First Time Watching Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

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what's up Billy we're here and if you missed our last episode 6 reaction um we we we broke the we broke it so there is no uh we in that you that down the stairs bro yeah though he forced it down it's my first time watching this and I'm hyped cuz those last three were awesome and I don't know I'm excited to kind of see like I don't know what I'm expecting so yeah how do you think that they're continuing the story to create another Saga so I know it's a prequel okay and I I know I know that these are I'm not going to say not as beloved as the original but but I know that it's divisive I know that people love this but then I know there's also people that hate it I will say like there are still people that hate it but like over time like we see with so many is diminished and like a true love and appreciation has your yeah these are the ones don't get me wrong I like like five five is great right five was sick five five is probably like like up there but like I lik it yeah this series these are the ones we grew up with this was your this series oh dude this yeah I mean I I remember like the era where like these were coming out didn't see them in the theaters but like they'd be in Taco Bell toys and like all kinds of Rand like I remember that like weird out it did like a a song and stuff exactly like this series Is My Jam all right let's dive in s subscribe Billy if you want more of this you know what to do and hopefully you better use your saer and press the Subscribe button do it Billy God get hit or get hurt I should say oh yeah we have himit yo let him get his piece okay he speaks the truth he does all right uh get ready by the way yeah I know I know the deal I'm ready oh wow got a got a dog [ __ ] It episode one The Phantom Menace I do want to start off somebody in the comments was uh has have they all seen this and then immediately when you didn't realize that you would have to read it everybody's like oh no he is n hey man I said I know the memes and that's about the extent of it turmoil has engulfed the galactic Republic the taxation of trade routes to outlying Star systems is in dispute hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo nabo Bo while the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events the Supreme Chancellor is secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights okay the Guardians of peace and Justice in the galaxy to settle the conflict oh sick all right so so in the first Trilogy the the the Jedi were pretty much like peace out like they're a myth but here like they sending these out yeah yeah that's fair hell yeah all right yo I mean I'm down for the premise sounds awesome NAU God it looks so good when did these come out yes this '90s right or 20 20009 for this 2000 with all due respect the Ambassador yeah all these have probably been remastered a bajillion times as Wellhead is perfectly legal is it God I will always love the designs that's the one thing I've always liked like I've never bought Star Wars merch cuz I was like I don't feel like a fake fan if I got mer I never seen it but like dude sick after we were watching the first Trilogy I'm not even going to lie I was like kind of debating I'm like yo I kind of want to get atten I love Star Wars dude I still like Star Trek more but I mean it's you know you can love both I'm sorry go ahead I've interrupted you so many times today I'm Sorry's wrong with you pie it's all right dude I was just tell him you know you got the red one yeah I'm the villain manages at least got to at least watch the Star Wars before he gets the tattoo yeah bro yeah right sorry what did you say never mind it's okay no please I swear I'm gonna put it down go continue I was just saying that uh don't don't don't get a tattoo before you know the I want to see the rest otherwise you could end up with a really really bad tattoo no no no no no no I'm I'm waiting until we get through more of this I just like I was thinking about it for the first one cuz I was like bro there's so much s like I will say apparently from fans for the most part like a lot of the actors that were kind of chastised for their roles in this have like been pretty redeemed over like the last handful of years so you want you want to know what I'm thinking for tattoo go full chest right Darth Vader genocide uh I mean I guess if you want to take the safe route like yeah exactly you go either way what you mean by good question make yourselves comfortable my master will be with you [Laughter] shortly I have a bad feeling about this something elsewhere okay so they're both Jedi I'm guessing at Le Jedi got dispatched oh wait wait wait wait wait what I think that's what it said right no not that oh don't Center on your anxieties hope okay yeah he a little lad he young he young crap be mindful of the living force young pan Yes master okay so then who the hell are you they here to force eyes distract them I will contact lus that's an name bra de I'm not going in there with two Jedi send a Droid damn the Droid hatred continues sir we Landing our troops my Lord is that legal I will he said ask and the Jedi that's a wild statement kill them okay he's like uh Captain look oh what yeah dude here go kaboy bro uh-oh yo they gassing it okay never mind false [Music] alarm check it out Corporal we'll cover you Roger Roger cool so that's so sick people people don't understand how hard it is to do this without looking oh bro they are get yes sir oh bro he said f will not survive this y they're already like bro we're we're boned oh what the hell doing work I think this is what I expected from the first Trilogy remember I was saying there was less lightsaber battles than I expected I think this is kind of what I thought they were going to be like non-stop God I love these Droid designs damn so we were in the future but they stopped using Droid people they are still coming through this is impossible he's like we're so dead bro destroy what bro these designs are awesome yes they are shield they've G up the ventilation like bro what that is wild yeah no we got to order better lights like these things are are not cutting it you were right about one thing Master the negotiations were short a transmission from planet is Queen herself pretty sure somebody in my family had a cup her on it dude so many people for Halloween dress Federation has gone too far this time okay we would never do anything without the approval of the Senate of course not we must move quickly to disrupt all Communications he said ain't going well dude dude but we're in too far I have assurances from the chancellor his ambassador's did negotiate Senator palatin we must continue to rely on negotiation haut is wild this is a dangerous situation was a dude in the last movie right Federation Army I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war just keep just keep cycling through who Palatine was was it I just want to confirm cuz I can't tell if I'm mixing up the name of the V the the villain guy from the first movie or if I am like thinking of just a name that I've heard cuz I've heard Palpatine around yeah that's him right all right cool cool cool I just want to make sure I wasn't mixing it up maybe grandson or grandfather Yeah could be oh yeah I guess it's Palatine his last name okay I mean he also is old as like I mean it might be him well I guess I guess you as would know dude this is awesome mhm mhm like the world the Droid stuff like dude this is so dope They Came Out Swinging yeah the music always feels freaking heavy like why these Droid they seem like they're using them so much but they're not in the first set like what happened oh I think I know this guy he's J Jar Jar Binks right yeah yeah see I know people I think he was on a Taco Bell cup too you're probably right of course they were on everything I I need to confirm you can you can check it