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hundreds of genocide roots have been executed by the human sans lost all his hope and decided to take resolute measures breaking his own morals he went on a killing spree to gain the power of love he destroyed half of the monster kind to be able to compete with the human's determination [Music] but even that wasn't enough the human kept winning and resetting it no matter the circumstances until something changed at the beginning of another massacre sans stumbled upon a mysterious door seeking for his new victims he opened it a quaint figure stood in front of sans and stared him into the eyes then suddenly he remembered all the past roots countless resets and all of his terrible actions the figure offered their help and told sans about the abandoned experiment that was the key to monster's victory the skeleton accepted the offer and now with his new knowledge he will make sure this is the last genocide and with that crazy introduction what's up guys and welcome back to dust tale last genocide the highly anticipated undertale fan game which finally got its full release this connects does tail and last breath and we're gonna have to deal with one crazy sans but first as always we gotta enter the name and of course we're gonna go with merg right there and we're going to continue that cherry dude yes indeed amazing thank you very much just stay your last genocide with the skeleton arm and press okay entering deltarune i guess it was it like a clock little watch oh dude we got okay here wait wait am i am i here oh dude okay actually mouse mouse menu so we're not even in the menu yet there we go can i click on the little clock here no this is the awesome anime sans in the background um i guess we're just gonna immediately start game name right there hard mode go back okay phase one phase two oh no no no i mean look at this we're not gonna look at all the the spoilers here we're only gonna go phase one and we're gonna yo man what is this dude what look at super saiyan cara or what is this this kind of wait wait it really is would i kind of like this okay can we one left of course we don't know how i mean how much time has passed but we have seven lv in here don't waste any time i'm sorry man we don't we don't even have a a mini or anything there is no going back now what happened here with the bones jesus christ man okay okay can we you oh my god is this dude oh nice moves partner but we have some work to do come on kara this the cara frisk dance the super saiyan dance what the hell okay man immediately i i like it i i approve of this so far it's uh pretty cool but now yo we can do the chris walk we can do the frisk dance and the chris walk very high quality fan game immediately what up there you are it's the man himself yo i love the little echo effect with that same cold and bloodthirsty look on your face not that there's anything else to expect how about we just get to the point okay man am i ready for this sans first first attack a cool intro here we are look at you man eager to reach the end once more aren't you [Music] well this time i will give it my all to stop you and now i'm prepared way better than you think [Music] it could have been a beautiful day today with birds singing and flowers blooming but now on days like these murderers claws are vying are you okay no you're not okay okay let's do let's do it my first tracks first right um i'm ready oh no oh oh nice i kind of remember this kind of mechanic let's go man sans look at me look at me go you start off with your final attack how dare you you bro can you stop was that a little bit is that going to be a joke man too much oh no sans is not in a joking mood you know saying look at sans kind of like this is the pensive emoji anyway here we go dude in here what is mercy you don't let me oh no you don't let me mercies [Music] the guitar riff shaking the screen dude what was that entire intro man that's pretty cool what is there okay we got up a bunch of good items snowman pieces heroes pie everything um i do want to act first even though i might just die only one acting check no idea how hard how difficult always a murderer okay wait is it blue it's not blue ah okay blue it's not a blue attack but it's kinda it's a fake blue one um i guess we just immediately it doesn't matter what we use because everything is going to heal us full yeah an attack increase okay maybe this is just the healing and acting attack [Music] out of the music man i'm sorry this is really cool i love i mean sans kind of kind of wobbling oh now we got this slow part okay first attack of course you're going to miss sorry bucko not feeling like getting slit this time around just like the good old days eh rev up oh gay man i mean honestly so far like the first thing i have to say the movement is might be like some of the best i've ever experienced in a fan game like you you feel a hundred percent nice one in control keep attacking now screw you man my inner voice i'm gonna hero wanna get a little piano oh wow that was lucky okay like every attack is not too long so far and like again like you maybe you can't really notice it but all i'm gonna say the movement is perfect you know back then i really hope you would just give up on this world there was absolutely nothing new for you same encounter same outcome every single time but you kept going seeking for something for anything to change and then something did change so i i'm sorry sans but you kind of gave me what i wanted okay this messed up so these are the actual the light blue bones are the ones where you have