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[Music] the minute that i saw you i was gone [Music] good morning i've been in korea for a couple weeks now and of course been eating my fill of local korean food but a lot of people have been messaging me telling me that i need to try the japanese ramen scene here in seoul because it's incredible so today i'm gonna change it up a little bit i made a list of some of the best ramen places i could find and when i did some research i found i'm getting so excited right now so many amazing like at least some photo and and from the some of the reviews it's mind-blowing how many not just great ramen places but really unique ramen places that exist in the city like for example the first one we're going to it's a it's a beef ramen spicy beef ramen then there's a place i found that serves yuzu ramen a place i found that serves chicken broth ramen today we are gonna noodle till we can't noodle anymore anyway before we go though i want to introduce you guys to a new sponsor for this channel and i'm really excited about this so a huge shout out to buksu for sponsoring this video and if you guys don't know what bookstore is it's basically a japanese snack box that provides japan exclusive gourmet hand-picked snacks delivered to your door and just like every single sponsor that makes it onto my channel i vetted them extensively to make sure this is an amazing product and guys it's awesome and what's really special about them is that not only are you getting snacks you're getting like like a cultural experience in every single box some of which has been making snacks for over a hundred years so first time customers was going to get the seasons of japan box which this is that way you can get a taste of the snacks per season so as soon as you open the box you're going to get a culture guide and what this does is that it details every single snack you're getting in the box so here organic gem my chop if you never had it before gotta give it a try red bean doughnuts [Music] it's like a red bean paste doughnut haul [Music] that definitely would be good for them too they were books so you can order a single box you can do one month you can do multi-month and each monthly box has its own unique theme so you don't get the same snacks every single time so if you guys want to give this a try go to the link down below and use my promo called the dumpling 10 you'll get 10 off which will save you up to 44 on your own authentic japanese snack box and they ship everywhere in the world all right i'm gonna eat and uh we'll go eat some more [Music] is actually you know what oh yeah yeah still a lot of people paranoia is still with me way too many people they close at 2 30 i'm going to come back at like maybe 1 45 so hopefully the lunch craft stand out a little by then must be good though not even opening line out the door can't get ramen i'll get some ice cream they both bring about similar amounts of pleasure so the area and then there's a huge lg building so right now the streets are just flooded with office workers looking for lunch so i'm thinking that ramen shop is gonna be busy for a while i'm gonna head back right before it closes for his uh afternoon break and see if i can sneak in a bowl this will last me until then the only thing i want to enter my stomach before ramen is ice cream [Music] that is a deliciously creamy ice cream definitely worthy of a temporary ramen substitute japanese ramen attempt number two i think my plan worked no line just a few people inside spicy beef ramen [Music] nice [Music] this smells incredible i use the torch on everything on the surface of this ramen so the scallions the sprouts the beef the egg when it hits your table when it sits right in front of you you're just bombarded with this amazing fragrance and aroma of the roasted vegetables and the flame licked scallions and the beef the chard the smokiness the beef before this thing is hitting my mouth it's just ah this is the first time my nostrils are being assaulted by anything other than a covet test for the last months look at this i've never seen this someone toast an egg before but right below the toasted outer shell of the egg pure golden gooeyness and this is the spicy beef ramen holy majestic holy majestic thin noodles soaked in this medium thick broth oh my god i feel like i need this every single day of my life it's just oozing from every single port of my body first of all this is spicy this will hit you with a roundhouse to the throat secondly texture amazing chewy noodles that's soaked up all this great broth because of how thin it is just surrounded by crunchy sprouts and scallions that not only offers a change in texture but also provides that incredible smokiness no wonder there's a line at this place before it even opens i haven't even got to the little pieces of beef wow they use fatty beef so it's not all lean look at that great beefy buttery flavor with every single slice as much as i was slurping this this uh ramen it didn't prepare me for how delicious and flavor concentrated the actual broth was silky smooth first of all great meaty flavor the flavor profile is so deep it's probably hanging around down there with the titanic i mean i love the noodles but i think the broth is my favorite part oh man that egg sliced hard with a touch of sweetness and this is the best part right now all the little bits of sprouts scallions little bits of garlic and meat hang out down at the bottom [Music] this is a slurp worthy bowl of ramen you just can't stop until you see nothing on the bottom of your bowl absolutely mind blowing really good also only ten dollars a bowl and also i think i got some extra stuff in there oh that was good my thrill feels like it's been punched a little bit and there's a throwing sense of happiness in my heart now that's only one bull though luckily for me the second place i'm going to not too far away [Music] ramen location number two this place is in hyundai and the the one by me i was trying to go to just lying out the door as soon as it opens so i'm gonna come here what is this not like a pork belly over skies this place serves mazmas beautiful beautiful stir mixed ramen i think there's less people in there now let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so excited about this i have so much emotions i just want to exert all from that one little bite if you've never had mouth sober before it's a mixed bunch of ingredients and you mix it together and you just need the noodles and then you can add some vinegar which i definitely will do and at the end they're going to give you a bowl rice where you can mix it in with the ingredients it's like the ultimate asian fantasy rice and noodles we don't have to choose anymore we can add both vinegar with a little chili inside even better i got one of the spicy mushroom and one with just a gigantic piece of pork skin on the top first of all the texture of the noodles just mind-blowingly chewy they're thick and the sauce just clings on because of the egg the egg acts like an edible adhesive to all this great sauce and spices that's in the bowl just compounding the delicious flavor of the noodles and then one little something something extra gelatinous chewy piece of pork skin [Music] if you come here get a spicy version as much as i'd love a nice thick cut of pork skin the spicy version this is good ramen this is like i can't even see it that's how good it