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what's up guys welcome to the underfill sands fight an undertale fan game made by Logan there are a bunch of fan games on the website scratch made by this creator and every single one so far has been pretty good which is awesome and now we've got some underfill action going on and the interesting thing about this is because it's under fill' and the sands we this is actually a pacifist boss so we will apparently have to spare to get to the ending and without further ado here we go you know the surface isn't much better than here people are dying flowers are wilting and if you keep going I'm gonna have a great time and here we go up the gold mine no invincibility frames just as we love and know the sands fight and were immediately dead how how much how how how long was that like four four seconds but game over and since this is scratch you can't just immediately recert like that okay I know San so I think extends like wants you to kill them right but you you you still want to be pacifist here and we're gonna try our best to show pacifist tendencies and hopefully not die again okay you got a plan that better so middle II up a little relieved one HP and you gotta be faster I love the crazy-looking a blasters by the way the underfill blasters look super cool kinda like dragons octave hammocks Stood Still and I'm dead okay wait wait I gotta try harder this is gonna be difficult to obviously but the first attack that sounds uses you know is usually the hardest one let's see so jump perfect and again perfect middle also terrific I think here 15 HP that's good well oh that's a cool face I warned ya now let's finish this and the awesome megalovania starting sands looks like he's having a great time to be honest and you look kinda you look kinda nervous we're gonna check a course one attack one defense the most pathetic enemy can only deal one damage can't keep fighting forever keep sparing so I assume like that there's not actually gonna be a fighting I'm ending like a and the genocide ending because since sands is like pacifists or something let's just see sands filled his sins crawling on his back that's cool it's just gonna oh no no but I don't know what's happening now we said good sense I thought you're just gonna dodge but of course you don't want to dodge right so he finally did it huh kid thank you take my soul and kill as go free all monsters from here I'm proud of you kiddo oh no I'm counting on you kid everyone is so do me proud do me proud and that's it dude this is okay I did not expect like a full ending and we're actually gonna absorb the soul look at this you won you earned it five thousand experience and our love increasing everything because right and under fellas gore would be like kinda evil do you really do you really get to kill sands or what you ready because I died or okay like this is cool now we just have an instant restart damn it I wasn't ready for that but okay actually these not gonna heat that the second like row of blasters awesome let's go and we're back okay this time we're not gonna we're not gonna do anything we're just gonna spare here you go again not fighting well I've got news for you buddy it's not gonna work we're gonna see about that sentence I already know this attack and the music drop the underfill music is pretty awesome I'm gonna say sounds fiercest sins waiting on his neck kiddin we're monstrous we aren't nice people and you trying to change that well it's really getting on my nerves but what happens if I die then because I only I only did a genocide ending would sense kill me like attack me until then sans feels karma flowing through his veins honestly I'm surprised you've made it this far papyrus undying alphys you convince them all to be better people they exactly sense you Oh Cho stop I gotta heal you gotta trust me oh no you wreck oh wait no I've died so many times I completely forgot you just died and I'm like thinking would sans kill you after dying like I don't even want to know how many times to the first attack so yeah this is a fight to the death unless we can spare and that's gonna know what am i doing actually does it matter if I miss can you just check the entire time or do you need to spare to progress the dialogue apparently so because if we do this yeah yeah you get the normal dialog and it's gonna repeat the attack so what I assume is if you he'll do you get the same attack that might be the way this works [Music] what what okay I was bad and panicking are the jumping is pretty censored if I'm gonna try to eat something real quick the face stick a lot of heroes and a pie wait what do we have so little HP so is everything a fool yo yeah HP is gonna be maxed out no matter what Juliet's and like I said the the attacks always repeats okay this might not be too bad I love that face view it sounds it's the best place you've ever made this is already the kind of hard one why does this one always get [Music] okay I'm just gonna quickly spare because I don't want to repeat that's just a deal well I don't know how you did it but your journey ends here [Music] okay patience is key here and always take two okay we got the pattern thank God nice I can easily deal with this and then hopefully not take any damage now [Music] yeah you just have to wait until the end go all the way to the left side and you're pretty much safe and now we're gonna take my time to meet you that blaster it's such a cool designer to be honest do me a favor are you really are you are yous are you saving me from even worse things that come later in undersell if you get to ask or you will lock up your soul like the others you will keep us all trapped down here oh nice one did the music is so good what oh no what was that it was like just a trick that was a complete a mind game you literally had to do nothing and I jumped I'm gonna try to kill this and did not take that damage at the end [Music] oh okay does it hold mean on you or was that just non confused I'm jumping too high you know what that was a pretty good jump right there and then just the last one right okay I'm gonna try to Julien first healing item should be good so look and then yeah yeah I just jumped you high because that third bone always