The Sicily Odyssey (Italy's Hidden Gem)

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today I'm going to show you Sicily the south of Italy everybody talks about Rome about Milan the almalfi coast but how come nobody makes their way down south to Sicily I mean come on if you look at the map you can see the boot of Italy is basically kicking it the disrespect So today we're gonna find out if it's a Hidden Gem or if there's a reason behind them I think we're in a gang area bro straight up Let the great Italian road trip begin thank you welcome to Palermo the capital of Sicily and joining me today behind this massive rig we got David what's good good to see you bro what's your name my name is from the local skaters to the local hidden gems and uh this is actually where I had dinner last night but I had to come back so this is Biga and it's literally right across the street from our hotel which one's your favorite that one I'll do one of those it's actually one of the better ones I've had so the orange comes from aperol and they add Prosecco it's this delicious kind of sweet fruity alcoholic drink that hits so right at sunset here Biga is coming in big today look at this amazing focaccia bread eggplant sun-dried tomatoes uh-oh you don't have to pull my legs to bring me back to Italy what'd you get I got the pork looks amazing unreal you already know we're in Italy this is like the food capital of the world we're gonna go try out a street food market we're gonna go to Bolero because she just told me that that's the best one so I'll take her word she serves great pizza I trust her let's go now we go [Music] so we are walking down the Alleyways here on our way to balado and it's so colorful a very different energy than you find other places in the world I mean you see a lot of older people just sitting on the side talking playing card games a lot of kids just sitting outside I haven't seen that in a long time nobody's on their iPads nobody's playing games I gotta say it's got this like energy that feels like Bangkok it's like the Bangkok of Europe I actually have been to Naples a few years ago and I saw that city as literally like the European Bangkok it was super chaotic horns honking traffic and also delicious food so yeah okay it's closed now that is a multi-tasker you know that man's never made two trips for a grocery bag you want me in the video you want me in the video okay they don't like it okay we are not welcomed here guys I think we're in a gang area bro straight up like I really think we're in like a mafia area we have gotten some dirty looks even that Alleyway I don't know if we walk that man I think we get out of here I thought that pizza lady it was so sweet why did she do this to us she sent us into the gang Street yeah I just wanted street food guys as I continue with my Bangkok analogy it is literally like house on road here look I know how YouTube is people love to play things up but I'm not playing anything up here the moment we walked into this District we got the dirtiest look for having our camera I actually asked one of the older men I'm like can I get a photo of you and I've never felt so in danger in my life I'm not gonna tell you not to come to Bolero I don't know I don't know man I have not had any street food maybe maybe if we try some free food okay well after that last guy incoherently mumbled at me something in Italian while holding a giant bottle and looked like he was about to hit me with it I think it's time to go maybe you'll have a totally different experience but everything's closed right now it's hard to recommend let's keep going Palermo is undeniably a little rough around the edges but the city is full of stories and characters I definitely don't want one District to taint my impression of this big city so back to exploring we go it's not the Coliseum but this thing is so stunning and look at this like ugly fence you just find so much history in Italy that they don't even know what to do with it anyways I appreciate you as we roamed around we came across this epic football game happening on the side of a random street all the neighborhood kids came out to represent and things got intense [Music] so I just found this brand new website it's called the Google and on it I heard of this restaurant called so the restaurant's actually empty everybody is wanting to sit outside on the curb we weren't brought to our table our table was brought to us it's a really cool atmosphere as you can probably see from my skin uh I'm sweating it's pretty hot outside here we're getting the full Palermo experience [Music] Italian ham is the best I'm impressed I love how little it tries it's just like so chill come as you are sit on the curb although we did get upgraded to the chairs so the simplest of our meals has actually so far in my opinion been the best of them the best cheese amazing ham great wine and all of that was 24 Euros not necessarily going to tie you over if you're super hungry but a really cool stop if you want to come get some food and a drink [Music] when you come to Sicily you have to get a cannoli it's a hard external comb and inside it is ricotta cheese that's good you already know this is I don't have to tell you and you already know it's good so I was just telling David I just realized what Palermo reminds me of especially when the sun has set this place is basically Gotham City there's a lot of characters here a lot of people are very rough around the edges and they're not afraid to show it there's