to stand still but look like the movement is is so good man you you have total control some fan games it's a little it feels a little difficult this if i die here it's like a hundred percent my fault canoe healing attack oh i hate this oh i don't like uh i i suck at these attacks man wait actually wow you can fly look at this wait blue mode is flying mode you are you have such so much air time which is kind of crazy still doesn't work okay let's keep going on the guitar man you got what you wanted didn't you i saw it i knew it i knew you were gonna kill them all again and that's when i decided to do this i mean sans we're both just killers here who's gonna be the better one that's better but look you're not stuck either [Music] well you don't get stuck if you're in the bones because you have so much height the atmosphere is familiar yet different it's the first try i'm always gonna heal my first try is probably not gonna be successful i know i shouldn't think like that but hey so i'm just gonna gonna waste all the healing items and then the guitar is god like in this song you know all that you know all that already right after all it is your game but while going with our world kiddo [Music] you made a mistake ah crap my mistake was was i don't know madison i'm a little afraid but it's kind of cool keep attacking sure thing 32 hp is more than enough you went too far you had countless chances to quit yet here i am once again fighting you i love little sassy sassy shrug with the dust on my hands dude even connected to thee to the sprite here with the hands [Music] you see bro and then the clenching the fist you sick go oh very interesting okay this is easier right right no keep attacking sans thank you for showing mercy gonna go with the snowman beast and then just have okay this one but this this is normally a attack that always destroys me but it's actually easy because look look at the blue soul going man i'm like the blue bird man or the yellow bird i mean don't be surprised i know what's going on here you made me repeat this cycle you made me kill them over and over again just for a different ending i'm sorry man and the worst part is unless unless i choose not to it is just gonna end up the same way sans i'm gonna get your experience or your exp eventually gives you a cold terrifying grin what is something you wasn't made like like the not even angelic kind of angelic kind of demonic just the singing how do i know none of your business ah man you only got the megalovania remix in the background or something what happening what happened okay um that was good and it goes back down okay nice one oh that was pretty good okay one hp again those last hits were not necessary but hey keep attacking running out of stuff man okay so now that i i'm kind of starting to learn all of the heating attacks it's gonna oh my god okay this karma i'm gonna i'm not gonna i'm just gonna shut up now all you need to know is that i've met someone someone very very interesting and with their help i'll achieve the ending that i want okay okay okay this is a memorization again red is always red and dark blue um thank you memorization or like get into the pattern i guess it's the same pattern wait wait you can also use the audio cues your little troll sounds every time [Music] you know what i think our battle has gone a bit steady don't you agree so far so good let's fix that i mean this is phase two or like new mechanic the orange bone yeah yeah yeah i think i can kind of remember this is this is this right was this the fan game where you have like the this transition in the middle of it where you get the new mechanic yes yes yes okay you got the feeling of deja vu so it's it's not phase it's not the next phase yet i was thinking imagine phase two first try that's still gonna be tricky to pull off very nice um let's just check make sure nothing changes okay [Music] that should work let's see if you can keep up the pace okay my orange oh random guess would let your spam all right there's their chance yeah yeah i know i know but again like the hitbox is so clean it feels like you you can you can exactly know when you're gonna get hit and when not and the movement man this entire time i'm just gonna i'm gonna gush about the movement in a way our fight is ironic isn't it i had to go all out just to even the odds and become a killing machine to shut one down but i know this will be worth it in the end i sure hope so sans for your own sake okay [Music] oh no no i'm not in the pattern that's really bad [Music] damn it i might die right here nice stance focus all the attacks are also like like no attack so far i mean obviously it's just gonna kill you without you knowing what the hell happened sometimes you're going to like kind of kind of memorize the attacks but i mean obviously it's totally totally doable i mean one of the one item left though sans you won't escape from your sins kid go ahead continue just the screaming in the background the music see how deep they'll drag you this time man this is like this is epic poetic which sans understand man i mean this is a pretty bad spot that sans is in so i'm not i'm sorry sans i'm not making fun it's just i don't know man okay sean our strength hello yeah okay 228 hp's a little risky though things have changed and i'm not gonna miss such an opportunity i'll give you what you deserve what do i deserve some more bones nice blue okay always come on man at least it's always the same pattern now unless oh no i'm dead i'm i'm screwed man thank you thank you thank you keep attacking no shut up man i need to you okay this one