real quick is there just just look up Taco Bell Star Wars cups I'm like 99% sure I have like these weird memories of these characters on cups cuz my grandmother like I'm not surprised cuz back then this was everywhere like my grandmother was all about like any even if she didn't watch the movies dude like if a fast food place had a limited edition cup or a plate I won't show you cuz there are some characters they haven't revealed yet but they were like were cups but then they were they were like mostly like Toppers oh uh hang on let me wait maybe I'm thinking 7-Eleven it might slurp like no that is not what I had in mind okay that is awesome though that actually is kind I think I might I might be thinking 7-Eleven they're like 12 bucks we should buy these we should no I had an idea and we'll talk about it after this movie no on no on some real I think that we should literally just order like all of these different like fast food related like Star Wars things and just like review them and check them out I feel like that'd be sick okay light that we know these ones are not that dur M oh but it is is demanded by the gods it is [Music] okay I was not expecting that scream dude what's this a local let's get out of here before show up is a hidden city can you take us there uh on second DOD no not really not damn all right I can't get over my man's [Music] haircut yeah I like this dude so you probably still too young for a lot of like the chatter about this people hated him yeah back jar jar yeah they hated Char I loved him he's great hated him you got to appreciate him huh takes a certain kind of person I like him this is crazy I love it like dude I like that they're just fleshing out the world like yo here's here's Atlantis dude you space was sick here's more yeah here's a giant Underwater World so good being home dude they they see that look at everybody wled away it's like no no thank you N Them hum we're good we don't them cuz I'm assuming they don't know their Jedi just by looking at them but maybe you know I honestly don't know that's a good question you big dooo at this time oh I thought okay he's a big doooo this time oh you want a wi wi yeah you'd have a wi oh the council it's always five the Gora say doing a Richard Nixon impression we could use a transport give uned wayo the plan at core uh excuse me yeah dude Master what's the Bongo a transport I hope a sick drum any help here would be H he owes me what you call a life dead your God's demand that his life belongs to mina oh he's like yeah bro get me out of here I'm down he's like damn it I wanted to hit this dude wow the Jiggles it happens man me added this one better dead here than dead in De no one slow that down and play Careless Whisper underneath is saying this is yeah I'd be a little nervous about going to the core I'm not going to lie yeah that's sounds like a death trip dude that's so sick I want one now you see like all this kind of stuff like I forgotten bro it's like I remember the big story beats but like this in between stuff yeah it feels Nob same I love it cuz I don't remember any of this you will banish because you are clumsy ni too cuz it probably makes it easier for you guys to not cuz I'm sure there's some can't say cuz it'll spoil me or whatever holy crap okay that's how big old CRA C fish fish crab uh yeah what is that you'd say boom to gaser then crash into bus hay D banished and eaten by giant fish oh what that tongue do oh bro we got that tongue goober fish go big goober fish damn bigger goober fish oh there's always a bigger fish it literally finally got its meal and just dude oh that won nah Broly Misa hit the gas I don't want to go play that's score anymore ay Billy you guys can't do anything right 2024 is shaping up to be our biggest and most insane year ever for sort of stupid can you tell we bought an office we moved across the country I'm just here to fill a quota we also launched a gaming channel called sort of stupid games oh oh what do I do what do I do what do I do and we're giving away $10,000 every month what yep no we're not maybe we aren't giving away 10 grand but what about we kiss you I'm going to do that one for free Early Access your parents love Batman can't have it you can't either and full uncut videos just ride over to sort of stupid. net where you can catch everything before it's here on YouTube whether you're a patreon member or a YouTube member you can get up a 2 months Early Access everything's going to be fine Billy come join us at sort of stupid. net excellent invasion is on schedule my Lord I have the Senate B down in procedures I love how mysterious they here yes my Lord mayy tro you didn't tell him about the missing Jedi no need until we have something to report all he's like you guys didn't hang up yet I heard that monsters out there leaking in here when taking inou we need a cardboard cut out of him no no Misa thinks we get the out of here yo that's some big old teeth dude this is so dope relax you over did it oh he fainted he's back no that's a different one damn dude that thing is eating today ohy dude his eyes that'd be pretty worried a little bit their addess is freaking awesome yo so uh I will say I can definitely tell the I'm going to assume the budget for this was way higher than the the first are you lowkey understanding why people may not like droids uh yeah yeah yeah I mean it makes sense I Like It Is Wild it feels very different because it's clear they're using a lot more like effects and everything like that and I guess I can understand why people maybe don't like that but like I it doesn't bother me like I don't know why but I'm talking about the people Yeah he talking about the the Droid hatred oh yeah no no no like you understand why people hate the droids now is yeah you know they were more or less used as an armed Force yeah that makes sense these ones seem more like I don't know mil militarized is the the term in comparison to like like the R2D2 and everything where like it almost feels like they dumbed the droids down they're like we can keep them but we're going to dumb them down a little bit cuz I don't think there was a single one of these types of droids in the first three well right yeah I don't think there was I don't remember I don't think I've ever seen them in the other ones God this makes me want to go to Italy for real make a plan to go to Star Wars world we could get real lightsabers then honestly true bro her wardrobe is wild Commander yes sir they've like refer to the the droids as like commander and everything so like not only are the droids are like yeah so they're like in charge dude they are everywhere yeah what's we're not that far off from this dude we can buy a a robot dog with a flamethrower on it and it's legal cuz we're in Texas that's just one we can literally buy that $10,000 flamethrower dog oh sh oh you charge damn yes sir oh he just forced pushed him away dude made it look easy we should leave the street your hands dude that was CRA like just jumped down slaughtered them all was like all right pick it up your negotiations seem to have failed Ambassador and no there are too many of them won't be a problem he said not for us they will kill you if you stay they wouldn't dare are you all right bro believe whatever you want to believe we are brave your highness if you are to leave your highness it must be now then I will plead our case to the C I would trust them with my life they came down and saved us from those not yep whatever you say also so obviously Obi-Wan have they said his name other than just referring to him as Master yet or no I don't think so I don't think so but he yeah in in in due time yeah in time Dam bro not I there has been more lightsaber battles in in this first chunk of this movie than there was in the last three yeah this is insane violence this is how you sell Star Wars to children show them light and me I mean I'm I'm not I'm not going to pretend I a this like this has been [Music] awesome