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what's up Tina poo welcome back to our channel guys before we get into the video make sure you guys stay until the end because we have a little announcement that we want to share with y'all so today's video we thought it would be a fun idea to share with you guys things you should know before moving to Texas yep so this is for the people that don't know Mitch and I moved to Texas about almost five months ago yep in almost five months and we've noticed a lot of things and actually a lot of you guys who are new here you say you're from Texas or you're moving to Texas soon and you guys always say that your videos our videos help you guys out so much just like you know things about Dallas before you move here so we thought this video would be fun to make just sharing with you guys things we've noticed this will be some positive some negative but facts of living indexes you know okay so the first thing that I have is that Dallas is a huge Metroplex and if someone says they're from here or they used to live here you have to ask where because it could literally be anywhere it could be like North Dallas which is like the suburbs it could be Fort Worth and it's just so many cities I think it's like four times bigger than where we came from oh it's huge yeah like 1.3 million or something like that or is they even born well when you take the metro area that's for sure so number two people always hold the door open that's something I noticed almost immediately it's strange but it's true well Minnesota it never happens so rare that someone actually holds the door open for you down here it's almost like every time like they will be riding your butt into the gas station they'll come out before you you'll walk behind them they'll be like okay okay that's the first thing I noticed money here mm-hmm number three you guys living here is just a much faster pace life where we came from we literally lived in like what is it like a suburb of a suburb like it was just so quiet and there was not much around but here there's literally something everywhere like you rarely and not only that but just like the driving and stuff faster more people are on the road yeah there's always people on the road so everything is just like go go go mm-hmm it's like New York but not New York it's like New York but it Texas all right number four tacking on to the fast-paced life if you're coming from a quieter place like we are like you guys get used to the fact that your life is literally not in your own hands on the road I mean people drive crazy fast but then people also drive really slow the speed limit is average like 70 on the highways some people will be driving like 55 and you'll lose your mind over it because there will be people going 90 and you're trying to weave in between people going 90 and people going 65 or 55 and it's actually insane both are just as dangerous in my opinion going that slow so if you move here speed it up but not too much please and if you deny that if you deny how crazy the roads are here it's probably because you are one of those crazy drivers all right I don't want to hear it it is crazy driving down here they're very spazzy and like you just see them I got like going back before like what so you just gotta be cautious definitely take your time but like I said go fast but not too bad number five we're halfway through number five we're halfway through I thought this one was just funny but it's like so true I feel like everyone I have to come in contact with it just it stands true so everyone down here I swear loves chick-fil-a like more than more than like the average person yeah yeah like anywhere else we've been no one has talked about chick-fil-a more than people that live here and literally there's so many chick-fil-a's if you go to a chick-fil-a there's probably one like a mile down the street from the chick-fil-a you're at absolutely it's like insane though if you get bad service you just go right down the street fit in yeah exactly you should always be saying my pleasure those are good usually a chick plays good I mean it's good but it's just crazy how much people love it you know I mean it's just like it's not like the most amazing trick for that it's chick-fil-a number six it is incredibly diverse in Dallas at least and most of the places that we've done in Texas yeah I think most people don't understand that it is crazy diverse here the food options I actually didn't know that you neither must knew that before moving here either yep I knew somewhat because obviously of where it is in the States next Mexico and whatnot but more than that I mean there's just all types of you know like honestly there's a lot Indian people as well a lot of Asian people I mean it's really just a lay conglomeration of what America is you know old Denton Road in Louisville is literally dedicated to like Japanese of restaurants like literally everything Japanese like tax offices churches yeah churches everything it's actually kind of cool yeah we say that that may seem dumb but I have never seen a church with Asian letters on it yeah if I've never seen that in my life usually you don't you don't get that where we come from so that was really interesting yeah and obviously the food you just have so many options yeah you just see everything that's that's around so that's cool that's very cool like that we like that we love that for us love that for okay what are we on seven all right seven the toys aren't expensive and they add up super quickly and it's connected to your bank account so like if your bank account I mean if you run out of money on your toll tag it just takes from your bank accounts so you definitely have to watch out for that you take nan toll roads if you can because like I said it adds up pretty quickly you and I don't even pay for them you do but I just know you know like you know there's no state tax in Texas or they have to make that somehow but definitely use them wisely because they add up if you can get somewhere and it's only six minutes slower yeah you might as well take that whenever we go out no matter how many times we've gone a certain route like to my parents house we always check like to see and tolls are quicker than non tolls and like is it worth the money yeah and we always do that when I go to work - like is it worth the money to get there 5 minutes quicker like am I gonna be late no so like let's just take Mantle's yeah baby money yep and another thing about that too you barely have a shoulder yeah it's scary that's not included in our options that's another thing about moving to Texas they don't have shoulders like anywhere some places but barely anywhere so that also increases the danger level we almost got an accident going to Waco because there was no shoulder and so the car that was broken down was the right lane yeah everyone doesn't see him that was the closest wankum my heart is beating so doing I literally thought we were gonna die yeah I was losing my mind because of it we I don't know how we didn't hit the person in front of us I don't know how the person behind us didn't hit us I don't know how we didn't hate this person to the side of us it could have been oh like such a bad accident everything just happened so quickly and you definitely had to think fast