flying the flying attack that's the best part man oh no perfect man no hit [Music] don't think i'm exaggerating you didn't even hear the best parts yeah that i don't have any using items anymore is that the best part sans how the hell am i have i not okay there we go first bit of damage and okay so ding ding ding always means the gravity switch and again oh perfect middle but now it sucks man we don't have anything anymore this is all or nothing i i i don't think the game is gonna like do it like every time you heal you're gonna get through without hearing any healing items it's i don't know let's see even if you manage to defeat me this time i got my last trump card ready the one and only wd or what's going on here look at this again just faster faster dancer faster better master okay i love this i love this kind of attack this is just nice satisfying pattern [Music] not to ruin the excitement that you want to sacrifice countless lives for let's just say that's a little present i got from our dear doctor albus okay this is slow gaster blaster the fact that it's two of them doesn't really make it that much harder dude awesome it's getting impatient are we gonna do this and if you cross the line its power will be enough to end you okay this is a bluff sans or is this real oh crap okay you don't even need the power man you're just gonna end me right here no that was a long jump okay [Music] imagine with 4 hp let's leave that for later we don't want to spoil all the fun for you am i right this is going to be my memory again and you're going to probably have to jump down down and then prepare for the jump okay fans eyes glow was low with fervor dude i'm i'm freaking out a little bit because this is this is really going well speaking of having fun you look a little bored and oh man have my attacks become a routine for you again well tell you what i was just warming up let's see how well you can survive this okay okay okay insta insta insta death i'd say break a leg but take my advice kiddo pray for the best prepare for the worst okay immediately got hit and i'm dead okay there we go finally oh was that the final attack maybe already is that all you've got you you you you bozo sans man you wanna you that was really good man but okay um yes try again [Music] gotta use my head for this okay and we're gonna go with those sans corridor oh crap man what the hell is this [Music] nice nice nice nice up down up down it's the sands dance man no no no no nice nice one and jump immediately yeah nice okay actually right let's stay in the middle that was a nice trick and we we this is this is this is the fake spiral i remember this kind of but no it gets oh crap no way we did it man sand stop i'm sorry your gaster blaster is not going to stop me this time no it keeps going okay i mean it's not too bad the progress if i lose it i can i can redo it very fairly easily but i sans is giving up man i'm sorry sam and now there should be like one trick where if you jump it's wrong or something that little wait time as well sans overdid it ah crap man look i'm just this is really rude i'm gonna eat toriel's pie right in front of you but you don't care spear doesn't work tired of fighting sense i know that's a lie are you a liar this is not this is not called dust tale one phase this is called dusty last genocide so let's go actually what is this also nothing okay just just have to check but you're still gonna no never mind ah crap oh man you're collapsing there i go again oh man i mean look he might be a killer but his heart his skeletal heart is in the right place sort of there i go again being predictable as always you really think that i'm done with you and now man don't worry you don't even know what you're up to kid i already told you that i'm not letting you in this time i am sick of your blind desire to keep tormenting us i am sick of your determination so don't expect it to help you now i'm not gonna waste the only chance i was given the screen shake man kid you better be prepared we're only getting started hell yeah man and the healthy one to end it yeah man once and for all and you got the eye [Music] what what's happening credits imagine thanks for playing oh man now we got the full-on anime dude reset sans sans can't handle your resets man sans go with the eye [Music] the epic violin [Music] and are you thank you for the heal hopefully an item heal again no you you going star wars you're going dual plated sans is no longer holding back thank you so much my friend okay we gotta check anything anything here we can do this we have items check probably more attack probably more defense this time he's ready to strike you down new healing attack yep super jump dude you looking kind of okay change stuff you're looking kinda awesome man sounds like i'm so dumb gotta admit man okay this is hard man this is the healing attack that's completely messed me up because i was distracted by the awesome papyrus dude is this phase two and we're already going going wild with uh with the new transformation sand is papyrus can i do it lower you okay let's just see [Music] breath like that go away ready for round two i am i think don't get over excited kiddo oh no called out i'm sorry sans i'll try to make this quick okay nope i'm dead nope oh okay run run run i hate sans you are a little jerk and we're there is that all you've got look this as soon as you throw the reverse controls at me i'm i'm gonna suck that's the coolest animation that that is really really cool okay jump it's not that hard and then you have to immediately react and then just just go go with the change you