Uncovering Sri Lanka (This is your next destination.)

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Sri Lanka today we embark on an adventure like none other like Christopher Columbus discovering the Americas like Lou Armstrong taking man's first step on the moon humanity is defined by the brave so what's your name well anyways it's uh 2024 and uh it's time for some new Heroes and this is the story of four brave men who had set out against the odds to redefine the meaning of Adventure some people call them Pioneers others call them bold and some just call them idiot but whatever you call us we set out to do what has never been done before so today we're about to cross Sri Lanka in a tukk wish us luck oh my [Music] God [Music] hey Christian how long are we on this for I don't know man we got across the [Music] country what in yo Christian this is not going to work man like Nicholas and I have all this stuff on us this was your idea man literally your idea [Music] hey man you need a lift sure there is idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot all right the Tuk Tok didn't work out but we had a plan [Music] B all right so the four of us are going to be going through Sri Lanka over the next 5 days swimming we don't get get hit by that bus this is muba and muba is Sri Lankan and uh basically I went to Instagram said hey is anybody able to give us that local expertise and this is the man so you were saying you invited me to come yeah back in 2019 so I'm just what 4 years late yeah okay cool faster than [Music] usual so moo is just telling us that when you go to a Bollywood movie and it's freshly released in theaters like the first week you can't watch the movie cuz everybody's just cheering and shouting and celebrating why are people so excited by the new movie or the actors what what is it they are so connected with their actors because the only entertaining factor for them is either movies or Cricket yeah I think my favorite thing in the world is getting served up those Bollywood Clips those little highlight reels where you see some man like using a motorcycle as a weapon so good wow I don't know what that is but we have just pulled over here so Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and I'm going to go ahead and make an educated guess it's probably what we're hearing it's beautiful just a little stop here at a corner store and we're now out of Columbo and into the beautiful [Music] Greenery like a yes I am actually pretty hungry so this sounds great this is like a drive-through experience basically no no you can just uh go ins and eat man okay I thought it was America Jus I thought it was like the McDonald's McDonald's never hard to figure out the [Music] American how are you today you weren't expecting a film crew where you you he's with BBC see this is why it's so important to travel with somebody that knows the area I would have never stopped here I would have blown right past it and never thought twice well maybe we should try the food first before we make that judgment hey Nicholas we'll save you some nice and warm ooh super warm that looks spicy you don't even have to taste it Justin is literally coughing it's custom KCK yeah oh my God this is hitting my eyes are literally watering so for about $2 not only do you get a meal but you get to catch up with the latest and greatest in San politics and so our heroes with stuffed bellies and slightly irritated bowels began the next leg of their Odyssey nothing could stop them now we just got pulled over these guys were hiding behind a tree I don't think we were going that fast he showed 82 and what what it's 80 it's 80 we were over by 2 km per hour and now this how much oh wow I am never going to financially recover from this we should have gone a few more over so we had to go to the Post Office to pay for the speeding ticket while the two police officers held on to the driver's license so we drove all the way back to them and they were gone I guess they went to take their lunch break so now we're at the police station right here trying to get the driver's license [Music] back yes you did let's go woo our first travel success of Sri [Music] [Applause] Lanka our first stop other than the police stop we made it this could have been us Justin me and you and two suitcases in this driving for 6 hours we literally we're supposed to pick up a t and do this whole road trip but then we realized they can only go like 50 km per hour and they're not allowed on the highway we would have doubled our Drive times there's always a next time we need more than 5 days so Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and with that getting a lot of the same energy and Vibes that we get in Thailand wow that's quite the entrance look at that this is a building I've never seen before wow this reminds me of like something you'd seen Alice and Wonderland big Golden Buddha sitting over top of a Buddhist Museum that has a face that will eat you as you walk [Music] inside YouTube yeah YouTube YouTube uh are you on YouTube my name no no you're from uh Thailand yeah thail I went to Chula Lorn university did you just subscribe okay wow this is one of the most exciting moments of my life beautiful thank you thank you nice to meet you I think that might be the first monk to have ever subscribed to Lost LeBlanc but if you're a monkey and you subscribed earlier just comment down [Music] below working our way up this hill because down below that was just a sample we're actually going to a UNESCO world heritage site we're almost there I'm really happy about