The Hardest Decision Of My Life...

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what was that what is going on all right here we go next level [Music] world five the hardest decision of my life oh boy quiz oh no oh no uh right is always right why do I feel that everything right is always right right is always right does it not matter which way we right is always right [Music] okay we have to go left on that one oh look at this this is which p-switch is real we have this p-switch or we have this p-switch I can't tell which one is real I think we picked the right one we did it oh now oh even bigger decision which is the real checkpoint flag we have this flag I I can't tell which one's the real checkpoint like I love it so much I just Nash I Kimberly Reese we have a spike over here and a spike over here I don't know which one to take these are the hardest decisions of my life um do we ride the ice block oh man I gotta say again I I try to stay humble [Music] I don't know I don't know which which platform [Laughter] I'm not sure which one we were supposed to go what if I do this [Music] I was trying for some swag strats where I fell on the cheap cheap and then popped back up but uh ask me how that worked out it didn't work out I just I just understood we have we have a pipe here we have pipes here [Laughter] I don't think I've ever noticed those pipes until this very second I was today years old when I realized that that background like oh man second check I'm kind of I actually really kind of want to know what's to the left there which one's the real flag here is it wrong I want to see what's what's after second checkpoint is it wrong to have an inquisitive mind all right it's fine wait a sec you have to be able to beat this from the checkpoint hold up I'm gonna grab the checkpoint and die you have to be able to beat this from the checkpoint okay I was gonna say that you have to be able to beat that next level oh no a harder decision [Music] quiz time [Music] foreign [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness I know me too Nathan this is wait spot it's a wait a second it's impossible to Spot the Difference when there's only two pictures I don't understand it's not a Spot the Difference oh because if we go right ah I see what you're saying if we go right it'll hit the on off good call yep that makes sense [Music] I so badly wish you could go up those pipes those skinny pipes GG so this this whole world is like a cool down world if you will before we play some more more intense troll levels coming up very soon that's brilliant which which one is the ending chat is this one the ending [Laughter] or is this the ending I can't tell [Music] bro we're dead gum geniuses dadgum Geniuses we wouldn't have been able to beat that had we gone right first there was a one way there we would have been stuck oh my gosh I love this so much oh my goodness I love it so much all right 1-1 glitch free hang on to your butts I feel like this is gonna be [Music] [Music] hello Moto [Music] nothing like a Goomba just squirting out of the side of a pipe [Music] oh my gosh they don't stop coming and they just keep coming [Music] we gotta see what's down the pipe [Music] nothing crazy happened [Music] Buddies it's our old Pals good friends let me out I'm I'm green I'm green just like you oh my goodness how many times am I gonna die to that [Music] merry toastness to you bathroom toaster oh my goodness okay so we have to jump over hello [Music] oh my gosh you fall right through [Music] okay what was that what is going on what what is oh my goodness this is insane [Music] I'm just I'm I'm just seriously trying to survive [Music] call me Samwise gamgee because just one more step and it's the furthest from home I've ever been why do I feel like I'm gonna die if I touch this no [Music] oh gosh [Music] [Music] okay good how am I gonna die here [Music] oh my goodness no way no how do you beat this this is another one of those levels where they're like how many glitches can we fit into one dash one and they were like their answer was something their answer was yes why but here's what we're gonna do all right that's good [Music] that's good that's good no call me Journey because Don't Stop Believing Man [Music] Don't Stop Believing [Music] okay how there's gonna be something that happens at the end [Music] don't stop okay Dirty Dan no I'm Dirty Dan no [Music] no I don't understand oh yeah I don't understand some of you I get it some are you some of you some Ians let me let my inner Pittsburgh come out samians are holding on to that like and I understand you're like what has this streamer what is this streamer done to deserve my life and to that I say that's a fair question but you gotta do me a favor if we beat the level on this run right here you got it you gotta lay down a lake [Music] toss a like to the streamer all right that's that's the that's the deal that's the deal we're making here [Music] we made the deal [Music] gently caress the like button [Music] it was the hot deal all right here we go Next Level epic Boss Rush [Music] boss I hate boom boom boom I hit boom boom boom boom this is a pretty epic Boss Rush so far [Music] oh man so epic [Music] it's so epic hi Grover that's fancy seeing you here it's just standing there menacingly [Music] what's up Bobby goop gorp goop you really need a tissue a Kleenex gotta wipe that nose get those sweet drippings off your nose [Music] [Music] I like how the Boss Rush went from normal bosses to now it's just absolutely absurd [Music] oh any last words chat I'm gonna give you a moment Maybe has a few last words here for uh for Yoshi [Music] final I had to kill oh no [Music] surely this surely you joke [Music] they don't hurt you they can't hurt you [Laughter] ah heck you you can't hurt me how's it feel to be powerless oh it feels so good having such dominance I am asserting my dominance on these boom booms I have asserted dominance technically I am also powerless but come on out here boom booms let's just let's chill come on in here come on in here we'll have a we'll have a little bit of we'll have a little party in here come on in come on in here [Music] [Applause] all right last level of world five Toad's Castle Calamity [Music] I hope that wasn't Toad's Castle because we just Toad's Castle no longer exists [Music] I love these levels man I love these bonus levels [Music] foreign it's so dang creative it reminds me of like if you've played Super Mario World you know in Super Mario World after you beat a castle you know Mario does a funny animation where he'll like erase the castles or he'll blow them up that's exactly what this feels like and I love it [Laughter] oh Yoshi okay Yoshi's dead I'm sorry Phoenician Yoshi's dead [Music] hey there's Brian hi Brian [Music] so what I do I just have to wait for the clouds to run out the we just gotta wait for the cloud juice to run out [Music] that would be incorrect [Music] so we literally just need to stand at the door and eventually it's gonna drop the key right on us [Music] here we go [Music] no Sprites no Sprites [Music] I think the coin was like the safety slot I'm gonna chill in here although I feel like I'm probably gonna eventually die that's right here I feel like it's probably not gonna be safe either maybe I'll just okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna stay there okay all right this time I know to avoid date away from me Temptations oh now we're going in the castle we're going inside no I bet you I was gonna say I bet you it's Brian [Music] [Music] and hold Ray I love that Brian gets a chance to to kill us [Music] toad built so many explosive castles all right I'm staying away get there okay Cloud ice P Ice donut I need you guys remember that put it in your memory banks all right let's let's punch it in here so we're done with world five I think world six is the last World it's a big H it's a giant looking h no I'm sorry there's there's still three more worlds nice that's actually amazing I'm I don't want it to ever end here we go another breather still stuck in here though all right everybody thanks for coming I know it's probably scary to be here but something's gotta change yeah for too long we've been ignored and the boss has kept us twisting twisting the screws on us this does not Mama the we gotta show them that there's not that they're nothing without us right we're supposed to be a team and they make us ban users and levels over nothing aren't we supposed to be fostering creativity here creativity yeah yeah and workplace safety oh yeah play safety Ryan thanks for joining us wow I didn't know that the switch could run Zoom can oh well anyways we gotta take all this to the boss and let them know that the situation will not stand who's with me yeah right on let's uh oh let's do it yeah yeah hey I'm sorry everyone keeps cutting you off buddy oh dang it here we go again cool down town complete now commencing the modern era thank you [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 483,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryukahr, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, panga, carlsagan42, carlsagan mario maker, carl trolls, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42 troll, carlsagan42 trolls
Id: IZfS9kNtKiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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