Wicked Spoon BRUNCH BUFFET Review at The COSMOPOLITAN | 3 Cities in 72 HOURS

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[Music] so good morning it's about eight o'clock and finally after more than two years at the las vegas buffet this is the wicked spoon this is their breakfast let's see what's changed [Music] [Music] round one i do like the fact that a lot more things are coming in like individually wrapped sealed containers so this is my dirty rice so what they're called dirty rice it's just fried rice how's the ribs we are dating so i already told them well that was a different video some people might be watching this new video they don't know you were here last time right like a year ago was breakfast 40 something dollars i thought bricks was like 20 but now it's like 40 how much do we pay like 42 dollars i don't know if that happened before the pandemic or after because i was here about a year ago i don't think it was this much before trash no pizza is good because this is their hot slash thai curry it smells not very curry but let's see it's not that good it's spicy but it's got no flavor i'd rather go back to my typical fried rice right just tastes like coconut milk and no flavor so far the best thing on my plate in round one are these peas which is snow peas round two i am really excited about this i remember last time my favorite thing on the buffet the bone marrow they got that for breakfast right here one of the only things i truly care about in this buffet bone marrow mixed with beef awesome the meat's still a little dry but this is by far the best thing i have so far that is so good idea let's make our rice truly dirty [Music] so much better this ride was just really plain to go chinese restaurant fried rice before now now this is dirty fried rice try this so much better right am i still chewing it hasn't like went down even a little bit like i'm not kidding i don't feel like the food has been broken down maybe even ten percent there's so much tendon in here that's horrible how could it be this top excuse me oh that was not a good experience uh please tell me this fried chicken is getting better this is alright i feel like my expectations have gone down dramatically for the food items on this buffet this is much better than the steak i just had which i'm pretty sure has some rubber in there it's actually pretty good i happily report that the fried chicken is very edible [Music] pretty sure egg benedict's not supposed to taste like that i think that egg's eggs benedict has been friends with that piece of steak way too long because it's really learned how to be tough first time i've ever seen a pig's trotter on a vegas buffet and i just want to say however this tastes i command the wicked spoon for bringing something this authentic onto the buffet thank you so much maybe this is better fresh out of the oven with that said a lot of the food i ate today seemed to share a common characteristic super super tough flavor is pretty good they put honey on this it's kind of a unique take on a pig trotter but this is a tough pick trotter i don't think it's as tough as a steak oh my gosh this is the angry mac and cheese pocket what did you just do wow that is unfortunate i got one of these things too oh it's gooey on the inside it seems so promising because it's still cheesy and gooey inside they burnt it otherwise though the flavor is really good but it's burnt there's a hundred percent burnt yours is crunchy i mean the flavor i really like because they put a lot of spice in here but first thing that hits your taste buds is you taste something that's really burnt yeah that's not really edible first day back at the buffet this is the grits oh my goodness i'm really not trying to pick on this buffet i like buffets no no i love buff face i came to vegas every year for buffets i'm not gonna tell you guys something that's good when it's not and this is not good this is the grits it's more like a more like a pancake wow i don't like wasting food so i'm still gonna finish the mac and cheese and everything but quality of food here at least everything i've tried so far quality is not there i'm gonna put a bunch of the bone marrow into the grits see if it'll make it better bone marrow does help everything all right i don't know what's left let's go see [Music] finally saving grace this is a good taco look how juicy it is meat is tender spices flavor everything on point tortilla is tasty this is good that's very good actually i can't believe that's one of effect smoked salmon is delicious dish in the bone marrow best thing i've had so far that's it for all the savory items i want time for dessert i'm actually really excited about this this is what i feel like i'm gonna make all my money back on this buffet nutella toast it's not too bad i'm impressed at this point by nutella and bread i am really looking forward to this molten lava cake i should have got some ice cream with this maybe when i go back for a refill on this this looks good did you get the molson lava cake that might be the best thing on this whole buffet that is tremendously good this is restaurant quality lava cake and the cake itself is so gentle and fluffy and light that is so delicious so is this donut hmm this might be the best donut i've had at any buffet if a donut shop opened and their donut was as good as this i will frequent it often well this is good it was like a coconut yogurt cup no this is good look at spoon's redeeming quality is 100 in its dessert peach cobbler peach cobbler's okay bread pudding is delicious yeah molten lava cake donuts i'm gonna go back for more of that you know they say if something works don't fix it if something tastes good at a buffet get much more of it oh this is amazing pistachio gelato incredible dip it in some of that molten chocolate good huh immersion going you