Japanese RAMEN NOODLE ALLEY & KING CRAB RAMEN in Sapporo Japan |

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[Music] [Music] good morning support oh when I got here and saw the snow first and only thing I wanted piping hot bowl of ramen and luckily this city be kind of an entire alley dedicated to that let's go this snows here almost everyday human yesterday ocean oh look at this look at this fresh powder of fluffy and cloud like want to roll around then excuse me for one second you I went skiing here last month come you're gonna come from I had to ski and look for a week sorry I had to see that that was a lot of pent-up banker towards the snow that didn't materialize no you ramen now like I was saying this city is known for ramen specifically miso ramen which is one of my favorites and there is - actually - ramen alleys like entire alleys devoted to ramen in the city a new one in an original one we're going to the original one right now and this one started in 1951 with about seven ramen shops and now there's seventeen amazing ramen joints think about it I mean how awesome is that instead of just like wandering around town looking for the best ramen shops I'm thrilled together for you right there guns soul robbing yokocho like I said here in the winter it snows a lot and that's why ramen is so amazingly popular here fairness most of these shops are not opening yet but I'm gonna be spending a lot of time here so I know there's one that's open right now and we're just gonna stay here and eat and wait till they open I don't love waiting for things but for ramen one of the loves of my life I'll make the time Oh Rahman Ali I feel like Ali's are notorious for for for a couple of things you either find really great food in them or you get mugged in them it's like what would the other I don't really see any ramen just roaming around so thing we're good you're walking around there's so many different selection of ramen so so many and mostly shops are absolutely delicious oh butter and corn that's a Hokkaido original if you don't know Hokkaido is known for certain foods that they just excel at of course the king crab corn no products and melons so that's why in their ramen you're gonna find corn you're gonna find butter each job looks like it has its own take on ramen and they're really nicely priced as well haha that's a big piece of Joshua let's start with this place this is tea Chicago ramen they're known for their seafood soy sauce broth and giant giant cuts of kashrut it's so awesome that hasn't about to go in for my first bowl around me to start snowing this is just picturesque [Music] first of me those are lawmen today I'm gonna taste the anchovies let's brought it just like everything good about the fish is just pulverized and broken down into this amazing stock I recommend utilizing the bite and she'll overcome that then say goodbye to noodles just look some broth I like the thickness and the doneness of my noodles not too thick so the flavor still penetrates but thick enough so we change a lot of the true regardless of how long they've been sitting in the broth this egg is just a thing of beauty look at this perfect orange coming roll if you want to know what a perfect egg looks like just imagine the perfect sunset just why I was getting hungry at dusk the new donor broth is so good that Josh would almost between like an afterthought that's pride the least impressive part of this ball just kinda think pork how much flavor there Wow that egg is just one of the creamiest was perfectly cooked eggs I've had in anyone in Shaba bottom of the bowl always the best this is why you got to come to the city in the winter I can't my just lurking doesn't have to walk out in the summer heat I'm like looking forward to the wind and snow let's keep the ramen train going all those ramen shops are slowly opening now so I got here about 10:30 and there's a ramen shop opens at 10:00 its first when I went through 11 I feel like I'm at like a Black Friday shopping spree and the stores just about to open their doors luckily it's a weekdays not too many people here I'm gonna break my day off into two parts of ramen eating so I'm gonna eat now and then I'm thinking I'm gonna go look at this the snow sculptures all that do all that touristy stuff and now come back in the late afternoon when no one else is eating lunch it'll just be me that's what I'm hoping by the way it's so nice just look at this outside the alley it's like a winter wonderland and the city is like a city it's not like I walk out I see mountains everywhere but with the snow slowly falling down it's so pretty the speaker's welcoming me to ramen alley I think this is like 11 o'clock so like all the places are opening and that's like the announcement oh 10 Hulk this is the one this is not a vending machine you just order whatever you want let's go for the miso ramen and we're gonna get corn and butter on the side look at this ramen sweet corn chunk up butter oh nice usually a corn look at this could this massive piece of Joshua thinly sliced beautifully roasted this might be the best piece of cashew I've had in the city so far this actually looks like a good piece of trash around like when I had the last ramen shop of course beautiful sunset of an egg sprouts onions and the signature curvy the yellow noodles see often here in hook and was crazy about this shop is that the Chevis is he's a one-man army he just does everything from scratch and every single policy this almost customized literally it's just like cooking each person serving one by one all by himself oh look at that creamy miso broth noodles cooked perfectly nice bounce nice chew i also recommend taking a slipper broth every time you talk take about in noodles just good more that grace soy and sweet flavor in every bite this is one of the most unique belongs I've ever had this broth is really something magical and Nicole is so good a few kernels fell on the table here he's picked it up with pot in my mouth ain't wasting that I 100% recommend the added butter and corn and said to me saw not only is his flavor so deep and so lovely that drops arenas and that extra