a bit of an attitude here and a bit of a hard Edge to people I think you just kind of grow up tough when you come from some of these areas something I can relate to as a Canadian eh we're pretty tough there bud [Music] bonjour no and it's another day in Palermo or at least a couple more minutes we're just currently at a coffee shop here a little tiny hole in the wall and uh I gotta say for me a big part of being in a city is like coffee I want to find great coffee shops and Palermo has been limited um there's not a lot of like new and trendy places it's more very like family run old school style I'm not a local guide I don't know the area very well but I feel that this is not the city that immediately grabbed me if I could put my finger on it I'd say it's at Palermo is a very old city but there's a lot of amazing old cities in the world the difference is Palermo did not age so gracefully I think there's a lot of things that haven't kept up from the moment you arrive at the airport you see the beat up baggage machine that probably came from the 60s when you use the internet and it's under one megabyte per second it's just a little traditional a little old school but the world is far too big to stay somewhere where you don't feel an immediate connection so let's go explore at 500 later the road trip officially begins I think this is the part we've all been waiting for the freedom beautiful Italian coastline [Music] oh my gosh what a beautiful glimpse of the coastline we're about to drive across can't really think of a better comrade for this road trip than a Fiat which is actually one of Italy's very own it's this kind of groovy little tiny guy about it all so I almost blew right past this but luckily David told me to pull over because look at this view right down there it kind of looks a little bit like one of the Cinque Terre towns it's absolutely incredible an hour and a half and a Mamma Mia or two later we had arrived at this surreal part of the western coastline oh it's hot it is right now 35 degrees Celsius I swear we left Dubai in the summer and found ourselves back in it and that is exactly why I couldn't be more excited to be here this is kaleta Del blue Merino my son is so American Calera Del Marino welcome to caledo Del Marino it's a beautiful blue Oasis surrounded by a little eucalyptus bushes now the question I've been wondering is how cold is this water we're going from 35 degrees to absolute perfection this is amazing I think I know why they call it blue Merino oh it feels so good after a nice sweaty day in Palermo it's nice to cool off okay so straight from the ocean I'm on my way on a mission find my way away inside of one of these These are called grottos and they're little tiny openings inside the side of the rock face taking this little rough terrain here I've already got a couple spikes that went through my feet [Music] why did I choose to do this don't know if this one's going on the Travel Guide Let's Travel there it is an escape from the Sun [Music] we made it I am drenched I'm sweating buckets with the Cool Breeze right in here is just amazing wow for a hiking night look at that that's notcheological find right there it's a Brontosaurus Rex there mate crikey now I don't know what you're gonna do once you get here but let me show you one gift that you get this View [Music] come on 39 degrees out [Music] a few minutes away we have just arrived and the reason we came all the way west it's called San Vito locapo and it's this beautiful cute little town surrounded by the mountains very laid back almost a little too laid back it's really kind of surprisingly quiet I mean I don't get it everything is closed like bar stools are upside down on the table the doors are shut know what's going on today's like a Tuesday too ladies and gentlemen we have signs of life we have arrived at the Faro C Club let's check it out so right at the edge of San Vito locapo you can see that beautiful toblerone-like mountain in the distance it is completely dwarfing the town which means monk because if you look it from the other side you actually see a monk it's praying this right here is kind of like a restaurant Beach Club on the water look at the ocean here this is so beautiful yo I just found my spirit animal that'll be me one day who am I kidding I'm never gonna relax my actual spirit animal is this guy right here that's pretty much me all the time life of a videographer am I right always filming non-stop yeah now it might be a little early to make conclusions on Sicily but one thing I'm definitely getting the sense of is I imagine we're about to see a lot of very laid back and relaxed destinations all along the coastline here I see that as actually such a unique and amazing offering when you think of Italy as a whole because I was just in Cinque Terre near Milano and it was very very busy way too much going on all at once I've been to Rome a few years ago absolutely chaotic but amazing food and beautiful in its own way most of the places I have seen in Italy have been very very Go-Go and so to have this experience where you're just lounging by this little tiny Enchanted City sitting at the foot of a mountain I mean it's pretty amazing I think Sicily definitely has a bit of that laid back energy that you might not find throughout all of Italy I just got told a local Hidden Gem we're going in wish me luck why did I agree to this [Music] we survived you know what they say do one thing a day that scares you and because I'm such a macho man nothing