trying to reach you trying to touch you if you remember when God's tried to get through to you and you start hearing people somebody comes in your life telling you about the Lord something's happening he's trying to wake you up it's kind of coming into your dream he's trying to wake you up that's why many of you came to the Lord through a crisis why because a crisis wakes you up pain wakes you up so that's that it's all its abrupt when you wake up in the natural you're often that you're that it's we're mi so when you woke up in salvation it was also disorienting wow what is this now everything is - everything's different now when you wake up every morning what you thought was reality in your dreams you realize what's an illusion so when you wake up in the Lord when you are born again you realize everything you thought was reality was an illusion and when you wake up in the natural you see the reality that you were blinded from seeing when you were sleeping when you wake up in the Lord same thing you now see what was unseen before you see what you could not see that you were blinded to before now you live by faith you see the reality of God you see everything looks different and you live by that which you couldn't see when you were to do it's kind of saying that before you knew the Lord compared to the reality you know it was like a dream and a dream it was confusing your life was confusing didn't know didn't often didn't make sense and you're kind of just going through it but now God wakes you up wakes you up which means that you woke up which kind of means that the you that you were living in before you knew God wasn't the real you the real you is this you it's like the new self the one that God created woke up and with anyone's became a new person it's kind of kind of like you were the person who you were supposed to be was just dormant before you knew God healing a dream world you know the dream world is based on the real world it's just all twisted all confused so the life you knew before you knew God was confused it wasn't it was a shadow you were a shadow of the person God made you to be your old life is a shadow a fallen shadow of the person you were meant to be some of you were doing things and actually was lead to your calling but it was all twisted but you were called to do something that was pure for God you have the gifts but it was a shadow of what you are to be now I spoke of Keith green saying asleep and he wrote a song of sleeping light he also wrote another song which said the words are like waking up from the longest dream how real it seemed until your love broke through I was lost in a fantasy that blinded me until your love broke through but see even when you're awake now you can fall asleep again the Feast of Trumpets is about waking up from the world waken up to the eternal September 11th we called it people people if they call it a wake-up call it was a wake-up call shaking wake up call a nation that was growing deaf to God's voice and what happened everybody all across America people flocked to churches why leader at the telephone it was a wake-up call and they knew it in the shaking of the world then it led people and they were there people came to Lord but mostly they came to churches for three weeks and then things seemed to calm down they went right back into the sleep and what happened to America compared to America we knew back then it was a wake-up call we were already heading away look at how far we have drifted from God since September 11th do you know when did September September 11 happened around the time of the trumpets in fact do you know that there is there the days leading up to the truck to the Feast of Trumpets the trumpets are blown everyday saying get ready get ready get ready judgments coming and it was when the trumpets were blown they're blown in the morning when September 11th happened we can't force a nation to wake up from its sleep we are we have to do everything we can we got to be watch me we got to sound the trumpet we got to sound the gospel you're not gonna wake up anybody your life if you're not spreading the gospel but we are responsible for our own wakening our own staying awake we had on the radio program that we did people would call it and they'd have to wait on line they have to wait so when I said to wait for a long time so sometimes even more than an hour on the phone they're on the phone and one time we had this there was an old elderly woman from New York City she called up waiting in the line we finally gets her we say hi we don't hear anything we say hi it's big snore over the radio all over New York City we're saying hi snoring snoring so we're saying wait hello hello nothing snoring back so when we say okay we got to go to the course we felt bad first so we kept around holes we come back about 30 minutes later still snoring still snoring fine we came back later on and we say hi should hide so okay you're good you know you fell asleep sit no I didn't we can fall asleep on the line to God you ever fall asleep praying yeah fall asleep but you can fall asleep right right weak God you fall asleep there this up there's the even when you're even if you're in in in the service you can fall asleep even though it's helping you but the Bible speaks about a guy named you tyke it's in the book of Acts he sat by the window and he and Paul is speaking teaching and you take his falls asleep he falls asleep and he falls out the window and he's taken as dead three floors you know there are people fall fall asleep but they denied I wasn't sleeping I wasn't but your Tychus cannot deny it he's there he's listening to Paul and he falls asleep on Paul teachers of the gospel don't feel bad they fell asleep on ball but he was Paul was speaking for some time Luke says he was going on you tyke is seeking into deep sleep and he falls out and all of a sudden there's a clunk Paul go out they find him dead Paul prays the guy is resurrected what a great miracle had to be the most embarrassing miracle in the Bible imagine you Titus wake it up you fell asleep no I didn't listen you die how embarrassing on Paul's no less you were just trying to blend in in the back you know it'd be easier just to be dead and wake up in heaven then wake up with Paul you fell asleep on me look what happened we get to heaven we see a guy walking around with sunglasses trying to avoid any publicity it's you Tychus you know people with interviewing him microphone you know I was once at a ministry conference and there was a man from the area from New York City around there whom I knew pretty well and