We Bought A Amazon Customer Return Pallet | Liquidation Unboxing | The Family Flips

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okay guys we've got a treat for you today it is a new palette what are you doing are you peeking no i'm just making sure that you're peeking see what happened was hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] hey everybody welcome to another unboxing i'm really excited to unbox this palette with you guys today so this is an amazon palette it's got a little bit of a lot of things we got this from market street down in uh or up up in springfield missouri and uh we paid 500 for this palette as for our goal i'm not really sure because this is a brand new liquidator and we really don't know what to expect but i have high hopes for this and i'm really really excited to get unboxing with y'all you may be asking well why didn't we not include expenses or shipping for this particular palette it's kind of difficult to do that when we kind of use a little bit of extra to be able to go on a little vacation and stuff so i did not include that in the price of this palette because i don't think it would be a really fair depiction yeah one thing i am looking at is um we're not quite sure exactly what it is there i remember yeah we don't remember exactly what we got we thought it was shelf pools um so it might be shelf pools mixed in with some furniture uh in there um i'm looking at some of these boxes they definitely look like they haven't been opened some of them also have like label removal which could be from you know manufacturer to retailer we just really don't know [Music] first box grab this one because i actually had to pull it off when we were driving because it was like a sore thumb i don't know about a sore thumb it was sticking it like but it was like that on top and i'm like that's not going to stack very well uh on the drive home but i'm looking at it and it doesn't look as though this box has ever ever been opened before so i can looks like it was shipped to it's from overstock.com which that's confusing because this is an amazon pallet but looking at it it's got the light here all the wires securely packed it looks nice yeah oh yeah oh it's so pretty yeah so that's a cool life oh i love that so brand new open box now brand new open box now all right so it's a 99 90 light i know that's weird 99.90 uh so 99.90 so this lights like this we usually have to sell on ebay we'll list it locally because sometimes we'll get somebody who's renovating their house on a budget and we'll look there so we'll list it in both places uh and hoping to get around 65 to 70 profit regardless of where we sell it i grab this guy here and this guy here you have him too cheater cheater all right so this oh it's just it's a slip cover oh those sell good on facebook what is going on with this here okay that's all on the outside you see all that it looks like paint or something but it's all on the outside it's really stretchy it looks really nice uh and it doesn't really look like it's been opened it's got looks good yeah there's no way they could have folded that put it back in the box like that that's true so i found this on amazon the problem is i don't know what size and the size can determine the price but the cheapest one is a large it's 2549 which means we will sell this in our flea market booth or maybe even on our facebook group uh for local people and um we need 15 for that now the reason why i grabbed this one is because joe likes to play with the power tools so i thought maybe i would save us all the possible issues of calling an ambulance you're trying to steal my fun yeah yeah i am um let me get this let me get this i think you open it like this here it's you is that used yep that has been used heavily used so there's two listed on amazon one comes with a leaf blower and one comes with a trimmer like a string trimmer so the cheapest one is the one that has the leaf blower on it uh this one obviously doesn't have that so we'll just take off some money for it i think you know it being used and everything we might be able to get twenty dollars for it i know i'm breaking the rules and i'm kind of digging down a little bit but i saw this item when we oh is that a fountain it is how did i miss that i don't know that's why you grabbed it first this is the item that i saw when we were looking at the pallets and this is a return it's been heavily used so at least we know now we bought an amazon return palette yes but it just adds to the intrigue even more so um we there's a lot of testing that would have to go into this uh depending on how the rest of the palette goes usually pull pump that looks not a pull pump but a pond little fountain thing that looks like this this is probably not gonna be working uh and uh i just don't know if it's gonna be sellable because of that which adds to the further disappointment of this item being ridiculously heavy use this is a 205 dollar pond fountain pump um that's very disappointing i was gonna help you is that a baseball bat this is a case pack of something it's that uh iris brand they usually have the uh but it also says fragile on it so and it was upside down so we'll see we'll see what it is what could it be i hope they're not broken all right actually we just got some that were pretty similar to that yeah the other ones that we got were a little bigger yeah we just got but they sold well on facebook they sold really well and these are like a nice