scares me that'll have to do I'm sure you've noticed it on this video there has been a lot of energy being put into the perfect shots and right now we've got pilot David behind the wheel so one of the reasons I know David is actually he's a member of LCA and he is a phenomenal phenomenal content creator he's been traveling all around the world he's got clients in Santorini in Dubai he's been working for the Four Seasons working for yacht companies in Santorini it's truly incredible the freedoms and the lifestyle you can build with just a camera and a laptop if you dream of getting paid to create videos from literally anywhere around the globe lost Creator Academy 2.0 this Academy is the result of nearly a decade of my own trial and error in Building Los LeBlanc to a multi-million follower and Dollar Empire so here's what you can expect you're gonna learn how to land so many brand deals in and business opportunities that you never have to worry about money again you're going to become cool and composed on camera in just 10 days so that you don't need to feel like an idiot anymore trust me I know how that feels all right no I need some water you're going to master that camera and Unleash Your full creative potential so that you can create beautiful art even if you've never shot or edited a video in your life you will discover your story and purpose so that you will build a loyal audience even if today you have no idea what you would talk about you will learn how to create your own Creator Empire on the side while balancing life's responsibilities like your job or your family so you don't need to quit and you don't have to radically change your life and this one I particularly love you're about to find your new best friends and accountability Partners through our LCA family because frankly it's not much fun to build your dream life all alone since day one LCA has been your One-Stop shop to becoming a full-time content creator ask our members but the new and improved LCA is on a whole new level seeing our creator family launch products launch Books and Adventure all around the world together while watching their bank account balances grow with the guidance of LCA they've escaped their nine to fives and they're now living the lives they used to dream about we've seen members like Mana go from being trapped in the corporate world but with the support of LCA she made the change and took her personal hiking Instagram account into a thriving travel and tourism Empire and get this Mana made over six figures in her first year as a Creator completely out earning her previous corporate job just like Mana we have a Sean that joined LCA with zero and today is on his way to the big 1 million subscribers we have sinja that went from 10 000 to over a hundred thousand followers in just a couple months Allison has just hit a quarter million on Tick Tock since joining LCA Chris Marianne and of course their faithful Trudy just got their silver play button and last week so did Ella there's one problem with all the training and mentorship we're about to pour into to you we only have so many seats and seats will be on a first come first serve basis so if you're an aspiring Creator a intermediate Creator or an expert Creator you already know what to do the button down below will reserve your spot and you don't want to miss out because spots are gonna go quick so if you're ready to turn your creator dreams into a reality then get yourself on the wait list I will see you inside the new supercharged lost Creator Academy we had one more stop to make before leaving San Vito locapo and I'm glad we did wow this is Miami Vibes you're right for everything that I thought was sleepy on that little Port over there I mean it's sleepy but it's definitely busy too wow there's a lot of people here everyone's just chillaxing living their best lives hello look at that making friends here already we're off to a good start 45 minutes later and it brought us here to these Cliff sides of paradise known as Capello how's it look it looks insane oh the lighting is glowing the winding roads the beautiful views there's these little tiny island-like castles it's so so incredible and the Sun is just about to say goodnight to us not because it's set but because a massive mountain is literally about to block it oh look at you hello that's Freedom right there it's pretty nuts it's like the wagyu of Drone footage oh yeah make that A5 wagyu um just saying how convenient literally every car is a Fiat 500 so I can just film others and pretend it's RB world at the very top of the mountain is this quaint and Charming little town this place is your stereotypical Mediterranean village with restaurants Street Music this place was pure magic I feel like I'm looking in on uh Michael Jackson's backyard here this is a pretty spectacular place like a little theme park just a few less kids hi mister ciao if it was any bigger I would join you in there I get it look at this guys entering into the castle right inside the walls and that that is our spot welcome to net Tuna Restaurant and come on in oh my goodness oh my goodness you see that we got the pasta tonight that looks unreal and we got super lucky we didn't make reservations but uh it just so happens that Poseidon Neptune one of the uh I don't know I guess that's Greek gods someone was looking after us oh it's just us two man how romantic so romantic [Music] foreign getting in the pasta that I've been eating and we've also got this one to share here [Music] one