So much STRESS just to re-home my MOST DEFENSIVE TARANTULA ..

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I will use these pair of tweezers and just slowly poke her out because if she oh my what today's video is going to be super fun I mean at least for you guys but for me you know when it's fun for you guys it's always a nightmare for me and you want to know why well this enclosure check this out I got this tub and it has like a lot of substrate literally it's from here all the way to the bottom so you guys want to guess what tarantula will be rehousing in here I don't know post it down in the comments pause this video do whatever you want so you've got two hints to guess what species we're going to be housing in here apart from looking at that okay don't look at that so in here it's gonna be an old world and it's going to be one that would require some deep substrate to burrow yes now it's not in some super deep substrate but it is deep enough to like cover itself but I'm gonna be rehousing it into this it's sort of an upgrade and look at the amount of substrate it's literally like three times the amount of that and well I'm pretty sure she will be very contented in this enclosure however this enclosure is a little bit big for her you guys guessed what tarantula we're gonna be real housing in here I know you probably post in the comments or you haven't I don't know but it's time to reveal so this oh gosh this is a nightmare tarantula that will be rehousing in here and well if you guys guessed miss Thailand black you are absolutely correct you guys know this girl this is one of the most famous tarantulas on this channel you guys know her from the watering video especially and some of the feeding videos but mainly watering videos yes she can be a real pain with me at times but I mean look at her she is down there she's one really really big girl now I'm very very scared to do this but I just want to show you what she did currently with this enclosure I know the water dish is it like super full but it is clean I'm supposed to refill there but will refill it after I put it in here actually you know what let's take it out Oh hopefully she doesn't come running out at us oh she moved a little bit alright so okay I won't put this in yet I will have to wash it later because I don't know what is in this enclosure well without any further ado I guess it is time to rehouse this girl now I hope she does a bolt on me I mean obviously right why would I want her to bolt on me I've got this catch cup I'm gonna have to like put it over here in case she decides to run out then I'll use these pair of tweezers and just slowly poke her out because if oh my what they are you serious man oh my gosh what is your problem you guys saw that you guys saw that this is why I said this is gonna be a nightmare for me no I did not do anything to her I just put this beside her and now she comes running at me man okay this is seriously gonna be a nightmare let me show you guys her the oh my gosh okay so there she is very very angry as always this is why she is super famous on this channel miss Thailand black but I'm not gonna be I don't want to do any mistakes here I mean obviously who would want to do mistakes so I'm gonna have to like woah okay see I'm not agitating her or anything I mean she's probably agitated because bye it's for her own good I want to put her in this enclosure where she can burrow nicely because over here she can't really borrow that much I mean it's enough for her to like stand at the corner to ambush prey but this one she can literally go down there and just chill over there and this has much bigger space for her but oh my god this girl why do you do this to me like seriously man I did nothing to you apart from of course trying to catch you out of your current enclosure but I mean these guys look at that they lay a nice layer of web on the bottom okay whoa whoa whoa okay so this is why I say it's gonna be a nightmare for me it's gonna be a fun one for you guys but enough rambling let's see how she reacts when I put this okay Oh Mike can you please chill please stop it oh my gosh I'm gonna have to get it oh come on man oh you know get out get out this girl can bolt like I know she's big and usually small tarantulas bolt but this girl oh man you wouldn't want to see oh oh oh oh you guys wouldn't want to see how this girl boots she is insane alright so there we go successful she is pretty darn heavy you guys look at that so there is my Thailand black tarantula she is definitely not one happy girl today and for a very good reason okay so now oh man I did a big mistake I should have put hole at the top over here so I can use a stick too or a straw to like brought her down now how the hell am I gonna get her out of this oh gosh because if I put it down like this and prod her out she will bolt the hell out and that is probably gonna be very entertaining for you guys but not so much for me huh and also oh yeah my friends rose hair I still am yet to give it back to him but she's doing fine and I have to fill her water dish I know but I mean back to this girl how on earth am I going to get her down because if I were to oh my gosh she moved because if I were to do this I can't cover it here is the cover by the way and I'm probably gonna have to superglue or not super hot glue off some holes because I don't want water to be evaporating too quickly so yeah I'll do that later but I don't know we'll see how the evaporation happens or how bad it is if it's not too bad then I'll just leave it like this there are ventilation side to side like - over here - on this side - on that side as well as on this side so I don't know alright you can see this enclosure is like way too big for her but I'm pretty sure she will enjoy it and utilize it well but now the nightmare is trying to get her out which I have no idea how am I gonna do that if I put this over here he bolts she will hit this down like no problem because this is so light what am I gonna do should I like put this over here is she going to boat underneath or she's gonna bolt on top if she bolts on top okay let me get this okay maybe I'll use this alright I'll put this over here if she bolts up hopefully she'll go in here if she bolts down then I have no idea guys oh my gosh yup this is a nightmare why do I do this to myself okay come on what are you doing girl you see now she's shy she is super shy now but then when she decides she wants to bowl oh man there she goes alright sorry you guys can't really see but come on girl come on you got to move out a little bit I don't want to hurt you yeah she's not cooperating at all which is super awesome know if you can't tell I'm being sarcastic but oh my gosh please oh okay guys my head my heart my everything is Oh seriously if you guys can't tell I'm like really in stress right now I mean who wouldn't be stressed in such a situation oh gosh and I'm like literally over here if she bolts out I'm the first thing that's gonna be facing her why why how am I gonna do this oh gosh can you guys like literally look at