plastic like they are i just i need i hope that they're all good because that would be amazing all right there's one with a complete lid all right so no broken bins good no no it's broken oh we got one broken lid it's usually like the par for the course though with these storage bins yeah i mean this one's good i mean the fact that there's only one broken lid that's nothing yep no no oh no two broken lids three broken lids four broken lids all the lids are broken no this lid is not broken so we got two broken that aren't broken all right so we got all right well that's pretty average then oh this is so extraordinary but it's actually broken yeah that's a bummer i'm not disappointed in it though um because that's just that's normal yeah um it would have been really awesome if none of them were broken though all right 19 quarts six packs 46 21. all right so um it's about eight dollars a piece yeah i'm trying to think we probably would want to sell the two the two um complete ones so we could probably get 14 for that yeah let's make it 15 for the sake of math all right we've got a fan not so entertaining i'm not a fan of this you're not a fan of fans no the box is pretty heavily worn looks like it's been taped up and cut open before well it's like it's all wrapped in plastic still it actually looks in pretty decent shape so far a little dusty it's got scratches and stuff on it so it's had to it has had to have been used before uh maybe maybe it just got scratched up from being in the box because all this is still in really good shape yeah but i don't know just initial indications this looks like it has been previously used just because it's got scratches on here even though this was wrapped in the plastic it's got scratches signs of use but i don't know why they would put this whole thing together take it apart but then this doesn't look to be used so i have no idea we'll have to uh to test it out i don't think it's been used but it's got signs of uh opening and tampering yeah because like this here like why would somebody take the time to put this back on there you know what i mean and then this looks to be pretty well wrapped up somebody could have done that but chances are that that looks like it came from the manufacturer it spins yeah so it works and it oscillates so this is an 80 fan brand-new yeah i was not expecting it to be 79.99 i was thinking maybe we'll get 10 bucks for it uh but i don't know like i don't normally buy fans so like i don't know how much they usually go for but if this is what they're selling for on amazon you know it makes sense i was just looking at the the you know all the stuff that's on the box like how quiet it is and then it's got a remote control of course it's gonna be a little bit more yeah so maybe you know we'll get 30 for it um i think that'd be best case scenario all right let me just grab these guys here that's a mysterious it's two amazon packages taped together and wood pieces yeah so that's all right let's figure it out well whatever it is it's definitely been opened okay it's a shura shoe rack okay and if it's not broken like that's gonna be a miracle i know but it's looking like it is right here it's broken in a lot of places it's been like snapped a few times um that's broken there there's broken right here where my finger is yeah um this right here is snapped off uh this right here won't even attach anymore because it snapped off so this would be zero so when i when i chunked this thing down i could tell it was some kind of furniture um it's definitely been put together you can tell from the scuffing there must be a washer or something that went on there so there's that i still don't know what it is and i'm trying not to drop everything on the floor my concern with furniture that's already been put together is are all the pieces still there do we have all the screws nuts and bolts that we need to even be able to resell something and then if it's not worth very much i was not expecting that do we take the time to put it all together what is this polaroo it's a pet pet i think is what it said yes it's a small medium pet bed this is interesting so it's kind of like a puppy hammock yeah um all right this is a 10 dog bed so is it even worth putting our it is not it's together it's not worth the time for us to put all of this together so what i'm going to do is mark it as zero and we'll try and figure out something with it later maybe somebody will want it you know and they'll be willing to put the piece put it all together and all that yeah you know this is one of those things where it doesn't even i don't know it doesn't look like anything is broken um i just you know don't know if uh all the all the nuts and bolts are there yeah let me grab these looks like a couple items here all right first one is this oh a swiffer sweeper what is this what is it broken yeah i don't know if it's broken it's definitely bent but i know it's not supposed to be bent so that's supposed to be straight so judging by this but that would be something for us to use because i don't think i'd want to sell something that default defective and it won't cost that much anyway yeah but i might be able to bend those straight we might be able to use it ourselves it's a bummer all right this looks like a toilet seat toilet seat we usually put these at the flea market booth and sell them for like five bucks so five dollars there yeah it usually takes a minute but it'll sell oh what's that yard max tame the