This GLITCH Let's You Control Mario AFTER You Beat The Level!!!

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hello my friends and welcome back to another uno mas episode of the series where we're taking a look at weird wacky and wonderful things within mario maker 2. again and as always for those that don't know what an uno maz level is typically they're short levels showcasing things that definitely weren't intended to be in this game by nintendo but they're still a lot of fun to look at let's go ahead and check some of these out the first uno moss level of the day comes courtesy of s101 called perfectly normal level and what is so perfectly normal about this level you ask well let's find out first of all can we go in any of these pipes cannot go in any of the pipes can't go in the yellow pipe wait [Music] hold on one second so you'll notice something oh it's just a one up coming out of here but what's going on this is like s101's level in the past you'll notice mario goes through the floor and you can see mario jumping if you look very closely in the bottom left-hand corner question is what what am i doing here oh i get it so the indicators are showing us [Music] i get it it took a while but i finally noticed you'll notice the p-switch blocks is telling us where so here there are two blocks above us we got a slide underneath it [Music] and i died and the the skull coasters indicates death areas but how do i okay i got an idea now got it the axe has been smacked baby what's weird is we don't know what's going on underneath the uh stage there but we did beat it the next neutral boss level is by a japanese creator and it's called endless jump looks like we have a pipe to go down that's our only option skip squeak another we have another skip squeak and do we have to do i have to jump to get it [Music] okay normally a skip squeak only jumps when you're pressing jump as you can tell i am not pressing jump and uh the skip squeaks still jumping how do we eventually it just dies or it doesn't die but something kills it and uh yeah we can beat the level legend has it the skip squeak's still jumping to this day now we have another one by the same japanese creator this one's called kaizo block suck [Music] what is this oh so now we can't get the ending huh [Music] i'm guessing we got a duck i'm guessing it's as simple as ducking let's see if that's the case here let's let's uh stuck in face right no it is not let the record show it's not as simple as ducking i'm not ashamed to take a hint no siree bob uh run and jump wait that's it [Music] why would that be any different apparently if we run and jump [Applause] why is that different with another one by s101 this one's called turn block elevator here we go s101 is uh notorious for the cape and things with the turn block so this should be pretty cool oh no oh no come back ah [Music] get on there okay so then it should just lift us up wild [Music] that's very dirty that's very dirty what what else kind of blows my mind a little bit is that the launcher doesn't go the whole way up it only goes to here it doesn't lift itself the whole way back up and i don't understand why what do i [Music] how do i wait a second so how how does one win how does one i mean that's kind of cool i i don't understand how one wins however that it's the only problem so the key to victory is breaking this falling down and then doing a short spin there because as soon as your cape hits the note block it dislodges the uh ball launcher thing and kills you now we have one by boise called disappeared me shroom this one's got a clear condition reach [Music] reach the goal is big marios are clear condition let's just take this in for a second you'll notice the big mushroom appears and then it's gone abracadabra and it's gone [Music] but then all right that's great that we got it but then [Music] oh you gotta do it like that maybe yes no oh just got that so you grab the mushroom to land on the platform that's under the screen mind you and then jump to victory wild next up we have several from just piplup and the first one's called to kick a shell i love how the thumbnail says spoono moss [Music] looks like we got to go up the pipe and this should be underwater can't see it but there's a door that we go in not pressing anything i don't know if i'm supposed to not press anything now i'm pressing things [Music] am i supposed to so we gotta somehow figure out [Music] is that what i was supposed to do just fly to the top the only way to kick it is to fly to the top and jump out okay that is well that was rude that is kind of interesting if you're in a one tile gap the only way to kick a shell is to be at the very top of the screen all right i lied before we look at another pip-flop one we have one by perfect called beautiful jank reach the goal while wearing a shoe is our clear conditioner [Music] i think i've seen something like this in the past you have a very small window to get the boot and jump before it activates the snake plug and obviously i didn't do it there you go as you can tell we did not end up activating although i wonder what's down the pipe oh but can we go down the pipe you can go down the pipe