creaminess completely Super Saiyan Isis named Russell was great to have working cooks to sprout separately I mean you can taste a flaming wok flavor on the sprout fires butcher like this is a bite of Hokkaido right here let's really go one more Bowl before please I really want to go get that opens up all right oh the chashu sweet has to dip this [Music] this is a beautiful full room for somebody seen minced meat in a bowl of noodles to cha shrew you see a slight smoke ring around it but definitely lean pieces of Joshu third Bowl Ronny I'm still going strong ah when you find something delicious keep eating never let go this broth is probably the lightest of all the broth I've had today of course that great creamy soy flavor I can't wait to get to the bottom of this I [Music] think of all the places I've been to these noodles are the chilliest we're not texture it's as golden as these noodles itself 100% best noodles of the depth and they taste really good is the law you should have men sneaked whoo I feel like themselves have been sauteing some miso so that flavor is just amplified you're 100% taste of smokiness mundo Chacho part of smoky and a flavors good put like a note in the beginning it is really lean I'm gonna come off a tad right unfortunately of all the great Ross and noodles I found in the alley today I really haven't found that many good pieces of cashew which I feel like it's really a shame you know I really like this place because the best noodle texture and the minced meat is so flavorful there's such a great addition to this ball this gals out here yeah it's so nice oh thank you girls our girls have a habit whenever someone said actually eat something I'm what the Chinese people call really quite like if you tell me especially when it comes to food like if you tell me something as good as you try it I'm gonna trust you a dumpling sure I did not expect this look at this it looks like boiled dumplings usually these are fry right oh this is amazing come here and get Dutch soft-skinned Media Center a little vinegary and they covered it in this little pool of sesame sauce inside crunchy cabbage and meat almost enjoy this more than a ramen delicious you I think after 3 balls 3 balls and a plated dumplings that my enjoyment and my anticipation for the next ball awful ramen will go down but haha not the case here we are oh this place is crazy miso cheat we're not going for that that is what I want right there this one spicy miso let's do it this is a really cool place a rock star looking ramen chef I guess it was a mess darling Chili's on top fresh scallions fungus mushrooms this looks like a fattier piece of Joshu remember the chashu here and who cut all the only things they give a crap bok choy true things just like cold piece of Joshua the egg not the prettiest I've seen today oh but look at the noodles man look at them and dance in them this is definitely a thicker miso broth and all those chilies give me a beautiful reddish color I can't believe this the fourth ball my man I'm eating today it's the first spicy one I'm meeting today please definitely that's the atmosphere of a fun romp and play usually ramen places are it's all business may you go in don't say a thing eat and get out this place chef seems fun lively joint I like it this is one of them warm nice Olli rama's I've had it definitely changed the fermentation of the swing more in this rock than any other box I've had and as soon as he starts cooking as soon as he tossed at me so and some garlic into that pan my mouth started to water like right away you know what it's gonna stop torturing myself no one gives a rip about cha cha there I feel like hearing them some poor dopes afterthought I best about delicious little mincemeat I feel like the sprouts here or pay more attention to din the cha cha which is kind of sad for me I'm LT daddy piece of pork belly was something I always enjoyed my ramen little texture is good no I'm burning up oh wow that was the most warm warm me upper ramen I had today I think after the fourth bowl we're gonna hit the pause button on this thing and we're gonna go to we're gonna go to the main site where they have the ice sculptures cuz that's why I'm actually in the cities to see the Winter Festival so let's go take a look at that walk around and I wanna I want to try a good look Anthony Bourdain came here man my food mentor anyway I really want to be able to go to see the festival and I want to find a good bowl of king crab ramen because I mention this to you guys I'm opening up a ramen place in New York City and one of the things we're gonna be serving is fresh king crab ramen and the inspiration came from volcano so I really want to find a nice pool of seafood ramen king crab ramen and just put my face into it you know what for now let's go see some ice sculptures look how crowded this place is now if you want to go with nobody there try going when I went like 10 o'clock in the morning or probably late afternoon otherwise pretty crowded all right the play was to come here after ramen but I passed out it was a horribly ramen induced coma and I just completely thawed out this is so pretty I'm a Dori Park this is the main site of the sculptures and this is where everything the winter festivals whole things started like 50 years ago some school kids build snow ice sculptures here and then the Japanese Defense Forces as their army got involved and started building massive ones and now here we are and this has become like a whole Japan phenomena or people from around the world come here such as myself to look at these ice sculptures Oh check this out this is cray so it's not just ice sculptures now they turn it into like a massive snow ice event [Music] I mean if I did that yeah I could fly off the ramp to and make a landing you know on my face well here's all the food oh I have struck the land of food tons of food places around here and growing fresh seafood when you're here in the support Oh Hokkaido region this is what you got to eat sweet fresh scallops that's a ramen place I went to this morning Wagyu steak sauce it's basically like a massive Japanese carnival Oh hot chocolate