ultrakill's randomizer mod despises me

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so we're playing uh an enemy randomizer for Ultra kill and I'm [ __ ] terrified of this [ __ ] because I've already started it and this is a turning all the enemies on I apparently it doesn't do this on its own okay all enemies are allowed including bosses all the bosses are allowed filth that's what it's called okay we're gonna start with the first chapter but I'm starting with all weapons and my goal is literally just to beat the first ax because if I can do that I'm a [ __ ] God stop that is the most tame first wave I've ever seen also don't judge microwave I'm [ __ ] terrible oh god oh not you okay we're [ __ ] is that a mind player there's a mind player here too oh and there's oh I saw Gabriel last second too that sucked that [ __ ] sucked V1 or V2 it is really hard to pay attention to with this [ __ ] thing in the background I [ __ ] killed myself there's so many bosses in this game that like half the spawn pools boss fights ignore the fact that I have a message I suck at games okay oh wait V2 is here damn it I thought I had a chance and I saw [ __ ] P2 you piece you piece of [ __ ] I didn't see you there [ __ ] you if you don't know all these this thing also spots random enemies yep both forms of Gabriel my plan this time is to not immediately get [ __ ] at least survive a few seconds oh yeah a [ __ ] course I beat the first wave and it spawns everything at the same time oh what the [ __ ] is going on bro I'm going to [ __ ] poison you who's saying that okay this sucks this [ __ ] sucks hey what's up okay I'm dead this I'm never beating this room I'm legitimately never getting past this room I'm not gonna play this room the entire time I this is [ __ ] insane if I could just beat this room once I'd be happy because I need I need my random chance to stop spawning boss fights like the giant cancerous rat that I'm looking at right now already Gabriel okay two Gabriels the insurrectionist two virtues virtue's dead I'm dead it's so shockingly I'm dead this is [ __ ] ridiculous let's try uh let's try death to 20 000 volts that's my favorite level so I can't wait to [ __ ] learn to hate it okay my goal is just to beat Death at 20 000 volts now I just want one Mission because I just realized that okay I I saw that [ __ ] ferryman that barryman saw me too Gabriel what's up what's up man you chilling wow I literally cannot survive one as one fight like not even one level just one fight Let's get high oh I see Sisyphus I see sis I see Sisyphus someone died I don't I don't know who died oh there was a sander there son of a I'm [ __ ] I'm not I can barely beat ferryman with with blood not without it hey [ __ ] you Akita removing my [ __ ] invincibility friend glitch I am never surviving this [ __ ] mods oh okay well we'll get rid of this first do not sand these [ __ ] insurrectionist you piece of [ __ ] oh there's a mind player I see I see you ow and he's gonna stomp on me the last second I'm just gonna go ahead and take the take the cowards away out as soon as I see one of those fun I give the [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] is it doing up there this mod is [ __ ] stupid in the best way possible this is the stupidest thing I've ever played hey I can't see through the subtitles man okay two Gabriel's I can do this I I can do this that was the worst [ __ ] coin I've ever done did I actually beat the first fight holy [ __ ] we actually killed the first enemies holy [ __ ] hell that only took uh nine minutes and 18 seconds oh that wasn't that oh you're you're here of course you're here and I died oh this is ridiculous okay if V2 spawned right there yeah you tricked me the [ __ ] out you bastard if it's just B2 I might be fine if I I actually did it okay there we go yeah I was gonna say these two I should be all right I gotta rub my eye [Music] game is randomizing [ __ ] being in my eyes damn then I just kills me too what if I cheat the game won't punish me for cheating you shortly what is happening here why is the [ __ ] world exploding I was punished for treat I saw B2 at the last second enemies all of them yeah I like how Sisyphus is in here even though I've never actually beaten him I've never even reached him but he's in there now game thinks I have so the puzzle oh that was actually the first wave I'm not used to living okay uh he'd tricked me out with that shotgun yeah I was not I was not escaping that oh I can barely beat the first wave and I'm like oh yeah I'll just beat the whole mission come on come on come on I will learn how to fight all of you individually by the end of this [ __ ] I I somehow [ __ ] the point blank going up I somehow beat a ferryman I don't know how to fight half I've never learned to move stuff I'm not an ultra kills one does he get off this thing and then randomize her he does he gets off his [ __ ] statue thing and he immediately changes into something else oh but I do have to fight V1 though that is a constant oh wait what are you doing here you [ __ ] coward are you actually hiding behind V2 right now we were both hiding behind each other what is this I respect none of you right now I respect none of you okay it spawned a second we've been out of enemies even though I literally didn't beat the first the game doesn't even like you anymore it's just having fun this [ __ ] sucks what's up I'm gonna have some experience with some of these from cyber crime because I'd be [ __ ] otherwise I don't care that I'm stuck to him I will keep shooting him anyway okay he's down oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh wait that's cancer throw them what am I doing there's a dead ferryman [Music] [ __ ] hate this thing I [ __ ] hate this thing I've been saying you better be dead soon I don't have the help okay he's dead okay okay you're [ __ ] with me okay I've actually done one of these already you're [ __ ] with me I actually beat a wave oh here's where it ends I've never beaten this thing normally let alone when it's spawning okay one of the bosses died this game thinks I'm actually killing these bosses I'm not man I don't I don't even I don't even know what's spawning that it's done wow this thing hates me this thing is an instant game over I literally can't do [ __ ] why are there rocks in mid-air what the [ __ ] is happening I'm [ __ ] begging her okay that's a lot of shock waves I have an idea what if I just don't okay I didn't win fun oh hey is that Sisyphus Prime yeah that's Justified foreign yep yep I've never beat you legitimately I've never even reached you oh this is awful it's just [ __ ] terrible I hate this I love this and I hate it I love hate relationships okay and rage Gabriel I know how to beat this guy it's called the slide button I literally beat this guy like first try on my main my main suit yeah [Music] oh I died to him I'm disappointed that was like the worst Gabriel attempt in history I rolled the worst uh Gabriel tip in history I matched the leave Ultra kill Sam that was the century behind the [ __ ] Slaughter right there [ __ ] you man you're how are you already out of your prison dog you just spawned me come on dude [ __ ] Pages fail I guess I don't know how the hell he I don't know I'm [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] amazing this is one of the best mods I've played in a while
Channel: hush
Views: 29,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0fZy7EVw9JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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