her she is literally not happy and this is why people say do not get old-world as your first tarantula because I mean look at that seriously I'm filming this while doing this I can't believe I'm doing this okay please oh gosh seriously the jump scares are real the jump scares are super real can you please like cooperate oh my gosh look at her she's like literally man and she's upside down now come on you want to go down come on let's go let's go why'd you do this huh seriously what what have I done to you what have I done to you this girl I seriously have no idea how am I gonna do this she is massive she's literally massive and is literally messing with my hint right now oh gosh okay I might gonna do this whole am I gonna do this I seriously I can't like okay maybe I could put her over the hole and I'm like gosh what is that but all right so what am I gonna do now huh yeah I caught I caught my seriously Carter just bite the bullet and just go in I mean that would not be a very good idea as well oh I should have thought this through before I even started oh if only mr. feet is here it could help me but no he's not it's probably playing with his fishes at home I have no idea oh okay maybe I could no I can't guys how I need help you guys could help me or anything oh my god this video is really 10 minutes and I've not made much progress okay maybe I could try that again no idea should I yeah I think I could I don't know hopefully she calmed down a bit which I really doubt to be honest and if I put this over here no I can't dang it am I gonna do I can't I can't like okay I could put this over here and just hopefully she stop please do not like oh my gosh sorry you guys can't see because I gotta concentrate on this yeah this is not happening this is not happening oh my goodness oh okay okay okay okay okay chill chill girl chill you see she's like literally looking at me and there's like there's nothing that I could possibly do right now why'd you do this to me why and you're not can you just please go down the hole No please go down oh man I should put a hole I mean I couldn't use this needle or something I don't know should I like the country I can't no I can't too hard oh gosh come on girl can you please go down oh my goodness go down go down go down why why do you do this to myself seriously why all right you know what I'm just gonna burn this like okay now there's smoke and then I will get like out of her way and just poke a hole oh no it's not hard enough dang it all right I think it should be hard enough no come on come on yes get in there get in there all right twist twist around and I think we should be good yes okay get out all right yes okay these are my new pliers and now they are pretty much ruined No this is what happens when you don't think things through so is using this lighter by the way pretty cool now we've got our hole which is not very big hmm sorry that the burrow collapsed a little bit now I can put this over the bar oh thank goodness I made that burrow thank goodness I thought that through and now I'm gonna have to get like a chopstick or something and just poke it through here to prod her down which of course I don't have Wow okay why do I put myself in this situation if only I could stick this in it would be so much easier but fortunately I can't so I'm gonna have to go and find something I've no idea hmm my fishing rod can my fishing rod fit in here oh yes hell yeah yes my fish Iran can fit in here so this is why I like fishing not just kidding but this really is handy so come on girl can you please go down please go down please you've really given me enough help gosh can you please get down man go go go oh man I hope I don't have to do this again go down go down so stubborn man oh yes yes she's down heck yeah I can't believe this oh thank you all gone fishing rod holy fishing rod oh my gosh there she has you guys oh man finally she's stoned there sorry you can't really see her but yeah that is it I'm done it's gonna smooth them this out a bit I mean before she runs out Felicia makes use of that burro and okay guys my heart is beating and I'm just gonna have to wash this put it over there and we're pretty much done with this video okay I've got this thing washed so this I've saved this little corner over here for her water dish so maybe I should like dig it up a little bit yeah dig it and then I'll bury the water dish in I mean not like bury it but put it like this so she doesn't have to climb up to drink makes more sense right there we go put that like that so it's kind of like a little river she'll have to walk here and come down to drink now for the water which I have in this jug over here okay just like that so hopefully man hopefully I don't have to do this again hopefully this doesn't like start growing more because the substrate is pretty damp and we don't have too much ventilation because this tarantula was in this enclosure and look at the amount of holes this lid has water evaporates like nobody's business I literally missed it this down yesterday and look how bone-dry it became so I'm gonna be slowly rehousing these old world borrowers into I mean these Asian species I can't say old world because they're OB tees are all walls and it will really like a dam but yeah Asian old-world I will put them in tops like this with minimal ventilation and mean hopefully it doesn't grow more but yeah it'll retain the humidity much better and if I didn't mention this is just coconut fiber this is specna moss oh man I shouldn't be like doing this because she's just right there and then these are some just dried leaves to help them hold the borough in the future I'm not sure but yeah whatever right so that is yeah my heart is still beating from just now so that will be it for this video I'm just gonna end the video right here if you liked it thumbs it up if you didn't thumbs it down she is finally in a lot of substrate I know if you're new to this channel subscribe hit a notification bell so you'll get notified whenever we upload another crazy video just like this if you'd like to support through patreon links in the description below together with the social media links we have Twitter Facebook and Instagram so feel free go check those out til the next video I hope you guys take care I mean that's up to you guys you guys go and take care um yeah peace and we'll catch you guys we'll catch up later okay oh boy that was a nightmare [Applause]
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 1,748,778
Rating: 4.849031 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, arachnid, arachnids, spider, spiders, tarantula, tarantulas, old world, old world tarantula, thailand black, thailand black tarantula, defensive tarantula, rehouse, tarantula rehouse, jump scares, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exoticpet, exoticpets, exoticslair, exotics lair, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment, pet tarantula, haplopelma minax
Id: yzY44Vq-lak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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