The VIP Bangladeshi Express ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ

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good morning so after spending the last two days confined to my hotel due to the elections here the whole country has basically been on lockdown we finally made it to Shad gut Port we're going to take the ferry to chanur from chanur we're going to take the train to Chittagong so let's go hello good morning good morning one ticket to chatur please H yes thank you how much is it 10 10 is this the VIP ticket huh is there a VIP ticket same same okay go to then you hire friend to okay thank you very much bye-bye all right so got my ticket for 10 daa which is 10 cents thank you very much sir okay just threw it on the ground so that cost me 10 cents that must be the cheapest Ferry on Earth what's going on here good morning why is the alarm going off what's [Music] happening where's the furry check it out guys this is the port of daaka a lot of fairies as you guys can see that go all over the country good morning where is uh chat food this one okay do I get on now hello CH chat CH okay I hope this is the right way all right this is the fairy man is this thing ancients morning morning morning good morning how are you is this going to chapur chapur yes okay you got family is over here normal class no cabin normal normal normal it's over here okay okay they didn't sell me a VIP ticket I I got the 10 cents ticket so we're going to sit over here can we grab a seat I kind of wanted a VIP cabin but didn't give it to me maybe it was full all right thank you so much people all right thank you right I caved in I got myself a single cabin single cabin VIP cabin just for myself so I even have a key so I can lock my bag up in there and I can actually roam around and see what's going on hello check it out I think this is my cabin look at that for $7 okay very nice nice thank you so much this is my key and my lock okay okay where's the light don't have light light h no light oh this is the light this is the light okay okay we have light okay okay all right I keep it off for now I'll put this over here on the bed I'm going to lock that up okay okay thank you thank you let's get the lights on right oh my goodness this bed is hot as hell yeah this was a better idea guys the upgrade was worth it so this is what a $7 VIP cabin looks like on a fery to chanur on the budy ganga River of Bangladesh even have ourselves a little fan here well not a little fan a massive fan I imagine in the summer this place gets cooking hot we have a mirror who's that slick guy over there as you guys can see all along the shores here all along the river banks fixing up all the boats so all the old fairies and container ships they just dock them on the river banks here to fix up here we go it's nice and secure so let's get some breakfast VIP cabin for a VIP man businessman as you can tell how are you man fine let to get some food downstairs right down yeah okay check it out it's leaving the hello why you go in front let's see leaving the city of Daka oh man this is the massive Spotlight so it can shine in the river at night time to look out for any Pirates let's get some breakfast I don't know what that's going to be like but we're going to soon find out check out this decoration the carvings the Engravings on the walls here very nice hello hello okay where does a white man get some tea and some breakfast around here let's see what is a VIP man get some tea and some breakfast rather there we go oh man smells from the river kind of yeah kill your appey anyway let's get some food hello let's skip the Bangladeshi KFC that looks like heck what do you have to eat what else do you have to eat chop yeah chop one one one what is this banana okay Pake slide slide we're going to get TFK this Bangladeshi KFC doesn't look too trustworthy need to do the eggs never those have been sitting outside for uh kind of dry you me too yeah oh man he just picking it up with his hands yeah right okay how much get that hey 15 okay 100 I [ย __ย ] hate it you f get any food here without them grabbing it with a B hands zero Hy okay thank you very much I can join you coming yeah okay hello right we made it to the captain's cockpit here check it out hello guys how are you we're going to eat our cake and our te we got the best viewers always VIP View for for a VIP man that's the VIP alarm there's very important people coming through you're the captain captain yes yes both of you or just him both captain captain or just Captain H just him Master second captain second captain and you the the first Captain okay first captain anyways this is where they sleep so going to sit over here and enjoy our try this cake on Earth what's L move way go out the way not VIP only I can enjoy the cabin you guys always tell me I got white privilege so you got to use it and that's what we doing making use of our white privilege as you guys can see the little boats bringing food and bananas the main Ferry here so we've left the capital of daaka and right now we're on the Magna River the widest in the whole country as you guys can see it's got a lot more clear now this is the point where the Brahma Putra and the Ganges from India meet they join up and they run through what is the largest River delta in the world the Bengal Delta and that is where they drain off into the sea hello I bet you there's one thing