SHOWERING my FAT, dirty HEDGEHOG, Jaxon ~ Hedgehog UPDATE !!!

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yo what's going on guys look who we've got over here it is Jackson yep a lot of you guys have been asking for him and no obviously this is not his enclosure but yeah a lot of you guys have been asking for him and it's pretty dirty so yeah let's go give him a shower and look at him he is ready for a shower that for sure and how are you gonna have a shower without shampoo if I got a shower with just shampoo guys it is not gonna be very effective so you might as well just don't have a shower so over here we have got some nice yeah that's what we're gonna be using and then I've got some old toothbrush over here so this is what we're gonna be using to scrub him okay so some of you guys did mention that I shouldn't be showering him in a bathtub or a bucket or anything because he can't start drinking the water which is contaminated from his like pooping all and then he could get infected so we're not gonna be showering him in a bathtub or anything that can hold water we're just gonna shower him the traditional way which is like right here all right Jackson are we ready for a bath let's see him he is super big right now you guys super fat as well look at him what's going on Jackson whoa super dirty yep definitely time for a shower get some nice warm water not too strong whoa yeah that looks to be good come on Jackson let's go oh you like this huh you like this but be careful not to get water into his ears very good Jackson sir if you can hear something in the background no idea what my neighbors doing Jackson you're not going far you're coming back good boy whoa whoa calm down no Jackson get some shampoo come on Jackson relax dude alright got off the water don't want water to run and waste this is fun let's get all the dirt off all the grime you lift showers come on stop running away come back here Jackson stop running away come here steer hopefully it doesn't go across the barrier of holes chill you're enjoying your shower come on dude toothbrushes a nice massage for him no they're not crossing the barrier he's really that dumb do not cross it ok never mind dude come on stay here you smell good Jackson don't worry guy is bathing hedgehogs is fine as long as you don't do it excessively dude come on man so bad look at him you fat you're fat and heavy you see a cute face yo Jackson I'm almost done I'm almost done come here ok chill chill chill ok we're done we're done now I'm gonna rinse you off by the way showering hedgehogs does help them relief bright skin so it is good to bathe them every once in a while so yeah it's my neighbor doing I have no idea look at this fat to you guys sleeps all day yep now he's calm and loving the water you can tell that hedgehogs are calm when their quills are down when they're stressed they come like a wave so when it's down it's good what's this Jackson what is that then it's nasty dude that is nasty but it's a good thing at least we know he's not constipated but why is it green like oh that is okay are you enjoying the bar yeah hmm yep I guess that is why we don't shower them in bathtubs they poop as the showers so if you bathe them in like a box top or a bucket they poop and yep they're pretty much swimming and drinking their foot water so just give me another minute we're gonna wash this container up so I can put him back in [Music] ah dude you're not going there that'll wash off all the shampoo it's not good for your skin if it dries understand [Music] we're done good boy come on chill chill chill chill smell him guys he smells good there we go have no idea what my neighbours doing seriously super noisy when I am filming a video oh yeah anyways guys let's go and give him a quick wipe and we're good to go we'll do it outside here because it's way brighter and sorry about the echo but lighting over audio alright let's just use my towel it's new by the way I've only used it once what my hand still has a little bit of shampoo yeah I'm gonna use this towel I've used it only once today in the morning and uh yeah let's wipe Jackson in this towel whoa you just shaped come on Jackson yeah there we go nice just give you a quick wipe because don't want you to catch cold Karuna Barras good boy see he's still super calm and just chilling what's going on Jackson did you enjoy your bath yeah good boy yes mr h honk quills ASMR alright this dude he has been thriving for I don't know when did I even get him I can't even remember and he is like look at his size man super fat like seriously dude what have you been eating oh my gosh are you freaking serious dude are you like dead serious look at this look at this you cannot be serious man you cannot be serious seriously dude look at this I cannot use this towel on you anymore look at what you did look at that dude seriously you're so unappreciative I just showered you and I wiped you nicely and and this is how you repay me huh okay fine whatever makes you happy Jackson whatever makes you happy so yeah guys that will be it for this video I just wanted to show you guys Jackson again yeah guys I hope you enjoyed this video thumbs it up if you like thumbs-down we didn't again sorry for the echo over here is like yeah it's pretty pretty close stop so my voice is like bouncing all over the wall so yeah guys I'll see you in the next video take care and [Music]
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 1,507,129
Rating: 4.8966589 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, hedgehog, pet hedgehog, exotics lair hedgehog, hedgehog shower, hedgehog bath, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exotic pet, exotic pets, exoticslair, exotics lair, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment
Id: M4u-auJf96Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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