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all right here you go oh my what the right guys i was playing some runescape and i noticed it is now 1 14 a.m and i've gotten a lot of requests to make another midnight feeding video so let's go do that right now all right guys so we're back in the animal room and we've got some tarantulas out and about here's my boomba kabuka we have got oh my gosh my huahini yo that's a big girl alright who else have we got my darling is over there yep everyone is out look at the head that's my ornithoctonus oreo tibialis oh my gosh okay i'm so like excited for this feeding video it's miss thailand black out let me check on her oh my gosh miss thailand black is out you guys oh this is gonna be awesome all right i don't want to delay this video any longer let's just start grabbing all of the dubias and like feeding them off because this is going to be a long video so if you guys haven't got your popcorns ready go and grab them right now because oh boy this is going to be pretty exciting all right you guys so i have got i think enough for now let's start feeding the tarantulas i think we should start with miss thailand black up there oh my gosh she is massive check that out all right i'm not sure if she's going to run in because she's at the door and yep she's just gone in but hopefully she doesn't go all the way in all right there she is okay let's grab a roach ow all right guys i've got the roach let's see if she'll take it down for us oh my gosh yo yoga all right girl you enjoy that yo that what a start to the video that was awesome guys now that is what i call a takedown guys we finally got merged designs won't be there forever because i'll be updating them and removing old ones so feel free to check them out under the video or second link in the description oh my gosh alright so the next stop we have this tarantula over here hopefully it doesn't go away when i open this oh beautiful now the thing is the good oh man dang it but yeah the good thing is when i open them at night they don't really suspect much so that is awesome that's a very very big oh here she comes oh whoa oh there we go awesome oh that was sick that was sick all right we're gonna go through this feeding video as fast as possible because i've got a lot i mean a lot of tarantulas so you guys just bear with me we're gonna do this super super quickly so we won't like stall this video too long all right here is my grandma stoller polka roach juice you want it oh oh sick yo there we go grab it yes all right now this is the pamphlet bts mascara i think this is a male unfortunate but it's okay you want it oh there we go there we go look at all the juice now if you see those orange things coming out of the roach those are actually gut loaded pumpkins so yeah i usually feed all of my roaches pumpkin and they seem to absolutely i mean they absolutely love it so yep so this is my pumpkin patch grass haplothera species columbia grass and actually there is a dubia already over there but she just i don't know she she doesn't seem to be interested in that one let's see if she's interested in a male dubia if she is not then whatever but if she is then that is awesome come on girl [Music] oh yo that is awesome why didn't you want to take the smaller one you greedy little pig you wanted the big one only come on man seriously you gotta grab the small one as well all right down here you guys this is death nugget you guys remember her my goliath birditor tarantula i'm in my burgundy goliath buried sir hey go oh my gosh no no oh yes go grab it go grab it all right all right come on beautiful got it you heard the crunch you can never go wrong with the tarantula crunch you guys never okay so we have got a for me to put something at the back there oh did you guys see that yo that is sick now that tarantula isn't the biggest it is pretty small so the takedown on a big meal is awesome all right the next one we have got my kilo brackets uh what do you call this king crochet the dark earth tiger and it is in here so we're gonna have to open it so i'm not exactly sure where she oh she's over there we're probably not gonna be able to see this take down because it is in the burrow but okay at least we saw something that's the carapace the head of the tarantula all right so over here we do have an unknown tarantula i'm thinking it is a curly hair but you know the carapace is actually pretty different from other curly hairs that i've seen so i'm not exactly sure what this one is but anyways it's feeding time that's all what counts oh my gosh look at all the guts look at all the pumpkin juice over there you heard the crunch yep it's true greatest gigas you guys cameroon red bull but no please don't go in please don't go in oh my gosh that's a big tarantula but i've got the roach and gigas is gonna have a treat go on roach there we oh whoa super gentle take down by the histor creators gigas oh my oh whoa okay okay no chill right there but you're welcome i guess augusta fellas brayeri also known as i believe the mozambique baboon and usually its retreat is down there but today it's over here which is awesome and super exciting for us because we have not seen this one eat in front of us and this one molted like about two weeks ago so pretty guaranteed that it's gonna eat for us oh okay a rather