let's see what's down the pipe hi oh this is this a hint i don't need no stinking hint i don't need no sticking he's very good look at this gamer i think this gamer needs a hint now back to piplup's unomaha's level skip squeak super jump okay i'm just watching the skip squeak whoa [Music] i didn't even jump alright so what have i learned in today's episode [Music] we've learned that skip squeaks are super jank another one by piplup called automotive buoyant softlock sit back and relax i can't even do that right all right i'm just uh sitting back how did we not die there normally when a launcher comes up it would smash mario and kill him which means i gotta try this again what happens if i that's what normally happens when you try to move around it kills you but for some reason by not doing anything now can i now you can move around once i'm lodged in there that's weird stuff man another one by piplup called knocked up what do we have here we have a muncher with a bomb on it [Music] well that was strange pay very close attention to the bomb it ends up going up and to the left here [Music] like how [Music] how does that happen why does that happen like that i don't that i don't understand what if we hit both at the same time [Music] i guess that answers that question now we have unomaha's creeper pounder very odd name and shout outs to bishi reach the goal after defeating one piranha so i'm guessing called the pounder you have to ground pound that's it you have to ground pound inside the creeper in order to kill it weirdly enough when you're in its mouth and you ground pound it it kills the creeper who would have thought next up let's look at untouchable playground made by dent the description said winning is easy but getting the extra life is not [Music] oh i get it that's it that's it it's one did you did we get it did we do it i don't know if we did it or not oh okay i love these ones so much uh we're we're gonna look at this one again gang gang i'm still playing i'm playing and the levels done i was playing and the level was over what calm down calm down calm down calm down this just happens to be the coolest uno mas level i have seen in a while [Music] we can play after the level has been beaten and if you fall and die this is just wild because we have full control over mario when we beat the level we still have full control over mario like like i can i can still ground pound i can wall jump you can't go in the pipe and you can't go indoors like i'm pressing up to go in the door and i'm trying to go in the pipe that does not work and then eventually you do get kicked out of the level this time i am going to hold the pal block the whole time let's see what happens if we do that if i hold it the whole time [Music] what happens [Music] you don't get the weird effects you have to eventually let go of the power if you want to control mario after you beat the level you have to let go of the power what if i let go of the pow while we're [Music] yeah so that i still don't have control even though that had some weird effects showing the power when we were in the pipe it did not let us have control oh i went off screen this time whoa it just keeps going so that's where the actual challenge comes into play gang the challenge is to beat the level and then get the one up after you beat the level i love that so much but how do i how did i get through there how i don't know how did i get through here before okay we're through we're through we got it we got it oh my gosh i finally figured out how to get off screen a lot quicker you have to drop mario in and then it lets you get out of bounds and now we can explore a little bit and see all the different things that mario can uh interact with which it's it's pretty crazy you can go through saws p-switch says how uh okay let's do it one more time and and see the rest of it i'm so glad we figured this out because going down there gives us so much more time to mess around and see all the different things that mario can interact with you can touch the flagpole you can still get items uh you can ground pound stumps you can get items you can hit on off blocks but it doesn't do anything there's just there's so much to this uno mas level and it's amazing friends it's hard to move on from the last due to most level but there are more to see such as magic by joker82 okay so as uh this is joker is known for the pipe entry trick so you'll notice we can't get in this pipe because there's like a one pixel window like maybe a sub pixel where the thwomp is on uh covering the pipe now we go all the way over here let's go in the door get the key wait wasn't this a key door [Music] wait a second wasn't that a key door wasn't that a key door now we can't go wait what just changed so we can't go down this pipe because of the see-saw in the way okay we broke oh my gosh my brain is it's melting it's it's it's uh it's a melting okay we can blow that wall up you can go in that pipe even though it looked like the on that pipe [Music] there's a lot going on and my brain is struggling so now we can go back in this pipe the pipe that we once we initially came wait a second [Music] this was a p door [Music] that was a p