I went where NOBODY goes - the virgin rainforest of Borneo

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ever since I was a little kid I lived and breathed National Geographic I wanted to know what was in the deepest parts of the desert what the northern fjords looked like and I especially wanted to know more about the jungle yeah [Music] so we're about to begin a series of flights to basically like the tip of Borneo Borneo is actually massive I think it's like the fourth largest island in the world the three of us boys thank you it literally looks like we're flying over the Amazon rainforest right now with a giant zigzagging River cutting through and just tell you and it's gonna be good we made it Miranda man says to come with him I think my mom told me uh get in the car [Music] so I honestly have no idea what we're getting ourselves into and I don't know anything about this destination we've got a four hour drive just to get to the region of imbak Canyon a very very remote region that I've never even heard of and I honestly have no idea what to expect hey guys I'll do Nasi Biryani Biryani and does it have uh with I am I didn't realize how similar it is but Indonesian is basically the same language as Malaysia the small little bits I know do carry over which is nice yeah wow that looks really good yeah that was very good now this right here this is martabak it's basically like a Malaysian pancake but they also have it in Indonesia I ordered this one with pizza and Goreng so you can have it either sweet or savory a little banana a little bread and a lot of oil that's good I'm loving it it's so good for us to eat the most amazing meal 43 Malaysian dollars which is nine and a half bucks less than three and a half dollars a person [Music] good this is like the old days we have left the paved Road it's getting rough [Music] oh my God it's only a 10 meter drop that's nothing [Music] so we had to stop on Route because as we were driving down this beautiful little narrow road this right here popped up and it's basically like a yellow Lagoon you can see that there's like this Moss just floating above it kind of giving it this brownish Hue sunny excuse me sir sir where we're looking for Chili's swear to God if we don't find the chilies out here I'm gonna Sue [Music] but that's what this channel is all about right we're getting lost tattoo jamla geek yeah yeah one more hour like this I really hope we're going the right way [Music] kilometers away but we do have a side this right here might just be one of the most beautiful places on the planet foreign [Music] we made it that was seriously a wild wild journey and a wild day we've been traveling for about 14 hours from Kuala Lumpur or you can imagine I'm excited to be here and get this on our way in I saw like this strange looking short-legged deer species the coolest thing was I saw a massive massive dump my guess think it was an elephant so we'll see we are in jendarusa one yeah this place comes equipped with a fridge we got some furniture we got electricity that gets cut off at 11 p.m so we're charging all of our gear right now Max you want to give me a room tour yo what's up Lost TV Welcome to My Crib uh we got the brand new Panasonic AC we also got the matching Panasonic fan continuity yo golden drapes crazy view as you can see [Music] oh oh that feels good we're gonna go get some dinner now oh my God bro I've just been hit twice now by cicadas this big there they're just like buzzing around uncontrollably one was on my shoulder I went bam and it's like lit up this horrible noise anyways we've got an assortment of Malay food today so we've got some rice we've got some chicken some veggies I'm excited about it there's always in this one little area there's geckos cicadas right here there's a grasshopper clearly this place comes to life at night what's that did he just say subscribe oh yeah so uh good morning guys we are going to go and explore imbak Canyon today and we're actually headed to a waterfall inbox Canyon is made up of about 30 000 hectares of land it's a lot and it actually is a small little speck of Borneo this island is massive are you worried I'm gonna take your job with all my knowledge a little bit a little bit of this the others maybe they bring the fish they come very active I think in the gym so sorry has just told us that uh we're embarking on a six hour Journey today you gonna carry me oh yeah okay you look strong I trust you we're leaving the warmth the Embrace of our beautiful campsite here and we go into the depths what's on the other side of that bridge we don't know so guys we're starting our way right here we have to make our way all the way up here about a three hour hike depending on all of y'all's health and uh coming back well we just hope we make it back also can I just say that's a beautiful tree [Music] whoa and then direct this with the floor who did uh Sunday oh the sun bears yes something like maybe honey or maybe but just inside that's a claw Mark right there yes are the sun bears aggressive oh yes if they have a cups out they can be aggressive and look at this tree behind me this tree has a wingspan so this is really interesting this tree didn't always grow out so wide but what happens is as it matures grows up tall it needs to stabilize so what does it do it sends out like a crooked Limb and starts to build wide and so actually sorry was telling us if you're lost in the woods they would take like a big piece of wood and they would hit it and it acts as like a drum so others could hear where you are but in the winter but you use this as a cotton Bud yes look at this it needs a haircut [Music] if you're wondering what sari's level of credibility is I just found out he spent six months alone in the jungle through the Malaysian military he was basically just left he had to build shelter he had to feed himself which by the way what would you eat when you were in the jungle next rats wow what's this dude