Engie Brain #1 - Payload Defense

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this venture going up [Music] well guess that'll do hello so before we get into the meat of this video I just wanted to do a bit of an introduction to the concept of this series and why I decided to do it basically this is how an engineer thinks with a more punny name and if you don't understand that reference then I'll just explain it this is what the pro-gamers would call a demo review I'm gonna be looking at some of the pre-recorded footage from 80 of to match that I've already played and basically just walking you through what my thoughts are in these moments why I decided to do something why I decided not to do something mistakes that I made and things that I should have done basically just little nuance tidbits that I typically wouldn't take the time to talk about in a more organized elaborate video which is a perfect segue and the other thing that I wanted to mention which is why I'm even doing this series in the first place well besides this format just being a good opportunity for me to pass on some experience gained tips and tricks onto you guys it's also just an easy way to get some damn content onto this channel am i right no but I mean seriously I feel like for the last couple of years in particular I've both intentionally and unintentionally pigeon-holed myself into this specific video formula where I go all out on a project every month or so often you know leaving dozens of weeks in between uploads and while I've been pretty confident that an unstructured upload schedule is completely fine for both myself and my audience it still gives me an easily avoidable amount of stress to explain what I mean I'll often find myself spending weeks and weeks being indecisive on what project to work on next and believe me it's not from a lack of ideas I have a pretty chunky list of video ideas that I pull from it's mainly that I tend to get overwhelmed easily hit by the prospect of what project is on the table which usually leads to disassociation procrastination and you know the problem just spirals out of control from there and you know well here we are so I'm gonna try and make more content and focus on projects that aren't exactly large in scope but just as dense and information or satisfying entertainment and that's and this doesn't mean that I'm not gonna make any more of the like nerd essay book reports on weapons or whatever because I'm still gonna be doing that sure because I I really love tf2 and I love making videos but I also love overthinking [ __ ] and while that trait has definitely aided me in becoming a huge nerd when it comes to this game it hinders my ability to stay productive for sure so hopefully giving myself more simplistic yet informative or entertaining projects like this one will make it easier for me to get more stuff done and therefore make this channel more active in the future alright so the first clip we're gonna go over is on Borneo and I just finished doing the the jag effect rollout which I need to show that part you guys probably seen it a million times by now if you want to see more of the jag effect or a lot you can definitely go check out the other video that I made where I did the jag effect roll and I'm pretty much every map where it's possible or at least useful um anyway I eat I was gonna put it up in that um the typical spot where you put it on this map at least far back in that little cubby but I decided to move it a little bit forward play a little bit more aggressive you know and I'm listening to like my team's voice calls right now because I'm not really communicating with any of them but they're still using voice lines to communicate you know help and that medic just dies but unfortunately I mean fortunately didn't stab me but you missed a stab on me somehow but he gets a snap on my sentry gun while I'm able to blow him up with the Wrangler he just he allows the heavy to actually kill it so I move it back to its original spot and luckily the Jag which is why I like using the Jag I was able to give me the century back up to level 3 in pretty much no time nobody even attacks it while it goes up so it's like it didn't even go down the first place but um yeah there's a little Chris stinky there AC I tried to blow the stickies away with the the Rockets but when it came to the crit sticky I tried to shoot it with I mean he ded before I could do it but I tried to shoot it with the gun because I didn't want to blow that crit sticky towards anybody done that a couple of times where I'm like oh my stickies all over somebody else don't take that quad other context by the way so anyway I'm just kind of playing really close to my sentry gun here being really paranoid about spies as well I'm doing the pretend to stay busy thing right now because I know that there's a spy on their team he almost stabbed me and they're in there in the beginning so I'm trying to kind of play dumb a little bit luckily my teammates are doing the thing that they're supposed to do and plane in front of my sensor again if they're playing behind my sentry gun here then saya is laughing at that demo man if they were playing behind my since you're gonna right here they definitely wouldn't be nearly as effective as they're being so luckily they're doing the right thing my sentry gun should always be a fallback position for my team and I think I mean this clip was taken quite a long time ago done pretty sure I just moved it because I assumed that the biggest threat that I was gonna have to deal with was sticky spam I felt like that was harder it might have been harder for a sticky spam to hit my sentry gun if I put it there but I don't know I I think it's it doesn't really matter that much so right here now I'm gonna pause it you can see a spy that's obviously is by so I I'm thinking ahead here I I have I have vision into the future here I can see what's about to happen he's gonna set my sentry gun and he's got two teammates behind him that he's going to definitely just mess my sentry gun up if he gets a sapper on it so I decide to a little bit I mean not necessarily take the El but basically like get the hell out of there as best I can now you might be wondering why did you waste a hundred medal to pick up your sentry gun from literally like three feet away seems like a waste of metal well I had very very limited time in this moment to move that sentry gun if I would have taken even one second to move forward and grab the sentry gun not only would I be dead I'd be mega dead I'd have the the many critical of my head that the rescue Ranger gives you and they'd be able to kill me very easily so I think that it was worth the hundred medal sacrifice to grab the gun from such a short distance because it gave me just that small distance to successfully get away from the incoming players anyway I'm falling back to my second little position