could just pop down your mouth like continuously that's how good that donut is there's custard in there too i mean i've been to donut shops like that just do donuts this is better than a lot of donut shops i've been to seriously wicked spoon whoever's making your pastries bravo this gelato is so creamy and smooth this is an awesome gelato started off a little disappointing cannot lie about that pretty strong finish i don't know if it's worth forty dollars though would you would you come here again for forty dollars no so this is considered i guess your brunch buffet now so that's why it's forty dollars you got a lot more savory items honestly if you guys really wanna try this buffet i mean i might have just been having a personally random bad experience with some of the foods i'm sure if like i got there when the mac and cheese was fresh and maybe not burned it would have been different or the steak would have been cooked better i don't know this is just my experience i didn't really like the savory items much and i thought it wasn't nearly as good as what i was here last time and for 40 honestly you could go to the border grill you can go for an all you can eat mexican brunch i feel like that quality is much much better so yeah i'm not really worth what i paid for this buffet but if you do come bone marrow carnitas tacos and of course the dessert and don't forget put the bone marrow on the fry rice trust me how's that for a view it's just surreal like every time i see it it's just so surreal i remember the first time i came here i was in college i was on a trip to the malibu to help build houses um and on the way back we went through the grand canyon and just it still doesn't look real to me only thing i wish i had done today i wish i ate before coming here there's no fruit here so i'm like starving and i'm just only filling my stomach with the view wow there's a thunderstorm in this oh you guys see the rain here's the ring right there it's raining right there hey little guy thunderstorms coming getting rained on a little bit right now all right on to the next destination wow i've never seen this before so these are the cliff dwellers stone houses so people actually live here i mean how would you feel living underneath a big giant boulder like that but this is it this is so interesting look at this look at that house i've never seen this place before it's actually my first time at the north rim so this is a really cool place to stop and explore unfortunately sun's gonna set and i gotta get to horseshoe's been next time wow this is just oh how amazing is this [Music] there's dust storms weapon scene in my eyes but just to see this 50 off steak after i think 8 p.m or something like that too close and right now it's about 12 30 a.m jammed packed in there i really want 50 off my stay too but that's way too many people for me so i'm going to show you guys another late night vegas cheap eats secrets [Music] so there's a ton of late night specials around vegas 10 ounce top store line steak 7.99 and this is the best deal steak and eggs 11 p.m to 11 a.m 6.99 that's what i'm going for all right well they wouldn't let me get anything to take away and it was really packed in there so i think i'm good it's a little late it's about 1 a.m i got a flight early tomorrow so i'm just going to go and call it a night even though i'm hungry but if you want 6.99 steak and eggs that's the place to get it [Music] i thought i could just go to hotel and go to sleep it's too hungry so this is the only place that's open around chinatown ramen show homemade noodles okonomiyaki bonito flakes and an egg on top that's new i gotta eat quick because i only have about five six hours to sleep before i have to get up for the flight so this is the superman it's pretty good this is really good this is very good noodles taste fresh they taste homemade very very al dente the broth rich and thick got that nice anchovy flavor to it hmm was it like ten dollars eleven dollars for this okonomiyaki is delicious too this is a really good place i was just looking for anything that was open i just want to take a couple bites of anything to go to bed but wow this is excellent sure is nice and smoky sorry the show though hundred percent these noodles and this broth this broth reminds me of my favorite superman place in in tokyo i'm surprised never been to this place before this is absolutely delicious you like succumbing right no i never had it you know before there were not times together like you tried mommy you tried sukim and it was opening up a whole different like world of food with this relationship for you maybe i should be charging you like a food tour guide me or something huh bear in the mood for ramen 100 common try this place out and this is a perfect good night meal for me all right see you in the morning [Music] oh i just got off the flight this is my first meal of the day i have no idea where to go so eating center just kind of popped in my head so here i am i just want a bolster finding nose i can't even think straight right now i don't think i've been more hungry in my life i didn't want anything on the plane it's now 7 30 p.m local time this first meal of the day crispy noodles with with seafood [Music] hmm sure finally feel alive again must be even better with some spikes i always forget to bring my hot oil after a flight a shaken beef drinking beef is good too i love this plush [Music] hmm sure can be really good both of us we haven't eaten since uh got off the flight this is just like primal basic instinct showcasing we got food all over the table just stuffing it all into our face do you feel finally alive like like where we just been we just been like sitting on that flight and nothing to eat and finally getting here one luggage was lost i had to go through that whole process this is your favorite