the Venom's only bad if they bite you if no I checked that um uh snacks if they're poisonous I'm not eating how do you trap a snake I use a string the string the snare from the trees I met them like a rocks and then and then it would just pull up oh yeah it would really even trigger yeah I feel very safe right now sorry I was saying the only thing he had was matches and a knife the rest he had to basically create in the jungle over those six months and he was fishing and reaching around for fish in the water and he didn't see a snake that was in the bush and it bit him in the hand and he said he was like very faint but it wasn't a venomous snake luckily crazy story I don't think I've ever met anyone that hardcore in that six months he didn't see a single person like I know this isn't the main part of the story but this is a crazy one [Music] saw something like moving order caught us dinner everybody can eat everybody guys I was about to push this Branch out of the way but get a load of this so there's like a sweet water that gets released from this plant and that's why all these ants are here [Music] that tree is huge oh my gosh as you guys might know I'm currently building my house in Bali and one of the trees that is basically protected at this point because it grows so slowly is this one right here this is the oolin tree actually my house is being made with the reclaimed wood of old ships and old docks that came from this tree originally to get to that size of a tree it's about a thousand years so as you can imagine every day it gets harder and harder to preserve these kinds of spaces there's more demand than ever before for lumber palm oil is a real big industry on the island of Borneo so it's really cool to see that Sabah has made an initiative to hold on to places like this imbach Canyon and the surrounding basins and another one of the big contributors to preserving this area is Petronas and so Patronus is an energy company and they invested around 20 million US dollars to make sure that there's funding for research here everything from studying the animals to the plants we still got a lot to see let's keep moving so that's what you would use to make a bow if you were to create a bow and arrow to go hunting and it's like from Avatar like the Tree of Life these things explode around in the scene I bet you it's inspired by a lot of existing Wildlife but uh how beautiful is that I don't see that every day this right here that's the big mama of the Ironwood trees called a Bellion so apparently belly and trees have these seeds that they drop that are basically shaped like a spearhead so they'll come crashing down on the ground so you don't want to be standing or sleeping around them because the more time you spend at the base of one the higher your chances are of getting basically impaled by a seed you're not worried about inviting you oh no I'm not worrying about this like when you were living in the jungle would you wake up with leeches all over you sometimes two or three as you can see this one you try to find my vein yes to suck my blood so very fast they already suck your blood just leave it do not take it off because if you release that maybe your wounds did not stop the bleeding they don't stop [Music] wow we're up top in a mountain right now and down below is a calm little stream this area is so pristine amazing lots of scales yeah this is one of the other side they catch the fish from the river and then they bring the fish here is incredible with that right there that's the entry point for a beehive and look at you can see one of the bees right there this is fascinating back to Avatar here it looks like a connection point to the tree oh they're all coming out you might be thinking Christian you have no fear and to that I say well the bees have no Stingers so we're fine [Music] thank you as a kid I used to play this game called Pokemon Snap these animals that are only giving you two seconds to get the shot and I'm literally feeling the same way again so far we've had a couple get away yesterday with the deer today there was this colorful Bird That Got Away definitely it's making me work but I just got a few shots of this green butterfly which is actually a protected species it's on the red endangered list and it's right there beautifully soaring around so get this when you see a suspension bridge yeah it's pretty but you probably don't appreciate how much work went into building it sorry was saying that it took about four years to build this so you're looking at two oolin trees Ironwood trees that were actually cut placed here as the foundation supports you've got a steel cable that's about 300 400 meters long it took 30 men just to pull the steel cable through that Forest we just walked up and down hills and mountains it's absolutely crazy it must have a very special meaning to you seeing this all finished yeah I'm really happy and proud to make this a bridge for visitors we've made it this is the beautiful end destination for today's hike [Music] sharing memories with friends sometimes even new friends like Marty I just found him on my foot he was probably this big at the start now he's ready to go into hibernation for a little bit that's a big one bye Marty thank you we're just saying the way this waterfall is structured it's like so perfect it almost looks like something you'd see in a mall but it's uh just Borneo doing its thing here this waterfall in fact this entire area was only discovered in the year 2000. that gives you a bit of a perspective as to how remote this region is until the last couple of decades there's been virtually no one here [Music] is there anything that will bite me no bad animals any man eating [Music] wise guy so I was gonna go for a swim and then sorry told me he's like first of all you're not allowed to swim in this particular spot I guess it's protected he's like secondly with this you might just attract a tiger fish you might just attract a