he was pushing for me to drive him home and drive him home and I said okay and it's late at night and I'm driving and I start falling asleep the car starts swerving swerving anos I wake up you know yeah I'm now I'm sure it's never happened to any of you because you are responsible you never started falling asleep but but madness I look at him he's he's in fear Petra what happened petrified you all right I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine few minutes later swerving again I'm falling asleep the guy wants to jump out of the car it continued on that it was a three-hour ride and it didn't get better the man was a faith warrior but he's scared to death finally I dropped him off he was a nervous wreck I felt rested though but he never asked me again for a ride it is dangerous to fall asleep in a car to SAS pastor Steve dangerous dangerous it is dangerous to fall asleep in the Lord who is it that it wakes us up what did Messiah Jesus do when he was on earth he woke people up the girl dies he says she's only sleeping he goes to her and he says Talitha koum Ortoli Takumi which means little girl rise she wakes up she's a lot Lazarus dies and John 11 he says our friend Lazarus sleeps but I go that I might wake him out of his sleep Messiah is the one who wakes us out of our sleep now these are the most dramatic but he was waking people up in every way when he calls the sinful out of their life of sin he's waking them up when he tells the woman in adultery go I I don't condemn you you are forgiven but sin no more he's waking her up when he when he he came to Mary Magdalene and took her out of a life of darkness he was waking her up when he made the blind man who never saw see he was woken up when he delivered the demoniac he was waking him up imagine me the demoniac he wakes when he when he came out of it he must be sending what am I doing here he was woken up as he a man woken up from a nightmare when he called the twelve from being fishermen to becoming disciples he was waking up to who they were called to be they were always called to be the disciples but they were fishermen because they were waiting it was their shadow life until the day that Messiah would come and wake them up to who they were called to be Messiah is the one who woke you up he said to you rise up wake up rise up my beloved wake up the time of waking up is now it was his voice that caused you that caused me to become born again and through your life he calls you back and he seeks to - if you start falling asleep he will try to wake you up and to keep up I remember I shared once I was in a situation early on the Lord where I could have made up some could've made a very big mistake it wasn't a blatant thing of of sin or not sin but it wasn't God's will and the Lord sent a homeless man while I was ministering in the city to give me a prophecy to say cut it okay get right you're in danger of going off right now God uses wake-up calls and you know we may not realize it but they're his wake-up calls he might use a crisis in your life to wake you up get you back brain you back alive in God often he does because we're because we're stubborn we're slow of hearing so he uses Christ only cause he would whisper to us but sometimes he's got a shout to us to get our attention a sermon God something says that you know it's God speaking to you he's calling you a friend who speaks something it's God trying to wake you up from something the thing you know that's not right in your life but you fell asleep what is that thing what is it you might already probably already know it what is that thing that's not in God's will the Feast of Trumpets comes at the end of the sacred year it's not the beginning is the end the trumpets are say he comes before the end that's what it's about the trumpets Warren sound the alarm to get right with God because the end is coming get right with God prophetic Li therefore that's why you see trumpets at the end of the Bible because they point to the end the end of the Bible end of the age before you got the end before the end you got trumpets so what do we find at the end of the Bible or the end of endtime prophecy those who are dead in messiah sleeping they are woken up with the sound of the trumpet first corinthians 15:52 in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last shofar last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised up who sleep when to the dead rise when the trumpets not they're waking up it's the ultimate wake-up call the end of Daniel it says Daniel 12:2 it says and many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to judgment it is to wake us up the trumpets are about waking us up from a very deep illusion it might be and maybe many of them but it's one very deep illusion it's the illusion of the temporal world the temporary world into the realm of the eternal to get back to the eternal the rabbi Maimonides got it right when he said when he spoke of the meaning of the shofar on this day he said it says it calls out wake up wake up o sleeper from your sleep or rouse from your slumbers examine your ways return in repentance and remember your God those of you who forget the truth in the vanity of the year look to your souls come back every one forsake your sins now it's not just one year it's every year this repeats but it's ultimately about it a gigantic thing which is not just every year it's a it's your life it's eternity the Feast of Trumpets were sounded at the beginning of the end of the harvest it was telling everybody they were harvesting in the summer and it's telling them get ready finish up the harvest because the end is coming you got to the end of the years coming the harvest is over it's gonna end and you gotta you have to stand before the Lord get your eyes back to Jerusalem off your work off your business to God to the Lord and prepare to be right before the Lord it says in Leviticus in that scripture I read from the scroll it says you will sound the trumpet as a sick groan a sick roll what is that you get the word you get a named Zechariah from it sick groan means a reminder or remember it's a memorial or a reminder of a reminder of what that doesn't say the trumpets are a reminder a wake-up call that the this life is not going on forever we know it in our heads but our hearts get fooled every moment we live this life as if we have all the time in the world we live this life as if it's going to go on forever and ever but in the compared to eternity it's a blip it's a second on the radar screen so the trumpets are reminding us the most important thing is eternity not