Undercover Pubber - Ep. 7 featuring Mr. Paladin

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[Music] [Music] what's up you guys it's big Joey and today we're gonna be doing undercover poober seven with mr. paladin so before we start I just wanted to say mr. paladin to me actually already did in undercover plumber but I unfortunately lost the footage real professional tf2 youtuber here and so mr. pallet it was gracious enough to come one more time and what we're gonna do this time to switch it up for both of us is we're gonna do kind of like a Mane swap so for the first one I'm gonna go spy and for the second match mr. paladin is gonna go heavy Mane which I don't believe you've ever done in your channel have you mr. P um no I've got a I've got a couple of heavy videos but out of all the classes it's actually my least plate it's not money it's not my worst but it is my least played a number of hours or time or whatever oh this is gonna be a lot of fun then I'm gonna be I'll be your pocket medic and we'll try to like give each other tips throughout it so it should be really good time neatly alright so before we start off you guys already know what it is we need to go change our names and our profile pictures and we'll be right back all right you guys so we're back mr. P what is your disguise an alias name okay my disguise in true foam I I do it as an anagram but because I expect to be doing Poli as one of my least played class I'm going as anti metals and rip yeah yeah yeah I'm keeping my hopes up on this one top score alright I went for the goose is loose which is uh grease was one of my favorite characters from Skyward Sword Zelda and I found this picture it's just perfect of groups and the Chad post so uh yeah not really related to spy but without further ado let's go ahead and jump in any map preferences you have mr. P uh let's see if I do want each and probably stay away from king of the hill king of the hills just a big frag II miss and and people are just shooting and spamming everywhere there's no real techniques to it sometimes so probably not the best learning experience their payloads probably a nice one people have an objective any and you get to play to that some of the sea peas are nice but they can get spammy especially things like Dust Bowl those of you I didn't let's do let's do payload control points and attacked if anything yep yeah then we'll see what we get yeah let's do it all right we got upward as our first map upward is a nice classic people enjoy it oh no mr. P so we just went into a game we're already losing and there's already four spies on the team the Horde and I'm not I'm not gonna be a very effective spy and look one of our spies is afk as well which is even better oh they'll be good all right I'm right behind you then there and I'm spy I saw was just getting the your eternal reward steps I'm going in I'm going for I'm going for oh no oh no oh no I lost my disguise oh no I'm going for they're heavy I'm going for it I'm going for it too late I got it well no it didn't oh no whew I got you on the board baby all right they got a pyro on the poi boom all intimidated they got an engineer setting up a mini symbol we play we play in series it's all good are we I don't know I thought we waiting for the next round oh yeah they're pushing it in there there's there's no chance here we got we got backfield in two miserable all right well uh put our try our pants on for the attack around yeah yeah oh yes yes all right all right is this good enough uh is this good enough outfit no that's very that but that's kind of like what I wore laughter oh I like the vest underneath where did you get that for is that cashmere it's uh the robes cold I can't pronounce that rope school ball well it's okay if you can't pronounce it that's definitely spy outfit all right so mr. PU how do I start this off where's this okay first so it's thrown with the skies you're on the clock what what cloak are you wearing uh right now I'm a demo man and I've got no this guy's not to cloak I've got the cloak and dagger cloak and dagger and what is you go I've got the big kill okay so you can't travel very far I can ghosts you anyway so you're gonna have to travel a fair way with your disguise because your your cloak won't last very long so get out there boy and see how far you can get trying to get in behind them some way all right all right oh jeez this is weird I forgot what team we're on because I'm not used to this color okay uh let's see I'm going up top on the roof to the right side okay I see you I'm hiding in the Nook near the flame throw over here with the demo shots going right in front of me all right do you think should I run around the right side an attack from yeah yeah you can pick up the large mo over there just quickly decloaking to keep your arm to keep your stuff going there okay I'm going in I'm going in on that heavy right there oh look out there is a there is a rampant pyro over that direction are you still right behind their base no I'm over on the right side trying not to get flamed up Oh gunned up okay I see you in all the visits there's a psycho power of again yeah and I'm low on health now oh yeah I'm gonna I think I just saw you yeah okay I see you I'm gonna go up on top of there sniper perch again try direction ICU decloaking huh oh I guess they did too okay I am almost near you yep I think you just died though oh no no