gentle takedown but a takedown is still a takedown nonetheless so beautiful tarantula sick okay moving on guys oh wait wait wait wait your your leg your leg there we go i had to blow her a little bit i'm sorry for that but i don't want to squish you it's better to be scared by wind than getting your legs squished i think this is my cantasquiria journeyculata no idea oh there she is she's up there all right guys so oh my gosh i just flipped the dubia i don't know if i got that on camera but that was pretty cool all right oh you see the pumpkin look at the pumpkin juice you guys not focus but you can see the pumpkin juice squirting out of the dubia and then now it is time to feed ya all right let's go are we ready one two three oh there we go that is awesome all right guys i'm really sorry but i am not going to be spending a lot of time on one tarantula all right so here is my surico palma species santa catalina and this one is always very very sensitive slight movement and she goes into her burrow over there all right ready this one will definitely eat for us if the roach goes in the burrow one two three come on man are you freaking serious are you freaking serious right now roach come here all right here we go take two one two three are you serious roach are you freaking serious right now anyways i've got a lot of roaches so i'll just i'll just put the second one right straight like straight in and yeah there we go sorry about that oh yeah anyways here is my other acanta scurrier jenniculotta brazilian whiteny there she is check her out in all her glory all right we've got the last female dubai here but don't worry guys this feeding video is far from over oh dang it roach are you freaking serious oh man look at that let's go let's go hey going under isn't going to help you you guys i'm still going to be able to find you by flipping the egg crate so you guys are not very bright animals are you you see i can still find you again come on guys gotta do better than this roaches are really not the brightest of animals although they did survive all the nuclear blasts and all which is pretty insane but oh no no no no no she's coming out where's my tongue no no no you're not coming out girl you're not coming out oh my gosh yo yo yo oh no no this is not good this is not good stay in stay in gotta blow her a little bit okay now i can feed you i'll drop the dubia like right in front of her go come on man grab it already no dubia you are not coming this way ah there we go there we go now that's what we're talking about now let's move on to my chuck golden knee up here grandma stole our poker piece you've got this sorry if my phone is shaky oh my gosh you're welcome girl you're welcome look at that that is awesome okay moving on moving on moving on sorry guys like i mentioned we can't spend too long on one tarantula because we're only a quarter of the way into this video all right now we have got the lassidora para hybano over here brazilian salmon pink bird eater oh whoa i really hope i got that on camera because that was pretty quick i mean for a lp which is yeah super fat as well look at that all right guys moving on moving on moving on i'm really starting to sweat you guys this is like it's super hot in here because i didn't like on the fan or anything but i mean yeah it's all for the feeding ready set go my gosh you almost got my tongs there we go there's a cantascoria geniculata beautiful all right guys moving on to oh my gosh it is on the wall over there this is my sama poyous polka the panama blonde you knew you want the dubia oh no come on my madupia i'm a dubia fine you want to come out through here i'm a dupia oh there we go need a little bit of encouragement didn't you all right so in here we have got my augusta fellas and dummy which is usually in there so i'll put you guys in i'm not sure if we'll be able to see her but oh she's actually right there oh my gosh no hell no get in you're getting in with the tarantula oh yeah i think she got it i think she got it yes she got it good job all right all right over here we have got i can't remember i think this is the form octopus or rattus if i'm not mistaken cuban bronze i believe so yeah oh my gosh i just jumped oh my gosh my heart my heart you dude yeah this is a male dude would you please calm down like yo i swear guys the smaller tarantulas are the one that give the most like like the most badass takedown look at this one still wrestling the roach oh my gosh all right anyways moving on moving on here we've got my strider jars down lingy down here i'll put the phone in like this so you guys can see oh she's really detecting the roach oh yo what's that okay okay yo this tarantula is crazy like i'll just put the roach into your burrow and let you eat it oh my gosh yeah anyways here is my nandu chromatus the brazilian red and white as you can see oh my what the hell oh no no you know it's so exciting to feed them like tongue feed them because they are always like yo okay so here's my other king chris on and hopefully this one doesn't oh dang it yeah i was about to say hopefully it doesn't go when i open this but hey they do what they want to do you can't stop them alright so at least we can still see her right okay here goes the roach no don't run yeah she got it anyways i heard it but why are you gonna run we want to catch