these temporary things don't get lost in it don't get wrapped up in it don't get tempted don't get don't get all up in out of shape it's just a blip this life is temporary but use this life to prepare for forever you know we're always in shock at the passage of time you see somebody's child how many times you say I can't believe how big they are of course when you were young they were saying that can't believe help you are but now you're saying you can't believe how big everybody is we can't believe that people are the age they are wow this person was just a child that's my niece my nephew now there is we can't believe it but the math adds up right nothing speeded up but we're under this illusion of the temporary world that makes it sound seem like everything is now everything is everything is staying the same it's just the wood it is you got all the time in the world so you're chained all some things are chained well I didn't realize the time all the sudden I was 20 years old and all of a sudden I'm fill in the blank I remember the Beatles when they came out I was like just a few years out of nursery school they were the epitome of youth youth Paul McCartney 21 years old youth he's now an old man you know those you can you can you can you can mark your life but I know the math works but it still doesn't make sense to me the flower children of the 1960s are all old men and women now doesn't make sense to me the math adds up but the illusion the trumpets remind us that it's all an illusion you don't have forever to fulfill your calling so many believers never fulfill their calling because they keep thinking they have forever there that I have tomorrow I'll get right I'll do that you don't have that you don't know if you have it you don't even know we have today but you don't have it forever you don't have forever to share the gospel with the one who's going to hell in your life and you need to your loved one and you need to bless them you need to try everything you can one day it'll come to it and one day they won't be here or you won't be here you don't have forever to get right with God you have forever to live the life you know God's calling you to live once and for all to repent put that stuff aside and live victoriously you don't forever your time on earth is precious that's why the Bible says redeem the time whatever you know you need to do don't say tomorrow do it now if you're ever you've got a repent of that thing and fine do it now if you're going to share salvation do it now don't say tomorrow if you're going to save the Lost who are perishing now if you're going to minister to that loved one minister now if you're going to forgive that person forgive them now if you ask for forgiveness ask now if you'd make it right that thing is you got to make it right do it now if you go all out for God it's down if you're ever gonna overcome that sin if you're gonna stop living a life that's second-best and a failure or a fear and rejection do it now if you're gonna minister for God and fulfill your calling to a now God is calling you as he called his ancient people because you are also his people and you are also the citizens of Israel so the trumpet is about you it says he called Israel listen to what he said to Israel to Jerusalem he said wake up Isaiah 52 awake awake put on your strength though Zion put on your beautiful garment so Jerusalem Holy City from now on the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come into you get up shake the dust shake the chains from you and start living that what I called you to live God is saying wake up do not dwell in the dust don't live in that junk don't let the unclean come into your life put on your beautiful garments rise to the calling that I gave you says the Lord so in Romans it says Romans 13 it is high time now to awaken wake up out of sleep out of our sleep for the now our salvation is nearer than we believed Corinthians 15:1 15 1 first Corinthians Oh wake wake up to righteousness and don't and sin not sin not stop sinning wake up to the holiness of God it says in Thessalonians therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober Ephesians 5 awake you who sleep wake up you sleeper arise from death and Messiah shall shine upon you Messiah shall shine upon you what's the connection when do you wake up in the morning well most of us in the morning went to you when this morning come when the Sun rises when the light of this world rises Messiah is the light of the world and he is called he's actually called the sunrise so when Messiah rises on you're alive it's the morning it's time to wake up when he comes again it will the night will be over the whole world will have morning when you wake up you see the Sun when you see the Sun you wake up the little girl who died she died in sickness last thing she saw was sick this sorrow crying she wakes up and all she sees is Jesus all she sees is him the light when you see the face of Messiah more and more in your life when you you dwell in his presence and to look at him more the more awakened you will be the more when awakened you will live when you were your walk in the light on the day you were born again it was your awakening the awakening that God created you for you woke up on that day but your awakening isn't just a one-time event your whole life is the awakening it can it's to continue your to continue to get more and more awake to God and more and more away from the world to be continually awaking away from the old and awakening more and more to the new and God awakening away from the temporary the world and more and more awakening to the eternal to the heavenly sea were to live in the morning God wants us to live in the heavenly places even now you know when the morning comes that's heaven but heaven begins now for a child of God God wants you to be dwelling more and more in the eternal the heavenly realm you can do it even now to live in the presence of God live in the blessings now and so Messiah says to you now Kumi he said to the little girl he said cool Talitha koum me now he said to you kumi ori kiva OS a rise and shine child of God a rise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you happy Feast of Trumpets a them [Applause] hallelujah we praise you we praise you we praise you in a moment we're gonna hear the trumpets as they were sounded you're gonna partake in it but right now before we keep we do that right now if you're not sure 100% that you are awake you are born again you are saved if you're not born again you need to be morning as Jesus said there's only two roads one road leads