I Played The MOST DISLIKED Levels In Mario Maker 2 So You Don't Have To

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So today we're going to look at more of not necessarily the worst levels but the most boot levels so we have the final say we're gonna play some of the most boot levels in Mario Maker 2 and we will have the final say are these actually the worst levels or are they just you know misunderstood let's go on this journey together and find out so the first level that we're gonna take a look at is called Magic Koopa Manor as you can see it's got 160 likes that's quite a few likes but on the flip side it has over 170 booze why does it have so many booze well we intend to find out magic Koopa Manor made by Daniel is that how you say dueƱo Maybe twinel I gotta say like right off the bat let's just appreciate aesthetically for a hundred and Oh I thought I cheesed it I was like wait is this cheeseable right off the gate aesthetically [Music] this isn't too bad I genuinely not too bad looks like we're inside a scary house we got doors there's a lot of red coins okay do I have to kill boom does boom boom give us a key boom boom's got hops oh my gosh why this should not be as hard as it okay how did I die there okay no key no key from boom boom the problem is the longer you let boom boom linger the the worse off your worst shape you're in you can't let boom boom linger that's one of the keys to success not only in Mario Maker but also in life don't let your boom booms linger take care of it right away okay we got two red coins so far I gotta say I am really absolutely okay with this level when I sit back and think of all the levels we've played over the years man this is this is this is refreshing I feel refreshed I feel good I I mean things can obviously change things can obviously change really quickly yeah this is the room where I took damage all right much better still got a big power up so we got two available hits hopefully we don't use them oh alakazu underscore just subscribe nice variety going on it feels like each room's a little bit of a challenge room a little shortcut I mean this is uh this is an outrage so far I'm genuinely upset this level has received as many booze as it has hopefully this creator doesn't realize so many people boob they're level because this is so good [Music] like I look there's another power up not a progressive power up that's okay this we're not flow we're not Jamie from Progressive you know what I'm saying how do I get to the key door we got access to the Heat or okay let's go through the key door if a level has a checkpoint in it I'm automatically super pumped because so many levels don't have checkpoints okay well let's continue call me Rusted Root cause we're on our way [Music] oh we get a bone suit as well [Music] two bone suits to be well three bones an unlimited supply of bone suits you don't see that every day you don't see that oh gosh okay that was weird I never noticed did you ever notice that if there was a muncher on top of a magikoopa's head magic Koopa won't disappear is that heck in it dude [Applause] you know that really that really ticks me off that was a good level man why the dump does that have a 170 plus booze I watched me hands of you this list hasn't been updated but when this list was made it had 24 booze to 85 likes as you can see there's been a few more likes bestowed upon it but I'm also assuming some more booze have also been bestowed It's Not What It Seems naked eye good luck okay foreign [Music] okay all right all right [Music] all right all right this is [Music] so far the booze feel pretty dang deserving [Music] oh my gosh hahaha not not quite as uh nice as the last level but [Music] all right everything's fine [Music] oh it's a good thing we did this actually foreign [Music] [Applause] all right yeah that was that was that was uh that wasn't great that was for me I'm not gonna boo it I'm not gonna do it because it could have been much worse um but it's it's definitely not a heart Worthy okay so the next level is this Japanese level chat and it has oh gosh so it's from when this list came out this list is several several months old maybe even a year old okay so just bear with me this level when it was released had seven likes 125 booze that is not a good ratio for those keeping track at home that's not good I mean right off the bat I gotta say it's better than I envisioned right off the bat I am pleasantly surprised saved it yes and yes we were just wall jumping off the spikes essentially there How You Like Me Now I don't know what's going on with an ending though yeah so the weird thing about Mario Maker it's it I would it's programmed in so when you're off screen so there's a there's a couple Gap there's a couple tile Gap from where you can't see Mario till death and underneath that Gap it doesn't matter what object it is a regular block or a spike you can wall jump it's pretty cool I don't but I don't know how to do the ending all right there's got to be something hidden there has to be let's just say there's there's no way there's not a hidden item of some sort there's no way you'd be able to make that jump that was not bad why this why this level had a 120 some booze don't get me wrong it's not great that was not a great level by any stretch but I but aside from the hidden item I don't know I've played a lot worse level a lot worse levels that had way less booze so I'm not gonna give it a hard or a boo I don't think it was deserving of a heart but I don't necessarily think it was deserving of a boot obviously the hidden item is a little sketch but I mean once you try to make the the last jump you realize there has to be something hidden so this next one at the time of release six legs to 69 booze wow okay so there's 68 booze depending on how this level goes we could be 69. as the kids are saying oh wow [Music] oh [Music] it's pretty bad chat it's pretty bad let's check out the first pipe shall we wow woof it's gonna be a no from me dog well that was really weird did I just bounce off I just bounced off boom boom's like okay no key from boom boom all right [Music] foreign this is a level this is what we in the business call a level chat well we have a key you don't you didn't need a