here I'm getting uber pushed luckily the uber is over but I was able to save it with the rescue Ranger there and that soldier was pretty clever he was able to stand kind of out of my sentry guns firing range but I got the Wrangler baby nothing's out of my sentry guns to the firing range so as soon as I know that that whole push is over as soon as I can I'm moving the sentry gun back to its original position so really good on my teammates pushing them out after that push happened because we were able to get set up pretty quickly here again just kind of waiting around what mostly just kind of waiting for that spy because he attacked me twice now thankfully unsuccessfully and I'm a little bit of a shout out to this heavy though he's really just kind of holding down that firing button making it pretty difficult for spies to get behind I'm assuming so I get pretty Restless when I play engineer and I always like to know there's that spy there he is luckily I had my teammates were backing me up did a little bit of the spy technique with their other the Jag there hit it twice made sure the spy was dead before on sapping just so we wouldn't get a 2nd sapper on me and they'd have a little bit of a bad over here really out of position I'm assuming they got forced luckily we were able to take down the heavy and kill him as well this this car is in a pretty nice position if my sentry can see it and as you can see my teammates are just crowding around it they're ready to own they're ready to get them dead as soon as they do the little pub push mechanic that always seems to work seems to go down in pubs last-second dives the cart giving me some nice century kills as well looks like it was just a medic who decided to dive at it but recipes that guy and looks like it's round over and a victory for us a pretty solid victory they didn't even get the first dang point and a bit of a victory beer for myself alright so the second clip I'm gonna look at is on barn blitz now I'm built pretty far back here don't do that because we already have an engineer they have two engineers actually and this nice demo man is delivering me some metal very kind of him but yeah I'm built I'm built far back here because the other engineers on my team already have their guns built pretty far forward I believe this engineer actually built or yeah he moves his gun to a pretty aggressive position so I decide to just kind of sit here with the rescue ranger and and help as best I can from the distance you can heal other engies buildings with the rescue Ranger so you can never forget that and then here comes the stone men again which is why again I'm built pretty far back so that stuff like that still doesn't go unnoticed because I'm sure that don't man would have been able to get behind if there wasn't a backup century because the the two are there now I noticed I didn't when I was playing this I didn't notice that spy decloaking at the very beginning of that clip you probably noticed this by decloaking now but it was just suspicious in general seeing a demo man walking towards my sentry gun so I immediately kind of suspected that there was a spy now pretty much everything seems to go wrong here all at the same time I write whatever I picked that up a spy stabbed a soldier behind me and I thought I was dead but I think he ran off now I probably would have taken that that dispenser with me if I would have known that my entire team was dead here but I press tab until way too late and I lose pretty much everything but luckily we have the jack again so we're gonna be able to build everything pretty quickly but the problem here is that there's two engies so we're both kind of gonna be like not fighting over this path back here but just because he tried to go for it as well so it's kind of difficult now I wait off on upgrading because I saw that my sentry gun was possibly gonna be firing at something so now right here I really want to build a dispenser I really like I really it but I can't justify it because we're kind of in the middle of a war zone here but luckily a spot comes and given brings me some meddlesome now I feel like I'm able to build one because I always want to have just a little bit of reserved metal so that I can repair and we're short on metal back here so but this other NG dies so and this is kind of the the star sentry here so I want to make sure that that's that's gonna stay up as long as possible with his uh its owner gone unfortunately it's spam down pretty quickly but kept it up as long as possible now this guy jumps in and I go for a rescue Ranger on here because I I know he's low and he kills me but he got arrowed pretty nicely there so good job to that medic now come back this is later I've already built a teleporter but I build a little bit far back on at first because I don't want it to get spammed out while it's being built when you're building a century it has lower health when you're building it for the first time for a little bit of time like when it's when it's first getting built so if you can build it out of fire first and then move it up it's usually a little bit safer if it's in a highly contested area this is a nice little sandwich by this heavy and I am abusing the Wrangler right now I'm abusing it I I basically have never put it away while I've been building it up I or at least never have made the shield go down because it is under heavy fire right now now I prioritized the Demoman right here because the heavy while he's doing damage to my sentry gun he's not as big of a threat for sure now this spy kind of comes in at the at the perfect time it's kind of like an accidental coordinated Sapp on me and we go down and now we're kind of pushed back to last we're kind of getting spawn camped here so I switched to the short circuit because I mean this is kind of a desperation but we're giving getting no one right now but obviously the Jag wasn't doing too much there so I tried to do as much as I could but honestly we we lost fair and square so yeah just wanted to show you guys that clip as a contrast to the first one because you're not gonna win every game but you can try you can try as best you can which is what I felt like we did but yeah anyway that is it for this installment of ng brain hope you guys learn something hope you guys at least enjoyed watching the footage that I was able to provide and if you liked this let me know cuz this is I mean this is pretty different from the other types of videos that I've made recently so just want to make sure that this isn't something you guys don't really care about too much and I'll try someone else but thanks for watching peace bye bye [Music]
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 431,970
Rating: 4.9657302 out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: e8y3N9sgyps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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