a little spicy i'd be in heaven right now i'm already in heaven but higher level have that exists spicy heaven oh that's pretty in dc to attend a praise so every year around 720s july 20th 1999 is when the persecution of fallen alpha began if you don't know falun gong is a meditation exercise that i practice that's helped me immensely in my life when i was going through just such deep depression one of the biggest reasons i'm still here today is a meditation exercise based on truthfulness compassion and tolerance in 1999 july 20th when uh there was a huge crackdown on anybody who tried to step so every year around july 20th practice will go to dc and raise awareness about the human rights atrocities that's still going on in china to this day so that's why i'm here and that's what i'm gonna do tomorrow so this is what i do every year around your life come here sit let a candle for all those who have lost their lives not just falun gong practitioners but anybody who's facing persecution just because they want to have and exercise their basic human rights freedom of speech freedom of beliefs freedom just basic freedoms and i talk about this because a lot of times whatever happens in china doesn't get reported in the media so just trying to do my part to bring to light the atrocities that's still happening in china right now and you don't have to believe me you can just go google china working harvesting look up all this information for yourself i'm going to continue to do what i can and i'm going to continue to talk about [Music] it [Music] i went to the airport today because today i'm flying to dallas flying back to dallas from washington dc can we know if this ever happened to to you guys because this is so freaky this is incredibly freaky so last night i'm trying to figure out what time i have to get up so i'm looking at my uh united app to see when this flight was and it said 11 30 a.m so i'm like okay so go to bed wake up in the morning go into the airport on the way check the flight time again just to double check there was no reservation available so that i freaked out i'm like it's did i book it under united or american did i do that i'm absolutely minus so i'm checking out these apps and nah reservation doesn't exist get to the airport and go in asking them does this reservation exist they said no how did i get 11 30 pm last night then how how did i see that this is either me getting like early i don't know early dementia or something war is the mandela effect and like that was like a whole different dimension if you don't know what the mandela effect is i'll link a video down below for you but something something something happened just saying i'm kind of happy now because now i get to eat i'm starving of course my last meal in dc has to be ethiopian food it has to be ethiopian food christina you never had ethiopian food before try it try the injira i love this is a vegetarian one this is uh what is this oh this is so good this is all vegetarian yeah this is ginger in the middle like sauteed in japan and then eggs on this side there's no meat in here but i'm loving it these eggs are so nice like the eggs i love like 70 dishes here i'm going to come back and try all of it and owner bim such an ice cream fish some mint tea i'm glad i hallucinated my flag and i don't have to leave for another few hours i'm glad imagine leaving without eating here one last time don't want to fathom it aren't you glad you're here it all happens for a reason it all happens for a reason exactly thanks man take care wow this is my second attempt at going to the airport and flying out of here i should have left earlier this stuff just came down hard whoa major thunderstorm right now flight might even be delayed we'll see i've been checking my uh flight updates every five minutes just to make sure i wasn't hallucinating my flight time i hope i'm not dallas home sweet home i really need to go get something to eat it's windy out here it's about midnight this place is still hopping there's there's a speaker plan there's a nightclub vibe here in the parking lot there's some runaway dishcarts over there some asians sitting around having a good time pretty fun i've been wanting to come here actually so they got skewers they got noodles got a bunch of both in a stomach that hasn't been filled since about 10 a.m since about 10 a.m so a little hungry a little more hangry i think there's a leak somewhere oh here it is that's a lot of leaks [Music] i never just have flat out grilled leeks before those are pretty good spicy it's got a lot of cumin beef tendon i like this have you had leaves before like just grilled never had like that before right i'll try it this one a mix of lamb and beef any nokia mushrooms [Music] this place is pretty good hunger tried the beef center not the most tender thing but flavor is really good [Music] i thought they were going to cook it with cumin oh they did they toasted this with cumin oh lamb wraps oh oh this is juicy i like this good barbecue plus you get to eat outside not feeling like my life source is slowly coming back into my body what do you think of the new dog my hot oil that's the correct answer it does need some hot oil my hot oil
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 854,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas buffet, vegas buffet, las vegas food, las vegas restaurant, las vegas eats, vegas eats, las vegas, eating, all you can eat, buffet, all you can eat buffet, dining, restaurant, cook, cooking, food, travel, traveling, tourism, tourist, tourists, travels, airline, flight, hotel, best hotel, hotels, vegas, las, hotel buffet, best buffet, wicked spoon buffet, cosmopolitan hotel, cosmopolitan hotel buffet
Id: aFge-8yNIYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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