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this morning a truck pulled up to a drive way and this doorstep it is a giant mystery box from man we sleep we get to keep whatever we on a bus so awesome I hope I get something good right now something gonna mold can get out all the cheap whatever we get we kiss the pro right it's the pro know why I don't believe darkness is in the air by having big heavy it looks brand-new I don't believe oh come on I'm gonna go places in here right now I'm gonna literally go crazy I just got a over there Wayne [Applause] I'm sorry all right okay okay okay this was something you know why hold on a sec you serious okay [Music] go back in there right now around and go from the top here we go all right here we go guys FB box and bar all right this is how to get out [Music] it looks like a costume that he's awesome in the comment okay and also who's got cooler item the PlayStation of switch it's a white thing I turn before I get this next side of mouth guys I have a challenge for you to see if you can like subscribe and tell notification wish your pinky finger three seconds if you can do that guys in three seconds you are amazing a time starts now three two one you did that comet Tempel oh I'm an extremum and you're awesome okay it's my turn feels good I feel like I'm jumping stuff yeah oh all right here we go the big reveal what are the helmet oh nice one is your pasta I'm so good I'm going right now guys I'm gonna grab in the middle I hope everything doesn't for all right there is a key oh my goodness is a key right now so walk sideways I don't look in the bog got it just take a one time it's gonna be a kid with something not a bully okay whoever finds the kid gets to open oh I like that alright we'll leave it right there warping out when we find the cake my turn Jonah come on Tommy here we go watch out jump stop watch yeah you gonna break everything I come wanted to do again come on something good to me okay with you okay here we go guys what is it another pair of running watch you know I did pretty cool this so yeah okay I like the but I like these honking cool stuff but I think you're beating me I think I am definitely being you're from being real all right I'm going in back in right Jonah you're gonna get something so good right now autumn I'm throwing in the corner cuz he drops up I don't want to do that aren't I got something here we go wait whoa goodness yeah $80 these are one hundred and eighty dollars guys that he's actually crazy Wow this morning on the garage crazy high it's my time here we go I'm going in I'm gonna blow again cuz boys watching you all right what did I get guys what is that no okay the facebook controller I'm honestly surpass this right now well the game hey hang on let me just put that down next to oh my goodness huh me let me save a bit we're gonna see this fits right now oh my goodness it fits oh my oh yes I can't now open no you said whoever finds the capers gets to choose if they open it ah no I will I will just not yet in a future all right wait Oh what I can't wait I need to see what you've done don't poke for the dirt I got the Kate I would open fire open it do you got okay come on come on here we go guys it's gonna be epic whomp thanks Jo really cool all right come on tell me what is it I'm dropping so much stuff every time I cook Oh a gymnast wait wait $400 I come for you all right that is actually you know put something in here notify brusett this thing we literally Christmas it is literally crazy which bid sent us this you're crazy with thank you that is crazy thank you thank you so much your turn alright guys I'm going in right now hey what are you doing not Kat listen I get to choose one of those clothes we're gonna do it very sir all right from the top right now I'm gone from the top oh I don't say you're told I can't reach it I didn't want to break anything okay I go to that guy doesn't fall through the year of the dragon Andi what was I even me I don't know okay well it's a cool story saying anyway feel something cute all right come on Tommy he's stopping stops because it's so cool stop spinning it's really struggled yo wait what is the heart what is that what is this no way to try and black bump I said but what is it that's my question okay wait what if I spin it no it's over here it's over here mystery Edition for portrait called two days oh we love playing cards Sorry mate bucks edition it's a mr. Hartman and they start over - wait that's you got your own openness oh that sounds like he wants you to play like the high computer mystery box I'm just so high I'm grabbing something or something okay I'm just trying to grapple with them right here I shot my I think always look I'm shining I'm ready I don't know if he's actually shot his eyes right now are you are you sure you really shut your eyes my eyes are shut [Music] they would suffer a second but that are because I was sleeping out of my hand what I will share these cuz I heard from my eyes it's Dana Dodger and the main might I didn't say anything else in that guy so this is I got an amazing sauce amor oh my goodness study going age Tommy 30 go $30 look at how much $20 oh my goodness these are like $50 each that's like new $8,000 how much trip service this giant mystery right told me that's no that's nearly $1,000 you see rewrite this thank you all right I'm so starting to see where you get Tommy come on mother come on let's go oh hi you need my help got it all right come on something you got this it actually is so heavy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm taking it like it's mine all right guys I'm gonna get into the next cider Tommy can I have a little paint this is to second paint I'm going from the bottom I keep switching it up this box is track dancing so you have the ability okay this is heavy this is hard like I'm trying to keep it so low down and I put my hook my sight okay slowly slowly gonna break something not looking in not looking at I'm not cheating what did I get oh oh no you got shoes as well oh look at these brand-new these KD oh nice that's that's the same pairs right there I don't know my might have been cool about alright I'm opening it and then you open yours okay or should I just wait acts up wait it no I'm not opening it yeah okay no I'm not standing for that I'm opening my hair I like that I like your inter the mystery box