like scares me a bit and then I think it's the same pattern and very good full-hp yeah let's go okay that's the easy one that's the easy one and for that attack I've killed me last time I suppose I can try to jump and then maybe the gastro blaster is gonna spawn like higher up and you don't have to dodge it damn it clip the bone twice still gonna keep going [Music] Noah okay maybe that's supposed to happen like that I'm just gonna keep practicing this because this is probably the hardest one so far this is not two not two easier and then you get a time the to gastric blasters Oh what why did it not swing is it random this is really getting me [Music] and once again we're back it is pretty easy to get back here once you know the attacks you can handle this pretty well and as always you get to get the free one I probably should start healing during this one because even though the others are easy this is like there's no real way that I'm gonna take damage here so it's the safest feel and here you just have to take three at once and you're pretty much safe it's extremely tight but it works just believe in the triple the triple pattern they're three bones at once damn it watch it for the browser oh dude I'm gonna take that seventy is so good but if I get your soul I can cross the barrier and I will free monsters from here unlike our so-called King whoa no stop you trick you trickster of the music sink though boom boom me I like that okay we're gonna heal here because that was easy once you know what to do it's easy just do the baby jumps [Music] oh the last one but I'm gonna take it and we'll kid you can keep going and going but one of these days you're gonna have to quit is it already getting close to maybe maybe the the sparing points do we get that Sanz feels karma flowing through his veins okay that that being said you just keep keep going huh listen kid I don't want to have to kill you I just want to free all monsters everyone here may be mean but they are all nice people inside but not as born he has kept us trapped here for ages so please take my soul kill özgür and let monsters return to the service just fine what an inverted like sands fight right here which is actually really cool sands is giving up for you now I can only assume that it's logically gonna be the same ending as we already had right we attack Sansa we get the soul and that's it but I don't wanna keep sparing the game is telling me dude I'm just gonna use this go to you the typical strategy that you want to use and then we're just gonna say yeah well it was worth a shot guess you like doing things the hard way huh yes I do sands let's go No damn it don't panic okay you get enough time you get enough time to react [Music] and we have the damn bone okay I'm just gonna heal real quick yeah is random just like the sounds fight always a random attack this one is crazy well what am i doing look at this this game is getting into my head I thought I was fighting against ants and because the bone I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry sans I thought that was literally accidental at the first healing item this time I was smart and I actually used it on this one are the only thing that's missing is pure karma and I'm gonna get a hit here eventually but I don't think I've ever got the heat here like ever so I just keep going like this and everything's fine and is it already is it like only this one three at once always remember like this one is difficult this one I can get so hits because that jump is a bit tight but it's also technically one where you can heal if you aren't to panicky when jumping but it got me dude this is this game is tricking me over and over again [Music] and here we go just do the right jumps and then as soon as you get here again like isn't the same as before 1700 only a few more I think isn't this upcoming one was kind of difficult because it was yeah I mean you need to remember the pattern and then you can do it it's still kind of tight you get like a super small window to jump through the bones I'm still gonna go we're so close to the sparing thing come on fine let's act before phase 2 hey easy let's go and being said ok we're gonna go through this again we're gonna I probably should just go with a legendary hero even though it's not worth it for like for HBO I don't think we're gonna use all other like for healing items or if we do then we have to get better first anyway now we're gonna heal use the other legendary hero and then remember never fight ok no genocide no genocide just mercy the entire time and the hard way let's go damn it not a good start that's a good one to get these ones are just hard to get the jump rides whoa and look how fast okay don't cry it's just immediately spear you know I never thought it would come to this I thought you would do it with all the young I thought you would do what all the humans did but you just had to not fight huh whoa what if we as if what's happening you use the legendary gyro HP maxed out and mercy again so we're still taking damage here but at least I know this attack now the next one the upcoming one was scary though damn it I hit that okay we only had bones Jesus Christ dude I think I got a deal okay I got a hit there that doesn't really matter [Music] I actually like the gastro blasters the most this one is like I don't know how to dodge it consistently like how do you jump though fast I gotta you again I gotta get better if these are almost I'd help [Music] oh Jesus okay okay seventeen should be good enough [Music] like I need to get the timing down for the lower dancer blaster the up duty once above aren't too bad and phase two is here already failing a lot how do you do this I I might just die to those attacks which is really scary come on don't don't end me don't end here okay good cricket what HP it might be that it doesn't kill you in the menu I don't know if that if that was lucky or if I can't die in the menu but I was scary damn it dude come on that's annoying I need to not take damage to the easy attacks at least [Music] probably need to heal again honestly I just it's too dangerous yes just give me the gaster blasters the entire time that's it yes dude really wait is it no no okay this is the this is