Ultimate Criminal Canal Found Magnet Fishing! (POLICE ON THE SCENE)

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yeah here we go what have we got oh he's got a money box oh my gosh oh my gosh forensics are here welcome to Rotterdam Wim has brought us to his hometown for some magnet fishing the last time we're here in water today and we had an amazing adventure so now we're doing it with a local and this is the first spot we're going to look down here already before we've even thrown the magnets Wim has spotted a big knife down there I don't know if you can see it in the camera that's that that is a big knife right there he said it was a dodgy area yeah all right let's get these magnets in and uh find some dodgy stuff magnets away you you can just look over the edge and see what you you can pull out and already seen a knife so let's see what we get First cast eh oh there we go Ramon he's got it that is a fresh one look at that look at that one that's gonna do some damage what was that doing out here huh oh crazy let's see what we get First cast here oh my gosh is that all that was all just Weeds on the thing I'm gonna clean it off I've got something on there what is this oh I've got a set of keys there we go look at that not bad for a first fine I think we're gonna have a good day today I've got a good feeling about this yeah magnets away okay what do you got oh that's from a gun that's a magazine clip from a gun yep oh my gosh so in the First cast we get a knife the second cast Wim gets a gun clip from the from yeah a magazine from a gun and you must know oh man this has been here crazy wim's neighborhood it's a little bit dodgy don't you reckon nice fine bro oh my gosh what is that another knife he's got another knife what does that say what does that say s oh my gosh so we've got another knife and what's this thing does anyone know what that is a watchpat one it's got this like charger port with it it's a big watch it looks like it's a medical device maybe it's a heart monitor gonna be an alarm or something yeah does anyone know what this is very weird fine okay this is cool man what an Eclectic thing that's the thing magnet fishing you never know what's going to turn up and you come to all these new places and just go searching and you always find something cool magnet fishing never go home empty-handed all right I'm going to try and go under the bridge what have you got now oh my gosh Ramon three knives in a row dodgy enough dodgy enough I think it's plenty dodgy enough oh my gosh oh that's 10 push-ups for a whim too did you see that he's got the bridge oh look at this what's this it's not gonna believe this we've got a knife sharpener a knife sharpener it's like a it's like a chef had enough today and just was like somebody goes out they don't want to cook anymore no he doesn't want to cook anymore what do you got oh my gosh look at this oh my gosh holy moly win oh my gosh how old do you think it is oh my gosh it's got a wooden handle on there what does it say here crazy what does it say there yeah over here okay I can't really read what that says but it's a heavy gun it's so heavy that is crazy yeah aren't you enough dodgy area nice one Rim wow what a spot wim's just getting a bucket full of water here fresh Canal water yeah there we go in the bucket he goes okay and I've got a police we'll call the police in a minute because I think we're probably gonna find some more maybe no we're gonna get him here too soon okay girlfriend yeah four knives and a gun in this amount of time and women saying loads of magnet fishes come here why what have you got now Ramon a bullet okay oh my gosh how how old is that one this is an old one an old one are we out of the world war I'm not too good with bullets I can't read that it's too fine but that's it's just crazy knives bullets guns and a magazine in five minutes he's got a money box oh my gosh [Laughter] oh my gosh no it's closed man yes we've got a money box let's break it open okay here we go have a look at that that is crazy all right break it open win ah please be something inside he's got he's got the um he's got the tools ready oh come on well it's full of something let's see what it is okay oh yeah no full stuff full of stuff I don't know I feel stuff in there what's that it's a bolt okay boom pen all right I love this oh come on it's so good what do you got something there we'll be having a look we're having a look should we just tip it out over here a little bit all right let's tip it out over here and have a little look any diamonds in there come on win empty and let's check the mud just in case anything in there anything in there come on just some shells and Rusty bits unfortunately oh Wim always get so excited probably when I saw that come up oh my gosh it's been down there a long time it's always great to find a safe that one was empty but this this spot there's loads here man let's keep going yeah oh you got oh look at no way Ramon he's got another one look at the size of it look at the size of this what you've got a knife oh and another one he's just got two knives on there and one Trail and one throw look at the size of that knife that is like the biggest knife ever holy moly and then he's got a pocket knife that's a that's it talk about a dodgy area whim I don't think you could have brought us to a Dodger area oh my gosh crazy how many have we got now one two three four five six knives and a sharpener does anyone want to know today yeah you're done for the day Ramon oh look at this Nikki just got a bullet whim look at that it's another big bullet crazy this spot oh my gosh it's just crazy look at that bullet does anyone know what type of that is or how old it is it's very big one that's all I can say all right we're going to put all the fines like this together and show you at the end of the day how much stuff because I think we're going to get loads today let's go again every cast I'm ex I just covered Nikki throwing that last one look at her jacket it's absolutely covered sorry Nikki whim's covered in mud I'm covered in mud Nikki's covered in mud we're magnet fishing now the hazards have been a magnet Fisher Filmer it's away whim out into the distance there oh my gosh I think I've got something even bigger when oh you want it oh I got it yeah this is I can see oil coming up mine's sliding I'm sliding I'm seeing oil come up whim here we go what have we got oh my gosh that is being down there a very long time and it's obviously been stuck in the mud really deep and no one's got it out until now bro and now we're gonna Loop we need this and beneath it we can get some treasure Bridge oh my God [Laughter] [Music] mud today oh Molly oh he's so he's got another one another Money Box I thought