to heaven eternal life the other leads to eternal judgment the Lord is saying it's either heaven or hell i'ma God is saying you must be boring at Jesus said you must be born again or you cannot see the kingdom of God you must be born again if you're not born again you're on the wrong road you're heading away from God it doesn't matter what your religion is though it's not about religion what you were born as you must be born again so if you're not sure you are beats you need to get in these are right now you're heading away and you might ask how long do I have to get right you said the only way there's the doorway to get off the road that's leading away from God is to be born again do as there well how long do I have to do it you don't have tomorrow don't say tomorrow you may not never have it you've got one heartbeat that's the only thing that you're sure of that stands between you and eternity once that heartbeat stops that's it that's it the end you can now that's eternity and you cannot choose again that's it it's heaven or hell if you're not born again you need to be born again that's the the trumpet God is calling you right now and he's saying come now is your moment now I will not reject you but now is the moment don't miss it you may not have it again see you may not have tomorrow and even you have tomorrow you may not be open again but you're open now and God has speaking to you now and saying come I'm calling you by name it is time to arise our eyes are closed you say well how do I do it it's not hard at all it's easy but you need some meaning in your heart and that is simply can start with a simple prayer a prayer to say yes Lord come into my life we're now for real for real to every part of my life Lord I say yes to your calling and yes to salvation forgive me of my sins make me new as your child I'm gonna follow you lead me on I put my faith in you and you're dying for my sins rising again so I could rise so I could be awake to eternity we're gonna pray a simple prayer I'm gonna pray the prayer I'm going to help you by just leading the prayer up here while we all while we pray that prayer together just repeat after me in a whisper if you're not sure you know be a thousand years now you need to you need to pray you need to get it and maybe you've known God but you've been you kind of been away from him you've been a falling asleep you pray to recommit wake up maybe there's your okay but God's calling you something higher you pray to make your own prayer to be more awakened we're gonna pray right now so let's pray right now the Bible says if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart you shall be saved so right now we're gonna pray the pair just repeat the words you know what you can do it in a whisper but say the words meat in your heart I mean and God is going to bless you let's pray right now our eyes are closed when you're free together just repeat after me in a whisper you won't hear things just you and God and a whisper let's pray right now just repeat after me these words Lord God I come to you now and I say yes to you thank you for loving me dying for my sins rising from death so I could be saved Lord I turn away from the darkness I turn away from the night and I turn to the light Lord forgive me wash me take me new I'm gonna follow you with all my heart I receive your love your forgiveness your power your presence your cleansing your light I want to live in your life now thank you Lord that by your word and this prayer I can say I am received I am loved I am blessed I'm accepted I'm free I'm new I'm saved I'm born again and I'll be with you always I am awake be beyond from this moment and all the days of my life as I follow you your child in the name of my redeemer the Messiah Jesus the light of my life in his name and I say amen again the Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to the sons of Israel saying in the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest a reminder by the blowing of the trumpets a holy convocation to Kia [Music] [Applause] if the watchman blows on the trumpet and warns the people then he who hears the sound of the trumpet had he taken warning he would have delivered his life I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel Severine a trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the Lord is coming surely it is near to rule ah the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in messiah shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds and thus we shall always be with the Lord Takia [Music] and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect therefore be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming to kiya so that day that a great trumpet will be blown and those who were perishing in the land of Assyria and who were scattered in the land of Egypt will come and worship the Lord in the holy mountain at Jerusalem Takia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boy they tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed Takia kadalai [Music] seven seals I saw the seven angels who stand before God and seven trumpets were given them and the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them there shall be delay no longer but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he is about to sound than the mystery of God is finished as he preached to his servants the prophets and the seventh angel sounded to Keala [Music] [Music] loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah a turn I am look lay along by head and he shall reign forever and ever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan's teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch go to hope of the world org or call toll-free 1-800 use schewe one that's hope of the world org or call 1-800 use schewe one that's twenty hundred nine three seven four eight two one you can also get more at Jonathan Cahn's Facebook page or write us direct at hope of the world bounce 1 111 New Jersey zero seven six four for us a hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God's Word and salvation to every land and people to do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and the the earth to get in touch or have a parting God's work just right to hope of the world box 1 111 New Jersey 0 7 6 4 4 USA or go to hope of the world org or call 1-800 usual 1 that's one eight hundred nine three seven four eight two one
Channel: Sarah Inayat
Views: 141,684
Rating: 4.8574715 out of 5
Id: LEpbhmiA2jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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