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I've been sent to spread the message mmm god bless Texas y'all know we're heading to the south when I start off by saying y'all want something a little more regionally specific okay y'all I just parked my truck outside a Whataburger on i-35 and this guy with the vetto shirt walked by seeing my favorite Willy song and then out of nowhere a thunderstorm rolled in the temperature dropped by 20 degrees and then by the time I got home to do this video it was back into the 90s yep that's right folks today we're ahead into Texas you might have seen some of our other videos where we guide you around a city and tell you what it's like to live there well buckle up cowboy because today we're doing the same for Texas and the Lone Star State is a hell of a lot bigger than any little old city in fact Texas is bigger than many countries combined so get out your Copenhagen your ratty old cowboy Jersey and pack your heat as we unbox this data Texas let's begin with some Texas stereotypes some of which are true and some of which are not to start things really are bigger here food portions trucks boobs hair houses and the number of miles you'll drive in a day food is serious business around these parts Texans have a genetic predisposition to love tex-mex for y'all who don't know this is sorta like Mexican food but with a whole lot more cheese Texans don't f around with our barbecue breakfast tacos big bowl of margaritas and of course everyone here loves eating all things fried at the State Fair not everyone owns a gun but some people certainly do people really do say y'all it's just more efficient people are just playing friendly here and when you're going down the street in somebody waves they don't want anything from you they're just being nice and of course Texans are very independently minded after all if you recall Texas was once its own nation now what it's like to live in Texas today is largely based on the state's history in 1519 Spanish conquistadors founded Texas which means a basically stolen from Native Americans who'd been living there for thousands of years between 1519 and 1865 all or parts of Texas were claimed by six different countries hence the name Six Flags now during that time there were a whole bunch of settlers and missionaries coming in from Spain then when Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821 Mexican Texas was part of the new nation after Mexico's leader Santa Ana started shifting politically to the right people in Mexican Texas wanted to revolt thus the Texas Revolution in 1835 oh yeah Texas won that's when Texas declared itself an independent nation the Republic of Texas one thing led to another there was a civil war in there and over the next century Texas gained wealth not from agriculture but from its plentiful oil and service-oriented society segregation ended in the 60s and between that time and now Texas went from a solidly democratic state on a nearly solidly Republic State these days Texas has both the second largest population and the second biggest GDP just behind California now this brings us to what's it like to actually live in this giant economically booming republican-leaning state that's a tricky thing to answer because as you might have gathered Texas is big you've got your big cities Houston San Antonio Dallas Austin Fort Worth and El Paso to start and each of these largest cities has a decidedly different culture for instance Houston its Texas is biggest city both in population and area and is mostly known around here is the mug east most industrial and most museum filled city that is unless you live here of course locals know that Houston is so big that it has its own little subcultures just like Texas itself there's the wealthy older conservatives wealthy younger conservatives not so wealthy middle-aged conservatives okay so overall Houston's pretty conservative but there's pockets of liberals and hippies and hipsters and all kinds of people in the city and of course highways lots and lots of highways geographically Houston's located in East Texas just inland of the Gulf of Mexico that means not only does Houston get hot like the rest of Texas but it also gets muggy as all hell so good thing there's the gorgeous Beach of Galveston nearby Galveston Oh Galveston now let's stop by San Antonio remember the Alamo yeah that's in San Antonio but there's a whole lot more going on here too the city is just about an hour and a half outside the state capitol and it's home to a huge Hispanic population but while San Antonio's population is 63% Hispanic there's huge pockets of the city where the population is predominantly white or predominantly black yes that's right folks legal segregation may have dissolved in the 20th century but still today many Texas cities are largely divided in terms of race and socio-economic unlike Houston which is a large international and somewhat more business-focused San Antonio's culture has maintained more of the rough and readiness I mean this is the place where the Battle of the Alamo is fought San Antonio is the city of tacos margaritas and shooting your guns it streets are clogged with giant trucks Spurs fans will straight-up kill you if you insult our team and if you don't speak Spanglish you might as well just tell people you're just in town visiting the Riverwalk because clearly you're not from San Antonio I speak Spanglish yo quiero Taco Bell oh honey you're gonna need a car to get around San Antonio in fact you pretty much have to have a car if you live anywhere in Texas everything is so damn spread out and no Texans don't ride around