you guys didn't know about the Bengal Delta and that's that they have Pirates traveling here on little boats at night time is very risky they'll come and steal your stuff steal your boat it's very hard to finish a sentence here here in Bangladesh because people like to stay and gather around and ask you questions while you're filming but yeah hello so we got a couple more hours to go and then from there from chatur going to take a train it's a little bit of a detour and yeah yeah going to Cox's Bazar and I was told that I shouldn't be traveling around now is it's a unstable moment to be traveling because the country is uh yeah going through elections it's election time so there's a lot of violence going on I was warned that it could get dangerous for me they burned trains the other day you know a lot of protests and stuff like that so I've been told to be careful as you can see there are certain parts that are reserved for ladies women and children then others for the men that is Islamic culture that's the way they do it wom woman will sit upstairs for example or in the front and then men will sit in the back just like this as you can see let's go see what other snacks we can get here only if they have be nut wouldn't be a bad idea what is this see yeah nice enjoy yeah already had see let see what else we get hello what do you have this uh Coca-Cola One Coca-Cola oh where is he going okay thank you Bangladeshi goaa check it out Goa what do you have over here can I see oh my God it's a whole store ah what is this lii maybe we'll get that instead we'll get the lii and the Coca you getting this well this is dingi ding ding yeah this is D yeah good yeah this is good for yeah this is drink drinko Ley all right got little Ley pieces inside how how much and I'll have uh one of these Mr twist yeah yeah one yeah right how much is this oh he has a man selling more snacks let's go see what he has where the hell did he come from did he L on too huh yeah yes yes did he L on to the side of the ferry with a boat or something how did he get here or was he working on the boats oh he's selling salad hello Salam Alum what's his is this noodle can I have one noodle yeah one okay dishing it up with his hands all right with salad as well okay chili lime salt what is this oil or something vinegar oh my goodness these are little Maggie noodles or spices mix it up with the salad the cucumber onion we're going to put in a little paper now how we going to carry all of this check it out that's how he does it he puts it in a little paper now we have to figure out a way to carry all of this stuff put the Coca-Cola there how much how much how much 10 20 20 okay thank you very much 20 cent mystery salad mystery Maggie Noodle and onion and chili salad this is our spoon a piece of cardboard you guys can imagine a you know there's instant noodles instant Maggie noodles crushed up oh my god with the [ย __ย ] load of chili and onion and tomato that's what this is takes I'm getting used to but if you can get pause the fact that he scooping it up with his hands then it's quite enjoyable okay this video is sponsored by manscape now as you guys know I love doing ads for them because not only are they the best Men's Grooming company on the planet but they also allow me to make these ads however the hell I want and wherever the hell I want So today we're going to do an ad for the handy man now this product in particular is very good if you want to hit those 3day growth spots like under your neck for example so if you're a busy man a busy VIP man like myself and you're on the go and you're traveling around and you're happen to find yourself in a Bangladeshi fairy cabin this product is just for you you can clean that up just like [Music] this or maybe you're on your way to a date or you got a very important business meeting to attend to the handyman is perfect so if you guys want to look as sharp as I do which is hard but you can try you can head over click the link in the description which will take you right to their website and over there you can use the code Kurt Cas you can get 20% of all manscape products so thank you manscapes for sponsoring this video speaking of which let's have a snooze so if you guys ever wondered what a VIP toilet on a luxury cruise on a ferry in Bangladesh ever look like well here's your answer a hole in the ground over there is where you would squat over and do your business from there you have a jug with a tap can open up some water into there and you can wash your ass with that so I think we're uh I think we're approaching CH chur it's very foggy can barely see the Horizon got some babes on this F I'm not going to lie so is that a smaller one or the same size small one yeah all right we're going to get our shoes cleaned here it's okay just give it to him like this put the slip on are they a lot cleaner yeah yeah right start off by brushing it off for Yeezys the famous Yeezys get some water to clean the toothbrush it's a really a lot cleaner so this is how you clean your shoes on a VIP Ferry very convenient how much do I give him how much do I give him what how do you like these slides these slippers they good do they suit me no no no no no are they not very fashionable you said you're studying fashion so not good they're not going they're even not your size not my size damn it's okay I'll give it to you yeah thank you G Fine chubby what does he want 