you on film god all right guys okay oh my gosh this one this is a badass tarantula you guys this is as big as miss thailand black and she is definitely waiting for food and i'm gonna be scared as heck to feed her because this tarantula oh my gosh it's insane it is i i tell you you guys this is going to be a jump scare for me for sure so all right here you go oh my what up i have to put that on slow-mo you guys i'm gonna put that on slow-mo because that was pretty intense she literally jumped at my tongue oh my freaking god okay we're moving on to my cobalt blue witch she is yeah she's right there she's right there oh my gosh i love feeding tarantulas at night so much usually in the daytime they're like yeah i don't want to eat but at night they're like boom oh okay maybe not for this girl she is a little bit nervous and all but yeah that's that's typical of cobalt blues really so yeah anyways moving on we have got over here my harpatera bulker piece okay so it is right over there sorry there we go come on whoa whoa whoa there we go oh dang it for a beautiful tarantula my camera didn't want to focus but hey we still got the takedown regardless oh my gosh you see what i mean you guys usually the small ones are just insane they're compared i mean compared to the big ones the small ones all go cray-cray which is so fun fun and exciting alright so here's my big female boomba kobola look at her she is one majestic beast all right come on oh no you you're not hungry usually boombas are super hungry are you like primo or something oh you're defensive that is not like what a boomba does yo okay you you don't want to eat all right all right whatever man whatever all right next up we have oh hell yeah hell yeah oh my gosh this one is always in the borough you guys and it is finally out now this one's usually a secretive one no no no no no no no dang it dubia come here no no no no no no oh yes yes there we go beautiful hell yeah hell yeah you guys oh my super rare uh like like coming out tarantula she usually doesn't come out if you guys have already clicked off this video i mean how can i be talking to those who've already clicked off but if you guys are still on this video then you guys are awesome so just comment something down below like i love midnight feeding videos and yeah we'll do more anyways here is the skeleton tarantula yo this one is also sick hey hey hey you guys calm down calm down it's just your time to go it is just your time to go oh no no no no no please i have no idea if she took it sorry if it's upside down but she wants to take it she's gonna take it she's gonna take it she's gonna take it she's gonna take it come on oh and she didn't take it yeah whatever anyways over here we've got my nundu trap pepe yep this is the brazilian giant blonde no no no no you are not coming near me all right this is a very very big girl that is sick man that is sick now we are going down to my laciodora striata piece also known as the bar here great birdie tour i believe so let's give it this upside down roach and hopefully she takes it down for us oh there we go whoa fight the dubia fight the dubia oh my gosh malfory balfoury what are you doing up here can you please not like no no no no no no no you're not coming out freaking like stay in stay in go go go go go like can i do i have to blow you there we go i had to blow her like seriously before he anyways back to the feeding video i guess come on before we you know you want it oh no no no get dang it dubia all right come on grab it you don't want it are you serious are you serious you're a balfoury how can you refuse a meal oh my gosh you're about 40 fine fine fine you want to be a rosia whatever man whatever all right so this is my by coloratum and hopefully this one eats for us ah dang it bloody roach oh spill pumpkin all over me anyways don't be dodgy oh no no no no no no come on oh no no no no no no no you are not supposed to be oh wait wait wait wait yeah she got it she got it hell yeah hello yeah good girl i love you so much hey hey nanda colorado losses and the skeleton didn't actually eat the roach but whatever okay colorado velocis are you ready yes we are here we go yo guys seriously sick feeding video i think this is even better than the previous one like to be honest seriously because this one like more of them are actually eating on camera okay here's my ender sony kilobrackus andersoni and uh yeah last support you roach in and meet your doom and there we go we have got a beautiful takedown by our beloved killer brackets and there's sony over there there we go beautiful okay guys moving on moving on we have got my what you call the threat to palm or kerdi next and we are out of roaches again so yeah these night feeding videos really like seriously we we we're getting rid of a lot of roaches you guys like oh you are not escaping yeah seriously guys this night feeding video is a roach death like the roaches are going away hey you guys what's up what's up a lot of the adults are like getting called off during feeding videos nowadays because i have a lot of adult roaches i mean adult tarantulas now so yep adult tarantulas what you got to feed them you gotta feed them adult roaches what you're gonna do when the adult tarantula comes for you you're just gonna like like surrender come on guys seriously stop running