Unboxing 80 [Eighty!!!] BABY TARANTULAS !!! (feat. My Turtle)

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what on earth am I gonna do with this you know usually I unbox slings that are like I don't know how I'll usually buy like maybe ten at most 15 yeah the OBT slings remember that we have 80 slings that's right 80 baby through insurance eight zero not one eight eight zero yeah that is insane just thinking about that let me get this top part open I see the container and all 80 are in this small container what okay any more in here I like how he padded everything inside to makes it look like a little Great Wall of China I mean a foreign I don't know what I'm talking about but yeah I guess there's nothing else in there let's see now before I show you the slings these are surah 2 gyrus and ER II didn't know maybe a horn baboon I had two now I have one which is hopefully a female I bought two as slings one unfortunately became a mature male so I sent him off for a breeding low and well the female my friend's female unfortunate oh guys look my turtle is out in the garden this is so not common this rate eared slider is usually in the pond and today he's just out suntanning well I mean there's no Sun but he's out chilling in the garden anyways back to this so where was I yeah my mail sender II got eaten by the female unfortunately but he was a productive male before he was eaten he went to get us some good babies oh it's really damp Oh soggy eight crates gross but yeah I still have another one in the animal room and hopefully that wants a female because they're both from the same egg sack right brothers and sisters but that one matured out quicker I feed them both the same so this one is a bit plump and hasn't matured out into a mature male so I guess hopefully I hope so it's a female oh my goodness look at this you guys this is literally I've never opened more than 20 slings before what duh what on earth am I gonna do with this so if there are 80 slings in here I'm assuming that there were 160 slings in total in the Excite because usually for breeding loads the male owner gets 50% and female owner gets 50% I don't know for other animals but that's how tarantula breeding works I guess I guess it also can depends your negotiation between deed you're in your friend I really hope all 80 every single one is a life man the top layers like fall and then when you move it there's the second layer and then you move that one that's a third layer and you move that one there's a fourth they all my goodness you guys this is like the best Christmas present ever although it's not technically a present because it was my meal and yeah whatever it still feels like Christmas I'm gonna have to go out get two daily cups poke the holes air holes ventilation holes whatever you want to call them and then substrate in and finally we house these guys so for now we're gonna let them go back to sleep till I come back home and mess with them for the rehousing so yeah good night little dudes and I will see you in a bit so this my friends is what 80 slinks look like well there are 77 over here because I give two to my friend the other day when I visited him and unfortunately we had one that didn't make it yeah as sad as it sounds when you ship a lot of tarantula slings you may have one or two deaths along the way it's just the way it is sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't but yeah so I actually did want to film all the rehousing on camera but I was like yeah there's 80 slings it's not gonna take a very short while it could take even an hour yeah actually took me about an hour because I had to cut the straw put the tarantula in but I mean I didn't move out of the straw I just put the straw in after cutting it because you know I I can't deal with eighty tarantulas bolting on me because these Serato charts and arees are all worlds and can you imagine if I were to do them individually from destroy and poke them out yeah that's just not gonna be fun all right let me open this and I'll show you the sling up close there is the sling so good there is the size of it compared to my hand super tiny super cute but Super Bowl T my gosh look at it it's just waiting for the time to bolt on me like I would just just turn over here and then I look back it's probably gonna be gone so I've gotta pay attention to these old walls you know there's a clear shot of the underneath of one of the slings beautiful they may look cute now but once they reach adulthood man you better not mess with these guys so I guess that'll be it for this video I just wanted to show you guys all these slings that my male Sandri has given us whoo so BAM just like that I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to thumbs it up if you didn't feel free to thumbs it down if you're new to this channel be sure to subscribe and hit a notification bell so you'll know when I upload next I'll see you guys in the next video and you guys take care peace
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 2,506,748
Rating: 4.8975377 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, arachnid, arachnids, spider, spiders, tarantula, tarantulas, babytarantula, unboxing, unboxings, tarantulaunboxing, ceratogyrus, sanderi, namibia, baboon, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exoticpet, exoticpets, exoticslair, exotics_lair, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment
Id: u5234ynYc6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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