great outdoors paving pat it what i was wondering it has like a little odor to it like pavement kind of it smells like street yeah yeah anybody know how to use this it smells very much like pavement yeah it does i mean it's got screws here bolts here that doesn't like to it's been installed it's got two and two so it's got a upc let me scan it and see if i can't find out exactly uh what this is used for well it doesn't uh really explain it's gonna be some type for like a yard equipment some not necessarily a tractor but a yard max do i even want to look it up yard max yc okay so this is what it goes on so it's like it's a replacement part for something that goes on there uh it doesn't look to have been used before so this is an item that we can sell on ebay this isn't 397 i wish it was but it was 39.99 so we'll sell this on ebay hope to make 20 profit off of it we got 3m looks like air filters oh yay not a fan it looks like it was once a three pack but now it's a two pack they don't look to have been used which is good so this would be nine that would go at the flea market booth and uh hope to get five dollars from this box if you know it's all about sizes and all that so it's like they're difficult to sell but and they're not very expensive yeah and they're big and bulky so that's why i say five dollars because i don't want this to sit in our flea market for very long because it takes up a lot of space you want a shiatsu massager i was eyeballing that's for the things i was peeking at when you caught me earlier oh yes okay um a little bit of damage here kind of almost a telltale sign that it's been taken out of the box i'm trying to uh kind of figure out how to make there we go all right looks like it's in good condition it goes around your neck um it's even got a you can do it in the car it's even got a cigarette lighter attachment yes how do you uh i think that's how it goes [Music] this would feel so good dude i can feel it it's like right where my shoulders are tight yeah all right uh this shout to massager is 39.99 on amazon brand new so this is obviously uh used so we can sell this for fifteen dollars george foreman oh i was hoping you'd grab that my mom had one of these it was so awesome i think i remember the original george foreman i think that's what my mom has like the first ever and uh i used a heck out of it in college i hope it has not been used i love george corman grills i haven't seen any of the newer ones yet or used them even it looks new it does the drain tray it's scratched up so it may have been used maybe it's been cleaned up used and cleaned i hope not it looks good though so it's definitely got some scratches on it so it has been used i mean and uh it's got like some little grease residue just a little bit here but it has been used it can still be sold used it probably has a pretty decent resale value as long as it works so i'm not super disappointed but it would have been really cool upc's and it's still scanned it so it's a 60 dollar george foreman brand new now obviously this is one has been used so if we can get 25 bucks for it locally on facebook i'd be happy with that all right here is a uh deluxe bugs it feels really light is it even in here uh but it's it i mean it's open obviously this is something that is listen i was really freaking out because it was so light and then i saw this and i was like no it's empty but it's not it's in here uh definitely used there's bug there's bug stuff in it nice um there is lots of bug stuff so um it doesn't mean that it doesn't work but it also means that we can't get as much for it as we would have applied yeah um and this is something where if it's not worth a whole whole bunch it may not be worth it for us personally in our business model to be able to oh my gosh that's nasty that is y'all see all that yeah so i don't know you know i know it's just bug guts but reselling this no way if it works we may use it around the house seems to be a really popular thing it's highly rated yeah there's only one left in stock on amazon used like new is 45 um new is 60. there's even one on here that's 71. um but i don't know that we can resell this just because the amount of time because of how much it cost the amount of time it would cost for us to do that we could spend our time uh making more money somewhere else so i'm going to call this zero because we're limited on time and we just don't have the you know we just don't have the resources we need to be able to sell this um so we'll call it zero maybe we'll you know when we have little parties and stuff we can put it out in our yard i grab a couple yeah this one it doesn't look very promising it's blinds lines never really especially on like if something's return a lot of returns yeah chances are this has been used and it's got masking tape on it so actually we did have a viewer say that even they do they've worked in amazon before and they have used masking tape yeah so that's not always a deal breaker it's got little bitty hairs on here so this is only a 20.88 brand new blind so i mean used anyways 10 bucks we got to get it clean to even make it sellable it's just not worth our time so we're going to call this one a zero big box very very light what is it we got half of a camp cooker as you see here the picture it should be two sides but we only got the one side oh yeah that would have been neat though that would have been kind of cool so another zero dollars this is a very open right it's a rice