have to be the change you have to become the reverse control nice i saw that coming okay and like like the first attempt we're gonna go back to the old strat heal every year it doesn't matter what you do hello papyrus heal every turn okay okay it's always blue hopefully okay this is easy this is an easy attack more of these every time i yield please and the red all the color changes papyrus kind of like creeping with the hand there looking like a pokemon or a stand i don't even know it so many deaths so much grief caused by your actions all of what happened to me and papyrus too i see papyrus man i'm sorry who am i to let you get away with all that i actually moved what come on are you you there was just a little little intimidation tactic stop no my controls are not changed at all i'm just i just my camera my brain's dying i hear the gastro noises okay keep attacking now man i'm sorry i have to keep healing okay these are the people here big ones and i do think it's random actually which color you get but once you know what you know and not actually it's kind of hard to get the timing right look at that okay you gotta fall down faster i mean i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna attack even though it's risky on your psychotic rampage of killing monsters have you realized how much of a monster you have become look look even though it's a little ironic coming from you you're totally right sans i apologize given your attitude i say the answer is obvious [Applause] oh okay what the hell i don't even see anything everything's orange oh my god it was blending together um am i safe here not really i'm not safe wait that was crazy but i did it it feels like sans is not fighting alone bro there's a dude right behind him oh [Music] the slow parts i i can never decide if i like the slow parts or the crazy parts more in the music look at this again the hard part about this attack is realizing it started but once you know no problem do it every time and the reflecting you murder for exp and lv but why are you that eager to become powerful but you just kill for your own satisfaction i kill for the epic phases man [Music] and i kill i don't know because oh because i'm gonna get wrecked anyway okay that was a that was a nice little idea heal immediately [Music] um it's a little tricky for me i think you always want to be in the middle as well here so you have the most time to react to everything okay no problem no problem i bet that's a question that you don't know the answer to yourself i'm just trying to worm worm my way out of the answer and i don't think that even your inner demons do okay this is a slash sometimes a slash like that kinda breaks the screen but not this time not a problem actually a little bit of a problem a little big problem um no the one last blue bone that was that was an okay attempt though [Music] damn it this one always gets me thank you thank you getting more serious now bro how can you get more serious than whatever this is already but okay hero damn it okay completely new one [Music] but doesn't seem bad yeah i think i'm already in the pattern just circle a little bit spirals go in spirals okay what could it possibly be finding more amusement in your little game or maybe bedeviling this world until it tears itself apart okay i see [Music] maybe no no it's good okay ah crap and then switch [Music] it's it's really hard okay that's that's really hard some things never change i know sans i know [Music] so wait can you you can take your time here i guess and then can you can you maybe like that's really bad i don't know i'm gonna die again okay then you want to be maybe slow mode and just very gently and then this sucks because actually wait you can just do this thank you so much sans like literally you just have to be a little more aggressive and uh you would have won but not today oh that's not even a full heal but it's technically a full heal because you take four damage right i guess and we got this again ah okay you need to be in the pattern you need to be in the battle this is a horrible attempt i think i'm actually gonna heal after this yeah yeah that that was that was unfortunately not good enough give me a snowman [Music] oh okay i can handle this damn it very nice no matter what it is you're not getting through me this time [Music] yo was that random lucky timing with the screen trick or was that always that it was awesome i don't like when i'm slow i don't like the slow heart i'm super slow i can barely react something is not right what are you falling apart i'm gonna snowman piece just to be safe then the music i don't know the music is different but the the visuals are glitching a little bit don't know ah crap [Music] i don't know i'm gonna be a little risky wait everything's messed up maybe it's phase 2.5 whatever limit you want to break so badly kiddo you'd better just give it up because i am about to break yours oh i i see okay [Music] wow you just wow executed that's why you deserve well played sans and purple platform means you gotta move yourself platform doesn't carry you damn it damn it please please it's like an inverse of the phase one attack normally you got the blue ones okay man keep attacking ah you a little troll are attacking me in the menu hey i deserve it sense [Music] i'm not gonna call you a cheater even though it's totally cheating cheating damn it okay so how does it work oh that's pretty cute man you always you always aim at me you try to snipe me in the menu everyone has to face the consequences of their actions this time i will bring you to justice no matter what [Music] dude i can barely see when it all goes to retro glitchy no of course not i was thinking maybe you're gonna be have mercy i think i'm gonna go just go what is this this is okay this is just a red memorization one not too bad [Music] phase one was no problem really face this face just checking okay this is the dumber this phase where it's getting a bit exhausting all right kid really this is your final warning attack me one more time and you'll see what i can really do enough of messing around i mean does this mean one more until the special attack or one more until the phase change orange blue or okay two ah almost [Music] wow maybe this released the special attack already preparing something i mean no no okay ah crap do you really want to lead with this attack man [Music] orange is definitely the uh crap definitely still the easier one though i think i'm gonna just attack well i tried seems like you made your choice long ago get ready bucko because here it is the hell that you asked for do this the coolest sprite with the pointing [Music] box is getting closer and closer stop you're just throwing everything at me man it's going to be blue soon [Music] i did this and i'm freaking dead i'm freaking dead and you need to spiral spirals you're not in blue mode nice one okay that's gonna be tough some people never learn nah bro i'm um i'm gonna keep trying [Music] 38 okay now okay i wasn't paying attention now i have to heal god damn it please give me something good no i don't like this one man it's hard i'm i'm um i'm i'm gonna [Music] i'm gonna get salty sands this sucks man is actually the worst like i'm dead okay not a good idea at all just go until you get crap okay the hell i deserve i asked for [Music] i'm just gonna get completely wrecked again okay that was and the same exact way last that i died last time [Music] got a hit that sucks you want to be slow very nice [Music] and then you want to move oh crap i'm dead i'm so dead i'm bro it's actually gonna be really tough that's gonna be really really tough their deaths won't be in vain [Music] i'm so stupid bro like i can't do this i'm i'm i'm i'm hum my mom [Music] but why am i like this dude i don't know if i can do that like that that part is game over literally for me i don't learn i'm sorry sans wait what what bro wait what the what wait i'm actually so mad at that i don't get it at all what is wrong with my brain man then you need to go up and then up down that somehow do do do sans please [Music] oh my god please please please papyrus no oh i gotta wait a minute you little laughing psycho oh who's the real psycho here man [Laughter] please please i don't know there's a checkpoint jesus christ man stop laughing [Music] no no no no no god goddamn i'm getting hit by too many bones it's oh it's over man it's over what the hell i can't believe it i'm i i'm i can't believe it man show me try again what happens no it's god damn it man i don't know it it was probably the last one man it was straight up probably the last attack or maybe there's an entire papyrus phase maybe that's 2.5 but jesus christ man i i i i i gotta get out of here [Music] we are gonna go back to the main menu delta rune sound effect this is still pretty cool right here man i i'm a hundred percent of course gonna come back but for now extra achievements diary unlocked calm down man i don't know what any of that means well let's see extras characters and stuff achievements diarrhea don't be okay papyrus is even real the man himself gaster and that's it those are the three characters i guess okay maybe maybe later maybe at the end of the game we can look at everything credits of course though look at this man credits game by the dtlg team we got oh my god the mouse i don't even know we got max hardcore experiment one two one sought wound kaitomori twix apricoska elligas or eligos fazzy vesper gnats or gnats samuel hawkporn oh finale what the hell maybe that's like the ending the real credits yeah yeah probably that's clever inspired by of course under the undeal drone by toby fox under the last breath by zerjocks does tail au by osteophile the dust tail fan game by evans treble thus trust by the dustros team and special thanks to qsv spice fruits and pepsi cat beautiful man and go back there we go okay jesus christ once again the bane of my existence the reverse controls and then the last papyrus i don't know if it's like if it's going to be one attack if it's multiple attacks but i just ah do it it already like my limit break my like push to my limit sense with the reverse control but at the end i think i kind of got it you just have to like go up and then go left and then you're pretty much safe dodge those strikes dodge the sword attacks and then you're okay but i'm definitely gonna come back when i want to finish this amazing fan game of course incredible visuals incredible movement incredible i guess i don't know the engine or whatever however you want to call it it feels super good to play and and ev everything else man the difficulty is also pretty okay even though the little bit of salt at the end guys thank you so much for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care you
Channel: Merg
Views: 754,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Undertale, Undertale Fangame, Dusttale, Dust Tale, Undertale Dusttale, Dusttale Fangame, Dusttale Last Genocide, Dusttale Last Breath, Undertale Last Breath, Last Breath, DTLG, Dusttale Sans, Sans Fight, Sans Fangame, Sans Boss Fight
Id: UxUJamew8fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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