catfish which can bite or Worse an eel so I'm gonna take his advice I'm probably not gonna go chasing this waterfall and I'll uh stay on the land for this one at least okay there we go I'll take this over the hike all right let's do it [Music] so I've been working out six days a week for the last six weeks and oh my gosh today marks the spot five days away from the 30th birthday my goal was to get in real good shape before that happened I would have spent the last week hardcore really focused in the gym but the reality is that's the lifestyle you gotta try to find ways to adapt on the road I just flew here to Borneo missed yesterday today I gotta do a little something I gotta get moving at least so we're headed back out and right behind me is probably one of the most beautiful trees I've ever seen all around me is this incredible sound I'm just gonna be quiet so you can hear it the sounds of the rainforest are just remarkable [Music] is it being aggressive he thinks you're a challenger yes [Music] lyanna climber and like something out of a movie it's a massive massive route that spirals be careful if you've done this it's similar like a plastic explode explodes something so it's hard and sap oh yeah smell it mmm oh my gosh it smells good yeah Indian peoples they love really love this oh wow it smells very good it's like an oil spill yeah but it smells so good it's worth it yeah [Music] so right now I am in full jungle mode I haven't changed since getting here I'm covered in dust I haven't showered today but I can tell you what I'm going for a dip here this body of water apparently is okay to swim in so time to take my little shower so many fish [Music] it's almost the end of day one most people are probably getting ready for bed but not us we are going into that jungle to try and figure out what animals and what creepy crawlies come to life in the evening so let's go check it out you're just making it worse I can't see anything so this is when Borneo gets real we're gonna see who makes it back I think for sure Justin I'm sorry but you're gonna bite the dust you're gonna be the character that say goodbye to everyone but this is here when the one character that hasn't had a lot of air time but it's just there to be the Cinematic death no I'm not good Justin am I dying uh you die later in the video oh gotcha yeah like at the end yeah the climax yeah yeah foreign [Music] [Music] sorry you're the chosen one oh yeah I'm oh you know what sometimes you just gotta let him fly away they're too bright to keep in a cage am I right so anyways played a little hide and go seek today with the animals and they won so we're not giving up yet we should suck now this is sorry let's go oh yeah yeah oh yeah wait I see you when I see one I see one there it is there it is wow what a treat now here's the thing you've seen the elephants there was no Spirit bears but we did find a pigeon feather but hey that's why we're here for two days this is our day to get it right and let me just tell you I'm glad we didn't give up it paid off my God finally we're in Hot Pursuit right now come on guys almost there there he is there he is [Music] an albino orangutan I can leave happily now he's off to graze on wild chicken nuggets here in the forest and uh I'm just grateful to have had that moment not every day you get to see one of those is it sorry wow look at that thing Guys these are fly traps so flies will go inside and they won't come out it'll basically be so slippery that they get stuck and the plant literally eats them how metal is that nature you crazy beautiful so a big reason that this facility exists in the first place is research and right behind me here is a portion of the lab where they're basically studying all of the plants the different Roots basically everything that you can find in the jungle is dried and here and it's all being studied so now we're actually gonna go meet with some of the scientists that spend their days out here in the jungles Max is not joining me on this one whoa this is Dr Yap and she is a specialist in the area she is focused on forestry and all of the Flora and Fauna that make this geographic location so unique and so I want to give you an understanding of just how large this area is this is what am I looking at right here you are looking at a 3D model and this is the human [Music] we are now at the red orange yeah Canyon study center okay icsc yeah so with that orange marker in mind I want to show you how far we went on our hike like this was like a proper hiking day this is inba Canyon we walked from here to there that little inbox Falls now this doesn't demonstrate Borneo because this is only a small piece of this massive Island so here we are the final moments in imbot Canyon up on top of a hill watching the most amazing Sunset over this virgin rainforest and all I can think of is today I got to experience a childhood dream a place where almost nobody has ever been and one other thing I haven't even told you is that we're actually among the first tourists here you see this has always been a research facility so to have this opportunity it's an honor to be among the first to come and experience it and to see what Petronas has been doing here for the community so that's where my journey ends Let's Get Lost again in the next one foreign
Channel: Lost LeBlanc
Views: 438,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borneo travel, borneo travel vlog, travel borneo, borneo malaysia, imbak canyon, sabah malaysia, malaysia travel vlog, malaysia travel, malaysian rainforest, travel malaysia, amazon rainforest, rainforest video, travel to the amazon rainforest, rainforest adventure, how to travel borneo, borneo travel documentary, borneo travel 2023, travelling borneo, how to travel borneo 2023, borneo 2023, sabah malaysia tour, sabah malaysia documentary, sabah jungle trekking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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