cooker it is and a steamer on top which is kind of cool nice so it's just the uh a basic aroma rice cooker doesn't look like to be one of those really really high quality ones um you know well it might be for some people for me uh coming from an asian family uh we we like that was a big expense a decent rice cooker so i'm looking at this one and i'm just like oh yeah but some people may really like this kind of thing but it's still in its plastic um so that's a good sign yep um i don't see a lot of scuffy it's a little dusty but the box was open so there's that um and this is this is the the money here yeah and i see no scratches whatsoever there's a little bit of dust on there so this this may be able to be sold like new all right so that's a 20 um rice cooker so i'm thinking uh since it's like new we can put this in the flea market booth sell it for 15 dollars so grab this here oh it's already open it's open and it's scratched up i don't even know if this is what's in the box that's not right because this box says that it's some kind of wheelie chair i think this is an auto part isn't it or no this is not what is water sprinklers what yeah you put this out in the yard like this you got the stakes it's got duct tape there i guess to not scratch it up but put it in the ground those are hardcore yeah these are heavy duty yeah metal ones and it's got the return so this i think this should answer the question about what type of pout this is because that is a return authorization slip yep and uh well these these if these work these could resell yeah for sure it's just a wrong season for it now that's true all right so i've looked it up this is a 39.99 sprinkler for just one sprinkler and we've got two of them so they do have some scratches on it which i think it would still be okay because they're going into the ground so the rest of it looks they don't look to be used i don't see any water stuff on it something that we could sell them in a pack of two for like 50 on ebay okay i'm looking at these two big boxes here this one says training pants doesn't mean that's really what's in there but i'll pull that and then this says iris on it so i bet you these are more of those bins yep so let's look at these first things first these uh bins here yep that's what they are it's one bin that looks like you know what this looks like it looks like somebody purchased them cut the box open and yep and they cut it so if that's the case maybe these were returned because of that one reason and the rest are actually good oh lauren this is just a setup okay so these are different beds yeah okay this is a three-piece combo all right um it's a like a oh that's cool yeah that's nice and then this is okay so it's cat and dog food specifically for dog food it's got wheels on it this hasn't even been opened yeah so exactly what i thought happened they scraped the top of it didn't like it returned it so these are actually perfect yeah other than that that small i guess where it goes like that yeah see this right here actually has a thing it fits perfectly awesome right on there that's really cool so let's see that's kind of nice i mean it is that kind of thing can be resold pretty good um it's a 24 dollar uh 24.49 yeah dollar thing so we can put this in the flea market booth sell it for 20 bucks the whole set and i think that'd be good yeah so these are honest training it's what it says on the box opening it up that's exactly what it is um so yeah okay so these are okay these are honest diapers they're size two three three t and normally i sell most diapers like pampers uh odd sizes like really really big sizes like size six and seven i'll sell those at the flea market booth for five dollars a piece but these are really in high demand uh people love this brand um so i looked it up on amazon when i scanned the box and these are selling for 43.96 these are brand new i think we can sell this whole case on facebook marketplace for 35 dollars i'm gonna grab three little doozies here all right i don't even know what that is retrospec matte five inch get a keyboard and it's like yoga mat or something it is yeah and it's like whoa wait wait it's like it's from right here y'all if you order order if you order yoga mats please be careful opening the box we get so many of those we do actually but you know on the other hand if i get it i usually keep it sometimes if it doesn't sell for a while we just don't need anymore we really don't so this one here just basic yoga mat it's still usable so it's an island that we could put in the flea market booth and get eight bucks for it yeah so we got this pink bat which it's a fast pitch softball bat for girls and it's got so many stickers on it so we're going to apply some heat to get it off um i'm going to look it up just because i know it's softball season right now or the beginning of girls fast pitch softball season and i just know some bats are super expensive although it is for young girls so i'm not sure if they still have the same price disparity yeah and we're really only familiar with the price of bats for the slower pitch like because jolin does softball so we don't really know the price differential just yet but we will because she seems to really love it so this is a 30 dollar bat or 29.99 online uh brand new this one's still brand new it's still got the tape and everything on there the little sticker so i'm thinking we can sell this on facebook for 20 bucks and it'll probably sell pretty quickly