it be like that though I will say though noan solo is upsetting now stay here and keep out of trouble you got a dog hello hey I know it's probably not the same one but I love you no it's not the main character there's theie doie that's not good Shield generator's been hit R2 doing work baby dude okay that's why they're bu like that R2 is like [Music] holy yeah my man knows what he's doing why he's the main character he's uh cool now I don't get shot off this thing right you see we not enough power to get us to coron the hyperdrive is leaking you have to land somewhere to refuel and repair Master T it's controlled by the T was Luke's house right no different than if on the system the looking for it's called by it's not helping is I'm like I'm trying to like get questions to like alleviate things that like have been revealed but I'm trying to like not ask questions no ask bro well no because see if I ask a certain question your response or lack of response may you know I mean I feel you I feel so I'm like I'm trying to stick to just that but if anything it's more just questions of my own head anyways I want that treat is signed it's out of our come on bro choke his ass not for a Sith yeah watch what up more oh dude he is menacing he was definitely on a cop too this is getting out of hand he was for sure on a now there are two of them we should not have made this bug in N y' oh dude this Deal's getting worse all the time r two D2 so so he is so he's the original yeah oh yes bro the main character's back baby who are you sir I'm pad minks how' you end up here with us no getting very very scared AR dud that is so sick what's weird is like the ships almost like they look cleaner yeah like it almost looks like there was like a technological like dip between this and the first trilogy like something Happ don't let them send any Transmissions I know that might just be like the CGI or whatever but doing murder to miss skin wait wait waiting her highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you no more commands from myness today Captain damn the queen wishes it she's curious about the planet n yall up to something not trust him nah I don't trust anybody in this goddamn Universe dude yeah I love it like in the background is like all the different types of aliens from like the first movie or first three it do be like that need to steeping dooo try one of the smaller you find what you need don't touch anything [Music] how do people hate him I don't get it are you an angel they live on the moons of Diego I think you're funny little boy I'm a pilot you know and someday I'm going to fly away from this place I'm a pilot you know all my life all six years my mom and I were sold to Gard the Hut oh you're a slave I'm a person and my name is Anakin oh understand this is a [Music] okay right he said don't touch anything that's all you had to do damn so we get we go Lord deep here boys knows how many years is this supposed to be the original movies uh I'm not entirely sure cuz I don't I don't think it's said it or anything like I think that might be a little bit of a spoiler is it all right that's fine I'll trust you it's better to not spoil yeah credits will do fine what you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand around oh it didn't work I'm too greedy for that work we're leaving charar charar is struggling I'm glad to have met you Anakin I was glad to meet you too bro bro oh brother yeah oh this ain't good yeah my man creating the drama okay so he really is a pilot thanks my young friend bro that dude sitting next to him drugged the out bro he was just like he's like bro ain't us to do here what you talking about here thank you oh my bones are aching oh he saw that come on I'll take you to my place Mom Mom I'm home I'm Qui gone June qu gone kind enough to offer a shelter come on I'll show you three PE damn yo imagine like your kid just becomes home he's like hey I brought a robot a teenager or I don't know she's maybe not a teenager girl an old man and a is he building like the CPO where is everybody bro what the I am dude this is nuts he's perfect I'm building a Pod racer I'm building a pod rer love it for damn so they have known each other for a long time my parts are showing my goodness I see your Bits dog so uh during this little in between uh seems like a sweet kid playing Anakin right he was bullied so so mercilessly for this part that this is the only thing he ever acted in and is still dealing with mental health issues yep he he just came back like what like last year something yeah he was like diagnosed with schizophrenia and stuff he just came back in the LEL like because people were just mad that he played they were just brutalist to this kid they they weren't they weren't happy about that dude we've talked about it like before but it very much like nothing has really changed like at all it's just now everybody has access to the internet this was like this was like the first one that really like the internet was a thing when it came out and so it was able to it was one of the first places people were able to put their opinions and he unfortunately he caught the brunt of it that sucks man do he look he looks super young here too oh no he was incredible send no Transmissions of any kind they're going to send a transmission it sounds like bait to establish a connection tra nah it's a trap I don't believe it it's a trap oh here we go baby Gotham yeah literally that's I was thinking we're in Gotham now you have been well well trained my young there will be no match for you we had some blue milk right blue milk any attempt to escape and they blow you up boom oh that one actually might be water I think it's water you're a Jedi Knight aren't you I saw your laser sword perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him no one can kill a Jedi I had a dream I was a Jedi I came back here and freed all the slaves have you come to free us I think you have why else would you be here m m b raising greed can be a powerful Ally you could make him think it was yours and get him to let me pilot it for you Anakin your mother's right is there anyone friendly to The Republic who can help us no so you in the wrong town buddy yeah everyone hates you mhm mom you say the biggest problem in this universe is nobody helps each other damn damn bro he hit her with that he was meant to help you he's like really [Music] I don't know how I'd feel about having a child like do pod racing for me like that though like n bro if it's a very dangerous sport and like you're having that conversation between a mom and her son which is like that's all who was in the household I'd feel horrible if like he died during that oh dude you know like and you're like all right bye we're leaving the planet have a nice day right like oh I could not imagine my ship will be the ENT Fe oh not bad if it's going to be 50/50 I suggest you front the cash for the entry yeah if we win you keep all the winnings minus the costs of the parts I need if we lose you keep my ship as a hell of a gamble on like however old that kid is he's like damn it deal greed is a powerful Ally mhm what if this plan fails Master there's something about this boy yeah he knows he can just feel it the force is unusually strong with him that much is clear who is his father there was no father what I carried him I gave birth I raised him oh okay I can't explain what happened I'm I'm not misunderstanding her right she's just saying like I don't know how the [ __ ] I got pregnant Anakin is Jesus okay oh all right I'm in in the boont race tomorrow what keep racing Annie you're going to be bug Squad go yourself nerd damn dude like [ __ ] if your hand gets got in the beam it's going to go numb for hour oh oh my God bro um oh no oh no find that jar creature to be a little odd a telling me bro idiot dude dumb ass bro better held together than a boing it's working [Music] what are you doing checking your blood for infections I