number eight I guess we've done like nine or ten by now from our actual list you meet a lot of people from out of state so it kind of goes with the diversity thing but I mean you meet a lot of people that are from California Colorado Minnesota Arizona yeah not much from the East Coast no but definitely they're like the West midnight and West West Side dad yo the west side of the country yeah cuz like a lot of people I work with are not from Texas they're from Oregon California via Colorado and it is a growing state in Texas is a growing stage so if you're gonna move here get here before everyone else you already missed out we didn't even get everywhere okay every time I ask someone like are they from Texas and they tell me they're from somewhere like West Coast I'm like why did you like some grass that - I know some girl moved here from Colorado I'm like we've moved from Minnesota where there's no mountains yeah it gets way colder it gets so cold today I think today know that today's the high is 1 degrees with a low of negative 11 all right I don't miss that it's cold out here and it's 42 all right I will take that if that's cold for the rest of my life I can take it but definitely if you're moving here from Colorado I don't understand that because Colorado is like the dream beautiful state and if you grew up living there I don't know how you could ever leave no unless you go under like another mountain state or something like a mountain state maybe like Utah if you haven't noticed yet we like moms this one is the most obvious thing the traffic is horrible it's not saying that the drivers are crazy this is something different but I just get attacked yes my bumper honestly what do you think is faster doing traffic told or not tolls I feel like they're kind of the same like there's no way around getting out of traffic really doesn't matter but when it rains like bad when it rains I've I've actually never experienced this when it rains everything is just done set it does happen what time it is everyone just starts going bumper-to-bumper and it's the fact that the water can't drain anywhere yes puddles goes up people will be still driving crazy and like you know splashing your car and stuff and it does get pretty wild when it rains and you people still don't know what to drive we were just talking about this actually living in Minnesota makes you a better driver I am convinced I mean like living somewhere where you have to worry about crashing yeah just be more cautious yeah for like at least six months out of the year Minnesota it's more like nine you're just more cautious and you value your life on the you can tell people down here rarely ever think of it yeah yeah never yeah that's that's for me and then number 10 the last one this is what everyone knows about it everything is bigger in Texas with a little caveat everything is also louder in Texas the cars are louder than what baby yeah people play their music louder and I actually like that part sometimes because I've lived my music as well just not like close to like resident oh yeah or not in our apartment yeah yep any of these bigger and louder restaurants are louder your highways are bigger you have more lanes to go in the people are generally bigger like I'm talking to you in jacked you know you'll get some like NFL stars you know just walking around but yeah it's bigger and louder and just faster so if you like that I mean and like we said we like some of these and we don't like some of them some of them are kind of good with the bad like the music thing like I like where my music I don't like hearin everywhere it's a lovely relationship yeah but I think overall we like living in Texas like you know we like living in Minnesota but we didn't like some things we like live yeah but we don't like some things you know but we hope to stuff that we shared with you today definitely goes into how you how you decide whether or not it's the right station or to get you ready because you don't have a choice also we don't want to like say any of these things to make you feel like you shouldn't move here like these are just things we've noticed personally yeah um so like I don't know everyone has different experiences so you don't let any of the things we're saying like hold you back from moving in Texas like cuz obvious research yeah and obviously people love Texas Yeah right everyone moves your library's name from everywhere everyone was here some people are so fanatic about Texas and so yeah obviously you'll come here and probably will like some things that we didn't even mention you know about one thing we didn't mention here but it's kind of assumed there's tons of stuff to do down here tons of stuff I mean you can always find something in your ballpark you may have to drive a lot you may have to spend a lot of money but there'll always be something to do exactly and sometimes you'll even have to spend money especially if you like to your skin golf all right guys as we've mentioned at the beginning of this video we have a little announcement that we want to do and I'll let destiny kind explain this cuz she just knows it I'm skimming I came up with this brilliant idea from my cousin on Instagram she was asking for people's cash app names so that she could pay it forward send five bucks for someone to buy a coffee or something of the sort so we decided that we wanted to do that we thought it would be fun with you guys yes of course so all you have to do is follow both of our personal instagrams follow our destiny and Mitch Instagram all those links will be in the description box down below you have to be subscribe to this channel and then just comment down below your cash app name it'll be chosen at random and we'll send you five bucks one video a week yep and it's gonna be fun and we're so happy that we can just like do this for you guys cuz mm-hmm you guys's comments and everything just make you guys do a tremendous amount for us some of you literally comment on our videos all day just wonderful comments you know catching up with all the videos if you haven't already definitely do that because we love seeing like retroactive comments coming but yeah we love seeing them and you guys have done so much for us you guys have obviously been a major part of this community because you are the community and we just want to pay it back a little bit one one week at a time and say that we've at least bought some of you guys coffee every now yeah or whatever else yeah yeah whatever hey Johnny juice so that's the video guys hope you enjoyed I hope you learned something I hope if you are moving to Dallas or anywhere in Texas this video helps you under stand a little bit about what to expect yes thanks for watching guys and we'll see you guys in our next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Destiny & Mitch
Views: 217,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to know before moving to texas, things you should know before moving to texas, moving to texas, moving to dallas, relocating to texas, moving from california to texas, living in texas, dallas texas, pros and cons, moving to texas from california, moving to texas from new york, moving to texas from florida
Id: No_DryLIOmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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