lucky you some hot chocolate this is so cool I mean I'm just like starting to can explore this carnival but I'm already so happy I came it's like a true Wonderland in the snow and look at this the first major ice sculpture I'm seeing it's just a massive wall back you can see how big even the part of the sculpture is oh this is good I went to some Christmas Festival in London where I bought my last hot chocolate so just basically a watery mess down in Japan oh my God look at that steak build an igloo it's ice smoking lounge no they built a freaking igloo for smokers why did the smokers get all the fun let's go and check it out I've never even sent an ice building before look cozy looking still cold now it's Carnaval right here first time ever of all the times I've been in Japan I've ever seen a trash can set up Oh what in the heck is this oh man they should not make those girls before Mike I think I'm turning into a dad as soon as I see those girls performing on stage my first Dodd that must be called who's making you do this hello boyfriend you bye kitty this is so cool again this is a whole train track with a cup noodle I don't like their noodles but like their ice sculpture there's a I got cross between a King Kong I'm all for that we're like a chia pet guy over there this little train just kind of going through that goes wrong and the spells now is so incredibly just no one everywhere I almost didn't come to this thing I didn't even know about it so like couple weeks ago but I feel like just being here this is one of the coolest most like Seoul warming and even those freezing my soul is like being fed right now it's like I don't know my spirit is tingling if you can next year we gotta come here this is just this whole environment just this vibe is incredible that's why so creepy look at this the Snowman which looks like jack-o'-lantern in a bunch of little snowmen now like Japanese horror movies have a ski resort movies sorry they're snow sculptures apparently no Lena the Living Dead snow sculptures points for creativity yeah well freak me out if I was walking here alloy a night end of the line this is it I do want to say that even though you should come here you get up very much a romantic vibe from this place you know with all the nice snow and happy music and the Saturn apparently so it is a really good for couples or to go with people you love and just walking around here you know it's that's let's touch your feelings it makes you think about the people you love and maybe while on things I care about it really makes me think deeply about what kind of ramen I want for dinner thinking seafood definitely seafood - how about crab being ramen here this is actually a really good restaurant for crab ramen in support [Music] he got those a mess hmm snow crab fresh corn butter peppers onions seaweed and of course classic Hokkaido style noodles only in Japan we go to a fair that a restaurant a noodle bowl looks pretty much exactly like you will find in the restaurant I mean a piping hot boiled noodles freshly made Wow my crab that crab is so sweet oh look at that big spoonful of crab and they do it this way so you don't have to mess with the shell which I kind of appreciate I mean it steaming so much because it's so hot mmm boiling hot broth okay you see that I know what happened I was like wow that is fattier than any other brother I've had today I just because I was sipping the part where the butter wasn't melted I was getting like that now for butter you know as much as I love butter nobody wants a mouthful of butter blend that in and the broth mmm show me so creamy oh man again butter and corn wherever is offered yep take it picture perfect dog Antonia dose I wanted some crab infused miso broth and this is probably one of the thickest broth I had today and the miso is basically covering it like sauce you get like 2 different types of creaminess here one is from the poppin sweet corn and the other it's just from the meaty crab it's something that's so great to eat when you're in a festival bad thing I hate about the ramen in Hokkaido this frozen piece of meat seriously they love to surf here but not so much the turf this is just never has so many bad Joshu and ramen places in Japan we're just like consistently bad actually there's this prior one that better once you know these are fatty and tender Oh what they use here that's really cool they use raw onions instead of the sprouts it creates more of a refreshing crunch anything else everybody is so taking Hardy this is great to eat in and head back out there and shoot some more sculptures and of course this festival I didn't know about it I came here very last minute I'll supposed to be back in Tokyo but I'm so glad I made the trip here this is really one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had in my life just spine-tingling you know spidey-sense inducing festivals but do come here such an amazing city had a great basically as Ben Adair ramen at grey ramen at the ramen alley great crab ramen here I got I got plans for a fun few food days coming up but yeah I mean I'm I'm really loving the city and would love to come back I mean this is like this is so pretty you know I know it's a city I don't know if it's the snow or maybe this lively atmosphere but it's one of the prettiest cities I mean just fun stuff to do everywhere it's just so cool anyway all the information for ramen alley is listed down below thank you all so much for watching until we eat again be safe
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,777,890
Rating: 4.9148326 out of 5
Keywords: ramen alley, Ganso Ramen Yokocho, winter festival, Sapporo winter festival, winter festival sapporo, sapporo ramen, ramen noodle, ramen noodles, japanese ramen, japanese noodle, hokkaido japan, sapporo japan, sapporo hokkaido, hokkaido food, ramen, noodles, noodle soup, sapporo ramen alley, ramen alley sapporo, travel, traveling, tourism, flights, hotel, budget, spend, money, finance, travels, stay, asia, king crab ramen, king crab
Id: gxHD-kfw5N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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