Pros and Cons of Living In Dallas, Texas - Moving to Dallas

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what's up everyone this video is all about the pros and cons of living right here in dallas texas so stay tuned [Music] i hope you're having a great day my name is richard soto a local real estate broker with vip realty right here in dallas texas if this is your first time to our channel and you want to know everything there is to know about living playing and working in the dallas fort worth metroplex make sure to tap that subscribe button and hit that notification bell so you'll be notified each time we drop a new video today i'm going to keep it 100 with you and discuss all the pros and cons what i love and what i hate about living in dallas texas i know a little bit about living in dallas texas since i've lived here my entire life so i'm just going to be completely honest with you and just cover all the positives and the negatives as well and let's start off with the cons the first con is traffic i feel like there's constant construction throughout the metroplex everywhere i go so it could be a four-lane highway turns into two worst case turns into one uh so there's constant traffic so that's definitely a con we're not like la but i feel like we're getting close with all the influx of new people moving to the dallas fort worth metroplex and two is i guess it's a con as well you have to have a vehicle you're going to have to have a car because dallas fort worth is so spread out anytime you have to drive somewhere i feel like anytime i have to go to the grocery store the gym to kids activities i'm at least going to be driving 15 to 30 minutes and that's one way so you're definitely gonna have to have a vehicle and like i said it's a very spread out city it's not very walkable which is also a con you're pretty much going to have to drive to all your activities or appointments it's not going to be within walking distance the majority of the time and another con is tolls i feel like any time i'm on the highway i am going to have to pay a toll um you can try to get around paying tolls by taking a service road or taking the back roads but i find that it's just not worth the effort if it's a 15 minute ride or drive with tolls you're probably looking at triple or quadruple the time trying to avoid paying the tolls so for me my time is very valuable so i don't even look at my credit card statement because i know there's going to be a significant amount of tolls being applied each and every month to my credit card bill which is unfortunate but that's just part of it if you're living here in the dallas fort worth metroplex another con is public transportation dallas doesn't rank very high in the public transportation department and to make matters worse it's not the most reliable in the country either and as i stated earlier dallas isn't a very walkable city so you might be able to take the dart rail into downtown for different attractions but if you're having to catch the city buses you might have to switch buses multiple times to get to your final destination so we're definitely not as advanced as some parts of the country when it comes to the public transportation the next con is the weather and to me it's the worst thing about living here in dallas texas first of all we have bipolar weather you could have snow sunshine rain sleet ice all in the same day it's pretty crazy um i don't know if any other parts of the country this way but honestly it could be extremely cold and then 85 90 degrees several hours later so it's pretty bipolar in regards to the weather here in dallas but the worst part it is extremely hot during the summer time i mean it's almost unbearable it is terrible terrible terrible i cannot stand the heat during the summertime i'll put it to you this way if i go to our office i make sure to park underground if i go to the mall it needs to have a parking garage uh where i can park inside otherwise i'm not going that's why i refuse to go to the grocery store during the summertime and i have my groceries delivered because i swear profusely i can tell you this because we're all family and friends so it's okay but if i park at one end of the parking lots and i have to walk for three to four minutes i am going to be sweating profusely you would think i just ran a whole basketball game for the last 30 minutes outside somewhere so to me the biggest con of living in dallas is absolutely the heat i feel like the house is gonna somehow fall into the ground because it's so hot so that's to me the worst con and now we're gonna go into the pros and without question there's a lot more pros and cons of living in dallas texas and the first pro is opportunities if you're looking for a career change or you're looking to move up in your career if you're an entrepreneur if you're trying to start a business this might be the best place in the country for you to do so there are a lot of large corporations relocating to dallas nearly on a monthly basis new startups are being formed here so if you're a go getter and you're looking for opportunities whether it's by starting your own company and business or taking your career to a higher level dallas is the perfect place for you to be at another pro is diversity i love the fact that there are so many people from all over the world relocating right here to dallas i have a basketball program and i have kids from all over the place all different countries a lot some of them don't even understand what i'm telling them which is great so i love the diversity here if you're looking for friends from different parts of the country you most likely will be able to find them here in dallas another pro is the dfw international airport i love that we're central right here in the u.s and pretty much my kids and i can fly anywhere within two to three hours we can be in mexico in three hours we can be in new york we can be in california we can be in miami so dallas is very central and we have great flight prices right here at the dfw international airport so if you and your family enjoy travel and you're going to be going to different locations whether on vacation or business this is also a great hub for you to live at another pro is attractions we have a ton of attractions for you and your family whether it's six flags dozens of different museums some are free some you have to pay for zoo i mean everything you could ever want there's an attraction that you can go and visit each and every weekend sports as well i would consider an attraction we got every professional team under the sun whether it's the dallas cowboys the mavericks texas rangers dallas stars and so on tons of attractions and there's always something for you to do with you and your family each and every weekend so if you like to get out and about and get out of the house like we do you'll find something happening each and every weekend right here in dallas next is real estate you can still purchase a great home at a great value how long that's going to last i'm not sure because we have people flooding from all over the world to dallas because of the opportunity because of the real estate because of the cost of living and again because it's central so real estate as of now is still a good value and you can get quite a bit more for your money than most parts of the country saying that i don't know how long it's going to last we have a gentleman that's moving from california he's in the 350 price range he's literally put 10 offers in the last two weeks or so and he has been he has been outbid each and every time i'm sure he's frustrated with us but that just shows you how great the market is we finally got something under contract yesterday and yes of course he had to pay over asking price but real estate is still a great value if you're looking to relocate here to dallas and last is the people southern hospitality is a real thing in dallas texas people are so nice and kind to you i just moved into a new subdivision the neighbors all came out they gave my kids cookies they brought some food baskets but that's pretty much everywhere you go schools i'll put it to you this way uh when i was in high school my dad had quadruple bypass surgery he had a heart attack uh i was raised by a single dad i had multiple people tried to take me in and they didn't do it just to act like they were good citizens they did it out of love i had my football coach he offered for me to move in with him my other coach i had several other families i ended up moving in with the richie's thank you mr and miss richie really great greatly appreciate you and i'll never forget that but point being is there's a lot of people here in dallas that are very kind and friendly and will be there to support you and help you whether they're your neighbor or they're at your church whatever the case is great people in dallas are not very far away so that's probably my favorite thing about living in dallas is just it's just the people the majority of people are great um now going back to the condo there are some jerks in dallas as well if you are driving 55 on the highway and you're hauling up traffic because traffic is a con they might try to run you over with their big diesel truck or what have you then again i might do that as well because i'm trying to get places so there are definitely some cons however there are many more pros about living in dallas texas if you or your family have any questions about dallas texas we have offices throughout the state and we'd be happy to assist you with your next real estate transaction we get calls on a daily basis from people from all over the country relocating to dallas and we absolutely love it so we can help you please let us know give us a call visit our website and we will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: VIP Realty - Texas Real Estate
Views: 213,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas texas pros and cons, moving to dallas, relocating to dallas texas, living in dallas, living in dallas texas, things to do in dallas, cost of living in dallas, relocating to dallas, relocating, dallas, dallas texas, dallas tour, living in dallas pros and cons, dowtown dallas, move to dallas, pros and cons of living in dallas area, pros and cons of living in dallas texas, dallas pros and cons, moving to texas
Id: 4-CLKSmFEa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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