need an analysis of this Blood symol I'm sing I need a medoran count the reading is off the chart over 20,000 Master Yoda doesn't have aoran count that high oh oh oh she heard that dude I am [ __ ] with this movie man like I I like I love how much they're fleshing out the world and like murans are something else like a lot of people have had beef with I mean this is written by the original guy right like it's not like they just handed it off to a random yeah like group of people yeah I have a greater faith in the is it credit to your race damn he really hit him with he's one of the good ones he's just sitting inside a trophy he always wins yeah you got to see some things hockey players do with the Stanley Cup I'll wager my new racing pod against say the boy and his mother your pod is worth two slaves not by a long shot the boy then it's a damn it well it's the boy red his mother oh he said that's some BO you but you won win the R so it to make a little difference damn he got mad about that okay he's a little perturbed yeah he doesn't want to lose sakin space travel sounds rather pilous yo it's wild bro you have no idea they will never get me onto one of those okay we'll see about that my name famous last words you've never won a race well not exactly he's like I'm D she's like holy she looks so familiar who is she Bley Portman that makes so much sense [Music] okay abely right two heads for the price of one you know what I mean one body got your play byplay guy and color commentary he looks like the light bulb from Gumball yeah my man's like shaped like a A Bird Without the feathers like those really skinny legs young Anakin Skywalker a local boy a feel like the Olympics dude for real you son of a [ __ ] he said oh damn that's probably supposed to be there just screwy doot SLO y do bro imagine thinking you're op as a child May the foce be with you he said the thing he he did say the thing he said the thing wait what oh [ __ ] Mar said it was controlled by the Huts they had a different name so I didn't expect it so he was in a bit of a different position than he all what the happened to him cuz he seems to be like a high ranking dude here I he was in the original it seemed like on a smaller scale than this though right am I am I bugging dude he's on a Backwater planet right now no true I don't know I guess this looks big like they have a big audience so maybe that's why you Jedi are far too Reckless the queen is not to my judgment young handmaid you should too damn you assume too much that is crazy looking look how big those things are that's insane massive pod racing time for pod racing oh damn wow okay oh no was that no way a second ago I mean I knew he sabotaged him but I did not yeah that's him bro what the oh my God yeah what bro there is Willow we're soble water yo my man just beating it oh well he figured it out okay R bro this is like crazy looking bro he just try oh oh yeah oh yeah bro he just trying to kill everybody you see I can't lose if I'm the only one racing bro he is flying past everybody sometimes you got to go fast dude this is so sick [Laughter] dude the sounds are so like It's oddly soothing but intense mhm oh why was he looking behind dummy where were you looking man hella Dad please tell me there's like a dope pod racing game wait what yeah bro they're scared easily but we'll be back in Greater number yeah minut dude he is still yeah my man toast oh there goes power what that's Hank his area Z he said fix this piece ah bro they're like minions I still need to watch that but yes we do they have that energy oh Lord he coming it's C they got to do three rounds and like three people have died in the first one bro hitting with the Red Shell bro is there a pot racing game there's got to be right like I I can't imagine there's not I think who knows if it's good or not but like I it's got to exist Star Wars Episode One racer a 1999 racing video game oh what my man said oopsie my bad [Laughter] oh that's not good Skywalker spinning out of control now he'll get it back he'll get it back he's all good he's all good oh yeah we're going to see a child die brother what yeah dude bro he's smart man oh my God and we're back why you don't panic bro why you don't he's just so calm throughout it two he just like all right pull out my poke stick speak softly and carry a big uh magnet bro these every time you like forget about them and then they come back oh I like these people are dying and they're just like Shucks oh darn Le byw yeah dude sabba your run is over brother Saba's going to win dude think about it like where would they go with the story line we still have so much left in the movie and this and that like damn he's said yo Taking It Off Road Skywalk has been forced on of the service R oh no uh-oh n I've played enough racing games this is a shortcut y oh my God yeah yo yeah baby oh yeah brother yo my man giving a thumbs down well we got to think the amount of people that are probably betting on sabala right oh yeah I mean he usually dominates easy money oh I don't like that oh oh oh the piece R roll oh smoking uh-oh oh that is not good that's not good all those dials seem bad okay God damn yeah brother dude he's just got the whole ass yeah brother came prepared dude yeah Jedi Jesus like he's got game all right back [Music] on oh let's go baby go baby dude it's crazy how much bigger his his thing is in comparison yeah that's just compensation I mean true true he just feels like he needs a big one it's not the size of the Pod racer it's how you fly it that little human being is out of [Laughter] [Music] his [Music] oh uh-oh [Music] uhoh damn get bro I like to think that's translated right M I didn't oh my God bro yeah you recognize the dude yeah yeah he's like right there with him y my man having to pay out mhm s me I lost everything that sucks for you maybe you gamble my friend eventually you lose dude the important thing is when you gamble just keep betting double the next time and you'll just get it all back you can't have him it was wasn't the B oh hell no bro would you like to discuss it with the Huts I'm sure they can settle us damn I think it goes to show how powerful the Huts were as well right where it's like okay if you make a betat you honor that bet you know I we saw how he was with like Han in the original trilogy right like you know you made a promise to pay this money back now you're Furniture yep God this things so weird looking mhm has been freed what no longer a slave you are though so that's sad damn now you can make your God that is so sad yeah you're free oh does he even want to be like training to become a Jedi is not an easy challenge can I go mom this path has been placed before you the choice is yours alone damn good Mom I mean I know like the life here he's slave what are the choices there but mhm what about Mom there it is so sad I I was like kind of like hoping they weren't even going to address it you're coming with us aren't you damn I don't want things to change can't stop the change any more than you can stop the Suns from setting true I can't even imagine cuz you'd have to like keep that straight face but dude the second they leave she's going to be disaster I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish you 3PO give you coverings And all I'll make sure Mom doesn't sell you or anything yo my Miss peace oh my God he's totally getting sold bro damn I thought he was going to bring him with him dude that is wild oh guys you never see you again what does your hard to tell you I hope so yes then we will'll see each other again I will come back and free you Mom I promise now be brave and don't look back [Music] I was like not prepared for like this level of emotion God I want to see you in action this crazy patience so I will say now that we're getting ready to you know probably head off this rock mhm so you know who Anakin is obviously episode one has one of my favorite movie posters of all time and it's so simple yeah