because it is the season for this so the next thing we've got is this little dask das keyboard an off-brand keyboard i say off brand uh you know what i mean it's not one of the name it's super long because it's still got the number pad on it which is hard to find sometimes obviously since it's electronic we'll have to hook it up to laptop make sure it still works make sure all the numbers work so that's extra added time and they've got this all taped up oh it's pretty it doesn't even really look like it's been opened oh yeah so pretty i love the smell of new computer equipment is that weird yes thanks for your honesty so it doesn't look to be i don't know it's like one of those things like it's i see wiping streaks so it may have been used for a little while and then wipe down because it's got lots of small cosmetic scratches on there which keyboards still sell even in used condition but let's look at the price to see if this is an item and how much we can sell it for where we can sell it at i was not expecting evidently das keyboard is an expensive keyboard how much is it 119. what yeah hey that's cool i know so we'll do some price comps on ebay but if it's selling for 120 new we know that we can probably get at least 60 dollars for it used on ebay but like i said we do have to test it so that will be part of our process later on uh but right now we're gonna call it 60 profit we are about at the halfway point on this palette and judging by all the prices we're currently at 390 dollars give or take um and that's pretty conservative number um ideally i'd like to be at the break-even point by now um but we're not we're about a hundred and ten dollars shy of that point we still got half of the palette to go so maybe we'll have some high dollar items but i mean part of me is feeling a little bit nervous uh not quite sure what to expect but like i said this is a new liquidator um and so i mean this is more of an experiment than anything so let's see what happens so first off toilet seat we know flea market booth five dollars for it and then starting to pile up oops put throwing stuff please i know right and uh we've got this phillips event event it's a sterilizer um okay yeah and you put little gadgets inside sterilize them good for like baby bottles balls binkies nipples things like that so if this isn't even in used condition this will still sell and uh looking at it we've got still in plastic there might be one of those baby shower items that you have two of or stuff like that baby stuff sells so well in our area so that's kind of exciting and this is looking good because it still has you know everything still plastic it's all in this protective covering yeah even looking down here at the sterilizer the the base piece it's still wrapped up still has the piece on there so still even zip tied together so brand new item which is awesome uh we needed a good item for this so get this put back in here see how much it's worth see how much money we can make this is odd this is where it's like how much do we sell it for because on amazon there's one that's selling for dollars and 22 cents and then the next couple are selling for 109.95 and i don't know why there's a huge disparity there let's check on ebay just to uh see maybe if there's a more solid price there so new looks like it's selling for i mean it's still it's the same price to spare there's some selling for like 60 or something selling for like 80 or 90 bucks i'm wondering if there's like a or not brand but like a model or something that's so weird but i think best bet we'll sell this and locally we'll price it for like 70 uh and see how it goes oh towels uh it just fell out of this like this box it's not even really a box it's more like a cardboard envelope yeah but this has towels it hasn't been used it's in really good condition so this was a really good flea market booth item yeah um i really like it it's actually really cute um i wonder if there's a way that i can price it and just give more realistic price but if not we'll just mark it 15. okay so i have no no way of comping this other than just to look it up here does it have anything on no um i found uh an amazon basics very similar one uh it's selling for 18.99 um it's it's a different brand it's broken where right here it's missing a little uh okay well i didn't see that until now i was just really excited about how pretty it was but it is broken right here um so that really really dumbs down the price um i don't even know if i'll get ten dollars for this i might just price it for five giants oh two of them two giants yep super soft sherpa throw and then here i'll just grab this right here because it's pretty easy yeah it's a it's puppy pads um which they've sold yeah flea markets we listed them for five dollars isn't that right five dollars we start off like 15 then i went down to 12. i think they finally sold like 10 bucks 10 bucks okay so we'll just go ahead and list these at 10 bucks and then let's find out how much these blankets are worth i've got one blanket selling for 13.59 and another blanket selling for 29.99 so what are we selling for i mean this one's the prime version so that one's probably the most popular of the versions so best bet five bucks flea market well five dollars it all right i'm gonna grab i think this is a car seat and it is heavy i'm talking about heavy i've never seen a car seat this heavy before worries me that it's been shipped like that uh just because i don't know like