more ULTRAKILL Mods (and how to install them)

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oh my gosh what is that what is that wait what is the uh today I'm going to be playing some Ultra kill mods here it is modded Ultra kill oh boy so right off the bat we've got a HUD mod this mod makes a couple changes to the HUD that I really really really really really like for starters being able to see your hand on the HUD is the most helpful thing as a uh as a cyper grind player this is incredibly useful cuz you are constantly having the switch between like hand oh okay we'll go over that mod in a second but you're constantly having to switch hands overall just super useful you can also see the dash is a bit clearer I think you can now see the rail gun charge as well you can see what weapon including the Vari that you're holding overall super duper useful um now the other one that I got that is uh it's useful too um it's it's a punching mod it makes you punch fast and oh I had to rebind my Whiplash I don't know why this newest update with the game this isn't even the mods but it just unbinds my Whiplash makes me really sad what the H was that I have two Whiplash mods and they might start messing with each other whoa what is happening okay so this mod just lets you whiplash to anything that is so sick I feel like Spider-Man right now I wonder how many punches it would take to beat like a boss I SP like MOS oh that's funny dude oh hold on hold on now let's get like where's mine flare oh man oh my gosh dude it's working forgot these guys were here oh oh yeah there's this one th this one just makes the coin ridiculous oh that is so sick I got like the perfect delay for it now that is so sick dude oh my gosh oh my gosh I love how it goes silent it's just like little faint jingle of the coins now I'll check out some of the enemy mods I have installed okay I probably shouldn't use that it has like every every projectile attack it's so these are like mini uh mini Pantheon keepers of sorts oh my gosh what is that was that like I don't know what that was he's got a lot of Health too wa those are like hands that's what that was was he's got a decent Chun of Health for just like a what what is supposed to be like a standard enemy although he does have a pretty long death animation maybe he's more like a mini boss type thing next we'll check out this goober oh okay okay Slender Man question mark bro what bro thinks he's in an analog horor you good oh he just kind of raged dolls no big explosion or nothing okay now we'll try out my my personal favorite oh he doesn't even have like a hit box or nothing oh oh he can keep up dude can he oh okay he can't he can't fly up to me so I'm I'm safe from him up here whoa what was that bro he's he's scaring me he's menacing dude freaky little goober um okay so let's try out we'll start with the ultra tweaker let's go to here I want to try floor's lava what is that wait what is that oh I forgot I had that what the bro bro bro bro bro bro oh okay I can just oh dude can I kill this bastard dude bro he's just is always following me I actually really like this this is actually so cool though I'm afraid to see what happens if I get too close to him like I feel like I'm just going to instantly die I've got to turn that off dude that's so like ridiculous okay okay okay I hope he doesn't get like faster over time that would be bad oh oh oh we we ball oh that was cutting it close this one's so fun this mod is so fun dang the coins got him ohoh uhoh mm- oh my gosh I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive what killed me was it I think a I think a uh uh Maurice shot my rocket okay I do want to just check and see like oh and I didn't even dude I didn't even like think about the floor's lava mutator we turned on that was not even close to on my mind whole time I was thinking uhoh big scary pizza man's after me can I yeah that's an instant kill instant kill let's see how well we can do when there's two different enemies chasing us okay okay off to a off to a terrifying start oh my goodness dude oh hi jeez man oh my how am I still alive bro I actually thought I was dead there no no the stupid it was the SCP it was scp1 73 that's what got me okay okay I'm like having to pull out secret Tech just to stay alive here and not have to push into these really dangerous spots holy dude they were over there just a second ago what that fast I touched the ground for like two seconds oh my I'm locking in for the for real this time oh my goodness I messed up ah dude dude dude I've never played Pizza Tower bro but this enemy seems like terrifying how are they moving that fast I'm moving at ridiculous speeds and they're catching up to me dude like how how oh my gosh how am I supposed to fight this holy crap oh my gosh dude this is intense oh okay jeez oh dude they're all blocking it oh shoot dude oh shoot I'm like I got to get to that goober bro there