hour to drive back to Palermo one percent of the battery can't think of a better way to end today scopello has come to life it's a beautiful evening and uh the food was pretty good let's go foreign [Music] I've got some not so great news this trip has become a solo trip I know you guys didn't really get to know David much but unfortunately last night he got called with uh a call you never want to get and he has now begun his series of flights all the way back to Melbourne our time was cut short uh what I'll say is it's not every day I meet someone that I click with that quickly hopefully it won't be our last trip and uh with that though we are going to continue the road trip we have a lot to do a lot to see so back on the road we get we're about an hour outside of Palermo in a place that I've been told is just an absolute Paradise behind that mountain is chapalu so let's go take a look [Music] oh my gosh are you kidding me look at this road so happy to be in a Fiat it's so tight that's what she said and after fighting with finding parking it's time to enjoy this beautiful place I mean guys look at this it is like a fairy tale here this is something that I feel is very distinctive Italy or at least Europe people hanging all their clothing on the balconies you get them breezing through the air and right ahead Lord farquat's castle look at that thank you I swear that never gets old it's such an amazing thing these videos that I started for fun have been able to reach people impact people and I'm just so grateful to you guys watching hopefully we cross paths I love when it happens I'm excited because we're almost there so it's about to become a wet t-shirt contest here wearing white and it's going transparent we've arrived this is a place called do you really want to hear me say this man sorry Italians all I know is I need an aperol even though it's uh before noon Ruby's in the Maldives shooting a hotel I think your view beats mine I miss you so proud of you you look sunburnt you look really sunburned thank you not my usual but today I'm gonna get some octopus honestly I would never order octopus ever this is pretty good it's not chewy like you would imagine an octopus would be it's kind of more tender I like it all right to close it out this is a no-brainer anything with cachoi Pepe I know I'm gonna love it's like a Roman style of pasta it's like pork jowl it's just phenomenal and this is a ravioli with blueberry so that's a bit unique but wow this is the best dish of my entire Sicily trip so far fire foreign you can actually see these like these Fortress walls that go all along it Chef ALU could quite literally be a postcard for the dream European Vacation I would have loved to have stayed tonight and maybe even two if Ruby was around but it was time to keep moving [Music] two hours later welcome to milazzo this is the port city that connects the soccer ball to its famous aeolian Islands I headed out on a day trip right off the coast and the first stop was none other than paneria welcome to paneria Island I'm a Solo Traveler I wanted to come experience the islands but with nobody to split the cost with the best way to get over it was to take one of these group trips so I found the ticket online for like 85 dollars it has abandoned me here which gives me a couple of hours to go explore this is known as the place where the rich come to play but if you don't fall into that category then you come over on that guy now today's trip actually has a few chapters to it and the final boss is the right there a highly active volcano and later tonight we should see its activity in action [Music] friends [Music] this right here is a lasagna that Nona would have approved of oh my gosh it's so good this video is basically becoming a food tour but it wasn't supposed to we expect it's Italy after a couple hours swimming around the coastline of paneria I got back on the boat and it was time to head to a volcano so active it literally shoots magma out every day but to get there we had to cross through a landscape that I thought only existed in Avatar you can see why the rich come here and park up their Yachts it's stunning the second stop so this right here is the base of an active volcano by the name of rompelli probably butchering it [Music] Tom Cruise jumped off a building Tom Cruise does his own stunts you know who else does their own stunts the Italians that live on this island with an active volcano that's basically fart and smoke at least once a day literally just kind of went off recently you can see a little bit of haze in the sky now those are some badasses that's one of them right there Legend so I'm taking this little footpath walking my way into town man the island life out here it's like where you come to relax and to cut out all the noise I'm seeing Sicily as like extremely laid back Italy like the most laid back I could have ever imagined great place for a couple maybe a very chilled out honeymoon great place for older Travelers for family Travelers but for a solo trip for what I'm looking for might be a little bit flat on the adventure side but I am appreciating every bit of the beauty it might not look like much but this was a special moment I got myself a pizza for one listened to an audiobook and took in one of those rare solo sunsets now it was time for the main event but this event did not have a stage time instead we waited around hoping the lead actor would show up and after 20 minutes this is what happened and that that's how my night