away ow ow dang it yeah it's okay because yeah tarantulas gotta eat and that's the reason why i'm even breeding these guys to feed the tarantulas i mean the roach actually pricked me where's my tongue oh seriously guys i'm so forgetful okay okay okay we have got the trixo pelma okuri right here which is also a very very rare tarantula to be out all right here you go boy there you go girl there you go enjoy that i know you will okay oh my gosh this girl is actually out this one is my euplastic camper stratus oh my gosh yo i have not seen this girl out in her whole body in months oh yes yes there you go girl hell yeah guys this feeding video is so fun okay this is my grandma's store oh crappies and it is time for you to come with me oh no you're not escaping all right here you go girl there you go oh no no no no no you're not escaping there you go no you're not hungry oh yes you are you are you just you're just playing around with me are you it's okay it's okay as long as you eat for us oh boy heck yeah ho ho ho ho oh the roach want to escape me to the water to swim but no you're in the jaws of the ground still a pearl piece paul paul crepey's okay moving on oh i forgot to sex the smoke yeah anyways um oh the before this one goes in this one is my oh no honestly thomas or tibialis like let me put you guys in so i don't know if you guys oh yeah oh she's coming back out she's coming back out all right this is the time you guys this is the time oh you are definitely hungry because when she felt my phone she was like hey hey oh yes yes yes where is my camera like oh yes there she is whoa wow now that right there is a majestic tarantula you guys you cannot go wrong with this yo that is sick okay okay moving on so my what you called it oh yeah my arizona blonde she has been fasting for literally months so here is my grandmastola pulchra there's actually something wrong oh there we go it's actually something wrong with these hinges so yeah unfortunate but anyways here you go girl oh yo now that that's what i call a takedown so yeah as you can see that is why there's a problem with the hinge that the silicone just doesn't want to stick to this for some reason probably gonna have to do like like i don't know like put more silicone or something but yeah whatever but tarantula good job girl good job wait did my yo the boomba actually ate remember she was being so defensive and all she actually took it not on camera like like off camera so yeah anyways as long as she's eating we're all good to go okay so over here we have got oh i hope you guys saw that that's my lyra nephews giannis posa toy and she is i have no idea where she went usually i just toss the roach in because this one she really doesn't eat on camera so at least you guys saw her i hope i really hope you guys saw her all right so we've got my darling which is oh whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down girl calm down all right so there she is and all her glory all right so there's my sargeras darling right there the rare horned baboon oh there we go no no not the tongs there we go beautiful anyways we have got lassie dora kloogie which is yup there she is just usually she likes to be an arboreal for some reason but yeah anyways where is the big dubia i want the big dobia i've got the big dobia eagle girl oh my gosh oh that's a big crunch that is a huge crunch girl that's a very very big crunch girl good job i approve i approve all right moving on moving on and here is the word is this this is the nun do so it's known as the brazilian red there you go hey good job good job girl pretty uh gentle but all in all good job oh look at the pumpkin juice coming out good job girl i love you i love you all right so next up we have got my what is this pamphlet bts platyoma pink zebra beauty look at that you can see the nice purples on her beautiful absolutely stunning let's let's go let's go this one's a super aggressive tarantula as you can see this one out of all my tarantulas is the one that i'm most afraid of because like seriously the slightest movement she bolts towards it and like attacks so it is not even a defensive torrential anymore it is an aggressive tarantula okay anyways moving on to my killer brackets hua hini which is yup that's a borrow right there and this one you guessed it it's gonna get a roach i mean we're feeding everyone roaches come on man what am i even talking about all right all right let's go ready uh you didn't even answer me roach i'm sorry i had to let you go so quickly all right guys moving on to there's a lot of mercy let's learn of mercy and this is uh yeah the obt you guessed it you guessed it guys you guessed it big female dupia hell yeah all right hopefully this one eats for us this time no no no no no wait wait wait what what wait what wait what yo i thought i i uh i'm so confused i am so confused did i grab two roaches and wait what i want to defeat her this one and she took uh okay i didn't even realize i was grabbing two roaches i'm gonna have to watch this video again but i'm so confused right now all right we have got another balfouri right over here and this one is not shy at all this battle for this but that belfory is not a shy one at all so yeah i'm pretty sure we're gonna have a nice take down from this one and i mean hopefully so hey hello i'm here there you go