this travel shirt it's like this like tie-dye print and it totally hides the fact that I am sweating profusely the beads of sweat are forming the humidity is through the roof right now we're just entering into rainy season so I'm told for me this is where the trip really began this was the moment Sri Lanka transported us into a totally new world what was hidden inside this mountain was a scene like I've never seen before we're off to a pretty good start here I'd say doesn't get any better than this when you travel you're always looking for those wow moments those shock Factor moments and I feel like I'm teleported into a new world here built into the side of the the mountain that rock face you saw what the [Music] heck look at this it is literally like looking at the hieroglyphics in Egypt all these ancient drawings and messages the reason I first packed my bags and flew across the world was curiosity I've always been curious to see the scenes the sights the smells and the tastes of this planet and even 8 years into travel Mother Earth keeps on surprising me and today was no exception a cobra oh my God there's a cobra in there oh there's another snake time to go no thank you sir run Chas he's like you saw the snake now you got to [Music] pay here's Johnny well after a beautiful hike nothing is going to hit the spot like some nice wines which we no longer have uh how much are these perfect let's try this again thank you our beverage of the evening a lion logger some of Sri Lanka's finest maybe I don't know now the cool thing about exploring Sri Lanka is that it's pretty small and nothing is too far away unless you take a to toque but if you've got a big brain like us and take a car this next stop is one you need to make welcome to searia sagia searia don't know from what I can see we're right at the foot of one of the most famous iconic spots in all Sri Lanka it's this Mountain Temple the grounds around this place I mean it's like an enchanted forest in here so beautiful right here we have found the future cricket star nice to meet you bro what's your name what the hell did you just say things just got serious real fast we have a cricket match about to go down here it's me versus straight arm yeah further oh okay okay okay wow they sent me back they really think a lot of me here my reputation is on the line I'll never be able to come back to S Saria bro what are you talking about man he get I'll never come back to sagadia if I don't get this oh I almost got him all right let's take switch sides baby let's go we interrupt this program to bring you Pepsi made for Cricket I'm about to ruin his whole day you see that big mountain over there I'm sending it over this is not his first time sent the ball on the roof and I was like I've just ruined the whole Village's week guys we are running out of time here only 7 and 1 half hours left in the [Music] match my turn watch out here he [Music] comes woo and is good there can be only [Music] one too easy you're supposed to bounce the ball that was like a direct pitch you can always find the American ameran oh come on that was a great pitch bye-bye I think we just experienced one of the most Shri Lankan things things of all time the local lady was telling us to turn back probably head to our hotel she's like it's getting dark the elephants will be out soon and that sounds like the number one reason not to go back to the hotel here we are Cheers guys day one in the book cheers [Music] Gavin we got here just in time and guys look at this place for just $75 a night we are here at sagaria hotel and this is beautiful they've got some live music over there and we're about to check into our rooms but let me show you the ultimate deal that's it right there buy two beers get loaded fries for free and tomorrow morning I think the rock face is going to be right there oh that's so good our double bed are together Justin nice and knew we want to be snuggle [Music] [Laughter] buddies [Music] ah good morning guys oh that hike was so tough this morning that was a really hard one put on my hiking shoes and I just kept climbing okay we might not have hike this morning but I had one of my most poetic mornings ever just waking up here to this very beautiful slow paced Sunrise you can hear all the Crickets you can hear the birds it's like Perfection right now and the Drone shots I just captured are in my highlight reel for sure some of the best shots I've ever gotten there's a really beautiful energy to seara to be honest I don't regret taking the Viewpoint from down here but if you do the hike I've actually been told the best view isn't from this rock it's from the secondary Rock right here sometimes it's better to be next to the subject than to be on top of it this place is a catch the food's been really good Ambiance I don't think you'll find many other places like this here is your sundress in here like dude this thing is heavy even Ruby's stuff is lighter nah she was 32 kilos he likes to get pretty on the weekends should we just finish him yeah may as well what time is it it's 10: p.m. somewhere that's the digital Nomad dream right there folks make anywhere your office 9 to5 yeah what a joke one of the greatest blessings of my life is you and this channel being able to see the world has literally been my childhood dream and to have turned that into a career is something my youngest self would have never even imagined possible but it didn't start that way it started with a chapter in my life where I was held down by anxiety and stress and I remember just how hard it was to manage those