yeah oh that is crazy yeah dude it's so good yeah Anakin with the Darth Shadow like on the building behind him I always love that oh oh oh bro what the oh my god dude I was [Music] not they came out literally Swinging with this yeah they did dude take off take off fly oh they're going to come and snap snatch him up yep bro that is wild he said sh Anakin Skywalker meet Obi-Wan Kenobi you're a Jedi too pleased to meet you this is why this is Tripp me out is it now hey help me I'm going to kill you in the future my God damn dude this Invasion will gain you nothing tuck him away man my man in for a penny in for a pound at this point the death to is catastrophic you must contact me don't don't do it don't do it don't do it she said well don't do it got to tell the queen you all right I feel like Jar Jar's feet just aren't made for swimming no they aren't which is weird cuz he's an aquatic from a warm Planet Annie oh yeah I guess you aren desert planet now you're in space you seem sad Queen is worried her people are suffering dying she must convince the Senate to intervene I'm not sure what'll happen like girl I'm a kid we don't get to talk about politics so you'd remember me he carved it out of a por snippet it's beautiful but I don't need this to remember you bro how this little kid just become Darth Vader like but my caring for you will remain I care for you too only my I miss your mother bro got friend onone too hard real friend zone right there yeah Kuran the entire planet is one big city there's Chancellor that's wild and look over there Senator Palpatine is waiting for us he said that's great oh Senator Palpatine he's just waiting for us just chilling there's part of me where it's like bro they trust the technology to keep that in the sky way too much right yeah there is a question of procedure the dude walking over her he's supposed to be Palpatine correct so what compc the dude who was walking away he's supposed to be Palpatine M Senator Palpatine he kind of looks like him weirdly enough like if he isn't all decrepit so this is the beginning huh nice pry damn you ever seen Fifth Element uh a long time ago I think I think I I don't know it was like on a TV in a background at like somebody's place we need to watch it I'm down I haven't like sat down and watched it but it's been like my favorite movies yeah just all these like flying cars just remind me of it our best choice stronger Supreme Chancellor call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor VOR he's been our strongest supporter the choice would be to accept Federation control for the time being that something I cannot do I mean just helping yeah mhm he was trained in the Jedi arms the Sith Lord impossible oh Yoda the Sith have been extinct for a millennial do not believe the Sith could the dud what hard to see the dark side dude mace wind dude of the highest concentration of medoran I have seen in life form it is possible he was conceived by the medoran oh you refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force you believe it's this boy finding him was the will of the force I have no doubt of that damn bring him before us then I mean I get it like bro like I tested his blood bro like this is not I will say like the the Jedi to me a lot of times just kind of come off as like I know they're careful but kind of snoody a little bit yeah kind of kind of up their own ass I'm sorry Annie but Pat is not here right now I may never see her again so I Came to Say Goodbye we have show her how it goes with you thank you you're high you're such a good little dude like what the happened bro my favorite part is he's asking all the same questions I asked when I first watched this mie like all the questions you're asking you just a't ready dog no I know and I'm like I I know obviously somehow he got that way like I know it's going to be revealed like B well I remember like the first time I watched this like it was very it was very much that where I'm like like he's such a sweet kid like how do you go from that to that li like I'm not going to lie I understand that some people feel like you should watch this first but like I don't know bro I feel like knowing makes the mystery that more like what you want to know how you want to know how it I genuinely think watching the original trilogy and then this one it it creates like this like disconnect of disbelief of like what the like like I like I feel like so after we get through this if I ever were to go back and watch from the start after seeing I think I would start this yeah cuz you now you want you watch it but like for my first time like I'm happy we started with the original cuz even the Blu-rays we bought you open the Blu-ray and it one is the first one right like it feels like it's like you start with one if you're a fan it almost feels like but like starting beginning I feel like you I would I feel like I wouldn't get as much from this if we started with this well I think knowing that he is Vader is like so like permeated culture so much that everyone knows right it's like knowing that Batman's parents died spoilers yeah but it's that kind of thing right like where that's like yeah it's impossible it's like it's like that part of the conversation you can skip cuz literally everyone knows well I mean like when when we got to that part in the movie I was like no like obviously I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's definitely like one of those things that like the mystery becomes how do you become so evil yeah exactly that's what exciting cuz that's the thing is like that I don't know like I've talked about before right like I know the memes I I know I know the you know the the I am your father well I'm not going to spoil Anything But like after what does happen and everything involved like I think if you watch these three first and then watched 4 56 a lot of times you'd be like no get it like yeah like you know it gives you like a sense of perspective I'm saying he's right I'm just saying he's got some points the oppression of the Trade Federation this is the chair does not recognized the senator from the Trade Federation at this time bro they went hard on the outfit system has been invaded by the Droid armies of the TR I reject there is no proof would you shut the right like a commission be sent to NAU to ascertain the truth malister concurs with the honorable delegate from the Trade Federation oh damn a commission must be appointed all right ask kiss enter the bureaucrats the true rulers of the Republic and on the payroll of the Trade Federation I might sounds like the government strength will disappear yo my man in her ear hardcore inv Yep this body is not capable of action I suggest new leadership is needed oh damn he's like oh yeah for a vote of no confidence in chance of vor's leadership damn bro everybody getting riled up he said uh oh oh okay what expecting that it's like bro like I get it yo that hold up that was ET bro hold the guy hold on don't that is three [ __ ] ETS in that pod dude oh is it now look at is it now is tell me that's not an ET no it is that's crazy I I was hoping you'd find it yourself that's crazy that is actually like anter strike no that is sick Spielberg and Lucas are like really good friends oh that's dope man I like that I was like bro I know I'm not seeing hold on like as a matter of fact I think it was with Star Wars and uh you can correct me in the comments because you guys have done a really good job originally uh Lucas was going to kill Han in in the first three movies the guy man George Lucas he was gonna kill H in the story in the first three movies and like still SP was like you were crazy that was that was the one thing I will say I didn't know like obviously again memes I've seen the ha and Carbonite it's still caught me off guard I guess cuz the way it happened but like I didn't know if he was actually going to live like I didn't know if that was going to kill him or not no yeah but I