no I did not just die okay good have you coming through her side oh no I did the second heavy is much it's much meaner than that first heavy you do see the item comparison between the two yeah I'm going in on that heavy though I'm gonna redeem you mister P oh oh I don't know if we're gonna be able to even make past the first point mr. P I don't know we might if we kill things I'm going in on the heavy I'm going in on the heavy I see you I got the heavy oh you got him I got the heavy oh wow it really is easy to pick on heavies yeah yeah heavy heavies laburnum butter because with one attack you can take out such a large health pool and hopefully if he makes you do something something versus arrest okay I got their sniper and they're heavy but they're pyro is rampant oh I don't think I team's doing it Creed's not happening creature dominated me the goose is not loose Oh what do you what do you think so we should we do one more router so we just jumped are we gonna we got to find a round where we don't have so many spies cuz this is no good just just I don't know if we back out and just Riku we gotta find something maybe before we move on okay all right I agree let's uh let's reel avi with three lobby second map is gold Russ yeah this gets kind of spammy and their own defense oh no I did not know is that the dead ringer quick mr. P was a good disguise from their sniper oh no there's a lot you could get at the payload there's demo man this heavy look out there's a power behind you I died so don't touch me my dad as a lawyer yep except you can't see if I car I'll see if I can make a play on something here oh oh oh that powers on me the powers on Oh we have a switch to cloak-and-dagger that was horrible start for me alright alright right oh my god oh they're arias one they're already there okay alright I feel like you've would I'm gonna I'm gonna rush out see if I can make it oh geez oh geez oh geez they know I got out but it's okay hoping this all works out III step what I can but there's literally their entirety ah nothing we can do nothing we know but that was a nice clip there yes okay here you are alright what's a good disguise for this first part um anything that moves fast because they don't know you're a spy yet they don't know where you are so medic scout medic I think I like the medic let's do that okay and tell you what come down here with me okay in this corner cuz I'll come out this door they won't check this corner ah yeah look you lost where it was I totally lost where you are demo up top oh no oh no should I swoop in now I'm on the up on the right side should I swoop right I've no way near it so yeah sure I'm getting this engineer are gonna get around us oh you got a kill yep it paid off I smoked I see you in that back telling you gotta go get the health club at heavies gonna shoot at you oh god oh god the other spy was about to avenge you he got the he took the uber off the medic no no in through style okay I got there I got with her heaviest I got weather medics I'm going in on their heavy again I had to result to my gun there cuz I was detected oh no they're pirates by checking everywhere now yeah he is you see me and he's coming over you oh my god some of you may die but that is the price that I am willing to pay what should i disguise this Oh No okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go pyro that's what my disguise this a month for if I can actually get a kill streak I'm gonna be so happy alright we're gonna lose the point but I'm gonna I'm gonna get sneaky kill know what a good spot from right now is just outside of the range of our sentry gun okay all right so the sentry guns gonna be distraction for them and so they're gonna see it they're gonna get shot by it and then you're gonna be able to get a sweet kill on something oh that's a good idea okay okay let me try smooth down for middle I got the demo yeah that at level 3 sentry gun that that team couldn't take it was a possible for a while there's a lot of action going on right below me Oh watch out the engineer is trying to move a sentry gun out of the tunnel on the right side there he goes there he goes there he goes I'm on him I'm on him Oh they are being very crafty oh I see you moving them on the soldier there's a spy behind you he's gonna see the stab what's oh oh no oh no I'm going in I'm going in I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it there's a little sentry gun though so that's problematic lazy purple your Crouch chip did nothing I'm watching this engineer to see if he he tries to leave his gun to go build his teleportal near spawn yep he just left it oh nice took out his gum but I don't know where he put his teleport eggs always teleporter exits around the corner so he's gonna get back no no look at the board you were doing stuff yeah thinks that the team needed the trick was you can even playing a support class I mean there's only so much you can do yeah I got second I got second score under you but given that was like so much of our team quit oh yeah yeah it's out team kept cycling will constantly down alright you know what it's good it's your it's my time we're gonna re lobby is you're gonna go heavy let's do it okay all right I I realize you know clothes maketh the man therefore I'm bringing my top military gear here oh I can't wait I mean I I look like I should belong in the action set of the predator movie or something like