the attempt that I needed it and now just let's think about this what the hell dude dude this is so hard [Music] I can't oh dude this is this is so hard um dammit I'm just gonna I think I gotta do it does this can't be that difficult so I know then you gotta go all the way to the right and then you can switch science and then you're just gonna know when to switch science dude it's too hard to see to gas your blasters at once dude so slowly make your way right jump jump now dude it doesn't kill you thank God okay a little bit of mercy in this freaking under fell fight I'm getting better at that attack with 20 HP things might be better so let's just okay right jump pure science switch sides again I literally it's called movie dude no chance and this is my time why did you do it kid we're just pointless obstacles in your path whoa this again okay okay I know this no problem even with your crazy music in the background right now I am very scared but oh no dude is it so hot even ha listen kid in this world it's kill or be killed and I know which one you're heading for like a that's a bird that was a pretty cool line sans I'm gonna admit honestly you want to heal here you wanna heal here use the butterscotch pie because we're a new territory completely new attacks we don't know one we should have full HP at all times I just don't know how to do this like super fast you gotta be here so please just fine no doesn't matter how fast you are yeah yeah yeah I'm not gonna fight come on awesome kid all this is too tiring for me I can keep fighting much longer I'm so happy to hear that no dude it's the same thing just more difficulties as Christ come on I want it but okay I don't even wanna try and holding down all key is that usually works in the sands battles for these attacks I guess I could try it now because we have no it doesn't work okay we know this at least now I got a deal again which is unfortunate but don't don't do that again at least it's not too difficult oh if it gives any faster like imagine a third version of this this would be crazy about perfect and the upcoming attack is already the crazy one I just hope with the same pattern I'd be the same pattern I can do it [Music] jump jump jump jump jump oh god dude no stop I have no choice is the final attack really okay okay okay let's go oh no this is just a repeat again Sam this is not the special attack yet you can trick me [Music] I'm gonna heal hopefully not take not take too much damage now dude my heart's oh no wow how did I get hit come on I'm looking at ride if I if I get to the final attack with 17 uh-huh 13 I mean you heard me special wait it's still not in it you don't want to see it okay wait what are you gonna do I can't dude this is this this is getting hard [Music] I don't know a damn it I can you hold down everything I'm gonna try one more time or you can you just you can't hold down but you can dress all of them dude I got it look at this okay I'm not sure if this is like cheap but it gets it gets so fast but I honestly don't see like a way to do this like even this is difficult no hit the third version if there's a fourth version just no way I'm sorry I think I need this it's already time it did this is tiring me out sans trust me but I'm not gonna give up Oh real quick so much damage though which one is it now just the repeats and then it's like crazy one okay I think I got it what up and down standstill I gotta heal I suppose I could've healed after the other one though if we can actually do it without a hit or a way to do we do we have the gastro blaster first now I forget if we already have that one I don't think so yes [Music] no no it is already the one right been abandoned I mean come let's go with full HP here goes nothing let's go if you survive this I'm sure no this is your special attack right [Music] one oh my god this fight honestly I'm gonna heal I'm gonna heal do this without a hint because I need full HD a yes justice yes okay so we know it starts with gravity [Music] dammit okay but much better [Music] do we get a gastroplasty circle though [Music] sans I said it please tell me that was it sans and your eyes so scary your eyes so scary your faltering your failing I see it you're getting weak that was it sense have mercy with mercy we can win with mercy okay okay like I said that's it it's time for my special attack please don't actually be a special attack but how do we get past sans if we can't attack or it's just gonna be like too lazy to do it thank you fighting forever the only way to keep you here is to have my turn forever you're not getting past me kid I'll stand here until the end of time oh is it wait can I just leave is that a joke you'll get bored eventually if you haven't already I mean and then you'll quit hello let's see who listen kid there is nothing left for you here so the most determined thing you can do right now just give up and do anything else now sense is falling asleep maybe we can do like a surprise spare and that's gonna be so nice that sans just gives up imagine I mean no this was like words that we're gonna we're gonna spare right really kid after all that you still you know I used to hate you but now I believe in you I believe you can do the right thing you can get through to asgore go on ahead k and thank you hey Anna thorns all white you earned zero xp0 gold but what what do we really own guys we earned friendship and with that sappy ending that was crazy difficult but a super cool under fell fan game made by Logan another another really cool found him like I kinda expect quality now this is super cool I love these little little fan fights that we've got going on guys thanks for watching I hope you like this video and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,466,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Underfell, UF, Underfell Sans, Sans, Sans Boss, Sans Fight, Sans Battle, Pacifist, Sans Pacifist, Ending, Genocide, Full Fight, Special Attack, Megalovania, Remix, Bad Time, Great Time, Good Time, Mercy, Hard, Difficult, Hardcore, Extreme, Gaster Blaster, Merg, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny
Id: N2NHVtHsnjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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