key the key was not necessary good to know me there's a meows there somewhere there's the end of the level okay all right back to the sub World Dilly Dilly [Music] okay I gotta do something here look at that perfect thumbnail look at that boom shakalaka thumbnail done oh yeah are you kidding me well we need yeah we need a hammer oh heck there's the Hammers that we need there's a door that this might be the doors man if we had a power up I don't think there's a door on the other side of the Hammer Bros yeah they're I didn't see one either now that you say that so we have to find a hidden door somewhere so where the oh I didn't check that pipe down there okay it's that pipe all right let's check it out just subscribed Wahoo what the heck where is the door door on the other side that door on the other side is this door I'll show you what door it's taking you to it's taking you to this door right here this is the door [Music] [Laughter] well we now know where the door's at chat we should have won I've counted my chickens before they were hatched before but the sorry and should just subscribe DTR look [Music] dab on Bowser meowser yeah that was pretty bad that was that was a pretty pretty bad one and we get the we get the privilege of being 69th boo thank you it's an honor Abomination aerobics oh boy this one friends this one's got well apparently 30 likes but it's got 70 booze I tried to step it up in this course I kind of like that aerobics step it up I see what I see what this Creator did there all right right off the bat that first jump is uh [Music] not gonna lie I'm shocked we got through that first try actually shocked by that oh oh come on [Applause] there we go all right all right [Music] [Music] oh that part right there is a butt [Music] okay I don't know where I don't know where the lava bubbles plop up from please just go fast just go fast man that's it [Music] I believe it was good friend glitchcad who said Kaizo is art and I agree like seeing top level players of like video games is uh super enthralling because I know like how much I play games and you know I try to get better my goal you know everyone's goal is to get better at video games obviously or you know you don't always want to be bad okay oh [Music] hey by the way Chad I'm looking for new recommendations for hot sauce foreign guys have any good ideas for not I don't want any like imported like fancy hot sauces I'm talking like readily available hot sauces [Music] you know we're talking like Franks you know I don't know that I've ever tried Tabasco for all you Tabasco lovers out there what sets Tabasco apart I just don't know that I've ever had it okay wait a second I gotta Focus here but hot ones pack is only a hundred and twenty dollar listen I love hot sauce 120 dollars would have bought me like 50 some packs of mama cholula's I gotta regular mama cholula's all that jump regular Mama cholula's isn't cutting it for me sweet habanero was it regular is not not cutting the mustard no I don't have a hot tub my in-laws had a hot tub and they sold it they don't even have a hot tub anymore hot hot dog streams hot tub streams are gone dude this level is um I don't think this level deserves the booze it's just very hard level this this level is definitely reeks of people being like oh this level is too hard I can't beat it I'm gonna boo it there's nothing inherently wrong with this level other than it's just hard a checkpoint would be nice I I do agree I do agree a checkpoint would be very nice and maybe there is a checkpoint I just haven't got to it yet [Music] dude I can't make it past that that's such a hard jump because you have to have speed to get over the spikes but you also have to not have too much speed because if you have too much speed you go flying into the other spikes very tricky jump it doesn't look that bad but it's it's pretty pretty tough jump [Music] I'm gonna play it a little bit safe [Music] okay all right all right it's good to go slow [Music] what the heck is this jump dude this jump is absurd and I I can't see what's after this so I gotta time this [Music] purple Incarnation 2006 just subscribed that was that's actually I actually timed that perfectly timed that but I just jumped into this bike [Music] [Music] dude okay new plane okay I actually have a new plan new plan to get through that part every time [Music] it's a simple plan it's a new plan super simple it'll work every blessed time that's it at least to get through that part this part okay and I understand what you were saying to fall straight down there but it's going to be really hard to time that to land on the spring also if I do that if I land on the spring there's no way [Music] yeah okay come on please okay there's a chance I'm saying there's a chance [Music] ooh that jump is such a butt dgr is both the daddy and an uncle go dgr DJ clutch daddy both a daddy and an uncle that's that's me uncle that Addie [Music] huh of course that's gonna make the YouTube cut me talking about being an uncle and a daddy Uncle Daddy what the heck is this I mean I guess we have to YOLO The Arrow is telling us to jump send it baby YOLO dude you gotta hit it when it's you have to hit it when it's going back the other way otherwise [Music] there we go okay okay got a chance here okay well make sure there's no Kaizo blocks no Kaizo blocks no Kaizo blocks right [Music] easy last jump you don't know me let's run a prediction here will Dave make this last jump here we go it's time yes yes yes okay shot at Redemption we're just going for it going for it yes yes that took way too long to beat but we did it oh my gosh now the whole premise of this is does this deserve a boo again I think this is one of those classic cases hard level equals boo to some people and I don't think it's deserving of that for people that really enjoy Precision levels there was a lot of things to enjoy definitely not my favorite level but I think there was enough there to Warrant a heart actually [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 109,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker, panga, mario maker panga, panga mario maker
Id: w8JI6c6FzU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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