ended right now I am in milazzo which is the port city right where I caught the ferry and I want to show you from where I'm staying because for 75 Euros I feel like a little mini Julius Caesar got my golden pillars 15th century little tushy this place is pretty cool called manzoni 46 and Olga the lady at the front desk has been very wonderful I'm actually gonna go upstairs and get some breakfast which is somehow included in this value so I have to say there is one thing that is actually really surprising me about Sicily it's the price things are fairly affordable at least well priced most mornings I get a pastry at croissant and a cappuccino for like three Euros together you can't really find that most places in the world now I would love a hearty breakfast right now honestly I'm craving that let's hope for some luck upstairs hearty breakfast but there is ham in it so Italians love a good sweet breakfast taking a bit of adjusting I'm not gonna lie I'm telling everyone to stay at your hotel it's a very good hotel thank you we are on track again for another mercilessly hot day oh my God you're kidding me right now it's 41 degrees Celsius there is a temperature where it goes from being inconvenient uncomfortable to even being inhibitive and I feel like we're right at that point where like it's really a lot traveling right now most of the restaurants don't have AC they don't have fans I am sweating through my shirt it's not even just heat it's also humid so if you have the luxury of flexibility maybe come at the early end of the summer maybe at the late end of the summer because right now it's a lot our next stop is easily one of the most epic in all of Italy a place you could have pictured Julius Caesar and his Harem of women taking a nice weekend getaway this is Taormina and it's where I intended to stay what I didn't realize is I accidentally booked a hotel 45 minutes away it wasn't all bad though [Music] all righty some good European roads for a hundred dollars I have just arrived at this beautiful hotel that has an exceptional rating stairs they keep they keep they keep going and they keep going I gotta love Europe [Music] okay wow is that Mount Aetna yeah oh no way so there is Europe's tallest volcano and I have my own Terrace so this is what all the stairs paid off for yeah 100 bucks a knife now this is actually way further away from Taormina where I'm taking you guys than I thought as usual scrolling through all the bookings booked one to look nice didn't realize how far I was but this is an attraction of its own this town is so quaint so beautiful and if you're driving a Fiat 500 you can actually fit through the alleys I'm supposed to host a live stream tomorrow and I love this hotel like literally it's so beautiful but I can't stay here the Internet is just not working it's uh yeah it's too slow I'll enjoy it for one night and I do highly recommend it but not if you're gonna host a live stream it's not gonna be the right place for you this small town is gorgeous but let me show you what brings people to this region and that is the ancient Mountaintop Village next stop Tower Mina so right now I'm climbing Taormina and this is like literally some of the craziest roads I've ever driven literally they built a village on a Cliffside [Music] so small world moment I spent the day hanging out with a buddy of mine who just happened to be in Taormina at the exact same time we hung out by the pool drank some apparels was a good day if you're thinking about like the place to travel in Sicily so far this has been it for me it's feeling like Sicily is a mouthy Coast kind of has a bit of a Positano energy to it Cliffside living very narrow roads that kind of wrap and wind around very stunning [Music] solo travel is like a totally different kind of travel it leaves you more open to spontaneous moments in your life you meet strangers you get deeper in conversation I mean there's been a lot of really cool people I have met off camera it's a gift it's a special way of traveling and I couldn't recommend it more highly now is this the place to do it I don't know I'm not so sure Sicily is going to be the number one Solo Traveler destination with this being one of the more laid-back sides of all of Italy it might not be exactly what you're looking for but overall definitely grateful for this opportunity to travel solo and uh you know not gonna lie starting to fall for my tripod a little bit she's looking cute tonight it's okay too many eyebrows [Music] this beef is so good after eating pizza pasta this is exactly what I needed [Music] had to pull over to show you this you can actually see the active volcano fuming from the top here towering over the area it's so stunning and tomorrow that's actually where we're going got about an hour to get back to our hotel a nice little Drive ahead and there's no one I'd rather do it with and then my trusty steed [Music] hi good morning our last full day in Sicily and honestly I feel at my best I slept like a full eight hours I even checked my watch here and I got a hundred percent on a sleep score like I'm at this chapter in my life where I'm trying to not become the strongest I've ever been not the buffest but the healthiest I really want to get to a place where I'm eating right although I've shown you everything I've eaten on this trip after this Italy trip I'm eating right I'm sleeping right and I'm working out and I've been able to make a morning workout happen almost every morning on this trip which has been