that you're gonna have to bring it cuz I'm a heavy made chelo and you know there's gonna be heavies judging you mr. P but it's the same hat I'm wait wait what yeah it's a same rotation sensations is all clothes alright we got bad water pays and third Matt this is a good one for heavy all right mr. P so I'm gonna be your pocket mech I'm just gonna be trying to give you tips as we go oh I don't want to touch our I won't I'm we're go for probably either the stock or the Tommy either one yeah yeah it's a stock but it's a stock with style okay oh we got a full round sweet all right so you're shaky but I'm a decent medic so I think we'll be able to get you up there get some really good push disease well look what Oboro we don't own right by your regular uber okay okay let's um I usually like to hold up here to start yeah me too I got keep position high because up here just like a spy they can't shoot you as good as you can shoot them yes okay good yeah okay okay let's let them push a little bit and then we're gonna surprise you over bush Scouts trying to come up no no back back scouts back that's nice there you go you need are we got one on the board alright not good bananas for you by the way oh sweet yes above yeah that's a rocket jump and that ain't happenin okay I just pulled just in case he was going for a market garden here there's a power behind us but you know pyro air classes heavy by nothing he goes he we pass a whole pack so I throw banana for you if you're gonna get one free beautiful you got played this before yeah I know a little bit about the game alright let's hold down that right side again I'm gonna heal this demo just real quick and make sure he's good mr. Pete what if your top score right now is heavy oh well you know I'm changing mains if that's the case oh oh no good neither mr. P oh jeez up on the other end oh no oh oh that crit Oh still in the air that's why it boots me up a little oh you know there's the thing oh Jesus the trial mark you got me double market guards okay I might behind you again alright mister oh I can't turn this corner no no that's a crate oh you died as soon as I hit a hundred percent I died mr. P never remember now that your heavy main you gotta watch for all those spies yep I'm turning my back every now and then oh jeez this is gonna be fun alright call medic I'm uh I'm above beat all right let me just look for any spies real quick apparently there is a spy on our base right now so gotta be careful for that already alright and Here I am with you nope no all of the demo yeah that demo killed himself on our manly chest whoo-hoo all right yeah let's hold kind of this stairwell area yep you can peek out downstairs and if they come up that right side we can turn the corn kill them there's another soldier there there go he gets a Nana there we go let's uh let's peek stairwell a little bit go like on the right side of it yeah yeah right in this corner pocket here all right here comes oh here comes Chris screen that's a Krieg comes Kreutz Krieg the supply is distracting yes I'm gonna see if we can get you a kill streak yet well I want to get I'm gonna get at least five with you we got an uber let's push Jenny let's push it ready just run all right we'll push around back pass the car and keep going oh here we go here we go soldier up doesn't matter priority Janis medic yeah medic no I do I do behind you oh did we get it yes we get the five kill streak already and there's Nana always have your potassium it builds strong bones I think nope I know that also okay the doctor good build strong calcium good to hear I have an idea let's drop it on the right side real quick yep and we're gonna loop around this back way pyro behind you Pyrus by cairo Spock Oh Scout me begun scouts on him alright yeah let's go back him let's go back soldier in there demo in there and three two whoa yeah we can't stay here pyro it's a banana for you oh thank you now it's just the one kill but it keeps him back trouble is they've got an uber built up in this time alright so they're gonna over push real soon Oh nope way off my medic this is my medic there are many like it but this one is mine oh man these doing their thing right now I had to put off for you one second I'm telling you the banana the banana just because of the cycle time is much better than sandwich do you think so yeah I mean I'm a heavy main so I know yeah okay okay all right no it's another to scout okay just a really suspicious Scout yeah okay I'm gonna drop down on that payload if I see a wiggle cool that scouting our team is like way too suspect but he is on our team yeah he moves like a spy I hate it when teammates move like spies because you can't really tell oh that's pushy that's a ten let's push stairwell yes we're going for it go for it go for it run and run and run in kill the medic medic is party medics down Oh Oh God I might die here I might die here yeah so my bike run mr. P get out their economic oh we made it twelve thousand Anna alright we might be able to push you to stay a water or mid oh so I swipe IRA okay why I Jimmy done already good you good go for it go for it go for it I'm water that's a sniper I'm backing out of here I'm watching you back Oh massif I was so close that was almost the end of the spree right there rush it rush it each trying to have a snack No okay too much too much less random crits not enough another knife give me more yes oh we passed