think his original plan was he was going to kill like Han in like probably like a hero way kind of oh I'm sure and SP like bro you were killing a money maker if you that like you were insane do not defy the council Master not again if you would just follow the code you would be on the council the code God look at that to learn my young appr princess afraid are you no sir see through you we can your thoughts dwell on your mother damn I miss her afraid to lose her I think M what does that got to do with anything everything you is the path to the dark side see this is the always hated bro anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering it's a gateway drug yeah yeah it does you can't be sad bro the council's really like get rid of that emotion boy yeah it's like literally like they're like hey fellas is it gay to love your mom dude it really gay does give off those kind of Vibes bro like God it really does he's a 10 he just left he literally just left his mother he was a slave with his mom who is still a Slave to A Whole New World with people he don't know ah he seems kind of scared y'all I think that's weakness I mean they were scared he did kind of go that that route so yeah much fear I see he like I was a slave dude I'd be kind of fearful of people too if I was bought and sold thank you like not a good track record so far Master Yoda I don't know dude her hair game is on point fun G's not dying without a fight we got a Grand Army you have be underwater your oh he is with has been nominated to succeed for oh God a surprise to be sure but welcome one your mesty if I am elected I promise to put an end to corruption yeah okay who else has been nominated ban till is of alderan and Al team of Mal for think I see why has a beef against alderon I've decided to go back to NBO my faith will be no different than that of our people oh yourness my ship damn she's like I'm going down with the planet is she a badass dude I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate damn I mean that's a hell of a way to make a statement mhm need to be trained then no will not be trained no what he's too old what he is the chosen clouded this boy's future is I will train him then I take Anakin as my pin learner damn an apprentice you have qu he now I got two possible to take out a second the code forbids it obiwan is ready I am ready to face the trials a little more he can learn from me damn young Skywalker's fate will be decided later Senate is voting for a new supreme Chancellor and queen amadala is returning home bro he already mad mhm I get it no you got room with grown ass men telling you you're two already you too old to do something you you now want yeah uh as a like a 10-year-old kid 12y old kid May the force be with you off you were digging on Yoda in the first three what happen was I mean he was an old psycho dude I so I think I think I think we're is is that what it is the you like the crazy when the crazy I mean I do I do he like he was a green coat it was awesome he was just a backwoods no but I think you're right like because it's weird like I get where they're coming from because because of the fact that I know what he becomes right so it's like respect it makes sense yeah like knowing that they're not wrong for making the decision so like I can't really fault you were watching this at first with like no background info what you're like God these guys yeah like damn like let the kid train dude like why not he's should have made him watch the first one cuz you're like train but but I would still know that it was Vader right like I know that your father yeah but you don't know he was would be Vader yeah he knew Anakin yeah he he he if he watched the first one no no he knew he knew knew the me he knew that these movies were about the kid becoming Vader he didn't know his name was Anakin I don't think yeah I don't yeah I didn't know that his name was Anakin no but I knew that it was about like the dad yeah or the not the dad the well yeah I guess the dad technically you know what I mean yeah the father yeah like so I don't think it would have changed well I wouldn't have his perspective I guess I wouldn't have seen it in action oh yeah it's like anything context is King right like it's one of those things that now you know you see the council you saw what happened in the originals you actually have things to pull from outside of outside of Internet culture it's wild seeing Palatine go from that to like damn this is really what started the man really drip fed his power right yeah he played the game you know what bad guy but game respects game God damn right I don't want to be a problem bro I'll be like send me back to my mom St close to me and you'll be safe I've been wondering what are medoran medoran are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cell medoran are the PowerHouse of the cell without the medoran life could not exist and we would have no knowledge of the force the H BOS they continually speak to us telling us the will of the force see a lot of people had beef with this because like the force originally was just kind of like this thing thing and now it's time train they're explain they try to explain it yeah it's kind of your DNA yeah everywhere it is our pleasure to continue to Serve and Protect you it makes sense though we're we're here it's like Jedi are just and there it's like a myth almost so like I kind of get it [Music] yeah well I mean you saw how many were there right and it's like you know that's just the council well you got to think in the whole universe or galaxy though probably well I mean you know not as many as you might think so if their numbers dwindle a little bit yeah it's notice especially against the Federation I'm sending my Apprentice Darth Maul to join you Darth ma okay so Sith Lord's kind of Darth those the stabiliz I will take back what's are by four we have no Army Binks OHA oh hell yeah I didn't even think about that I need your help oh oh oh let's go they got an army now I didn't even realize that like he kind of said that in passing to her and right after was when she was like we're going back damn so she's scheming you think she going to get the help of the gungans I think so gungans then again I don't know cuz they didn't seem to like charar that much they said is he on your side no thank you never mind do you think the Queen's idea will work nope you've been a good Apprentice H and you're a much wiser man than I am I for see he will become a great Jedi Knight I know he'll become a great Jedi Knight there a nobody there the city is deserted when in trouble gungans go to secret place Apple bees Applebees dude that [ __ ] that would not make any big Applebees out of the entire Forest is just Apple applebe $5 Margaritas we said get wasted good thing they're amphibious otherwise it'd be hard to breathe out there we wish to form an alive your honor um who yeah that's a I am queen amadala wait this is my decoy what protection I'm sorry for my deception but it was necessary to protect myself although he said what dude that didn't even register for a second that could have been a possibility that's awesome you weren't questioning why the servant was Natalie Portman no I mean I this whole time they going on the racist you weren't questioning why Anakin was like talking to Natalie no no so I did I mean I acknowledged it was Natalie Portman right but I just she's younger so I just assumed that this was like early in her career like was she already a big deal here yeah oh yeah [ __ ] no I she's in Star Wars bro I mean yes now but prior to this movie she was she was already a pretty big ass I mean I mean like the point where I I didn't realize it was Mark Hamill and [ __ ] like blew my mind like cuz I knew Mark Hill was in Star Wars I just didn't know he was [ __ ] Luke like that was that like I knew ofk like that Mark Hamill was in the everybody want me to remind you that he's also Fire Lord oai in Avatar that's sick