on horses but some of them do wear cowboy hats and boots lots of them actually sometimes even at football games football is a religion unto itself for most folks in Texas they're passionate about the University of Texas the Texans and of course the damn Cowboys Plus high school football here is huge now if you're jonesing for a city with a little less good-old-boy janus a qua don't worry Texas has got you covered with Austin the capital of Texas known as the little blue dot in a red state meaning Austin's just about as liberal as cities come sure Austin's got its gun-toting right-wing leaning taco eaters because everyone in Texas has a diet consisting largely of tacos but mostly Austin's known as a music lovers paradise with live music every night of the week it's a haven for hippies and hipsters Austin's a relatively young city home to several universities and of course home to some of the fittest and attractive people in the country if that sounds good to you you're not alone Austin's one of the fastest growing cities in the country with this growing tech industry plentiful nightlife and outdoor zenus but do remember even though Austin is feeling increasingly like Los Angeles in some ways it is still in Texas now speaking of quintessential Texas let's head over to Dallas have you ever seen the show Dallas [Music] all big blonde hair big boobs and big accents yeah that's still pretty accurate Dallas is sort of like the wealthy more conservative yuppie older sister of Austin where Austin wears flip-flops and a t-shirt and smokes pot all day Dallas is probably wearing Tony Burch and Chanel and vaping pot and it's not just a stereotype Dallas is wealthy in fact it's second only to New York City in its population of billionaire denizens especially when you consider suburbs like Frisco and Plano in Dallas you'll find designer shops exquisite cuisine country clubs and mansions but of course not everyone's rolling in the dough in the city in fact it's also known for its industry and support of farmers in agriculture and let's not forget about DFW one of the largest international airports around speaking of DFW there's Fort Worth a big city right next door to Dallas residents here tend to be a little of everything there's a young crowd since there's a university that are called TCU it's also home to artists musicians and hippies it's Scott conservatives cowboys and cowgirls speaking of cowboys and cowgirls shouldn't we just call them cow people all right cow people let's mosey on to the next big ol City we're gonna cover in Texas El Paso now if you're not from Texas you might have heard about El Paso lately as the hometown of Texas Senate nominee Beto Arora al wrote talked a lot about his hometown but what's this place actually like no it's nestled just next to the Rio Grande River the border between Texas and Mexico as such it has a large population of Hispanic residents and many residents speak primarily Spanish now we have to bring up the border wall as you can see on this chart when El Paso beefed up its southern border barrier in 1993 and then again in 2008 crime in El Paso went down did you know President Trump is trying to build a big border wall yes mappy we knew that thanks for doing your homework once again El Paso is mostly dry as in climate there's plenty of bars and venues but when it rains here it pours like per real flash flood type rain this can be dangerous but Texans are pretty well-versed in intense sudden and know how to handle themselves what's even more dangerous in Texas no not tornadoes but they have those not rattlesnakes they got those two or even incredibly poisonous scorpions yeah they have those know what's most dangerous in Texas is actually crime it's not that Texas has a higher crime rate than anywhere else in the country however if you plan to travel or live in places like Belle Meade Donna humble or Tex Arkana you better be packing those places are danger us so is anywhere near the Mexican border of course Texas is so big and there's many many other medium-sized cities and smaller towns from safe to crime build from rich to poor there is varied as the stars in the Texas night sky Texans are a very unique Bunch it's pickup trucks galore here its breakfast tacos lunchtime tacos and supper tacos it's a very diverse place in fact the second most diverse state in America but Texas will all come together with a big ole southern a few to anyone who messes with Texas because at the heart of it whether you're a liberal or conservative from a small town or big city if you're from Texas that sense of pride independence and downright stubbornness is just plain in your blood it's welcoming and friendly yet independent and prideful its slow-paced and old-fashioned yet cosmopolitan and international it's old and new it's rich and poor it's desert and forests hell its oceans and mountains love it or hate it it's Texas a state unlike any other y'all come back now you hear hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 436,784
Rating: 4.7352319 out of 5
Keywords: geography, geography (field of study), geography hub, where I live, where to live, facts about the world, cities in the world, us cities, america, rankings, United states, states, living in texas, moving to texas, life in texas, life in san antonio, life in houston, living in houston, moving to houston, moving to dallas, moving to el paso, moving to fort worth, living in el paso, living in fort worth, el paso, houston, dallas, fort worth, san antonio, living in san antonio
Id: -hJqyGVaLjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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