the teen get it get it we held it we held it oh my god Oh behind you oh oh behind me oh here mr. Pete you did such a great job I'm gonna I'm gonna decorate you a little bit I'm gonna give you a badge of honor go ahead and stand still for me yep yep let me let me get going get under the armpits yeah let me give you a little bit more just yeah that's the voice I think I've gotten I ate all right so this one I usually like to go up on the left side and let's do some crit scree gadget yes yes I like crits I do like crits cuz as you saw when I got random crits I'm like oh I can keep pushing this it's glorious we're gonna be shooting a little bit far range how's your aim with Thomas log um do I have a Thomas love that is something question its it's not a kill streak and it's not skinned and it's not nothing to it but it is a Thomas love okay but you're starting at let's see 39 okay so we'll just count from there how you do with it all right I miss love the the spy of the heavy guns let's stay back for just like three seconds that's when they always spam in oh yeah they should crits creak right up into spawn you're vaguely left side let's push the left side up that hill pyro behind you Scout nice nice I've got two on the board they may have a century on this corner they always do it typically there comes their heavy there comes their heavy and that's problematic gosh I've got to be the big man I've got to be the distraction say well let's go for though car - there's no one's going yeah right now I'll stay on you and the rest of the team here I'm sorry Scout I'm sorry alright Amira's okay doctor I have a banana okay oh I just saw a medic fall down off the end man have spies are doing work oh you're right got another energy behind you that is a soldier yep they get they're going to come above us I've got to back off yeah alright okay now now go go go go go go go let that heavy mean what did that soldier go uh I killed him I killed him in my confusion he died haha alright paladin let's go off the stairwell oh you're already on it alright oh yeah I'm there no power no power are you gonna just punch them to death yeah that was awesome to watch oh no oh no knitted here no I saw I saw my opportunity and I went for it all the teams there with you beautiful I love these guys these guys are invited to my party we have really aggressive snipers on our team it's pretty great okay when I spin up you just pop it because it means something's there all right get home get home oh I didn't stop that medic getting back to his spawn ah it's all right it's all right we cleared the take that we're gonna push it to see if we've got two on it we can stay aggressive oh man oh man this is going great Oh behind you body spike no I got distracted by the glorious victim ahead of me ah I have failed you medic forgive me all the worst part was I tried to redeem him and I failed miserably and I should have known better because we've recently killed that spy as well oh I'm gonna do the heavy trick I spawned in the first spawn right so I I just changed class alright yeah as soon as I remember him I change class hotness if I never use it and there we go I've teleporting myself to this ball you are some kind of super saiyan mm-hmm I'm saying it's like make your own teleported a push let's push right side window actually just as we can see our other yeah I'm gonna get this to the corner first so they've got something to look at there we go all right make it thicker expired behind us and then from here we can kind of look out I'll watch the window doc top just make sure knowing okay he's got a wrangled gun at the bottom of these stairs there all right once we get crits it's over you can lay into him supply is coming as scout above us three to one he's gonna be there there he is hey yeah go on back the predictions oh my gosh I don't know if he's gonna try it again but I'll try it alright gonna get Chris real soon ready I'll watch the window to make sure he doesn't get you three to go ham oh no soldier so trips up didn't expect that let's get out of here Oh beautiful yeah yeah no you can't come here this is no good zone oh yeah I've got a health pack here and you don't so you know oh geez oh geez oh no he got me yeah he was aiming for you we got this we got this we got this oh he's dead oh you super dead they've only got two alive let's go let's do it let's do it push it Oh entry guns that's why see if I can help you yeah we'd sobs you top-scorer mr. P mr. P the heavy man you guys you were expecting it but man he came through like I said not many Alice but I do the job the predictions were insane well you guys I hope you like this undercover popper this was an incredible time and really fun mr. P thank you for coming out oh absolutely was a pleasure as always and if you guys want to see the first undercover popper make sure to check it out on his channel and until next time this was big Joey later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Big Joey
Views: 89,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy, heavy, team fortress 2, spy main, heavy main, big joey, big joey slap nuts, tf2 sfm, source film maker, undercover pubber, mr. paladin, medic, tf2 spy, tf2 heavy, tf2 medic, tf2 reddit, tf2 pro heavy, tf2 pro spy, main swap, tf2 main swap, tf2 funny
Id: gJWSGdva-G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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