edition I don't know what everybody said you were waiting to library for mine that's fine that's fine I Jack Jack come on tell me all this I'm desperate to no one in this ah this is here no guts inside it guys I have no idea all right cool that is just I think this is the top oh nice it's like we're something surely come on come in come in with this Walmart what are we going right now okay so we have like a post stuff okay that is cool okay oh cool I really want to help you right now oh my goodness nice if you play call of duty or mystery box that opens and all the guns show oh it's actual game that's right no way so we confirm it comes with the game and this is giant puzzle with it alright it's still my turn here we go I'm going empty all right come on Tommy what are you gonna get this Punk yeah that's it he hasn't gone that low like I have ah it's stuck don't break the stop on your voice breaking stop right come on Tommy something good here dude I'm grabbing a few things okay what do you got let it go when he got come on okay this is really suspenseful right now come on Oh now I know how it feels the big expense what is it oh my face has just seen so much light in there oh my goodness don't tell me and they so look silver coin silver silver coin my goodness silver coins who come in Wow come any that is also what I don't know who said this to us what is happening okay I gotta go my time this is my time right now guys I'm just going straight in there right now you know what Tommy went low let's go even low I'm going deep down in the lows I am NOT looking in because obviously that's a cheap what did I get oh that's Jordan that's Jordan that's sporting literally Jordan's right meow oh they are awesome all right Tommy after 10 whoo that's like a boss I thought I made him wait too long you in some way you told me what are you wrecking I think open it in a little bit not yet ready so that whatever's here it's small but exactly cool all right what is it what is it it's a lockbox what's in it done in the fat is search for one to watch you know manager mr. Hugo Boss and masseur you know what I'm thinking right now [Music] all right all right guys here we go I'm going deep into the setup I'm gonna be really careful right now right now guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys I can hold on to this side that guy I just got an iPhone a wall I say that I don't know watching it Jordan [Music] me I've been food I had destroyed you you decide this brother you deserve that no you know you I've destroyed open so much better stuff you will see Wow all right I'm looking in all right here we go do this yeah let someone go to USA all right here we go it's so heavy wait hold on yeah you've got he's got oh oh oh that's a Kornacki cat whoa smash a giant 39-inch pit gotta pull it out of your dude pull it out well it's actually awesome Johnny now you're ready for this summit what is so heavy going by how much is the fine it's a big it's a big a vector these little ones like $500 thousand for all we know they say it's awesome my turn here we go whoa oh my goodness absolutely awesome dude you know what I'm actually opening this right do it right here we go this is legit this is nothing waiting to see what's inside ready I'm sure I review up to you one by one kake's know what okay here we go guys all sneaking literally cold loads right now these are literally college oh my goodness these are all these oh really yes look at this spice that is so cool yeah Tommy take those okay all these gold notes Wow oh my goodness is more go banknotes whoa look inside that's $100 old banknotes they're all gone look go wait over closes Wow my goodness come walk Oh golden ring with diamonds oh my with the cross you know it right there Oh with all the diamonds and gold that is so cool oh wow well that is awesome here taste that time they're gonna keep going right now okay we got coins this got more ease okay this is guys come on have a look at this right now look at all this stuff diamond ring guys a diamond ring another diamond ring we got a nova this is all silver Tommy I don't think you understand how much this is why oh that's just a chunk of silver here we go guys we gotta get it to the next item right now what am I gonna get right here off work and it feels like something weird this is a weird shape oh okay here we go how do we got alright here we go oh it's a boom yeah Tommy I was just dominating me how much awesome that to that that was so good whoa my dream coil GPS placement and it's two player that is awesome he knew what she knew but that we would play together I am we will play together that's better be so much fun to you bad guys you ready for this right now all right I'm going from the bottom because that's different okay this is bigger Oh [Music] let's ride I literally hope he's awesome the way jumps and strung this person must mean literally as I happen to know that I deserve a nice for a driver we've got a pass I just trying I can't show up that much sober I don't know what's happening all right Johnny you ready I'm ready dude come on man here we go what do you got come on something good hug boy now you keep that one right yes - through Wi-Fi no sense us this first set busted okay I'm going into the next times right now what is it Johnny all right guys what is it oh my god Golden Snitch nice little Harry Potter I'm gonna shoot oh my goodness $70 $70 that is literally like a hundred and something dollars Wow hundred and forty all right quick map I bet my Daleks all right here we go whoa a remote-control car oh so much fun with that I just know journey it's your time but Jonny it's in the Box in the bone more coins whoa what is it more coins and an off the shame that was literally awesome that's gonna wrap up this video guys thank you so much whoever sent this giant mystery box to us how did know how to say thank you enough we'll see you guys in the next one see you later guys - see you later guys bye
Channel: XtremeGamez
Views: 7,321,484
Rating: 4.8553081 out of 5
Keywords: UNBOXING A GIANT MYSTERY BOX, funny, comedy, funny reviews, mystery box, unboxing, box opening, fortnite, mystery box unboxing, amazon, sneaker review, iphone, review, box, apple, react, mystery, reviews, 2019, trending, iphone 11
Id: 2acWv3CeMWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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