10 minute 10 minutes he's almost there he's asking the keys the keys yeah oh he's uh he wants to kick me out my room yeah okay you open boxes more huh boxes there boxes boxes fine yeah getting kicked out of our luxury cabbage that we have to pack up what boxes foros te te I don't want tea for you I don't understand what you want yeah turn the what is he asking for he's asking for some tips for what I don't know you're being cheeky yeah he first he kicks me out the room and then he askers me for tips I one with me I want a selfie too what do you say what do you have to say I said nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah and welcome banglades than and enjoy your like next journey to okay thank you very much Sabrine yeah nice to meet you oh like they just came Bo and sell their Stu yeah yeah so they're coming out they're going to latch on to this what are they selling they're selling the bread bread okay this is this is their everyday job their everyday job yeah look at that usually people like eat that but from the JY like this kind of yeah so latch onto the boat like that we just going to keep driving they come on board and they sell their goodies so check it out guys we have made it to chat food this is it hey you just climbed up huh are you getting bread you getting bread yeah yeah we're almost there oh we're almost there we need like to carry our bags oh he's coming to carry the bags how do you say what's your name again what's your name sa no how I remember your name but how do you say in in t yeah t how old is he how do you say how old are you huh wow congratulations carrying the bags over yeah video yeah want any hotel or some no I'm going to take the train straight to CH okay first you have to like in Auto take a auto auto yeah kind of r r showw and then to the train station and then from there to Chong do you know how many hours it is how like from here to Chong in the train how long 3 hours my mother saying she's inviting you to where to my home right now time now she's asking right now let me do it on my way back what do you say how long are you staying in chood for no I will like uh we can meet when like Rich talk sounds good okay we do it like that thank you so much thank you I don't have so much time can you tell her that I don't have so much time yeah it's fine it's fine she's all right okay bye-bye Saina bye-bye so we've made it to chat and now we need to go to Chong should I accept the offer out of the way wait no ticket tickets I already gave what ticket for what okay it's kind of out of the way I don't know if I should go with him or not but they said it's far from here but they invited me to home anyways you made it to CH boot huh no so our journey on the VIP Ferry has ended I got invited to Sabrina's home by her mom I should accept but I have no idea how the hell I'm going to get home how going to get to with me all right I'll come with you yeah okay we'll meet when I'll back like right you just have to you live in like the the countryside yeah uh Country Side you guys live in the countryside like you it's a Cityside it's almost in the village oh okay so it's like some hours yeah it's very far yeah wow check it out the port you'll take me okay all right thank you 100 okay thank you right wow it is madness shouting yeah all right let's go with him all right next time we'll meet up with s over here okay very lovely AO pull it an AO man I'm kind of in a days I got invited to a beautiful girls home and kind offer the kind of offer to carry on with our journey here they live very far away so it wouldn't make any sense I'll go out of my way a couple hours and then I'd have to find a hotel here it just be yeah wouldn't be ideal for me so we're going to carry on on our journey and we'll meet her the next time check it out man Madness okay he's saying that TR is left like and it next will be the next morning what and if you have to go you have to like go by oh my God the Train's left bus you can travel in bus by bus yeah and the next train is in the morning yeah yeah next morning okay you can buy bus the bus is good yeah all right do that see you bye [ย __ย ] trains left going to have to go by bus now [ย __ย ] me so apparently the Train's left so we're going to have to go by bus my God what a chaos and this is why you have to take and accept invitation sometimes so you don't miss out anyways whatever we didn't come here to RIS baddies we came here to see Bangladesh catch you next time so this is it this is the little town of chadwood extremely busy as you can see a lot of people just loitering as usual City based rights on the Bengal Delta this is how millions of people live I thought that was only in India but it's in Bangladesh as well Brandy if you guys look at the map of Bangladesh you will see that the whole country is basically just one massive River delta spread across everywhere along the river banks are these little towns and cities just like this one CH check it out that's what makes up the country of Bangladesh 170 million people one of the most populated densely populated countries on Earth Kaz Rises up a b wherever he goes whether it's in Morocco or Bangladesh he rises up a b my God impeccable all these other YouTubers cannot compete there is no competition please they're all at my feet at my Mercy are these the VIP buses hello of T sit down sit down where is he going where's our driver going in here