fantastic a little run even 30 40 minutes it just it really invigorates me throughout my day and it makes travel as a lifestyle way more sustainable for years now I've kind of treated travel as like time off the gym and then when I get home I go crazy I go every day or I eat at healthy every day but I'm trying to get into that cycle where the way I live on the road is similar to how I do it off the road and I've really enjoyed tracking my sleep too that's been a cool little feature I love roachos but the part I don't love about road trips packing every second day let's do it again I actually left my Main Luggage in the car overnight so hopefully it's still there as long as you're not holding a live stream guys this is the hotel you should come to I loved it family run so so beautiful it's quiet it's local and I'm on my way to get one of the briochets they recommended so let's get our breakfast going and then we're going to a volcano I seriously love this little town I feel like it's like the set of the Grand Budapest Hotel there's these little three-wheeled vehicles just rolling through these Cobblestone Alleyways let's go get some Frio shades I was not prepared for what was about to happen next my life would never be the same after meeting Carmela through broken English her friendly smile and excitement showed me she was about to share something special my breakfast is normally Savory but this morning we were skipping straight to dessert and it might have been the best thing that ever happened to me she had me try a few of these gelato-like toppings but this wasn't gelato this was going on my brioche this is brioche yes brioche okay oh my God okay okay so I I put this on the brioche um you dip it yeah okay good afternoon never had a brioche like this interesting way to start breakfast fried as I gave you guys a speech about healthy living look away all right somebody help me film oh wow this just came out really just came out of the oven [Music] this is the best brioche I've ever ever had I'd be lining up down the block to have this oh my God this is 10 out of 10. if you want to save a bit of money stay in an amazing hotel and get a local experience I think this is a Hidden Gem that was the best brioche the best bread I've ever had when I'm on my deathbed this is what I'll be thinking about the road trip continued we had a volcano to climb but first it's time to get a coffee had to stop this town is just so cute just want to squeeze his little cheeks [Music] I'm a little excited right now because I've been traveling Sicily and I've yet to find a true Barista and I can see it I think I found the spot this is like a proper delicious espresso he's weighing it out wow that looks so good thank you so much across all my travels with Sicily so far this is the first Coffee Spot where I can truly say this is premium coffee I'm very happy to have found this but I'm also very surprised by the fact that I haven't been blown away by Sicily's coffee scene when you think of Italy you think of cappuccinos you think of lattes you think of espresso shots but a lot of the places I've been going the beans are not fresh and the people behind the Barista just are kind of doing the bare minimum they don't really know how to work the machine perhaps but today for rejoicing we found ourselves a good copy Saturday is actually one of the Distributors of beans for this region so they're not locally grown but they're basically all coming through him and that's why you got to come through here this is where you're going to find the best bean and uh now I have a little bit of energy it's time to carry on to a volcano right now you're looking at our next stop no it's not Mordor it's Aetna yeah I feel like it could use a stronger name and here I was it was time to come face to face with an epic hike that would push my very limits test my human will and every single one of my abilities oh wait never mind Sicily has been surprisingly affordable until now this is probably the only thing that's been kind of surprisingly expensive it was 50 Euros so that's just literally the gondola but the alternative was carrying all my camera gear up a volcano I'm looking at the distance honestly you probably could do it in 45 minutes you see that group of guys they just saved 250 so this volcano we're going up right now is the largest active volcano in all of Europe and you can actually see smoke rising from it pretty much all days of the year and on a lucky lucky occasion you'll even see magma shooting out the top now the gondola only brings you well over halfway from there you got more to hike or you can take this crazy all-terrain vehicle for another 20 euros back in the day you could go all the way to the crater but I guess somebody got toasted like a marshmallow because now they don't let you these magnificent volcanoes destroy and Scorch the Earth but they also breathe life into it and we have them to thank for these beautiful landscapes all around Sicily on my way down I saw the courageous hikers still making their way up some say they're still hiking to this day I got back in my little feet and down the volcano we went until we hit this truly beautiful Gem of a city known as Katanya [Music] foreign [Music] so today I treated myself I spent more than my usual nightly I needed a good room to do my live stream and check this out I had no idea but I basically booked myself into an art museum that fusioned anime experimental and classical art no complaints oh wow I had no idea when I booked