there you go see what i told you guys i know my tarantulas like at the back of my hand so yeah okay anyways i know who will eat and who won't eat so that is awesome all right next up we have got my huge huge lasso door repair haibana this one will eat yeah but this one i'm a little bit afraid of because it is super huge so i'm just gonna drop the roach here ah whoa you see super aggressive and the roach is right oh it's up there it's up there come here all right ready set go oh there we go look at how massive this tarantula is you guys oh my gosh this is literally the one that will give you nightmares because it is massive this is actually it's it's still a little bit smaller than that's not good but i mean the aggression and this one i mean that's not good of course more aggressive but i mean you get what i mean right because this one is it's just one that i'm afraid of okay guys i'm come on stop judging me all right so we've got my photopalma simani over here costa rican zebra and come here come on guys come on we've gotta do this it's going to happen sooner or later so you might as well cooperate oh my gosh oh my gosh no do not do that do not do that girl all right here you go no no no no no you are not going anywhere oh look at that catch you're not gonna you think you're actually gonna escape huh you think you're gonna escape no you're not gonna escape the jaws of the tarantula like like seriously especially to your phono palma uh see money over here you may have escaped like just over there but you're gonna get grabbed girl you're gonna get grabbed i mean i'm gonna be moving on to the next tarantula but when i come back you would have been grabbed by now so i mean you have been grabbed by then i mean not now so yeah anyways i've been rambling so much in this video here's the gbb comedy palmer cyano pubescence come on oh my gosh oh my gosh girl you got it chillax yo this cobalt blue the og cobalt blue you guys is out oh my gosh okay but i'm gonna be needing this because i'm short and yeah don't judge me oh yes yo oh gee cobalt blue you're never out of your borough but hey it's past midnight so welcome welcome welcome to the midnight feeding video oh hell yeah hell yeah this is the one by the way that bit my friend twice and got crammed for weeks so yeah all right moving on to the uh what is this a cantascoria no no no no no no no no a phono palmer can stop okay and yeah let's go oh you're welcome you're absolutely welcome and yeah you enjoy that sir enjoy that with all of your heart the tarantulas have hearts i have no idea but yo look at this look at that yes we have got at least one cobalt blue take down because the other one like literally didn't want to like take down for us but yeah this one is empty no water dish we're almost done guys we're almost done just bear with me if you're still watching this video okay anyways here is my formica species green dominican republic green bird eater this one should get a nice juicy roach hey not the tongue there you go whoa whoa legs let go of my tongue let go of my tongue please there you go there you go that's a good girl who's a good girl you are a good girl there we go here is the other you don't run please oh hell yeah so this no no i said don't run i said don't run this is my other female boomba kabocla already like spitting webb like telling us to like get lost or something you're rude man you're rude but hey we've got some juicy roaches for you and you better take it down for us and give us a nice take down oh my gosh you actually like kick hairs at me and like [Music] okay okay good job i guess like literally she kicked harrison like what the hell what a way to say thank you like seriously man oh you didn't i think they're back what an embarrassment i'm such an embarrassment the tarantula didn't even eat the roach like like seriously i'm an embarrassment oh yeah anyways moving on to my header squadron mac lotto look at her she is in there and she's probably gonna like run away when i open this like oh no she actually didn't okay so we've got a nice roach over here there we go okay so hopefully we'll able to we'll be able to no please don't run please don't run no no no no no no oh come on man roach come on all right ready come on oh yeah she got it she got it she got it okay guys okay that will be it for this feeding video you guys have been asking me to do another midnight feeding video so hey welcome to another midnight feeding video and that will be it guys hope you enjoyed this video thumbs up if you did thumbs it down if you did i'll see you in the next video i hope you guys have like watched towards all the way to the end and yeah i will see you later take care and as always have a good one peace
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 2,380,292
Rating: 4.9175963 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, arachnid, arachnids, spider, spiders, tarantula, tarantulas, feeding video, tarantula feeding, tarantula feeding video, ambush hunters, pet tarantula, dubia roach, dubia cockroach, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exotic pet, exotic pets, exoticslair, exotics lair, exotic liars, hungry tarantulas, educational, entertainment, nature, wildlife
Id: eybTM-U5G8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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