no bus bus bus huh shuttle bus bus bus to Chong huh bus where bus where the bus buses does nobody speak English here someone who speaks English so I have to pay this driver 100 there some buses buses bus n nay what nay yes 100 yeah yeah what what ch 100 50 you want 50 more 20 more 20 more that's fine bus I want to take the bus I don't want to go with you guys trying to make business I want to take the bus yeah I'll go there I'll go see I know you guys are trying to fool me here so I can take your private coaches to Chon but we're going to take a bus right so we're at the bus who be careful looking for the bus to Chong how do we get there let's go see yeah let's see chong chong chong chong no Chong no CH huh and without okay how much have no idea what you're saying how much I sit down okay all right I have no idea if this madness nobody speaks English over here in ch anyways we're going to sit down at the back of the bus back of the bus crew for the Naughty Boys the RZ Lords hello you know huh how are you fine and you what's his name this is Kurt this is going to Chittagong why why are you coming from I'm going to Chittagong does this bus go to Chittagong to Kum chag uh to okay so there I can take a bus to Chong yes yes okay how much is it how much does it cost this bus uh 100 100 plus 100 plus oh do I pay you or him him oh you want to sit with me yes okay right so we're on our way to where are we on our way to what's the city uh city is B B B all right we're going to I have are you coming from uh South Africa South Africa yeah I have no nice to meet you I have no damn idea where we going apparently we're going to Chong My God is it it's a chaos is it pure confusion and misunderstanding Che out these guys transporting their cattle yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah Mar [Music] hurry man this bus drive is crazy holy [ย __ย ] why he's zooming around how much is it 100 100 something 150 30 okay thank you that cost me $1.70 there's our tickets I'll ticket to wherever the hell we're going got a traffic jam here as usual man what a journey this is turning out to be huh check out everybody hello the fruit Mark is vegetable markets people selling things so as you guys can see there's a lot of farming going on rice and vegetables being cultivated this is where a lot of the country's produce will come from right here in the River delta the lands are all fertile and perfect for doing so you're listening what's your name bro your name n n mam Mohammad nice to meet you very very nice people here in Bangladesh very very nice generally curious and hospitable good thank you bro bye-bye all right my God thank you driver hello we made it to Chong yes the second largest city in Bangladesh so first things first we need to get some food you know where I can get some food sorry yeah you can take me sorry are you a driver yeah I'm driver yeah you can take me to get some food uh some fruit uh what name some fruit food food frood name any you recommend what you recommend some local food any snacks or local food local food oh local yeah local right so nice Tok to so our gu is going to take us to go and get some food and then we're going to go look for a hotel man I fell asleep in the bus oh he's looking me up here like I'm in some type of prison you speak good English uh something yeah here my name sham and you what's your name sham Shamil yes Shamil my name is Kurt what is a local dish a local dishani H you can take me to go birani chicken bani chicken beef bani yes the best beef bani yes okay good one right the best one in Chong all right we going to go and get the best beef Biryani in over here all right made it all right okay so I'm going to stop off over here get some bani right yeah okay and I think my driver is going to accompany me hello Salam alikum yeah all right you want to eat no thanks please come eat with me all [Music] right thank you sir you want to eat something huh your hand yeah yeah wash my hands wash my hands right so I'm going to wash my hands good [Music] idea this the so yeah wait wait wa wait okay okay okay you're not hungry sorry you hungry no I'm not hungry so Chittagong or chat gram also used to be known as is lamud back in the days when the Muggle Empire used to rule over here it was a center for trade for silk muslin spice trade you want something to drink no thanks drink no thanks you sure okay all right one beer no no beeri South Africa in your country Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh que go yeah yeah I got Chong and then I got Cox's Bazar thanks yeah you know Cox's Bazar no no is that okay yes nice sir sir please ah here we go thank you all right so we got our here so let's have a look it's a very unique looking Biryani it's not like the Pakistani one so they have the yellow rice the beef bay leaves and an egg in the middle that's the first time I've seen that nice so good amount of protein in here very good let's give it a go thank you everybody's coming around to look so I'm starving just dig in and we got a spoon very unique rice I like it small grain rice wow flavor very different a little bit spicy full of flavor I don't even know what that is that's like any SE Peach as well almost broke my tooth on that it's very tasty thank you G right so we also got our chapati here or our Roti what's the name of this this called P Pata yeah yeah I know this love nice and warm flaky a blue EG