Emily Blunt Seeks To Understand Testicle Pain | CONAN on TBS

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[Music] you shot edge of tomorrow before you were pregnant I did yeah and you are in insane shape in this movie we have and I think is still of you in this movie and I think you were doing intense amount of yoga because there's a scene where you're doing a like a one-armed yoga your whole body is parallel planked and you are holding yourself up with one hand and I just it blew my mind I could never in a million years do that well I took a lot of I mean it I couldn't do it at the beginning I had like trained for ages to do it oh it's training huh okay that's what always gets between me and excellent this violin doesn't sound right but it's really impressive that you could do that I mean you must be free for the longshots we're at to hold it for a long time they put a little wire on my ankles like oh wow we needed a little help for those long shots I remember when I was holding it we were doing we were kind of rehearsing the scene and Tom took a little too long with his line coming in it was the only time I snapped at him during the show I went yeah you gotta come in quicker with the line cuz I can't hold it I can't hold it for that long and he was like sorry you talked to Tom Cruise that way that's pretty impressive Tommy huh let's go [Applause] and and you you must have been gotten in such insane shape where it was at a roll intimidating tear to your husband I mean was he was right on it all intimidated by this I think John was scared that one morning he'd wake up and I was just benching him up over your head what is this you learned a self-defense technique of fighting technique because the movies fantastic I love the movie you're so the fight scenes are so realistic and good and you clearly have studied real martial arts I did I studied um Krav Maga which is the Israeli martial art it's very lethal right and kind of use every part of your body to annihilate somebody wow this is the Israeli so yes okay all right so I learnt that and um yeah that was them it's a very aggressive form have you at all thought to yourself okay if what if in real life I needed to disable somebody have you what what's the Krav Maga move that you would use well it's weird because when I was shooting the film I went to see a movie one night and there was a guy next to me and we all know it when people are on their phones during a movie and texting the light is distracting right yeah so he was texting and I just gently just said I'm so sorry would you mind just not doing that while watching the movie and he got he was he gave me a look like oh my god he could clock me and I was thinking my head what if he just I don't know why so it was like what would I do if this man and you've been trained yeah I'm sitting that planning might make-believe attack that never happened so what would you do I'd probably go for the balls right [Applause] someone is that what they teach do they teach there or is that just your instinct no is that everyone's instinct just I'm gonna die Oh women just or is it something you've learned yeah yeah no they do teach you how to knee someone repeatedly in the balls yeah but it's weird I was talking to John about this this came up but I was saying like is it just unbelievably painful for a guy when you get need or punched in the balls or anything like that and he was like it's like unbelievable like you can't compare it to getting punched in the boob it doesn't compare cuz I was like well surely it's problem is same I get punched in the tit or something he was like not at all the same and then he said something which I found very interesting that he said I think it would be more painful and I want to ask you this is true more painful sometimes like a tap on the ball might be as painful as a punch in the bowl is this true I'm glad you asked a punch in the ball is worse okay is much worse wrong I've been tapped on the balls many times I find it pleasurable we thought he was napping very deeply but he just liked it yeah I'm trying to wake him up yeah but I've been punched in the tit and I don't like that at all there are you coconut man say how can a man oh yeah how can how can John say no it's worse than being punched it for a woman to be punched in the breast cuz he doesn't know what it's like to have boobs no unless all right
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 10,636,095
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Keywords: CONAN, Conan (TV Program), Conan O'Brien (Author), Emily Blunt (TV Actor), John Krasinski (Film Writer), TBS (TV Network), Team Coco, Testicle (Quotation Subject), andy richter, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, coco, comedy, conan best, conan brien, conan classic, conan funny moments, conan o'brian, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny moments on conan, late night show, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: fmU6LH_Iq-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 05 2014
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