feelings and maybe that's how you feel today stressed anxious unsure of how to make 2024 count and one of the things that's been helpful for even me in the hard times is talking to someone talking to a professional and today's video is sponsored by betterhelp if you haven't heard of betterhelp is basically like an online therapist you can do it through a video chat a phone call and because better help has over 30,000 therapists it means that you'll have no problem finding one that's in your region your time zone and most of all one that's the right fit for you I've talked to a few therapists and in the past they've not been the right fit but when I found the right one it made all the difference and so better help actually has this questionnaire form that allows you to checkbox all the different things that allow them to understand you and then they do their very best to match you with the right person it usually takes about 48 hours to get matched with a therapist but if they didn't quite get it right no problem with the click of a button and no additional cost you can change your therapist until you find the right one join the over 4 million people that are using better help and using that link down in the description you'll also get 10% off your first month and see for yourself how talking to the right person can help you build a better tomorrow back to Sri Lanka you're good no no you want to want to join us hop on in oh you are from YouTube YouTube I'm recording with my friend to YouTube too last year uh in Thailand we are looking for spiders snakes uh scorpions and other stuff and I'm looking for friendships We're Not So Different safe travels fellow Backpacker bye may he find many spiders and scorpions and snakes a noble Mission so we've had our crackers we've had our sweet coffee now we're on our way to try and find us uh who are we trying to find tribes tribes people of the forest people of the forest mysterious I know it's like me their tribe name actually translates to people of the forest how do you say it in uh wet ass wet ass so we're we're on our way to find the wet ass but the problem is we have no internet and no idea where to go so muba is our fearless leader he has no idea he's almost like a cartographer like we may as well have a sun dial at this point you really don't even know where they are yeah know okay no idea it's could either be a horrible use of our time or the most epic thing yet but either way we're [Music] committed could you translate want a cookie lemon you're welcome everybody's stopping us everyone's like you must have a guy you me I'm speaking he's the second boss he's going to sit on your lap Justin that's the only all right what are we doing pick them up take a seat come on in don't ask questions all right off to the Village we go let's go so what's your name hopefully it's not too bumpy of a road I'm putting music on it's getting weird in here and so our fearless Heroes embarked on a side quest like none other down this bumpy bumpy bumpy road would be an experience that would forever change the minds the hearts and The Souls of these great pioneers all right I'm driving next time we've been through some stuff together man close to my heart I love how we brought him as a translator he doesn't speak English I think he's from this Village I think he just wanted to lift home he just wanted to lift to sit on [Music] you so what's kind of fun about this trip right now through Sri Lanka is it's kind of like a return to my old Backpacker days 2015 to 2016 you would go to places knowing very little about where you were headed but you were just open to experiencing and that's basically what happened here we rocked up in this Village have no idea what's going on but we're learning how cool this place is 37,000 years of History so they claim and they say nothing has changed the Traditions they used to practice are the ones they still practice today and this right here is the eldest son of the leader we're hoping to meet the leader so right now they're discussing the price of the show they're like do you want to see us do the dances and all the stuff and they're like talking amongst each other like what should we charge them how much do we think we can make so I think they've come to a conclusion cuz it got awkwardly quiet we had one guy come in he started the negotiations we have uh our man who we brought from the village who's communicating to muba muba communicates to us we then got a price they wanted $150 for like a little presentation so we said no offered them one5 of that then it went back down the communication telephone chain he's now gone into the village to go negotiate and talk to the leaders and now we we we wait and see if we have a deal we think we close the deal they're bringing us somewhere uh so they have like 10 activities they wanted to show us because we didn't pay the $150 it's now down to three activities want to share a seat why eating Bo [Music] I'm starting to think we need to upgrade our package oh now the gift shop com no time's wasted the show is over the Gift Shop is open these guys run a funnel like I've never seen before in my life efficiency it was worth every penny this is a 10,000 well spent H love it h no just thank you [Music] how do you top [Music] that we take you home let's take him a bit let's take him a little bit more just see how let's see how far we drive until you you do that's should add random dude you got to win this guy pick him up on the M on the M on the M on the M apparently it just means all right I thought it would mean