we go holy crap like the mental stack here is insane dude I have to worry about so much now oh go go go go go holy crap wait where did they H go oh there they all are that fast I was in the air how did he get me how I was in the air you dude dude I was in he what what this is it this is it right here I'm going to get to wave I'm going to try and get to wave 30 I'll probably get to wave 28 and then die though but I got to just end this no right on the be are you serious oh my gosh I hate mind flares so much they are 10 times harder to fight with this combo dude this is enemy combination man it is holy crap what the they blocked my way those bastards how am I what am I supposed to do dude they messed up my slide timing so get to the ground I try and slide and then I just land on top their goofy AO heads and I die hello that was super close okay those ones are like permanently stuck like if I turn around they're not going to move forward yeah so I can I can just worry about the ones in this little corner oh long shot with that one look at that no I knew it the moment I turned around I knew ID made a mistake oh 20 I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it this is a lot more fun than I thought it would be and like just the pizza mod by itself like the the pizza face one this is already pretty fun by itself the SCP is add a little layer to it which is probably a bit much like by itself it's not that hard to deal with I bet I could do way 50 with this like it's theps that make it like impossible the only problem with it is I think it's dumb that he absorbs coins and messes up the coin tracking that that makes me really sad but other than that very cool one thing I want to check is does he spawn in like the normal levels so if I did uh is he going to spawn here too oh he does okay oh bro oh bro you already know you already know let's do it are you kid are you kidding me are you all right I'm going to let him I'm going to force him over here real quick and I'm going to rush over here oh okay that didn't give me that much distance on him but that's fine oh oh dude that there's no way there's no way that's possible there's no way that's possible there's no way that's there's no way that's possible holy no okay wait I didn't die to the stupid stupid pizza face okay okay we're good we're good we're good I just got to ensure if I am going to die I don't die to this son of damn I just have to think all that oh my gosh dude holy holy okay this room is going to be a pain I want to I'm so mad I'm so mad I'm so mad I'm so mad somebody should try this I don't have the mental fortitude to do that um to myself it's it's really really really really really difficult okay here's how you install Ultra mods again cuz the last method that I used is a little out of date still kind of works but this is better first thing you're going to do is go to the Thunder store you're going to go to the R2 mod man manager which uh link will be in the description next you're going to download the mod manager extract the zip open up the file start the setup.exe select the location you want to download the R2 mod manager start the R2 mod man.exe in the search menu type in Ultra kill select Ultra kill select default for your profile although if you wanted to you can make a profile as well then you're going to go to the online tab go to be and x and download beon X this is a must you need beon X to use any other mod in this game after that you go ahead and start the game after this beon x will finish it setup close Ultra kill then you're basically done from here you can download any mod you want and all you got you got to do is hit the start modded button to start the game modded and if you want to play the game without mods then you can just start it through Steam or start it on vanilla if any of the mods you download do not work this is likely due to the fact that ultr kill just recently got a new update and a lot of mods haven't updated for this new update so if your mods aren't working it's probably because they're out of date and you'll need to either wait for them to update or download an updated version of those mods so there you go that's the better way of doing this really hope this doesn't not work in the future
Channel: Skeleblood
Views: 31,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skeleblood, ULTRAKILL, ultra kill, ultrakill cybergrind, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill mods tutorial, Ultrakill mods, ultrakill mod manager, ultrakill hand mod, ultrakill mod tutorial, ultrakill memes, ultrakill multiplayer mod, how to download ultrakill mods, best ultrakill mods, Ultrakill new enemy, Ultrakill scp, ultrakill pizza tower, ultrakill pizza face, ultratweaker, Ultrakill act 3, ultrakill waffle, ultrakill custom level, ultrakill layer 7
Id: oWbNt8gd68I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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