hello boss te cell phone te black man yes yeah yeah yeah like this right we're going to enjoy this meal we're going to have a chat with these gentlemen over here and then we're going to go to a hotel so see you in a bed food was tops hopefully I don't get the shits off that 200 2002a 2002a you have change 200 200 now what's your name sham sh yeah right so now my friend Shamil and I are going to go and look for a hotel let's go look for a hotel you can open many thieves here in CH or right getting in the prison jail on Wheels so searching for a hotel yeah, or 800 or 700 something this one here which one for 800 which one all the hotel are same okay uh please uh Star Park you stay in Star Park yeah are you look this yeah we can look this right so we stopped up here what's the name of this area uh this area chuckb chuckb Chuck bajar right so we made it to Chuck bajar we have a hotel over here I'll wait for you he told me not to speak to anybody apparently they're going to rip me off or he's going to rip me off he's going to tell them to charge them more and he's going to collect a little bit money oh I don't know we'll see but apparently this hotel will cost me about 8 800 $800 to 1,000 Tako which is8 $10 please come yeah all right have you any information all right next one so they were full oh they didn't want me one of the two maybe it's going to be like Pakistan where they want sent me to stay in the cheap hotels where they just send me to the expensive ones this [Music] one four star is this a four star hotel doubt it I okay come for this area yeah one night why are you come from Bangladesh or any work no tourist tourist yeah yeah tourist this is the Wi-Fi free yes free okay hey give you need 19 fine all right this is our [Music] room it's an air freshener yeah an air fresh so okay bro yeah fine all good oh we got a view we have a view yeah nice City View double bed I need a wife must bring me one wife man how I can sleep here alone where's my wife sham some air freshener over here please okay here okay all right thank you bro thank you the keys are over there all right thank you g thank you all right bro thank you very much when you go back please inform me okay all right okay and you have any problem I tell you with me all right you okay your time finish uh 12. 12: p.m. 1200 a.m. Tom 12 a.m. all right bro okay okay let me pay you for showing me around thank you very much take it bro take it take it bro it's okay take it you showed me man thank you okay thank you so much thank you bro I'll write you tomorrow you can take me around again okay yes sir okay please call me perfect thank you bro okay man number have your phone yeah okay all good okay thank you bro good night it's okay good night thank you all right yeah TV okay let me enjoy the room now I'll I'll connect later later now I need to go toilet okay thank you see you good night all right got a room here for $8 Shamil was a honest and friendly man so I gave him a nice little tip he didn't want to accept but he was a cool guy an honest guy which I like he didn't want to overcharge me he didn't try any games with the hotel to my mosquitoes in here [ย __ย ] off to up the price of the hotel you know speak to them and then charge me more no those were the the fixed rates so check out our $8 hotel in chagang second largest city in Bangladesh wow I never thought I'd hear those words coming out of my mouth but we have a fan we have a flat screen TV we have a phone to call the Bubbies and we have our own bathroom which is essential it's not toilet paper you need money for the toilet paper how much how much money for the toilet paper yeah how much 10 10 fine yeah good more 15 14 4 4 okay so give me the 10 you take that all right so have to pay for toilet paper I think we got ripped off for toilet paper [Music] right what the actual [ย __ย ] are we doing here C [ย __ย ] mosquitoes everywhere my God siren's going [Music] off Jesus are we even going to get a good night's sleep here I don't think so he's [ย __ย ] mosquitoes my God I haven't even washed the sheets [ย __ย ] look at the states of this bed man there blood stains over there I don't even know what that is is that bed bugs no [ย __ย ] hell oh my God Jesus they call this a four-star hotel I think not what a lie the hotel's name was fourstar hotel but it's like a minus four star hotel I think that's what they meant they missed the minus okay thank you bro you're gift huh $20 gift $20 gift gift gift okay all right thank you good night good night do say Essentials [ย __ย ] mosquitoes gotcha gotcha [ย __ย ] got him so we are going to use the l oh they even provide sandals different ones as well different sizes as well we haven't got any hot water but that's the shower that's how you shower W in a bangali Bengali Hotel put that over here so we are finally after a long day we're going to go to sleep so for $8 we got ourselves this room flat screen TV a bar of soap a cold water shower two different slippers not bad that's the end of this video good night
Channel: Kurt Caz
Views: 1,031,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, foodvlogs, travel, travelvlogs, people, streetfood, villagevlog, ghettovlog, bangladesh, dhaka, chittagong, ferry, bangladesh vlog, kurt in bangladesh, bangladeshi women, bangladesh girls
Id: OCtrQEja2k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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