something a little more spiritual but so we are now in the mountainous city of badulla very very beautiful place I'm loving Sri Lanka there's so much to experience and I feel like we're just at the very beginning of our trip and right now we're headed to the number one rated restaurant of all the BEDA cheers guys cheers chicken Tika Masala and pizza combo made in heaven wouldn't have known that if we hadn't given Pizza had a try today's video sponsor we had to jump out look at this those are the fun little chaotic moments of travel you never know what you're going to get and that was that was very unexpected we found the best hotel we could find in the area and uh it looked quite nice but we called them and they're like yeah we're going to have to clean up the room uh shouldn't take us more than 20 minutes and then we get here 20 minutes goes by 40 minutes goes by 60 Minutes go by almost an hour and a half later travel is one of those things where it has incredible highs and sometimes it can be a little tiring and I know right now I would love to tuck myself into bed after a nice shower but we're going to have to wait a little longer the room's not ready so apparently he said is a nice Pizza do I guess someone has to sleep together we literally called and we're like oh my God this story is not even worth explaining but we literally called to make sure we had separated beds and they said yes hey Justin our rooms ready this is ours it's going to be so cute good night [Music] let's go good morning good bud good hello for three people second class to Ella starting today train oh oh my God it's happening bye Justin 3 days ago I was living my best life in the malds my first over water Bungalow experience I basically had Mark Zuckerberg sliding in my DMs today I'm becoming a full-blown instagrammer taking the Blue Train where everybody gets their bangers when they come to Sri Lanka apparently people use it to get around too but uh I don't know you ever taken a selfie before yeah nice you know what this is uh what is this this is a 3 m selfie do you want to try it with me later today yeah yeah let's get us on self together yeah yeah would love that three coffees three coffees yes please as long one condition we get a selfie together it's h no problem hot coffee you have a deal with sugar with sugar okay although you're sweet [Music] enough okay now this this is pretty freaking epic woo W look at [Music] this we're living are you kidding me dude the fog the Mist what a scene you know that expression Safety First it doesn't exist [Applause] here stay on that was really fun Ella is easily one of the most talked about travel destinations in all Sri Lanka this mountainous region is famous for its hikes but easily the most famous hike is right here now for those of you that aren't satisfied with having risked your lives only on the train you can also go do it on the train track two for one that's my kind of a [Music] [Applause] deal hey there bu [Music] so we came just from down there to up here to the breakfast DJ set it's kind of a Hidden Gem actually you have to take this really steep clay Pathway to get up it's not where most people are going now don't get me wrong walking down a muddy path to get some fpv shots of a bunch of arches well it's pretty neat and all but I'm built different I'm a bold traveler and today I I would become a local but first I had to find a local that would invite me into the inner society and as fate would have it I found my man meet Peter Ella's pride and joy and a Tuk Tok driver with zero ducks to give go Ahad need it after absolutely no training I was ready like a baby bird taking its first flight I too began my circle of life moment as I turned the key and set that Tuk Tok free here dude what is going on there's monkeys wild dogs buses waterfalls and a long pole and I'm talking about that pole after some serious rains we made it to the truly remarkable Kura raavana waterfall ain't she a [Music] beauty mountains waterfalls amazing people and we're having the best time right now like so much fun just pure chaos pure excitement pure no idea what's happening next we probably won't hike up to the top of Ella Rock given the conditions but let me show you what it would be [Music] like basically something like that but instead we got to make lifelong friends and I wouldn't trade that in for any hike [Music] I'm worried that we should we should probably tell Peter at the end of the day what it means I'm worried he'll start saying it to other guests yeah it imagine his next group like that was funny he's like everybody loves this word they always laugh Peter what's the best Sri Lankan food in the area little food can you take us yeah yeah we can I can take all right let's go eat [Music] so this is the literal definition of hole in the wall this is where Peter told us to come and it's actually a Vibe super cool nice be here there we go a truly authentic Sri Lankan meal cheese cou Tika Masala chapati pron it's so good Peter this is amazing you chose the right place best meal of Sri Lanka amazing there's the chef these are the moments of travel that you just can't plan for but you got to be open to them thank you so much Peter you are amazing idiot travel isn't about the location it's about the people and this travel day was so full of laughs and memories I'll never forget thanks to to a few epic people Ella you were great but back on the road we went as we headed down south to a side of Sri Lanka you won't believe welcome to yala National Park so everybody knows you can do a safari in Africa but did