so all right plot twist I ask you to help us I love that no so Anakin was hitting on the queen we are your humble servants it makes sense though when you think about her always walking with those four other girls yeah work using them as decoys mhm M and if my Planet wasn't under attack that's what I would do yep anak is like bro I don't know it's happening anymore me like maybe WEA being friends oh all right it's decision is final cool all right that actually went better than I thought it was going to hey man we've sent our Patrol you been the knee at the appropriate time it won't be long my Lord this is an unexpected move for her Lord Mo let them make the first move he said yeah dog I got this yes my master going to assume that that's Palpatine things are coming I like keep not showing his face and I feel like his chin looks similar I I've been like inspecting his chin every time he [ __ ] his on screen I don't know like I can't tell I'm like I feel like this that looks like a similar chin oh when you nut but she keeps sucking H yeah brother hell yeah now that's what I do it with my man back yourness this is a battle I do not think that we can win well that die so Debbie Downer you go in there and kill everyone we are sending all troops walking backwards ites like I understand the Droid but like it looks like's walking backwards in the holog Y bro I can just imagine like he's on his hologram at home just being like walk got the Tre on back that's good good can't just look like broy assembling SWS dude Darth Maul is so cool looking that's a lot smaller than I thought he was I a short wipe them out all of them I master hell yeah I said you know it's about to go down look at that we still going into war this going to sound wild but like Yeah the more we watch Star Wars bro Kingdom Arts story is like weirdly similar H I wonder where they got that idea from oh they it definitely is inspired by there's no way it wasn't like I know you guys haven't gotten far enough to like understand but I brought that like it's it's weirdly similar we go to war oh that's where looks like they invaded like the Windows screen saver dude does once we get inside you find a safe place to hide and stay there he ain't staying there yes they came out blasting oh yeah it's been a little bit oh yeah there you go you just straight whacking it he just yeah he's just whacking it he got touch tips bro there you go you want some there you go I'll be the biscuit fellas you're in the middle that's how it works one from the front one from the back you're going to have to lightsaber eiel Tower me when the community thinks that this is normal props yeah you have no idea what not filming whose ass is filing R2 yeah well not surprised the will have scream bro always class bro he's just going you want little dude oh uh-oh kab I know it's weird I'm like over here like I want to root for an game but I know I shouldn't but I want to I mean right now he's on the side you want to win true you're not wrong this is so not going to lie as bummed as I am that I waited this long to watch it I'm like happy that I did because we get the like reaction for it well there's that you you get to appreciate a little bit more take it in fully yeah got some life experiences to project on it steady steady like chill y'all damn I'm the general here okay oh that's a lie keeps coming drop sh okay that ain't good dude that is so wild holy there's more okay I'm starting to realize so many things in Halo are taken from stor right so many I think this came out before Halo right defin definitely definitely [Music] [Applause] God oh dude ouch time dude that's just nutty there's just so many um what it it's just like endless bro oh my God bro are you kidding me well done hey wait for me anak can stay where you are you'll be safe there but I stay in that [ __ ] he ain't staying in that cockpit oh I'll be like I'm flying this then right that's my goddamn ship then oh oh oh bro uhoh oh that oh bro bro he had his eyes closed how long you think he was standing there yeah he's like damn they going to open this door I'm tired of looking Menon music kicks him he got he got to take on two Jedi you think he going to be able to handle it oh yeah oh fantastic that's great me all right he just chilling we got to do something U god dude I always thought that was the coolest thing ever bro the double it's so sick it's so dangerous too I think that's what makes it so sick is that one wrong move and homie loses a limb yeah it's bow staff you know yeah but it's but it's a laser bow staff that will destroy you know where the trigger is oh damn Anakin just really like I'm I'm going hit some buttons dude wrong one maybe this [Laughter] one bro he is so funny oh oh my god dude oh my God all right that is crazy AR's like all right I'm going for a ride try to override it he's like well I'm in here already right God bro that is wild [Music] oh I am like looking back on this movie with like a lot more positivity than I remember [Music] originally he's just so good bro this is nuts and the music like [Music] they did like a sponsored stream a few years back with like the new Battlefront the one that all the microtransactions people were mad about I think I think I like played a map in that room I never played that one enough to remember any of it apparently they fixed it it's pretty good like we should try it on the gaming check out the gaming channel I remember I did a match where I got like got to be Vader or something and I went like on a 40 kill streak damn it was insane then I never really played it after that cuz I was like I'll never to replicate that how did that not hurt how did that not hurt he said oh all right bro he got scared food and goodbye damn all right bro and bro yeah yeah you think dude just dude he's just yeah in the space battle he's like bro you telling me about like what happened this kid makes me so sad cuz I feel like he's done such a good job no I you know looking back now it's like don't wrong kind of cheesy corny in Parts but original child right oh dude dude the first three were so corny I they were great like I feel like that was what was Charming about him there's a Whimsy about it yeah I'll try SP that's a good trick I know we're in trouble just hang on I'll be like well I'mma die yeah be like I'm giving up bro that is wild though you better hope you got a good grip I love how badass they make the princesses and queens though like they don't get they're on the front lines like May was on the FR she's on the front lines like they don't give it no one giving commands and staying back except like you know pal for the most part oh oh yeah bro luckily I know he doesn't die but Jesus or does he oh oh yeah bro let's go bro let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go oh dude okay so he didn't do that on purpose then I guess while you're here you might as well get your rest on oh he's like I'm going meditate not good uh-oh oh that's bad ouch time bro they were waiting the second that went down they came coming this is not I don't understand how people can't like him dude he's so funny [Music] uh bro he's like he's failing up [Music] yeah that's actually nuts that just one of them rolling into something like that would just destroy it oh damn I hope they a got [Music] nuts oh my God he is awesome bro this guy's got the force God [Music] [Laughter] damn what the [ __ ] so there is a fan theory about jar jar but I I think we'll I'll wait a little bit longer for I tell you that he's secretly a Jedi and has the force cuz he giv off them Vibes he's the chosen one I have no idea like I don't I don't think i' ever heard of the fan Theory before but we'll wait I think there's more examples to to reason being that way it's I feel you where is Anakin going now he's out of control he he doesn't know what's going on he's just their base bro he really is I me the only reason why you can't do is cuz of pod racing right he has the reflexes