how rough it's been like if it's been tampered with in any way and uh i don't know anything about this uh if there's any recalls uh normally with other car seats we check for recalls and stuff this one's gonna be a lot harder it's a rear-facing car seat it looks nice i mean it's it's a super nice chair like it's heavy and looks like a roller coaster ride i don't know i mean it makes me so nervous to sell because i don't i can't guarantee how safe it is so it's got model number clerk manufactured all that i'm gonna scan it it's got a upc back here this is a 389.99 car seat it's like it's like i love that that's so exciting but i'm like how do i guarantee this is safe to sell so i'm gonna have to like research i might talk to some people i don't know and see the other the other ones always came in a box which was always made me feel safer i mean granted it's never been used so it's like it's a dilemma for those of you who do not know when you do get a car seat and a liquidation pallet and you're really not sure about it a couple of things that you can do for one if you ever need to put a car seat in and you're not sure if you're buckling your child in safely or if the car seat is installed correctly your local fire department usually advertises that you can go in and they will for free check and make sure that your car seat is installed correctly so they are a plethora of useful information if you are reselling car seats as well as there are certifications that you can get there's a local doula in the town next to us and she is specializes in in the same thing that fire departments are specialized in to know that your child is buckled in safely to know that your car seat is installed safely and all the safety precautions that come with that so if you are trying to resell car seats and you need to do your research look for your local doulas and look at your local fire department and see if they can help you out so we're confident that we can sell this but we're going to do some more research we're going to ask some child uh car seat safety experts that we know about this and as long as we do that and then we display in the listing that this came from an amazon customer return palette disclosing information because there are some parents out there that want to know these types of things they want to make sure that their child is safe we'll put that in there as long as we do all that i'm pretty sure that we can profit 300 off this i gotta say that car seat was a huge help yeah i mean like now we are in profit we are so i don't feel bad about getting rid of some of those items that were junk items now i know i know that's we really needed that yeah that was really nice um yeah i'm feeling so much better like i'm like no we actually made double our money now yes okay so i don't know what this is this is a uh i'm not sure but we're gonna we're gonna find out what it is you never know until you unbox it i see um roll later walker okay so i know what this is um this is something that's gonna be kind of hard to sell i think but let's look it's for medical purposes for older people right yes or not necessarily not older people this is for like if you've broken your leg okay and you need someone you know you need help rolling it yes um but let me look at first impressions here um one thing that does concern is there is some scuffing significant scuffing as if it has been used which is fine as long as it all works properly it's expensive it is it's 160 dollars nice and looking a little bit it actually could be used i thought it was for you know when you hurt your leg but this is actually a walker like a straight walker for people who have a hard time walking i got you um i think the the big thing about this is that it's it's collapsible which makes it really cool it does so we're gonna knock off a little bit for the condition knock off a little bit uh for shipping and fees we could probably profit 75 dollars for this nice how cute it's gonna be even nicer if it's not been used happy grand piano oh styrofoam dungeon i'm gonna do it like this oh that looks really nice yeah yeah i don't see any scuffing or anything i see some dust from the uh let's see if we can get some of the legs it's got styrofoam it doesn't even look to be installed i'm looking at all these little holes yeah the installation holes and there's nothing nothing so this is like brand new [Applause] thankful it's a playful piano and not supposed to sound like the real thing wow how much i can't say 103.29 nice yes that's cool i was not expecting 103 dollars so man so 100 bucks so i think it would sell 80 and if we get 75 for it i think that'll be good somebody saved some money we still make a good profit so 80 bucks look at that a crib i know i see that i hope it's not damaged i know those dream mommy cribs sell so well in our area they do thank you for stopping them yes trying to break their stuff this looks like a a cheaper model not like the other one yeah uh so wow look at that that's unique that is very unique look at that that's like round buttons or something it's not like residue down there what is that it's dust it's not residue it wipes off with my fingers the box was slightly open y'all this thing lights up dude it's 50 so i don't even know do i want to sell this i want to sell this local probably on facebook marketplace i think it'll sell there yeah and if i do i can get i don't know like 20 bucks for this 25 you think maybe price it for 30 and if