is a super nice hit of chili's like you're gonna feel that all of your tongue all over your throat and did i mention the bed of scallions that these eggs and the meat sauce just laying upon it has a nice subtle crunch with just amazing fragrant aroma [Music] let me get some rice keep this party going [Music] it's like the perfect encore the chive is a great touch not only do you get that nice crunch but it's got that great garlicky flavor as well i'm gonna put this to place on my must try noodle let's income to solve neutral day's not over in the words of the great dj khaled another one this place is it's a michelin recommended ramen shop and they specialize in chicken broth look how creamy this is i've had chicken broth before in ramen it's never this creamy it looks usually kind of clear i couldn't talk for a little bit because i wanted to cry i just felt myself getting emotional after the first sip of this thing the cream factor of this is through the roof not only is it so smooth and creamy you get that great blast of chicken flavor it's like just the ultimate chicken soup i never had chicken broth like this before never this is like campbell's on crack it's one of the best balls of ramen i've ever had i'm a huge proponent of pork broth i never thought i'd say this about chicken kind of look down on chicken a little bit i'll be honest with you i can't believe that's a piece of chicken tastes like a piece of chicken and a piece of tofu had a baby noodles perfect perfect it tastes like it's from the planet chicken it's only like served to royals over there or something [Music] oh that broth every time you sip it you just want to close your eyes and savor the moment that ramen tastes like the ultimate first kiss one sip one sip it's her body goes weak you know that i can't believe it's butter commercial it's like that except for the chemicals chicken also the egg god it's so flavorful and creamy it's one of the best eggs i've had too which would make sense because no good chicken ramen place we'll have a good egg look at this ginger char shoot too oh that battery part just dissolves in your mouth [Music] walking around these streets around the palace um and it's so it's really pretty tons of shops cafes let me show you guys the best looking what i think could be the best looking baskin robbins in the world tada welcome to baskin robbins korea is that not the best looking baskin robbins you've ever seen it's like a traditional korean house you can buy some ice cream and bring it out here you can sit down here so the ice cream i got there's tons of flavors that you cannot get into the u.s this one is honey butter but check out the side yes that's right that's corn on my ice cream horn is very asian cornish so it's not like a popping sweet corn it's one of those um kind of starchy corn kernels but it goes well with the butter flavor of the ice cream i like it definitely a super unique flavor seriously baskin robbins us anything about this seriously think about it it'd be unique you'd be the only ones doing this you beat a unicorn finally back at this yuzu ramen shop again always packed full of people it's slightly less people right now so i'm gonna try to go in and get a bowl this place serves yuzu ramen always packed not over crazy pungent yuzu flavor but it's definitely distinct but doesn't overpower the great natural flavor of the broth probably the lightest broth i've had so far in all my ramen travels today but really good and i could use some additional yuzu which they give you also i got a spicy version oh yeah a little additional yuzu oh that hits the spot so well if you never had usually it's amazing citrus flavor the best one i had before was from a foodie ramen in japan one of my favorite ramens in tokyo and this thing can't wait to try the spicy version now well that's even better trust me pour on the yuzu it just adds to the flavor of the ramen also do you see this ridiculous massive piece of chashu oh i now know why there's a line out the door this place every single day oh they use the flavor is so good you get a broth that's spicy it's savory broth is just salt broth but flavor is just incredibly intricate back in china i used to love to eat these sour and spicy dumpling soup and this kind of reminds me of that the sourness brings that nice citrusy flavor as well look at the dumplings [Music] incredible straight thin ramen i feel like that's what's needed because the broth isn't like aggressively meaty [Music] wow that usually flavor is just intense my suggestion be pretty liberal with this yuzu sauce especially if you like things a little vinegary a little sour and i absolutely do and this cha-shu that was medius smokiest chashu i had so far we can taste a slight bitterness from the char too [Music] i came in this place was half empty so i felt kind of good no it's already full of people so i gotta eat and get out of here let's get out here and we'll talk about this all right sorry i had to get out of there still don't feel comfortable when the restaurant is packed every time i came here i was lying out the door i never really wanted to go inside just 20 minutes before they close it's still a full house and i can definitely see why the noodles then succulent soaks up the great salt broth flavor the yuzu is really the star of this dish it's sour and savory and spicy cha-chu is smoky you can taste a slightly bitter crust on the meat insanely good basically though all the four ramen places i tried i did not know i mean i figured there would be i did not know soul romancing is so amazingly spectacular best i had today gotta give it to the chicken broth ramen that was something i never expected that would taste so good i think texture wise the ma soba is the best but broth the chicken broth it's just putting down my must try list there's still so many ramen places to try so hopefully if you guys like this video i'll do a part two as well but i am full i am satisfied and i am happy and i am about to fall into a food coma so all the places i went to listed down below for you if you guys are ever in the country give them a try thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later a few moments later hey guys just got back from the ramen day already a fruit of regret i i missed out on something today and i want to make sure to let you guys know in case you you go to one of these places so you don't miss out on what i did so you don't have the same pounding regret that i'm feeling right now so add arena ramen the best one i had today i could have got free refills on the noodles and it was all you can eat noodles and i admit do not i'm going back tomorrow and i am doing at least three orders of those noodles i didn't know i i feel like such a fool but i don't want you guys feel like that so make sure when you go there get your free noodles please take sweet noodle revenge for me and get yourself some needle refills alright goodbye
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,053,930
Rating: 4.9459529 out of 5
Keywords: korean noodle, korea ramen, japanese ramen, ramen noodles, ramen noodle, japan ramen, japanese noodles, japanese noodle, seoul eats, seoul south korea, seoul, south korea, south korean, noodle, noodles, noodle soup, ramen, best ramen, best eats, best restaurant, restaurant, restaurants, cook, cooking
Id: iH-9aqwlzKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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