you know you can do one in Sri Lanka this is one of the things that has gotten me most excited to visit this beautiful country I didn't think one sec it's a bit too early it's a bit it's a bit early isn't it I mean why can't the elephants just get up a little later you know anyways I'm excited here's the vehicle let's go so I actually didn't do a whole lot of research as to what kind of animals live here I think that's the fun of it just kind of go out explore and see what we see considering there's a missing shoe there I'm a little worried is that from the last guide last yeah last YouTuber who came here well he died doing what he loves I hope skipping the we have VIP access cuz we have uh online tickets do they not have internet so this morning we're being shown around by kasoon here and and Kasson what should we expect to see today what are we hoping to see yala is very famous uh for leopards so our our primary uh Target is to uh find a leopard but apart from leopard there can be so many beautiful things so let's enjoy everything every minute of this that sounds like a good plan [Music] beautiful righty mate what we see here night if you look real close you see a crocky crocod deal he's sitting here right above the Mud Hole waiting for the white tailed deer to come in take a little sippy sip of the water stn from wish look at it literally open for us wow beautiful peacock just came landed and then Nicholas was like imagine if it opened up and [Music] then [Music] so in the tree here are these birds that make their own custom homes basically their own lost Villas to try and get laid with Rising property costs I mean this isn't this is not an easy Market to pick up a mate I'd rather just Flex my tail feathers peacocks have it easy to be honest is true guys we see our first little peeky peek of a big one now the thing makes yala so famous is that it's home to one of the healthiest populations of leopards in the world and after a few hours driving around to find them well we didn't see them but we saw these guys this experience was a true throwback to my 2 months Spence traveling East Africa and I really had no idea this even existed in Sri Lanka but the game Drive was just the start of a world class day let me show you one of the most incredible hotels of our entire planet wow I think you might be right thinking this is wild Coast tented Lodge now just as incredible as the game Drive is where we're staying and it so perfectly gives us that missing part to our Sri Lankan trip we're right on the Indian SE getting that full kind of scope and look into the Sri Lankan Landscapes I'll give you a [Music] tour my that was my worst one yet I think one of the funnest things is that a word funnest most fun most fun things of being on the road is I've been able to see a lot of different hotels and this is going down as stylistically one of my favorites I have one style that immediately captures my heart and it's when architecture Blends into its landscape these beautiful hotel rooms are so unimposing they actually almost enhance this incredible Coastline this is the room it's a basically like a tent almost like Tarzan and Jane old school British colonial style everything's kind of made with these like almost like copper pipes so it's got a really distinct style little reveal this is the shower uh we've got his and tonight his sink Justin and I are sharing a room last night our feet touched in bed it was a bit weird that's the room let's go eat [Music] hey guys hello wow I've seen two things like that before but uh usually a little smaller anyways we're going on a little picnic Adventure just a little romantic outing with the boys so we are now venturing off away from the protected territory of the hotel and we're walking the coast into the national park and uh we're United again with our fearless guide oh my God a dingo should I be concerned no okay hello hello coming wait for me unlike the US Army we do leave men behind wow this is so pretty look at you guys oh man what an epic way to end our last day in Sri Lanka the most beautiful sunset with the most beautiful coastline three new Amigos oh and the guys too right now I'm living in one of those moments that you just wish you could hit the pause button on and live in for this is such a beautiful part of Sri Lanka and I'm so glad cuz I wasn't even sure if we were going to get to see the coast but in the end we've seen waterfalls we've seen mountains we've seen the Sandy Coast this trip has given me such a deep appreciation for Sri Lanka and and I don't think people talk about it enough I think it's actually an underrated destination I'm just going to enjoy these final moments and sign off here Sri Lanka absolutely a gem and something tells me I'll be back someday soon if you want to see more fun raw Adventures like this one hit the Subscribe button Let's Get Lost again in the next one almost fell they really could pave this area
Channel: Lost LeBlanc
Views: 139,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel sri lanka, how to travel sri lanka, things to do in sri lanka, sri lanka guide, sri lanka travel 2024, best of sri lanka, is sri lanka safe, sri lanka travel guide, Colombo, Sigiriya, Ella, Badulla, Yala National Park, Wild Coast Tented Lodge, sri lanka travel video, sri lanka travel vlog, sri lanka 2024 travel video, 2024 sri lanka guide, sri lanka travel itinerary, best places sri lanka, best things to do in sri lanka, sri lanka tuktuk
Id: sV1Z2LXtHqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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