we get at least 20. okay yeah we'll price it for 30 dollars hope for 20. very ominous box looks super um damaged know what's in it but we about to find out it's already open what is this it's a it's one of those ball throwers and it has balls in there too with complete with a tennis ball it plugs in it's very it's very used though definitely been used let's plug it in i'm a skeptical we're gonna break something we'll shoot it against that door this is unscripted y'all i'm scared it looks like it's on nothing come on it's humming is it well it works it scared me oh i got dizzy maybe we should back it up a little bit why are we doing it again at work because i jumped i don't know if they got it ready yeah your head may have been in the way i think we should give this to desi well let's see how much it uh it works i must peed my pants that was scary ready set fetch that's what it's called premium franklin pet supply company that was funny and fun well this is an 82.42 yeah launcher uh it's used yeah definitely but we could sell this locally somebody's gonna buy it these are really cool yeah i mean because it's in used condition i'll knock off quite a bit maybe we can get price it for 50 hope to get 40 and call it a day that's kind of cool it is so we got this it's a heavy box it looks like a computer chair here is that a computer chair oh it's a nasty looking computer very scuffy yeah that could be just from the uh from being loose in the box that means no telling how many places this has been uh but i'm not seeing any hardware yeah that it looks to be just the chair yeah i don't see any any nails or nut nails screws yeah no so that's a bummer but i will probably keep this base and the wheels because we have a gaming chair and storage are over there somewhere i think it's in storage that we needed a base for hopefully it fits i know that's a big box to be a zero that's a bummer this box is pretty yes it looks nice uh it says lounger chairs on it a two-piece set so i don't know if that's that the lounger chair comes in two pieces or there are two loungers yeah in there i feel like it's kind of small to have two loungers but you know i could be wrong also because i don't have a lot of spatial um oh nice sweet that looks pretty i don't even want to take it out of the box no i probably won't we may take it out of the box to list it but this is okay this plastic nope it hasn't been opened it's got the manufacturer's tape on there i'm just pulling it out at this point so let me price this and see uh how much this is this is this two-piece lounger set i think there's two in here yep yeah one two two sweet wow two of those are a hundred bucks the two pack is a hundred bucks wow and it's like brand new it's not really the right season though we're getting out of that season but so we could probably discount it for it being out of season to move it quick yeah sell it locally price it for 80 maybe get 70 for it yeah so the last box is a dream on me it's the synergy five in one convertible crib i know as long as this is not damaged then this is money like this would be at least a hundred bucks but as you can see we've got some crinkling of the box here so hopefully this is not damaged now i don't know if you know this joe but if this is worth at least 35 we've doubled our money nice so we need this to not be broken right boom boom boom boom boom i like it so far i'm not seeing anything a pretty cherry couple couple of scratches here i don't but oh yeah yeah just some little from the box though being open looking over here got a few scratches like on this piece here on the back side we have to come over here it's got a small scratch there but not enough to really decrease the value much on this i think i think we uh we're going to do well with this all right so this right here is 109.77 so i know we can at least get 80 bucks for it we'll price it for 90 even though it has a couple of scratches here and there and uh it'll get at least eighty dollars for it so we doubled and there you have it guys that is our first unboxing from market street liquidations in springfield missouri and i have to say i started off really really worried yeah if it wasn't for that car seat we would not be doing as well as we are so thankful about the car seat that's just kind of the way it goes a lot of times with palette flipping and buying liquidation is a lot of times it's that one item that is the difference between a bad palette and a good palette and a good palette and a great palette i do also want to say that not every single time that you get a bad pellet that is a reflection on the liquidator it's not sometimes you just get bad palettes and that's just par for the course luckily this all worked out for us in the end and we were able to double our money we made a total of one thousand and forty five dollars conservatively on this palette which caused us to double remember we were all in for 500 so we are very very excited got some really good product a few duds uh but i can't say that i'm disappointed right i think it was good yeah so we hope you guys enjoyed this unboxing if you have any questions comments or any thing that you want to add go ahead and comment those down below uh and until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 35,104
Rating: 4.9269567 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets, franchise kicks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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