door now it's a regular door [Music] [Music] is out here [Music] we automatically get cp1 [Music] and now it's a p door again [Music] so in order to win here we don't hit the p-switch and somehow let's see how this plays out by not hitting the p-switch supposedly we will win now [Music] oh you can go in the red pipe now sure hold down i'm holding down oh what [Music] all right we got another one by den dent is the one that made that mind-blowing controlling mario after you beat the level reach the goal after grabbing at least one coin looks like we have to go into the pipe oh there it is over here so we need to find a way what if i let this push me i feel like so okay looking at this box there's no way you can ground pound on it there's no way you can get it so i think we'll have to let the box push us off that's it that's it that that's crazy that was a really early discovery that was a 2019 discovery and i've never seen that you let yourself be pushed off screen to collect the coin we have another one by s101 this one's called entity limit escapade here we go we have a p-switch [Music] as soon as you hit the p-switch oh my well isn't that just isn't that just something [Music] now what happens uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh that is wild indeed [Music] oh no now we can't beat the level because a spring came out of this pipe [Music] i forgot you can raise a p switch by throwing another p-switch up in the air totally forgot about that next up we have another uno moss by perfect called plant jank okay we have some jankage going on with the plank the top creeper piranha can't go through the springs and there is a lava bubble stuck inside the other creeper piranha [Music] oh we have wait can creeper piranhas come out of one another i don't think they can that one got [Music] i have questions but i'm not gonna ask [Music] [Laughter] okay that was pretty cool uh so what have we learned in today's episode skip squeaks are jank and plants are jank too we have another one by perfect this one's called poisonous jank shroom here we go it's one poisonous mushroom however it sounds as if there are hundreds of poisonous mushrooms in one spot but i don't normally you can tell if there's a bunch in one spot there's must be something going on above us that we can't see that's what i'm going to choose to tell myself that something's going on off screen that we can't tell which is making the noises about another one by perfect called getting up to speed off we go there is a monty mole shoved inside a p switch that doesn't seem now there's a floating wiggler trapped inside a p there is a non-moving star inside a p so these are everything that get trapped in side p's apparently through the door very awkward very very awkward i love these types of levels that showcase things like this [Music] yoshi turned into a key great and finally the head of a pokey looks like it's wearing a hat a crown i still want a p-switch hat is anybody out there able to make like a p-switch hat only you know like a foam p switch hat can we can we make that thing a reality next up we have una mas snow nick the hedgehog made by major 314. is this is this a butt booty one we gotta use that's cool [Music] that was it oh that is so cool so you gotta side butt slam the snowball and then zoom off of it oh that's so good this is it this is the one yeah that's it that's it that's gotta be it ah i was like that just felt a little bit better than the last launches that we had that was really cool last but certainly not least we have uno ssj i feel like that says my second uno mas level or my first i don't know i'm sorry probably not juliano it's probably juliano i'm sorry what if i do this oh so look at that hey hey giuliano it's a good first effort or second effort i'm not sure so notice we can't get below the uh one way it's literally a one way but if we ground pound we go right on through ground pound right on through without a ground pound we're stuck here ground pound right on through though and i think that my friends is a fitting way to end this uno mas episode well my friends that is another una mos episode wrapped up in in the books may i just say my mind is still blown especially from that magic level and most of all from the uno mas where we can control mario after we beat the level i've never experienced that before i definitely know that wasn't intended to be in the game boy is that mind-blowing besides that there was a ton of interesting tech shown off by some of these other uni muscles and i have to say the biggest of thank you and shout outs to all of the level creators that are continually and diligently hunting through this game trying to find these crazy things i absolutely love it i know there's a lot of you that watch this that love it so thank you so much for all your hard work and i will continue playing them if you continue finding them we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 393,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, uno mas, uno mas levels, uno mas level, uno mas mario maker, uno mas mario maker 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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