so too I saw I just left that side whim took my side and found a money box I'm kind of glad it wasn't a money box it's just a big chunky piece of metal what have you got yeah he's following a bike oh it's a mini flick knife oh my God that's the smallest one I ever saw it's falling apart yeah it's a mini flick knife what that is crazy oh guys Mercer yeah all sizes of knives today I can't seem to get this with a magnet so I might try a grappling hook this is the grappling hook I'm just going to throw it out there hopefully hit the spot oh it's heavy whim whim I might need a hand here bro with a grappling hook I've got it oh look at the bubbles yes I got the wheel off a bike there we go getting really tired of it huh so tired of finding bites it looks like that wheel could have possibly been from that bike we found already all right let's go try over here up on the top with wimp oh my gosh you got a bullet that looks identical to the one I got earlier what does it say on the top there it's all rusted away you can't quite read it can you okay wow Rotterdam if you look around at the buildings here there's not many old buildings but if you go to Amsterdam it's surrounded by old buildings and that's because here in Rotterdam it got bombed and destroyed during World War II so all of the old houses are gone now but you can still see we're finding remnants oh got something big out here Nikki I've got something big out there [Music] got something Mega out here Wim sliding a long way whatever look at all the bubbles now there's bubbles going up everywhere out there have we got it oh my gosh look at the size of it it's just a pole must have been stuck deep into the mud oh my gosh look at the size of this thing whoa ah that's what it was the giant thing down there you can see from the paint our magnet has been hitting here and sliding all the way along until we ripped it from the mud that's where it was sitting in the mud from here all the way down that could have ruined the boat's day for sure it's a load of trash out of the way it goes [Music] here we go okay got him win oh my gosh it's heavy huh yeah it smells awesome the smell is also bad that's your own Canal water that like how is a car like half a car down there like what's happened on the bridge someone just carried it out of town thrown it off the bridge oh that was a really good throw in yeah never found one of those before we found a gun magnet fishing okay it's been down in there a while it looks like yeah there we go see the woods still on it there on the handle a real gun I'm not an expert so I can't really say it feels like one it's heavy huh yeah okay so what will you do well we're back all right I can do that no we're no weapon experts so you're gonna we do have a weapons expert yeah so we'll get them to come over here okay all right take a look at it and they'll be able to say if it is okay and then we'll uh go off skate it all right yeah okay who is the one who founded wins there you go I don't understand yeah he's got an Australian accent the Police gun expert is going to come very soon and they'll be able to tell whether it's a real gun or an alarm pistol alarm pistols are still dangerous because they can be converted into real shooting guns so it's dangerous either way it's a great find oh is that them there already oh no no no no no that was fast you guys Vlog well yeah we have videos travel around the world searching for Treasure and today Wim from Rotterdam has brought me to his hood and this is the treasure we've found treasure right it's amazing what you find isn't it you know anything from World War II to you know modern guns and and we found a money box as well which is over there on the ground empty one unfortunately no no I wish can I just point out it's zero degrees in Rotterdam today and he hasn't even got a jumper on this is tropical weather this is it yeah oh my gosh I'm missing the cold look at me I'm in ski gear I'm just gonna throw a few magnets while the we're waiting for the police to come oh I just covered myself do I get you too I'm just giving everyone an old shower oh okay you want to wipe it on me oh my God what'd you get I got a phone that's like an iPhone 6. that's original man that's like a antique at this point yeah cool look at this look at this I've got a bullet whim I just got it I just got a bullet yeah bullet on there yeah another one another one I'll put him in the bucket for the uh in the bucket for the for the K-9 unit I can get you again oh my gosh I keep getting the I keep getting the police Canal showers I better move down this way another one another bullet yeah it's a massive one huh oh my gosh it's starting to snow now as well yeah you got another bullet okay Wim look the forensics are here let's have a look can I ask what you what you're gonna do to uh what you what the process is yeah okay okay so this is the mat you're going to put it on so there's no DNA on there it's on a DNA process and that's why it's important when you get the gun out of the water or anything like that you have your gloves on and you put it in a bucket of water so we don't contaminate it at all because it could solve a crime don't get too close from mono your DNA DNA will be on there it's let's go yeah yeah all right here we go out with the gun you're checking to see if it's loaded yeah but it's too rusty yeah too rusty right what we're going to do is take a bucket yeah with the water yes to the same water and then we're going to take okay all right there you go yeah there is some bullets in that bucket as well bullets yeah so they're the bigger bullets and then there's a smaller um pull it in there too that's a flick knife that's broken oh we could keep this one okay then they're not going to do forensics you can keep your flick knife with him there you go mate the police are going to take the gun away and hopefully solve a crime but we had an awesome magnet fishing Adventure right thanks for the rigorous bro we'll see you soon for another one yeah
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 2,775,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Fishing, Fishing, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Magnet Fishing Amsterdam, River Treasure, Bondi Magnet Fishing, Best Magnet Fishing Finds, Metal Detecting, Treasure Hunting, Treasure, Strongest Magnet, Magnet Fishing USA, Magnet Fishing Paris, Unbelievable, Crazy, Found Treasure, Metal Detector, travel, Motorbike, mudlarking, magnet, gold prospecting, treasure hunter, Paris, magnet fishing police, dallmyd, gold hunting, Treasure Hunters, Fishing Videos, gold, Magnet Fishing Police, cops
Id: _isAaaj8B-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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