this I'm not even surprised at this point so good that is my favorite piece that's actually incredible this massive awkwardly positioned Flamingo just lurking over the mirrors check out this Terrace it's so beautiful so the farmers market is right behind here and right there is actually the main walking Street after everything I've seen this is the least interesting thing but giant put in my room wow this is beautiful I love the flooring so I just did a live stream on how to make money as a content creator in 2023 the risk-free career literally risk-free and I'm actually going to show you exactly how it's done in a live stream I've done this presentation now in front of hundreds of people in person at the nas Summit in Dubai I did it just the other day and I now want to do it for you because every time I do it people are telling me how encouraged excited and ready they are to become creators people who have never even picked up a camera and so the way to get this live stream is you got to take action like right away uh click that link down below if you get in there in time you'll be joining me on that live and not only will you get this live stream but you're also going to get a one-on-one Discovery call with a member of my team where they'll take the time to get to know your creator needs your goals and how we can help you get there you see with this new upgraded lost Creator Academy we are ready more than ever before to help you build your dream life let me tell you how we're gonna do it with the new upgraded LCA we are releasing tailor-made custom one-on-one Creator blueprints simply put we're going to make an action plan tailor-made to your needs as a Creator so that we can lead you to success as a Creator in the way that best suits you helping you skip the trial and error all the growing pains and all the struggles so instead you can fast track your creator career and start enjoying the benefits of full Financial Freedom after receiving your creator blueprint we're gonna match make you with a Creator coach and a business coach together my team and I will Mentor you all the way to the Finish Line to be able to scale and succeed in your creator career in addition to your coaches you're also going to get access to workshops led by top creators industry experts and of course myself so that you can learn the best tips tricks strategies and techniques for creating content growing and monetizing your following Landing brand deals and streamlining business operations all so that you can spend less time working inside your business and more time doing the things that you love most and let's face it we all know that sometime times social media can be a little anti-social but being a creator doesn't have to be lonely anymore inside our brand new LCA app is your creator family get instantly connected to thousands of creators around the globe at all different skill levels when you bring thousands of creators together there's not a single problem that one of us hasn't faced we're an average of the people we surround ourselves with and I can't think of a better average to pick and freshly to LCA 2.0 we have just kicked off lost Creator Adventures where our community has exclusive trips all around the world happening on a monthly basis this is the chance to travel and collaborate with like-minded creators find accountability partners and make memories and friendships that will last a lifetime and all while building the career of your dreams there's one problem with all the training and mentorship we're about to pour into you we only have so many seats and seats will be on a first come first serve basis so if you're an aspiring Creator an intermediate Creator or an expert Creator you already know what to do the button down below will reserve your spot and you don't want to miss out because spots are gonna go quick so if you're ready to turn your creator dreams into a reality then get yourself on the wait list I will see you inside the new supercharged lost Creator Academy it's just linked down below foreign [Music] this is a killer breakfast yogurt cheeses I was planning on going easy this morning but this is probably gonna be the best breakfast I've had so [Music] so what are my thoughts on Sicily as I think you saw it's beautiful and it's authentic unlike much of Italy this is not a region that has been overrun by tourism and it provides an amazing balance between the real Italy and amazing experiences for visitors I think Sicily is an amazing place for any traveler that wants to have a little quiet in their travels and wants to go where the crowds aren't all in all it's a gorgeous destination but next time I probably won't do it solo I'll be coming back with my beautiful girlfriend to share some Sicilian sunsets and some aperol Spritz Let's Get Lost again in the next one
Channel: Lost LeBlanc
Views: 199,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sicily, italy, italy travel, travel italy, italy 2023, sicily 2023, sicily road trip, how to travel sicily, best things to do in sicily, sicily travel guide 2023, sicily travel vlog, sicily travel guide, sicily travel itinerary, Palermo, Cefalu, Taormina, Catania, taormina travel vlog, taormina travel guide, things to do in sicily, best of sicily, italy hidden gems, italy hidden places, italy road trip, travel sicily, travel sicily italy, sicilia, sicilia italia, San Vito Lo Capo
Id: 6rbDJJzJX7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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