from all all right wee cool oh no oops this is not good right he's ready dude bro it is the craziest game of red light green light yeah cuz if you just accidentally stop too early or go too quick this is stressing me out oh [Music] oh oh bro all right he didn't disappear in the dust [Music] why bro his he's got the Crazy Eyes bro like I I would not the crazy eyes I mean he he is a Sith Lord something hands up I give up your little Insurrection is at an end your highness Vice Ro your occupation here has ended damn after her this ones are decoy bro that is amazing Captain damn damn they said what's that now what's that now you're saying what about interraction yeah huh what treaty now Vice we will discuss a new treaty he said [ __ ] that sounds fair bro he's just going for it yeah bro he just saw his his teacher uh you know oh my God it's insane dude it's so clean oh he said my Mama gave me that bro bro he recovered Force push he [Music] said yeah yep yep yep yep that ain't good yes we have power Shields up take this oh my god dude Jesus Christ holy dud [Music] happening bro nothing can get to our sheld yeah about that [Music] yeah dude this is awesome Li he loky drives like rough in fortnite dude it's blowing up from the [Laughter] inside and they're like what the is happening now this ising he's just pot racing back to the freaking [Music] oh my God yeah yeah he took down a whole blockade by himself at like you ain't even a teenager yet bro yep that just that just happened he just killed so many people so many people damn oh it shut down the receiver too let's go oh that is awesome oh it would have worked it wasn't so full [Applause] that's my excuse he dude maybe these Sparks will get you you looking that oh bro bro homie's going down first movie What yep yep goodbye bye I thought he was going to be like Vader I thought he was like the Gody you thought he was sticking around n dude yeah he's got a split yeah too late there's no part two for him yeah dude oh there's two [Laughter] parts bro that is nuts you will Train The Boy Yes master oh man he is the chosen one will bring balance yes he will I'll bring all the balance man I like him dude yeah now he's qu I'm a little confused as to why he didn't turn to dust like the other dudes but so I think sure that'll probably be explained I don't know if it ever is so I I think it's safe to say like I I think when you're willingly giving yourself up or knowing you're going to pass mhm like you can like connect with the force in such a way that you like you can give yourself to the to the force yeah oh so it's not that so Obi-Wan basically dipped before Darth even had a chance if you look like when did kill him he did kill him but like like you saw him like kind of like be at peace before that turned his off and was like you know learn from this so he kind of knew basically that he was going out where here he didn't he kind of cuz like Yoda did the same thing remember like he knew he was dying well the force can give you the ability to see the future right like with Anakin like how he does the Pod R yeah I guess so you would he can see like somewhat of the future so like it's like future set in one piece basically and like you can kind of give yourself over the force okay but yeah at least that's how I understand they have done like an incredible job like this is one of those things where like I I I knew I was going to enjoy this because I like space I you know I go back and I and I know people get mad about this right but it's like it's popular for a reason and like I know people always try to bring up like popularity does not equate to good and yes that is true to an extent but things don't become popular they don't make a theme park about this get theme park for nothing is huge way so so I knew I was going to enjoy it but like I'm dude I'm so in on like I'm so interested in the world like and the fact knowing that there's so many movies and there's shows and there's games like that just makes me super hyped well I think that's where like the bulk of the information actually comes from shows and books cuz like there's like 30 some books or something like I think I'm H man there's a lot like this has been a goddamn Journey already and I'm I'm here for it that's a big ship I'm just saying it boys ship ramrod gets up to all the shenanigans it's Quon okay I haven't been saying his name cuz I haven't been able to remember it I remember growing up and I heard that name and I kept calling him Quon Jim like let me see your chin you sneaky and you young Skywalker we will watch your career I think it's him bro he got that wrinkly ass ch going on got the butt chin so no not the butt chin it's just he's he's got he's got distinct wrinkles and it might not be him and I know you guys can't like tell me or not but like I don't know his chin just they look like similar chins so cleff chins or butt chins like that are like I think pretty sure their genetic as well so confer on you the level of Jedi Knight but agree with your taking this boy as your Padawan learner oh he's angry I do not oh well you know I Yoda's ful because like every time we see him he's he's a bit judgy and kind of angry and he was like anger leads to the dark side that's very that's true and he's stomping around like I don't agree with this this is check your blood pressure we should like the chosen one the boy may be the second he started talking about being angry I would have repeated his lines earlier a fear in his Oh I thought you're not supposed to fear I thought fear leads to the dark side I will try Anakin mhm without the approval of the council if I must damn let's go agree with you the councel does your Apprentice SC I love how literally we had the whole show rigma rooll with the council and all it was was Yoda's Yoda's the real Council yeah right he makes the true decisions the council does agree with you I'm Yoda I I'm the council damn oh I mean when he talked about the count being higher he specifically mentioned Yoda so like it tracks what will happen to me now you will be a Jedi I promise God like he's the one that saved his life like freed him as a more of a dad than anyone else right always two there are no more no less interesting okay Master but which was destroyed the master or The Apprentice I didn't remember that I don't remember that either there's only y it is you you I never realized that yeah it is I knew it bro I knew it chin I could tell he said you chin that ass chinc mother you chin have it well cuz it's like we know from the future one that he he was a powerful assy so it's like either he becomes that or he already is and he's being sneaky wa that is crazy looking it's weird the world though dude just constantly taking L's [Music] that guy seen some so angry look at him dude I for real Yoda lucky he didn't end up on the dark side like yod a hater he said I ain't angry I'm just a hater right like it's different yeah until the next movie yo he got the same haircut oh he does oh he like look when you're in my squad we all got the rat tail damn that's crazy I got like that same kind of haircut without the long hair that was sick like again I I went into these with there's no in credits I'm just you never know like dude I so like I went in with fairly low expectations I I liked it like dude this was really good like Billy I hope enjoyed the reaction stay tuned subscribe so you don't miss the next movie if you don't want to wait for you get on patreon St of stupid go check it out you get the videos early we're probably already done with this Trilogy and on to the future movies don't want to miss the next one subscribe you know what to do thanks for watch tag of the Clones tag of the Clones thanks for watching bye enjy bye
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 96,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QptKwB7J500
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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